#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-
%%! -smp disable
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% File : emd2exml.in
%%% Author : Rickard Green
%%% Description : Erlangish MarkDown To Erlangish XML
%%% Note that this script has *one and only one*
%%% specific purpose. That purpose is to generate XML
%%% that fits into the Erlang/OTP documentation, so that
%%% the Erlang/OTP "readme" files also can be part of
%%% the Erlang/OTP HTML and Erlang/OTP PDF
%%% documentation. Nothing more, nothing less. It is
%%% *not* intended as some kind of a generic Markdown to
%%% XML tool, and never will be.
%%% Created : 25 Feb 2010 by Rickard Green
-define(MAX_HEADING, 3).
-define(DELAYED_TOC_IX, 1).
-define(DELAYED_START_IX, 2).
-record(state,{h = 0,
p = false,
c = no,
note = false,
warning = false,
emphasis = no,
code = false,
code_blank = [],
bq_lvl = 0,
mlist = [],
list_p = false,
list_type_stack = [],
list_p_stack = [],
list_lvl = 0,
line_no = -1,
line = "",
type = blank,
bq_type = 0,
prev_line = "",
prev_type = blank,
next_line = "",
next_type = blank,
bq_next_type = 0,
delayed_array_ix = ?DELAYED_START_IX,
out = [],
copyright = false,
copyright_data = [],
have_h1 = false,
smarker_ix = false,
toc = [],
main([I, O]) ->
IFD = file_ropen(I),
S0 = get_line(get_line(#state{ifile = IFD,
ofile = {O, undefined},
delayed_array = array:new(),
delayed_tree = gb_trees:empty()})),
S1 = complete_output(parse(S0)),
OFD = file_wopen(O),
write_output(OFD, S1#state.out),
main(_) ->
"Usage: emd2exml <Input Markdown File> <Output XML file>~n",[]),
%% Parser
%% Eof
parse(#state{h = H, line = eof} = S) ->
sections(0, H, end_all(S));
%% Note
parse(#state{line = "> *NOTE*: " ++ Line,
note = false,
type = {bquote, 0, 1}} = S0) ->
S1 = put_line(end_all(S0#state{note = true, bq_lvl = 1}), "<note>"),
parse(S1#state{line = Line, type = type(Line), bq_type = 1});
parse(#state{bq_lvl = 1, note = true, bq_type = 0} = S) ->
parse(put_line(end_all(S#state{bq_lvl = 0, note = false}), "</note>"));
%% Warning
parse(#state{line = "> *WARNING*: " ++ Line,
warning = false,
type = {bquote, 0, 1}} = S0) ->
S1 = put_line(end_all(S0#state{warning = true, bq_lvl = 1}), "<warning>"),
parse(S1#state{line = Line, type = type(Line), bq_type = 1});
parse(#state{bq_lvl = 1, warning = true, bq_type = 0} = S) ->
parse(put_line(end_all(S#state{bq_lvl = 0, warning = false}), "</warning>"));
%% Block quote
parse(#state{note = false,
warning = false,
line = BQLine,
type = {bquote, TxtLvl, BQLvl}} = S0) ->
Line = rm_bquote(TxtLvl, BQLvl, BQLine),
S1 = chg_bq_lvl(BQLvl, S0),
parse(S1#state{line = Line, type = type(Line), bq_type = BQLvl});
% This clause is also used by warning and note
parse(#state{bq_lvl = BQLvl,
next_line = BQLine,
next_type = {bquote, TxtLvl, BQLvl}} = S) ->
Line = rm_bquote(TxtLvl, BQLvl, BQLine),
parse(S#state{next_line = Line,
next_type = type(Line),
bq_next_type = BQLvl});
parse(#state{note = false,
warning = false,
bq_lvl = Lvl, bq_type = 0} = S) when Lvl /= 0->
parse(chg_bq_lvl(0, S));
%% Multiple blank lines
% Keep multiple blank lines in code otherwise get rid of them...
parse(#state{code = false, type = blank, next_type = blank} = S) ->
%% Heading
parse(#state{type = {text, 0}, next_type = {marker, h1}} = S) ->
parse(get_line(get_line(setext_heading(1, end_all(S)))));
parse(#state{type = {text, 0}, next_type = {marker, h2}} = S) ->
parse(get_line(get_line(setext_heading(2, end_all(S)))));
parse(#state{line = "#" ++ _} = S) ->
%% List
parse(#state{code = false,
list_lvl = Lvl,
type = blank,
next_type = {text, 0}} = S) when Lvl /= 0 ->
parse(get_line(chg_list_lvl(S, 0)));
parse(#state{code = false,
list_lvl = Lvl,
type = blank,
next_type = {text, TxtLvl}} = S) when Lvl /= 0,
TxtLvl >= Lvl ->
parse(get_line(put_line(list_use_p(S, yes), "")));
parse(#state{code = false,
list_lvl = Lvl,
type = blank,
next_type = {uolist, ListLvl}} = S) when Lvl /= 0,
ListLvl >= Lvl-1 ->
parse(get_line(put_line(list_use_p(S, yes), "")));
parse(#state{code = false,
list_lvl = Lvl,
type = blank,
next_type = {olist, ListLvl}} = S) when Lvl /= 0,
ListLvl >= Lvl-1 ->
parse(get_line(put_line(list_use_p(S, yes), "")));
parse(#state{code = false,
type = {ListType, ListLvl},
line = Line} = S0) when ListType == uolist; ListType == olist ->
S1 = list_item(end_p(S0), ListType, ListLvl),
S2 = list_chk_nxt_line(put_text(put_list_p(S1, start),
list_strip(ListType, Line))),
parse(#state{code = false,
list_lvl = Lvl,
list_p = true,
type = {text, _},
line = Line} = S0) when Lvl /= 0 ->
S1 = list_chk_nxt_line(put_text(S0, list_strip(Line))),
parse(#state{code = false,
list_lvl = Lvl,
list_p = false,
type = {text, NewLvl},
line = Line} = S0) when Lvl /= 0, NewLvl < Lvl ->
S1 = chg_list_lvl(S0, NewLvl),
S2 = list_chk_nxt_line(put_text(put_list_p(S1, start), list_strip(Line))),
parse(#state{code = false,
list_lvl = Lvl,
list_p = false,
type = {text, Lvl},
line = Line} = S0) when Lvl /= 0 ->
S1 = list_chk_nxt_line(put_text(put_list_p(S0, start), list_strip(Line))),
%% Code
parse(#state{code = false,
list_lvl = Lvl,
p = false,
prev_type = blank,
type = {text, TxtLvl},
line = Line} = S) when TxtLvl > Lvl ->
Data = code(strip_lvls(Lvl+1, Line)),
parse(get_line(put_chars(S#state{code = true},
["<code type=\"none\">", nl(), Data])));
parse(#state{code = true, type = blank, line = CB, code_blank = CBs} = S) ->
parse(get_line(S#state{code_blank = [CB | CBs]}));
parse(#state{code = true,
code_blank = CB,
list_lvl = Lvl,
type = {text, TxtLvl},
line = Line} = S) when TxtLvl > Lvl ->
Data = code(strip_lvls(Lvl+1, Line)),
parse(get_line(put_chars(S#state{code_blank = []},
[strip_code_blank(Lvl+1, CB), Data])));
parse(#state{code = true,
prev_type = blank,
type = {text, 0}} = S) ->
parse(chg_list_lvl(end_code(S), 0));
parse(#state{code = true} = S) ->
%% Paragraph
parse(#state{p = false,
prev_type = blank,
type = {text, 0},
next_type = blank,
line = Line} = S) ->
parse(get_line(put_line(put_text(put_line(S, "<p>"), Line), "</p>")));
parse(#state{p = false,
prev_type = blank,
type = {text, 0},
line = Line} = S) ->
parse(get_line(put_text(put_line(S#state{p = true}, "<p>"), Line)));
parse(#state{p = true,
type = {text, 0},
next_type = blank,
line = Line} = S) ->
parse(get_line(put_line(put_text(S#state{p = false}, Line), "</p>")));
%% Resolve link
parse(#state{type = resolve_link} = S) ->
%% Plain text
parse(#state{line = Line} = S) ->
parse(get_line(put_text(S, Line))).
%%% Auxilary functions
%% Text
end_p(#state{p = false} = S) ->
end_p(#state{p = true} = S) ->
put_line(S#state{p = false}, "</p>").
text(Line) ->
text(Line, []).
text("%ERTS-VSN%" ++ Cs, Acc) ->
text(Cs, ["@ERTS_VSN@"|Acc]);
text("%OTP-REL%" ++ Cs, Acc) ->
text(Cs, ["@OTP_REL@"|Acc]);
text([$\\,C|Cs], Acc) ->
text(Cs, [C|Acc]);
text([$<|Cs], Acc) ->
text(Cs, ["<"|Acc]);
text([$>|Cs], Acc) ->
text(Cs, [">"|Acc]);
text([$&|Cs], Acc) ->
text(Cs, ["&"|Acc]);
text([$'|Cs], Acc) ->
text(Cs, ["'"|Acc]);
text([C|Cs], Acc) ->
text(Cs, [C|Acc]);
text([], Acc) ->
put_text(#state{c = CTag, emphasis = EmTag} = S, Line) ->
put_text(S, Line, CTag, EmTag, []).
put_text(S, "%ERTS-VSN%"++Cs, CTag, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text(S, Cs, CTag, EmTag, ["@ERTS_VSN@"|Acc]);
put_text(S, "%OTP-REL%"++Cs, CTag, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text(S, Cs, CTag, EmTag, ["@OTP_REL@"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [$\\,C|Cs], no, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text(S, Cs, no, EmTag, [C|Acc]);
put_text(S, [C,C|Cs], no, b, Acc) when C == $*; C == $_ ->
put_text(S, Cs, no, no, ["</b>"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [C,C|Cs], no, no, Acc) when C == $*; C == $_ ->
put_text(S, Cs, no, b, ["<b>"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [C|Cs], no, em, Acc) when C == $*; C == $_ ->
put_text(S, Cs, no, no, ["</em>"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [C|Cs], no, no, Acc) when C == $*; C == $_ ->
put_text(S, Cs, no, em, ["<em>"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [$`,$`|Cs], double, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text(S, Cs, no, EmTag, ["</c>"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [$`,$`|Cs], no, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text(S, Cs, double, EmTag, ["<c>"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [$`|Cs], single, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text(S, Cs, no, EmTag, ["</c>"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [$`|Cs], no, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text(S, Cs, single, EmTag, ["<c>"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [$<|Cs], CTag, EmTag, Acc) when CTag /= no ->
put_text(S, Cs, CTag, EmTag, ["<"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [$>|Cs], CTag, EmTag, Acc) when CTag /= no ->
put_text(S, Cs, CTag, EmTag, [">"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [$&|Cs], CTag, EmTag, Acc) when CTag /= no ->
put_text(S, Cs, CTag, EmTag, ["&"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [$&, $ |Cs], CTag, EmTag, Acc) -> %Workaround for INSTALL-WIN32.md
put_text(S, Cs, CTag, EmTag, ["& "|Acc]);
put_text(S, [$'|Cs], CTag, EmTag, Acc)when CTag /= no ->
put_text(S, Cs, CTag, EmTag, ["'"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [$<|Cs], no, EmTag, Acc) ->
case auto_link(Cs) of
no -> put_text(S, Cs, no, EmTag, [$<|Acc]);
{URL, NewCs} -> put_text(S, NewCs, no, EmTag, [URL|Acc])
put_text(S0, "![" ++ Cs, no, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text_link_or_image(S0, image, "![", Cs, EmTag, Acc);
put_text(S0, [$[|Cs], no, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text_link_or_image(S0, link, $[, Cs, EmTag, Acc);
put_text(S, " \n", CTag, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text(S, [], CTag, EmTag, ["<br/>\n"|Acc]);
put_text(S, " \r", CTag, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text(S, [], CTag, EmTag, ["<br/>\r"|Acc]);
put_text(S, " \r\n", CTag, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text(S, [], CTag, EmTag, ["<br/>\r\n"|Acc]);
put_text(S, [C|Cs], CTag, EmTag, Acc) ->
put_text(S, Cs, CTag, EmTag, [C|Acc]);
put_text(S0, [], CTag, EmTag, Acc) ->
S1 = put_chars(S0, [lists:reverse(Acc)]),
S1#state{c = CTag, emphasis = EmTag}.
put_text_link_or_image(S0, Type, Head, Tail0, EmTag, Acc) ->
case link_or_image(Tail0, Type) of
no -> put_text(S0, Tail0, no, EmTag, [Head|Acc]);
{LnkOrImg, Tail1} -> put_text(S0, Tail1, no, EmTag, [LnkOrImg|Acc]);
{delayed, Type, Key, Text, Tail1} ->
chk_key(Type, Key, S0),
S1 = put_chars(S0, [lists:reverse(Acc)]),
S2 = put_delayed(S1, Key, {Type, Text, S1#state.line_no}),
put_text(S2, Tail1, no, EmTag, [])
%% Links
chk_key(Type, [$?|_] = Key, #state{ifile = {File, _}, line_no = Line}) ->
error(File, Line, "~s definition name `~ts' begin with a `?' character",
[case Type of
image -> "Image";
_ -> "Link"
chk_key(_, _, _) ->
auto_link(Str) ->
case url(Str) of
no -> no;
Res -> Res
url(Str) ->
url(Str, false, []).
url([$\\,C|Cs], Bool, Acc) ->
url(Cs, Bool, [C|Acc]);
url([$>|_Cs], false, _Acc) ->
url([$>|Cs], true, Acc) ->
Url = text(lists:reverse(Acc)),
{["<url href=\"", Url, "\">", Url, "</url>"], Cs};
url("://" ++ _Cs, true, _Acc) ->
url("://" ++ Cs, false, Acc) ->
url(Cs, true, [$/,$/,$:|Acc]);
url([C|Cs], Bool, Acc) ->
url(Cs, Bool, [C|Acc]).
link_or_image(Str, Type) ->
case link_or_image_text(Str, "") of
no -> no;
{Text, Cont1} ->
case link_or_image_data(Cont1, none, Type, "", "") of
no -> no;
{url, Url, _Title, Cont2} ->
{["<url href=\"", text(Url), "\">", text(Text), "</url>"],
{seealso, SeeAlso, _Title, Cont2} ->
{["<seealso marker=\"", text(SeeAlso), "\">",
text(Text), "</seealso>"],
{image, Image, Title, Cont2} ->
{["<image file=\"", text(Image), "\"><icaption>",
text(Title), "</icaption></image>"],
{delayed, text, Cont2} ->
{delayed, Type, Text, Text, Cont2};
{delayed, Key, Cont2} ->
{delayed, Type, Key, Text, Cont2}
link_or_image_text([$\\,C|Cs], Acc) ->
link_or_image_text(Cs, [C|Acc]);
link_or_image_text([$]|_Cs], "") ->
link_or_image_text([$]|Cs], Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), Cs};
link_or_image_text([C|Cs], Acc) ->
link_or_image_text(Cs, [C|Acc]);
link_or_image_text([], _Acc) ->
link_or_image_data([C|Cs], none, link, "", "") when C == $ ; C == $\t ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, none, link, "", "");
link_or_image_data([C|Cs], none, image, "", "") when C == $ ; C == $\t ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, none, image, "", "");
link_or_image_data([$\\,C|Cs], How, Type, Eltit, Lru) when How /= none ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, How, Type, Eltit, [C|Lru]);
link_or_image_data([$(|Cs], none, link, "", "") ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, {inline, read}, seealso, "", "");
link_or_image_data([$(|Cs], none, image, "", "") ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, {inline, read}, image, "", "");
link_or_image_data([$)|_Cs], {inline, _}, _Type, "", "") ->
link_or_image_data([$)|Cs], {inline, _}, Type, Eltit, Lru) ->
{Type, lists:reverse(ws_strip(Lru)), lists:reverse(ws_strip(Eltit)), Cs};
link_or_image_data("://" ++Cs, {inline, read} = IR, seealso, Eltit, Lru) ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, IR, url, Eltit, [$/,$/,$:|Lru]);
link_or_image_data([$"|Cs], {inline, read}, Type, "", Lru) ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, {inline, read_title}, Type, "", Lru);
link_or_image_data([$"|Cs], {inline, read_title}, Type, Eltit, Lru) ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, {inline, drop}, Type, Eltit, Lru);
link_or_image_data([C|Cs], {inline, read} = IR, Type, "", Lru) ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, IR, Type, "", [C|Lru]);
link_or_image_data([C|Cs], {inline, read_title} = IRT, Type, Eltit, Lru) ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, IRT, Type, [C|Eltit], Lru);
link_or_image_data([_|Cs], {inline, drop}, Type, Eltit, Lru) ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, {inline, drop}, Type, Eltit, Lru);
link_or_image_data("[]"++Cs, none, _Type, "", "") ->
{delayed, text, Cs};
link_or_image_data([$[|Cs], none, Type, "", "") ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, reference, Type, "", "");
link_or_image_data(_, none, _Type, "", "") ->
link_or_image_data([$]|_Cs], reference, _Type, "", "") ->
link_or_image_data([$]|Cs], reference, _Type, "", Fer) ->
{delayed, lists:reverse(ws_strip(Fer)), Cs};
link_or_image_data([C|Cs], reference, Type, "", Fer) ->
link_or_image_data(Cs, reference, Type, "", [C|Fer]).
mk_image(Title, Url) ->
["<image file=\"", text(Url), "\"><icaption>",
text(Title), "</icaption></image>"].
mk_link(Text, Url) ->
case chk_proto(Url) of
true -> ["<url href=\"", text(Url), "\">", text(Text), "</url>"];
false -> ["<seealso marker=\"", text(Url), "\">", text(Text), "</seealso>"]
chk_proto("://" ++ _) ->
chk_proto([]) ->
chk_proto([_|Cs]) ->
%% Code
code(Line) ->
code(Line, []).
code("%ERTS-VSN%" ++ Cs, Acc) ->
code(Cs, ["@ERTS_VSN@"|Acc]);
code("%OTP-REL%" ++ Cs, Acc) ->
code(Cs, ["@OTP_REL@"|Acc]);
code([$<|Cs], Acc) ->
code(Cs, ["<"|Acc]);
code([$>|Cs], Acc) ->
code(Cs, [">"|Acc]);
code([$&|Cs], Acc) ->
code(Cs, ["&"|Acc]);
code([$'|Cs], Acc) ->
code(Cs, ["'"|Acc]);
code([C|Cs], Acc) ->
code(Cs, [C|Acc]);
code([], Acc) ->
end_code(#state{code = true} = S) ->
put_line(S#state{code = false, code_blank = []}, "</code>");
end_code(S) ->
strip_code_blank(_Lvls, []) ->
strip_code_blank(Lvls, CBs) ->
strip_code_blank(Lvls, CBs, []).
strip_code_blank(_Lvls, [], Acc) ->
strip_code_blank(Lvls, [CB|CBs], Acc) ->
strip_code_blank(Lvls, CBs, [strip_lvls(Lvls, CB)|Acc]).
strip_lvls(0, Str) ->
strip_lvls(N, " " ++ Str) ->
strip_lvls(N-1, Str);
strip_lvls(N, [$\t | Str]) ->
strip_lvls(N-1, Str);
strip_lvls(_N, Str) ->
%% Titles and sections
put_title(S, 1, Title) ->
header(chk_h1(1, S#state{h = 1, mlist = [top]}), Title);
put_title(#state{mlist = MList0,
toc = TOC,
smarker_ix = SMarkerIX} = S0, H, Title) ->
TitleStr = text(Title),
MList1 = [mk_lvl_marker(Title) | MList0],
Marker = mk_marker(MList1),
S1 = chk_h1(H,
S0#state{toc = [TOC,
lists:duplicate(H," "),
" ",
"<seealso marker=\"#",Marker,"\">",
h = H,
mlist = MList1,
smarker_ix = false}),
true = is_integer(SMarkerIX),
S2 = write_delayed(S1, SMarkerIX, ["<marker id=\"", Marker, "\"/>",nl()]),
{STag, ETag} = case H > ?MAX_HEADING of
true -> {"<p><b>", "</b></p>"};
false -> {"<title>", "</title>"}
put_chars(S2, [STag, TitleStr, ETag, nl()]).
setext_heading(H, #state{line = Line, h = OldH} = S0) ->
S1 = sections(H, OldH, S0),
put_title(S1, H, ws_strip(Line)).
atx_heading(#state{line = Line, h = OldH} = S0) ->
{H, Title} = get_atx_title(Line),
S1 = sections(H, OldH, S0),
put_title(S1, H, ws_strip(Title)).
get_atx_title(Line) ->
get_atx_title(Line, 0).
get_atx_title("#" ++ Rest, H) ->
get_atx_title(Rest, H+1);
get_atx_title(Rest, H) ->
{H, atx_strip(Rest)}.
atx_strip(S) ->
strip(S, [$ ,$\t,$\n,$\r,$#]).
chk_h1(1, #state{have_h1 = true, ifile = {File, _}, line_no = Line}) ->
error(File, Line, "Multiple H1 headings~n", []);
chk_h1(1, #state{have_h1 = false} = S) ->
S#state{have_h1 = true};
chk_h1(_H, S) ->
sections(0, 0, S) ->
sections(H, H, #state{mlist = [_|ML], toc = TOC} = S0) ->
S1 = S0#state{mlist = ML,
toc = [TOC,
lists:duplicate(H," "),
S2 = end_section(H, S1),
begin_section(H, S2);
sections(H, OldH, S) ->
sections_change(H, OldH, S).
sections_change(H, H, S) ->
sections_change(H, OldH, #state{ifile = {File, _},
line_no = Line}) when H > OldH+1 ->
error(File, Line, "Level ~p heading without preceding level "
"~p heading~n", [H, H-1]);
sections_change(H, OldH, #state{toc = TOC} = S0) when H == OldH+1 ->
S1 = case H > 1 of
false -> S0;
true-> S0#state{toc = [TOC, lists:duplicate(H-1," "),
"<list type=\"ordered\"><item>",nl()]}
S2 = begin_section(H, S1),
sections_change(H, OldH+1, S2);
sections_change(H, OldH, #state{mlist = [_|ML], toc = TOC} = S0) ->
S1 = case OldH > 1 of
false -> S0;
true-> S0#state{toc = [TOC, lists:duplicate(OldH-1," "),
S2 = end_section(OldH, S1),
sections(H, OldH-1, S2#state{mlist = ML}).
begin_section(1, S) ->
put_line(S, "<chapter>");
begin_section(H, #state{delayed_array_ix = IX} = S0) when H > ?MAX_HEADING ->
false = S0#state.smarker_ix,
true = is_integer(IX),
put_delayed(S0#state{smarker_ix = IX, delayed_array_ix = IX+1}, IX);
begin_section(H, #state{delayed_array_ix = IX} = S0) when H > 1 ->
false = S0#state.smarker_ix,
true = is_integer(IX),
S1 = put_delayed(S0#state{smarker_ix = IX, delayed_array_ix = IX+1}, IX),
put_line(S1, "<section>");
begin_section(_H, S) ->
end_section(1, S) ->
put_chars(S, ["</chapter>",nl(),nl()]);
end_section(H, S) when H < 1; ?MAX_HEADING < H ->
end_section(_H, S) ->
put_chars(S, ["</section>",nl(),nl()]).
mk_lvl_marker([C|Cs]) when $a =< C, C =< $z ->
mk_lvl_marker([C|Cs]) when $A =< C, C =< $Z ->
mk_lvl_marker([C|Cs]) when C == $ ; C == $\t ->
mk_lvl_marker([_|Cs]) ->
mk_lvl_marker([]) ->
mk_marker([L|Ls]) ->
mk_marker(Ls, L).
mk_marker([top], Res) ->
mk_marker([L|Ls], Res) ->
mk_marker(Ls, [L,$_|Res]).
header(#state{ofile = {File, _}} = S0, Title) ->
{Year, Month, Day} = erlang:date(),
S1 = put_line(S0, "<header>"),
S2 = put_delayed(S1, ?DELAYED_COPYRIGHT_IX),
S3 = put_chars(S2,
["<title>", text(Title), "</title>", nl(),
"<prepared>emd2exml</prepared>", nl(),
"<responsible>emd2exml</responsible>", nl(),
"<docno>1</docno>", nl(),
"<approved>yes</approved>", nl(),
"<checked>yes</checked>", nl(),
integer_to_list(Year), "-",
integer_to_list(Month), "-",
"</date>", nl(),
"<rev>1</rev>", nl(),
"<file>",File,"</file>", nl(),
"</header>", nl()]),
put_delayed(S3, ?DELAYED_TOC_IX).
create_copyright_notice(#state{copyright_data = CRD} = S) ->
{From, To, Holder, Legal} = parse_crd(CRD, [], [], [], []),
["<copyright>", nl(),
"<year>", From, "</year>", nl(),
"<year>", To, "</year>", nl(),
"<holder>", code(Holder),"</holder>", nl(),
"</copyright>", nl(),
"<legalnotice>", nl(),
"</legalnotice>", nl(), nl()]).
create_toc(#state{toc = TOC} = S) ->
case read_delayed(S, "?TOC") of
{value,{"true",[]}} ->
["<p><b>Table of Contents</b></p>", nl(), TOC]);
_ ->
write_delayed(S, ?DELAYED_TOC_IX, "")
parse_crd([], From, To, Holder, Legal) ->
{Year, _, _} = erlang:date(),
{case From of
[] -> integer_to_list(Year);
_ -> From
case To of
[] -> integer_to_list(Year);
_ -> To
case Holder of
[] -> "Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.";
_ -> Holder
case Legal of
[] ->
["The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,", nl(),
"Version 1.1, (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in", nl(),
"compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the", nl(),
"Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be", nl(),
"retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.", nl(),
"Software distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\"", nl(),
"basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See", nl(),
"the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations", nl(),
"under the License.", nl()];
_ -> Legal
parse_crd([Line|Lines], OldFrom, OldTo, OldHolder, Legal) ->
case copyright_line(Line) of
no -> parse_crd(Lines, OldFrom, OldTo, OldHolder, [code(Line)|Legal]);
{From, To, Holder} -> parse_crd(Lines, From, To, code(Holder), Legal)
copyright_line(Line) ->
case copyright_line(Line, start, [], []) of
{From, To} -> {From, To, Line};
_ -> no
copyright_line([], start, _, _) ->
copyright_line([], _, [], []) ->
{[], []};
copyright_line([], _, F, []) ->
Year = lists:reverse(F),
{Year, Year};
copyright_line("opyright "++Cs, start, [], []) ->
copyright_line(Cs, find_from, [], []);
copyright_line([_|Cs], start, [], []) ->
copyright_line(Cs, start, [], []);
copyright_line([C|Cs], find_from, [], []) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 ->
copyright_line(Cs, from, [C|[]], []);
copyright_line([_|Cs], find_from, [], []) ->
copyright_line(Cs, find_from, [], []);
copyright_line([C|Cs], from, F, []) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 ->
copyright_line(Cs, from, [C|F], []);
copyright_line([_|Cs], from, F, []) ->
copyright_line(Cs, find_to, F, []);
copyright_line([C|Cs], find_to, F, []) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 ->
copyright_line(Cs, to, F, [C|[]]);
copyright_line([_|Cs], find_to, F, []) ->
copyright_line(Cs, find_to, F, []);
copyright_line([C|Cs], to, F, T) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 ->
copyright_line(Cs, to, F, [C|T]);
copyright_line(_, to, F, T) ->
{lists:reverse(F), lists:reverse(T)}.
%% Lists
put_list_p(#state{list_p_stack = [{_, IX} | _]} = S, start) ->
put_delayed(S#state{list_p = true}, IX);
put_list_p(#state{list_p_stack = [{_, IX} | _]} = S, stop) ->
put_delayed(S#state{list_p = false}, IX+1).
list_use_p(#state{list_p_stack = [{unknown, IX} | LPS]} = S0, yes) ->
S1 = write_delayed(S0, IX, "<p>"),
S2 = write_delayed(S1, IX+1, "</p>"),
S2#state{list_p_stack = [{yes, IX} | LPS]};
list_use_p(#state{list_p_stack = [{unknown, IX} | LPS]} = S0, no) ->
S1 = write_delayed(S0, IX, ""),
S2 = write_delayed(S1, IX+1, ""),
S2#state{list_p_stack = [{no, IX} | LPS]};
list_use_p(S, _) ->
list_chk_nxt_line(#state{list_p = false} = S) ->
list_chk_nxt_line(#state{next_type = {text, _}} = S) ->
list_chk_nxt_line(S) ->
put_line(put_list_p(S, stop), "").
list_item(#state{list_lvl = OldLvl} = S0, ListType, ListLvl) ->
NewLvl = case ListLvl > OldLvl of
true -> OldLvl+1;
false -> ListLvl+1
S1 = chg_list_lvl(S0, ListType, NewLvl),
case NewLvl =< OldLvl of
false ->
true ->
case S1#state.list_type_stack of
[ListType|_] ->
%% New item in old list
put_chars(S1, ["</item>", nl(), "<item>", nl()]);
[_|LTS] ->
%% New item in new list
[_ | LPS] = S1#state.list_p_stack,
IX = S1#state.delayed_array_ix,
S2 = list_use_p(S1, no), % Ignored if already determined
S3 = put_line(S2, list_end_tags()),
S4 = put_line(S3, list_begin_tags(ListType)),
S4#state{list_type_stack = [ListType|LTS],
list_p_stack = [{unknown, IX} | LPS],
delayed_array_ix = IX+2}
list_begin_tags(uolist) ->
"<list type=\"bulleted\"><item>";
list_begin_tags(olist) ->
"<list type=\"ordered\"><item>".
list_end_tags() ->
chg_list_lvl(#state{list_lvl = Lvl} = S, Lvl) ->
chg_list_lvl(#state{list_lvl = OldLvl,
list_type_stack = [ListType|_]} = S,
NewLvl) when OldLvl > NewLvl ->
chg_list_lvl(S, ListType, NewLvl).
chg_list_lvl(#state{list_lvl = Lvl} = S, _ListType, Lvl) ->
chg_list_lvl(#state{list_p_stack = LPS,
list_type_stack = LTS,
delayed_array_ix = IX,
list_lvl = OldLvl} = S,
Lvl) when OldLvl < Lvl ->
chg_list_lvl(put_line(S#state{list_type_stack = [ListType|LTS],
list_p_stack = [{unknown, IX} | LPS],
delayed_array_ix = IX+2,
list_lvl = OldLvl+1},
chg_list_lvl(#state{list_p_stack = [_ | LPS],
list_type_stack = [_|LTS],
list_lvl = OldLvl} = S0,
Lvl) ->
S1 = list_use_p(S0, no), % Ignored if already determined
chg_list_lvl(put_line(S1#state{list_p_stack = LPS,
list_type_stack = LTS,
list_lvl = OldLvl-1},
list_strip(uolist, Str) ->
case list_strip(Str) of
[C | Cs] when C == $*; C == $+; C == $- ->
_ ->
exit({unexpected_unordered_list_item, Str})
list_strip(olist, Str) ->
case strip_head(list_strip(Str), lists:seq($0, $9)) of
[$. | Cs] ->
_ ->
exit({unexpected_ordered_list_item, Str})
list_strip(S) ->
strip_head(S, [$ ,$\t]).
%% Block quote
rm_bquote(0, 0, Str) ->
rm_bquote(0, BQLvl, [$>|Cs]) ->
rm_bquote(0, BQLvl-1, Cs);
rm_bquote(0, BQLvl, [C|Cs]) when C == $ ; C == $\t ->
rm_bquote(0, BQLvl, Cs);
rm_bquote(TxtLvl, BQLvl, " " ++ Cs) ->
" " ++ rm_bquote(TxtLvl-1, BQLvl, Cs);
rm_bquote(TxtLvl, BQLvl, [$\t|Cs]) ->
[$\t | rm_bquote(TxtLvl-1, BQLvl, Cs)].
chg_bq_lvl(Lvl, #state{bq_lvl = Lvl} = S) ->
chg_bq_lvl(NewLvl, #state{bq_lvl = Lvl} = S) when NewLvl > Lvl ->
put_line(end_p(end_code(S#state{bq_lvl = Lvl+1})), "<blockquote>"));
chg_bq_lvl(NewLvl, #state{bq_lvl = Lvl} = S) ->
put_line(end_p(end_code(S#state{bq_lvl = Lvl-1})), "</blockquote>")).
%% Resolve link
resolve_link(#state{line = Line} = S) ->
{Key, Url, Title} = resolve_link(Line, start, "", "", ""),
write_delayed(S, Key, {Url, Title}).
resolve_link("[" ++ Rest, start, "", "", "") ->
resolve_link(Rest, key, "", "", "");
resolve_link([_|Cs], start, "", "", "") ->
resolve_link(Cs, start, "", "", "");
resolve_link("]:" ++ Rest, key, Yek, "", "") ->
resolve_link(Rest, url, Yek, "", "");
resolve_link([C|Cs], url, Yek, Lru, "") when C == $"; C == $' -> %"
resolve_link(Cs, {title, C}, Yek, Lru, "");
resolve_link([$(|Cs], url, Yek, Lru, "") ->
resolve_link(Cs, {title, $)}, Yek, Lru, "");
resolve_link([C|Cs], {title, C}, Yek, Lru, Eltit) ->
resolve_link(Cs, drop, Yek, Lru, Eltit);
resolve_link([C|Cs], key, Yek, "", "") ->
resolve_link(Cs, key, [C|Yek], "", "");
resolve_link([C|Cs], url, Yek, Lru, "") ->
resolve_link(Cs, url, Yek, [C|Lru], "");
resolve_link([C|Cs], {title, _} = T, Yek, Lru, Eltit) ->
resolve_link(Cs, T, Yek, Lru, [C|Eltit]);
resolve_link([_|Cs], drop, Yek, Lru, Eltit) ->
resolve_link(Cs, drop, Yek, Lru, Eltit);
resolve_link([], _, Yek, Lru, Eltit) ->
%% Remove .md at end of references.
md_strip_n_reverse(Lru) ->
md_strip_n_reverse("\ndm."++Lru,Acc) ->
md_strip_n_reverse("#dm."++Lru,Acc) ->
md_strip_n_reverse([C|T],Acc) ->
md_strip_n_reverse([], Acc) ->
%% Misc
ws_strip(S) ->
strip(S, [$ ,$\t,$\n,$\r]).
%ws_strip_head(S) ->
% strip_head(S, [$ ,$\t,$\n,$\r]).
%hws_strip_head(S) ->
% strip_head(S, [$ ,$\t]).
%hws_strip(S) ->
% strip(S, [$ ,$\t]).
strip([], _StripList) ->
strip([C|Cs] = Str, StripList) ->
case lists:member(C, StripList) of
true -> strip(Cs, StripList);
false -> lists:reverse(pirts(lists:reverse(Str), StripList))
pirts([], _StripList) ->
pirts([C|Cs] = Str, StripList) ->
case lists:member(C, StripList) of
true -> pirts(Cs, StripList);
false -> Str
strip_head([C|Cs] = Str, StripList) ->
case lists:member(C, StripList) of
true -> strip_head(Cs, StripList);
false -> Str
type("[" ++ Cs) ->
type(" [" ++ Cs) ->
type("==" ++ Cs) ->
case type_same(Cs, $=) of
true -> {marker, h1};
_ -> {text, 0}
type("--" ++ Cs) ->
case type_same(Cs, $-) of
true -> {marker, h2};
_ -> {text, 0}
type(Str) ->
type_resolve_link([]) ->
{text, 0};
type_resolve_link("]:" ++ _) ->
type_resolve_link([_|Cs]) ->
type_bquote(Str, N) ->
case type(Str) of
{bquote, N, M} ->
{bquote, N, M+1};
_ ->
{bquote, N, 1}
type_same([C|Cs], C) ->
type_same(Cs, C);
type_same([_|Cs], _) ->
case type_cont(Cs) of
blank -> true;
_ -> false
type_cont(Str) ->
type_cont(Str, 0, true).
type_cont(" " ++ Str, N, true) ->
type_cont(Str, N+1, true);
type_cont([$\t| Str], N, true) ->
type_cont(Str, N+1, true);
type_cont([C|Str], N, _) when C == $ ; C == $\t; C == $\n; C == $\r ->
type_cont(Str, N, false);
type_cont([], _, _) ->
type_cont(">" ++ Cs, N, _) ->
type_bquote(Cs, N);
type_cont(" >" ++ Cs, N, _) ->
type_bquote(Cs, N);
type_cont(" >" ++ Cs, N, _) ->
type_bquote(Cs, N);
type_cont(" >" ++ Cs, N, _) ->
type_bquote(Cs, N);
type_cont([C,$ |_], N, _) when C == $*; C == $+; C == $- ->
{uolist, N};
type_cont([C,$\t |_], N, _) when C == $*; C == $+; C == $- ->
{uolist, N};
type_cont([C|Cs], N, _) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 ->
case type_olist(Cs) of
true -> {olist, N};
false -> {text, N}
type_cont("%CopyrightBegin%" ++ _, _, _) ->
type_cont("%CopyrightEnd%" ++ _, _, _) ->
type_cont(_, N, _) ->
{text, N}.
type_olist([C|Cs]) when $0 =< C, C =< $9 ->
type_olist([$.,$ |_]) ->
type_olist([$.,$\t|_]) ->
type_olist(_) ->
end_all(S) ->
chg_list_lvl(end_p(end_code(S)), 0).
get_line(#state{next_line = eof} = S) ->
S#state{prev_line = S#state.line,
prev_type = S#state.type,
line = eof,
type = blank,
bq_type = 0};
get_line(#state{ifile = IFile, line_no = LNO, copyright = CR} = S0) ->
NewLine = file_read_line(IFile, LNO),
S1 = case {CR, type(NewLine)} of
{false, copyright_begin} ->
S0#state{copyright = true,
next_line = "",
next_type = blank};
{true, copyright_end} ->
S0#state{copyright = false,
next_line = "",
next_type = blank};
{true, NextType} ->
S0#state{next_line = NewLine,
next_type = NextType,
copyright_data = [NewLine|S0#state.copyright_data]};
{false, NextType} ->
S0#state{next_line = NewLine,
next_type = NextType}
S1#state{line_no = S0#state.line_no + 1,
line = S0#state.next_line,
type = S0#state.next_type,
bq_type = S0#state.bq_next_type,
prev_line = S0#state.line,
prev_type = S0#state.type,
bq_next_type = 0}.
write_delayed(#state{delayed_array = DA} = S,
Value) when is_integer(IX) ->
S#state{delayed_array = array:set(IX, Value, DA)};
write_delayed(#state{delayed_tree = DT} = S, Key, Value) ->
S#state{delayed_tree = gb_trees:enter(Key, Value, DT)}.
read_delayed(#state{delayed_array = DA}, IX) when is_integer(IX) ->
array:get(IX, DA);
read_delayed(#state{delayed_tree = DT}, Key) ->
gb_trees:lookup(Key, DT).
put_delayed(#state{out = Out} = S, Key) ->
S#state{out = [{delayed, Key} | Out]}.
put_delayed(#state{out = Out} = S, Key, Data) ->
S#state{out = [{delayed, Key, Data} | Out]}.
put_chars(#state{out = Out} = S, Chars) ->
S#state{out = [[Chars] | Out]}.
put_line(#state{out = Out} = S, String) ->
S#state{out = [[String, nl()] | Out]}.
complete_output(#state{out = Out} = S) ->
complete_output(create_copyright_notice(create_toc(S)), Out, []).
complete_output(S, [], Out) ->
S#state{delayed_array = [],
out = ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf8\" ?>", nl(),
"<!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM \"chapter.dtd\">", nl(),
complete_output(S, [{delayed, IX}|Rest], Out) ->
complete_output(S, Rest, [read_delayed(S, IX)|Out]);
complete_output(S, [{delayed, Key, {link, Text, Line}}|Rest], Out) ->
case read_delayed(S, Key) of
{value, {Url, _Title}} ->
complete_output(S, Rest, [mk_link(Text, Url)|Out]);
none ->
{File, _} = S#state.ifile,
error(File, Line, "Link definition name `~ts' not found~n", [Key])
complete_output(S, [{delayed, Key, {image, _Text, Line}}|Rest], Out) ->
case read_delayed(S, Key) of
{value, {Url, Title}} ->
complete_output(S, Rest, [mk_image(Title, Url)|Out]);
none ->
{File, _} = S#state.ifile,
error(File, Line, "Image definition name `~ts' not found~n", [Key])
complete_output(S, [Next|Rest], Out) ->
complete_output(S, Rest, [Next|Out]).
write_output(_OFD, []) ->
write_output(OFD, [O|Os]) ->
file_write(OFD, O),
write_output(OFD, Os).
error(FStr, Args) ->
io:format(standard_error, "ERROR: " ++ FStr ++ "~n", Args),
error(File, Line, FStr, Args) ->
io:format(standard_error, "~s:~p: ERROR: " ++ FStr ++ "~n",
[File | [Line | Args]]),
stop() -> init:stop(), receive after infinity -> ok end.
stop(Status) -> init:stop(Status), receive after infinity -> ok end.
%% I/O
nl() ->
file_wopen(File) ->
case file:open(File, [write, delayed_write]) of
{ok, FD} -> {File, FD};
{error, Reason} -> error("Failed to open `~s' for writing: ~p~n",
[File, Reason])
file_ropen(File) ->
case file:open(File, [read, binary]) of
{ok, FD} -> {File, FD};
{error, Reason} -> error("Failed to open `~s' for reading: ~p~n",
[File, Reason])
file_read_line({File, FD}, LineNo) ->
case file:read_line(FD) of
{ok, Line} -> unicode:characters_to_list(Line, utf8);
eof -> eof;
{error, Error} -> error(File,LineNo,"Reading line failed: ~p~n",[Error])
file_write({File, FD}, Data) ->
case file:write(FD, unicode:characters_to_binary(Data, unicode, utf8)) of
ok -> ok;
{error, Reason} ->
error("Writing to file `~s' failed: ~p~n", [File, Reason])
file_close({File, FD}) ->
case file:close(FD) of
ok -> ok;
{error, Reason} -> error("Closing file `~s' failed: ~p~n",[File,Reason])
%% EOF