%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% Description: Code for the "set poll interval" dialog with the user.
-export([start/1, init/2]).
-define(WINDOW_WIDTH, 305).
-define(WINDOW_HEIGHT, 185).
-define(DEFAULT_BG_COLOR, {217, 217, 217}).
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
start(Pos) ->
Pid = self(),
ProcPid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Pid, Pos]),
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
init(Pid, Pos) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
{ScalePos, ScaleRange, Poll, Color} = case Pos of
infinity ->
{0, {20, 20}, false, {255, 255, 255}};
_Other ->
{Pos, {20, 300}, true, {0, 0, 0}}
S = gs:start(),
Win = gs:window(S, [{width, ?WINDOW_WIDTH},
{height, ?WINDOW_HEIGHT},
{title, "[TV] Set Poll Interval"},
{configure, true},
{destroy, true}
NoPollBtn = gs:radiobutton(Win, [{height, 30},
{width, 143},
{x, 10},
{y, 10},
{fg, {0, 0, 0}},
{value, no_poll},
{label, {text, "Manual Polling"}},
{select, not(Poll)}
PollBtn = gs:radiobutton(Win, [{height, 30},
{width, 163},
{x, 10},
{y, 60},
{fg, {0, 0, 0}},
{value, poll},
{label, {text, "Automatic Polling"}},
{select, Poll}
Lbl = gs:label(Win, [{label, {text, "Poll Interval (seconds):"}},
{align, center},
{fg, Color},
{width, 183},
{height, 30},
{x, 10},
{y, 100}
Scale = gs:scale(Win, [{bg, ?DEFAULT_BG_COLOR},
{fg, Color},
{orient, horizontal},
{range, ScaleRange},
{pos, ScalePos},
{width, 285},
{height, 50},
{x, 10},
{y, 130}
OkBtn = gs:button(Win, [{label, {text, "OK"}},
{fg, {0, 0, 0}},
{align, center},
{width, 60},
{height, 30},
{x, 230},
{y, 10}
CancelBtn = gs:button(Win, [{label, {text, "Cancel"}},
{fg, {0, 0, 0}},
{align, center},
{width, 60},
{height, 30},
{x, 230},
{y, 60}
gs:config(Win, {map, true}),
browser_loop(Pid, Win, NoPollBtn, PollBtn, Lbl, Scale, OkBtn, CancelBtn, Poll, Pos).
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
receive_answer(ProcPid) ->
receive_answer(ProcPid, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined).
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
receive_answer(ProcPid, DataReqMsg, WinConfMsg, MarkedRowMsg, SubsetMsg) ->
receive Msg ->
case Msg of
{browser, ProcPid, cancel} ->
PcPid = self(),
PcPid ! DataReqMsg,
PcPid ! WinConfMsg,
PcPid ! MarkedRowMsg,
PcPid ! SubsetMsg,
{browser, ProcPid, {true, PollInterval}} ->
PcPid = self(),
PcPid ! DataReqMsg,
PcPid ! WinConfMsg,
PcPid ! MarkedRowMsg,
PcPid ! SubsetMsg,
{browser, ProcPid, {false, _Pollinterval}} ->
PcPid = self(),
PcPid ! DataReqMsg,
PcPid ! WinConfMsg,
PcPid ! MarkedRowMsg,
PcPid ! SubsetMsg,
#pc_data_req{} ->
receive_answer(ProcPid, Msg, WinConfMsg, MarkedRowMsg, SubsetMsg);
#pc_win_conf{} ->
receive_answer(ProcPid, DataReqMsg, Msg, MarkedRowMsg, SubsetMsg);
#pc_marked_row{} ->
receive_answer(ProcPid, DataReqMsg, WinConfMsg, Msg, SubsetMsg);
#dbs_subset{} ->
receive_answer(ProcPid, DataReqMsg, WinConfMsg, MarkedRowMsg, Msg);
#pc_menu_msg{data = exit_button} ->
self() ! Msg,
#pc_set_sorting_mode{sender = Sender} ->
Sender ! #pd_ignore{sender = self()},
ProcPid ! raise_and_beep,
receive_answer(ProcPid, DataReqMsg, WinConfMsg, MarkedRowMsg, SubsetMsg);
{'EXIT', _Sender, _Reason} ->
self() ! Msg,
_Other ->
ProcPid ! raise_and_beep,
receive_answer(ProcPid, DataReqMsg, WinConfMsg, MarkedRowMsg, SubsetMsg)
%% Function:
%% Return Value:
%% Description:
%% Parameters:
browser_loop(Pid, Win, NoPollBtn, PollBtn, Lbl, Scale, OkBtn, CancelBtn, Poll, Pos) ->
{gs, Scale, click, _, [NewPos | _]} ->
browser_loop(Pid, Win, NoPollBtn, PollBtn, Lbl, Scale, OkBtn,
CancelBtn, Poll, NewPos);
{gs, NoPollBtn, click, _, _} ->
gs:config(Lbl, [{fg, {255, 255, 255}}]),
gs:config(Scale, [{fg, {255, 255, 255}}, {pos, 0}, {range, {20, 20}}]),
{gs, Scale, click, _, _} ->
after 500 ->
browser_loop(Pid, Win, NoPollBtn, PollBtn, Lbl, Scale, OkBtn,
CancelBtn, false, Pos);
{gs, PollBtn, click, _, _} ->
gs:config(Lbl, [{fg, {0, 0, 0}}]),
gs:config(Scale, [{fg, {0, 0, 0}}, {pos, Pos}, {range, {20, 300}}]),
{gs, Scale, click, _, _} ->
after 500 ->
browser_loop(Pid, Win, NoPollBtn, PollBtn, Lbl, Scale, OkBtn,
CancelBtn, true, Pos);
{gs, OkBtn, click, _, _} ->
Pid ! {browser, self(), {Poll, Pos}};
{gs, CancelBtn, click, _, _} ->
Pid ! {browser, self(), cancel};
{gs, _, destroy, _, _} ->
Pid ! {browser, self(), cancel};
{gs, Win, configure, _, _} ->
gs:config(Win, [{width, ?WINDOW_WIDTH},
{height, ?WINDOW_HEIGHT}
browser_loop(Pid, Win, NoPollBtn, PollBtn, Lbl, Scale, OkBtn,
CancelBtn, Poll, Pos);
raise_and_beep ->
gs:config(Win, [raise,
browser_loop(Pid, Win, NoPollBtn, PollBtn, Lbl, Scale, OkBtn,
CancelBtn, Poll, Pos);
{'EXIT', _Sender, _Reason} ->
Pid ! {browser, self(), cancel};
_Other ->
io:format("Poll dialog received message ~w ~n", [_Other]),
browser_loop(Pid, Win, NoPollBtn, PollBtn, Lbl, Scale, OkBtn,
CancelBtn, Poll, Pos)