diff options
authorBjörn-Egil Dahlberg <egil@erlang.org>2013-05-03 18:59:54 +0200
committerBjörn-Egil Dahlberg <egil@erlang.org>2013-05-03 18:59:54 +0200
commitdd88004c973eb582122e09e6cca1a4e7b3d4e4d8 (patch)
parentfb4ef8fb27a0766e5dddf6cd35be50c4d35c05f4 (diff)
tools: Add testcase to eprof_SUITE
Test disabling of set_on_spawn
2 files changed, 63 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE.erl b/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE.erl
index c412a70f89..148622cf07 100644
--- a/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE.erl
@@ -21,12 +21,14 @@
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
- init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2,tiny/1,eed/1,basic/1]).
+ init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2]).
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
all() ->
- [basic, tiny, eed].
+ [basic, basic_option, tiny, eed].
groups() ->
@@ -124,6 +126,51 @@ basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
stopped = eprof:stop(),
+basic_option(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% load eprof_test and change directory
+ {ok, OldCurDir} = file:get_cwd(),
+ Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Privdir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ {ok,eprof_test} = compile:file(filename:join(Datadir, "eprof_test"),
+ [trace,{outdir, Privdir}]),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Privdir),
+ code:purge(eprof_test),
+ {module,eprof_test} = code:load_file(eprof_test),
+ % vanilla
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile(fun() -> eprof_test:do(10) end, [{set_on_spawn, true}]),
+ [{_, MfasDo1},{_, MfasLists1}] = eprof:dump(),
+ Mfas1 = MfasDo1 ++ MfasLists1,
+ {value, {_, {11, _}}} = lists:keysearch({eprof_test,dec,1}, 1, Mfas1),
+ {value, {_, { 1, _}}} = lists:keysearch({eprof_test, go,1}, 1, Mfas1),
+ {value, {_, { 9, _}}} = lists:keysearch({lists, split_2,5}, 1, Mfas1),
+ {value, {_, { 4, _}}} = lists:keysearch({lists, seq_loop,3}, 1, Mfas1),
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile(fun() -> eprof_test:do(10) end, [set_on_spawn]),
+ [{_, MfasDo2},{_, MfasLists2}] = eprof:dump(),
+ Mfas2 = MfasDo2 ++ MfasLists2,
+ {value, {_, {11, _}}} = lists:keysearch({eprof_test,dec,1}, 1, Mfas2),
+ {value, {_, { 1, _}}} = lists:keysearch({eprof_test, go,1}, 1, Mfas2),
+ {value, {_, { 9, _}}} = lists:keysearch({lists, split_2,5}, 1, Mfas2),
+ {value, {_, { 4, _}}} = lists:keysearch({lists, seq_loop,3}, 1, Mfas2),
+ % disable trace set_on_spawn
+ {ok, _} = eprof:profile(fun() -> eprof_test:do(10) end, []),
+ [{_, Mfas3}] = eprof:dump(),
+ {value, {_, {11, _}}} = lists:keysearch({eprof_test,dec,1}, 1, Mfas3),
+ {value, {_, { 1, _}}} = lists:keysearch({eprof_test, go,1}, 1, Mfas3),
+ false = lists:keysearch({lists, split_2,5}, 1, Mfas3),
+ false = lists:keysearch({lists, seq_loop,3}, 1, Mfas3),
+ %% change current working directory
+ ok = file:set_cwd(OldCurDir),
+ stopped = eprof:stop(),
+ ok.
tiny(suite) -> [];
tiny(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE_data/eprof_test.erl b/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE_data/eprof_test.erl
index 33c428e893..2d9e4c2945 100644
--- a/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE_data/eprof_test.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE_data/eprof_test.erl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+-export([go/1, do/1]).
go(N) ->
0 = dec(N),
@@ -7,3 +7,16 @@ go(N) ->
dec(0) -> 0;
dec(N) -> dec(N - 1).
+load(N, Pid) ->
+ _ = lists:sort(lists:reverse(lists:seq(1, N))),
+ Pid ! {self(), ok}.
+do(N) ->
+ Me = self(),
+ Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> load(N, Me) end),
+ ok = go(N),
+ receive {Pid, ok} -> ok end.