%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose: Profile a system in order to figure out where the
%% time goes.
start_profiling/1, start_profiling/2,
profile/1, profile/2, profile/3, profile/4, profile/5,
analyze/0, analyze/1, analyze/2,
%% Internal exports
-record(bpd, {
n = 0, % number of total calls
us = 0, % sum of uS for all calls
p = gb_trees:empty(), % tree of {Pid, {Mfa, {Count, Us}}}
mfa = [] % list of {Mfa, {Count, Us}}
-record(state, {
profiling = false,
pattern = {'_','_','_'},
rootset = [],
fd = undefined,
start_ts = undefined,
reply = undefined,
bpd = #bpd{}
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% API
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
start() -> gen_server:start({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
stop() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop, infinity).
profile(Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
profile([], Fun);
profile(Rs) when is_list(Rs) ->
profile(Pids, Fun) ->
profile(Pids, Fun, {'_','_','_'}).
profile(Pids, Fun, Pattern) ->
profile(Pids, erlang, apply, [Fun,[]], Pattern).
profile(Pids, M, F, A) ->
profile(Pids, M, F, A, {'_','_','_'}).
profile(Pids, M, F, A, Pattern) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {profile,Pids,Pattern,M,F,A},infinity).
dump() ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, dump, infinity).
analyze() ->
analyze(Type) when is_atom(Type) ->
analyze(Type, []);
analyze(Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
analyze(procs, Opts).
analyze(Type, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {analyze, Type, Opts}, infinity).
log(File) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {logfile, File}, infinity).
start_profiling(Rootset) ->
start_profiling(Rootset, {'_','_','_'}).
start_profiling(Rootset, Pattern) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {profile, Rootset, Pattern}, infinity).
stop_profiling() ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop_profiling, infinity).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% init
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
init([]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
{ok, #state{}}.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% handle_call
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% analyze
handle_call({analyze, _, _}, _, #state{ bpd = #bpd{ p = {0,nil}, us = 0, n = 0} = Bpd } = S) when is_record(Bpd, bpd) ->
{reply, nothing_to_analyze, S};
handle_call({analyze, procs, Opts}, _, #state{ bpd = #bpd{ p = Ps, us = Tus} = Bpd, fd = Fd} = S) when is_record(Bpd, bpd) ->
({Pid, Mfas}) ->
{Pn, Pus} = sum_bp_total_n_us(Mfas),
format(Fd, "~n****** Process ~w -- ~s % of profiled time *** ~n", [Pid, s("~.2f", [100.0*(Pus/Tus)])]),
print_bp_mfa(Mfas, {Pn,Pus}, Fd, Opts),
end, gb_trees:to_list(Ps)),
{reply, ok, S};
handle_call({analyze, total, Opts}, _, #state{ bpd = #bpd{ mfa = Mfas, n = Tn, us = Tus} = Bpd, fd = Fd} = S) when is_record(Bpd, bpd) ->
print_bp_mfa(Mfas, {Tn, Tus}, Fd, Opts),
{reply, ok, S};
handle_call({analyze, Type, _Opts}, _, S) ->
{reply, {error, {undefined, Type}}, S};
%% profile
handle_call({profile, _Rootset, _Pattern, _M,_F,_A}, _From, #state{ profiling = true } = S) ->
{reply, {error, already_profiling}, S};
handle_call({profile, Rootset, Pattern, M,F,A}, From, #state{fd = Fd } = S) ->
set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset),
Pid = setup_profiling(M,F,A),
case set_process_trace(true, [Pid|Rootset]) of
true ->
set_pattern_trace(true, Pattern),
T0 = now(),
{noreply, #state{
profiling = true,
rootset = [Pid|Rootset],
start_ts = T0,
reply = From,
fd = Fd,
pattern = Pattern
false ->
exit(Pid, eprof_kill),
{reply, error, #state{ fd = Fd}}
handle_call({profile, _Rootset, _Pattern}, _From, #state{ profiling = true } = S) ->
{reply, {error, already_profiling}, S};
handle_call({profile, Rootset, Pattern}, From, #state{ fd = Fd } = S) ->
set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset),
case set_process_trace(true, Rootset) of
true ->
T0 = now(),
set_pattern_trace(true, Pattern),
{reply, profiling, #state{
profiling = true,
rootset = Rootset,
start_ts = T0,
reply = From,
fd = Fd,
pattern = Pattern
false ->
{reply, error, #state{ fd = Fd }}
handle_call(stop_profiling, _From, #state{ profiling = false } = S) ->
{reply, profiling_already_stopped, S};
handle_call(stop_profiling, _From, #state{ profiling = true } = S) ->
set_pattern_trace(pause, S#state.pattern),
Bpd = collect_bpd(),
set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset),
set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
{reply, profiling_stopped, S#state{
profiling = false,
rootset = [],
pattern = {'_','_','_'},
bpd = Bpd
%% logfile
handle_call({logfile, File}, _From, #state{ fd = OldFd } = S) ->
case file:open(File, [write]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
case OldFd of
undefined -> ok;
OldFd -> file:close(OldFd)
{reply, ok, S#state{ fd = Fd}};
Error ->
{reply, Error, S}
handle_call(dump, _From, #state{ bpd = Bpd } = S) when is_record(Bpd, bpd) ->
{reply, gb_trees:to_list(Bpd#bpd.p), S};
handle_call(stop, _FromTag, S) ->
{stop, normal, stopped, S}.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% handle_cast
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% handle_info
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
handle_info({'EXIT', _, normal}, S) ->
{noreply, S};
handle_info({'EXIT', _, eprof_kill}, S) ->
{noreply, S};
handle_info({'EXIT', _, Reason}, #state{ reply = FromTag } = S) ->
set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset),
set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
gen_server:reply(FromTag, {error, Reason}),
{noreply, S#state{
profiling = false,
rootset = [],
pattern = {'_','_','_'}
% check if Pid is spawned process?
handle_info({_Pid, {answer, Result}}, #state{ reply = {From,_} = FromTag} = S) ->
set_pattern_trace(pause, S#state.pattern),
Bpd = collect_bpd(),
set_process_trace(false, S#state.rootset),
set_pattern_trace(false, S#state.pattern),
catch unlink(From),
gen_server:reply(FromTag, {ok, Result}),
{noreply, S#state{
profiling = false,
rootset = [],
pattern = {'_','_','_'},
bpd = Bpd
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% termination
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
terminate(_Reason, #state{ fd = undefined }) ->
set_pattern_trace(false, {'_','_','_'}),
terminate(_Reason, #state{ fd = Fd }) ->
set_pattern_trace(false, {'_','_','_'}),
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% code_change
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% AUX Functions
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
setup_profiling(M,F,A) ->
spawn_link(fun() -> spin_profile(M,F,A) end).
spin_profile(M, F, A) ->
{Pid, execute} ->
Pid ! {self(), {answer, erlang:apply(M,F,A)}}
execute_profiling(Pid) ->
Pid ! {self(), execute}.
set_pattern_trace(Flag, Pattern) ->
erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, block),
erlang:trace_pattern(on_load, Flag, [call_time]),
erlang:trace_pattern(Pattern, Flag, [call_time]),
erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, unblock),
set_process_trace(Flag, Pids) ->
% do we need procs for meta info?
% could be useful
set_process_trace(Flag, Pids, [call, set_on_spawn]).
set_process_trace(_, [], _) -> true;
set_process_trace(Flag, [Pid|Pids], Options) when is_pid(Pid) ->
erlang:trace(Pid, Flag, Options),
set_process_trace(Flag, Pids, Options)
_:_ ->
set_process_trace(Flag, [Name|Pids], Options) when is_atom(Name) ->
case whereis(Name) of
undefined ->
set_process_trace(Flag, Pids, Options);
Pid ->
set_process_trace(Flag, [Pid|Pids], Options)
collect_bpd() ->
collect_bpd([M || M <- [element(1, Mi) || Mi <- code:all_loaded()], M =/= ?MODULE]).
collect_bpd(Ms) when is_list(Ms) ->
collect_bpdf(collect_mfas(Ms) ++ erlang:system_info(snifs)).
collect_mfas(Ms) ->
(M, Mfas) ->
Mfas ++ [{M, F, A} || {F, A} <- M:module_info(functions)]
end, [], Ms).
collect_bpdf(Mfas) ->
collect_bpdf(Mfas, #bpd{}).
collect_bpdf([], Bpd) ->
collect_bpdf([Mfa|Mfas], #bpd{n = N, us = Us, p = Tree, mfa = Code } = Bpd) ->
case erlang:trace_info(Mfa, call_time) of
{call_time, []} ->
collect_bpdf(Mfas, Bpd);
{call_time, Data} when is_list(Data) ->
{CTn, CTus, CTree} = collect_bpdfp(Mfa, Tree, Data),
collect_bpdf(Mfas, Bpd#bpd{
n = CTn + N,
us = CTus + Us,
p = CTree,
mfa = [{Mfa, {CTn, CTus}}|Code]
{call_time, false} ->
collect_bpdf(Mfas, Bpd);
{call_time, _Other} ->
collect_bpdf(Mfas, Bpd)
collect_bpdfp(Mfa, Tree, Data) ->
({Pid, Ni, Si, Usi}, {PTno, PTuso, To}) ->
Time = Si * 1000000 + Usi,
Ti1 = case gb_trees:lookup(Pid, To) of
none ->
gb_trees:enter(Pid, [{Mfa, {Ni, Time}}], To);
{value, Pmfas} ->
gb_trees:enter(Pid, [{Mfa, {Ni, Time}}|Pmfas], To)
{PTno + Ni, PTuso + Time, Ti1}
end, {0,0, Tree}, Data).
%% manipulators
sort_mfa(Bpfs, mfa) when is_list(Bpfs) ->
({A,_}, {B,_}) when A < B -> true;
(_, _) -> false
end, Bpfs);
sort_mfa(Bpfs, time) when is_list(Bpfs) ->
({_,{A,_}}, {_,{B,_}}) when A < B -> true;
(_, _) -> false
end, Bpfs);
sort_mfa(Bpfs, calls) when is_list(Bpfs) ->
({_,{_,A}}, {_,{_,B}}) when A < B -> true;
(_, _) -> false
end, Bpfs);
sort_mfa(Bpfs, _) when is_list(Bpfs) -> sort_mfa(Bpfs, calls).
filter_mfa(Bpfs, Ts) when is_list(Ts) ->
filter_mfa(Bpfs, [], proplists:get_value(calls, Ts, 0), proplists:get_value(time, Ts, 0));
filter_mfa(Bpfs, _) -> Bpfs.
filter_mfa([], Out, _, _) -> lists:reverse(Out);
filter_mfa([{_, {C, T}}=Bpf|Bpfs], Out, Ct, Tt) when C >= Ct, T >= Tt -> filter_mfa(Bpfs, [Bpf|Out], Ct, Tt);
filter_mfa([_|Bpfs], Out, Ct, Tt) -> filter_mfa(Bpfs, Out, Ct, Tt).
sum_bp_total_n_us(Mfas) ->
lists:foldl(fun ({_, {Ci,Usi}}, {Co, Uso}) -> {Co + Ci, Uso + Usi} end, {0,0}, Mfas).
%% strings and format
string_bp_mfa(Mfas, Tus) -> string_bp_mfa(Mfas, Tus, {0,0,0,0,0}, []).
string_bp_mfa([], _, Ws, Strings) -> {Ws, lists:reverse(Strings)};
string_bp_mfa([{Mfa, {Count, Time}}|Mfas], Tus, {MfaW, CountW, PercW, TimeW, TpCW}, Strings) ->
Smfa = s(Mfa),
Scount = s(Count),
Stime = s(Time),
Sperc = s("~.2f", [100*(Time/Tus)]),
Stpc = s("~.2f", [Time/Count]),
string_bp_mfa(Mfas, Tus, {
erlang:max(MfaW, length(Smfa)),
erlang:max(PercW, length(Sperc)),
erlang:max(TimeW, length(Stime)),
erlang:max(TpCW, length(Stpc))
}, [[Smfa, Scount, Sperc, Stime, Stpc] | Strings]).
print_bp_mfa(Mfas, {_Tn, Tus}, Fd, Opts) ->
Fmfas = filter_mfa(sort_mfa(Mfas, proplists:get_value(sort, Opts)), proplists:get_value(filter, Opts)),
{{MfaW, CountW, PercW, TimeW, TpCW}, Strs} = string_bp_mfa(Fmfas, Tus),
Ws = {
erlang:max(length("FUNCTION"), MfaW),
erlang:max(length("CALLS"), CountW),
erlang:max(length(" %"), PercW),
erlang:max(length("TIME"), TimeW),
erlang:max(length("uS / CALLS"), TpCW)
format(Fd, Ws, ["FUNCTION", "CALLS", " %", "TIME", "uS / CALLS"]),
format(Fd, Ws, ["--------", "-----", "---", "----", "----------"]),
lists:foreach(fun (String) -> format(Fd, Ws, String) end, Strs),
s({M,F,A}) -> s("~w:~w/~w",[M,F,A]);
s(Term) -> s("~p", [Term]).
s(Format, Terms) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format, Terms)).
format(Fd, {MfaW, CountW, PercW, TimeW, TpCW}, Strings) ->
format(Fd, s("~~.~ps ~~~ps ~~~ps ~~~ps [~~~ps]~~n", [MfaW, CountW, PercW, TimeW, TpCW]), Strings);
format(undefined, Format, Strings) ->
io:format(Format, Strings),
format(Fd, Format, Strings) ->
io:format(Fd, Format, Strings),
io:format(Format, Strings),