%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%-define(debug, true).
-define(format(S, A), io:format(S, A)).
-define(line, put(line, ?LINE), ).
-define(config(X,Y), "./log_dir/").
-define(datadir, "xref_SUITE_data").
-define(privdir, "xref_SUITE_priv").
-define(copydir, "xref_SUITE_priv/datacopy").
-define(format(S, A), ok).
-define(datadir, proplists:get_value(data_dir, Conf)).
-define(privdir, proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Conf)).
-define(copydir, proplists:get_value(copy_dir, Conf)).
-export([all/0, suite/0, groups/0,
init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1]).
-export([addrem/1, convert/1, intergraph/1, lines/1, loops/1,
no_data/1, modules/1]).
-export([add/1, default/1, info/1, lib/1, read/1, read2/1, remove/1,
replace/1, update/1, deprecated/1, trycatch/1,
fun_mfa/1, fun_mfa_r14/1,
fun_mfa_vars/1, qlc/1]).
-export([analyze/1, basic/1, md/1, q/1, variables/1, unused_locals/1]).
-export([format_error/1, otp_7423/1, otp_7831/1, otp_10192/1, otp_13708/1]).
-import(lists, [append/2, flatten/1, keysearch/3, member/2, sort/1, usort/1]).
-import(sofs, [converse/1, from_term/1, intersection/2, is_sofs_set/1,
range/1, relation_to_family/1, set/1, to_external/1,
%% Checks some info counters of a server and some relations that should hold.
-export([check_count/1, check_state/1]).
suite() ->
all() ->
[{group, xref}, {group, files}, {group, analyses},
{group, misc}].
groups() ->
[{xref, [],
[addrem, convert, intergraph, lines, loops, no_data,
{files, [],
[add, default, info, lib, read, read2, remove, replace,
update, deprecated, trycatch, fun_mfa,
fun_mfa_r14, fun_mfa_vars, qlc]},
{analyses, [],
[analyze, basic, md, q, variables, unused_locals]},
{misc, [], [format_error, otp_7423, otp_7831, otp_10192, otp_13708]}].
init_per_suite(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
DataDir = ?datadir,
PrivDir = ?privdir,
CopyDir = fname(PrivDir, "datacopy"),
ok = file:make_dir(CopyDir),
TarFile = fname(PrivDir, "datacopy.tgz"),
ok = file:set_cwd(DataDir),
ok = erl_tar:create(TarFile, ["."], [compressed]),
ok = erl_tar:extract(TarFile, [compressed, {cwd,CopyDir}]),
ok = file:delete(TarFile),
[{copy_dir, CopyDir}|Conf].
end_per_suite(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
%% Seems a bit short...
%% Simple test of removing modules
addrem(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
S0 = new(),
F1 = {m1,f1,1},
F2 = {m2,f1,2},
E1 = {F1,F2},
E2 = {F2,F1},
D1 = {F1,12},
DefAt_m1 = [D1],
X_m1 = [F1],
% L_m1 = [],
XC_m1 = [E1],
LC_m1 = [],
LCallAt_m1 = [],
XCallAt_m1 = [{E1,13}],
Info1 = #xref_mod{name = m1, app_name = [a1]},
S1 = add_module(S0, Info1, DefAt_m1, X_m1, LCallAt_m1, XCallAt_m1,
XC_m1, LC_m1),
D2 = {F2,7},
DefAt_m2 = [D2],
X_m2 = [F2],
% L_m2 = [],
XC_m2 = [E2],
LC_m2 = [],
LCallAt_m2 = [],
XCallAt_m2 = [{E2,96}],
Info2 = #xref_mod{name = m2, app_name = [a2]},
S2 = add_module(S1, Info2, DefAt_m2, X_m2, LCallAt_m2, XCallAt_m2,
XC_m2, LC_m2),
S5 = set_up(S2),
{ok, XMod1, S6} = remove_module(S5, m1),
[a1] = XMod1#xref_mod.app_name,
{ok, XMod2, S6a} = remove_module(S6, m2),
[a2] = XMod2#xref_mod.app_name,
S7 = set_up(S6a),
AppInfo1 = #xref_app{name = a1, rel_name = [r1]},
S9 = add_application(S7, AppInfo1),
S10 = set_up(S9),
AppInfo2 = #xref_app{name = a2, rel_name = [r1]},
_S11 = add_application(S10, AppInfo2),
%% Coercion of data
convert(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
S0 = new(),
F1 = {m1,f1,1},
F6 = {m1,f2,6}, % X
F2 = {m2,f1,2},
F3 = {m2,f2,3}, % X
F7 = {m2,f3,7}, % X
F4 = {m3,f1,4}, % X
F5 = {m3,f2,5},
UF1 = {m1,f12,17},
UF2 = {m17,f17,177},
E1 = {F1,F3}, % X
E2 = {F6,F7}, % X
E3 = {F2,F6}, % X
E4 = {F1,F4}, % X
E5 = {F4,F5},
E6 = {F7,F4}, % X
UE1 = {F2,UF2}, % X
UE2 = {F5,UF1}, % X
D1 = {F1,12},
D6 = {F6,3},
DefAt_m1 = [D1,D6],
X_m1 = [F6],
% L_m1 = [F1],
XC_m1 = [E1,E2,E4],
LC_m1 = [],
LCallAt_m1 = [],
XCallAt_m1 = [{E1,13},{E2,17},{E4,7}],
Info1 = #xref_mod{name = m1, app_name = [a1]},
S1 = add_module(S0, Info1, DefAt_m1, X_m1, LCallAt_m1, XCallAt_m1,
XC_m1, LC_m1),
D2 = {F2,7},
D3 = {F3,9},
D7 = {F7,19},
DefAt_m2 = [D2,D3,D7],
X_m2 = [F3,F7],
% L_m2 = [F2],
XC_m2 = [E3,E6,UE1],
LC_m2 = [],
LCallAt_m2 = [],
XCallAt_m2 = [{E3,96},{E6,12},{UE1,77}],
Info2 = #xref_mod{name = m2, app_name = [a2]},
S2 = add_module(S1, Info2, DefAt_m2, X_m2, LCallAt_m2, XCallAt_m2,
XC_m2, LC_m2),
D4 = {F4,6},
D5 = {F5,97},
DefAt_m3 = [D4,D5],
X_m3 = [F4],
% L_m3 = [F5],
XC_m3 = [UE2],
LC_m3 = [E5],
LCallAt_m3 = [{E5,19}],
XCallAt_m3 = [{UE2,22}],
Info3 = #xref_mod{name = m3, app_name = [a3]},
S3 = add_module(S2, Info3, DefAt_m3, X_m3, LCallAt_m3, XCallAt_m3,
XC_m3, LC_m3),
Info4 = #xref_mod{name = m4, app_name = [a2]},
S4 = add_module(S3, Info4, [], [], [], [], [], []),
AppInfo1 = #xref_app{name = a1, rel_name = [r1]},
S9 = add_application(S4, AppInfo1),
AppInfo2 = #xref_app{name = a2, rel_name = [r1]},
S10 = add_application(S9, AppInfo2),
AppInfo3 = #xref_app{name = a3, rel_name = [r2]},
S11 = add_application(S10, AppInfo3),
RelInfo1 = #xref_rel{name = r1},
S12 = add_release(S11, RelInfo1),
RelInfo2 = #xref_rel{name = r2},
S13 = add_release(S12, RelInfo2),
S = set_up(S13),
{ok, _} = eval("(Lin)(m1->m1:Mod) * m1->m1", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(Lin)(m1->m1:Mod) * m1->m1", type_error, S),
AllDefAt = eval("(Lin) M", S),
AllV = eval("(Fun) M", S),
AllCallAt = eval("(XXL)(Lin) E", S),
AllE = eval("E", S),
AM = eval("AM", S),
A = eval("A", S),
R = eval("R", S),
% vertices
% general 1 step
{ok, _} = eval("(Fun) (Lin) M", AllV, S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Fun) (Lin) (Lin) M", AllV, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Fun) (Lin) ~p", [[F1, F3]]), [F1,F3], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Mod) ~p", [AllV]), [m1,m17,m2,m3], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Mod) ~p", [[F1,F3,F6]]), [m1,m2], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(App) M", A, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(App) ~p", [[m1,m2,m4]]), [a1,a2], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Rel) ~p", [A]), R, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Rel) ~p", [[a1,a2,a2]]), [r1], S),
% general 2 steps
{ok, _} = eval("(Mod) (Lin) M", [m1,m17,m2,m3], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(App) ~p", [AllV]), [a1,a2,a3], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Rel) M", R, S),
% general 4 steps
{ok, _} = eval("(Rel) (Lin) M", [r1,r2], S),
% special 1 step
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Lin) ~p", [AllV]), AllDefAt, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Lin) ~p", [[F1,F3]]), [{F1,12},{F3,9}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Fun) M", AllV, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Fun) ~p", [[m1,m2]]), [F1,F2,F3,F6,F7,UF1], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Mod) ~p", [A]), AM, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Mod) ~p", [[a1,a2]]), [m1,m2,m4], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(App) ~p", [R]), A, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(App) ~p", [[r1]]), [a1,a2], S),
% special 2 steps
{ok, _} = eval("(Lin) M", AllDefAt, S),
AnalyzedV = eval("(Fun) AM", S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Fun) ~p", [A]), AnalyzedV, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Mod) ~p", [R]), AM, S),
% special 4 steps
AnalyzedAllDefAt = eval("(Lin) AM", S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Lin) R", AnalyzedAllDefAt, S),
% edges
Ms = [{m1,m2},{m1,m3},{m2,m1},{m2,m3},{m3,m3}],
UMs = [{m2,m17},{m3,m1}],
AllMs = append(Ms, UMs),
As = [{a1,a2},{a1,a3},{a2,a1},{a2,a3},{a3,a3}],
Rs = [{r1,r1},{r1,r2},{r2,r2}],
% general 1 step
{ok, _} = eval("(Fun) (Lin) E", AllE, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Fun)(Lin) ~p", [[E1, E6]]), [E1, E6], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Mod) E", AllMs, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Mod) ~p", [[E1, E6]]), [{m1,m2},{m2,m3}], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(App) ~p", [As]), As, S),
{ok, _} = eval("(App) [m1->m2,m2->m3]", [{a1,a2},{a2,a3}], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Rel) ~p", [As]), Rs, S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Rel) a1->a2", [{r1,r1}], S),
% special 1 step
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL) (Lin) (Fun) E", AllCallAt, S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL) (XXL) (Lin) (Fun) E", AllCallAt, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(XXL) (Lin) ~p", [[E1, E6]]),
[{{D1,D3},[13]}, {{D7,D4},[12]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Fun) ~p", [AllMs]), AllE, S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Fun) [m1->m2,m2->m3]", [E1,E2,E6], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Mod) ~p", [As]), Ms, S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Mod) [a1->a2,a2->a3]", [{m1,m2},{m2,m3}], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(App) ~p", [Rs]), As, S),
{ok, _} = eval("(App) r1->r1", [{a1,a2},{a2,a1}], S),
%% Inter Call Graph
intergraph(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
S0 = new(),
F1 = {m1,f1,1}, % X
F2 = {m1,f2,2}, % X
F3 = {m1,f3,3},
F4 = {m1,f4,4},
F5 = {m1,f5,5},
F6 = {m2,f1,6}, % X
F7 = {m2,f1,7},
F8 = {m2,f1,8},
F9 = {m2,f1,9},
F10 = {m2,f1,10},
F11 = {m2,f1,11},
% Note: E1 =:= E4!
E1 = {F2,F1},
E2 = {F2,F3},
E3 = {F3,F1},
E4 = {F2,F1}, % X
E5 = {F4,F2},
E6 = {F5,F4},
E7 = {F4,F5},
E8 = {F6,F7},
E9 = {F7,F8},
E10 = {F8,F1}, % X
E11 = {F6,F9},
E12 = {F6,F10},
E13 = {F9,F11},
E14 = {F10,F11},
E15 = {F11,F1}, % X
D1 = {F1,1},
D2 = {F2,2},
D3 = {F3,3},
D4 = {F4,4},
D5 = {F5,5},
DefAt_m1 = [D1,D2,D3,D4,D5],
X_m1 = [F1,F2],
% L_m1 = [F3,F4,F5],
XC_m1 = [E4],
LC_m1 = [E1,E2,E3,E5,E6,E7],
% Note: E1 and E4 together!
LCallAt_m1 = [{E1,1},{E2,2},{E3,3},{E5,5},{E6,6},{E7,7}],
XCallAt_m1 = [{E1,4}],
Info1 = #xref_mod{name = m1, app_name = [a1]},
S1 = add_module(S0, Info1, DefAt_m1, X_m1, LCallAt_m1, XCallAt_m1,
XC_m1, LC_m1),
D6 = {F6,6},
D7 = {F7,7},
D8 = {F8,8},
D9 = {F9,9},
D10 = {F10,10},
D11 = {F11,11},
DefAt_m2 = [D6,D7,D8,D9,D10,D11],
X_m2 = [F6],
% L_m2 = [F7,F8,F9,F10,F11],
XC_m2 = [E10,E15],
LC_m2 = [E8,E9,E11,E12,E13,E14],
LCallAt_m2 = [{E8,8},{E9,9},{E11,11},{E12,12},{E13,13},{E14,14}],
XCallAt_m2 = [{E10,10},{E15,15}],
Info2 = #xref_mod{name = m2, app_name = [a2]},
S2 = add_module(S1, Info2, DefAt_m2, X_m2, LCallAt_m2, XCallAt_m2,
XC_m2, LC_m2),
AppInfo1 = #xref_app{name = a1, rel_name = [r1]},
S5 = add_application(S2, AppInfo1),
AppInfo2 = #xref_app{name = a2, rel_name = [r1]},
S6 = add_application(S5, AppInfo2),
RelInfo = #xref_rel{name = r1},
S7 = add_release(S6, RelInfo),
S = set_up(S7),
{ok, _} = eval("EE | m1", [E1,E5,E6,E7], S),
{ok, _} = eval("EE | m2", [{F6,F1}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("EE | m2 + EE | m2", [{F6,F1}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Fun)(Lin)(E | m1)",
to_external(union(set(XC_m1), set(LC_m1))), S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(ELin) (EE | m1)",
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(ELin)(EE | m2)", [{{D6,D1},[8,11,12]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(ELin)(ELin)(EE | m2)",
[{{D6,D1},[8,11,12]}], S),
%% Combining graphs (equal or different):
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(ELin)(EE | m2 + EE | m2)",
[{{D6,D1},[8,11,12]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(ELin)(EE | m2 * EE | m2)",
[{{D6,D1},[8,11,12]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(ELin)(EE | m2 - EE | m1)",
[{{D6,D1},[8,11,12]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(ELin)(EE | m2 - E | m2)",
[{{D6,D1},[8,11,12]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(ELin)(Fun)(ELin)(EE | m2)",
[{{D6,D1},[8,11,12]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("EE | m1 + E | m1", LC_m1, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("EE | ~p + E | ~p", [F2, F2]), [E1,E2], S),
%% [1,4] from 'calls' is a subset of [1,2,4] from Inter Call Graph:
{ok, _} = eval(f("(XXL)(Lin) (E | ~p)", [F2]),
[{{D2,D1},[1,4]},{{D2,D3},[2]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(XXL)(ELin) (EE | ~p)", [F2]),
[{{D2,D1},[1,2,4]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(XXL)((ELin)(EE | ~p) + (Lin)(E | ~p))", [F2, F2]),
[{{D2,D1},[1,2,4]},{{D2,D3},[2]}], S),
{ok, _} =
eval(f("(XXL)((ELin) ~p + (Lin) ~p)", [{F2, F1}, {F2, F1}]),
[{{D2,D1},[1,2,4]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Fun)(Lin) ~p", [{F2, F1}]), [E1], S),
%% The external call E4 is included in the reply:
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(Lin)(LC | m1)",
{{D4,D2},[5]},{{D4,D5},[7]},{{D5,D4},[6]}], S),
%% The local call E1 is included in the reply:
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(Lin)(XC | m1)", [{{D2,D1},[1,4]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(LLin) (E | ~p || ~p) + (XLin) (E | ~p || ~p)",
[F2, F1, F2, F1]), [{E4,[1,4]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("# (ELin) E", 6, S),
%% More test of Inter Call Graph, and regular expressions
lines(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
S0 = new(),
F1 = {m1,f1,1}, % X
F2 = {m1,f2,2},
F3 = {m1,f3,3},
F4 = {m2,f4,4}, % X
F5 = {m1,f5,5}, % X
F6 = {m1,f6,6},
E1 = {F1,F2},
E2 = {F2,F1}, % X
E3 = {F3,F2},
E4 = {F1,F4}, % X
E5 = {F2,F4}, % X
E6 = {F5,F6},
E7 = {F6,F4}, % X
D1 = {F1,1},
D2 = {F2,2},
D3 = {F3,3},
D4 = {F4,4},
D5 = {F5,5},
D6 = {F6,6},
DefAt_m1 = [D1,D2,D3,D5,D6],
X_m1 = [F1,F5],
% L_m1 = [F2,F3,F6],
XC_m1 = [E4,E5,E7],
LC_m1 = [E1,E2,E3,E6],
LCallAt_m1 = [{E1,1},{E3,3},{E6,6}],
XCallAt_m1 = [{E2,2},{E4,4},{E5,5},{E7,7}],
Info1 = #xref_mod{name = m1, app_name = [a1]},
S1 = add_module(S0, Info1, DefAt_m1, X_m1, LCallAt_m1, XCallAt_m1,
XC_m1, LC_m1),
DefAt_m2 = [D4],
X_m2 = [F4],
% L_m2 = [],
XC_m2 = [],
LC_m2 = [],
LCallAt_m2 = [],
XCallAt_m2 = [],
Info2 = #xref_mod{name = m2, app_name = [a2]},
S2 = add_module(S1, Info2, DefAt_m2, X_m2, LCallAt_m2, XCallAt_m2,
XC_m2, LC_m2),
AppInfo1 = #xref_app{name = a1, rel_name = [r1]},
S5 = add_application(S2, AppInfo1),
AppInfo2 = #xref_app{name = a2, rel_name = [r1]},
S6 = add_application(S5, AppInfo2),
RelInfo = #xref_rel{name = r1},
S7 = add_release(S6, RelInfo),
S = set_up(S7),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL) (ELin) (EE | m1)",
{{D5,D4},[6]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(Lin) (E | m1)",
{ok, _} = eval("(E | m1) + (EE | m1)",
{ok, _} = eval("(Lin)(E | m1)",
{E3,[3]},{E7,[7]},{E6,[6]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(ELin)(EE | m1)",
{{F5,F4},[6]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Lin)(E | m1) + (ELin)(EE | m1)",
{{F5,F4},[6]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Lin)(E | m1) - (ELin)(EE | m1)",
{E3,[3]},{E7,[7]},{E6,[6]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Lin)(E | m1) * (ELin)(EE | m1)",
[{E4,[4]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(Lin) (E | m1)",
{{D3,D2},[3]},{{D6,D4},[7]},{{D5,D6},[6]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(ELin) (EE | m1)",
{{D5,D4},[6]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(Lin)(Fun)(Lin) (E | m1)",
{{D3,D2},[3]},{{D6,D4},[7]},{{D5,D6},[6]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(XXL)(ELin)(Fun)(ELin) (EE | m1)",
{{D5,D4},[6]}], S),
%% A few tests on regexp.
{ok, _} = eval("\"(foo\":Mod", parse_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("_Foo:_/_", parse_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("\".*foo\"", parse_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("_:_/_:Lin", parse_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("_:_/_:Mod", parse_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("_:_/_:App", parse_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("_:_/_:Rel", parse_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("m2:_/4", [F4], S),
{ok, _} = eval("m2:_/4:Fun", [F4], S),
{ok, _} = eval("\"m.?\":\"f.*\"/\"6\"", [F6], S),
{ok, _} = eval("_:_/6", [F6], S),
{ok, _} = eval("m1:\"f1\"/_", [F1], S),
{ok, _} = eval("\"m1\":f1/_", [F1], S),
{ok, _} = eval("\"m1\":Mod", [m1], S),
{ok, _} = eval("\"a1\":App", [a1], S),
{ok, _} = eval("\"r1\":Rel", [r1], S),
{ok, _} = eval("_:_/-1", [], S),
%% More Inter Call Graph, loops and "unusual" cases
loops(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
S0 = new(),
F1 = {m1,f1,1}, % X
F2 = {m1,f2,2},
F3 = {m1,f3,3}, % X
F4 = {m1,f4,4},
F5 = {m1,f5,5},
F6 = {m1,f1,6}, % X
F7 = {m1,f1,7},
E1 = {F1,F1}, % X
E2 = {F2,F2},
E3 = {F3,F4},
E4 = {F4,F5},
E5 = {F5,F3}, % X
D1 = {F1,1},
D2 = {F2,2},
D3 = {F3,3},
D4 = {F4,4},
D5 = {F5,5},
D6 = {F6,6},
D7 = {F7,7},
DefAt_m1 = [D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7],
X_m1 = [F1,F3,F6],
% L_m1 = [F2,F4,F5],
XC_m1 = [],
LC_m1 = [E1,E2,E3,E4,E5],
LCallAt_m1 = [{E2,2},{E3,3},{E4,4}],
XCallAt_m1 = [{E1,1},{E5,5}],
Info1 = #xref_mod{name = m1, app_name = [a1]},
S1 = add_module(S0, Info1, DefAt_m1, X_m1, LCallAt_m1, XCallAt_m1,
XC_m1, LC_m1),
S = set_up(S1),
% Neither F6 nor F7 is included. Perhaps one should change that?
{ok, _} = eval("EE | m1", [E1,E2,{F3,F3}], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(XXL)(ELin) (EE | ~p)", [F3]), [{{D3,D3},[3]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("m1->m1 | m1->m1", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("~p | ~p", [F2, F1]), type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("range (closure EE | ~p)", [F1]), [F1], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("domain (closure EE || ~p)", [F3]), [F3], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("domain (closure E || ~p)", [F3]), [F3,F4,F5], S),
{ok, _} = eval("components E", [[F1],[F2],[F3,F4,F5]], S),
{ok, _} = eval("components EE", [[F1],[F2],[F3]], S),
%% Simple tests when there is no data
no_data(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
S0 = new(),
S1 = set_up(S0),
{ok, _} = eval("M", [], S1),
{ok, _} = eval("A", [], S1),
{ok, _} = eval("R", [], S1),
ModInfo = #xref_mod{name = m, app_name = []},
S2 = add_module(S1, ModInfo, [], [], [], [], [], []),
AppInfo = #xref_app{name = a, rel_name = []},
S3 = add_application(S2, AppInfo),
RelInfo = #xref_rel{name = r, dir = ""},
S4 = add_release(S3, RelInfo),
S5 = set_up(S4),
{ok, _} = eval("M", [m], S5),
{ok, _} = eval("A", [a], S5),
{ok, _} = eval("R", [r], S5),
%% Modules mode
modules(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
CopyDir = ?copydir,
Dir = fname(CopyDir, "rel2"),
X = fname(Dir, "x.erl"),
Y = fname(Dir, "y.erl"),
A1_1 = fname([Dir,"lib","app1-1.1"]),
A2 = fname([Dir,"lib","app2-1.1"]),
EB1_1 = fname(A1_1, "ebin"),
EB2 = fname(A2, "ebin"),
Xbeam = fname(EB2, "x.beam"),
Ybeam = fname(EB1_1, "y.beam"),
{ok, x} = compile:file(X, [debug_info, {outdir,EB2}]),
{ok, y} = compile:file(Y, [debug_info, {outdir,EB1_1}]),
{ok, S0} = xref_base:new([{xref_mode, modules}]),
{ok, release2, S1} =
xref_base:add_release(S0, Dir, [{name,release2}]),
S = set_up(S1),
{{error, _, {unavailable_analysis, undefined_function_calls}}, _} =
xref_base:analyze(S, undefined_function_calls),
{{error, _, {unavailable_analysis, locals_not_used}}, _} =
xref_base:analyze(S, locals_not_used),
{{error, _, {unavailable_analysis, {call, foo}}}, _} =
xref_base:analyze(S, {call, foo}),
{{error, _, {unavailable_analysis, {use, foo}}}, _} =
xref_base:analyze(S, {use, foo}),
analyze(undefined_functions, [{x,undef,0}], S),
5 = length(xref_base:info(S)),
%% More: all info, conversions.
ok = file:delete(Xbeam),
ok = file:delete(Ybeam),
ok = xref_base:delete(S),
%% Add modules, applications, releases, directories
add(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
CopyDir = ?copydir,
Dir = fname(CopyDir, "rel2"),
UDir = fname([CopyDir,"dir","unreadable"]),
DDir = fname(CopyDir,"dir"),
UFile = fname([DDir, "dir","unreadable.beam"]),
X = fname(Dir, "x.erl"),
Y = fname(Dir, "y.erl"),
A1_1 = fname([Dir,"lib","app1-1.1"]),
A2 = fname([Dir,"lib","app2-1.1"]),
EB1_1 = fname(A1_1, "ebin"),
EB2 = fname(A2, "ebin"),
Xbeam = fname(EB2, "x.beam"),
Ybeam = fname(EB1_1, "y.beam"),
{ok, x} = compile:file(X, [debug_info, {outdir,EB2}]),
{ok, y} = compile:file(Y, [debug_info, {outdir,EB1_1}]),
case os:type() of
{unix, _} ->
_ ->
{error, _, {invalid_options,[not_an_option] }} =
{error, _, {invalid_options,[{verbose,not_a_value}] }} =
S = new(),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[not_an_option]}} =
xref_base:set_up(S, [not_an_option]),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[{builtins,true},not_an_option]}} =
xref_base:add_directory(S, foo, [{builtins,true},not_an_option]),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[{builtins,not_a_value}]}} =
xref_base:add_directory(S, foo, [{builtins,not_a_value}]),
{error, _, {invalid_filename,{foo,bar}}} =
xref_base:add_directory(S, {foo,bar}, []),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[{builtins,true},not_an_option]}} =
xref_base:add_module(S, foo, [{builtins,true},not_an_option]),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[{builtins,not_a_value}]}} =
xref_base:add_module(S, foo, [{builtins,not_a_value}]),
{error, _, {invalid_filename,{foo,bar}}} =
xref_base:add_module(S, {foo,bar}, []),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[{builtins,true},not_an_option]}} =
xref_base:add_application(S, foo, [{builtins,true},not_an_option]),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[{builtins,not_a_value}]}} =
xref_base:add_application(S, foo, [{builtins,not_a_value}]),
{error, _, {invalid_filename,{foo,bar}}} =
xref_base:add_application(S, {foo,bar}, []),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[not_an_option]}} =
xref_base:add_release(S, foo, [not_an_option]),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[{builtins,not_a_value}]}} =
xref_base:add_release(S, foo, [{builtins,not_a_value}]),
{error, _, {invalid_filename,{foo,bar}}} =
xref_base:add_release(S, {foo,bar}, []),
{ok, S1} =
xref_base:set_default(S, [{verbose,false}, {warnings, false}]),
case os:type() of
{unix, _} ->
{error, _, {file_error, _, _}} =
xref_base:add_release(S, UDir);
_ ->
{error, _, {file_error, _, _}} =
xref_base:add_release(S, fname(["/a/b/c/d/e/f","__foo"])),
{ok, release2, S2} =
xref_base:add_release(S1, Dir, [{name,release2}]),
{error, _, {module_clash, {x, _, _}}} =
xref_base:add_module(S2, Xbeam),
{ok, S3} = xref_base:remove_release(S2, release2),
{ok, rel2, S4} = xref_base:add_release(S3, Dir),
{error, _, {release_clash, {rel2, _, _}}} =
xref_base:add_release(S4, Dir),
{ok, S5} = xref_base:remove_release(S4, rel2),
%% One unreadable file and one JAM file found (no verification here):
{ok, [], S6} = xref_base:add_directory(S5, fname(CopyDir,"dir"),
[{recurse,true}, {warnings,true}]),
case os:type() of
{unix, _} ->
{error, _, {file_error, _, _}} =
xref_base:add_directory(S6, UDir);
_ ->
{ok, app1, S7} = xref_base:add_application(S6, A1_1),
{error, _, {application_clash, {app1, _, _}}} =
xref_base:add_application(S7, A1_1),
{ok, S8} = xref_base:remove_application(S7, app1),
ok = xref_base:delete(S8),
ok = file:delete(Xbeam),
ok = file:delete(Ybeam),
case os:type() of
{unix, _} ->
ok = file:del_dir(UDir),
ok = file:delete(UFile);
_ ->
%% Default values of options
default(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
S = new(),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[not_an_option]}} =
xref_base:set_default(S, not_an_option, true),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[{builtins, not_a_value}]}} =
xref_base:set_default(S, builtins, not_a_value),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[not_an_option]}} =
xref_base:get_default(S, not_an_option),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[not_an_option]}} =
xref_base:set_default(S, [not_an_option]),
D = xref_base:get_default(S),
[{builtins,false},{recurse,false},{verbose,false},{warnings,true}] =
ok = xref_base:delete(S),
%% The info functions
info(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
CopyDir = ?copydir,
Dir = fname(CopyDir,"rel2"),
LDir = fname(CopyDir,"lib_test"),
X = fname(Dir, "x.erl"),
Y = fname(Dir, "y.erl"),
A1_1 = fname([Dir,"lib","app1-1.1"]),
A2 = fname([Dir,"lib","app2-1.1"]),
EB1_1 = fname(A1_1, "ebin"),
EB2 = fname(A2, "ebin"),
Xbeam = fname(EB2, "x.beam"),
Ybeam = fname(EB1_1, "y.beam"),
{ok, x} = compile:file(X, [debug_info, {outdir,EB2}]),
{ok, y} = compile:file(Y, [debug_info, {outdir,EB1_1}]),
{ok, _} = start(s),
{error, _, {no_such_info, release}} = xref:info(s, release),
{error, _, {no_such_info, release}} = xref:info(s, release, rel),
{error, _, {no_such_module, mod}} = xref:info(s, modules, mod),
{error, _, {no_such_application, app}} =
xref:info(s, applications, app),
{error, _, {no_such_release, rel}} = xref:info(s, releases, rel),
ok = xref:set_default(s, [{verbose,false}, {warnings, false}]),
{ok, rel2} = xref:add_release(s, Dir),
9 = length(xref:info(s)),
[{x,_}, {y, _}] = xref:info(s, modules),
[{app1,_}, {app2, _}] = xref:info(s, applications),
[{rel2,_}] = xref:info(s, releases),
[] = xref:info(s, libraries),
[{x,_}] = xref:info(s, modules, x),
[{rel2,_}] = xref:info(s, releases, rel2),
{error, _, {no_such_library, foo}} = xref:info(s, libraries, [foo]),
{ok, lib1} =
{ok, lib2} =
ok = xref:set_library_path(s, [LDir], [{verbose,false}]),
[{lib1,_}, {lib2, _}] = xref:info(s, libraries),
[{lib1,_}, {lib2, _}] = xref:info(s, libraries, [lib1,lib2]),
ok = file:delete(fname(LDir, "lib1.beam")),
ok = file:delete(fname(LDir, "lib2.beam")),
ok = file:delete(Xbeam),
ok = file:delete(Ybeam),
%% Library modules
lib(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
CopyDir = ?copydir,
Dir = fname(CopyDir,"lib_test"),
UDir = fname([CopyDir,"dir","non_existent"]),
{ok, lib1} = compile:file(fname(Dir,lib1),[debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, lib2} = compile:file(fname(Dir,lib2),[debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, lib3} = compile:file(fname(Dir,lib3),[debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, t} = compile:file(fname(Dir,t),[debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, _} = start(s),
ok = xref:set_default(s, [{verbose,false}, {warnings, false}]),
{ok, t} = xref:add_module(s, fname(Dir,"t.beam")),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[not_an_option]}} =
xref:set_library_path(s, ["foo"], [not_an_option]),
{error, _, {invalid_path,otp}} = xref:set_library_path(s,otp),
{error, _, {invalid_path,[""]}} = xref:set_library_path(s,[""]),
{error, _, {invalid_path,[[$a | $b]]}} =
xref:set_library_path(s,[[$a | $b]]),
{error, _, {invalid_path,[otp]}} = xref:set_library_path(s,[otp]),
{ok, []} = xref:get_library_path(s),
ok = xref:set_library_path(s, [Dir], [{verbose,false}]),
{ok, UnknownFunctions} = xref:q(s, "U"),
[{lib1,unknown,0}, {lib2,local,0},
{lib2,unknown,0}, {unknown,unknown,0}]
= UnknownFunctions,
{ok, [{lib2,f,0},{lib3,f,0}]} = xref:q(s, "DF"),
{ok, []} = xref:q(s, "DF_1"),
{ok, [{lib2,f,0}]} = xref:q(s, "DF_2"),
{ok, [{lib2,f,0}]} = xref:q(s, "DF_3"),
{ok, [unknown]} = xref:q(s, "UM"),
{ok, UnknownDefAt} = xref:q(s, "(Lin)U"),
[{{lib1,unknown,0},0},{{lib2,local,0},0}, {{lib2,unknown,0},0},
{{unknown,unknown,0},0}] = UnknownDefAt,
{ok, LibFuns} = xref:q(s, "X * LM"),
[{lib2,f,0},{lib3,f,0}] = LibFuns,
{ok, LibMods} = xref:q(s, "LM"),
[lib1,lib2,lib3] = LibMods,
{ok, [{{lib2,f,0},0},{{lib3,f,0},0}]} = xref:q(s, "(Lin) (LM * X)"),
{ok, [{{lib1,unknown,0},0}, {{lib2,f,0},0}, {{lib2,local,0},0},
{{lib2,unknown,0},0}, {{lib3,f,0},0}]} = xref:q(s,"(Lin)LM"),
{ok,[lib1,lib2,lib3,t,unknown]} = xref:q(s,"M"),
{ok,[{lib2,f,0},{lib3,f,0},{t,t,0}]} = xref:q(s,"X * M"),
copy_file(fname(Dir, "lib1.erl"), fname(Dir,"lib1.beam")),
ok = xref:set_library_path(s, [Dir]),
{error, _, _} = xref:q(s, "U"),
%% OTP-3921. AM and LM not always disjoint.
{ok, lib1} = compile:file(fname(Dir,lib1),[debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, lib1} = xref:add_module(s, fname(Dir,"lib1.beam")),
{error, _, {file_error, _, _}} = xref:set_library_path(s, [UDir]),
ok = file:delete(fname(Dir, "lib1.beam")),
ok = file:delete(fname(Dir, "lib2.beam")),
ok = file:delete(fname(Dir, "lib3.beam")),
ok = file:delete(fname(Dir, "t.beam")),
{ok, cp} = compile:file(fname(Dir,cp),[debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, _} = start(s),
ok = xref:set_default(s, [{verbose,false}, {warnings, false}]),
{ok, cp} = xref:add_module(s, fname(Dir,"cp.beam")),
{ok, [{lists, sort, 1}]} = xref:q(s, "U"),
ok = xref:set_library_path(s, code_path),
{ok, []} = xref:q(s, "U"),
ok = file:delete(fname(Dir, "cp.beam")),
%% Data read from the Abstract Code
read(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
CopyDir = ?copydir,
Dir = fname(CopyDir,"read"),
File = fname(Dir, "read"),
Beam = fname(Dir, "read.beam"),
{ok, read} = compile:file(File, [debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
do_read(File, abstract_v2),
copy_file(fname(Dir, "read.beam.v1"), Beam),
do_read(File, abstract_v1),
ok = file:delete(Beam),
do_read(File, Version) ->
{ok, _} = start(s),
ok = xref:set_default(s, [{verbose,false}, {warnings, false}]),
{ok, read} = xref:add_module(s, File),
{U, OK, OKB} = read_expected(Version),
%% {ok, UC} = xref:q(s, "(Lin) UC"),
%% RR = to_external(converse(family_to_relation(family(UC)))),
%% lists:foreach(fun(X) -> io:format("~w~n", [X]) end, RR),
Unres = to_external(relation_to_family(converse(from_term(U)))),
{ok, Unres} = xref:q(s, "(Lin) UC"),
%% {ok, EE} = xref:q(s, "(Lin) (E - UC)"),
%% AA = to_external(converse(family_to_relation(family(EE)))),
%% lists:foreach(fun(X) -> io:format("~w~n", [X]) end, AA),
Calls = to_external(relation_to_family(converse(from_term(OK)))),
{ok, Calls} = xref:q(s, "(Lin) (E - UC) "),
ok = check_state(s),
{ok, UM} = xref:q(s, "UM"),
true = member('$M_EXPR', UM),
{ok, X} = xref:q(s, "X"),
true = member({read, module_info, 0}, X),
false = member({foo, module_info, 0}, X),
false = member({erlang, module_info, 0}, X),
{ok, Unknowns} = xref:q(s, "U"),
false = member({read, module_info, 0}, Unknowns),
true = member({foo, module_info, 0}, Unknowns),
true = member({erlang, module_info, 0}, Unknowns),
{ok, LC} = xref:q(s, "LC"),
true = member({{read,bi,0},{read,bi,0}}, LC),
ok = xref:set_library_path(s, add_erts_code_path(fname(code:lib_dir(kernel),ebin))),
io:format("~p~n",[(catch xref:get_library_path(s))]),
{ok, X2} = xref:q(s, "X"),
ok = check_state(s),
true = member({read, module_info, 0}, X2),
false = member({foo, module_info, 0}, X2),
true = member({erlang, module_info, 0}, X2),
{ok, Unknowns2} = xref:q(s, "U"),
false = member({read, module_info, 0}, Unknowns2),
true = member({foo, module_info, 0}, Unknowns2),
false = member({erlang, module_info, 0}, Unknowns2),
ok = xref:remove_module(s, read),
{ok, read} = xref:add_module(s, File, [{builtins,true}]),
UnresB = to_external(relation_to_family(converse(from_term(U)))),
{ok, UnresB} = xref:q(s, "(Lin) UC"),
CallsB = to_external(relation_to_family(converse(from_term(OKB)))),
{ok, CallsB} = xref:q(s, "(Lin) (E - UC) "),
ok = check_state(s),
{ok, XU} = xref:q(s, "XU"),
Erl = set([{erlang,length,1},{erlang,integer,1},
[{erlang,binary_to_term,1},{erlang,length,1}] =
to_external(intersection(set(XU), Erl)),
%% What is expected when xref_SUITE_data/read/read.erl is added:
read_expected(Version) ->
%% Line positions in xref_SUITE_data/read/read.erl:
POS1 = 28, POS2 = POS1+10, POS3 = POS2+6, POS4 = POS3+6, POS5 = POS4+10,
POS6 = POS5+5, POS7 = POS6+6, POS8 = POS7+6, POS9 = POS8+8,
POS10 = POS9+10, POS11 = POS10+7, POS12 = POS11+8, POS13 = POS12+10,
POS14 = POS13+18, POS15 = POS14+23,
FF = {read,funfuns,0},
U = [{POS1+5,{FF,{dist,'$F_EXPR',0}}},
O1 = [{20,{{read,lc,0},{ets,new,0}}},
OK = case Version of
abstract_v1 ->
++ O1;
_ ->
%% When builtins =:= true:
OKB1 = [{POS13+1,{FF,{erts_debug,apply,4}}},
{POS1+3, {FF,{erlang,binary_to_term,1}}},
{POS3+1, {FF,{erlang,spawn,3}}},
{POS3+2, {FF,{erlang,spawn,3}}},
{POS3+3, {FF,{erlang,spawn_link,3}}},
{POS3+4, {FF,{erlang,spawn_link,3}}},
{POS6+4, {FF,{erlang,spawn,3}}},
{POS13+5, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,length,1}}},
{POS14+3, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,length,1}}}],
%% Operators (OTP-8647):
OKB = case Version of
abstract_v1 ->
[{POS8+3, {FF,{erlang,apply,3}}},
{POS10+1, {FF,{erlang,apply,3}}},
{POS10+6, {FF,{erlang,apply,3}}}];
_ ->
[{POS13+16, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,'!',2}}},
{POS13+16, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,'-',1}}},
{POS13+16, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,self,0}}},
{POS15+1, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,'>',2}}},
{POS15+2, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,'-',2}}},
{POS15+2, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,'*',2}}},
{POS15+8, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,'/',2}}}]
++ [{POS14+19, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,'+',2}}},
{POS14+21, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,'+',2}}},
{POS13+16, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,'==',2}}},
{POS14+15, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,'==',2}}},
{POS13+5, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,'>',2}}},
{POS14+3, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,'>',2}}}]
++ OKB1 ++ OK,
{U, OK, OKB}.
%% Data read from the Abstract Code (cont)
read2(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
%% Handles the spawn_opt versions added in R9 (OTP-4180).
%% Expected augmentations: try/catch, cond.
CopyDir = ?copydir,
Dir = fname(CopyDir,"read"),
File = fname(Dir, "read2.erl"),
MFile = fname(Dir, "read2"),
Beam = fname(Dir, "read2.beam"),
Test = <<"-module(read2).
f() ->
spawn_opt({read2,f}, % POS2
spawn_opt(fun() -> foo end, [link]),
{read2,f}, [{min_heap_size,1000}]),
fun() -> f() end, [flopp]),
read2, f, [], []);
f() ->
%% Duplicated unresolved calls are ignored:
(f())(foo,bar),(f())(foo,bar). % POS1
%% Warning forms must be ignored.
ok = file:write_file(File, Test),
{ok, read2} = compile:file(File, [debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, _} = xref:start(s),
{ok, read2} = xref:add_module(s, MFile),
{U0, OK0} = read2_expected(),
U = to_external(relation_to_family(converse(from_term(U0)))),
OK = to_external(relation_to_family(converse(from_term(OK0)))),
{ok, U2} = xref:q(s, "(Lin) UC"),
{ok, OK2} = xref:q(s, "(Lin) (E - UC)"),
true = U =:= U2,
true = OK =:= OK2,
ok = check_state(s),
ok = file:delete(File),
ok = file:delete(Beam),
read2_expected() ->
POS1 = 16,
POS2 = 5,
FF = {read2,f,0},
U = [{POS1,{FF,{'$M_EXPR','$F_EXPR',2}}}],
OK = [{POS2,{FF,{erlang,spawn_opt,2}}},
{U, OK}.
%% Remove modules, applications, releases
remove(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
S = new(),
{error, _, {no_such_module, mod}} =
xref_base:remove_module(S, mod),
{error, _, {no_such_application, app}} =
xref_base:remove_application(S, app),
{error, _, {no_such_release, rel}} =
xref_base:remove_release(S, rel),
ok = xref_base:delete(S),
%% Replace modules, applications, releases
replace(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
CopyDir = ?copydir,
Dir = fname(CopyDir,"rel2"),
X = fname(Dir, "x.erl"),
Y = fname(Dir, "y.erl"),
A1_0 = fname(Dir, fname("lib","app1-1.0")),
A1_1 = fname(Dir, fname("lib","app1-1.1")),
A2 = fname(Dir, fname("lib","app2-1.1")),
EB1_0 = fname(A1_0, "ebin"),
EB1_1 = fname(A1_1, "ebin"),
Xbeam = fname(EB1_1, "x.beam"),
Ybeam = fname(EB1_1, "y.beam"),
{ok, x} = compile:file(X, [debug_info, {outdir,EB1_0}]),
{ok, x} = compile:file(X, [debug_info, {outdir,EB1_1}]),
{ok, y} = compile:file(Y, [debug_info, {outdir,EB1_1}]),
{ok, _} = start(s),
{ok, false} = xref:set_default(s, verbose, false),
{ok, true} = xref:set_default(s, warnings, false),
{ok, rel2} = xref:add_release(s, Dir, []),
{error, _, _} = xref:replace_application(s, app1, "no_data"),
{error, _, {no_such_application, app12}} =
xref:replace_application(s, app12, A1_0, []),
{error, _, {invalid_filename,{foo,bar}}} =
xref:replace_application(s, app1, {foo,bar}, []),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[not_an_option]}} =
xref:replace_application(s, foo, bar, [not_an_option]),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[{builtins,not_a_value}]}} =
xref:replace_application(s, foo, bar, [{builtins,not_a_value}]),
{ok, app1} =
xref:replace_application(s, app1, A1_0),
[{_, AppInfo}] = xref:info(s, applications, app1),
{value, {release, [rel2]}} = keysearch(release, 1, AppInfo),
{error, _, {no_such_module, xx}} =
xref:replace_module(s, xx, Xbeam, []),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[{builtins,true},not_an_option]}} =
xref:replace_module(s, foo, bar,[{builtins,true},not_an_option]),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[{builtins,not_a_value}]}} =
xref:replace_module(s, foo, bar, [{builtins,not_a_value}]),
{error, _, {invalid_filename,{foo,bar}}} =
xref:replace_module(s, x, {foo,bar}),
{ok, x} = xref:replace_module(s, x, Xbeam),
[{x, ModInfo}] = xref:info(s, modules, x),
{value, {application, [app1]}} =
keysearch(application, 1, ModInfo),
{ok, x} = compile:file(X, [no_debug_info, {outdir,EB1_1}]),
{error, _, {no_debug_info, _}} = xref:replace_module(s, x, Xbeam),
{error, _, {module_mismatch, x,y}} =
xref:replace_module(s, x, Ybeam),
case os:type() of
{unix, _} ->
{error, _, {file_error, _, _}} =
xref:replace_module(s, x, Ybeam);
_ ->
ok = xref:remove_module(s, x),
{error, _, {no_debug_info, _}} = xref:add_module(s, Xbeam),
%% "app2" is ignored, the old application name is kept
{ok, app1} = xref:replace_application(s, app1, A2),
ok = file:delete(fname(EB1_0, "x.beam")),
ok = file:delete(Xbeam),
ok = file:delete(Ybeam),
%% The update() function
update(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
CopyDir = ?copydir,
Dir = fname(CopyDir,"update"),
Source = fname(Dir, "x.erl"),
Beam = fname(Dir, "x.beam"),
copy_file(fname(Dir, "x.erl.1"), Source),
{ok, x} = compile:file(Source, [debug_info, {outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, _} = start(s),
ok = xref:set_default(s, [{verbose,false}, {warnings, false}]),
{ok, [x]} = xref:add_directory(s, Dir, [{builtins,true}]),
{error, _, {invalid_options,[not_an_option]}} =
xref:update(s, [not_an_option]),
{ok, []} = xref:update(s),
{ok, [{erlang,atom_to_list,1}]} = xref:q(s, "XU"),
[{x, ModInfo}] = xref:info(s, modules, x),
case keysearch(directory, 1, ModInfo) of
{value, {directory, Dir}} -> ok
timer:sleep(2000), % make sure modification time has changed
copy_file(fname(Dir, "x.erl.2"), Source),
{ok, x} = compile:file(Source, [debug_info, {outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, [x]} = xref:update(s, []),
{ok, [{erlang,list_to_atom,1}]} = xref:q(s, "XU"),
{ok, x} = compile:file(Source, [no_debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{error, _, {no_debug_info, _}} = xref:update(s),
ok = file:delete(Beam),
ok = file:delete(Source),
%% OTP-4695: Deprecated functions.
deprecated(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
Dir = ?copydir,
File = fname(Dir, "depr.erl"),
MFile_r9c = fname(Dir, "depr_r9c"),
MFile = fname(Dir, "depr"),
Beam = fname(Dir, "depr.beam"),
%% This file has been compiled to ?datadir/depr_r9c.beam
%% using the R9C compiler. From R10B and onwards the linter
%% checks the 'deprecated' attribute as well.
% Test = <<"-module(depr).
% -export([t/0,f/1,bar/2,f/2,g/3]).
% -deprecated([{f,1}, % DF
% {bar,2,eventually}]). % DF_3
% -deprecated([{f,1,next_major_release}]). % DF_2 (again)
% -deprecated([{frutt,0,next_version}]). % message...
% -deprecated([{f,2,next_major_release}, % DF_2
% {g,3,next_version}, % DF_1
% {ignored,10,100}]). % message...
% -deprecated([{does_not_exist,1}]). % message...
% -deprecated(foo). % message...
% t() ->
% frutt(1),
% g(1,2, 3),
% ?MODULE:f(10).
% f(A) ->
% ?MODULE:f(A,A).
% f(X, Y) ->
% ?MODULE:g(X, Y, X).
% g(F, G, H) ->
% ?MODULE:bar(F, {G,H}).
% bar(_, _) ->
% true.
% frutt(_) ->
% frutt().
% frutt() ->
% true.
% ">>,
% ok = file:write_file(File, Test),
% {ok, depr_r9c} = compile:file(File, [debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, _} = xref:start(s),
{ok, depr_r9c} = xref:add_module(s, MFile_r9c),
M9 = depr_r9c,
DF_1 = usort([{{M9,f,2},{M9,g,3}}]),
DF_2 = usort(DF_1++[{{M9,f,1},{M9,f,2}},{{M9,t,0},{M9,f,1}}]),
DF_3 = usort(DF_2++[{{M9,g,3},{M9,bar,2}}]),
DF = usort(DF_3++[{{M9,t,0},{M9,f,1}}]),
{ok,DF} = xref:analyze(s, deprecated_function_calls),
{ok,DF_1} =
xref:analyze(s, {deprecated_function_calls,next_version}),
{ok,DF_2} =
xref:analyze(s, {deprecated_function_calls,next_major_release}),
{ok,DF_3} =
xref:analyze(s, {deprecated_function_calls,eventually}),
D = to_external(range(from_term(DF))),
D_1 = to_external(range(from_term(DF_1))),
D_2 = to_external(range(from_term(DF_2))),
D_3 = to_external(range(from_term(DF_3))),
{ok,D} = xref:analyze(s, deprecated_functions),
{ok,D_1} =
xref:analyze(s, {deprecated_functions,next_version}),
{ok,D_2} =
xref:analyze(s, {deprecated_functions,next_major_release}),
{ok,D_3} =
xref:analyze(s, {deprecated_functions,eventually}),
ok = check_state(s),
Test2= <<"-module(depr).
-deprecated([{'_','_',eventually}]). % DF_3
-deprecated([{f,'_',next_major_release}]). % DF_2
-deprecated([{g,'_',next_version}]). % DF_1
-deprecated([{bar,2}]). % DF
t() ->
g(1,2, 3),
f(A) ->
f(X, Y) ->
?MODULE:g(X, Y, X).
g(F, G, H) ->
?MODULE:bar(F, {G,H}).
bar(_, _) ->
ok = file:write_file(File, Test2),
{ok, depr} = compile:file(File, [debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, _} = xref:start(s),
{ok, depr} = xref:add_module(s, MFile),
M = depr,
DFa_1 = usort([{{M,f,2},{M,g,3}}]),
DFa_2 = usort(DFa_1++[{{M,f,1},{M,f,2}},{{M,t,0},{M,f,1}}]),
DFa_3 = usort(DFa_2++[{{M,bar,2},{M,t,0}},{{M,g,3},{M,bar,2}}]),
DFa = DFa_3,
{ok,DFa} = xref:analyze(s, deprecated_function_calls),
{ok,DFa_1} =
xref:analyze(s, {deprecated_function_calls,next_version}),
{ok,DFa_2} =
xref:analyze(s, {deprecated_function_calls,next_major_release}),
{ok,DFa_3} =
xref:analyze(s, {deprecated_function_calls,eventually}),
ok = check_state(s),
%% All of the module is deprecated.
Test3= <<"-module(depr).
-deprecated([{f,'_',next_major_release}]). % DF_2
-deprecated([{g,'_',next_version}]). % DF_1
-deprecated(module). % DF
t() ->
g(1,2, 3),
f(A) ->
f(X, Y) ->
?MODULE:g(X, Y, X).
g(F, G, H) ->
?MODULE:bar(F, {G,H}).
bar(_, _) ->
ok = file:write_file(File, Test3),
{ok, depr} = compile:file(File, [debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, _} = xref:start(s),
{ok, depr} = xref:add_module(s, MFile),
DFb_1 = usort([{{M,f,2},{M,g,3}}]),
DFb_2 = usort(DFb_1++[{{M,f,1},{M,f,2}},{{M,t,0},{M,f,1}}]),
DFb_3 = DFb_2,
DFb = usort(DFb_2++[{{M,bar,2},{M,t,0}},{{M,g,3},{M,bar,2}}]),
{ok,DFb} = xref:analyze(s, deprecated_function_calls),
{ok,DFb_1} =
xref:analyze(s, {deprecated_function_calls,next_version}),
{ok,DFb_2} =
xref:analyze(s, {deprecated_function_calls,next_major_release}),
{ok,DFb_3} =
xref:analyze(s, {deprecated_function_calls,eventually}),
ok = check_state(s),
ok = file:delete(File),
ok = file:delete(Beam),
%% OTP-5152: try/catch, final (?) version.
trycatch(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
Dir = ?copydir,
File = fname(Dir, "trycatch.erl"),
MFile = fname(Dir, "trycatch"),
Beam = fname(Dir, "trycatch.beam"),
Test = <<"-module(trycatch).
trycatch() ->
bar:foo() of
1 -> foo:foo();
2 -> bar:bar()
error:a -> err:e1();
error:b -> err:e2()
ok = file:write_file(File, Test),
{ok, trycatch} = compile:file(File, [debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, _} = xref:start(s),
{ok, trycatch} = xref:add_module(s, MFile),
A = trycatch,
{{{A,A,0},{foo,foo,0}},[9]}]} =
xref:q(s, "(Lin) (E | trycatch:trycatch/0)"),
ok = check_state(s),
ok = file:delete(File),
ok = file:delete(Beam),
%% OTP-5653: fun M:F/A.
fun_mfa(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
Dir = ?copydir,
File = fname(Dir, "fun_mfa.erl"),
MFile = fname(Dir, "fun_mfa"),
Beam = fname(Dir, "fun_mfa.beam"),
Test = <<"-module(fun_mfa).
-export([t/0, t1/0, t2/0, t3/0]).
t() ->
F = fun ?MODULE:t/0,
t1() ->
F = fun t/0,
t2() ->
fun ?MODULE:t/0().
t3() ->
fun t3/0().
ok = file:write_file(File, Test),
A = fun_mfa,
{ok, A} = compile:file(File, [debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, _} = xref:start(s),
{ok, A} = xref:add_module(s, MFile, {warnings,false}),
{ok, [{{{A,t,0},{'$M_EXPR','$F_EXPR',0}},[7]},
{{{A,t3,0},{fun_mfa,t3,0}},[17]}]} =
xref:q(s, "(Lin) E"),
ok = check_state(s),
ok = file:delete(File),
ok = file:delete(Beam),
%% Same as the previous test case, except that we use a BEAM file
%% that was compiled by an R14 compiler to test backward compatibility.
fun_mfa_r14(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
Dir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Conf),
MFile = fname(Dir, "fun_mfa_r14"),
A = fun_mfa_r14,
{ok, _} = xref:start(s),
{ok, A} = xref:add_module(s, MFile, {warnings,false}),
{ok, [{{{A,t,0},{'$M_EXPR','$F_EXPR',0}},[7]},
{{{A,t3,0},{A,t3,0}},[17]}]} =
xref:q(s, "(Lin) E"),
ok = check_state(s),
%% fun M:F/A with varibles.
fun_mfa_vars(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
Dir = ?copydir,
File = fname(Dir, "fun_mfa_vars.erl"),
MFile = fname(Dir, "fun_mfa_vars"),
Beam = fname(Dir, "fun_mfa_vars.beam"),
Test = <<"-module(fun_mfa_vars).
-export([t/1, t1/1, t2/3]).
t(Mod) ->
F = fun Mod:bar/2,
(F)(a, b).
t1(Name) ->
F = fun ?MODULE:Name/1,
t2(Mod, Name, Arity) ->
F = fun Mod:Name/Arity,
t3(Arity) ->
F = fun ?MODULE:t/Arity,
(F)(1, 2, 3).
t4(Mod, Name) ->
F = fun Mod:Name/3,
(F)(a, b, c).
t5(Mod, Arity) ->
F = fun Mod:t/Arity,
ok = file:write_file(File, Test),
A = fun_mfa_vars,
{ok, A} = compile:file(File, [report,debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, _} = xref:start(s),
{ok, A} = xref:add_module(s, MFile, {warnings,false}),
{ok, [{{{A,t,1},{'$M_EXPR','$F_EXPR',2}},[7]},
{{{A,t5,2},{'$M_EXPR',t,-1}},[26]}]} =
xref:q(s, "(Lin) E"),
ok = check_state(s),
ok = file:delete(File),
ok = file:delete(Beam),
%% OTP-5195: A bug fix when using qlc:q/1,2.
qlc(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
Dir = ?copydir,
File = fname(Dir, "qlc.erl"),
MFile = fname(Dir, "qlc"),
Beam = fname(Dir, "qlc.beam"),
Test = <<"-module(qlc).
t() ->
dets:open_file(t, []),
dets:insert(t, [{1,a},{2,b},{3,c},{4,d}]),
MS = ets:fun2ms(fun({X,Y}) when (X > 1) or (X < 5) -> {Y}
QH1 = dets:table(t, [{traverse, {select, MS}}]),
QH2 = qlc:q([{Y} || {X,Y} <- dets:table(t),
(X > 1) or (X < 5)]),
true = qlc:info(QH1) =:= qlc:info(QH2),
ok = file:write_file(File, Test),
A = qlc,
{ok, A} = compile:file(File, [debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, _} = xref:start(s),
{ok, A} = xref:add_module(s, MFile, {warnings,false}),
{ok, _} = xref:q(s, "(Lin) E"), % is can be loaded
ok = check_state(s),
ok = file:delete(File),
ok = file:delete(Beam),
%% Simple analyses
analyze(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
S0 = new(),
{{error, _, {invalid_options,[not_an_option]}}, _} =
xref_base:analyze(S0, undefined_function_calls, [not_an_option]),
{{error, _, {invalid_query,{q}}}, _} = xref_base:q(S0,{q}),
{{error, _, {unknown_analysis,foo}}, _} = xref_base:analyze(S0, foo),
{{error, _, {unknown_constant,"foo:bar/-1"}}, _} =
xref_base:analyze(S0, {use,{foo,bar,-1}}),
CopyDir = ?copydir,
Dir = fname(CopyDir,"rel2"),
X = fname(Dir, "x.erl"),
Y = fname(Dir, "y.erl"),
A1_1 = fname([Dir,"lib","app1-1.1"]),
A2 = fname([Dir,"lib","app2-1.1"]),
EB1_1 = fname(A1_1, "ebin"),
EB2 = fname(A2, "ebin"),
Xbeam = fname(EB2, "x.beam"),
Ybeam = fname(EB1_1, "y.beam"),
{ok, x} = compile:file(X, [debug_info, {outdir,EB2}]),
{ok, y} = compile:file(Y, [debug_info, {outdir,EB1_1}]),
{ok, rel2, S1} = xref_base:add_release(S0, Dir, [{verbose,false}]),
S = set_up(S1),
{ok, _} = analyze(undefined_function_calls, [{{x,xx,0},{x,undef,0}}], S),
{ok, _} = analyze(undefined_functions, [{x,undef,0}], S),
{ok, _} = analyze(locals_not_used, [{x,l,0},{x,l1,0}], S),
{ok, _} = analyze(exports_not_used, [{x,xx,0},{y,t,0}], S),
{ok, _} = analyze(deprecated_function_calls, [{{y,t,0},{x,t,0}}], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({deprecated_function_calls,next_version}, [], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({deprecated_function_calls,next_major_release}, [], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({deprecated_function_calls,eventually},
[{{y,t,0},{x,t,0}}], S),
{ok, _} = analyze(deprecated_functions, [{x,t,0}], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({deprecated_functions,next_version}, [], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({deprecated_functions,next_major_release}, [], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({deprecated_functions,eventually}, [{x,t,0}], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({call, {x,xx,0}}, [{x,undef,0}], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({call, [{x,xx,0},{x,l,0}]}, [{x,l1,0},{x,undef,0}], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({use, {x,l,0}}, [{x,l1,0}], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({use, [{x,l,0},{x,l1,0}]}, [{x,l,0},{x,l1,0}], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({module_call, x}, [x], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({module_call, [x,y]}, [x], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({module_use, x}, [x,y], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({module_use, [x,y]}, [x,y], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({application_call, app1}, [app2], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({application_call, [app1,app2]}, [app2], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({application_use, app2}, [app1,app2], S),
{ok, _} = analyze({application_use, [app1,app2]}, [app1,app2], S),
ok = xref_base:delete(S),
ok = file:delete(Xbeam),
ok = file:delete(Ybeam),
%% Use of operators
basic(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
S0 = new(),
F1 = {m1,f1,1},
F6 = {m1,f2,6}, % X
F2 = {m2,f1,2},
F3 = {m2,f2,3}, % X
F7 = {m2,f3,7}, % X
F4 = {m3,f1,4}, % X
F5 = {m3,f2,5},
UF1 = {m1,f12,17},
UF2 = {m17,f17,177},
E1 = {F1,F3}, % X
E2 = {F6,F7}, % X
E3 = {F2,F6}, % X
E4 = {F1,F4}, % X
E5 = {F4,F5},
E6 = {F7,F4}, % X
E7 = {F1,F6},
UE1 = {F2,UF2}, % X
UE2 = {F5,UF1}, % X
D1 = {F1,12},
D6 = {F6,3},
DefAt_m1 = [D1,D6],
X_m1 = [F6],
% L_m1 = [F1],
XC_m1 = [E1,E2,E4],
LC_m1 = [E7],
LCallAt_m1 = [{E7,12}],
XCallAt_m1 = [{E1,13},{E2,17},{E4,7}],
Info1 = #xref_mod{name = m1, app_name = [a1]},
S1 = add_module(S0, Info1, DefAt_m1, X_m1, LCallAt_m1, XCallAt_m1,
XC_m1, LC_m1),
D2 = {F2,7},
D3 = {F3,9},
D7 = {F7,19},
DefAt_m2 = [D2,D3,D7],
X_m2 = [F3,F7],
% L_m2 = [F2],
XC_m2 = [E3,E6,UE1],
LC_m2 = [],
LCallAt_m2 = [],
XCallAt_m2 = [{E3,96},{E6,12},{UE1,77}],
Info2 = #xref_mod{name = m2, app_name = [a2]},
S2 = add_module(S1, Info2, DefAt_m2, X_m2, LCallAt_m2, XCallAt_m2,
XC_m2, LC_m2),
D4 = {F4,6},
D5 = {F5,97},
DefAt_m3 = [D4,D5],
X_m3 = [F4],
% L_m3 = [F5],
XC_m3 = [UE2],
LC_m3 = [E5],
LCallAt_m3 = [{E5,19}],
XCallAt_m3 = [{UE2,22}],
Info3 = #xref_mod{name = m3, app_name = [a3]},
S3 = add_module(S2, Info3, DefAt_m3, X_m3, LCallAt_m3, XCallAt_m3,
XC_m3, LC_m3),
Info4 = #xref_mod{name = m4, app_name = [a2]},
S4 = add_module(S3, Info4, [], [], [], [], [], []),
AppInfo1 = #xref_app{name = a1, rel_name = [r1]},
S9 = add_application(S4, AppInfo1),
AppInfo2 = #xref_app{name = a2, rel_name = [r1]},
S10 = add_application(S9, AppInfo2),
AppInfo3 = #xref_app{name = a3, rel_name = [r2]},
S11 = add_application(S10, AppInfo3),
RelInfo1 = #xref_rel{name = r1},
S12 = add_release(S11, RelInfo1),
RelInfo2 = #xref_rel{name = r2},
S13 = add_release(S12, RelInfo2),
S = set_up(S13),
{ok, _} = eval("[m1,m2] + m:f/1", unknown_constant, S),
{ok, _} = eval("[m1, m2, m:f/1]", type_mismatch, S),
{ok, _} = eval("[m1, m1->m2]", type_mismatch, S),
{ok, _} = eval("components:f/1", unknown_constant, S),
{ok, _} = eval("'of':f/1", unknown_constant, S),
{ok, _} = eval("of:f/1", parse_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("components", unknown_constant, S),
{ok, _} = eval("[components, of, closure]", parse_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("[components, 'of', closure]", unknown_constant, S),
{ok, _} = eval("[a1->a2,m1->m2]", type_mismatch, S),
{ok, _} = eval("a1->a2,m1->m2", parse_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("m1->a1", type_mismatch, S),
{ok, _} = eval("[{m1,f1,1}] : App", parse_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("[{m1,f1,1}] : Fun", [F1], S),
{ok, _} = eval("range X", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("domain X", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("range M", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("domain M", type_error, S),
% Misc.
{ok, _} = eval("not_a_prefix_operator m1", parse_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Mod) ~p", [[F1,F6,F5]]), [m1,m3], S),
{ok, _} = eval("(Lin) M - (Lin) m1",
[{F2,7},{F3,9},{F7,19},{F4,6},{F5,97},{UF2,0}], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(Lin) M * (Lin) ~p", [[F1,F6]]),
[{F1,12},{F6,3}], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("X * ~p", [[F1, F2, F3, F4, F5]]), [F3, F4], S),
{ok, _} = eval("X", [F6,F3,F7,F4], S),
{ok, _} = eval("X * AM", [F6,F3,F7,F4], S),
{ok, _} = eval("X * a2", [F3,F7], S),
{ok, _} = eval("L * r1", [F1,F2], S),
{ok, _} = eval("U", [UF1, UF2], S),
{ok, _} = eval("U * AM", [UF1], S),
{ok, _} = eval("U * UM", [UF2], S),
{ok, _} = eval("XU * [m1, m2]", [F6,F3,F7,UF1], S),
{ok, _} = eval("LU * [m3, m4]", [F5], S),
{ok, _} = eval("UU", [F1,F2], S),
{ok, _} = eval("XC | m1", [E1,E2,E4], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("XC | ~p", [F1]), [E1,E4], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(XXL) (Lin) (XC | ~p)", [F1]),
{ok, _} = eval(f("XC | (~p + ~p)", [F1, F2]), [E1,E4,E3,UE1], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("(XXL) (Lin) (XC | ~p)", [F1]),
[{{D1,D3},[13]},{{D1,D4},[7]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("LC | m3", [E5], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("LC | ~p", [F1]), [E7], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("LC | (~p + ~p)", [F1, F4]), [E7, E5], S),
{ok, _} = eval("E | m1", [E1,E2,E4,E7], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("E | ~p", [F1]), [E1,E7,E4], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("E | (~p + ~p)", [F1, F2]), [E1,E7,E4,E3,UE1], S),
{ok, _} = eval("XC || m1", [E3,UE2], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("XC || ~p", [F6]), [E3], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("XC || (~p + ~p)", [F4, UF2]), [UE1,E4,E6], S),
{ok, _} = eval("LC || m3", [E5], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("LC || ~p", [F1]), [], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("LC || ~p", [F6]), [E7], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("LC || (~p + ~p)", [F5, F6]), [E7,E5], S),
{ok, _} = eval("E || m1", [E3,UE2,E7], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("E || ~p", [F6]), [E3,E7], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("E || (~p + ~p)", [F3,F4]), [E1,E4,E6], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("~p + ~p", [F1,F2]), [F1,F2], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("~p * ~p", [m1,[F1,F6,F2]]), [F1,F6], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("~p * ~p", [F1,F2]), [], S),
%% range, domain
{ok, _} = eval("range (E || m1)", [F6,UF1], S),
{ok, _} = eval("domain (E || m1)", [F1,F2,F5], S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("E | domain ~p", [[E1, {F2,F4}]]),
[E1,E7,E4,E3,UE1], S),
%% components, condensation, use, call
{ok, _} = eval("(Lin) components E", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("components (Lin) E", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("components V", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("components E + components E", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval(f("range (closure E | ~p)", [[F1,F2]]),
[F6,F3,F7,F4,F5,UF1,UF2], S),
{ok, _} =
eval(f("domain (closure E || ~p)", [[UF2,F7]]), [F1,F2,F6], S),
{ok, _} = eval("components E", [], S),
{ok, _} = eval("components (Mod) E", [[m1,m2,m3]], S),
{ok, _} = eval("components closure (Mod) E", [[m1,m2,m3]], S),
{ok, _} = eval("condensation (Mod) E",
[{[m1,m2,m3],[m17]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("condensation closure (Mod) E",
[{[m1,m2,m3],[m17]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("condensation closure closure closure (Mod) E",
[{[m1,m2,m3],[m17]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("weak condensation (Mod) E",
[{[m1,m2,m3],[m1,m2,m3]},{[m1,m2,m3],[m17]},{[m17],[m17]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("strict condensation (Mod) E",
[{[m1,m2,m3],[m17]}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("range condensation (Mod) E",
[[m17]], S),
{ok, _} = eval("domain condensation (Mod) E",
[[m1,m2,m3]], S),
%% |, ||, |||
{ok, _} = eval("(Lin) E || V", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("E ||| (Lin) V", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("E ||| m1", [E7], S),
{ok, _} = eval("closure E ||| m1", [E7,{F1,UF1},{F6,UF1}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("closure E ||| [m1,m2]",
[{F1,UF1},{F2,F7},{F1,F7},{F6,UF1},{F2,UF1},{F7,UF1},E7,E1,E2,E3], S),
{ok, _} = eval("AE | a1", [{a1,a1},{a1,a2},{a1,a3}], S),
%% path ('of')
{ok, _} = eval("(Lin) {m1,m2} of E", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("{m1,m2} of (Lin) E", type_error, S),
[m1,m2] = eval("{m1,m2} of {m1,m2}", S),
{ok, _} = eval("{m1,m2} of m1", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("{a3,m1} of ME", type_mismatch, S),
[m1,m1] = eval("{m1} of ME", S),
[m1,m1] = eval("{m1} of closure closure ME", S),
false = eval("{m17} of ME", S),
[m2,m1,m2] = eval("{m2} : Mod of ME", S),
[m1,m2,m17] = eval("{m1, m17} of ME", S),
[m1,m2,m17] = eval("m1 -> m17 of ME", S),
{ok, _} = eval("[m1->m17,m17->m1] of ME", type_error, S),
case eval(f("~p of E", [{F1,F7,UF1}]), S) of
[F1,F6,F7,F4,F5,UF1] -> ok
[a2,a1,a2] = eval("{a2} of AE", S),
%% weak/strict
{ok, _} = eval("weak {m1,m2}", [{m1,m1},{m1,m2},{m2,m2}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("strict [{m1,m1},{m1,m2},{m2,m2}]", [{m1,m2}], S),
{ok, _} = eval("range weak [{m1,m2}] : Mod", [m1,m2], S),
{ok, _} = eval("domain strict [{m1,m1},{m1,m2},{m2,m2}]", [m1], S),
%% #, number of
{ok, _} = eval("# [{r1,r2}] : Rel", 1, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# [{a3,a1}] : App", 1, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# AE", 7, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# ME", 8, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# AE + # ME", 15, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# AE * # ME", 56, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# AE - # ME", -1, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# E", 9, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# V", 9, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# (Lin) E", 9, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# (ELin) E", 7, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# closure E", type_error, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# weak {m1,m2}", 3, S),
{ok, _} = eval("#strict condensation (Mod) E", 1, S),
{ok, _} = eval("#components closure (Mod) E", 1, S),
{ok, _} = eval("# range strict condensation (Mod) E", 1, S),
%% The xref:m() and xref:d() functions
md(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
CopyDir = ?copydir,
Dir = fname(CopyDir,"md"),
X = fname(Dir, "x__x.erl"),
Y = fname(Dir, "y__y.erl"),
Xbeam = fname(Dir, "x__x.beam"),
Ybeam = fname(Dir, "y__y.beam"),
{error, _, {invalid_filename,{foo,bar}}} = xref:m({foo,bar}),
{error, _, {invalid_filename,{foo,bar}}} = xref:d({foo,bar}),
{ok, x__x} = compile:file(X, [debug_info, {outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, y__y} = compile:file(Y, [debug_info, {outdir,Dir}]),
{error, _, {no_such_module, foo_bar}} = xref:m(foo_bar),
OldPath = code:get_path(),
true = code:set_path([Dir | OldPath]),
MInfo = xref:m(x__x),
[{{x__x,t,1},{y__y,t,2}}] = info_tag(MInfo, undefined),
[] = info_tag(MInfo, unused),
[] = info_tag(MInfo, deprecated),
DInfo = xref:d(Dir),
[{{x__x,t,1},{y__y,t,2}}] = info_tag(DInfo, undefined),
[{y__y,l,0},{y__y,l1,0}] = info_tag(DInfo, unused),
[] = info_tag(MInfo, deprecated),
%% Switch from 'functions' mode to 'modules' mode.
{ok, x__x} = compile:file(X, [no_debug_info, {outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, y__y} = compile:file(Y, [no_debug_info, {outdir,Dir}]),
MInfoMod = xref:m(x__x),
[{y__y,t,2}] = info_tag(MInfoMod, undefined),
[] = info_tag(MInfo, deprecated),
DInfoMod = xref:d(Dir),
[{y__y,t,2}] = info_tag(DInfoMod, undefined),
[] = info_tag(MInfo, deprecated),
true = code:set_path(OldPath),
ok = file:delete(Xbeam),
ok = file:delete(Ybeam),
%% User queries
q(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
S0 = new(),
{ok, _} = eval("'foo", parse_error, S0),
{ok, _} = eval("TT = E, TT = V", variable_reassigned, S0),
{ok, _} = eval("TT = E, TTT", unknown_variable, S0),
{ok, S} = eval("TT := E", [], S0),
{ok, S1} = eval("TT * TT * TT", [], S),
{ok, _S2} = xref_base:forget(S1, 'TT'),
%% Setting and getting values of query variables
variables(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
Sa = new(),
{{error, _, {invalid_options,[not_an_option]}}, _} =
xref_base:variables(Sa, [not_an_option]),
{error, _, {not_user_variable,foo}} = xref_base:forget(Sa, foo),
Sa1 = set_up(Sa),
{error, _, {not_user_variable,foo}} = xref_base:forget(Sa1, foo),
ok = xref_base:delete(Sa1),
S0 = new(),
F1 = {m1,f1,1},
F2 = {m2,f1,2},
Lib = {lib1,f1,1}, % undefined
E1 = {F1,F2},
E2 = {F2,F1},
E3 = {F1,Lib},
D1 = {F1,12},
DefAt_m1 = [D1],
X_m1 = [F1],
% L_m1 = [],
XC_m1 = [E1,E3],
LC_m1 = [],
LCallAt_m1 = [],
XCallAt_m1 = [{E1,13},{E3,17}],
Info1 = #xref_mod{name = m1, app_name = [a1]},
S1 = add_module(S0, Info1, DefAt_m1, X_m1, LCallAt_m1, XCallAt_m1,
XC_m1, LC_m1),
D2 = {F2,7},
DefAt_m2 = [D2],
X_m2 = [F2],
% L_m2 = [],
XC_m2 = [E2],
LC_m2 = [],
LCallAt_m2 = [],
XCallAt_m2 = [{E2,96}],
Info2 = #xref_mod{name = m2, app_name = [a2]},
S2 = add_module(S1, Info2, DefAt_m2, X_m2, LCallAt_m2, XCallAt_m2,
XC_m2, LC_m2),
S = set_up(S2),
eval("T1=E, T2=E*T1, T3 = T2*T2, T4=range T3, T5=T3|T4, T5",
[E1,E2,E3], S),
eval("((E*E)*(E*E)) | (range ((E*E)*(E*E)))",
[E1,E2,E3], S),
[F1,F2,Lib], S),
eval("T1=V*V, T2=V*V, T1*T2",
[F1,F2,Lib], S),
{ok, S100} = eval("T0 := E", [E1, E2, E3], S),
{ok, S101} = eval("T1 := E | m1", [E1, E3], S100),
{ok, S102} = eval("T2 := E | m2", [E2], S101),
{{ok, [{user, ['T0', 'T1', 'T2']}]}, _} = xref_base:variables(S102),
{ok, S103} = xref_base:forget(S102, 'T0'),
{{ok, [{user, ['T1', 'T2']}]}, S104} =
xref_base:variables(S103, [user]),
{ok, S105} = xref_base:forget(S104),
{{ok, [{user, []}]}, S106} = xref_base:variables(S105),
{{ok, [{predefined,_}]}, S107_0} =
xref_base:variables(S106, [predefined]),
{ok, S107_1} =
eval("TT := E, TT2 := V, TT1 := TT * TT", [E1,E2,E3], S107_0),
{{ok, [{user, ['TT', 'TT1', 'TT2']}]}, _} =
{ok, S107} = xref_base:forget(S107_1),
CopyDir = ?copydir,
Dir = fname(CopyDir,"lib_test"),
Beam = fname(Dir, "lib1.beam"),
copy_file(fname(Dir, "lib1.erl"), Beam),
{ok, S108} =
xref_base:set_library_path(S107, [Dir], [{verbose,false}]),
{{error, _, _}, _} = xref_base:variables(S108, [{verbose,false}]),
{ok, S109} = xref_base:set_library_path(S108, [], [{verbose,false}]),
Tabs = length(ets:all()),
{ok, S110} = eval("Eplus := closure E, TT := Eplus",
'closure()', S109),
{{ok, [{user, ['Eplus','TT']}]}, S111} = xref_base:variables(S110),
{ok, S112} = xref_base:forget(S111, ['TT','Eplus']),
true = Tabs =:= length(ets:all()),
{ok, NS0} = eval("Eplus := closure E", 'closure()', S112),
{{ok, [{user, ['Eplus']}]}, NS} = xref_base:variables(NS0),
ok = xref_base:delete(NS),
true = Tabs =:= length(ets:all()),
ok = file:delete(Beam),
%% OTP-5071. Too many unused functions.
unused_locals(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
Dir = ?copydir,
File1 = fname(Dir, "a.erl"),
MFile1 = fname(Dir, "a"),
Beam1 = fname(Dir, "a.beam"),
Test1 = <<"-module(a).
-export([f/1, g/2]).
f(X) ->
Y = b:f(X),
Z = b:g(Y),
start(b, h, [Z]).
g(X, Y) ->
start(M, F, A) ->
spawn(M, F, A).
ok = file:write_file(File1, Test1),
{ok, a} = compile:file(File1, [debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
File2 = fname(Dir, "b.erl"),
MFile2 = fname(Dir, "b"),
Beam2 = fname(Dir, "b.beam"),
Test2 = <<"-module(b).
-export([f/1, g/2]).
f(X) ->
io:write(\"~w\", [X]),
a:start(timer, sleep, [1000]).
g(X, Y) ->
apply(a, g, [X, Y]).
ok = file:write_file(File2, Test2),
{ok, b} = compile:file(File2, [debug_info,{outdir,Dir}]),
{ok, _} = xref:start(s),
{ok, a} = xref:add_module(s, MFile1),
{ok, b} = xref:add_module(s, MFile2),
{ok, []} = xref:analyse(s, locals_not_used),
ok = check_state(s),
ok = file:delete(File1),
ok = file:delete(Beam1),
ok = file:delete(File2),
ok = file:delete(Beam2),
%% Format error messages
format_error(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
{ok, _Pid} = start(s),
ok = xref:set_default(s, [{verbose,false}, {warnings, false}]),
%% Parse error messages.
"Invalid regular expression \"add(\"" ++ _ = fstring(xref:q(s,'"add("')),
'Invalid operator foo\n' = fatom(xref:q(s,'foo E')),
'Invalid wildcard variable \'_Var\' (only \'_\' is allowed)\n'
= fatom(xref:q(s,"module:function/_Var")),
'Missing type of regular expression ".*"\n'
= fatom(xref:q(s,'".*"')),
'Type does not match structure of constant: \'M\' : Fun\n'
= fatom(xref:q(s,"'M' : Fun")),
'Type does not match structure of constant: ".*" : Fun\n'
= fatom(xref:q(s,'".*" : Fun')),
'Type does not match structure of constant: [m:f/1, m1:f2/3] : App\n'
= fatom(xref:q(s,"[m:f/1,m1:f2/3] : App")),
'Parse error on line 1: syntax error before: \'-\'\n'
= fatom(xref:q(s,"E + -")),
"Parse error on line 1: unterminated atom starting with 'foo'\n"
= flatten(xref:format_error(xref:q(s,"'foo"))),
'Parse error at end of string: syntax error before: \n'
= fatom(xref:q(s,"E +")),
'Parse error on line 1: syntax error before: \'Lin\'\n'
= fatom(xref:q(s,"Lin")),
%% Other messages
'Variable \'QQ\' used before set\n' = fatom(xref:q(s,"QQ")),
'Unknown constant a\n' = fatom(xref:q(s,"{a} of E")),
%% Testing xref_parser:t2s/1.
'Variable assigned more than once: E := E + E\n' = fatom(xref:q(s,"E:=E + E")),
'Variable assigned more than once: E = E + E\n' = fatom(xref:q(s,"E=E + E")),
"Operator applied to argument(s) of different or invalid type(s): "
"E + V * V\n" = flatten(xref:format_error(xref:q(s,"E + (V * V)"))),
{error,xref_compiler,{type_error,"(V + V) * E"}} = xref:q(s,"(V + V) * E"),
"Type does not match structure of constant: [m:f/3 -> g:h/17] : "
"App\n" = flatten(xref:format_error(xref:q(s,"[{{m,f,3},{g,h,17}}] : App"))),
'Type does not match structure of constant: [m -> f, g -> h] : Fun\n'
= fatom(xref:q(s,"[{m,f},g->h] : Fun")),
'Type does not match structure of constant: {m, n, o} : Fun\n' =
fatom(xref:q(s,"{m,n,o} : Fun")),
{error,xref_compiler,{type_error,"range (Lin) V"}} =
xref:q(s,"range ((Lin) V)"),
{error,xref_compiler,{type_error,"condensation range E"}} =
xref:q(s,"condensation (range E)"),
{error,xref_compiler,{type_error,"condensation (# E + # V)"}} =
xref:q(s,"condensation (# E + # V)"),
{error,xref_compiler,{type_error,"range (# E + # E)"}} =
xref:q(s,"range (#E + #E)"),
{error,xref_compiler,{type_error,"range (# E)"}} =
xref:q(s,"range #E"), % Hm...
{error,xref_compiler,{type_error,"E + # E"}} =
xref:q(s,"E + #E + #E"), % Hm...
{error,xref_compiler,{type_error,"V * E || V | V"}} =
xref:q(s,"V * (E || V) | V"),
{error,xref_compiler,{type_error,"E || (E | V)"}} =
xref:q(s,"V * E || (E | V)"),
{error,xref_compiler,{type_error,"E * \"m\" : Mod"}} =
xref:q(s,'E * "m" : Mod'),
{error,xref_compiler,{type_error,"E * (\"m\":f/_ + m:\"f\"/3)"}} =
xref:q(s,'E * ("m":f/_ + m:"f"/3)'),
%% OTP-7423. Xref scanner bug.
otp_7423(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
{ok, _Pid} = start(s),
S = "E | [compiler] : App || [{erlang,
1}] : Fun",
{error,xref_compiler,{unknown_constant,"compiler"}} = xref:q(s,S),
%% OTP-7831. Allow anonymous Xref processes.
otp_7831(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
{ok, Pid1} = xref:start([]),
{ok, Pid2} = xref:start([{xref_mode, modules}]),
%% OTP-10192. Allow filenames with character codes greater than 126.
otp_10192(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
PrivDir = ?privdir,
{ok, _Pid} = xref:start(s),
Dir = filename:join(PrivDir, "ä"),
ok = file:make_dir(Dir),
{ok, []} = xref:add_directory(s, Dir),
%% OTP-10192. Allow filenames with character codes greater than 126.
otp_13708(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
{ok, _} = start(s),
ok = xref:set_default(s, [{verbose, true}]),
{ok, []} = xref:q(s,"E"),
CopyDir = ?copydir,
Dir = fname(CopyDir,"lib_test"),
{ok, _} = start(s),
ok = xref:set_library_path(s, [Dir], [{verbose, true}]),
%%% Utilities
copy_file(Src, Dest) ->
file:copy(Src, Dest).
fname(N) ->
fname(Dir, Basename) ->
filename:join(Dir, Basename).
new() ->
{ok, S} = xref_base:new(),
set_up(S) ->
{ok, S1} = xref_base:set_up(S, [{verbose, false}]),
eval(Query, E, S) ->
?format("------------------------------~n", []),
?format("Evaluating ~p~n", [Query]),
{Answer, NewState} = xref_base:q(S, Query, [{verbose, false}]),
{Reply, Expected} =
case Answer of
{ok, R} when is_list(E) ->
{unsetify(R), sort(E)};
{ok, R} ->
{unsetify(R), E};
{error, _Module, Reason} ->
{element(1, Reason), E}
Reply =:= Expected ->
?format("As expected, got ~n~p~n", [Expected]),
{ok, NewState};
true ->
?format("Expected ~n~p~nbut got ~n~p~n", [Expected, Reply]),
analyze(Query, E, S) ->
?format("------------------------------~n", []),
?format("Evaluating ~p~n", [Query]),
{{ok, L}, NewState} =
xref_base:analyze(S, Query, [{verbose, false}]),
case {unsetify(L), sort(E)} of
{X,X} ->
?format("As was expected, got ~n~p~n", [X]),
{ok, NewState};
{_R,_X} ->
?format("Expected ~n~p~nbut got ~n~p~n", [_X, _R]),
unsetify(S) ->
case is_sofs_set(S) of
true -> to_external(S);
false -> S
%% Note: assumes S has been set up; the new state is not returned
eval(Query, S) ->
{{ok, Answer}, _NewState} =
xref_base:q(S, Query, [{verbose, false}]),
add_module(S, XMod, DefAt, X, LCallAt, XCallAt, XC, LC) ->
Attr = {[], [], []},
Depr0 = {[], [], [], []},
DBad = [],
Depr = {Depr0,DBad},
Data = {DefAt, LCallAt, XCallAt, LC, XC, X, Attr, Depr},
Unres = [],
{ok, _Module, _Bad, State} =
xref_base:do_add_module(S, XMod, Unres, Data),
add_application(S, XApp) ->
xref_base:do_add_application(S, XApp).
add_release(S, XRel) ->
xref_base:do_add_release(S, XRel).
remove_module(S, M) ->
xref_base:do_remove_module(S, M).
info_tag(Info, Tag) ->
{value, {_Tag, Value}} = lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, Info),
make_ufile(FileName) ->
ok = file:write_file(FileName, term_to_binary(foo)),
make_udir(Dir) ->
ok = file:make_dir(Dir),
hide_file(FileName) ->
{ok, FileInfo} = file:read_file_info(FileName),
NewFileInfo = FileInfo#file_info{mode = 0},
ok = file:write_file_info(FileName, NewFileInfo).
%% Note that S has to be set up before calling this checking function.
check_state(S) ->
Info = xref:info(S),
modules_mode_check(S, Info),
case info(Info, mode) of
modules ->
functions ->
functions_mode_check(S, Info)
%% The manual mentions some facts that should always hold.
%% Here they are again.
functions_mode_check(S, Info) ->
%% F = L + X,
{ok, F} = xref:q(S, "F"),
{ok, F} = xref:q(S, "L + X"),
%% V = X + L + B + U,
{ok, V} = xref:q(S, "V"),
{ok, V} = xref:q(S, "X + L + B + U"),
%% X, L, B and U are disjoint.
{ok, []} =
xref:q(S, "X * L + X * B + X * U + L * B + L * U + B * U"),
%% V = UU + XU + LU,
{ok, V} = xref:q(S, "UU + XU + LU"),
%% E = LC + XC
{ok, E} = xref:q(S, "E"),
{ok, E} = xref:q(S, "LC + XC"),
%% U subset of XU,
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "U - XU"),
%% LU = range LC
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "(LU - range LC) + (range LC - LU)"),
%% XU = range XC
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "(XU - range XC) + (range XC - XU)"),
%% LU subset F
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "LU - F"),
%% UU subset F
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "UU - F"),
%% ME = (Mod) E
{ok, ME} = xref:q(S, "ME"),
{ok, ME} = xref:q(S, "(Mod) E"),
%% AE = (App) E
{ok, AE} = xref:q(S, "AE"),
{ok, AE} = xref:q(S, "(App) E"),
%% RE = (Rel) E
{ok, RE} = xref:q(S, "RE"),
{ok, RE} = xref:q(S, "(Rel) E"),
%% (Mod) V subset of M
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "(Mod) V - M"),
%% range UC subset of U
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "range UC - U"),
%% Some checks on the numbers returned by the info functions.
{Resolved, Unresolved} = info(Info, no_calls),
AllCalls = Resolved + Unresolved,
{ok, AllCalls} = xref:q(S, "# (XLin) E + # (LLin) E"),
{Local, Exported} = info(Info, no_functions),
LX = Local+Exported,
{ok, LXs} = xref:q(S, 'Extra = _:module_info/"(0|1)" + LM,
# (F - Extra)'),
true = LX =:= LXs,
{LocalCalls, ExternalCalls, UnresCalls} =
info(Info, no_function_calls),
LEU = LocalCalls + ExternalCalls + UnresCalls,
{ok, LEU} = xref:q(S, "# LC + # XC"),
InterFunctionCalls = info(Info, no_inter_function_calls),
{ok, InterFunctionCalls} = xref:q(S, "# EE"),
%% And some more checks on counters...
%% ... and more
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "LM - X - U - B"),
modules_mode_check(S, Info) ->
%% B subset of XU,
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "B - XU"),
%% M = AM + LM + UM
{ok, M} = xref:q(S, "M"),
{ok, M} = xref:q(S, "AM + LM + UM"),
%% DF is a subset of X U B, etc.
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "DF - X - B"),
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "DF_3 - DF"),
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "DF_2 - DF_3"),
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "DF_1 - DF_2"),
%% AM, LM and UM are disjoint.
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "AM * LM + AM * UM + LM * UM"),
%% (App) M subset of A
{ok, []} = xref:q(S, "(App) M - A"),
AM = info(Info, no_analyzed_modules),
{ok, AM} = xref:q(S, "# AM"),
A = info(Info, no_applications),
{ok, A} = xref:q(S, "# A"),
NoR = info(Info, no_releases),
{ok, NoR} = xref:q(S, "# R"),
%% Checks the counters of some of the overall and modules info functions.
%% (Applications and releases are not checked.)
check_count(S) ->
%%{ok, R} = xref:q(S, 'R'),
%% {ok, A} = xref:q(S, 'A'),
{ok, M} = xref:q(S, 'AM'),
{ok, _} = xref:q(S,
"Extra := _:module_info/\"(0|1)\" + LM"),
%% info/1:
{ok, NoR} = xref:q(S, '# R'),
{ok, NoA} = xref:q(S, '# A'),
{ok, NoM} = xref:q(S, '# AM'),
{ok, NoCalls} = xref:q(S, '# (XLin) E + # (LLin) E'),
{ok, NoFunCalls} = xref:q(S, '# E'),
{ok, NoXCalls} = xref:q(S, '# XC'),
{ok, NoLCalls} = xref:q(S, '# LC'),
{ok, NoLXCalls} = xref:q(S, '# (XC * LC)'),
NoAllCalls = NoXCalls + NoLCalls,
{ok, NoFun} = xref:q(S, '# (F - Extra)'),
{ok, NoICalls} = xref:q(S, '# EE'),
Info = xref:info(S),
NoR = info(Info, no_releases),
NoA = info(Info, no_applications),
NoM = info(Info, no_analyzed_modules),
{NoResolved, NoUC} = info(Info, no_calls),
NoCalls = NoResolved + NoUC,
{NoLocal, NoExternal, NoUnres} = info(Info, no_function_calls),
NoAllCalls = NoLocal + NoExternal + NoUnres,
NoAllCalls = NoFunCalls + NoLXCalls,
{NoLocalFuns, NoExportedFuns} = info(Info, no_functions),
NoFun = NoLocalFuns + NoExportedFuns,
NoICalls = info(Info, no_inter_function_calls),
%% per module
info_module(M, S),
info_module([M | Ms], S) ->
{ok, NoCalls} = per_module("T = (E | ~p : Mod), # (XLin) T + # (LLin) T",
M, S),
{ok, NoFunCalls} = per_module("# (E | ~p : Mod)", M, S),
{ok, NoXCalls} = per_module("# (XC | ~p : Mod)", M, S),
{ok, NoLCalls} = per_module("# (LC | ~p : Mod)", M, S),
{ok, NoLXCalls} = per_module("# ((XC * LC) | ~p : Mod)", M, S),
NoAllCalls = NoXCalls + NoLCalls,
{ok, NoFun} = per_module("# (F * ~p : Mod - Extra)", M, S),
{ok, NoICalls} = per_module("# (EE | ~p : Mod)", M, S),
[{_M,Info}] = xref:info(S, modules, M),
{NoResolved, NoUC} = info(Info, no_calls),
NoCalls = NoResolved + NoUC,
{NoLocal, NoExternal, NoUnres} = info(Info, no_function_calls),
NoAllCalls = NoLocal + NoExternal + NoUnres,
NoAllCalls = NoFunCalls + NoLXCalls,
{NoLocalFuns, NoExportedFuns} = info(Info, no_functions),
NoFun = NoLocalFuns + NoExportedFuns,
NoICalls = info(Info, no_inter_function_calls),
info_module(Ms, S);
info_module([], _S) ->
per_module(Q, M, S) ->
xref:q(S, f(Q, [M])).
info(Info, What) ->
{value, {What, Value}} = lists:keysearch(What, 1, Info),
f(S, A) ->
flatten(io_lib:format(S, A)).
fatom(R) ->
fstring(R) ->
start(Server) ->
case xref:start(Server) of
{error, {already_started, _Pid}} ->
R -> R
add_erts_code_path(KernelPath) ->
VersionDirs =
[X ||
{kernel,_,X} <-
case VersionDirs of
true ->
case code:lib_dir(erts) of
String when is_list(String) ->
[KernelPath, fname(String,"ebin")];
_Other1 ->
false ->
% Clearcase?
PrelPath = filename:join([code:lib_dir(),"..","erts","preloaded"]),
case filelib:is_dir(PrelPath) of
true ->
[KernelPath, fname(PrelPath,"ebin")];
false ->