diff options
authorKostis Sagonas <kostis@cs.ntua.gr>2010-10-14 15:12:18 +0300
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2010-10-29 10:28:55 +0200
commit0c18ec99449775f08555445957bbbc089cdc90f0 (patch)
parentd8f8eeba477fd8872f1136fc507fa299f013cc46 (diff)
Deeper unfolding of recursive types
The change of taking out some hard-coded information about the file module uncovered that the unfolding of recursive types was probably too shallow. This has been fixed by unfolding it until a deeper limit (REC_TYPE_LIMIT). While at erl_types.erl also did some cleanup changes and fixed an erroneous io:format message.
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
index 9bc56c99ff..4dd124a457 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
%% In late 2008, Manouk Manoukian and Kostis Sagonas added support for
%% opaque types to the structure-based representation of types.
%% During February and March 2009, Kostis Sagonas significantly
-%% cleaned up the type representation added spec declarations.
+%% cleaned up the type representation and added spec declarations.
%% Author contact: richardc@it.uu.se, tobiasl@it.uu.se, kostis@cs.ntua.gr
%% ======================================================================
@@ -714,12 +714,13 @@ t_solve_remote_type(#remote{mod = RemMod, name = Name, args = Args} = RemType,
case lookup_type(Name, RemDict) of
{type, {_Mod, Type, ArgNames}} when ArgsLen =:= length(ArgNames) ->
{NewType, NewCycle, NewRR} =
- case unfold(RemType, C) of
+ case can_unfold_more(RemType, C) of
true ->
List = lists:zip(ArgNames, Args),
TmpVarDict = dict:from_list(List),
{t_from_form(Type, RemDict, TmpVarDict), [RemType|C], []};
- false -> {t_any(), C, [RemType]}
+ false ->
+ {t_any(), C, [RemType]}
{RT, RR} = t_solve_remote(NewType, ET, R, NewCycle),
RetRR = NewRR ++ RR,
@@ -733,9 +734,11 @@ t_solve_remote_type(#remote{mod = RemMod, name = Name, args = Args} = RemType,
List = lists:zip(ArgNames, Args),
TmpVarDict = dict:from_list(List),
{Rep, NewCycle, NewRR} =
- case unfold(RemType, C) of
- true -> {t_from_form(Type, RemDict, TmpVarDict), [RemType|C], []};
- false -> {t_any(), C, [RemType]}
+ case can_unfold_more(RemType, C) of
+ true ->
+ {t_from_form(Type, RemDict, TmpVarDict), [RemType|C], []};
+ false ->
+ {t_any(), C, [RemType]}
{NewRep, RR} = t_solve_remote(Rep, ET, R, NewCycle),
RetRR = NewRR ++ RR,
@@ -2388,9 +2391,9 @@ inf_tuple_sets([{Arity, Tuples1}|Left1], [{Arity, Tuples2}|Left2], Acc, Mode) ->
[] -> inf_tuple_sets(Left1, Left2, Acc, Mode);
NewTuples -> inf_tuple_sets(Left1, Left2, [{Arity, NewTuples}|Acc], Mode)
-inf_tuple_sets(L1 = [{Arity1, _}|Left1], L2 = [{Arity2, _}|Left2], Acc, Mode) ->
- if Arity1 < Arity2 -> inf_tuple_sets(Left1, L2, Acc, Mode);
- Arity1 > Arity2 -> inf_tuple_sets(L1, Left2, Acc, Mode)
+inf_tuple_sets([{Arity1, _}|Ts1] = L1, [{Arity2, _}|Ts2] = L2, Acc, Mode) ->
+ if Arity1 < Arity2 -> inf_tuple_sets(Ts1, L2, Acc, Mode);
+ Arity1 > Arity2 -> inf_tuple_sets(L1, Ts2, Acc, Mode)
inf_tuple_sets([], _, Acc, _Mode) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
inf_tuple_sets(_, [], Acc, _Mode) -> lists:reverse(Acc).
@@ -2406,17 +2409,17 @@ inf_tuples_in_sets(L1, [?tuple(Elements2, _, ?any)], Mode) ->
inf_tuples_in_sets(L1, L2, Mode) ->
inf_tuples_in_sets(L1, L2, [], Mode).
-inf_tuples_in_sets([?tuple(Elements1, Arity, Tag)|Left1],
- [?tuple(Elements2, Arity, Tag)|Left2], Acc, Mode) ->
+inf_tuples_in_sets([?tuple(Elements1, Arity, Tag)|Ts1],
+ [?tuple(Elements2, Arity, Tag)|Ts2], Acc, Mode) ->
case t_inf_lists_strict(Elements1, Elements2, Mode) of
- bottom -> inf_tuples_in_sets(Left1, Left2, Acc, Mode);
- NewElements ->
- inf_tuples_in_sets(Left1, Left2, [?tuple(NewElements, Arity, Tag)|Acc], Mode)
+ bottom -> inf_tuples_in_sets(Ts1, Ts2, Acc, Mode);
+ NewElements ->
+ inf_tuples_in_sets(Ts1, Ts2, [?tuple(NewElements, Arity, Tag)|Acc], Mode)
-inf_tuples_in_sets([?tuple(_, _, Tag1)|Left1] = L1,
- [?tuple(_, _, Tag2)|Left2] = L2, Acc, Mode) ->
- if Tag1 < Tag2 -> inf_tuples_in_sets(Left1, L2, Acc, Mode);
- Tag1 > Tag2 -> inf_tuples_in_sets(L1, Left2, Acc, Mode)
+inf_tuples_in_sets([?tuple(_, _, Tag1)|Ts1] = L1,
+ [?tuple(_, _, Tag2)|Ts2] = L2, Acc, Mode) ->
+ if Tag1 < Tag2 -> inf_tuples_in_sets(Ts1, L2, Acc, Mode);
+ Tag1 > Tag2 -> inf_tuples_in_sets(L1, Ts2, Acc, Mode)
inf_tuples_in_sets([], _, Acc, _Mode) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
inf_tuples_in_sets(_, [], Acc, _Mode) -> lists:reverse(Acc).
@@ -2791,13 +2794,13 @@ t_subtract(?opaque(Set1), ?opaque(Set2)) ->
Set -> ?opaque(Set)
t_subtract(?matchstate(Pres1, Slots1), ?matchstate(Pres2, _Slots2)) ->
- Pres = t_subtract(Pres1,Pres2),
+ Pres = t_subtract(Pres1, Pres2),
case t_is_none(Pres) of
true -> ?none;
- false -> ?matchstate(Pres,Slots1)
+ false -> ?matchstate(Pres, Slots1)
-t_subtract(?matchstate(Present,Slots),_) ->
- ?matchstate(Present,Slots);
+t_subtract(?matchstate(Present, Slots), _) ->
+ ?matchstate(Present, Slots);
t_subtract(?nil, ?nil) ->
t_subtract(?nil, ?nonempty_list(_, _)) ->
@@ -3634,7 +3637,7 @@ t_from_form({type, _L, union, Args}, TypeNames, InOpaque, RecDict, VarDict) ->
t_from_form({type, _L, Name, Args}, TypeNames, InOpaque, RecDict, VarDict) ->
case lookup_type(Name, RecDict) of
{type, {_Module, Type, ArgNames}} when length(Args) =:= length(ArgNames) ->
- case unfold({type, Name}, TypeNames) of
+ case can_unfold_more({type, Name}, TypeNames) of
true ->
List = lists:zipwith(
fun(ArgName, ArgType) ->
@@ -3655,7 +3658,7 @@ t_from_form({type, _L, Name, Args}, TypeNames, InOpaque, RecDict, VarDict) ->
{opaque, {Module, Type, ArgNames}} when length(Args) =:= length(ArgNames) ->
{Rep, Rret} =
- case unfold({opaque, Name}, TypeNames) of
+ case can_unfold_more({opaque, Name}, TypeNames) of
true ->
List = lists:zipwith(
fun(ArgName, ArgType) ->
@@ -3698,7 +3701,7 @@ t_from_form({opaque, _L, Name, {Mod, Args, Rep}}, _TypeNames, _InOpaque,
record_from_form({atom, _, Name}, ModFields, TypeNames, InOpaque, RecDict,
VarDict) ->
- case unfold({record, Name}, TypeNames) of
+ case can_unfold_more({record, Name}, TypeNames) of
true ->
case lookup_record(Name, RecDict) of
{ok, DeclFields} ->
@@ -3716,7 +3719,7 @@ record_from_form({atom, _, Name}, ModFields, TypeNames, InOpaque, RecDict,
RecDict, VarDict),
case GetModRec of
{error, FieldName} ->
- throw({error, io_lib:format("Illegal declaration of ~w#{~w}\n",
+ throw({error, io_lib:format("Illegal declaration of #~w{~w}\n",
[Name, FieldName])});
{ok, NewFields} ->
@@ -3724,8 +3727,7 @@ record_from_form({atom, _, Name}, ModFields, TypeNames, InOpaque, RecDict,
R1 ++ R2}
error ->
- throw({error, erlang:error(io_lib:format("Unknown record #~w{}\n",
- [Name]))})
+ throw({error, io_lib:format("Unknown record #~w{}\n", [Name])})
false -> {t_any(), []}
@@ -3946,8 +3948,9 @@ lookup_type(Name, RecDict) ->
type_is_defined(TypeOrOpaque, Name, RecDict) ->
dict:is_key({TypeOrOpaque, Name}, RecDict).
-unfold(TypeName, TypeNames) ->
- not lists:member(TypeName, TypeNames).
+can_unfold_more(TypeName, TypeNames) ->
+ Fun = fun(E, Acc) -> case E of TypeName -> Acc + 1; _ -> Acc end end,
+ lists:foldl(Fun, 0, TypeNames) < ?REC_TYPE_LIMIT.
%% -----------------------------------
%% Set