diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <bmk@erlang.org>2012-05-22 14:53:45 +0200
committerMicael Karlberg <bmk@erlang.org>2012-05-22 14:53:45 +0200
commit2c27a2e2a57d37df1f33f481dc0edbfd2cc83db3 (patch)
parent76e98a93821a0e628a465030bfcb63fd360afc8a (diff)
[inets/httpc] Cancel request does not work
Cancel request does not work due to incorrect handler table creation (wrong keypos). OTP-10092
3 files changed, 154 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_manager.erl b/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_manager.erl
index b225b43214..771968e169 100644
--- a/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_manager.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_manager.erl
@@ -59,17 +59,9 @@
options = #options{}
- {
- id, % Id of the request: request_id()
- starter, % Pid of the handler starter process (temp): pid()
- handler, % Pid of the handler process: pid()
- from, % From for the request: from()
- state % State of the handler: initiating | started | operational | canceled
- }).
-define(DELAY, 500).
%% Internal Application API
@@ -379,8 +371,7 @@ do_init(ProfileName, CookiesDir) ->
%% Create handler db
?hcrt("create handler/request db", []),
HandlerDbName = handler_db_name(ProfileName),
- ets:new(HandlerDbName,
- [protected, set, named_table, {keypos, #handler_info.id}]),
+ ets:new(HandlerDbName, [protected, set, named_table, {keypos, 1}]),
%% Cookie DB
?hcrt("create cookie db", []),
@@ -414,9 +405,10 @@ handle_call({request, Request}, _, State) ->
{stop, Error, httpc_response:error(Request, Error), State}
-handle_call({cancel_request, RequestId}, From, State) ->
+handle_call({cancel_request, RequestId}, From,
+ #state{handler_db = HandlerDb} = State) ->
?hcri("cancel_request", [{request_id, RequestId}]),
- case ets:lookup(State#state.handler_db, RequestId) of
+ case ets:lookup(HandlerDb, RequestId) of
[] ->
%% The request has allready compleated make sure
%% it is deliverd to the client process queue so
@@ -428,9 +420,9 @@ handle_call({cancel_request, RequestId}, From, State) ->
{noreply, State};
[{_, Pid, _}] ->
httpc_handler:cancel(RequestId, Pid, From),
- {noreply, State#state{cancel =
- [{RequestId, Pid, From} |
- State#state.cancel]}}
+ {noreply,
+ State#state{cancel =
+ [{RequestId, Pid, From} | State#state.cancel]}}
handle_call(reset_cookies, _, #state{cookie_db = CookieDb} = State) ->
@@ -645,7 +637,7 @@ code_change(_,
code_change(_, State, _) ->
{ok, State}.
-%% This function is to catch everything that calls through the cracks...
+%% This function is used to catch everything that falls through the cracks...
update_session_table(SessionDB, Transform) ->
ets:safe_fixtable(SessionDB, true),
update_session_table(SessionDB, ets:first(SessionDB), Transform),
@@ -678,35 +670,42 @@ get_manager_info(#state{handler_db = HDB,
CookieInfo = httpc_cookie:which_cookies(CDB),
[{handlers, HandlerInfo}, {cookies, CookieInfo}].
+sort_handlers(Unsorted) ->
+ sort_handlers2(lists:keysort(1, Unsorted)).
+sort_handlers2([]) ->
+ [];
+sort_handlers2([{HandlerPid, RequestId}|L]) ->
+ {Handler, Rest} = sort_handlers2(HandlerPid, [RequestId], L),
+ [Handler | sort_handlers2(Rest)].
+sort_handlers2(HandlerPid, Reqs, []) ->
+ {{HandlerPid, lists:sort(Reqs)}, []};
+sort_handlers2(HandlerPid, Reqs, [{HandlerPid, ReqId}|Rest]) ->
+ sort_handlers2(HandlerPid, [ReqId|Reqs], Rest);
+sort_handlers2(HandlerPid1, Reqs, [{HandlerPid2, _}|_] = Rest)
+ when HandlerPid1 =/= HandlerPid2 ->
+ {{HandlerPid1, lists:sort(Reqs)}, Rest}.
get_handler_info(Tab) ->
- Pattern = #handler_info{handler = '$1',
- state = '$2',
- _ = '_'},
- Handlers1 = [{Pid, State} || [Pid, State] <- ets:match(Tab, Pattern)],
- F = fun({Pid, State} = Elem, Acc) when State =/= canceled ->
- case lists:keymember(Pid, 1, Acc) of
- true ->
- Acc;
- false ->
- [Elem | Acc]
- end;
- (_, Acc) ->
- Acc
- end,
- Handlers2 = lists:foldl(F, [], Handlers1),
- Handlers3 = [{Pid, State,
- case (catch httpc_handler:info(Pid)) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
+ Pattern = {'$2', '$1', '_'},
+ Handlers1 = [{Pid, Id} || [Pid, Id] <- ets:match(Tab, Pattern)],
+ Handlers2 = sort_handlers(Handlers1),
+ Handlers3 = [{Pid, Reqs,
+ try
+ begin
+ httpc_handler:info(Pid)
+ end
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
%% Why would this crash?
%% Only if the process has died, but we don't
%% know about it?
- [];
- Else ->
- Else
- end} ||
- {Pid, State} <- Handlers2],
+ []
+ end} || {Pid, Reqs} <- Handlers2],
handle_request(#request{settings =
#http_options{version = "HTTP/0.9"}} = Request,
State) ->
@@ -758,19 +757,21 @@ handle_request(Request, State = #state{options = Options}) ->
{reply, {ok, NewRequest#request.id}, State}.
-start_handler(Request, State) ->
+start_handler(#request{id = Id,
+ from = From} = Request,
+ #state{profile_name = ProfileName,
+ handler_db = HandlerDb,
+ options = Options}) ->
{ok, Pid} =
case is_inets_manager() of
true ->
- Request, State#state.options,
- State#state.profile_name]);
+ Request, Options, ProfileName]);
false ->
- httpc_handler:start_link(self(), Request, State#state.options,
- State#state.profile_name)
+ httpc_handler:start_link(self(), Request, Options, ProfileName)
- ets:insert(State#state.handler_db, {Request#request.id,
- Pid, Request#request.from}),
+ HandlerInfo = {Id, Pid, From},
+ ets:insert(HandlerDb, HandlerInfo),
erlang:monitor(process, Pid).
@@ -827,12 +828,14 @@ select_session(Candidates, Max) ->
{ok, HandlerPid}
-pipeline_or_keep_alive(Request, HandlerPid, State) ->
+pipeline_or_keep_alive(#request{id = Id,
+ from = From} = Request,
+ HandlerPid,
+ #state{handler_db = HandlerDb} = State) ->
case (catch httpc_handler:send(Request, HandlerPid)) of
ok ->
- ets:insert(State#state.handler_db, {Request#request.id,
- HandlerPid,
- Request#request.from});
+ HandlerInfo = {Id, HandlerPid, From},
+ ets:insert(HandlerDb, HandlerInfo);
_ -> % timeout pipelining failed
start_handler(Request, State)
diff --git a/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl b/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
index c4943cbb4c..1cdd96f0b0 100644
--- a/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
@@ -768,120 +768,83 @@ test_pipeline(URL) ->
p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request 1"
"~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- {ok, RequestId1} =
+ {ok, RequestIdA1} =
httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
- tsp("RequestId1: ~p", [RequestId1]),
- p("test_pipeline -> RequestId1: ~p"
- "~n when profile info: ~p", [RequestId1, httpc:info()]),
+ tsp("RequestIdA1: ~p", [RequestIdA1]),
+ p("test_pipeline -> RequestIdA1: ~p"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p", [RequestIdA1, httpc:info()]),
%% Make sure pipeline is initiated
p("test_pipeline -> sleep some", []),
- p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request 2"
+ p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request A2, A3 and A4"
"~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- {ok, RequestId2} =
+ {ok, RequestIdA2} =
httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
- tsp("RequestId2: ~p", [RequestId2]),
- p("test_pipeline -> RequestId2: ~p"
- "~n when profile info: ~p", [RequestId2, httpc:info()]),
+ {ok, RequestIdA3} =
+ httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
+ {ok, RequestIdA4} =
+ httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
+ tsp("RequestIdAs => A2: ~p, A3: ~p and A4: ~p",
+ [RequestIdA2, RequestIdA3, RequestIdA4]),
+ p("test_pipeline -> RequestIds => A2: ~p, A3: ~p and A4: ~p"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p",
+ [RequestIdA2, RequestIdA3, RequestIdA4, httpc:info()]),
p("test_pipeline -> issue (sync) request 3"),
{ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], [_ | _]}} =
httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], []),
- p("test_pipeline -> expect reply for (async) request 1 or 2"
+ p("test_pipeline -> expect reply for (async) request A1, A2, A3 and A4"
"~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- receive
- {http, {RequestId1, {{_, 200, _}, _, _}}} ->
- p("test_pipeline -> "
- "received reply for (async) request 1 - now wait for 2"
- "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- receive
- {http, {RequestId2, {{_, 200, _}, _, _}}} ->
- p("test_pipeline -> "
- "received reply for (async) request 2"
- "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- ok;
- {http, Msg1} ->
- tsf(Msg1)
- end;
- {http, {RequestId2, {{_, 200, _}, _, _}}} ->
- io:format("test_pipeline -> "
- "received reply for (async) request 2 - now wait for 1"
- "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- receive
- {http, {RequestId1, {{_, 200, _}, _, _}}} ->
- io:format("test_pipeline -> "
- "received reply for (async) request 1"
- "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- ok;
- {http, Msg2} ->
- tsf(Msg2)
- end;
- {http, Msg3} ->
- tsf(Msg3)
- after 60000 ->
- receive Any1 ->
- tsp("received crap after timeout: ~n ~p", [Any1]),
- tsf({error, {timeout, Any1}})
- end
- end,
+ pipeline_await_async_reply([{RequestIdA1, a1, 200},
+ {RequestIdA2, a2, 200},
+ {RequestIdA3, a3, 200},
+ {RequestIdA4, a4, 200}], ?MINS(1)),
p("test_pipeline -> sleep some"
"~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request 4"
+ p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request B1, B2, B3 and B4"
"~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- {ok, RequestId3} =
+ {ok, RequestIdB1} =
httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
- tsp("RequestId3: ~p", [RequestId3]),
- p("test_pipeline -> RequestId3: ~p"
- "~n when profile info: ~p", [RequestId3, httpc:info()]),
- p("test_pipeline -> issue (async) request 5"
- "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- {ok, RequestId4} =
+ {ok, RequestIdB2} =
+ httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
+ {ok, RequestIdB3} =
httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
- tsp("RequestId4: ~p", [RequestId4]),
- p("test_pipeline -> RequestId4: ~p"
- "~n when profile info: ~p", [RequestId4, httpc:info()]),
+ {ok, RequestIdB4} =
+ httpc:request(get, {URL, []}, [], [{sync, false}]),
+ tsp("RequestIdBs => B1: ~p, B2: ~p, B3: ~p and B4: ~p",
+ [RequestIdB1, RequestIdB2, RequestIdB3, RequestIdB4]),
+ p("test_pipeline -> RequestIdBs => B1: ~p, B2: ~p, B3: ~p and B4: ~p"
+ "~n when profile info: ~p",
+ [RequestIdB1, RequestIdB2, RequestIdB3, RequestIdB4, httpc:info()]),
- p("test_pipeline -> cancel (async) request 4"
+ p("test_pipeline -> cancel (async) request B2"
"~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- ok = httpc:cancel_request(RequestId3),
+ ok = httpc:cancel_request(RequestIdB2),
p("test_pipeline -> "
- "expect *no* reply for cancelled (async) request 4 (for 3 secs)"
+ "expect *no* reply for cancelled (async) request B2 (for 3 secs)"
"~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- {http, {RequestId3, _}} ->
+ {http, {RequestIdB2, _}} ->
after 3000 ->
- p("test_pipeline -> expect reply for (async) request 4"
+ p("test_pipeline -> expect reply for (async) request B1, B3 and B4"
"~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- Body =
- receive
- {http, {RequestId4, {{_, 200, _}, _, BinBody4}}} = Res ->
- p("test_pipeline -> "
- "received reply for (async) request 5"
- "~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
- tsp("Receive : ~p", [Res]),
- BinBody4;
- {http, Msg4} ->
- tsf(Msg4)
- after 60000 ->
- receive Any2 ->
- tsp("received crap after timeout: ~n ~p", [Any2]),
- tsf({error, {timeout, Any2}})
- end
- end,
- p("test_pipeline -> check reply for (async) request 5"
+ Bodies = pipeline_await_async_reply([{RequestIdB1, b1, 200},
+ {RequestIdB3, b3, 200},
+ {RequestIdB4, b4, 200}], ?MINS(1)),
+ [{b1, Body}|_] = Bodies,
+ p("test_pipeline -> check reply for (async) request B1"
"~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
@@ -898,6 +861,58 @@ test_pipeline(URL) ->
"~n when profile info: ~p", [httpc:info()]),
+pipeline_await_async_reply(ReqIds, Timeout) ->
+ pipeline_await_async_reply(ReqIds, Timeout, []).
+pipeline_await_async_reply([], _, Acc) ->
+ lists:keysort(1, Acc);
+pipeline_await_async_reply(ReqIds, Timeout, Acc) when Timeout > 0 ->
+ T1 = inets_test_lib:timestamp(),
+ p("pipeline_await_async_reply -> await replies"
+ "~n ReqIds: ~p"
+ "~n Timeout: ~p", [ReqIds, Timeout]),
+ receive
+ {http, {RequestId, {{_, Status, _}, _, Body}}} ->
+ p("pipeline_await_async_reply -> received reply for"
+ "~n RequestId: ~p"
+ "~n Status: ~p", [RequestId, Status]),
+ case lists:keysearch(RequestId, 1, ReqIds) of
+ {value, {RequestId, N, Status}} ->
+ p("pipeline_await_async_reply -> "
+ "found expected request ~w", [N]),
+ ReqIds2 = lists:keydelete(RequestId, 1, ReqIds),
+ NewTimeout = Timeout - (inets_test_lib:timestamp()-T1),
+ pipeline_await_async_reply(ReqIds2, NewTimeout,
+ [{N, Body} | Acc]);
+ {value, {RequestId, N, WrongStatus}} ->
+ p("pipeline_await_async_reply -> "
+ "found request ~w with wrong status", [N]),
+ tsf({reply_with_unexpected_status,
+ {RequestId, N, WrongStatus}});
+ false ->
+ tsf({unexpected_reply, {RequestId, Status}})
+ end;
+ {http, Msg} ->
+ tsf({unexpected_reply, Msg})
+ after Timeout ->
+ receive
+ Any ->
+ tsp("pipeline_await_async_reply -> "
+ "received unknown data after timeout: "
+ "~n ~p", [Any]),
+ tsf({timeout, {unknown, Any}})
+ end
+ end;
+pipeline_await_async_reply(ReqIds, _, Acc) ->
+ tsp("pipeline_await_async_reply -> "
+ "timeout: "
+ "~n ~p"
+ "~nwhen"
+ "~n ~p", [ReqIds, Acc]),
+ tsf({timeout, ReqIds, Acc}).
http_trace(doc) ->
["Perform a TRACE request that goes through a proxy."];
diff --git a/lib/inets/test/inets_test_lib.erl b/lib/inets/test/inets_test_lib.erl
index c94be796cd..7f4b0ec8d8 100644
--- a/lib/inets/test/inets_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/test/inets_test_lib.erl
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
send/3, close/2]).
-export([copy_file/3, copy_files/2, copy_dirs/2, del_dirs/1]).
-export([info/4, log/4, debug/4, print/4]).
+-export([timestamp/0, formated_timestamp/0]).
-export([tsp/1, tsp/2, tsf/1, tss/1]).
-export([millis/0, millis_diff/2, hours/1, minutes/1, seconds/1, sleep/1]).
@@ -642,6 +643,9 @@ tsf(Reason) ->
tss(Time) ->
+timestamp() ->
+ http_util:timestamp().
formated_timestamp() ->
format_timestamp( os:timestamp() ).