%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% Purpose:Convert Erlang files to html. (Pretty faaast... :-)
% Some stats (Sparc5@110Mhz):
% 4109 lines (erl_parse.erl): 3.00 secs
% 1847 lines (application_controller.erl): 0.57 secs
% 3160 lines (test_server.erl): 1.00 secs
% 1199 lines (ts_estone.erl): 0.35 secs
% Avg: ~4.5e-4s/line, or ~0.45s/1000 lines, or ~2200 lines/sec.
-export([convert/2, convert/3]).
convert([], _Dest) -> % Fake clause.
convert(File, Dest) ->
%% The generated code uses the BGCOLOR attribute in the
%% BODY tag, which wasn't valid until HTML 3.2. Also,
%% good HTML should either override all colour attributes
%% or none of them -- *never* just a few.
%% FIXME: The colours should *really* be set with
%% stylesheets...
"\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">\n"
"<!-- autogenerated by '"++atom_to_list(?MODULE)++"'. -->\n"
"<head><title>", File, "</title></head>\n\n"
"<body bgcolor=\"white\" text=\"black\""
" link=\"blue\" vlink=\"purple\" alink=\"red\">\n"],
convert(File, Dest, Header).
convert(File, Dest, Header) ->
case file:read_file(File) of
{ok, Bin} ->
{Html1, Lines} = root(Code, [], 1),
Html = [Header,
"<pre>\n", Html1, "</pre>\n",
file:write_file(Dest, Html);
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason}
root([], Res, Line) ->
{Res, Line};
root([Char0|Code], Res, Line0) ->
Char = [Char0],
case Char of
"-" ->
{Match, Line1, NewCode0, AttName} =
read_to_char(Line0+1, Code, [], [$(, $.]),
{_, Line2, NewCode, Stuff} = read_to_char(Line1, NewCode0, [], $\n),
NewRes = [Res,linenum(Line0),"-<b>",AttName,
"</b>",Match, Stuff, "\n"],
root(NewCode, NewRes, Line2);
"%" ->
{_, Line, NewCode, Stuff} = read_to_char(Line0+1, Code, [], $\n),
NewRes = [Res,linenum(Line0),"<i>%",Stuff,"</i>\n"],
root(NewCode, NewRes, Line);
"\n" ->
root(Code, [Res,linenum(Line0), "\n"], Line0+1);
" " ->
{_, Line, NewCode, Stuff} = read_to_char(Line0+1, Code, [], $\n),
root(NewCode, [Res,linenum(Line0)," ",Stuff, "\n"],
"\t" ->
{_, Line, NewCode, Stuff} = read_to_char(Line0+1, Code, [], $\n),
root(NewCode, [Res,linenum(Line0),"\t",Stuff, "\n"],
[Chr|_] when Chr>96, Chr<123 ->
%% Assumed to be function/clause start.
%% FIXME: This will trivially generate non-unique anchors
%% (one for each clause) --- which is illegal HTML.
{_, Line1, NewCode0, FName0} = read_to_char(Line0+1, Code, [], $(),
{_, Line2, NewCode, Stuff} =
read_to_char(Line1,NewCode0, [], $\n),
FuncName = [[Chr],FName0],
NewRes=[Res,"<a name=",FuncName,">",
"(",Stuff, "\n"],
root(NewCode, NewRes, Line2);
Chr ->
{_, Line, NewCode, Stuff} = read_to_char(Line0+1, Code, [], $\n),
root(NewCode, [Res,linenum(Line0),Chr,Stuff, "\n"],
read_to_char(Line0, [], Res, _Chr) ->
{nomatch, Line0, [], Res};
read_to_char(Line0, [Char|Code], Res, Chr) ->
case Char of
Chr -> {Char, Line0, Code, Res};
_ when is_list(Chr) ->
case lists:member(Char,Chr) of
true ->
{Char, Line0, Code, Res};
false ->
{Line,NewCode,NewRes} = maybe_convert(Line0,Code,Res,Char),
read_to_char(Line, NewCode, NewRes, Chr)
_ ->
{Line,NewCode,NewRes} = maybe_convert(Line0,Code,Res,Char),
read_to_char(Line,NewCode, NewRes, Chr)
maybe_convert(Line0,Code,Res,Chr) ->
case Chr of
%% Quoted stuff should not have the highlighting like normal code
%% FIXME: unbalanced quotes (e.g. in comments) will cause trouble with
%% highlighting and line numbering in the rest of the module.
$" ->
{_, Line1, NewCode, Stuff0} = read_to_char(Line0, Code, [], $"),
{Line2,Stuff} = add_linenumbers(Line1,lists:flatten(Stuff0),[]),
%% These chars have meaning in HTML, and *must* *not* be
%% written as themselves.
$& ->
{Line0, Code, [Res,"&"]};
$< ->
{Line0, Code, [Res,"<"]};
$> ->
{Line0, Code, [Res,">"]};
%% Everything else is simply copied.
OtherChr ->
{Line0, Code, [Res,OtherChr]}
add_linenumbers(Line,[Chr|Chrs],Res) ->
case Chr of
$\n -> add_linenumbers(Line+1,Chrs,[Res,$\n,linenum(Line)]);
_ -> add_linenumbers(Line,Chrs,[Res,Chr])
add_linenumbers(Line,[],Res) ->
%% Make nicely indented line numbers.
linenum(Line) ->
Num = integer_to_list(Line),
A = case Line rem 10 of
0 -> "<a name=\"" ++ Num ++"\"></a>";
_ -> []
Pred =
case length(Num) of
Length when Length < 5 ->
_ ->
footer(Lines) ->
%% {_, Time} = statistics(runtime),
%% io:format("Converted ~p lines in ~.2f Seconds.~n",
%% [Lines, Time/1000]),
%% S = "<i>The transformation of this file (~p lines) took ~.2f seconds</i>",
%% F = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(S, [Lines, Time/1000])),
%% ["<hr size=1>",F,"<br>\n"].