diff options
authorZandra Hird <zandra@erlang.org>2015-03-17 12:44:31 +0100
committerZandra Hird <zandra@erlang.org>2015-03-17 12:44:50 +0100
commit94c86eb6325248e76156ba6d31882576b93d242f (patch)
parentf991b0bb0ce200967f73b4d6505956a56e358b21 (diff)
parent3ec48aa1782af3b4d84d9bad8129127c2b9f4b9d (diff)
Merge branch 'danielwhite/zip-port-leak-fix'
OTP-12566 * danielwhite/zip-port-leak-fix: Describe zip handles an opaque type Document the termination semantics of a zip handle Prevent zip:zip_open/1,2 from leaking ports
3 files changed, 70 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/zip.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/zip.xml
index 48b376743d..3845ccd09d 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/zip.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/zip.xml
@@ -430,6 +430,8 @@
means that subsequently reading files from the archive will be
faster than unzipping files one at a time with <c>unzip</c>.</p>
<p>The archive must be closed with <c>zip_close/1</c>.</p>
+ <p>The <c><anno>ZipHandle</anno></c> will be closed if the
+ process which originally opened the archive dies.</p>
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/zip.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/zip.erl
index b768c6d0b9..44e75ff15b 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/zip.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/zip.erl
@@ -214,7 +214,9 @@
-type zip_comment() :: #zip_comment{}.
-type zip_file() :: #zip_file{}.
--export_type([create_option/0, filename/0]).
+-opaque handle() :: pid().
+-export_type([create_option/0, filename/0, handle/0]).
%% Open a zip archive with options
@@ -500,7 +502,7 @@ do_list_dir(F, Options) ->
-spec(t(Archive) -> ok when
Archive :: file:name() | binary() | ZipHandle,
- ZipHandle :: pid()).
+ ZipHandle :: handle()).
t(F) when is_pid(F) -> zip_t(F);
t(F) when is_record(F, openzip) -> openzip_t(F);
@@ -524,7 +526,7 @@ do_t(F, RawPrint) ->
-spec(tt(Archive) -> ok when
Archive :: file:name() | binary() | ZipHandle,
- ZipHandle :: pid()).
+ ZipHandle :: handle()).
tt(F) when is_pid(F) -> zip_tt(F);
tt(F) when is_record(F, openzip) -> openzip_tt(F);
@@ -1114,15 +1116,19 @@ local_file_header_from_info_method_name(#file_info{mtime = MTime},
file_name_length = length(Name),
extra_field_length = 0}.
+server_init(Parent) ->
+ %% we want to know if our parent dies
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ server_loop(Parent, not_open).
%% small, simple, stupid zip-archive server
-server_loop(OpenZip) ->
+server_loop(Parent, OpenZip) ->
{From, {open, Archive, Options}} ->
case openzip_open(Archive, Options) of
{ok, NewOpenZip} ->
From ! {self(), {ok, self()}},
- server_loop(NewOpenZip);
+ server_loop(Parent, NewOpenZip);
Error ->
From ! {self(), Error}
@@ -1130,43 +1136,47 @@ server_loop(OpenZip) ->
From ! {self(), openzip_close(OpenZip)};
{From, get} ->
From ! {self(), openzip_get(OpenZip)},
- server_loop(OpenZip);
+ server_loop(Parent, OpenZip);
{From, {get, FileName}} ->
From ! {self(), openzip_get(FileName, OpenZip)},
- server_loop(OpenZip);
+ server_loop(Parent, OpenZip);
{From, list_dir} ->
From ! {self(), openzip_list_dir(OpenZip)},
- server_loop(OpenZip);
+ server_loop(Parent, OpenZip);
{From, {list_dir, Opts}} ->
From ! {self(), openzip_list_dir(OpenZip, Opts)},
- server_loop(OpenZip);
+ server_loop(Parent, OpenZip);
{From, get_state} ->
From ! {self(), OpenZip},
- server_loop(OpenZip);
+ server_loop(Parent, OpenZip);
+ {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
+ openzip_close(OpenZip),
+ exit({parent_died, Reason});
_ ->
{error, bad_msg}
-spec(zip_open(Archive) -> {ok, ZipHandle} | {error, Reason} when
Archive :: file:name() | binary(),
- ZipHandle :: pid(),
+ ZipHandle :: handle(),
Reason :: term()).
zip_open(Archive) -> zip_open(Archive, []).
-spec(zip_open(Archive, Options) -> {ok, ZipHandle} | {error, Reason} when
Archive :: file:name() | binary(),
- ZipHandle :: pid(),
+ ZipHandle :: handle(),
Options :: [Option],
Option :: cooked | memory | {cwd, CWD :: file:filename()},
Reason :: term()).
zip_open(Archive, Options) ->
- Pid = spawn(fun() -> server_loop(not_open) end),
- request(self(), Pid, {open, Archive, Options}).
+ Self = self(),
+ Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> server_init(Self) end),
+ request(Self, Pid, {open, Archive, Options}).
-spec(zip_get(ZipHandle) -> {ok, [Result]} | {error, Reason} when
- ZipHandle :: pid(),
+ ZipHandle :: handle(),
Result :: file:name() | {file:name(), binary()},
Reason :: term()).
@@ -1174,14 +1184,14 @@ zip_get(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
request(self(), Pid, get).
-spec(zip_close(ZipHandle) -> ok | {error, einval} when
- ZipHandle :: pid()).
+ ZipHandle :: handle()).
zip_close(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
request(self(), Pid, close).
-spec(zip_get(FileName, ZipHandle) -> {ok, Result} | {error, Reason} when
FileName :: file:name(),
- ZipHandle :: pid(),
+ ZipHandle :: handle(),
Result :: file:name() | {file:name(), binary()},
Reason :: term()).
@@ -1190,7 +1200,7 @@ zip_get(FileName, Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
-spec(zip_list_dir(ZipHandle) -> {ok, Result} | {error, Reason} when
Result :: [zip_comment() | zip_file()],
- ZipHandle :: pid(),
+ ZipHandle :: handle(),
Reason :: term()).
zip_list_dir(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/zip_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/zip_SUITE.erl
index a57641ef62..d168a9d9bc 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/zip_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/zip_SUITE.erl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
bad_zip/1, unzip_from_binary/1, unzip_to_binary/1,
unzip_options/1, zip_options/1, list_dir_options/1, aliases/1,
- openzip_api/1, zip_api/1, unzip_jar/1,
+ openzip_api/1, zip_api/1, open_leak/1, unzip_jar/1,
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ all() ->
[borderline, atomic, bad_zip, unzip_from_binary,
unzip_to_binary, zip_to_binary, unzip_options,
zip_options, list_dir_options, aliases, openzip_api,
- zip_api, unzip_jar, compress_control, foldl].
+ zip_api, open_leak, unzip_jar, compress_control, foldl].
groups() ->
@@ -318,8 +318,46 @@ zip_api(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Clean up.
+ ok.
+open_leak(doc) ->
+ ["Test that zip doesn't leak processes and ports where the "
+ "controlling process dies without closing an zip opened with "
+ "zip:zip_open/1."];
+open_leak(suite) -> [];
+open_leak(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% Create a zip archive
+ Zip = "zip.zip",
+ {ok, Zip} = zip:zip(Zip, [], []),
+ %% Open archive in a another process that dies immediately.
+ ZipSrv = spawn_zip(Zip, [memory]),
+ %% Expect the ZipSrv process to die soon after.
+ true = spawned_zip_dead(ZipSrv),
+ %% Clean up.
+ delete_files([Zip]),
+spawn_zip(Zip, Options) ->
+ Self = self(),
+ spawn(fun() -> Self ! zip:zip_open(Zip, Options) end),
+ receive
+ {ok, ZipSrv} ->
+ ZipSrv
+ end.
+spawned_zip_dead(ZipSrv) ->
+ Ref = monitor(process, ZipSrv),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, ZipSrv, _} ->
+ true
+ after 1000 ->
+ false
+ end.
unzip_options(doc) ->
["Test options for unzip, only cwd and file_list currently"];
unzip_options(suite) ->