diff options
authorSiri Hansen <siri@erlang.org>2011-10-10 11:30:17 +0200
committerSiri Hansen <siri@erlang.org>2011-11-17 16:47:28 +0100
commit8a013f1f16fd4730c24839127afdf46f96a45b0b (patch)
parent19a46c5c9f4ed3f0f2bfb149fc1feb0b93d55379 (diff)
Allow regexp for version in .appup
In order to avoid duplication of upgrade instructions in .appup files, we now allow regular expressions to specify the UpFrom and DownTo versions. To be considered a regular expression, the version identifier must be specified as a binary, e.g. <<"2\\.1\\.[0-9]+">> will match versions 2.1.x, where x is any number.
6 files changed, 140 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sasl/src/systools_relup.erl b/lib/sasl/src/systools_relup.erl
index 682f5f5cc9..5cfbc3aadf 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/src/systools_relup.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/src/systools_relup.erl
@@ -451,13 +451,29 @@ get_script_from_appup(Mode, TopApp, BaseVsn, Ws, RUs) ->
%% XXX Why is this a warning only?
[{bad_vsn, {TopVsn, TopApp#application.vsn}}| Ws]
- case lists:keysearch(BaseVsn, 1, VsnRUs) of
- {value, {_, RU}} ->
+ case search_for_version(BaseVsn, length(BaseVsn), VsnRUs) of
+ {ok, RU} ->
{RUs ++ [RU], Ws1};
- _ ->
+ error ->
throw({error, ?MODULE, {no_relup, FName, TopApp, BaseVsn}})
+search_for_version(BaseVsn,_,[{BaseVsn,RU}|_]) ->
+ {ok,RU};
+search_for_version(BaseVsn,Size,[{Vsn,RU}|VsnRUs]) when is_binary(Vsn) ->
+ case re:run(BaseVsn,Vsn,[unicode,{capture,first,index}]) of
+ {match,[{0,Size}]} ->
+ {ok, RU};
+ _ ->
+ search_for_version(BaseVsn,Size,VsnRUs)
+ end;
+search_for_version(BaseVsn,Size,[_|VsnRUs]) ->
+ search_for_version(BaseVsn,Size,VsnRUs);
+search_for_version(_,_,[]) ->
+ error.
%% Primitives for the "lists of release names" that we upgrade from
%% and to.
diff --git a/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE.erl b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE.erl
index a3e97c4543..960ba3cc21 100644
--- a/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE.erl
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
src_tests_tar/1, shadow_tar/1, var_tar/1,
exref_tar/1, link_tar/1, otp_9507/1]).
-export([ normal_relup/1, abnormal_relup/1, no_appup_relup/1,
- bad_appup_relup/1, app_start_type_relup/1, otp_3065/1]).
+ bad_appup_relup/1, app_start_type_relup/1, regexp_relup/1, otp_3065/1]).
-export([init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ groups() ->
exref_tar, link_tar, otp_9507]},
{relup, [],
[normal_relup, abnormal_relup, no_appup_relup,
- bad_appup_relup, app_start_type_relup]},
+ bad_appup_relup, app_start_type_relup, regexp_relup
+ ]},
{hybrid, [], [normal_hybrid,hybrid_no_old_sasl,hybrid_no_new_sasl]},
{tickets, [], [otp_6226]}].
@@ -1244,12 +1245,26 @@ check_relup(UpVsnL, DnVsnL) ->
[{App, Vsn} || {load_object_code,{App,Vsn,_}} <- Dn]),
+check_relup_up_only(UpVsnL) ->
+ {ok, [{_V1, [{_, _, Up}], []}]} = file:consult(relup),
+ [] = foldl(fun(X, Acc) ->
+ true = lists:member(X, Acc),
+ lists:delete(X, Acc) end,
+ UpVsnL,
+ [{App, Vsn} || {load_object_code,{App,Vsn,_}} <- Up]),
+ ok.
check_restart_emulator() ->
{ok, [{_V1, [{_, _, Up}], [{_, _, Dn}]}]} = file:consult(relup),
restart_new_emulator = lists:last(Up),
restart_new_emulator = lists:last(Dn),
+check_restart_emulator_up_only() ->
+ {ok, [{_V1, [{_, _, Up}], []}]} = file:consult(relup),
+ restart_new_emulator = lists:last(Up),
+ ok.
check_restart_emulator_diff_erts() ->
{ok, [{_V1, [{_, _, Up}], [{_, _, Dn}]}]} = file:consult(relup),
[restart_new_emulator|_] = Up,
@@ -1405,6 +1420,47 @@ app_start_type_relup(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+%% regexp_relup
+regexp_relup(Config) ->
+ ?line {ok, OldDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ ?line {LatestDir,LatestName} = create_script(latest_small,Config),
+ ?line {_LatestDir0,LatestName0} = create_script(latest_small0,Config),
+ ?line {_LatestDir1,LatestName1} = create_script(latest_small2,Config),
+ ?line DataDir = filename:absname(?copydir),
+ ?line P = [fname([DataDir, d_regexp_appup, lib, '*', ebin]),
+ fname([DataDir, lib, kernel, ebin]),
+ fname([DataDir, lib, stdlib, ebin])],
+ ?line ok = file:set_cwd(LatestDir),
+ %% Upgrade fe 2.1 -> 3.1, and downgrade 2.1 -> 3.1
+ %% Shall match the first entry if fe-3.1 appup.
+ ?line {ok, _, _, []} =
+ systools:make_relup(LatestName, [LatestName0], [LatestName0],
+ [{path, P}, silent]),
+ ?line ok = check_relup([{fe, "3.1"}], [{fe, "2.1"}]),
+ %% Upgrade fe 2.1.1 -> 3.1
+ %% Shall match the second entry in fe-3.1 appup. Have added a
+ %% restart_new_emulator instruction there to distinguish it from
+ %% the first entry...
+ ?line {ok, _, _, []} =
+ systools:make_relup(LatestName, [LatestName1], [], [{path, P}, silent]),
+ ?line ok = check_relup_up_only([{fe, "3.1"}]),
+ ?line ok = check_restart_emulator_up_only(),
+ %% Attempt downgrade fe 3.1 -> 2.1.1
+ %% Shall not match any entry!!
+ ?line {error,systools_relup,{no_relup,_,_,_}} =
+ systools:make_relup(LatestName, [], [LatestName1], [{path, P}, silent]),
+ ?line ok = file:set_cwd(OldDir),
+ ok.
%% For upgrade of erts - create a boot file which is a hybrid between
%% old and new release - i.e. starts erts, kernel, stdlib, sasl from
%% new release, all other apps from old release.
@@ -1983,6 +2039,18 @@ create_script(latest_small1,Config) ->
?line ok = file:close(Fd),
{filename:dirname(Name), filename:basename(Name)};
+create_script(latest_small2,Config) ->
+ ?line PrivDir = ?privdir,
+ ?line Name = fname(PrivDir, 'latest-small2'),
+ ?line {ok,Fd} = file:open(Name++".rel",write),
+ ?line io:format(Fd,
+ "{release, {\"Test release 2\", \"LATEST_SMALL2\"}, \n"
+ " {erts, \"4.4\"}, \n"
+ " [{kernel, \"1.0\"}, {stdlib, \"1.0\"}, \n"
+ " {fe, \"2.1.1\"}]}.\n",
+ []),
+ ?line ok = file:close(Fd),
+ {filename:dirname(Name), filename:basename(Name)};
create_script(latest_nokernel,Config) ->
?line PrivDir = ?privdir,
?line Name = fname(PrivDir, 'latest-nokernel'),
diff --git a/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE_data/d_regexp_appup/lib/fe-2.1.1/ebin/fe.app b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE_data/d_regexp_appup/lib/fe-2.1.1/ebin/fe.app
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7ba1dfe91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE_data/d_regexp_appup/lib/fe-2.1.1/ebin/fe.app
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{application, fe,
+ [{description, "ERICSSON NR FOR FE"},
+ {vsn, "2.1.1"},
+ {modules, [{fe1, "1.0"}, {fe2, "1.0"}, {fe3, "2.0"}]},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, []},
+ {env, []},
+ {start, {fe2, start, []}}]}.
diff --git a/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE_data/d_regexp_appup/lib/fe-2.1/ebin/fe.app b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE_data/d_regexp_appup/lib/fe-2.1/ebin/fe.app
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47ea248720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE_data/d_regexp_appup/lib/fe-2.1/ebin/fe.app
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{application, fe,
+ [{description, "ERICSSON NR FOR FE"},
+ {vsn, "2.1"},
+ {modules, [{fe1, "1.0"}, {fe2, "1.0"}, {fe3, "2.0"}]},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, []},
+ {env, []},
+ {start, {fe2, start, []}}]}.
diff --git a/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE_data/d_regexp_appup/lib/fe-3.1/ebin/fe.app b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE_data/d_regexp_appup/lib/fe-3.1/ebin/fe.app
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0696e2494c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE_data/d_regexp_appup/lib/fe-3.1/ebin/fe.app
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{application, fe,
+ [{description, "ERICSSON NR FOR FE"},
+ {vsn, "3.1"},
+ {modules, [{fe1, "1.0"}, {fe2, "1.0"}, {fe3, "2.0"}]},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, []},
+ {mod, {fe1, []}}]}.
diff --git a/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE_data/d_regexp_appup/lib/fe-3.1/ebin/fe.appup b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE_data/d_regexp_appup/lib/fe-3.1/ebin/fe.appup
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53d54735e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sasl/test/systools_SUITE_data/d_regexp_appup/lib/fe-3.1/ebin/fe.appup
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+%% -*- erlang -*-
+%% Release upgrade script for fe (front end)
+ "3.1",
+ %% Upgrade from:
+ [
+ {<<"2\\.[0-9]+">>, % matches 2.X in full length and 2.X.Y... only partly
+ [{update, fe1, soft, soft_purge, soft_purge, []},
+ {update, fe2, soft, soft_purge, soft_purge, [fe1]},
+ {update, fe3, {advanced, extra}, soft_purge, soft_purge, [fe1, fe2]}
+ ]},
+ {<<"2(\\.[0-9]+)+">>, % matches 2.X.Y... in full length
+ [{update, fe1, soft, soft_purge, soft_purge, []},
+ {update, fe2, soft, soft_purge, soft_purge, [fe1]},
+ {update, fe3, {advanced, extra}, soft_purge, soft_purge,[fe1, fe2]},
+ restart_new_emulator]}
+ ],
+ %% Downgrade to:
+ [
+ {<<"2\\.[0-9]+">>, % matches 2.X in full length and 2.X.Y... only partly
+ [{update, fe2, soft, soft_purge, soft_purge, []},
+ {update, fe3, {advanced, extra}, soft_purge, soft_purge, [fe2]}
+ ]}
+ ]