%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
%% not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% Note: EDoc uses @@ and @} as escape sequences, so in the doc text below,
%% `@@' must be written `@@@@' and `@}' must be written `@@}'.
%% @author Richard Carlsson <carlsson.richard@gmail.com>
%% @copyright 2010-2015 Richard Carlsson
%% @doc Metaprogramming in Erlang.
%% Merl is a more user friendly interface to the `erl_syntax' module, making
%% it easy both to build new ASTs from scratch and to
%% match and decompose existing ASTs. For details that are outside the scope
%% of Merl itself, please see the documentation of {@link erl_syntax}.
%% == Quick start ==
%% To enable the full power of Merl, your module needs to include the Merl
%% header file:
%% ```-include_lib("syntax_tools/include/merl.hrl").'''
%% Then, you can use the `?Q(Text)' macros in your code to create ASTs or match
%% on existing ASTs. For example:
%% ```Tuple = ?Q("{foo, 42}"),
%% ?Q("{foo, _@Number}") = Tuple,
%% Call = ?Q("foo:bar(_@Number)")'''
%% Calling `merl:print(Call)' will then print the following code:
%% ```foo:bar(42)'''
%% The `?Q' macros turn the quoted code fragments into ASTs, and lifts
%% metavariables such as `_@Tuple' and `_@Number' to the level of your Erlang
%% code, so you can use the corresponding Erlang variables `Tuple' and `Number'
%% directly. This is the most straightforward way to use Merl, and in many
%% cases it's all you need.
%% You can even write case switches using `?Q' macros as patterns. For example:
%% ```case AST of
%% ?Q("{foo, _@Foo}") -> handle(Foo);
%% ?Q("{bar, _@Bar}") when erl_syntax:is_integer(Bar) -> handle(Bar);
%% _ -> handle_default()
%% end'''
%% These case switches only allow `?Q(...)' or `_' as clause patterns, and the
%% guards may contain any expressions, not just Erlang guard expressions.
%% If the macro `MERL_NO_TRANSFORM' is defined before the `merl.hrl' header
%% file is included, the parse transform used by Merl will be disabled, and in
%% that case, the match expressions `?Q(...) = ...', case switches using
%% `?Q(...)' patterns, and automatic metavariables like `_@Tuple' cannot be
%% used in your code, but the Merl macros and functions still work. To do
%% metavariable substitution, you need to use the `?Q(Text, Map)' macro, e.g.:
%% ```Tuple = ?Q("{foo, _@bar, _@baz}", [{bar, Bar}, {baz,Baz}])'''
%% The text given to a `?Q(Text)' macro can be either a single string, or a
%% list of strings. The latter is useful when you need to split a long
%% expression over multiple lines, e.g.:
%% ```?Q(["case _@Expr of",
%% " {foo, X} -> f(X);",
%% " {bar, X} -> g(X)",
%% " _ -> h(X)"
%% "end"])'''
%% If there is a syntax error somewhere in the text (like the missing semicolon
%% in the second clause above) this allows Merl to generate an error message
%% pointing to the exact line in your source code. (Just remember to
%% comma-separate the strings in the list, otherwise Erlang will concatenate
%% the string fragments as if they were a single string.)
%% == Metavariable syntax ==
%% There are several ways to write a metavariable in your quoted code:
%% <ul>
%% <li>Atoms starting with `@', for example `` '@foo' '' or `` '@Foo' ''</li>
%% <li>Variables starting with `_@', for example `_@bar' or `_@Bar'</li>
%% <li>Strings starting with ``"'@'', for example ``"'@File"''</li>
%% <li>Integers starting with 909, for example `9091' or `909123'</li>
%% </ul>
%% Following the prefix, one or more `_' or `0' characters may be used to
%% indicate "lifting" of the variable one or more levels, and after that, a `@'
%% or `9' character indicates a glob metavariable (matching zero or more
%% elements in a sequence) rather than a normal metavariable. For example:
%% <ul>
%% <li>`` '@_foo' '' is lifted one level, and `_@__foo' is lifted two
%% levels</li>
%% <li>`_@@@@bar' is a glob variable, and `_@_@bar' is a lifted glob
%% variable</li>
%% <li>`90901' is a lifted variable,`90991' is a glob variable, and `9090091'
%% is a glob variable lifted two levels</li>
%% </ul>
%% (Note that the last character in the name is never considered to be a lift
%% or glob marker, hence, `_@__' and `90900' are only lifted one level, not
%% two. Also note that globs only matter for matching; when doing
%% substitutions, a non-glob variable can be used to inject a sequence of
%% elements, and vice versa.)
%% If the name after the prefix and any lift and glob markers is `_' or `0',
%% the variable is treated as an anonymous catch-all pattern in matches. For
%% example, `_@_', `_@@@@_', `_@__', or even `_@__@_'.
%% Finally, if the name without any prefixes or lift/glob markers begins with
%% an uppercase character, as in `_@Foo' or `_@_@Foo', it will become a
%% variable on the Erlang level, and can be used to easily deconstruct and
%% construct syntax trees:
%% ```case Input of
%% ?Q("{foo, _@Number}") -> ?Q("foo:bar(_@Number)");
%% ...'''
%% We refer to these as "automatic metavariables". If in addition the name ends
%% with `@', as in `_@Foo@', the value of the variable as an Erlang term will
%% be automatically converted to the corresponding abstract syntax tree when
%% used to construct a larger tree. For example, in:
%% ```Bar = {bar, 42},
%% Foo = ?Q("{foo, _@Bar@@}")'''
%% (where Bar is just some term, not a syntax tree) the result `Foo' will be a
%% syntax tree representing `{foo, {bar, 42}}'. This avoids the need for
%% temporary variables in order to inject data, as in
%% ```TmpBar = erl_syntax:abstract(Bar),
%% Foo = ?Q("{foo, _@TmpBar}")'''
%% If the context requires an integer rather than a variable, an atom, or a
%% string, you cannot use the uppercase convention to mark an automatic
%% metavariable. Instead, if the integer (without the `909'-prefix and
%% lift/glob markers) ends in a `9', the integer will become an Erlang-level
%% variable prefixed with `Q', and if it ends with `99' it will also be
%% automatically abstracted. For example, the following will increment the
%% arity of the exported function f:
%% ```case Form of
%% ?Q("-export([f/90919]).") ->
%% Q2 = erl_syntax:concrete(Q1) + 1,
%% ?Q("-export([f/909299]).");
%% ...'''
%% == When to use the various forms of metavariables ==
%% Merl can only parse a fragment of text if it follows the basic syntactical
%% rules of Erlang. In most places, a normal Erlang variable can be used as
%% metavariable, for example:
%% ```?Q("f(_@Arg)") = Expr'''
%% but if you want to match on something like the name of a function, you have
%% to use an atom as metavariable:
%% ```?Q("'@Name'() -> _@@@@_." = Function'''
%% (note the anonymous glob variable `_@@@@_' to ignore the function body).
%% In some contexts, only a string or an integer is allowed. For example, the
%% directive `-file(Name, Line)' requires that `Name' is a string literal and
%% `Line' an integer literal:
%% ```?Q("-file(\"'@File\", 9090).") = ?Q("-file(\"foo.erl\", 42).")).'''
%% This will extract the string literal `"foo.erl"' into the variable `Foo'.
%% Note the use of the anonymous variable `9090' to ignore the line number. To
%% match and also bind a metavariable that must be an integer literal, we can
%% use the convention of ending the integer with a 9, turning it into a
%% Q-prefixed variable on the Erlang level (see the previous section).
%% === Globs ===
%% Whenever you want to match out a number of elements in a sequence (zero or
%% more) rather than a fixed set of elements, you need to use a glob. For
%% example:
%% ```?Q("{_@@@@Elements}") = ?Q({a, b, c})'''
%% will bind Elements to the list of individual syntax trees representing the
%% atoms `a', `b', and `c'. This can also be used with static prefix and suffix
%% elements in the sequence. For example:
%% ```?Q("{a, b, _@@@@Elements}") = ?Q({a, b, c, d})'''
%% will bind Elements to the list of the `c' and `d' subtrees, and
%% ```?Q("{_@@@@Elements, c, d}") = ?Q({a, b, c, d})'''
%% will bind Elements to the list of the `a' and `b' subtrees. You can even use
%% plain metavariables in the prefix or suffix:
%% ```?Q("{_@First, _@@@@Rest}") = ?Q({a, b, c})'''
%% or
%% ```?Q("{_@@@@_, _@Last}") = ?Q({a, b, c})'''
%% (ignoring all but the last element). You cannot however have two globs as
%% part of the same sequence.
%% === Lifted metavariables ===
%% In some cases, the Erlang syntax rules make it impossible to place a
%% metavariable directly where you would like it. For example, you cannot
%% write:
%% ```?Q("-export([_@@@@Name]).")'''
%% to match out all name/arity pairs in the export list, or to insert a list of
%% exports in a declaration, because the Erlang parser only allows elements on
%% the form `A/I' (where `A' is an atom and `I' an integer) in the export list.
%% A variable like the above is not allowed, but neither is a single atom or
%% integer, so `` '@@@@Name' '' or `909919' wouldn't work either.
%% What you have to do in such cases is to write your metavariable in a
%% syntactically valid position, and use lifting markers to denote where it
%% should really apply, as in:
%% ```?Q("-export(['@@_@@Name'/0]).")'''
%% This causes the variable to be lifted (after parsing) to the next higher
%% level in the syntax tree, replacing that entire subtree. In this case, the
%% `` '@@_@@Name'/0 '' will be replaced with `` '@@@@Name' '', and the ``/0''
%% part was just used as dummy notation and will be discarded.
%% You may even need to apply lifting more than once. To match the entire
%% export list as a single syntax tree, you can write:
%% ```?Q("-export(['@@__Name'/0]).")'''
%% using two underscores, but with no glob marker this time. This will make the
%% entire ``['@@__Name'/0]'' part be replaced with `` '@@Name' ''.
%% Sometimes, the tree structure of a code fragment isn't very obvious, and
%% parts of the structure may be invisible when printed as source code. For
%% instance, a simple function definition like the following:
%% ```zero() -> 0.'''
%% consists of the name (the atom `zero'), and a list of clauses containing the
%% single clause `() -> 0'. The clause consists of an argument list (empty), a
%% guard (empty), and a body (which is always a list of expressions) containing
%% the single expression `0'. This means that to match out the name and the
%% list of clauses of any function, you'll need to use a pattern like
%% ``?Q("'@Name'() -> _@_@Body.")'', using a dummy clause whose body is a glob
%% lifted one level.
%% To visualize the structure of a syntax tree, you can use the function
%% `merl:show(T)', which prints a summary. For example, entering
%% ```merl:show(merl:quote("inc(X, Y) when Y > 0 -> X + Y."))'''
%% in the Erlang shell will print the following (where the `+' signs separate
%% groups of subtrees on the same level):
%% ```function: inc(X, Y) when ... -> X + Y.
%% atom: inc
%% +
%% clause: (X, Y) when ... -> X + Y
%% variable: X
%% variable: Y
%% +
%% disjunction: Y > 0
%% conjunction: Y > 0
%% infix_expr: Y > 0
%% variable: Y
%% +
%% operator: >
%% +
%% integer: 0
%% +
%% infix_expr: X + Y
%% variable: X
%% +
%% operator: +
%% +
%% variable: Y'''
%% This shows another important non-obvious case: a clause guard, even if it's
%% as simple as `Y > 0', always consists of a single disjunction of one or more
%% conjunctions of tests, much like a tuple of tuples. Thus:
%% <ul>
%% <li>``"when _@Guard ->"'' will only match a guard with exactly one
%% test</li>
%% <li>``"when _@@@@Guard ->"'' will match a guard with one or more
%% comma-separated tests (but no semicolons), binding `Guard' to the list
%% of tests</li>
%% <li>``"when _@_Guard ->"'' will match just like the previous pattern, but
%% binds `Guard' to the conjunction subtree</li>
%% <li>``"when _@_@Guard ->"'' will match an arbitrary nonempty guard,
%% binding `Guard' to the list of conjunction subtrees</li>
%% <li>``"when _@__Guard ->"'' will match like the previous pattern, but
%% binds `Guard' to the whole disjunction subtree</li>
%% <li>and finally, ``"when _@__@Guard ->"'' will match any clause,
%% binding `Guard' to `[]' if the guard is empty and to `[Disjunction]'
%% otherwise</li>
%% </ul>
%% Thus, the following pattern matches all possible clauses:
%% ```"(_@@Args) when _@__@Guard -> _@@Body"'''
%% @end
-export([term/1, var/1, print/1, show/1]).
-export([quote/1, quote/2, qquote/2, qquote/3]).
-export([template/1, tree/1, subst/2, tsubst/2, alpha/2, match/2, switch/2]).
-export([template_vars/1, meta_template/1]).
-export([compile/1, compile/2, compile_and_load/1, compile_and_load/2]).
%% NOTE: this module may not include merl.hrl!
-type tree() :: erl_syntax:syntaxTree().
-type tree_or_trees() :: tree() | [tree()].
-type pattern() :: tree() | template().
-type pattern_or_patterns() :: pattern() | [pattern()].
-type env() :: [{Key::id(), pattern_or_patterns()}].
-type id() :: atom() | integer().
%% A list of strings or binaries is assumed to represent individual lines,
%% while a flat string or binary represents source code containing newlines.
-type text() :: string() | binary() | [string()] | [binary()].
-type location() :: erl_anno:location().
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Compiling and loading code directly to memory
%% @equiv compile(Code, [])
compile(Code) ->
compile(Code, []).
%% @doc Compile a syntax tree or list of syntax trees representing a module
%% into a binary BEAM object.
%% @see compile_and_load/2
%% @see compile/1
compile(Code, Options) when not is_list(Code)->
case type(Code) of
form_list -> compile(erl_syntax:form_list_elements(Code));
_ -> compile([Code], Options)
compile(Code, Options0) when is_list(Options0) ->
Forms = [erl_syntax:revert(F) || F <- Code],
Options = [verbose, report_errors, report_warnings, binary | Options0],
compile:noenv_forms(Forms, Options).
%% @equiv compile_and_load(Code, [])
compile_and_load(Code) ->
compile_and_load(Code, []).
%% @doc Compile a syntax tree or list of syntax trees representing a module
%% and load the resulting module into memory.
%% @see compile/2
%% @see compile_and_load/1
compile_and_load(Code, Options) ->
case compile(Code, Options) of
{ok, ModuleName, Binary} ->
_ = code:load_binary(ModuleName, "", Binary),
{ok, Binary};
Other -> Other
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Utility functions
-spec var(atom()) -> tree().
%% @doc Create a variable.
var(Name) ->
-spec term(term()) -> tree().
%% @doc Create a syntax tree for a constant term.
term(Term) ->
%% @doc Pretty-print a syntax tree or template to the standard output. This
%% is a utility function for development and debugging.
print(Ts) when is_list(Ts) ->
lists:foreach(fun print/1, Ts);
print(T) ->
%% @doc Print the structure of a syntax tree or template to the standard
%% output. This is a utility function for development and debugging.
show(Ts) when is_list(Ts) ->
lists:foreach(fun show/1, Ts);
show(T) ->
io:put_chars(pp(tree(T), 0)),
pp(T, I) ->
[lists:duplicate(I, $\s),
limit(lists:flatten([atom_to_list(type(T)), ": ",
pp_1(lists:filter(fun (X) -> X =/= [] end, subtrees(T)), I+2)
pp_1([G], I) ->
pp_2(G, I);
pp_1([G | Gs], I) ->
[pp_2(G, I), lists:duplicate(I, $\s), "+\n" | pp_1(Gs, I)];
pp_1([], _I) ->
pp_2(G, I) ->
[pp(E, I) || E <- G].
%% limit string to N characters, stay on a single line and compact whitespace
limit([$\n | Cs], N) -> limit([$\s | Cs], N);
limit([$\r | Cs], N) -> limit([$\s | Cs], N);
limit([$\v | Cs], N) -> limit([$\s | Cs], N);
limit([$\t | Cs], N) -> limit([$\s | Cs], N);
limit([$\s, $\s | Cs], N) -> limit([$\s | Cs], N);
limit([C | Cs], N) when C < 32 -> limit(Cs, N);
limit([C | Cs], N) when N > 3 -> [C | limit(Cs, N-1)];
limit([_C1, _C2, _C3, _C4 | _Cs], 3) -> "...";
limit(Cs, 3) -> Cs;
limit([_C1, _C2, _C3 | _], 2) -> "..";
limit(Cs, 2) -> Cs;
limit([_C1, _C2 | _], 1) -> ".";
limit(Cs, 1) -> Cs;
limit(_, _) -> [].
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Parsing and instantiating code fragments
-spec qquote(Text::text(), Env::env()) -> tree_or_trees().
%% @doc Parse text and substitute meta-variables.
%% @equiv qquote(1, Text, Env)
qquote(Text, Env) ->
qquote(1, Text, Env).
-spec qquote(StartPos::location(), Text::text(), Env::env()) -> tree_or_trees().
%% @doc Parse text and substitute meta-variables. Takes an initial scanner
%% starting position as first argument.
%% The macro `?Q(Text, Env)' expands to `merl:qquote(?LINE, Text, Env)'.
%% @see quote/2
qquote(StartPos, Text, Env) ->
subst(quote(StartPos, Text), Env).
-spec quote(Text::text()) -> tree_or_trees().
%% @doc Parse text.
%% @equiv quote(1, Text)
quote(Text) ->
quote(1, Text).
-spec quote(StartPos::location(), Text::text()) -> tree_or_trees().
%% @doc Parse text. Takes an initial scanner starting position as first
%% argument.
%% The macro `?Q(Text)' expands to `merl:quote(?LINE, Text, Env)'.
%% @see quote/1
quote({Line, Col}, Text)
when is_integer(Line), is_integer(Col) ->
quote_1(Line, Col, Text);
quote(StartPos, Text) when is_integer(StartPos) ->
quote_1(StartPos, undefined, Text).
quote_1(StartLine, StartCol, Text) ->
%% be backwards compatible as far as R12, ignoring any starting column
StartPos = case erlang:system_info(version) of
"5.6" ++ _ -> StartLine;
"5.7" ++ _ -> StartLine;
"5.8" ++ _ -> StartLine;
_ when StartCol =:= undefined -> StartLine;
_ -> {StartLine, StartCol}
FlatText = flatten_text(Text),
{ok, Ts, _} = erl_scan:string(FlatText, StartPos),
merge_comments(StartLine, erl_comment_scan:string(FlatText), parse_1(Ts)).
parse_1(Ts) ->
%% if dot tokens are present, it is assumed that the text represents
%% complete forms, not dot-terminated expressions or similar
case split_forms(Ts) of
{ok, Fs} -> parse_forms(Fs);
error ->
split_forms(Ts) ->
split_forms(Ts, [], []).
split_forms([{dot,_}=T|Ts], Fs, As) ->
split_forms(Ts, [lists:reverse(As, [T]) | Fs], []);
split_forms([T|Ts], Fs, As) ->
split_forms(Ts, Fs, [T|As]);
split_forms([], Fs, []) ->
{ok, lists:reverse(Fs)};
split_forms([], [], _) ->
error; % no dot tokens found - not representing form(s)
split_forms([], _, [T|_]) ->
fail("incomplete form after ~p", [T]).
parse_forms([Ts | Tss]) ->
case erl_parse:parse_form(Ts) of
{ok, Form} -> [Form | parse_forms(Tss)];
{error, R} -> parse_error(R)
parse_forms([]) ->
parse_2(Ts) ->
%% one or more comma-separated expressions?
%% (recall that Ts has no dot tokens if we get to this stage)
A = a0(),
case erl_parse:parse_exprs(Ts ++ [{dot,A}]) of
{ok, Exprs} -> Exprs;
{error, E} ->
parse_3(Ts ++ [{'end',A}, {dot,A}], [E])
parse_3(Ts, Es) ->
%% try-clause or clauses?
A = a0(),
case erl_parse:parse_exprs([{'try',A}, {atom,A,true}, {'catch',A} | Ts]) of
{ok, [{'try',_,_,_,_,_}=X]} ->
%% get the right kind of qualifiers in the clause patterns
{error, E} ->
parse_4(Ts, [E|Es])
parse_4(Ts, Es) ->
%% fun-clause or clauses? (`(a)' is also a pattern, but `(a,b)' isn't,
%% so fun-clauses must be tried before normal case-clauses
A = a0(),
case erl_parse:parse_exprs([{'fun',A} | Ts]) of
{ok, [{'fun',_,{clauses,Cs}}]} -> Cs;
{error, E} ->
parse_5(Ts, [E|Es])
parse_5(Ts, Es) ->
%% case-clause or clauses?
A = a0(),
case erl_parse:parse_exprs([{'case',A}, {atom,A,true}, {'of',A} | Ts]) of
{ok, [{'case',_,_,Cs}]} -> Cs;
{error, E} ->
%% select the best error to report
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, parse_error/1}). % no local return
parse_error({L, M, R}) when is_atom(M), is_integer(L) ->
fail("~w: ~s", [L, M:format_error(R)]);
parse_error({{L,C}, M, R}) when is_atom(M), is_integer(L), is_integer(C) ->
fail("~w:~w: ~s", [L,C,M:format_error(R)]);
parse_error({_, M, R}) when is_atom(M) ->
parse_error(R) ->
fail("unknown parse error: ~p", [R]).
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Templates, substitution and matching
%% Leaves are normal syntax trees, and inner nodes are tuples
%% {template,Type,Attrs,Groups} where Groups are lists of lists of nodes.
%% Metavariables are 1-tuples {VarName}, where VarName is an atom or an
%% integer. {'_'} and {0} work as anonymous variables in matching. Glob
%% metavariables are tuples {'*',VarName}, and {'*','_'} and {'*',0} are
%% anonymous globs.
%% Note that although template() :: tree() | ..., it is implied that these
%% syntax trees are free from metavariables, so pattern() :: tree() |
%% template() is in fact a wider type than template().
-type template() :: tree()
| {id()}
| {'*',id()}
| {template, atom(), term(), [[template()]]}.
-type template_or_templates() :: template() | [template()].
-spec template(pattern_or_patterns()) -> template_or_templates().
%% @doc Turn a syntax tree or list of trees into a template or templates.
%% Templates can be instantiated or matched against, and reverted back to
%% normal syntax trees using {@link tree/1}. If the input is already a
%% template, it is not modified further.
%% @see subst/2
%% @see match/2
%% @see tree/1
template(Trees) when is_list(Trees) ->
[template_0(T) || T <- Trees];
template(Tree) ->
template_0({template, _, _, _}=Template) -> Template;
template_0({'*',_}=Template) -> Template;
template_0({_}=Template) -> Template;
template_0(Tree) ->
case template_1(Tree) of
false -> Tree;
{Name} when is_list(Name) ->
fail("bad metavariable: '~s'", [tl(Name)]); % drop v/n from name
Template -> Template
%% returns either a template or a lifted metavariable {String}, or 'false'
%% if Tree contained no metavariables
template_1(Tree) ->
case subtrees(Tree) of
[] ->
case metavar(Tree) of
{"v_"++Cs}=V when Cs =/= [] -> V; % to be lifted
{"n0"++Cs}=V when Cs =/= [] -> V; % to be lifted
{"v@"++Cs} when Cs =/= [] -> {'*',list_to_atom(Cs)};
{"n9"++Cs} when Cs =/= [] -> {'*',list_to_integer(Cs)};
{"v"++Cs} -> {list_to_atom(Cs)};
{"n"++Cs} -> {list_to_integer(Cs)};
false -> false
Gs ->
case template_2(Gs, [], false) of
Gs1 when is_list(Gs1) ->
{template, type(Tree), erl_syntax:get_attrs(Tree), Gs1};
Other ->
template_2([G | Gs], As, Bool) ->
case template_3(G, [], false) of
{"v_"++Cs}=V when Cs =/= [] -> V; % lift further
{"n0"++Cs}=V when Cs =/= [] -> V; % lift further
{"v@"++Cs} when Cs =/= [] -> {'*',list_to_atom(Cs)}; % stop
{"n9"++Cs} when Cs =/= [] -> {'*',list_to_integer(Cs)}; % stop
{"v"++Cs} when is_list(Cs) -> {list_to_atom(Cs)}; % stop
{"n"++Cs} when is_list(Cs) -> {list_to_integer(Cs)}; % stop
false -> template_2(Gs, [G | As], Bool);
G1 -> template_2(Gs, [G1 | As], true)
template_2([], _As, false) -> false;
template_2([], As, true) -> lists:reverse(As).
template_3([T | Ts], As, Bool) ->
case template_1(T) of
{"v_"++Cs} when Cs =/= [] -> {"v"++Cs}; % lift
{"n0"++Cs} when Cs =/= [] -> {"n"++Cs}; % lift
false -> template_3(Ts, [T | As], Bool);
T1 -> template_3(Ts, [T1 | As], true)
template_3([], _As, false) -> false;
template_3([], As, true) -> lists:reverse(As).
%% @doc Turn a template into a syntax tree representing the template.
%% Meta-variables in the template are turned into normal Erlang variables if
%% their names (after the metavariable prefix characters) begin with an
%% uppercase character. E.g., `_@Foo' in the template becomes the variable
%% `Foo' in the meta-template. Furthermore, variables ending with `@' are
%% automatically wrapped in a call to merl:term/1, so e.g. `_@Foo@ in the
%% template becomes `merl:term(Foo)' in the meta-template.
-spec meta_template(template_or_templates()) -> tree_or_trees().
meta_template(Templates) when is_list(Templates) ->
[meta_template_1(T) || T <- Templates];
meta_template(Template) ->
meta_template_1({template, Type, Attrs, Groups}) ->
erl_syntax:list([erl_syntax:list([meta_template_1(T) || T <- G])
|| G <- Groups])]);
meta_template_1({Var}=V) ->
meta_template_2(Var, V);
meta_template_1({'*',Var}=V) ->
meta_template_2(Var, V);
meta_template_1(Leaf) ->
meta_template_2(Var, V) when is_atom(Var) ->
case atom_to_list(Var) of
[C|_]=Name when C >= $A, C =< $Z ; C >= $À, C =< $Þ, C /= $× ->
case lists:reverse(Name) of
"@"++([_|_]=RevRealName) -> % don't allow empty RealName
RealName = lists:reverse(RevRealName),
_ ->
%% plain automatic metavariable
_ ->
meta_template_2(Var, V) when is_integer(Var) ->
if Var > 9, (Var rem 10) =:= 9 ->
%% at least 2 digits, ends in 9: make it a Q-variable
if Var > 99, (Var rem 100) =:= 99 ->
%% at least 3 digits, ends in 99: wrap in merl:term/1
Name = "Q" ++ integer_to_list(Var div 100),
true ->
%% plain automatic Q-variable
Name = integer_to_list(Var div 10),
erl_syntax:variable("Q" ++ Name)
true ->
-spec template_vars(template_or_templates()) -> [id()].
%% @doc Return an ordered list of the metavariables in the template.
template_vars(Template) ->
template_vars(Template, []).
template_vars(Templates, Vars) when is_list(Templates) ->
lists:foldl(fun template_vars_1/2, Vars, Templates);
template_vars(Template, Vars) ->
template_vars_1(Template, Vars).
template_vars_1({template, _, _, Groups}, Vars) ->
lists:foldl(fun (G, V) -> lists:foldl(fun template_vars_1/2, V, G) end,
Vars, Groups);
template_vars_1({Var}, Vars) ->
ordsets:add_element(Var, Vars);
template_vars_1({'*',Var}, Vars) ->
ordsets:add_element(Var, Vars);
template_vars_1(_, Vars) ->
-spec tree(template_or_templates()) -> tree_or_trees().
%% @doc Revert a template to a normal syntax tree. Any remaining
%% metavariables are turned into `@'-prefixed atoms or `909'-prefixed
%% integers.
%% @see template/1
tree(Templates) when is_list(Templates) ->
[tree_1(T) || T <- Templates];
tree(Template) ->
tree_1({template, Type, Attrs, Groups}) ->
%% flattening here is needed for templates created via source transforms
Gs = [lists:flatten([tree_1(T) || T <- G]) || G <- Groups],
erl_syntax:set_attrs(make_tree(Type, Gs), Attrs);
tree_1({Var}) when is_atom(Var) ->
tree_1({Var}) when is_integer(Var) ->
tree_1({'*',Var}) when is_atom(Var) ->
tree_1({'*',Var}) when is_integer(Var) ->
tree_1(Leaf) ->
Leaf. % any syntax tree, not necessarily atomic (due to substitutions)
-spec subst(pattern_or_patterns(), env()) -> tree_or_trees().
%% @doc Substitute metavariables in a pattern or list of patterns, yielding
%% a syntax tree or list of trees as result. Both for normal metavariables
%% and glob metavariables, the substituted value may be a single element or
%% a list of elements. For example, if a list representing `1, 2, 3' is
%% substituted for `var' in either of `[foo, _@var, bar]' or `[foo, _@@var,
%% bar]', the result represents `[foo, 1, 2, 3, bar]'.
subst(Trees, Env) when is_list(Trees) ->
[subst_0(T, Env) || T <- Trees];
subst(Tree, Env) ->
subst_0(Tree, Env).
subst_0(Tree, Env) ->
tree_1(subst_1(template(Tree), Env)).
-spec tsubst(pattern_or_patterns(), env()) -> template_or_templates().
%% @doc Like subst/2, but does not convert the result from a template back
%% to a tree. Useful if you want to do multiple separate substitutions.
%% @see subst/2
%% @see tree/1
tsubst(Trees, Env) when is_list(Trees) ->
[subst_1(template(T), Env) || T <- Trees];
tsubst(Tree, Env) ->
subst_1(template(Tree), Env).
subst_1({template, Type, Attrs, Groups}, Env) ->
Gs1 = [lists:flatten([subst_1(T, Env) || T <- G]) || G <- Groups],
{template, Type, Attrs, Gs1};
subst_1({Var}=V, Env) ->
case lists:keyfind(Var, 1, Env) of
{Var, TreeOrTrees} -> TreeOrTrees;
false -> V
subst_1({'*',Var}=V, Env) ->
case lists:keyfind(Var, 1, Env) of
{Var, TreeOrTrees} -> TreeOrTrees;
false -> V
subst_1(Leaf, _Env) ->
-spec alpha(pattern_or_patterns(), [{id(), id()}]) -> template_or_templates().
%% @doc Alpha converts a pattern (renames variables). Similar to tsubst/1,
%% but only renames variables (including globs).
%% @see tsubst/2
alpha(Trees, Env) when is_list(Trees) ->
[alpha_1(template(T), Env) || T <- Trees];
alpha(Tree, Env) ->
alpha_1(template(Tree), Env).
alpha_1({template, Type, Attrs, Groups}, Env) ->
Gs1 = [lists:flatten([alpha_1(T, Env) || T <- G]) || G <- Groups],
{template, Type, Attrs, Gs1};
alpha_1({Var}=V, Env) ->
case lists:keyfind(Var, 1, Env) of
{Var, NewVar} -> {NewVar};
false -> V
alpha_1({'*',Var}=V, Env) ->
case lists:keyfind(Var, 1, Env) of
{Var, NewVar} -> {'*',NewVar};
false -> V
alpha_1(Leaf, _Env) ->
-spec match(pattern_or_patterns(), tree_or_trees()) ->
{ok, env()} | error.
%% @doc Match a pattern against a syntax tree (or patterns against syntax
%% trees) returning an environment mapping variable names to subtrees; the
%% environment is always sorted on keys. Note that multiple occurrences of
%% metavariables in the pattern is not allowed, but is not checked.
%% @see template/1
%% @see switch/2
match(Patterns, Trees) when is_list(Patterns), is_list(Trees) ->
try {ok, match_1(Patterns, Trees, [])}
error -> error
match(Patterns, Tree) when is_list(Patterns) -> match(Patterns, [Tree]);
match(Pattern, Trees) when is_list(Trees) -> match([Pattern], Trees);
match(Pattern, Tree) ->
try {ok, match_template(template(Pattern), Tree, [])}
error -> error
match_1([P|Ps], [T | Ts], Dict) ->
match_1(Ps, Ts, match_template(template(P), T, Dict));
match_1([], [], Dict) ->
match_1(_, _, _Dict) ->
%% match a template against a syntax tree
match_template({template, Type, _, Gs}, Tree, Dict) ->
case type(Tree) of
Type -> match_template_1(Gs, subtrees(Tree), Dict);
_ -> throw(error) % type mismatch
match_template({Var}, _Tree, Dict)
when Var =:= '_' ; Var =:= 0 ->
Dict; % anonymous variable
match_template({Var}, Tree, Dict) ->
orddict:store(Var, Tree, Dict);
match_template(Tree1, Tree2, Dict) ->
%% if Tree1 is not a template, Tree1 and Tree2 are both syntax trees
case compare_trees(Tree1, Tree2) of
true -> Dict;
false -> throw(error) % different trees
match_template_1([G1 | Gs1], [G2 | Gs2], Dict) ->
match_template_2(G1, G2, match_template_1(Gs1, Gs2, Dict));
match_template_1([], [], Dict) ->
match_template_1(_, _, _Dict) ->
throw(error). % shape mismatch
match_template_2([{Var} | Ts1], [_ | Ts2], Dict)
when Var =:= '_' ; Var =:= 0 ->
match_template_2(Ts1, Ts2, Dict); % anonymous variable
match_template_2([{Var} | Ts1], [Tree | Ts2], Dict) ->
match_template_2(Ts1, Ts2, orddict:store(Var, Tree, Dict));
match_template_2([{'*',Var} | Ts1], Ts2, Dict) ->
match_glob(lists:reverse(Ts1), lists:reverse(Ts2), Var, Dict);
match_template_2([T1 | Ts1], [T2 | Ts2], Dict) ->
match_template_2(Ts1, Ts2, match_template(T1, T2, Dict));
match_template_2([], [], Dict) ->
match_template_2(_, _, _Dict) ->
throw(error). % shape mismatch
%% match the tails in reverse order; no further globs allowed
match_glob([{'*',Var} | _], _, _, _) ->
fail("multiple glob variables in same match group: ~w", [Var]);
match_glob([T1 | Ts1], [T2 | Ts2], Var, Dict) ->
match_glob(Ts1, Ts2, Var, match_template(T1, T2, Dict));
match_glob([], _Group, Var, Dict) when Var =:= '_' ; Var =:= 0 ->
Dict; % anonymous glob variable
match_glob([], Group, Var, Dict) ->
orddict:store(Var, lists:reverse(Group), Dict);
match_glob(_, _, _, _Dict) ->
throw(error). % shape mismatch
%% compare two syntax trees for equivalence
compare_trees(T1, T2) ->
Type1 = type(T1),
case type(T2) of
Type1 ->
case subtrees(T1) of
[] ->
case subtrees(T2) of
[] -> compare_leaves(Type1, T1, T2);
_Gs2 -> false % shape mismatch
Gs1 ->
case subtrees(T2) of
[] -> false; % shape mismatch
Gs2 -> compare_trees_1(Gs1, Gs2)
_Type2 ->
false % different tree types
compare_trees_1([G1 | Gs1], [G2 | Gs2]) ->
compare_trees_2(G1, G2) andalso compare_trees_1(Gs1, Gs2);
compare_trees_1([], []) ->
compare_trees_1(_, _) ->
false. % shape mismatch
compare_trees_2([T1 | Ts1], [T2 | Ts2]) ->
compare_trees(T1, T2) andalso compare_trees_2(Ts1, Ts2);
compare_trees_2([], []) ->
compare_trees_2(_, _) ->
false. % shape mismatch
compare_leaves(Type, T1, T2) ->
case Type of
atom ->
=:= erl_syntax:atom_value(T2);
char ->
=:= erl_syntax:char_value(T2);
float ->
=:= erl_syntax:float_value(T2);
integer ->
=:= erl_syntax:integer_value(T2);
string ->
=:= erl_syntax:string_value(T2);
operator ->
=:= erl_syntax:operator_name(T2);
text ->
=:= erl_syntax:text_string(T2);
variable ->
=:= erl_syntax:variable_name(T2);
_ ->
true % trivially equal nodes
%% @doc Match against one or more clauses with patterns and optional guards.
%% Note that clauses following a default action will be ignored.
%% @see match/2
-type switch_clause() ::
{pattern_or_patterns(), guarded_actions()}
| {pattern_or_patterns(), guard_test(), switch_action()}
| default_action().
-type guarded_actions() :: guarded_action() | [guarded_action()].
-type guarded_action() :: switch_action() | {guard_test(), switch_action()}.
-type switch_action() :: fun( (env()) -> any() ).
-type guard_test() :: fun( (env()) -> boolean() ).
-type default_action() :: fun( () -> any() ).
-spec switch(tree_or_trees(), [switch_clause()]) -> any().
switch(Trees, [{Patterns, GuardedActions} | Cs]) when is_list(GuardedActions) ->
switch_1(Trees, Patterns, GuardedActions, Cs);
switch(Trees, [{Patterns, GuardedAction} | Cs]) ->
switch_1(Trees, Patterns, [GuardedAction], Cs);
switch(Trees, [{Patterns, Guard, Action} | Cs]) ->
switch_1(Trees, Patterns, [{Guard, Action}], Cs);
switch(_Trees, [Default | _Cs]) when is_function(Default, 0) ->
switch(_Trees, []) ->
switch(_Tree, _) ->
switch_1(Trees, Patterns, GuardedActions, Cs) ->
case match(Patterns, Trees) of
{ok, Env} ->
switch_2(Env, GuardedActions, Trees, Cs);
error ->
switch(Trees, Cs)
switch_2(Env, [{Guard, Action} | Bs], Trees, Cs)
when is_function(Guard, 1), is_function(Action, 1) ->
case Guard(Env) of
true -> Action(Env);
false -> switch_2(Env, Bs, Trees, Cs)
switch_2(Env, [Action | _Bs], _Trees, _Cs) when is_function(Action, 1) ->
switch_2(_Env, [], Trees, Cs) ->
switch(Trees, Cs);
switch_2(_Env, _, _Trees, _Cs) ->
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Internal utility functions
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, fail/1}). % no local return
fail(Text) ->
fail(Text, []).
fail(Fs, As) ->
throw({error, lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Fs, As))}).
flatten_text([L | _]=Lines) when is_list(L) ->
lists:foldr(fun(S, T) -> S ++ [$\n | T] end, "", Lines);
flatten_text([B | _]=Lines) when is_binary(B) ->
lists:foldr(fun(S, T) -> binary_to_list(S) ++ [$\n | T] end, "", Lines);
flatten_text(Text) when is_binary(Text) ->
flatten_text(Text) ->
-spec metavar(tree()) -> {string()} | false.
%% Check if a syntax tree represents a metavariable. If not, 'false' is
%% returned; otherwise, this returns a 1-tuple with a string containing the
%% variable name including lift/glob prefixes but without any leading
%% metavariable prefix, and instead prefixed with "v" for a variable or "i"
%% for an integer.
%% Metavariables are atoms starting with @, variables starting with _@,
%% strings starting with "'@, or integers starting with 909. Following the
%% prefix, one or more _ or 0 characters (unless it's the last character in
%% the name) may be used to indicate "lifting" of the variable one or more
%% levels , and after that, a @ or 9 character indicates a glob metavariable
%% rather than a normal metavariable. If the name after the prefix is _ or
%% 0, the variable is treated as an anonymous catch-all pattern in matches.
metavar(Tree) ->
case type(Tree) of
atom ->
case erl_syntax:atom_name(Tree) of
"@" ++ Cs when Cs =/= [] -> {"v"++Cs};
_ -> false
variable ->
case erl_syntax:variable_literal(Tree) of
"_@" ++ Cs when Cs =/= [] -> {"v"++Cs};
_ -> false
integer ->
case erl_syntax:integer_value(Tree) of
N when N >= 9090 ->
case integer_to_list(N) of
"909" ++ Cs -> {"n"++Cs};
_ -> false
_ -> false
string ->
case erl_syntax:string_value(Tree) of
"'@" ++ Cs -> {"v"++Cs};
_ -> false
_ ->
%% wrappers around erl_syntax functions to provide more uniform shape of
%% generic subtrees (maybe this can be fixed in syntax_tools one day)
type(T) ->
case erl_syntax:type(T) of
nil -> list;
Type -> Type
subtrees(T) ->
case erl_syntax:type(T) of
tuple ->
[erl_syntax:tuple_elements(T)]; %% don't treat {} as a leaf
nil ->
[[], []]; %% don't treat [] as a leaf, but as a list
list ->
case erl_syntax:list_suffix(T) of
none ->
[erl_syntax:list_prefix(T), []];
S ->
[erl_syntax:list_prefix(T), [S]]
binary_field ->
clause ->
case erl_syntax:clause_guard(T) of
none ->
[erl_syntax:clause_patterns(T), [],
G ->
[erl_syntax:clause_patterns(T), [G],
receive_expr ->
case erl_syntax:receive_expr_timeout(T) of
none ->
[erl_syntax:receive_expr_clauses(T), [], []];
E ->
[erl_syntax:receive_expr_clauses(T), [E],
record_expr ->
case erl_syntax:record_expr_argument(T) of
none ->
[[], [erl_syntax:record_expr_type(T)],
V ->
[[V], [erl_syntax:record_expr_type(T)],
record_field ->
case erl_syntax:record_field_value(T) of
none ->
[[erl_syntax:record_field_name(T)], []];
V ->
[[erl_syntax:record_field_name(T)], [V]]
_ ->
make_tree(list, [P, []]) -> erl_syntax:list(P);
make_tree(list, [P, [S]]) -> erl_syntax:list(P, S);
make_tree(tuple, [E]) -> erl_syntax:tuple(E);
make_tree(binary_field, [[B], Ts]) -> erl_syntax:binary_field(B, Ts);
make_tree(clause, [P, [], B]) -> erl_syntax:clause(P, none, B);
make_tree(clause, [P, [G], B]) -> erl_syntax:clause(P, G, B);
make_tree(receive_expr, [C, [], _A]) -> erl_syntax:receive_expr(C);
make_tree(receive_expr, [C, [E], A]) -> erl_syntax:receive_expr(C, E, A);
make_tree(record_expr, [[], [T], F]) -> erl_syntax:record_expr(T, F);
make_tree(record_expr, [[E], [T], F]) -> erl_syntax:record_expr(E, T, F);
make_tree(record_field, [[N], []]) -> erl_syntax:record_field(N);
make_tree(record_field, [[N], [E]]) -> erl_syntax:record_field(N, E);
make_tree(Type, Groups) ->
erl_syntax:make_tree(Type, Groups).
merge_comments(_StartLine, [], [T]) -> T;
merge_comments(_StartLine, [], Ts) -> Ts;
merge_comments(StartLine, Comments, Ts) ->
merge_comments(StartLine, Comments, Ts, []).
merge_comments(_StartLine, [], [], [T]) -> T;
merge_comments(_StartLine, [], [T], []) -> T;
merge_comments(_StartLine, [], Ts, Acc) ->
lists:reverse(Acc, Ts);
merge_comments(StartLine, Cs, [], Acc) ->
merge_comments(StartLine, [], [],
erl_syntax:comment(Indent, Text),
anno(StartLine + Line - 1))
|| {Line, _, Indent, Text} <- Cs] ++ Acc);
merge_comments(StartLine, [C|Cs], [T|Ts], Acc) ->
{Line, _Col, Indent, Text} = C,
CommentLine = StartLine + Line - 1,
case erl_syntax:get_pos(T) of
Pos when Pos < CommentLine ->
%% TODO: traverse sub-tree rather than only the top level nodes
merge_comments(StartLine, [C|Cs], Ts, [T|Acc]);
CommentLine ->
Tc = erl_syntax:add_postcomments(
[erl_syntax:comment(Indent, Text)], T),
merge_comments(StartLine, Cs, [Tc|Ts], Acc);
_ ->
Tc = erl_syntax:add_precomments(
[erl_syntax:comment(Indent, Text)], T),
merge_comments(StartLine, Cs, [Tc|Ts], Acc)
a0() ->
anno(Location) ->