diff options
authorRaimo Niskanen <raimo@erlang.org>2016-04-18 15:39:06 +0200
committerRaimo Niskanen <raimo@erlang.org>2016-04-19 09:12:27 +0200
commit2591124991bf601321d44de37d6c32e49075e68f (patch)
parenta2f3c685b5aeac798e12302cf8fe7df13184b669 (diff)
Introduce Fred Herbert suggested additions
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml b/system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml
index 02754bd23d..26e4840640 100644
--- a/system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml
+++ b/system/doc/design_principles/statem.xml
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ State(S) x Event(E) -> Actions(A), State(S')</pre>
Since <c>A</c> and <c>S'</c> depend only on
<c>S</c> and <c>E</c> the kind of state machine described
here is a Mealy Machine.
+ (See for example the corresponding Wikipedia article)
Like most <c>gen_</c> behaviours, <c>gen_statem</c> keeps
@@ -81,9 +82,19 @@ State(S) x Event(E) -> Actions(A), State(S')</pre>
a state machine implemented with this behaviour Turing complete.
But it feels mostly like an Event Driven Mealy Machine.
+ </section>
+<!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <section>
+ <marker id="callback_modes" />
+ <title>Callback Modes</title>
The <c>gen_statem</c> behaviour supports two different
- callback modes. In the mode <c>state_functions</c>,
+ <seealso marker="stdlib:gen_statem#type-action">
+ callback modes.
+ </seealso>
+ In the mode <c>state_functions</c>,
the state transition rules are written as a number of Erlang
functions, which conform to the following convention:
@@ -109,6 +120,64 @@ handle_event(EventType, EventContent, State, Data) ->
execute state transition actions on the machine engine itself
and send replies.
+ <section>
+ <title>Choosing Callback Mode</title>
+ <p>
+ The two
+ <seealso marker="stdlib:gen_statem#type-action">
+ callback modes
+ </seealso>
+ gives different possibilities
+ and restrictions, but one goal remains:
+ you want to handle all possible combinations of
+ events and states.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ You can for example do this by focusing on one state at the time
+ and for every state ensure that all events are handled,
+ or the other way around focus on one event at the time
+ and ensure that it is handled in every state,
+ or mix these strategies.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ With <c>state_functions</c> you are restricted to use
+ atom only states, and the <c>gen_statem</c> engine dispatches
+ on state name for you. This encourages the callback module
+ to gather the implementation of all event actions particular
+ to one state in the same place in the code
+ hence focus on one state at the time.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This mode fits well when you have a regular state diagram
+ like the ones in this chapter that describes all events and actions
+ belonging to a state visually around that state,
+ and each state has its unique name.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ With <c>handle_event_function</c> you are free to mix strategies
+ as you like because all events and states
+ are handled in the the same callback function.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This mode works equally well when you want to focus on
+ one event at the time or when you want to focus on
+ one state at the time, but the <c>handle_event/4</c> function
+ quickly grows too large to handle without introducing dispatching.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The mode enables the use of non-atom states for example
+ complex states or even hiearchical states.
+ If, for example, a state diagram is largely alike
+ for the client and for the server side of a protocol;
+ then you can have a state <c>{StateName,server}</c> or
+ <c>{StateName,client}</c> and since you do the dispatching
+ yourself you make <c>StateName</c> decide where in the code
+ to handle most events in the state.
+ The second element of the tuple is then used to select
+ whether to handle special client side or server side events.
+ </p>
+ </section>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
@@ -773,6 +842,20 @@ open(cast, {button,_}, Data) ->
+ <p>
+ The fact that a postponed event is only retried after a state change
+ translates into a requirement on the event and state space:
+ if you have a choice between storing a state data item
+ in the <c>State</c> or in the <c>Data</c>;
+ should a change in the item value affect which events that
+ are handled, then this item ought to be part of the state.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ What you want to avoid is that you maybe much later decide
+ to postpone an event in one state and by misfortune it is never retried
+ because the code only changes the <c>Data</c> but not the <c>State</c>.
+ </p>
<title>Fuzzy State Diagrams</title>
@@ -788,6 +871,7 @@ open(cast, {button,_}, Data) ->
as in postpone it.
<title>Selective Receive</title>
@@ -956,6 +1040,7 @@ enter(Tag, State, Data) ->
Nor does it show that the <c>code_length/0</c> call shall be
handled in every state.
<title>Callback Mode: state_functions</title>
@@ -1029,6 +1114,7 @@ code_change(_Vsn, State, Data, _Extra) ->
<title>Callback Mode: handle_event_function</title>
@@ -1059,7 +1145,7 @@ handle_event(
#{code := Code, remaining := Remaining} = Data) ->
case Remaining of
[Digit] -> % Complete
- enter(next_state, open, Data, []);
+ enter(next_state, open, Data);
[Digit|Rest] -> % Incomplete
{keep_state,Data#{remaining := Rest}};
[_|_] -> % Wrong
@@ -1072,7 +1158,7 @@ handle_event(internal, enter, open, Data) ->
{keep_state,Data#{timer => Tref}};
handle_event(info, {timeout,Tref,lock}, open, #{timer := Tref} = Data) ->
- enter(next_state, locked, Data, []);
+ enter(next_state, locked, Data);
handle_event(cast, {button,_}, open, _) ->
@@ -1086,8 +1172,161 @@ handle_event({call,From}, code_length, _State, #{code := Code}) ->
Note that postponing buttons from the <c>locked</c> state
to the <c>open</c> state feels like the wrong thing to do
- for a code lock, but it illustrates event postponing.
+ for a code lock, but it at least illustrates event postponing.
+<!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <section>
+ <title>Complex State</title>
+ <p>
+ The
+ <seealso marker="stdlib:gen_statem#type-action">
+ callback mode
+ </seealso>
+ <c>handle_event_function</c>
+ enables using a non-atom state as described in
+ <seealso marker="#callback_modes">
+ Callback Modes,
+ </seealso>
+ for example a complex state term like a tuple.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ One reason to use this is when you have
+ a state item that affects the event handling
+ in particular when combining that with postponing events.
+ Let us complicate the previous example
+ by introducing a configurable lock button
+ (this is the state item in question)
+ that in the <c>open</c> state immediately locks the door,
+ and an API function <c>set_lock_button/1</c> to set the lock button.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Suppose now that we call <c>set_lock_button</c>
+ while the door is open,
+ and have already postponed a button event
+ that up until now was not the lock button;
+ the sensible thing might be to say that
+ the button was pressed too early so it should
+ not be recognized as the lock button,
+ but then it might be surprising that a button event
+ that now is the lock button event arrives (as retried postponed)
+ immediately after the state transits to <c>locked</c>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ So let us make the <c>button/1</c> function synchronous
+ by using <c>gen_statem:call</c>,
+ and still postpone its events in the <c>open</c> state.
+ Then a call to <c>button/1</c> during the <c>open</c>
+ state will not return until the state transits to <c>locked</c>
+ since it is there the event is handled and the reply is sent.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If now one process calls <c>set_lock_button/1</c>
+ to change the lock button while some other process
+ hangs in <c>button/1</c> with the new lock button
+ it could be expected that the hanging lock button call
+ immediately takes effect and locks the lock.
+ Therefore we make the current lock button a part of the state
+ so when we change the lock button the state will change
+ and all postponed events will be retried.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ We define the state as <c>{StateName,LockButton}</c>
+ where <c>StateName</c> is as before
+ and <c>LockButton</c> is the current lock button:
+ </p>
+ <code type="erl"><![CDATA[
+-define(NAME, code_lock_3).
+start_link(Code, LockButton) ->
+ gen_statem:start_link(
+ {local,?NAME}, ?MODULE, {Code,LockButton}, []).
+stop() ->
+ gen_statem:stop(?NAME).
+button(Digit) ->
+ gen_statem:call(?NAME, {button,Digit}).
+code_length() ->
+ gen_statem:call(?NAME, code_length).
+set_lock_button(LockButton) ->
+ gen_statem:call(?NAME, {set_lock_button,LockButton}).
+init({Code,LockButton}) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Data = #{code => Code},
+ enter(handle_event_function, {locked,LockButton}, Data, []).
+%% State: locked
+handle_event(internal, enter, {locked,_}, #{code := Code} = Data) ->
+ do_lock(),
+ {keep_state,Data#{remaining => Code}};
+ {call,From}, {button,Digit}, {locked,LockButton},
+ #{code := Code, remaining := Remaining} = Data) ->
+ case Remaining of
+ [Digit] -> % Complete
+ enter(next_state, {open,LockButton}, Data, [{reply,From,ok}]);
+ [Digit|Rest] -> % Incomplete
+ {keep_state,Data#{remaining := Rest},[{reply,From,ok}]};
+ [_|_] -> % Wrong
+ {keep_state,Data#{remaining := Code},[{reply,From,ok}]}
+ end;
+%% State: open
+handle_event(internal, enter, {open,_}, Data) ->
+ Tref = erlang:start_timer(10000, self(), lock),
+ do_unlock(),
+ {keep_state,Data#{timer => Tref}};
+ info, {timeout,Tref,lock}, {open,LockButton},
+ #{timer := Tref} = Data) ->
+ enter(next_state, {locked,LockButton}, Data, []);
+ {call,From}, {button,LockButton}, {open,LockButton},
+ #{timer := Tref} = Data) ->
+ erlang:cancel_timer(Tref),
+ enter(next_state, {locked,LockButton}, Data, [{reply,From,locked}]);
+handle_event({call,_}, {button,_}, {open,_}, _) ->
+ {keep_state_and_data,[postpone]};
+%% Any state
+ {call,From}, {set_lock_button,NewLockButton}, {StateName,OldLockButton},
+ Data) ->
+ {next_state,{StateName,NewLockButton},Data,
+ [{reply,From,OldLockButton}]};
+handle_event({call,From}, code_length, _State, #{code := Code}) ->
+ {keep_state_and_data,[{reply,From,length(Code)}]}.
+enter(Tag, State, Data, Actions) ->
+ {Tag,State,Data,[{next_event,internal,enter}|Actions]}.
+do_lock() ->
+ io:format("Locked~n", []).
+do_unlock() ->
+ io:format("Open~n", []).
+terminate(_Reason, State, _Data) ->
+ State =/= locked andalso do_lock(),
+ ok.
+code_change(_Vsn, State, Data, _Extra) ->
+ {ok,State,Data}.
+ ]]></code>
+ <p>
+ It may be an ill-fitting model for a physical code lock
+ that the <c>button/1</c> call might hang until the lock
+ is locked. But for an API in general it is really not
+ that strange.
+ </p>
+ </section>