%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2]).
-export([start/1, compile/1, analyse/1, misc/1, stop/1,
distribution/1, export_import/1,
otp_5031/1, eif/1, otp_5305/1, otp_5418/1, otp_6115/1, otp_7095/1,
otp_8188/1, otp_8270/1, otp_8273/1, otp_8340/1]).
%% The following directory structure is assumed:
%% cwd __________________________________________
%% | \ \ \ \ \ \ \
%% a b cc d f d1 compile_beam_____ otp_6115
%% | \ \ \ \ \ \ \
%% e crypt v w x d f1 f2
%% |
%% y
suite() -> [{suite_callbacks,[ts_install_scb]}].
all() ->
case whereis(cover_server) of
undefined ->
[start, compile, analyse, misc, stop, distribution,
export_import, otp_5031, eif, otp_5305, otp_5418,
otp_6115, otp_7095, otp_8188, otp_8270, otp_8273,
_pid ->
"It looks like the test server is running "
"cover. Can't run cover test."}
groups() ->
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
start(suite) -> [];
start(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line ok = file:set_cwd(?config(data_dir, Config)),
?line Files = lsfiles(),
?line remove(files(Files, ".out")),
?line {ok, Pid} = cover:start(),
?line {error, {already_started, Pid}} = cover:start().
compile(suite) -> [];
compile(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line ok = file:set_cwd(?config(data_dir, Config)),
?line Result1 = cover:compile_directory(),
?line SortedResult = lists:sort(Result1),
?line {ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(),
?line Result2 = cover:compile_directory(CWD),
?line SortedResult = lists:sort(Result2),
?line [{error,_DFile},{ok,a},{ok,b},{ok,cc},{ok,f}] = SortedResult,
?line [{ok,e}] = cover:compile_directory("d1"),
?line {error,enoent} = cover:compile_directory("d2"),
?line {ok,a} = cover:compile(a),
?line {ok,b} = compile:file(b),
?line code:purge(b),
?line {module,b} = code:load_file(b),
?line {ok,d} = cover:compile("d.erl", [{d,'AGE',42}]),
?line {error,_BBFile} = cover:compile(bb),
?line StdlibDir = code:lib_dir(stdlib),
?line Lists = filename:join([StdlibDir, "src", "lists.erl"]),
?line {error, Lists} = cover:compile(Lists),
%% For compiling beam: using dummy files v,w,x,y and z
?line file:set_cwd("compile_beam"),
?line {ok,_} = compile:file(v,[debug_info,report]),
?line {ok,_} = compile:file(w,[debug_info,report]),
?line {ok,_} = compile:file(x),
?line {ok,_} = compile:file("d/y",[debug_info,{outdir,"d"},report]),
?line Key = "A Krypto Key",
?line {ok,_} = compile:file(crypt, [debug_info,{debug_info_key,Key},report]),
?line {ok,v} = cover:compile_beam(v),
?line {ok,w} = cover:compile_beam("w.beam"),
?line {error,{encrypted_abstract_code,_}} =
?line ok = beam_lib:crypto_key_fun(simple_crypto_fun(Key)),
?line {ok,crypt} = cover:compile_beam("crypt.beam"),
?line {error,{no_abstract_code,"./x.beam"}} = cover:compile_beam(x),
?line {error,{already_cover_compiled,no_beam_found,a}}=cover:compile_beam(a),
?line {error,non_existing} = cover:compile_beam(z),
?line [{ok,y}] = cover:compile_beam_directory("d"),
?line Result3 = lists:sort(cover:compile_beam_directory()),
?line [{error,{no_abstract_code,_XBeam}},{ok,crypt},{ok,v},{ok,w}] = Result3,
?line {error,enoent} = cover:compile_beam_directory("d2"),
?line decompile([v,w,y]),
?line Files = lsfiles(),
?line remove(files(Files, ".beam")).
simple_crypto_fun(Key) ->
fun(init) -> ok;
({debug_info, des3_cbc, crypt, _}) -> Key
analyse(suite) -> [];
analyse(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line ok = file:set_cwd(?config(data_dir, Config)),
?line done = a:start(5),
?line {ok, {a,{17,2}}} = cover:analyse(a, coverage, module),
?line {ok, [{{a,start,1},{6,0}},
{{a,exit_kalle,0},{1,0}}]} = cover:analyse(a, coverage, function),
?line {ok, [{{a,start,1,1},{6,0}},
{{a,exit_kalle,0,1},{1,0}}]} = cover:analyse(a, coverage, clause),
?line {ok, [{{a,9},{1,0}},
{{a,55},{1,0}}]} = cover:analyse(a, coverage, line),
?line {ok, {a,15}} = cover:analyse(a, calls, module),
?line {ok, [{{a,start,1},1},
{{a,exit_kalle,0},1}]} = cover:analyse(a, calls, function),
?line {ok, [{{a,start,1,1},1},
{{a,exit_kalle,0,1},1}]} = cover:analyse(a, calls, clause),
?line {ok, [{{a,9},1},
{{a,55},1}]} = cover:analyse(a, calls, line),
?line {ok, [{{a,start,1},{6,0}},
{{a,exit_kalle,0},{1,0}}]} = cover:analyse(a),
?line {ok, {a,{17,2}}} = cover:analyse(a, module),
?line {ok, [{{a,start,1},1},
{{a,exit_kalle,0},1}]} = cover:analyse(a, calls),
?line {ok, "a.COVER.out"} = cover:analyse_to_file(a),
?line {ok, "e.COVER.out"} = cover:analyse_to_file(e),
?line {ok, "a.COVER.html"} = cover:analyse_to_file(a,[html]),
?line {ok, "e.COVER.html"} = cover:analyse_to_file(e,[html]),
%% analyse_to_file of file which is compiled from beam
?line {ok,f} = compile:file(f,[debug_info]),
?line code:purge(f),
?line {module,f} = code:load_file(f),
?line {ok,f} = cover:compile_beam(f),
?line f:f2(),
?line {ok, "f.COVER.out"} = cover:analyse_to_file(f),
%% Source code cannot be found by analyse_to_file
?line {ok,v} = compile:file("compile_beam/v",[debug_info]),
?line code:purge(v),
?line {module,v} = code:load_file(v),
?line {ok,v} = cover:compile_beam(v),
?line {error,no_source_code_found} = cover:analyse_to_file(v),
?line {error,{not_cover_compiled,b}} = cover:analyse(b),
?line {error,{not_cover_compiled,g}} = cover:analyse(g),
?line {error,{not_cover_compiled,b}} = cover:analyse_to_file(b),
?line {error,{not_cover_compiled,g}} = cover:analyse_to_file(g).
misc(suite) -> [];
misc(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line ok = file:set_cwd(?config(data_dir, Config)),
?line [a,cc,crypt,d,e,f,v] = lists:sort(cover:modules()),
?line {ok,cc} = compile:file(cc),
?line code:purge(cc),
?line {module,cc} = code:load_file(cc),
?line [a,crypt,d,e,f,v] = lists:sort(cover:modules()),
?line {file, _File} = cover:is_compiled(a),
?line false = cover:is_compiled(b),
?line false = cover:is_compiled(g),
?line ok = cover:reset(a),
?line {ok, {a,{0,19}}} = cover:analyse(a, module),
?line ok = cover:reset().
stop(suite) -> [];
stop(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line ok = file:set_cwd(?config(data_dir, Config)),
?line cover_compiled = code:which(a),
?line {ok,d} = compile:file(d, [{d,'AGE',42}]),
?line code:purge(d),
?line {module,d} = code:load_file(d),
?line ok = cover:stop(),
?line Beam = code:which(a),
?line true = is_unloaded(Beam),
?line Files = lsfiles(),
?line remove(files(Files, ".out")),
?line remove(files(Files, ".html")),
?line remove(files(Files, ".beam")).
distribution(suite) -> [];
distribution(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
?line ok = file:set_cwd(DataDir),
?line {ok,N1} = ?t:start_node(cover_SUITE_distribution1,slave,[]),
?line {ok,N2} = ?t:start_node(cover_SUITE_distribution2,slave,[]),
?line {ok,N3} = ?t:start_node(cover_SUITE_distribution3,slave,[]),
%% Check that an already compiled module is loaded on new nodes
?line {ok,f} = cover:compile(f),
?line {ok,[_,_,_]} = cover:start(nodes()),
?line cover_compiled = code:which(f),
?line cover_compiled = rpc:call(N1,code,which,[f]),
?line cover_compiled = rpc:call(N2,code,which,[f]),
?line cover_compiled = rpc:call(N3,code,which,[f]),
%% Check that a node cannot be started twice
?line {ok,[]} = cover:start(N2),
%% Check that the current node (i.e. the main node) is not started with
%% start/1 and not stopped with stop/1
?line {ok,[]} = cover:start(node()),
?line ok = cover:stop(node()),
?line true = is_pid(whereis(cover_server)),
%% Check that a new compiled module is loaded on all existing nodes
?line compile:file("compile_beam/v",[debug_info]),
?line {ok,v} = cover:compile_beam(v),
?line cover_compiled = code:which(v),
?line cover_compiled = rpc:call(N1,code,which,[v]),
?line cover_compiled = rpc:call(N2,code,which,[v]),
?line cover_compiled = rpc:call(N3,code,which,[v]),
%% this is lost when the node is killed
?line rpc:call(N3,f,f2,[]),
?line rpc:call(N3,erlang,halt,[]),
%% this should be visible in analyse
?line rpc:call(N1,f,f1,[]),
%% Check that data is collected from remote node when stopped
?line ok = cover:stop(N1),
?line N1Beam = rpc:call(N1,code,which,[f]),
?line true = is_unloaded(N1Beam),
?line check_f_calls(1,0),
%% Call f:f1() again on another node and check that number of calls is
%% accumulated.
?line f:f1(),
?line check_f_calls(2,0),
%% Check that reset works on all nodes
?line f:f1(),
?line rpc:call(N2,f,f1,[]),
?line ok = cover:reset(f),
?line check_f_calls(0,0),
%% Check that data is collected from all nodes
?line rpc:call(N2,f,f1,[]),
?line f:f2(),
?line check_f_calls(1,1),
%% Check that same data is not fetched again (i.e. that analyse does
%% reset on the remote node(s))
?line check_f_calls(1,1),
%% Check that stop() unloads on all nodes
?line ok = cover:stop(),
?line LocalBeam = code:which(f),
?line N2Beam = rpc:call(N2,code,which,[f]),
?line true = is_unloaded(LocalBeam),
?line true = is_unloaded(N2Beam),
%% Check that cover_server on remote node dies if main node dies
?line {ok,[N1]} = cover:start(N1),
?line true = is_pid(rpc:call(N1,erlang,whereis,[cover_server])),
?line exit(whereis(cover_server),kill),
?line timer:sleep(10),
?line undefined = rpc:call(N1,erlang,whereis,[cover_server]),
%% Cleanup
?line Files = lsfiles(),
?line remove(files(Files, ".beam")),
?line ?t:stop_node(N1),
?line ?t:stop_node(N2).
export_import(suite) -> [];
export_import(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
?line ok = file:set_cwd(DataDir),
%% Export one module
?line {ok,f} = cover:compile(f),
?line f:f1(),
%% check that no info is written about where data comes from when no
%% files are imported
?line ?t:capture_start(),
?line check_f_calls(1,0),
?line [] = ?t:capture_get(),
?line ?t:capture_stop(),
?line ok = cover:export("f_exported",f),
?line check_f_calls(1,0),
?line ok = cover:stop(),
%% Check that same data exists after import and that info is written about
%% data comming from imported file
?line ok = cover:import("f_exported"),
?line ?t:capture_start(),
?line check_f_calls(1,0),
?line [Text1] = ?t:capture_get(),
?line "Analysis includes data from imported files"++_ = lists:flatten(Text1),
?line ?t:capture_stop(),
%% Export all modules
?line {ok,a} = cover:compile(a),
?line ?t:capture_start(),
?line ok = cover:export("all_exported"),
?line [Text2] = ?t:capture_get(),
?line "Export includes data from imported files"++_ = lists:flatten(Text2),
?line ?t:capture_stop(),
?line ok = cover:stop(),
?line ok = cover:import("all_exported"),
?line check_f_calls(1,0),
%% Check that data is reset when module is compiled again, and that
%% warning is written when data is deleted for imported module.
?line ?t:capture_start(),
?line {ok,f} = cover:compile(f),
?line timer:sleep(10), % capture needs some time
?line [Text3] = ?t:capture_get(),
?line "WARNING: Deleting data for module f imported from" ++ _ =
?line ?t:capture_stop(),
?line check_f_calls(0,0),
%% Check that data is summed up when first compiled and then imported
%% The module which has been compiled (f) is loaded from the file
%% all_exported again (since it has been reset during cover compiling),
%% but the other module (a) is not loaded since it is already loaded
?line f:f1(),
?line f:f2(),
?line ok = cover:import("f_exported"),
?line ?t:capture_start(),
?line ok = cover:import("all_exported"),
?line [Text4] = ?t:capture_get(), % a is not loaded again
?line "WARNING: Module a already imported from " ++ _ = lists:flatten(Text4),
?line ?t:capture_stop(),
?line check_f_calls(3,1),
%% Check that warning is written when same file is imported twice,
%% and that data is not imported again
?line ?t:capture_start(),
?line ok = cover:import("all_exported"),
?line [Text5,Text6] = ?t:capture_get(),
?line "WARNING: Module f already imported from " ++ _ = lists:flatten(Text5),
?line "WARNING: Module a already imported from " ++ _ = lists:flatten(Text6),
?line ?t:capture_stop(),
?line check_f_calls(3,1),
%% Check that reset removes all data and that the file which has been
%% reset can be imported again with no warning
?line cover:reset(f),
?line check_f_calls(0,0),
?line ?t:capture_start(),
?line ok = cover:import("all_exported"),
?line [Text7] = ?t:capture_get(), % warning only on mod a
?line "WARNING: Module a already imported from " ++ _ = lists:flatten(Text7),
?line ?t:capture_stop(),
?line check_f_calls(1,0),
%% same as above - only reset all
?line cover:reset(),
?line check_f_calls(0,0),
?line ?t:capture_start(),
?line ok = cover:import("all_exported"),
?line [] = ?t:capture_get(), % no warnings
?line ?t:capture_stop(),
?line check_f_calls(1,0),
%% Cleanup
?line ok = cover:stop(),
?line Files = lsfiles(),
?line remove(["f_exported","all_exported"|files(Files, ".beam")]).
otp_5031(suite) -> [];
otp_5031(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Dog = ?t:timetrap(?t:seconds(10)),
?line {ok,N1} = ?t:start_node(cover_SUITE_distribution1,slave,[]),
?line {ok,[N1]} = cover:start(N1),
?line {error,not_main_node} = rpc:call(N1,cover,modules,[]),
?line cover:stop(),
eif(doc) ->
["Test the \'Exclude Included Functions\' functionality"];
eif(suite) ->
eif(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line ok = file:set_cwd(filename:join(?config(data_dir, Config),
?line {ok, cover_inc} = compile:file(cover_inc,[debug_info]),
?line {ok, cover_inc} = cover:compile_beam(cover_inc),
%% This function will cause an included function to be executed.
%% The analysis should only show the lines that actually exist
%% in cover_inc.beam - not the ones from the included file.
?line cover_inc:func(),
?line {ok, [_, _]} = cover:analyse(cover_inc, line),
?line cover:stop(),
otp_5305(suite) -> [];
otp_5305(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line ok = file:set_cwd(?config(priv_dir, Config)),
File = "t.erl",
Test = <<"-module(t).
t() ->
ets:fun2ms(fun(X) -> X end).
?line ok = file:write_file(File, Test),
?line {ok, t} = cover:compile(File),
?line cover:stop(),
?line ok = file:delete(File),
otp_5418(suite) -> [];
otp_5418(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line ok = file:set_cwd(?config(priv_dir, Config)),
File = "t.erl",
Test = <<"-module(t).
?line ok = file:write_file(File, Test),
?line {ok, t} = cover:compile(File),
?line {ok,{t,{0,0}}} = cover:analyse(t, module),
?line cover:stop(),
?line ok = file:delete(File),
otp_6115(suite) -> [];
otp_6115(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
case erlang:system_info(heap_type) of
hybrid -> {skip,"Hybrid-heap emulator doesn't keep track of funs"};
_ -> otp_6115_1(Config)
otp_6115_1(Config) ->
?line {ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(),
?line Dir = filename:join(?config(data_dir, Config), otp_6115),
?line ok = file:set_cwd(Dir),
?line {ok, f1} = compile:file(f1, [debug_info]),
?line {ok, f2} = compile:file(f2, [debug_info]),
%% Cover compile f1, but not f2
?line {ok, f1} = cover:compile(f1),
%% If f1 is cover compiled, a process P is started with a
%% reference to the fun created in start_fail/0, and cover:stop() is
%% called, then P should be killed.
%% This is because (the fun held by P) references the cover
%% compiled code which should be *unloaded* when cover:stop() is
%% called -- running cover compiled code when there is no cover
%% server and thus no ets tables to bump counters in, makes no
%% sense.
?line Pid1 = f1:start_fail(),
%% If f1 is cover compiled, a process P is started with a
%% reference to the fun created in start_ok/0, and
%% cover:stop() is called, then P should survive.
%% This is because (the fun held by) P always references the current
%% version of the module, and is thus not affected by the cover
%% compiled version being unloaded.
?line Pid2 = f1:start_ok(),
%% Now stop cover
?line cover:stop(),
%% Ensure that f1 is loaded (and not cover compiled), that Pid1
%% is dead and Pid2 is alive, but with no reference to old code
case code:which(f1) of
Beam when is_list(Beam) ->
Other ->
?line ?t:fail({"f1 is not reloaded", Other})
case process_info(Pid1) of
undefined ->
_PI1 ->
RefToOldP = erlang:check_process_code(Pid1, f1),
?line ?t:fail({"Pid1 still alive", RefToOldP})
case process_info(Pid2) of
PI2 when is_list(PI2) ->
case erlang:check_process_code(Pid2, f2) of
false ->
true ->
?line ?t:fail("Pid2 has ref to old code")
undefined ->
?line ?t:fail("Pid2 has died")
?line file:set_cwd(CWD),
otp_7095(doc) ->
otp_7095(suite) -> [];
otp_7095(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line ok = file:set_cwd(?config(priv_dir, Config)),
File = "t.erl",
Test = <<"-module(t).
t() ->
put(t6, 0),
0 = t6(),
1 = erase(t6),
put(t8, 0),
{'EXIT',{{badarg,0},_}} = (catch t8()),
1 = erase(t8),
t1() ->
false % 20
true. % 22
t2() ->
true % 25
true. % 27
t3() ->
false % 30
true. % 32
t4() ->
true % 35
true. % 37
t5() ->
true % 40
true % 42
false. % 44
t6() ->
true andalso % 47
add_one(t6). % 48
t7() ->
true % 51
false % 53
not_ok. % 55
t8() ->
true % 58
true % 60
add_one(t8) % 62
false. % 64
t9() ->
if % 67
true ->
true % 69
false % 71
case ok of % 74
true ->
a; % 76
_ ->
true % 78
add_one(T) ->
put(T, get(T) + 1). % 82
?line ok = file:write_file(File, Test),
?line {ok, t} = cover:compile(File),
?line ok = t:t(),
?line {ok,[{{t,4},1},{{t,5},1},{{t,6},1},{{t,7},1},{{t,8},1},{{t,9},1},
{{t,82},2}]} = cover:analyse(t, calls, line),
?line cover:stop(),
?line ok = file:delete(File),
otp_8270(doc) ->
["OTP-8270. Bug."];
otp_8270(suite) -> [];
otp_8270(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
?line ok = file:set_cwd(DataDir),
?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
As = [{args," -pa " ++ PrivDir}],
?line {ok,N1} = ?t:start_node(cover_n1,slave,As),
?line {ok,N2} = ?t:start_node(cover_n2,slave,As),
?line {ok,N3} = ?t:start_node(cover_n3,slave,As),
Test = <<
"t() -> t(0).\n"
"l() ->\n"
" catch ets:tab2list(cover_internal_data_table).\n"
"t(Sz) ->\n"
" case ets:info(cover_internal_data_table, size) of\n"
" Sz ->\n"
" m:t(Sz); % Not a local call! Newly loaded code is entered.\n"
" NSz ->\n"
" % error_logger:info_msg(\"~p: ~p ~p change~n L1 ~p~n\", \n"
" % [node(), Sz, NSz, l()]),\n"
" m:t(NSz)\n"
" end.\n">>,
?line _File = c_mod(m, Test, Config),
Fun = fun m:t/0,
?line Pid1 = spawn(Fun),
?line Pid2 = spawn(N1, Fun),
?line Pid3 = spawn(N2, Fun),
?line Pid4 = spawn(N3, Fun),
?line {ok, m} = cover:compile_beam(m),
?line Info = erlang:process_info(Pid1),
?line N1_info = rpc:call(N1, erlang, process_info, [Pid2]),
?line N2_info = rpc:call(N2, erlang, process_info, [Pid3]),
?line N3_info = rpc:call(N3, erlang, process_info, [Pid4]),
?line true = is_list(Info),
?line {N1,true} = {N1,is_list(N1_info)},
?line {N2,true} = {N2,is_list(N2_info)},
?line {N3,true} = {N3,is_list(N3_info)},
?line ?t:stop_node(N1),
?line ?t:stop_node(N2),
?line ?t:stop_node(N3),
otp_8273(doc) ->
["OTP-8270. Bug."];
otp_8273(suite) -> [];
otp_8273(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Test = <<"-module(t).
t() ->
foo = true andalso foo,
bar = false orelse bar,
?line File = cc_mod(t, Test, Config),
?line ok = t:t(),
?line cover:stop(),
?line ok = file:delete(File),
otp_8340(doc) ->
["OTP-8340. Bug."];
otp_8340(suite) -> [];
otp_8340(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,2},1},{{t,4},1}] =
analyse_expr(<<"<< \n"
" <<3:2, \n"
" SeqId:62>> \n"
" || SeqId <- [64] >>">>, Config),
otp_8188(doc) ->
["Clauses on the same line."];
otp_8188(suite) -> [];
otp_8188(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% This example covers the bug report:
Test = <<"-module(t).
case X of
ok -> true;
_ -> false
_Res =
?line File = cc_mod(t, Test, Config),
?line false = t:test(nok),
?line {ok,[{{t,11},1},{{t,12},1}]} = cover:analyse(t, calls, line),
?line cover:stop(),
?line ok = file:delete(File),
%% Bit string comprehensions are now traversed;
%% the handling of list comprehensions has been improved:
%% Variants of the reported bug:
bug_8188(Cf) ->
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,2},1},{{t,3},1}] =
analyse_expr(<<"A = 3,\n" % 1
" case A of\n" % 1
" 2 -> two; 3 -> three end, A + 2">>, % 1
?line [{{t,1},1},
{{t,9},2}] =
analyse_expr(<<"case two() of\n" % 1
" 1 -> 2;\n" % 0
" _ -> begin 3 end\n" % 1
" +\n" % 1
" begin 4 end end, case two() of\n" % 1
" 1 -> a;\n" % 0
" 2 -> b; 3 -> c\n" % 1
" end.\n"
"two() -> 2">>, Cf), % 2
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},1},
{{t,4},1}, {{t,5},1}, {{t,6},0}] =
analyse_expr(<<" self() ! 1,\n"
" receive \n"
" X=1 -> a;\n"
" X=2 -> b end, case X of \n"
" 1 -> a;\n"
" 2 -> b\n"
" end">>, Cf),
T0 = <<"t1(X) ->\n "
"case X of\n"
" 1 -> A=a,B=A,B; % bump Li\n"
" 2 -> b; 3 -> case X of % 2 -> b shall bump Li\n"
" 3 -> a; % bump Li\n"
" 2 -> b end; 4 -> d end, case X of % Li\n"
" 1 -> a;\n"
" 2 -> b; 3 -> c;\n"
" 4 -> d\n"
" end">>,
T1 = [<<"a = t1(1). ">>,T0],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},1}, {{t,4},0},
{{t,5},0}, {{t,6},1}, {{t,7},1}, {{t,8},0}, {{t,9},0}] =
analyse_expr(T1, Cf),
T2 = [<<"b = t1(2). ">>,T0],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},0}, {{t,4},1},
{{t,5},0}, {{t,6},1}, {{t,7},0}, {{t,8},1}, {{t,9},0}] =
analyse_expr(T2, Cf),
T3 = [<<"c = t1(3). ">>,T0],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},0}, {{t,4},1},
{{t,5},1}, {{t,6},1}, {{t,7},0}, {{t,8},1}, {{t,9},0}] =
analyse_expr(T3, Cf),
T4 = [<<"d = t1(4). ">>,T0],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},0}, {{t,4},0},
{{t,5},0}, {{t,6},1}, {{t,7},0}, {{t,8},0}, {{t,9},1}] =
analyse_expr(T4, Cf),
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,2},1},{{t,3},1},{{t,4},1},{{t,5},1}] =
<<"2 = x3(1). "
"x3(X) ->\n"
" case X of \n"
" 1 -> case X of\n"
" 1 -> a, Y = 2;\n"
" 2 -> b, Y = 3 end, Y; 2 -> Y = 4 end, Y">>, Cf),
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,2},1},{{t,3},1},{{t,4},1}] =
<<"1 = x4(1). "
"x4(X) ->\n"
" case X of\n"
" 1 -> case X of\n"
" 1 -> Y = 1 end, case X of 1 -> Y = 1 end, Y end">>,
T10 = <<"t1(X) ->\n"
" X =:= 1 -> a;\n"
" X =:= 2 -> b; X =:= 3 -> c end, case X of \n"
" 1 -> a;\n"
" 2 -> b; 3 -> c end, case X of\n"
" 1 -> a;\n"
" 2 -> b; 3 -> c\n"
" end">>,
T11 = [<<"a = t1(1). ">>,T10],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},1}, {{t,4},1},
{{t,5},1}, {{t,6},1}, {{t,7},1}, {{t,8},0}] =
analyse_expr(T11, Cf),
T12 = [<<"b = t1(2). ">>,T10],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},0}, {{t,4},1},
{{t,5},0}, {{t,6},1}, {{t,7},0}, {{t,8},1}] =
analyse_expr(T12, Cf),
T13 = [<<"c = t1(3). ">>,T10],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},0}, {{t,4},1},
{{t,5},0}, {{t,6},1}, {{t,7},0}, {{t,8},1}] =
analyse_expr(T13, Cf),
T20 = <<"t1(X) ->\n"
"case X of\n"
" 1 -> a;\n"
" 2 -> b; 3 -> case X of\n"
" 1 -> a;\n"
" 2 -> b; 3 -> c end end, case X of\n"
" 1 -> a;\n"
" 2 -> b; 3 -> c\n"
" end">>,
T21 = [<<"a = t1(1). ">>,T20],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},1}, {{t,4},0},
{{t,5},0}, {{t,6},1}, {{t,7},1}, {{t,8},0}] =
analyse_expr(T21, Cf),
T22 = [<<"b = t1(2). ">>,T20],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},0}, {{t,4},1},
{{t,5},0}, {{t,6},1}, {{t,7},0}, {{t,8},1}] =
analyse_expr(T22, Cf),
T23 = [<<"c = t1(3). ">>,T20],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},0}, {{t,4},1},
{{t,5},0}, {{t,6},1}, {{t,7},0}, {{t,8},1}] =
analyse_expr(T23, Cf),
T30 = <<
"t1(X) ->\n"
"case X of\n"
" 1 -> a;\n"
" 2 -> b; 3 -> case X of 1 -> a; 2 -> b; 3 -> c end end, case X of\n"
" 1 -> a;\n"
" 2 -> b; 3 -> c\n"
" end\n">>,
T31 = [<<"a = t1(1). ">>,T30],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},1},
{{t,4},1}, {{t,5},1}, {{t,6},0}] =
analyse_expr(T31, Cf),
T32 = [<<"b = t1(2). ">>,T30],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},0},
{{t,4},1}, {{t,5},0}, {{t,6},1}] =
analyse_expr(T32, Cf),
T33 = [<<"c = t1(3). ">>,T30],
?line [{{t,1},1}, {{t,2},1}, {{t,3},0},
{{t,4},1}, {{t,5},0}, {{t,6},1}] =
analyse_expr(T33, Cf),
%% 'try' now traverses the body as a body...
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,2},1},{{t,3},1},{{t,4},0},{{t,6},1}] =
analyse_expr(<<"try \n"
" B = 2, \n"
" C = erlang:error(foo), \n"
" {B,C} \n"
"catch _:_ -> \n"
" foo \n"
"end">>, Cf),
%% receive after:
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,2},0},{{t,3},1}] =
analyse_expr(<<"receive \n"
" X=1 -> a; \n"
" X=2 -> b after begin 10 end -> X=3 end">>, Cf),
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,2},0},{{t,3},1}] =
analyse_expr(<<"receive \n"
" X=1 -> a; \n"
" X=2 -> b after 10 -> begin X=3 end end">>, Cf),
comprehension_8188(Cf) ->
?line [{{t,1},1}] =
analyse_expr(<<"[begin X end || X <- [1,2,3], X > 1]">>, Cf),
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,2},1}] =
analyse_expr(<<"[begin X end || \n"
" X <- [1,2,3], X > 1]">>, Cf),
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,2},1},{{t,3},3}] =
analyse_expr(<<"[begin X end || \n "
" X <- [1,2,3], \n "
" X > 1]">>, Cf),
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,3},1},{{t,4},3}] =
analyse_expr(<<"[begin X end || \n "
" X <- \n "
" [1,2,3], \n "
" X > 1]">>, Cf),
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,2},2}] =
analyse_expr(<<"[ \n "
" X || X <- [1,2,3], X > 1]">>, Cf),
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,2},2},{{t,3},3}] =
analyse_expr(<<"[ \n"
" X || X <- [1,2,3], \n"
" X > 1]">>, Cf),
?line [{{t,1},1},{{t,2},1},{{t,3},2}] =
analyse_expr(<<"[ \n "
" X || X <- [1,2,3], X > 1, \n"
" X > 2]">>, Cf),
?line [{{t,1},1},
{{t,18},1}] =
analyse_expr(<<"[ \n" % 1
" begin\n"
" X * 2\n" % 2
" end ||\n"
" X <- [1,\n" % 1
" case two() of\n"
" 2 -> 2;\n" % 1
" _ -> two\n" % 0
" end,\n"
" 3],\n"
" begin\n"
" math:sqrt(X) > 1.0\n" % 3
" end,\n"
" begin\n"
" true\n" % 2
" end,\n"
" true]. \n" % 2
" two() -> 2">>, Cf), % 1
?line [{{t,1},1},
{{t,12},1}] =
analyse_expr(<<"[ \n"
" X * 2 || \n" % 2
" X <- [1,\n" % 1
" case two() of\n"
" 2 -> 2;\n" % 1
" _ -> two\n" % 0
" end,\n"
" 3],\n"
" math:sqrt(X) > 1.0,\n" % 3
" true,\n" % 2
" true]. \n" % 2
" two() -> 2">>, Cf), % 1
?line [{{t,1},1},
{{t,14},2}] =
analyse_expr(<<"<< \n" % 1
" << (X*2) >> || \n" % 2
" <<X>> <= << (case two() of\n"
" 2 -> 1;\n" % 1
" _ -> 2\n" % 0
" end)/integer,\n"
" (case two() of \n"
" 2 -> 2;\n" % 1
" _ -> two\n" % 0
" end)/integer,\n"
" 3 >>, \n"
" math:sqrt(X) > 1.0,\n" % 3
" true >>.\n" % 2
"two() -> 2">>, Cf),
?line [{{t,1},1},
{{t,13},1}] =
analyse_expr(<<"<< \n" % 1
" << (2)\n" % 4
" :(8) >> || \n"
" <<X>> <= << 1,\n" % 1
" (case two() of \n"
" 2 -> 2;\n" % 1
" _ -> two\n" % 0
" end)/integer,\n"
" 3 >>, \n"
" math:sqrt(X) > 1.0,\n" % 3
" <<_>> <= << 1, 2 >>,\n" % 2
" true >>.\n" % 4
"two() -> 2">>, Cf), % 1
analyse_expr(Expr, Config) ->
Binary = [<<"-module(t). "
"-export([t/0]). "
"t() -> ">>, Expr, <<".\n">>],
File = cc_mod(t, Binary, Config),
{ok, Result} = cover:analyse(t, calls, line),
ok = file:delete(File),
cc_mod(M, Binary, Config) ->
{ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(),
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
ok = file:set_cwd(PrivDir),
File = atom_to_list(M) ++ ".erl",
ok = file:write_file(File, Binary),
{ok, M} = cover:compile(File),
filename:join(PrivDir, File)
after file:set_cwd(Dir)
c_mod(M, Binary, Config) ->
{ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(),
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
ok = file:set_cwd(PrivDir),
File = atom_to_list(M) ++ ".erl",
ok = file:write_file(File, Binary),
{ok, M} = compile:file(File, [debug_info]),
AbsFile = filename:rootname(File, ".erl"),
code:load_abs(AbsFile, M),
filename:join(PrivDir, File)
after file:set_cwd(Dir)
lsfiles() ->
{ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(),
lsfiles(Dir) ->
{ok, Files} = file:list_dir(Dir),
files(Files, Ext) ->
lists:filter(fun(File) ->
case filename:extension(File) of
Ext -> true;
_ -> false
remove([File|Files]) ->
ok = file:delete(File),
remove([]) ->
decompile([Mod|Mods]) ->
decompile([]) ->
is_unloaded(What) ->
is_list(What) -> true;
What==non_existing -> true;
true -> false
check_f_calls(F1,F2) ->
{ok,[{{f,f1,0},F1},{{f,f2,0},F2}]} = cover:analyse(f,calls,function).