diff options
authorIngela Anderton Andin <ingela@erlang.org>2012-04-19 09:46:36 +0200
committerIngela Anderton Andin <ingela@erlang.org>2013-01-11 15:05:34 +0100
commitfecba72496777b330cc481257def6d534472149c (patch)
parent1d054d8055435f6c9df687881f1f6425eb29c754 (diff)
Support CRL verification in public_key
3 files changed, 417 insertions, 587 deletions
diff --git a/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_crl.erl b/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_crl.erl
index 9d50288974..3e4c3c8b6d 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_crl.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_crl.erl
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@
-export([validate/7, init_revokation_state/0, fresh_crl/3, verify_crl_signature/4,
- is_delta_crl/1, combines/2]).
+ is_delta_crl/1, combines/2, match_one/2]).
--record(userstate, {dpcrls
- }).
+-record(userstate, {dpcrls,
+ idp
+ }).
validate(OtpCert, OtherDPCRLs, DP, {DerCRL, CRL}, {DerDeltaCRL, DeltaCRL},
Options, RevokedState0) ->
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ verify_mask_and_signatures(Revoked, DeltaRevoked, RevokedState, CRL, DerCRL, Del
true = verify_crl_signatures(CRL, DerCRL, DeltaCRL, DerDeltaCRL,
- TrustedOtpCert, Path, IssuerFun, OtherDPCRLs),
+ TrustedOtpCert, Path, IssuerFun, OtherDPCRLs, IDP),
{valid, Revoked, DeltaRevoked, RevokedState#revoke_state{reasons_mask = ReasonsMask}, IDP}
throw:_ ->
@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ verify_mask_and_signatures(Revoked, DeltaRevoked, RevokedState, CRL, DerCRL, Del
verify_crl_signatures(CRL, DerCRL, DeltaCRL, DerDeltaCRL, TrustedOtpCert, Path,
- IssuerFun, OtherDPCRLs) ->
+ IssuerFun, OtherDPCRLs, IDP) ->
VerifyFunAndState =
{fun(_, {bad_cert, _} = Reason, _UserState) ->
@@ -195,11 +196,11 @@ verify_crl_signatures(CRL, DerCRL, DeltaCRL, DerDeltaCRL, TrustedOtpCert, Path,
(Cert, valid_peer, UserState) ->
case verify_crl_keybit(Cert, cRLSign) of
true ->
- handle_signer(Cert, IssuerFun, UserState);
+ handle_crlsigner(Cert, IssuerFun, UserState);
false ->
{fail, crl_sign_bit_not_set}
- end, #userstate{dpcrls = OtherDPCRLs}},
+ end, #userstate{dpcrls = OtherDPCRLs, idp = IDP}},
{ok, {{_,Key, KeyParams},_}} =
public_key:pkix_path_validation(TrustedOtpCert, Path,
@@ -211,17 +212,22 @@ verify_crl_signatures(CRL, DerCRL, DeltaCRL, DerDeltaCRL, TrustedOtpCert, Path,
-handle_signer(OtpCert, IssuerFun, UserState) ->
+handle_crlsigner(OtpCert, IssuerFun, #userstate{idp = IDP} = UserState) ->
case verify_crl_keybit(OtpCert, keyCertSign) of
true ->
{valid, UserState};
false ->
- handle_crlsigner(OtpCert, IssuerFun, UserState)
+ case not is_indirect_crl(IDP) andalso not public_key:pkix_is_self_signed(OtpCert) of
+ true ->
+ validate_crl_signing_cert(OtpCert, IssuerFun, UserState);
+ false ->
+ {valid, UserState}
+ end
-handle_crlsigner(_, _,#userstate{dpcrls = []} = UserState) ->
+validate_crl_signing_cert(_, _,#userstate{dpcrls = []} = UserState) ->
{valid, UserState};
-handle_crlsigner(OtpCert, IssuerFun, #userstate{dpcrls = CRLInfo} = UserState) ->
+validate_crl_signing_cert(OtpCert, IssuerFun, #userstate{dpcrls = CRLInfo} = UserState) ->
case public_key:pkix_crls_validate(OtpCert, CRLInfo, [{issuer_fun, IssuerFun}]) of
valid ->
{valid, UserState};
@@ -301,9 +307,9 @@ verify_issuer_and_scope(#'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert} = Cert,
issuer_id(Cert, CRL);
false ->
%% otherwise verify that the CRL issuer matches the certificate issuer
- verify_issuer_and_scope(Cert, DP#'DistributionPoint'{distributionPoint =
- [TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.issuer],
- cRLIssuer = asn1_NOVALUE},
+ verify_issuer_and_scope(Cert, DP#'DistributionPoint'{
+ distributionPoint = [TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.issuer],
+ cRLIssuer = asn1_NOVALUE},
verify_issuer_and_scope(#'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert}= Cert,
@@ -332,13 +338,18 @@ verify_scope(_,_, undefined) ->
verify_scope(#'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert}, #'DistributionPoint'{cRLIssuer = DPIssuer} = DP, IDP) ->
CertIssuer = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.issuer,
- Names = gen_names(DPIssuer),
+ Names = case gen_names(DPIssuer) of
+ [{directoryName, TNames}] ->
+ TNames;
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end,
DPName = dp_names(DP#'DistributionPoint'.distributionPoint, Names, CertIssuer),
IDPName = dp_names(IDP#'IssuingDistributionPoint'.distributionPoint, Names, CertIssuer),
verify_scope(DPName, IDPName, Names, TBSCert, IDP).
verify_scope(asn1_NOVALUE, _, asn1_NOVALUE, _, _) ->
- throw({bad_crl, scope_error});
+ throw({bad_crl, scope_error1});
verify_scope(asn1_NOVALUE, IDPName, DPIssuerNames, TBSCert, IDP) ->
verify_dp_name(IDPName, DPIssuerNames),
verify_dp_bools(TBSCert, IDP);
@@ -350,44 +361,43 @@ verify_scope(DPName, IDPName, _, TBSCert, IDP) ->
dp_names(asn1_NOVALUE, _, _) ->
dp_names({fullName, Name}, _, _) ->
- {fullName, gen_names(Name)};
+ gen_names(Name);
dp_names({nameRelativeToCRLIssuer, Fragment}, asn1_NOVALUE, {rdnSequence, RelativeDestinguistNames}) ->
- {nameRelativeToCRLIssuer, [{directoryName, {rdnSequence, RelativeDestinguistNames ++
- lists:map(fun(AttrAndValue) ->
- pubkey_cert_records:transform(AttrAndValue, decode)
- end, Fragment)}}]};
+ [{directoryName, {rdnSequence, RelativeDestinguistNames ++
+ [lists:map(fun(AttrAndValue) ->
+ pubkey_cert_records:transform(AttrAndValue, decode)
+ end, Fragment)]}}];
dp_names({nameRelativeToCRLIssuer, Fragment},{rdnSequence, RelativeDestinguistNames}, _) ->
- {nameRelativeToCRLIssuer, [{directoryName, {rdnSequence, RelativeDestinguistNames ++
- lists:map(fun(AttrAndValue) ->
- pubkey_cert_records:transform(AttrAndValue, decode)
- end, Fragment)}}]};
+ [{directoryName, {rdnSequence, RelativeDestinguistNames ++
+ [lists:map(fun(AttrAndValue) ->
+ pubkey_cert_records:transform(AttrAndValue, decode)
+ end, Fragment)]}}];
dp_names([{rdnSequence, _}] = Name0, _,_) ->
[Name] = pubkey_cert_records:transform(Name0, decode),
- {fullName, [{directoryName, Name}]}.
+ [{directoryName, Name}].
gen_names(asn1_NOVALUE) ->
gen_names([]) ->
gen_names([{NameType, Name} | Rest]) ->
- [{NameType, pubkey_cert_records:transform(Name, decode)} | gen_names(Rest)].
+ [ {NameType, pubkey_cert_records:transform(Name, decode)} | gen_names(Rest)].
verify_dp_name(asn1_NOVALUE, _) ->
-verify_dp_name({Type, IDPNames}, {Type, DPorIssuerNames}) ->
- case match_one(IDPNames, DPorIssuerNames) of
+verify_dp_name(IDPNames, DPorIssuerNames) ->
+ case match_one(DPorIssuerNames, IDPNames) of
true ->
false ->
throw({bad_crl, scope_error})
- end;
-verify_dp_name(_,_) ->
- throw({bad_crl, scope_error}).
+ end.
match_one([], _) ->
-match_one([{Type, Name} | RestIDP], DPorIssuerNames) ->
- Candidates = [NameName || {NameType, NameName} <- DPorIssuerNames, NameType == Type],
+match_one([{Type, Name} | Names], CandidateNames) ->
+ Candidates = [NameName || {NameType, NameName} <- CandidateNames, NameType == Type],
case Candidates of
[] ->
@@ -395,7 +405,7 @@ match_one([{Type, Name} | RestIDP], DPorIssuerNames) ->
true ->
false ->
- match_one(RestIDP, DPorIssuerNames)
+ match_one(Names, CandidateNames)
diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl b/lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl
index 31725a09be..2b67460197 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+%% Note: This directive should only be used in test suites.
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@
suite() ->
@@ -63,6 +64,17 @@ all() ->
{group, name_constraints},
{group, private_certificate_extensions}].
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ try crypto:start() of
+ ok ->
+ crypto_support_check(Config)
+ catch _:_ ->
+ {skip, "Crypto did not start"}
+ end.
+end_per_suite(_Config) ->
+ application:stop(crypto).
groups() ->
[{signature_verification, [], [valid_rsa_signature,
invalid_rsa_signature, valid_dsa_signature,
@@ -119,18 +131,8 @@ init_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
end_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
-init_per_suite(Config) ->
- try crypto:start() of
- ok ->
- Config
- catch _:_ ->
- {skip, "Crypto did not start"}
- end.
-end_per_suite(_Config) ->
- application:stop(crypto).
+%%--------------------------- signature_verification--------------------------------------------------
valid_rsa_signature(doc) ->
["Test rsa signatur verification"];
valid_rsa_signature(suite) ->
@@ -160,9 +162,10 @@ invalid_dsa_signature(suite) ->
invalid_dsa_signature(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.1.6", "Invalid DSA Signature Test6 EE",{bad_cert,invalid_signature}}]).
not_before_invalid(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test valid periods"];
not_before_invalid(suite) ->
not_before_invalid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -170,7 +173,7 @@ not_before_invalid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.2.2", "Invalid EE notBefore Date Test2 EE",{bad_cert, cert_expired}}]).
not_before_valid(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test valid periods"];
not_before_valid(suite) ->
not_before_valid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -178,7 +181,7 @@ not_before_valid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.2.4", "Valid GeneralizedTime notBefore Date Test4 EE", ok}]).
not_after_invalid(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test valid periods"];
not_after_invalid(suite) ->
not_after_invalid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -187,14 +190,15 @@ not_after_invalid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.2.7", "Invalid pre2000 UTC EE notAfter Date Test7 EE",{bad_cert, cert_expired}}]).
not_after_valid(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test valid periods"];
not_after_valid(suite) ->
not_after_valid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.2.8", "Valid GeneralizedTime notAfter Date Test8 EE", ok}]).
invalid_name_chain(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test name chaining"];
invalid_name_chain(suite) ->
invalid_name_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -202,7 +206,7 @@ invalid_name_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.3.2", "Invalid Name Chaining Order Test2 EE", {bad_cert, invalid_issuer}}]).
whitespace_name_chain(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test name chaining"];
whitespace_name_chain(suite) ->
whitespace_name_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -210,21 +214,21 @@ whitespace_name_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.3.4", "Valid Name Chaining Whitespace Test4 EE", ok}]).
capitalization_name_chain(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test name chaining"];
capitalization_name_chain(suite) ->
capitalization_name_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.3.5", "Valid Name Chaining Capitalization Test5 EE",ok}]).
uid_name_chain(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test name chaining"];
uid_name_chain(suite) ->
uid_name_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.3.6", "Valid Name UIDs Test6 EE",ok}]).
attrib_name_chain(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test name chaining"];
attrib_name_chain(suite) ->
attrib_name_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -232,7 +236,7 @@ attrib_name_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.3.8", "Valid RFC3280 Optional Attribute Types Test8 EE", ok}]).
string_name_chain(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test name chaining"];
string_name_chain(suite) ->
string_name_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -240,10 +244,9 @@ string_name_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%%{ "4.3.10", "Valid Rollover from PrintableString to UTF8String Test10 EE", ok},
{ "4.3.11", "Valid UTF8String Case Insensitive Match Test11 EE", ok}]).
basic_valid(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test self issued certificates"];
basic_valid(suite) ->
basic_valid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -253,7 +256,7 @@ basic_valid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
basic_invalid(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test self issued certificates"];
basic_invalid(suite) ->
basic_invalid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -264,14 +267,14 @@ basic_invalid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
crl_signing_valid(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test self issued certificates"];
crl_signing_valid(suite) ->
crl_signing_valid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.5.6", "Valid Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key Test6 EE", ok}]).
crl_signing_invalid(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test self issued certificates"];
crl_signing_invalid(suite) ->
crl_signing_invalid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -281,9 +284,9 @@ crl_signing_invalid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{bad_cert, invalid_key_usage}}
missing_CRL(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
missing_CRL(suite) ->
missing_CRL(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -291,7 +294,7 @@ missing_CRL(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
revoked_CA(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
revoked_CA(suite) ->
revoked_CA(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -299,7 +302,7 @@ revoked_CA(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{revoked, keyCompromise}}}]).
revoked_peer(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
revoked_peer(suite) ->
revoked_peer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -307,14 +310,14 @@ revoked_peer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{bad_cert, {revoked, keyCompromise}}}]).
invalid_CRL_signature(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
invalid_CRL_signature(suite) ->
invalid_CRL_signature(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.4.4", "Invalid Bad CRL Signature Test4 EE",
{bad_cert, revocation_status_undetermined}}]).
invalid_CRL_issuer(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
invalid_CRL_issuer(suite) ->
invalid_CRL_issuer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -322,7 +325,7 @@ invalid_CRL_issuer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{bad_cert, revocation_status_undetermined}}).
invalid_CRL(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
invalid_CRL(suite) ->
invalid_CRL(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -330,14 +333,14 @@ invalid_CRL(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{bad_cert, revocation_status_undetermined}}]).
valid_CRL(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
valid_CRL(suite) ->
valid_CRL(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.4.7", "Valid Two CRLs Test7 EE", ok}]).
unknown_CRL_extension(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
unknown_CRL_extension(suite) ->
unknown_CRL_extension(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -349,7 +352,7 @@ unknown_CRL_extension(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{bad_cert, revocation_status_undetermined}}]).
old_CRL(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
old_CRL(suite) ->
old_CRL(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -359,14 +362,14 @@ old_CRL(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{bad_cert, revocation_status_undetermined}}]).
fresh_CRL(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
fresh_CRL(suite) ->
fresh_CRL(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.4.13", "Valid GeneralizedTime CRL nextUpdate Test13 EE", ok}]).
valid_serial(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
valid_serial(suite) ->
valid_serial(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -377,7 +380,7 @@ valid_serial(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
invalid_serial(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
invalid_serial(suite) ->
invalid_serial(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -387,14 +390,14 @@ invalid_serial(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{bad_cert, {revoked, keyCompromise}}}]).
valid_seperate_keys(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
valid_seperate_keys(suite) ->
valid_seperate_keys(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.4.19", "Valid Separate Certificate and CRL Keys Test19 EE", ok}]).
invalid_separate_keys(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test basic CRL handling"];
invalid_separate_keys(suite) ->
invalid_separate_keys(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -403,9 +406,9 @@ invalid_separate_keys(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.4.21", "Invalid Separate Certificate and CRL Keys Test21 EE",
{bad_cert, revocation_status_undetermined}}
missing_basic_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Basic constraint tests"];
missing_basic_constraints(suite) ->
missing_basic_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -417,14 +420,14 @@ missing_basic_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{bad_cert, missing_basic_constraint}}]).
valid_basic_constraint(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Basic constraint tests"];
valid_basic_constraint(suite) ->
valid_basic_constraint(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{"4.6.4", "Valid basicConstraints Not Critical Test4 EE", ok}]).
invalid_path_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Basic constraint tests"];
invalid_path_constraints(suite) ->
invalid_path_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -438,7 +441,7 @@ invalid_path_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{bad_cert, max_path_length_reached}}]).
valid_path_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Basic constraint tests"];
valid_path_constraints(suite) ->
valid_path_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -449,9 +452,9 @@ valid_path_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.6.15", "Valid Self-Issued pathLenConstraint Test15 EE", ok},
{ "4.6.17", "Valid Self-Issued pathLenConstraint Test17 EE", ok}]).
invalid_key_usage(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Key usage tests"];
invalid_key_usage(suite) ->
invalid_key_usage(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -466,41 +469,41 @@ invalid_key_usage(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
valid_key_usage(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Key usage tests"];
valid_key_usage(suite) ->
valid_key_usage(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.7.3", "Valid keyUsage Not Critical Test3 EE", ok}]).
-certificate_policies(doc) -> [""];
+certificate_policies(doc) -> ["Not supported yet"];
certificate_policies(suite) -> [];
certificate_policies(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
-require_explicit_policy(doc) -> [""];
+require_explicit_policy(doc) -> ["Not supported yet"];
require_explicit_policy(suite) -> [];
require_explicit_policy(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
-policy_mappings(doc) -> [""];
+policy_mappings(doc) -> ["Not supported yet"];
policy_mappings(suite) -> [];
policy_mappings(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
-inhibit_policy_mapping(doc) -> [""];
+inhibit_policy_mapping(doc) -> ["Not supported yet"];
inhibit_policy_mapping(suite) -> [];
inhibit_policy_mapping(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
-inhibit_any_policy(doc) -> [""];
+inhibit_any_policy(doc) -> ["Not supported yet"];
inhibit_any_policy(suite) -> [];
inhibit_any_policy(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
valid_DN_name_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Name constraints tests"];
valid_DN_name_constraints(suite) ->
valid_DN_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -514,7 +517,7 @@ valid_DN_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.13.19", "Valid DN nameConstraints Test19 EE", ok}]).
invalid_DN_name_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Name constraints tests"];
invalid_DN_name_constraints(suite) ->
invalid_DN_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -533,7 +536,7 @@ invalid_DN_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{bad_cert, name_not_permitted}}]).
valid_rfc822_name_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Name constraints tests"];
valid_rfc822_name_constraints(suite) ->
valid_rfc822_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -541,9 +544,8 @@ valid_rfc822_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.13.23", "Valid RFC822 nameConstraints Test23 EE", ok},
{ "4.13.25", "Valid RFC822 nameConstraints Test25 EE", ok}]).
invalid_rfc822_name_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Name constraints tests"];
invalid_rfc822_name_constraints(suite) ->
invalid_rfc822_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -555,14 +557,14 @@ invalid_rfc822_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{bad_cert, name_not_permitted}}]).
valid_DN_and_rfc822_name_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Name constraints tests"];
valid_DN_and_rfc822_name_constraints(suite) ->
valid_DN_and_rfc822_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.13.27", "Valid DN and RFC822 nameConstraints Test27 EE", ok}]).
invalid_DN_and_rfc822_name_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Name constraints tests"];
invalid_DN_and_rfc822_name_constraints(suite) ->
invalid_DN_and_rfc822_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -572,7 +574,7 @@ invalid_DN_and_rfc822_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{bad_cert, name_not_permitted}}]).
valid_dns_name_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Name constraints tests"];
valid_dns_name_constraints(suite) ->
valid_dns_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -580,7 +582,7 @@ valid_dns_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.13.32", "Valid DNS nameConstraints Test32 EE", ok}]).
invalid_dns_name_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Name constraints tests"];
invalid_dns_name_constraints(suite) ->
invalid_dns_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -589,7 +591,7 @@ invalid_dns_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.13.38", "Invalid DNS nameConstraints Test38 EE", {bad_cert, name_not_permitted}}]).
valid_uri_name_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Name constraints tests"];
valid_uri_name_constraints(suite) ->
valid_uri_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -597,16 +599,16 @@ valid_uri_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.13.36", "Valid URI nameConstraints Test36 EE", ok}]).
invalid_uri_name_constraints(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Name constraints tests"];
invalid_uri_name_constraints(suite) ->
invalid_uri_name_constraints(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.13.35", "Invalid URI nameConstraints Test35 EE",{bad_cert, name_not_permitted}},
{ "4.13.37", "Invalid URI nameConstraints Test37 EE",{bad_cert, name_not_permitted}}]).
delta_without_crl(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Delta CRL tests"];
delta_without_crl(suite) ->
delta_without_crl(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -614,9 +616,8 @@ delta_without_crl(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{"4.15.10", "Invalid delta-CRL Test10 EE", {bad_cert,
valid_delta_crls(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Delta CRL tests"];
valid_delta_crls(suite) ->
valid_delta_crls(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -627,7 +628,7 @@ valid_delta_crls(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
invalid_delta_crls(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Delta CRL tests"];
invalid_delta_crls(suite) ->
invalid_delta_crls(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -636,10 +637,9 @@ invalid_delta_crls(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.15.6", "Invalid delta-CRL Test6 EE", {bad_cert,{revoked, keyCompromise}}},
{ "4.15.9", "Invalid delta-CRL Test9 EE", {bad_cert,{revoked, keyCompromise}}}]).
valid_distribution_points(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["CRL Distribution Point tests"];
valid_distribution_points(suite) ->
valid_distribution_points(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ valid_distribution_points(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
valid_distribution_points_no_issuing_distribution_point(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["CRL Distribution Point tests"];
valid_distribution_points_no_issuing_distribution_point(suite) ->
valid_distribution_points_no_issuing_distribution_point(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ valid_distribution_points_no_issuing_distribution_point(Config) when is_list(Con
invalid_distribution_points(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["CRL Distribution Point tests"];
invalid_distribution_points(suite) ->
invalid_distribution_points(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -673,14 +673,14 @@ invalid_distribution_points(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
valid_only_contains(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["CRL Distribution Point tests"];
valid_only_contains(suite) ->
valid_only_contains(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.14.13", "Valid only Contains CA Certs Test13 EE", ok}]).
invalid_only_contains(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["CRL Distribution Point tests"];
invalid_only_contains(suite) ->
invalid_only_contains(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ invalid_only_contains(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
valid_only_some_reasons(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["CRL Distribution Point tests"];
valid_only_some_reasons(suite) ->
valid_only_some_reasons(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ valid_only_some_reasons(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
invalid_only_some_reasons(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["CRL Distribution Point tests"];
invalid_only_some_reasons(suite) ->
invalid_only_some_reasons(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ invalid_only_some_reasons(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
valid_indirect_crl(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["CRL Distribution Point tests"];
valid_indirect_crl(suite) ->
valid_indirect_crl(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ valid_indirect_crl(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
invalid_indirect_crl(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["CRL Distribution Point tests"];
invalid_indirect_crl(suite) ->
invalid_indirect_crl(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ invalid_indirect_crl(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
valid_crl_issuer(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["CRL Distribution Point tests"];
valid_crl_issuer(suite) ->
valid_crl_issuer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ valid_crl_issuer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
invalid_crl_issuer(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["CRL Distribution Point tests"];
invalid_crl_issuer(suite) ->
invalid_crl_issuer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -762,21 +762,17 @@ invalid_crl_issuer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ "4.14.35", "Invalid cRLIssuer Test35 EE", {bad_cert, revocation_status_undetermined}}
+%% Although this test is valid it has a circular dependency. As a result
+%% an attempt is made to reursively checks a CRL path and rejected due to
+%% a CRL path validation error. PKITS notes suggest this test does not
+%% need to be run due to this issue.
+%% { "4.14.30", "Valid cRLIssuer Test30", 54 }
-%%distribution_points() ->
- %%{ "4.14", "Distribution Points" },
-%% [
- %% Although this test is valid it has a circular dependency. As a result
- %% an attempt is made to reursively checks a CRL path and rejected due to
- %% a CRL path validation error. PKITS notes suggest this test does not
- %% need to be run due to this issue.
-%% { "4.14.30", "Valid cRLIssuer Test30", 54 }].
unknown_critical_extension(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test that a cert with an unknown critical extension is recjected"];
unknown_critical_extension(suite) ->
unknown_critical_extension(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -784,22 +780,22 @@ unknown_critical_extension(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
unknown_not_critical_extension(doc) ->
- [""];
+ ["Test that a not critical unknown extension is ignored"];
unknown_not_critical_extension(suite) ->
unknown_not_critical_extension(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run([{ "4.16.1", "Valid Unknown Not Critical Certificate Extension Test1 EE", ok}]).
+%% Internal functions
run(Tests) ->
[TA] = read_certs("Trust Anchor Root Certificate"),
run(Tests, TA).
run({Chap, Test, Result}, TA) ->
CertChain = cas(Chap) ++ read_certs(Test),
- lists:foreach(fun(C) ->
- io:format("CERT: ~p~n", [public_key:pkix_decode_cert(C, otp)])
- end, CertChain),
Options = path_validation_options(TA, Chap,Test),
try public_key:pkix_path_validation(TA, CertChain, Options) of
{Result, _} -> ok;
@@ -840,6 +836,56 @@ path_validation_options(TA, Chap, Test) ->
[{verify_fun, {Fun, []}}]
+read_certs(Test) ->
+ File = cert_file(Test),
+ Ders = erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(File),
+ [Cert || {'Certificate', Cert, not_encrypted} <- Ders].
+read_crls(Test) ->
+ File = crl_file(Test),
+ Ders = erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(File),
+ [CRL || {'CertificateList', CRL, not_encrypted} <- Ders].
+cert_file(Test) ->
+ file(?CONV, lists:append(string:tokens(Test, " -")) ++ ".pem").
+crl_file(Test) ->
+ file(?CRL, lists:append(string:tokens(Test, " -")) ++ ".pem").
+file(Sub,File) ->
+ TestDir = case get(datadir) of
+ undefined -> "./pkits_SUITE_data";
+ Dir when is_list(Dir) ->
+ Dir
+ end,
+ AbsFile = filename:join([TestDir,Sub,File]),
+ case filelib:is_file(AbsFile) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false ->
+ ?error("Couldn't read data from ~p ~n",[AbsFile])
+ end,
+ AbsFile.
+error(Format, Args, File0, Line) ->
+ File = filename:basename(File0),
+ Pid = group_leader(),
+ Pid ! {failed, File, Line},
+ io:format(Pid, "~s(~p): ERROR"++Format, [File,Line|Args]).
+warning(Format, Args, File0, Line) ->
+ File = filename:basename(File0),
+ io:format("~s(~p): Warning "++Format, [File,Line|Args]).
+crypto_support_check(Config) ->
+ try crypto:sha256(<<"Test">>) of
+ _ ->
+ Config
+ catch error:notsup ->
+ crypto:stop(),
+ {skip, "To old version of openssl"}
+ end.
needs_crl_options("4.4" ++ _) ->
needs_crl_options("4.5" ++ _) ->
@@ -878,15 +924,10 @@ crl_options(_TA, Chap, _Test) ->
Crls = [{DerCRL, public_key:der_decode('CertificateList',
DerCRL)} || DerCRL <- DerCRLs],
- test_server:format("START ~n", []),
CRLInfo0 = crl_info(OtpCert, Crls, []),
- test_server:format("END ~n", []),
CRLInfo = lists:reverse(CRLInfo0),
PathDb = crl_path_db(lists:reverse(Crls), Paths, []),
- test_server:format("Pathdb: ~p~n", [PathDb]),
- test_server:format("CRL INFO: ~p~n", [CRLInfo]),
Fun = fun(DP, CRLtoValidate, Id, PathDb0) ->
trusted_cert_and_path(DP, CRLtoValidate, Id, PathDb0)
@@ -919,194 +960,6 @@ crl_path_db([{_, CRL} |CRLs], [Path | Paths], Acc) ->
end, Path)),
crl_path_db(CRLs, Paths, [{CRL, CertPath}| Acc]).
-crl_names("4.4.1") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL"];
-crl_names("4.4.2") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Good CA CRL", "Revoked subCA CRL"];
-crl_names("4.4.3") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Good CA CRL", "Revoked subCA CRL"];
-crl_names("4.4.4") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Bad CRL Signature CA CRL"];
-crl_names("4.4.5") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Bad CRL Issuer Name CA CRL"];
-crl_names("4.4.6") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Wrong CRL CA CRL"];
-crl_names("4.4.7") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Two CRLs CA Good CRL", "Two CRLs CA Bad CRL"];
-crl_names("4.4.8") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Unknown CRL Entry Extension CA CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.4.9";
- Chap == "4.4.10"->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Unknown CRL Extension CA CRL"];
-crl_names("4.4.11") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Old CRL nextUpdate CA CRL"];
-crl_names("4.4.12") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "pre2000 CRL nextUpdate CA CRL"];
-crl_names("4.4.13") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "GeneralizedTime CRL nextUpdate CA CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.4.14";
- Chap == "4.4.15"->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Negative Serial Number CA CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.4.16";
- Chap == "4.4.17";
- Chap == "4.4.18" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Long Serial Number CA CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap)when Chap == "4.4.19";
- Chap == "4.4.20" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Separate Certificate and CRL Keys CRL"];
-crl_names("4.4.21") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Separate Certificate and CRL Keys CA2 CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.5.1";
- Chap == "4.5.2"->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Basic Self-Issued New Key CA CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.5.3";
- Chap == "4.5.4";
- Chap == "4.5.5" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Basic Self-Issued Old Key Self-Issued Cert CRL",
- "Basic Self-Issued Old Key CA CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.5.6";
- Chap == "4.5.7";
- Chap == "4.5.8" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CRL Cert CRL",
- "Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CA CRL"
- ];
-crl_names("4.7.4") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "keyUsage Critical cRLSign False CA CRL"];
-crl_names("4.7.5") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "keyUsage Not Critical cRLSign False CA CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.1";
- Chap == "4.14.2";
- Chap == "4.14.3";
- Chap == "4.14.4" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "distributionPoint1 CA CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.5";
- Chap == "4.14.6";
- Chap == "4.14.7";
- Chap == "4.14.8";
- Chap == "4.14.9" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "distributionPoint2 CA CRL"];
-crl_names("4.14.10") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "No issuingDistributionPoint CA CRL"];
-crl_names("4.14.11") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "onlyContainsUserCerts CA CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.12";
- Chap == "4.14.13" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "onlyContainsCACerts CA CRL"];
-crl_names("4.14.14") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "onlyContainsAttributeCerts CA CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.15";
- Chap == "4.14.16" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "onlySomeReasons CA1 compromise CRL",
- "onlySomeReasons CA1 other reasons CRL"];
-crl_names("4.14.17") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL",
- "onlySomeReasons CA2 CRL1", "onlySomeReasons CA2 CRL2"];
-crl_names("4.14.18") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL",
- "onlySomeReasons CA3 compromise CRL", "onlySomeReasons CA3 other reasons CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.19";
- Chap == "4.14.20";
- Chap == "4.14.21" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "onlySomeReasons CA4 compromise CRL",
- "onlySomeReasons CA4 other reasons CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.22";
- Chap == "4.14.23";
- Chap == "4.14.24";
- Chap == "4.14.25";
- Chap == "4.14.26" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "indirectCRL CA1 CRL"];
-crl_names("4.14.27") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Good CA CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.28";
- Chap == "4.14.29" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "indirectCRL CA3 CRL", "indirectCRL CA3 cRLIssuer CRL"];
-crl_names("4.14.30") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "indirectCRL CA4 cRLIssuer CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.31";
- Chap == "4.14.32";
- Chap == "4.14.33";
- Chap == "4.14.34";
- Chap == "4.14.35" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "indirectCRL CA5 CRL"];
-crl_names("4.15.1") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "deltaCRLIndicator No Base CA CRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.15.2";
- Chap == "4.15.3";
- Chap == "4.15.4";
- Chap == "4.15.5";
- Chap == "4.15.6";
- Chap == "4.15.7" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "deltaCRL CA1 CRL", "deltaCRL CA1 deltaCRL"];
-crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.15.8";
- Chap == "4.15.9" ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "deltaCRL CA2 CRL", "deltaCRL CA2 deltaCRL"];
-crl_names("4.15.10") ->
- ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "deltaCRL CA3 CRL", "deltaCRL CA3 deltaCRL"].
-crl_root_cert() ->
- "Trust Anchor Root Certificate".
-crl_path("Trust Anchor Root CRL") ->
- []; %% Signed directly by crl_root_cert
-crl_path("Revoked subCA CRL") ->
- ["Good CA Cert", "Revoked subCA Cert"];
-crl_path("indirectCRL CA3 cRLIssuer CRL") ->
- ["indirectCRL CA3 Cert", "indirectCRL CA3 cRLIssuer Cert"];
-crl_path("Two CRLs CA Good CRL") ->
- ["Two CRLs CA Cert"];
-crl_path("Two CRLs CA Bad CRL") ->
- ["Two CRLs CA Cert"];
-crl_path("Separate Certificate and CRL Keys CRL") ->
- ["Separate Certificate and CRL Keys CRL Signing Cert"];
-crl_path("Separate Certificate and CRL Keys CA2 CRL") ->
- ["Separate Certificate and CRL Keys CA2 CRL Signing Cert"];
-crl_path("Basic Self-Issued Old Key Self-Issued Cert CRL") ->
- ["Basic Self-Issued Old Key CA Cert"];
-crl_path("Basic Self-Issued Old Key CA CRL") ->
- ["Basic Self-Issued Old Key CA Cert", "Basic Self-Issued Old Key NewWithOld CA Cert"];
-crl_path("Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CRL Cert CRL") ->
- ["Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CA Cert"];
-crl_path("Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CA CRL") ->
- ["Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CA Cert", "Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CRL Cert"];
-crl_path("onlySomeReasons CA1 compromise CRL") ->
- ["onlySomeReasons CA1 Cert"];
-crl_path("onlySomeReasons CA1 other reasons CRL") ->
- ["onlySomeReasons CA1 Cert"];
-crl_path("onlySomeReasons CA3 other reasons CRL") ->
- ["onlySomeReasons CA3 Cert"];
-crl_path("onlySomeReasons CA3 compromise CRL") ->
- ["onlySomeReasons CA3 Cert"];
-crl_path("onlySomeReasons CA4 compromise CRL") ->
- ["onlySomeReasons CA4 Cert"];
-crl_path("onlySomeReasons CA4 other reasons CRL") ->
- ["onlySomeReasons CA4 Cert"];
-crl_path("Basic Self-Issued New Key CA CRL") ->
- ["Basic Self-Issued New Key CA Cert"];
-crl_path("deltaCRL CA1 deltaCRL") ->
- crl_path("deltaCRL CA2 CRL");
-crl_path("deltaCRL CA2 deltaCRL") ->
- crl_path("deltaCRL CA2 CRL");
-crl_path("deltaCRL CA3 deltaCRL") ->
- crl_path("deltaCRL CA3 CRL");
-crl_path(CRL) when CRL == "onlySomeReasons CA2 CRL1";
- CRL == "onlySomeReasons CA2 CRL2" ->
- ["onlySomeReasons CA2 Cert"];
-crl_path(CRL) ->
- L = length(CRL),
- Base = string:sub_string(CRL, 1, L -3),
- [Base ++ "Cert"].
-crls(CRLS) ->
- lists:foldl(fun([], Acc) ->
- Acc;
- (CRLFile, Acc) ->
- [CRL] = read_crls(CRLFile),
- [CRL | Acc]
- end, [], CRLS).
crl_info(_, [], Acc) ->
@@ -1119,45 +972,37 @@ crl_info(OtpCert, [{_, #'CertificateList'{tbsCertList =
ExtList = pubkey_cert:extensions_list(CRLExtensions),
DPs = case pubkey_cert:select_extension(?'id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints', Extensions) of
#'Extension'{extnValue = Value} ->
- TDPS = lists:foldl(fun(Point, Acc) ->
- Dp = pubkey_cert_records:transform(Point, decode),
- IDP = pubkey_cert:select_extension(?'id-ce-issuingDistributionPoint', Extensions),
- case Dp#'DistributionPoint'.cRLIssuer of
- asn1_NOVALUE ->
- [Dp | Acc];
- DpCRLIssuer ->
- CRLIssuer = dp_crlissuer_to_issuer(DpCRLIssuer),
- CertIssuer = OtpTBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.issuer,
- case pubkey_cert:is_issuer(CRLIssuer, CertIssuer) of
- true ->
- [Dp | Acc];
- false when (IDP =/= undefined) ->
- Acc;
- false ->
- [Dp | Acc]
- end
- end
- end, [], Value),
- test_server:format("DPs: ~p ~n", [TDPS]),
- _ ->
- test_server:format("NO DP extension ~p ~n", [Extensions]),
+ lists:foldl(fun(Point, Acc0) ->
+ Dp = pubkey_cert_records:transform(Point, decode),
+ IDP = pubkey_cert:select_extension(?'id-ce-issuingDistributionPoint',
+ Extensions),
+ case Dp#'DistributionPoint'.cRLIssuer of
+ asn1_NOVALUE ->
+ [Dp | Acc0];
+ DpCRLIssuer ->
+ CRLIssuer = dp_crlissuer_to_issuer(DpCRLIssuer),
+ CertIssuer = OtpTBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.issuer,
+ case pubkey_cert:is_issuer(CRLIssuer, CertIssuer) of
+ true ->
+ [Dp | Acc0];
+ false when (IDP =/= undefined) ->
+ Acc0;
+ false ->
+ [Dp | Acc0]
+ end
+ end
+ end, [], Value);
+ _ ->
case same_issuer(OtpCert, Issuer) of
true ->
[make_dp(ExtList, asn1_NOVALUE, Issuer)];
- false ->
+ false ->
[make_dp(ExtList, Issuer, ignore)]
DPsCRLs = lists:map(fun(DP) -> {DP, CRL} end, DPs),
crl_info(OtpCert, Rest, DPsCRLs ++ Acc).
-ignore_sign_test_when_building_path("Invalid Bad CRL Signature Test4") ->
- true;
-ignore_sign_test_when_building_path(_) ->
- false.
same_issuer(OTPCert, Issuer) ->
DecIssuer = pubkey_cert_records:transform(Issuer, decode),
OTPTBSCert = OTPCert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
@@ -1183,19 +1028,15 @@ make_dp(Extensions, Issuer0, DpInfo) ->
mk_issuer_dp(asn1_NOVALUE, Issuer) ->
{asn1_NOVALUE, {fullName, [{directoryName, Issuer}]}};
mk_issuer_dp(Issuer, _) ->
- io:format("Issuer ~p~n", [Issuer]),
{[{directoryName, Issuer}], asn1_NOVALUE}.
update_crls(_, State) ->
-trusted_cert_and_path(_, #'CertificateList'{tbsCertList =
- #'TBSCertList'{issuer = Issuer}} = CRL, _, PathDb) ->
+trusted_cert_and_path(_, #'CertificateList'{} = CRL, _, PathDb) ->
[TrustedDERCert] = read_certs(crl_root_cert()),
TrustedCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(TrustedDERCert, otp),
- io:format("CRL~p ~n", [CRL]),
case lists:keysearch(CRL, 1, PathDb) of
{_, {CRL, [ _| _] = Path}} ->
{ok, TrustedCert, [TrustedDERCert | Path]};
@@ -1203,203 +1044,12 @@ trusted_cert_and_path(_, #'CertificateList'{tbsCertList =
{ok, TrustedCert, [TrustedDERCert]}
-%% trusted_cert_and_path(DP, CRL, Id, {Ignore, CertsList}) ->
-%% case crl_issuer(crl_issuer_name(DP), CRL, Id, CertsList, CertsList, Ignore) of
-%% {ok, IssuerCert, DerIssuerCert} ->
-%% Certs = [{public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp), Cert} || Cert <- CertsList],
-%% CertChain = build_chain(Certs, Certs, IssuerCert, Ignore, [DerIssuerCert]),
-%% {ok, public_key:pkix_decode_cert(hd(CertChain), otp), CertChain};
-%% Other ->
-%% Other
-%% end.
-crl_issuer_name(#'DistributionPoint'{cRLIssuer = asn1_NOVALUE}) ->
- undefined;
-crl_issuer_name(#'DistributionPoint'{cRLIssuer = [{directoryName, Issuer}]}) ->
- pubkey_cert_records:transform(Issuer, decode).
-build_chain([],_, _, _,Acc) ->
- Acc;
-build_chain([{First, DerFirst}|Certs], All, Cert, Ignore, Acc) ->
- case public_key:pkix_is_self_signed(Cert) andalso is_test_root(Cert) of
- true ->
- Acc;
- false ->
- case public_key:pkix_is_issuer(Cert, First)
- andalso check_extension_cert_signer(First)
- andalso is_signer(First, Cert, Ignore)
- of
- true ->
- build_chain(All, All, First, Ignore, [DerFirst | Acc]);
- false ->
- build_chain(Certs, All, Cert, Ignore, Acc)
- end
- end.
-is_signer(_,_, true) ->
- true;
-is_signer(Signer, #'OTPCertificate'{} = Cert,_) ->
- TBSCert = Signer#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
- PublicKeyInfo = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo,
- PublicKey = PublicKeyInfo#'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'.subjectPublicKey,
- AlgInfo = PublicKeyInfo#'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'.algorithm,
- PublicKeyParams = AlgInfo#'PublicKeyAlgorithm'.parameters,
- try pubkey_cert:validate_signature(Cert, public_key:pkix_encode('OTPCertificate',
- Cert, otp),
- PublicKey, PublicKeyParams, true, ?DEFAULT_VERIFYFUN) of
- true ->
- true
- catch
- _:_ ->
- false
- end;
-is_signer(Signer, #'CertificateList'{} = CRL, _) ->
- TBSCert = Signer#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
- PublicKeyInfo = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo,
- PublicKey = PublicKeyInfo#'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'.subjectPublicKey,
- AlgInfo = PublicKeyInfo#'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'.algorithm,
- PublicKeyParams = AlgInfo#'PublicKeyAlgorithm'.parameters,
- pubkey_crl:verify_crl_signature(CRL, public_key:pkix_encode('CertificateList',
- CRL, plain),
- PublicKey, PublicKeyParams).
-is_test_root(OtpCert) ->
- TBSCert = OtpCert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
- {rdnSequence, AtterList} = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.issuer,
- lists:member([{'AttributeTypeAndValue',{2,5,4,3},{printableString,"Trust Anchor"}}],
- AtterList).
-check_extension_cert_signer(OtpCert) ->
- TBSCert = OtpCert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
- Extensions = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.extensions,
- case pubkey_cert:select_extension(?'id-ce-keyUsage', Extensions) of
- #'Extension'{extnValue = KeyUse} ->
- lists:member(keyCertSign, KeyUse);
- _ ->
- true
- end.
-check_extension_crl_signer(OtpCert) ->
- TBSCert = OtpCert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
- Extensions = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.extensions,
- case pubkey_cert:select_extension(?'id-ce-keyUsage', Extensions) of
- #'Extension'{extnValue = KeyUse} ->
- lists:member(cRLSign, KeyUse);
- _ ->
- true
- end.
-crl_issuer(undefined, CRL, issuer_not_found, _, CertsList, Ignore) ->
- crl_issuer(CRL, CertsList, Ignore);
-crl_issuer(IssuerName, CRL, issuer_not_found, CertsList, CertsList, Ignore) ->
- crl_issuer(IssuerName, CRL, IssuerName, CertsList, CertsList, Ignore);
-crl_issuer(undefined, CRL, Id, [Cert | Rest], All, false) ->
- ErlCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
- TBSCertificate = ErlCert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
- SerialNumber = TBSCertificate#'OTPTBSCertificate'.serialNumber,
- Issuer = public_key:pkix_normalize_name(
- TBSCertificate#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subject),
- Bool = is_signer(ErlCert, CRL, false),
- case {SerialNumber, Issuer} of
- Id when Bool == true ->
- {ok, ErlCert, Cert};
- _ ->
- crl_issuer(undefined, CRL, Id, Rest, All, false)
- end;
-crl_issuer(IssuerName, CRL, Id, [Cert | Rest], All, false) ->
- ErlCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
- TBSCertificate = ErlCert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
- SerialNumber = TBSCertificate#'OTPTBSCertificate'.serialNumber,
- %Issuer = public_key:pkix_normalize_name(
- % TBSCertificate#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subject),
- Bool = is_signer(ErlCert, CRL, false),
- case {SerialNumber, IssuerName} of
- Id when Bool == true ->
- {ok, ErlCert, Cert};
- {_, IssuerName} when Bool == true ->
- {ok, ErlCert, Cert};
- _ ->
- crl_issuer(IssuerName, CRL, Id, Rest, All, false)
- end;
-crl_issuer(undefined, CRL, _, [], CertsList, Ignore) ->
- crl_issuer(CRL, CertsList, Ignore);
-crl_issuer(CRLName, CRL, _, [], CertsList, Ignore) ->
- crl_issuer(CRLName, CRL, CertsList, Ignore).
-crl_issuer(_, [],_) ->
- {error, issuer_not_found};
-crl_issuer(CRL, [Cert | Rest], Ignore) ->
- ErlCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
- case public_key:pkix_is_issuer(CRL, ErlCert) andalso
- check_extension_crl_signer(ErlCert) andalso
- is_signer(ErlCert, CRL, Ignore)
- of
- true ->
- {ok, ErlCert,Cert};
- false ->
- crl_issuer(CRL, Rest, Ignore)
- end.
-crl_issuer(_,_, [],_) ->
- {error, issuer_not_found};
-crl_issuer(IssuerName, CRL, [Cert | Rest], Ignore) ->
- ErlCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
- TBSCertificate = ErlCert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
- Issuer = public_key:pkix_normalize_name(
- TBSCertificate#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subject),
- case
- public_key:pkix_is_issuer(CRL, ErlCert) andalso
- check_extension_crl_signer(ErlCert) andalso
- is_signer(ErlCert, CRL, Ignore)
- of
- true ->
- case pubkey_cert:is_issuer(Issuer, IssuerName) of
- true ->
- {ok, ErlCert,Cert};
- false ->
- crl_issuer(IssuerName, CRL, Rest, Ignore)
- end;
- false ->
- crl_issuer(IssuerName, CRL, Rest, Ignore)
- end.
-read_certs(Test) ->
- File = cert_file(Test),
- Ders = erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(File),
- [Cert || {'Certificate', Cert, not_encrypted} <- Ders].
-read_crls(Test) ->
- File = crl_file(Test),
- Ders = erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(File),
- [CRL || {'CertificateList', CRL, not_encrypted} <- Ders].
-cert_file(Test) ->
- file(?CONV, lists:append(string:tokens(Test, " -")) ++ ".pem").
-crl_file(Test) ->
- file(?CRL, lists:append(string:tokens(Test, " -")) ++ ".pem").
+dp_crlissuer_to_issuer(DPCRLIssuer) ->
+ [{directoryName, Issuer}] = pubkey_cert_records:transform(DPCRLIssuer, decode),
+ Issuer.
-file(Sub,File) ->
- TestDir = case get(datadir) of
- undefined -> "./pkits_SUITE_data";
- Dir when is_list(Dir) ->
- Dir
- end,
- AbsFile = filename:join([TestDir,Sub,File]),
- case filelib:is_file(AbsFile) of
- true -> ok;
- false ->
- ?error("Couldn't read data from ~p ~n",[AbsFile])
- end,
- AbsFile.
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CA mappings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
cas(Chap) ->
CAS = intermidiate_cas(Chap),
@@ -1732,7 +1382,7 @@ intermidiate_cas(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.24";
Chap == "4.14.25";
Chap == "4.14.26" ->
["indirectCRL CA2 Cert"];
intermidiate_cas(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.27" ->
["indirectCRL CA2 Cert"];
@@ -1773,23 +1423,207 @@ intermidiate_cas(Chap) when Chap == "4.5.6";
intermidiate_cas(Chap) when Chap == "4.5.8" ->
["Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CRL Cert"].
-error(Format, Args, File0, Line) ->
- File = filename:basename(File0),
- Pid = group_leader(),
- Pid ! {failed, File, Line},
- io:format(Pid, "~s(~p): ERROR"++Format, [File,Line|Args]).
-warning(Format, Args, File0, Line) ->
- File = filename:basename(File0),
- io:format("~s(~p): Warning "++Format, [File,Line|Args]).
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CRL mappings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+crl_names("4.4.1") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL"];
+crl_names("4.4.2") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Good CA CRL", "Revoked subCA CRL"];
+crl_names("4.4.3") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Good CA CRL", "Revoked subCA CRL"];
+crl_names("4.4.4") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Bad CRL Signature CA CRL"];
+crl_names("4.4.5") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Bad CRL Issuer Name CA CRL"];
+crl_names("4.4.6") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Wrong CRL CA CRL"];
+crl_names("4.4.7") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Two CRLs CA Good CRL", "Two CRLs CA Bad CRL"];
+crl_names("4.4.8") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Unknown CRL Entry Extension CA CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.4.9";
+ Chap == "4.4.10"->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Unknown CRL Extension CA CRL"];
+crl_names("4.4.11") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Old CRL nextUpdate CA CRL"];
+crl_names("4.4.12") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "pre2000 CRL nextUpdate CA CRL"];
+crl_names("4.4.13") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "GeneralizedTime CRL nextUpdate CA CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.4.14";
+ Chap == "4.4.15"->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Negative Serial Number CA CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.4.16";
+ Chap == "4.4.17";
+ Chap == "4.4.18" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Long Serial Number CA CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap)when Chap == "4.4.19";
+ Chap == "4.4.20" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Separate Certificate and CRL Keys CRL"];
+crl_names("4.4.21") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Separate Certificate and CRL Keys CA2 CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.5.1";
+ Chap == "4.5.2"->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Basic Self-Issued New Key CA CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.5.3";
+ Chap == "4.5.4";
+ Chap == "4.5.5" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Basic Self-Issued Old Key Self-Issued Cert CRL",
+ "Basic Self-Issued Old Key CA CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.5.6";
+ Chap == "4.5.7";
+ Chap == "4.5.8" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CRL Cert CRL",
+ "Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CA CRL"
+ ];
+crl_names("4.7.4") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "keyUsage Critical cRLSign False CA CRL"];
+crl_names("4.7.5") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "keyUsage Not Critical cRLSign False CA CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.1";
+ Chap == "4.14.2";
+ Chap == "4.14.3";
+ Chap == "4.14.4" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "distributionPoint1 CA CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.5";
+ Chap == "4.14.6";
+ Chap == "4.14.7";
+ Chap == "4.14.8";
+ Chap == "4.14.9" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "distributionPoint2 CA CRL"];
+crl_names("4.14.10") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "No issuingDistributionPoint CA CRL"];
+crl_names("4.14.11") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "onlyContainsUserCerts CA CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.12";
+ Chap == "4.14.13" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "onlyContainsCACerts CA CRL"];
+crl_names("4.14.14") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "onlyContainsAttributeCerts CA CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.15";
+ Chap == "4.14.16" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "onlySomeReasons CA1 compromise CRL",
+ "onlySomeReasons CA1 other reasons CRL"];
+crl_names("4.14.17") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL",
+ "onlySomeReasons CA2 CRL1", "onlySomeReasons CA2 CRL2"];
+crl_names("4.14.18") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL",
+ "onlySomeReasons CA3 compromise CRL", "onlySomeReasons CA3 other reasons CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.19";
+ Chap == "4.14.20";
+ Chap == "4.14.21" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "onlySomeReasons CA4 compromise CRL",
+ "onlySomeReasons CA4 other reasons CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.22";
+ Chap == "4.14.23";
+ Chap == "4.14.24";
+ Chap == "4.14.25";
+ Chap == "4.14.26" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "indirectCRL CA1 CRL"];
+crl_names("4.14.27") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "Good CA CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.28";
+ Chap == "4.14.29" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "indirectCRL CA3 CRL", "indirectCRL CA3 cRLIssuer CRL"];
+crl_names("4.14.30") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "indirectCRL CA4 cRLIssuer CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.14.31";
+ Chap == "4.14.32";
+ Chap == "4.14.33";
+ Chap == "4.14.34";
+ Chap == "4.14.35" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "indirectCRL CA5 CRL"];
+crl_names("4.15.1") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "deltaCRLIndicator No Base CA CRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.15.2";
+ Chap == "4.15.3";
+ Chap == "4.15.4";
+ Chap == "4.15.5";
+ Chap == "4.15.6";
+ Chap == "4.15.7" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "deltaCRL CA1 CRL", "deltaCRL CA1 deltaCRL"];
+crl_names(Chap) when Chap == "4.15.8";
+ Chap == "4.15.9" ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "deltaCRL CA2 CRL", "deltaCRL CA2 deltaCRL"];
+crl_names("4.15.10") ->
+ ["Trust Anchor Root CRL", "deltaCRL CA3 CRL", "deltaCRL CA3 deltaCRL"].
+crl_root_cert() ->
+ "Trust Anchor Root Certificate".
+crl_path("Trust Anchor Root CRL") ->
+ []; %% Signed directly by crl_root_cert
+crl_path("Revoked subCA CRL") ->
+ ["Good CA Cert", "Revoked subCA Cert"];
+crl_path("indirectCRL CA3 cRLIssuer CRL") ->
+ ["indirectCRL CA3 Cert", "indirectCRL CA3 cRLIssuer Cert"];
+crl_path("Two CRLs CA Good CRL") ->
+ ["Two CRLs CA Cert"];
+crl_path("Two CRLs CA Bad CRL") ->
+ ["Two CRLs CA Cert"];
+crl_path("Separate Certificate and CRL Keys CRL") ->
+ ["Separate Certificate and CRL Keys CRL Signing Cert"];
+crl_path("Separate Certificate and CRL Keys CA2 CRL") ->
+ ["Separate Certificate and CRL Keys CA2 CRL Signing Cert"];
+crl_path("Basic Self-Issued Old Key Self-Issued Cert CRL") ->
+ ["Basic Self-Issued Old Key CA Cert"];
+crl_path("Basic Self-Issued Old Key CA CRL") ->
+ ["Basic Self-Issued Old Key CA Cert", "Basic Self-Issued Old Key NewWithOld CA Cert"];
+crl_path("Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CRL Cert CRL") ->
+ ["Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CA Cert"];
+crl_path("Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CA CRL") ->
+ ["Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CA Cert", "Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key CRL Cert"];
+crl_path("onlySomeReasons CA1 compromise CRL") ->
+ ["onlySomeReasons CA1 Cert"];
+crl_path("onlySomeReasons CA1 other reasons CRL") ->
+ ["onlySomeReasons CA1 Cert"];
+crl_path("onlySomeReasons CA3 other reasons CRL") ->
+ ["onlySomeReasons CA3 Cert"];
+crl_path("onlySomeReasons CA3 compromise CRL") ->
+ ["onlySomeReasons CA3 Cert"];
+crl_path("onlySomeReasons CA4 compromise CRL") ->
+ ["onlySomeReasons CA4 Cert"];
+crl_path("onlySomeReasons CA4 other reasons CRL") ->
+ ["onlySomeReasons CA4 Cert"];
+crl_path("Basic Self-Issued New Key CA CRL") ->
+ ["Basic Self-Issued New Key CA Cert"];
+crl_path("deltaCRL CA1 deltaCRL") ->
+ crl_path("deltaCRL CA2 CRL");
+crl_path("deltaCRL CA2 deltaCRL") ->
+ crl_path("deltaCRL CA2 CRL");
+crl_path("deltaCRL CA3 deltaCRL") ->
+ crl_path("deltaCRL CA3 CRL");
+crl_path(CRL) when CRL == "onlySomeReasons CA2 CRL1";
+ CRL == "onlySomeReasons CA2 CRL2" ->
+ ["onlySomeReasons CA2 Cert"];
+crl_path(CRL) ->
+ L = length(CRL),
+ Base = string:sub_string(CRL, 1, L -3),
+ [Base ++ "Cert"].
+crls(CRLS) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun([], Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+ (CRLFile, Acc) ->
+ [CRL] = read_crls(CRLFile),
+ [CRL | Acc]
+ end, [], CRLS).
+%% TODO: If we implement policy support
%% Certificate policy tests need special handling. They can have several
%% sub tests and we need to check the outputs are correct.
certificate_policies() ->
%%{ "4.8", "Certificate Policies" },
[{"", "All Certificates Same Policy Test1", "-policy anyPolicy -explicit_policy", "True", ?NIST1, ?NIST1, 0},
- {"", "All Certificates Same Policy Test1", "-policy ?NIST1 -explicit_policy", "True", ?NIST1, ?NIST1, 0},
+ {"", "All Certificates Same Policy Test1", "-policy ?NIST1BasicSelfIssuedCRLSigningKeyCACert.pem -explicit_policy", "True", ?NIST1, ?NIST1, 0},
{"", "All Certificates Same Policy Test1", "-policy ?NIST2 -explicit_policy", "True", ?NIST1, "<empty>", 43},
{"", "All Certificates Same Policy Test1", "-policy ?NIST1 -policy ?NIST2 -explicit_policy", "True", ?NIST1, ?NIST1, 0},
{"", "All Certificates No Policies Test2", "-policy anyPolicy", "False", "<empty>", "<empty>", 0},
@@ -1889,17 +1723,3 @@ inhibit_any_policy() ->
{"4.12.8", "Invalid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test8", 43 },
{"4.12.9", "Valid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test9", ok},
{"4.12.10", "Invalid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test10", 43 }].
-crypto_support_check(Config) ->
- crypto:start(),
- try crypto:sha256(<<"Test">>) of
- _ ->
- Config
- catch error:notsup ->
- crypto:stop(),
- {skip, "To old version of openssl"}
- end.
-dp_crlissuer_to_issuer(DPCRLIssuer) ->
- [{directoryName, Issuer}] = pubkey_cert_records:transform(DPCRLIssuer, decode),
- Issuer.
diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
index 608cc91706..557092b690 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
@@ -691,8 +691,8 @@ pkix(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[[{'AttributeTypeAndValue', {2,5,4,3},{printableString,"ERLANGCA"}}],
[{'AttributeTypeAndValue', {2,5,4,3},{printableString," erlang ca "}}]]},
VerifyStr = {rdnSequence,
- [[{'AttributeTypeAndValue', {2,5,4,3},{printableString,"erlang ca"}}],
- [{'AttributeTypeAndValue', {2,5,4,3},{printableString,"erlangca"}}]]},
+ [[{'AttributeTypeAndValue', {2,5,4,3},{printableString,"erlangca"}}],
+ [{'AttributeTypeAndValue', {2,5,4,3},{printableString,"erlang ca"}}]]},
VerifyStr = public_key:pkix_normalize_name(TestStr),