diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <bmk@erlang.org>2013-05-30 16:11:51 +0200
committerMicael Karlberg <bmk@erlang.org>2013-05-30 16:11:51 +0200
commit315838bc7cb7d9da936c10a3b6fc32c9ea92bca0 (patch)
parentdc22c5fea0753ba7e066d26a9f3a4078af6cb2c5 (diff)
[snmp/agent] Changed the test suite expect function
There was an id as the first agument to each expect call. Ufortunatly, this id was often 1 and since the same test function(s) was called in many test cases, there was many "Expect 1", and therefor no way of knowing which expect actually was performed. The expect functions has been changed to instead take module and line number.
2 files changed, 572 insertions, 564 deletions
diff --git a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_agent_test.erl b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_agent_test.erl
index 01f0e58bc2..a35077091e 100644
--- a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_agent_test.erl
+++ b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_agent_test.erl
@@ -86,6 +86,26 @@
+ snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(?MODULE, ?LINE,
+ What)).
+-define(expect2(What, ExpVBs),
+ snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(?MODULE, ?LINE,
+ What, ExpVBs)).
+-define(expect3(Err, Idx, ExpVBs),
+ snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(?MODULE, ?LINE,
+ Err, Idx, ExpVBs)).
+-define(expect4(Err, Idx, ExpVBs, To),
+ snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(?MODULE, ?LINE,
+ Err, Idx, ExpVBs, To)).
+-define(expect5(Type, Ent, Gen, Spec, ExpVBs),
+ snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(?MODULE, ?LINE,
+ Type, Ent, Gen, Spec, ExpVBs)).
+-define(expect6(Type, Ent, Gen, Spec, ExpVBs, To),
+ snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(?MODULE, ?LINE,
+ Type, Ent, Gen, Spec, ExpVBs)).
all() ->
%% Reqs = [mnesia, distribution, {local_slave_nodes, 2}, {time, 360}],
Conf1 = [{group, all_tcs}],
@@ -2443,9 +2463,9 @@ v3_des_priv(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
v3_sync(Funcs) ->
?DBG("v3_sync -> entry with Funcs: ~p",[Funcs]),
g([[sysDescr, 0]]),
- expect(432, report, [{?usmStatsNotInTimeWindows_instance, any}]),
+ ?expect2(report, [{?usmStatsNotInTimeWindows_instance, any}]),
g([[sysDescr, 0]]),
- expect(433, [{[sysDescr,0], any}]),
+ ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], any}]),
lists:foreach(fun({Func, Args}) -> apply(?MODULE, Func, Args) end, Funcs).
v3_inform_sync(MA) ->
@@ -2456,9 +2476,9 @@ v3_inform_sync(MA) ->
?DBG("v3_sync -> wait some time: ",[]),
?SLEEP(20000), % more than 1500*10 in target_addr.conf
?DBG("v3_sync -> await response",[]),
- ?line expect(1, {inform, true},
- [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]).
+ ?line ?expect2({inform, true},
+ [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]).
v2_caps(suite) -> [];
@@ -2474,11 +2494,11 @@ v2_caps_3(X) -> ?P(v2_caps_3), v2_caps(X).
v2_caps_i(Node) ->
?line Idx = rpc:call(Node, snmp, add_agent_caps, [[1,2,3,4,5], "test cap"]),
g([[sysORID, Idx], [sysORDescr, Idx]]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[sysORID, Idx], [1,2,3,4,5]},
- {[sysORDescr, Idx], "test cap"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysORID, Idx], [1,2,3,4,5]},
+ {[sysORDescr, Idx], "test cap"}]),
?line rpc:call(Node, snmp, del_agent_caps, [Idx]),
g([[sysORID, Idx]]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[sysORID, Idx], noSuchInstance}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysORID, Idx], noSuchInstance}]).
%% Req. Test2
@@ -2494,86 +2514,86 @@ v1_proc() ->
v1_get_p() ->
%% 4.1.2:1
- ?line expect(10, noSuchName, 1, [{[test2], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[test2], 'NULL'}]),
- ?line expect(11, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr], 'NULL'}]),
- ?line expect(12, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr2,0], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr2,0], 'NULL'}]),
- ?line expect(131, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr3,0], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr3,0], 'NULL'}]),
- ?line expect(132, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr4,0], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr4,0], 'NULL'}]),
g([[sysDescr, 0], [tDescr,0]]), % Outside mibview
- ?line expect(14, noSuchName, 2, [{[sysDescr, 0], 'NULL'},
- {[tDescr,0], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 2, [{[sysDescr, 0], 'NULL'},
+ {[tDescr,0], 'NULL'}]),
- ?line expect(15, noSuchName, 1, [{[sysDescr, 3], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[sysDescr, 3], 'NULL'}]),
%% 4.1.2:2
- ?line expect(20, noSuchName, 1, [{[tTable], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[tTable], 'NULL'}]),
- ?line expect(21, noSuchName, 1, [{[tEntry], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[tEntry], 'NULL'}]),
%% 4.1.2:3
g([[tTooBig, 0]]),
- ?line expect(30, tooBig, 0, [{[tTooBig, 0], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(tooBig, 0, [{[tTooBig, 0], 'NULL'}]),
%% 4.1.2:4
g([[tGenErr1, 0]]),
- ?line expect(40, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr1, 0], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr1, 0], 'NULL'}]),
g([[tGenErr2, 0]]),
- ?line expect(41, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr2, 0], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr2, 0], 'NULL'}]),
g([[sysDescr, 0], [tGenErr3, 0]]),
- ?line expect(42, genErr, 2, [{[sysDescr, 0], 'NULL'},
- {[tGenErr3, 0], 'NULL'}]).
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 2, [{[sysDescr, 0], 'NULL'},
+ {[tGenErr3, 0], 'NULL'}]).
v1_get_next_p() ->
%% 4.1.3:1
- ?line expect(10, noSuchName, 1, [{[1,3,7,1], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[1,3,7,1], 'NULL'}]),
- ?line expect(11, tooBig, 0, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(tooBig, 0, any),
%% 4.1.3:2
io:format("We currently don't handle tooBig correct!!!\n"),
-% ?line expect(20, tooBig, 0, [{[tTooBig], 'NULL'}]),
- ?line expect(20, tooBig, 0, any),
+% ?line ?expect3(tooBig, 0, [{[tTooBig], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(tooBig, 0, any),
%% 4.1.3:3
% ?line expect(40, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr1], 'NULL'}]),
- ?line expect(40, genErr, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, any),
-% ?line expect(41, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr2], 'NULL'}]),
- ?line expect(41, genErr, 1, any),
+% ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr2], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, any),
gn([[sysDescr], [tGenErr3]]),
-% ?line expect(42, genErr, 2, [{[sysDescr], 'NULL'},
+% ?line ?expect3(genErr, 2, [{[sysDescr], 'NULL'},
% {[tGenErr3], 'NULL'}]).
- ?line expect(42, genErr, 2, any).
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 2, any).
v1_set_p() ->
%% 4.1.5:1
s([{[1,3,7,0], i, 4}]),
- ?line expect(10, noSuchName, 1, [{[1,3,7,0], 4}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[1,3,7,0], 4}]),
s([{[tDescr,0], s, "outside mibview"}]),
- ?line expect(11, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr,0], "outside mibview"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr,0], "outside mibview"}]),
s([{[tDescr3,0], s, "read-only"}]),
- ?line expect(12, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr3,0], "read-only"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr3,0], "read-only"}]),
s([{[tDescr3], s, "noSuchObject"}]),
- ?line expect(13, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr3], "noSuchObject"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr3], "noSuchObject"}]),
s([{[tDescr3,1], s, "noSuchInstance"}]),
- ?line expect(14, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr3,1], "noSuchInstance"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr3,1], "noSuchInstance"}]),
s([{[tDescr2,0], s, "inconsistentName"}]),
- ?line expect(15, noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr2,0], "inconsistentName"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noSuchName, 1, [{[tDescr2,0], "inconsistentName"}]),
%% 4.1.5:2
s([{[tDescr2, 0], i, 4}]),
- ?line expect(20, badValue, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], 4}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(badValue, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], 4}]),
s([{[tDescr2, 0], s, "badValue"}]),
- ?line expect(21, badValue, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "badValue"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(badValue, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "badValue"}]),
%% 4.1.5:3
%% The standard is quite incorrect here. The resp pdu was too big. In
@@ -2583,14 +2603,14 @@ v1_set_p() ->
%% of the std-like original value.
s([{[tTooBig, 0], s, ?tooBigStr}]),
%% according to std:
-% ?line expect(30, tooBig, 0, [{[tTooBig, 0], ?tooBigStr}]),
- ?line expect(30, tooBig, 0, [{[tTooBig, 0], 'NULL'}]),
+% ?line ?expect3(tooBig, 0, [{[tTooBig, 0], ?tooBigStr}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(tooBig, 0, [{[tTooBig, 0], 'NULL'}]),
%% 4.1.5:4
s([{[tDescr2, 0], s, "is_set_ok_fail"}]),
- ?line expect(40, genErr, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "is_set_ok_fail"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "is_set_ok_fail"}]),
s([{[tDescr2, 0], s, "commit_fail"}]),
- ?line expect(41, genErr, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "commit_fail"}]).
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "commit_fail"}]).
%% Req. Test2
v2_proc() ->
@@ -2606,183 +2626,183 @@ v2_get_p() ->
%% 4.2.1:2
?DBG("v2_get_p -> entry",[]),
- ?line expect(10, [{[test2], noSuchObject}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[test2], noSuchObject}]),
- ?line expect(11, [{[tDescr], noSuchObject}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[tDescr], noSuchObject}]),
- ?line expect(12, [{[tDescr4,0], noSuchObject}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[tDescr4,0], noSuchObject}]),
g([[sysDescr, 0], [tDescr,0]]), % Outside mibview
- ?line expect(13, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {[tDescr,0], noSuchObject}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {[tDescr,0], noSuchObject}]),
- ?line expect(14, [{[tTable], noSuchObject}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[tTable], noSuchObject}]),
- ?line expect(15, [{[tEntry], noSuchObject}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[tEntry], noSuchObject}]),
%% 4.2.1:3
g([[tDescr2,0]]), %% instrum ret noSuchName!!!
- ?line expect(20, [{[tDescr2,0], noSuchInstance}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[tDescr2,0], noSuchInstance}]),
- ?line expect(21, [{[tDescr3,0], noSuchInstance}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[tDescr3,0], noSuchInstance}]),
- ?line expect(22, [{[sysDescr, 3], noSuchInstance}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr, 3], noSuchInstance}]),
- ?line expect(23, [{[tIndex, 1], noSuchInstance}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[tIndex, 1], noSuchInstance}]),
%% 4.2.1 - any other error: genErr
g([[tGenErr1, 0]]),
- ?line expect(30, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr1, 0], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr1, 0], 'NULL'}]),
g([[tGenErr2, 0]]),
- ?line expect(31, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr2, 0], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr2, 0], 'NULL'}]),
g([[sysDescr, 0], [tGenErr3, 0]]),
- ?line expect(32, genErr, 2, [{[sysDescr, 0], 'NULL'},
- {[tGenErr3, 0], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 2, [{[sysDescr, 0], 'NULL'},
+ {[tGenErr3, 0], 'NULL'}]),
%% 4.2.1 - tooBig
g([[tTooBig, 0]]),
- ?line expect(40, tooBig, 0, []).
+ ?line ?expect3(tooBig, 0, []).
v2_get_next_p() ->
%% 4.2.2:2
?DBG("v2_get_next_p -> entry",[]),
- ?line expect(10, [{[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]),
gn([[sysDescr], [1,3,7,1]]),
- ?line expect(11, [{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]),
gn([[tCnt2, 1]]),
- ?line expect(12, [{[tCnt2,2], 100}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[tCnt2,2], 100}]),
gn([[tCnt2, 2]]),
- ?line expect(12, [{[tCnt2,2], endOfMibView}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[tCnt2,2], endOfMibView}]),
%% 4.2.2 - any other error: genErr
- ?line expect(20, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr1], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr1], 'NULL'}]),
- ?line expect(21, genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr2], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, [{[tGenErr2], 'NULL'}]),
gn([[sysDescr], [tGenErr3]]),
- ?line expect(22, genErr, 2, [{[sysDescr], 'NULL'},
- {[tGenErr3], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 2, [{[sysDescr], 'NULL'},
+ {[tGenErr3], 'NULL'}]),
%% 4.2.2 - tooBig
- ?line expect(20, tooBig, 0, []).
+ ?line ?expect3(tooBig, 0, []).
v2_get_bulk_p() ->
%% 4.2.3
?DBG("v2_get_bulk_p -> entry",[]),
gb(1, 1, []),
- ?line expect(10, []),
+ ?line ?expect1([]),
gb(-1, 1, []),
- ?line expect(11, []),
+ ?line ?expect1([]),
gb(-1, -1, []),
- ?line expect(12, []),
+ ?line ?expect1([]),
gb(-1, -1, []),
- ?line expect(13, []),
+ ?line ?expect1([]),
gb(2, 0, [[sysDescr], [1,3,7,1]]),
- ?line expect(14, [{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]),
gb(1, 2, [[sysDescr], [1,3,7,1]]),
- ?line expect(15, [{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]),
gb(0, 2, [[sysDescr], [1,3,7,1]]),
- ?line expect(16, [{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView},
- {[sysObjectID, 0], [1,2,3]},
- {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView},
+ {[sysObjectID, 0], [1,2,3]},
+ {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]),
gb(2, 2, [[sysDescr], [1,3,7,1], [sysDescr], [1,3,7,1]]),
- ?line expect(17, [{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView},
- {[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView},
- {[sysObjectID, 0], [1,2,3]},
- {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView},
+ {[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView},
+ {[sysObjectID, 0], [1,2,3]},
+ {[1,3,7,1], endOfMibView}]),
gb(1, 2, [[sysDescr], [sysDescr], [tTooBig]]),
- ?line expect(18, [{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {[sysDescr, 0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
gb(1,12, [[tDescr2], [sysDescr]]), % next one after tDescr2 is tTooBig.
- ?line expect(19, []),
+ ?line ?expect1([]),
gb(2,2, [[sysDescr], [sysObjectID], [tGenErr1], [sysDescr]]),
- ?line expect(20, genErr, 3, [{[sysDescr], 'NULL'},
- {[sysObjectID], 'NULL'},
- {[tGenErr1], 'NULL'},
- {[sysDescr], 'NULL'}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 3, [{[sysDescr], 'NULL'},
+ {[sysObjectID], 'NULL'},
+ {[tGenErr1], 'NULL'},
+ {[sysDescr], 'NULL'}]),
gb(0, 2, [[tCnt2, 1]]),
- ?line expect(21, [{[tCnt2,2], 100},
- {[tCnt2,2], endOfMibView}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[tCnt2,2], 100},
+ {[tCnt2,2], endOfMibView}]).
v2_set_p() ->
%% 4.2.5:1
?DBG("v2_set_p -> entry",[]),
s([{[1,3,7,0], i, 4}]),
- ?line expect(10, noAccess, 1, [{[1,3,7,0], 4}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noAccess, 1, [{[1,3,7,0], 4}]),
s([{[tDescr,0], s, "outside mibview"}]),
- ?line expect(11, noAccess, 1, [{[tDescr,0], "outside mibview"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noAccess, 1, [{[tDescr,0], "outside mibview"}]),
%% 4.2.5:2
s([{[1,3,6,1,0], s, "noSuchObject"}]),
- ?line expect(20, notWritable, 1, [{[1,3,6,1,0], "noSuchObject"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(notWritable, 1, [{[1,3,6,1,0], "noSuchObject"}]),
%% 4.2.5:3
s([{[tDescr2, 0], i, 4}]),
- ?line expect(30, wrongType, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], 4}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(wrongType, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], 4}]),
s([{[tDescr2, 0], s, "badValue"}]),
- ?line expect(31, badValue, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "badValue"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(badValue, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "badValue"}]),
%% 4.2.5:4
s([{[tStr, 0], s, ""}]),
- ?line expect(40, wrongLength, 1, [{[tStr, 0], ""}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(wrongLength, 1, [{[tStr, 0], ""}]),
s([{[tStr, 0], s, "12345"}]),
- ?line expect(40, wrongLength, 1, [{[tStr, 0], "12345"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(wrongLength, 1, [{[tStr, 0], "12345"}]),
%% 4.2.5:5 - N/A
%% 4.2.5:6
s([{[tInt1, 0], i, 0}]),
- ?line expect(60, wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt1, 0], 0}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt1, 0], 0}]),
s([{[tInt1, 0], i, 5}]),
- ?line expect(61, wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt1, 0], 5}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt1, 0], 5}]),
s([{[tInt2, 0], i, 0}]),
- ?line expect(62, wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt2, 0], 0}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt2, 0], 0}]),
s([{[tInt2, 0], i, 5}]),
- ?line expect(63, wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt2, 0], 5}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt2, 0], 5}]),
s([{[tInt3, 0], i, 5}]),
- ?line expect(64, wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt3, 0], 5}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(wrongValue, 1, [{[tInt3, 0], 5}]),
%% 4.2.5:7
s([{[tDescrX, 1, 1], s, "noCreation"}]),
- ?line expect(70, noCreation, 1, [{[tDescrX, 1, 1], "noCreation"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(noCreation, 1, [{[tDescrX, 1, 1], "noCreation"}]),
%% 4.2.5:8
s([{[tDescrX, 1, 2], s, "inconsistentName"}]),
- ?line expect(80, inconsistentName, 1,
- [{[tDescrX, 1, 2], "inconsistentName"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(inconsistentName, 1,
+ [{[tDescrX, 1, 2], "inconsistentName"}]),
%% 4.2.5:9
s([{[tCnt, 1, 2], i, 5}]),
- ?line expect(90, notWritable, 1, [{[tCnt, 1, 2], 5}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(notWritable, 1, [{[tCnt, 1, 2], 5}]),
s([{[tDescr3,0], s, "read-only"}]),
- ?line expect(90, notWritable, 1, [{[tDescr3,0], "read-only"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(notWritable, 1, [{[tDescr3,0], "read-only"}]),
%% 4.2.5:10
s([{[tDescr2,0], s, "inconsistentValue"}]),
- ?line expect(100, inconsistentValue, 1,
- [{[tDescr2,0], "inconsistentValue"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(inconsistentValue, 1,
+ [{[tDescr2,0], "inconsistentValue"}]),
%% 4.2.5:11
s([{[tDescr2,0], s, "resourceUnavailable"}]),
- ?line expect(110, resourceUnavailable, 1,
- [{[tDescr2,0],"resourceUnavailable"}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(resourceUnavailable, 1,
+ [{[tDescr2,0],"resourceUnavailable"}]),
%% 4.2.5:12
s([{[tDescr2, 0], s, "is_set_ok_fail"}]),
- ?line expect(120, genErr, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "is_set_ok_fail"}]).
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, [{[tDescr2, 0], "is_set_ok_fail"}]).
%% commitFailed and undoFailed is tested by the 'undo' case.
@@ -2797,101 +2817,101 @@ table_test() ->
Key1c4 = [intCommunityAccess,get(mip),is("public")],
EndKey = [intCommunityEntry,[9],get(mip),is("public")],
- ?line expect(7, [{Key1c3, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{Key1c3, 2}]),
- ?line expect(71, [{Key1c3, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{Key1c3, 2}]),
- ?line expect(72, [{Key1c3, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{Key1c3, 2}]),
- ?line expect(73, [{Key1c3, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{Key1c3, 2}]),
- ?line expect(74, [{Key1c3, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{Key1c3, 2}]),
- ?line expect(8, [{Key2c3, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{Key2c3, 2}]),
- ?line expect(9, [{Key1c4, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{Key1c4, 2}]),
AgentIp = [intAgentIpAddress,0],
- ?line expect(10, [{AgentIp, any}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{AgentIp, any}]),
- ?line expect(11, [{Key1c3, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{Key1c3, 2}]),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(12, noSuchName, 1, any),
- expect(12, [{EndKey, noSuchObject}])),
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect3(noSuchName, 1, any),
+ ?expect1([{EndKey, noSuchObject}])),
io:format("Testing row creation/deletion on communityTable...~n"),
NewKeyc3 = [intCommunityViewIndex,get(mip),is("test")],
NewKeyc4 = [intCommunityAccess,get(mip),is("test")],
NewKeyc5 = [intCommunityStatus,get(mip),is("test")],
s([{NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo}]),
- ?line expect(14, ?v1_2(badValue, inconsistentValue), 1,any),
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(badValue, inconsistentValue), 1, any),
s([{NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo}, {NewKeyc3, 2}, {NewKeyc4, 2}]),
- ?line expect(15, [{NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo},{NewKeyc3, 2}, {NewKeyc4, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo},{NewKeyc3, 2}, {NewKeyc4, 2}]),
- ?line expect(16, [{NewKeyc4, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc4, 2}]),
s([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(17, [{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]),
s([{NewKeyc4, 2}]),
- ?line expect(18, ?v1_2(noSuchName, inconsistentName), 1,[{NewKeyc4, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(noSuchName, inconsistentName), 1, [{NewKeyc4, 2}]),
s([{NewKeyc5, ?createAndWait}]),
- ?line expect(19, [{NewKeyc5, ?createAndWait}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?createAndWait}]),
- ?line expect(20, [{NewKeyc5, ?notReady}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?notReady}]),
s([{NewKeyc4, 2}]),
- ?line expect(21, [{NewKeyc4, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc4, 2}]),
- ?line expect(22, [{NewKeyc5, ?notReady}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?notReady}]),
s([{NewKeyc3, 2}]),
- ?line expect(23, [{NewKeyc3, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc3, 2}]),
- ?line expect(24, [{NewKeyc5, ?notInService}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?notInService}]),
s([{NewKeyc5, ?active}]),
- ?line expect(25, [{NewKeyc5, ?active}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?active}]),
s([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(26, [{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]),
s([{NewKeyc3, 3}]),
- ?line expect(27, ?v1_2(noSuchName, inconsistentName), 1,[{NewKeyc3, 3}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(noSuchName, inconsistentName), 1, [{NewKeyc3, 3}]),
%% Req. system group
simple_standard_test() ->
?DBG("simple_standard_test -> entry",[]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
- ?line expect(11, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
- ?line expect(12, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
- ?line expect(13, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
- ?line expect(14, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
- ?line expect(15, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
- ?line expect(16, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
- ?line expect(17, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}]),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(3, noSuchName, 1, any),
- expect(3, [{[sysDescr], noSuchObject}])),
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect3(noSuchName, 1, any),
+ ?expect1([{[sysDescr], noSuchObject}])),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(41, noSuchName, 1, any),
- expect(3, [{[1,6,7,0], noSuchObject}])),
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect3(noSuchName, 1, any),
+ ?expect1([{[1,6,7,0], noSuchObject}])),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(4, noSuchName,1, any),
- expect(4, [{[1,13], endOfMibView}])),
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect3(noSuchName,1, any),
+ ?expect1([{[1,13], endOfMibView}])),
s([{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]),
- ?line expect(5, [{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]),
g([[sysLocation, 0]]),
- ?line expect(6, [{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]),
io:format("Testing noSuchName and badValue...~n"),
s([{[sysServices,0], 3}]),
- ?line expect(61, ?v1_2(noSuchName, notWritable), 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(noSuchName, notWritable), 1, any),
s([{[sysLocation, 0], i, 3}]),
- ?line expect(62, ?v1_2(badValue, wrongType), 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(badValue, wrongType), 1, any),
?DBG("simple_standard_test -> done",[]),
@@ -2908,7 +2928,7 @@ db_notify_client(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Self = self(),
?DBG("db_notify_client -> register self (~p) notify client", [Self]),
- snmpa_local_db:register_notify_client(self(),?MODULE),
+ snmpa_local_db:register_notify_client(Self, ?MODULE),
%% This call (to the manager) will issue to set operations, so
%% we expect to receive to notify(insert) calls.
@@ -2933,7 +2953,7 @@ db_notify_client(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?DBG("db_notify_client -> unregister self (~p) notify client", [Self]),
- snmpa_local_db:unregister_notify_client(self()),
+ snmpa_local_db:unregister_notify_client(Self),
?DBG("db_notify_client -> minimize verbosity", []),
@@ -2945,11 +2965,11 @@ db_notify_client(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
db_notify_client_test() ->
?DBG("set first new sysLocation",[]),
s([{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]),
- ?line expect(5, [{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]),
?DBG("set second new sysLocation",[]),
s([{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]),
- ?line expect(5, [{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysLocation, 0], "new_value"}]).
notify(Pid, What) ->
?DBG("notify(~p,~p) -> called",[Pid,What]),
@@ -2966,24 +2986,23 @@ big_test() ->
?DBG("big_test -> testing simple next/get/set @ subagent...",[]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[fname,0], ""}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname,0], ""}]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[fname,0], ""}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname,0], ""}]),
s([{[fname,0], s, "test set"}]),
- ?line expect(3, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
- ?line expect(4, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
?DBG("big_test -> "
"testing next from last instance in master to subagent...",[]),
gn([[?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]),
- ?line expect(5, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
- gn([[1,1],
- [?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]),
- ?line expect(51, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {[fname,0], "test set"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
+ gn([[1,1], [?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {[fname,0], "test set"}]),
s([{[fname,0], s, ""}]),
- ?line expect(52, [{[fname,0], ""}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname,0], ""}]),
@@ -2991,14 +3010,14 @@ big_test() ->
_FTab = [friendsEntry],
s([{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], s, "kompis3"},
{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], i, ?createAndGo}]),
- ?line expect(6, [{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"},
- {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"},
+ {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]),
g([[friendsEntry, [2, 3]],
[friendsEntry, [3, 3]]]),
- ?line expect(7, [{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"},
- {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?active}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"},
+ {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?active}]),
s([{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], i, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(8, [{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?destroy}]),
@@ -3006,28 +3025,28 @@ big_test() ->
s([{[kompissEntry, [1, 3]], s, "kompis3"},
{[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], i, ?createAndGo}]),
- ?line expect(9, [{[kompissEntry, [1, 3]], "kompis3"},
- {[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], ?createAndGo}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry, [1, 3]], "kompis3"},
+ {[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], ?createAndGo}]),
g([[kompissEntry, [1, 3]],
[kompissEntry, [2, 3]]]),
- ?line expect(10, [{[kompissEntry, [1, 3]], "kompis3"},
- {[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], ?active}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry, [1, 3]], "kompis3"},
+ {[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], ?active}]),
gn([[kompissEntry, [1]],
[kompissEntry, [2]]]),
- ?line expect(11, [{[kompissEntry, [1, 3]], "kompis3"},
- {[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], ?active}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry, [1, 3]], "kompis3"},
+ {[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], ?active}]),
s([{[kompissEntry, [1, 2]], s, "kompis3"},
{[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], i, ?createAndGo}]),
- ?line expect(12, [{[kompissEntry, [1, 2]], "kompis3"},
- {[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], ?createAndGo}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry, [1, 2]], "kompis3"},
+ {[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], ?createAndGo}]),
gn([[kompissEntry, [1, 1]],
[kompissEntry, [2, 1]]]),
- ?line expect(13, [{[kompissEntry, [1, 2]], "kompis3"},
- {[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], ?active}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry, [1, 2]], "kompis3"},
+ {[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], ?active}]),
s([{[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], i, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(14, [{[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry, [2, 3]], ?destroy}]),
s([{[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], i, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(15, [{[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry, [2, 2]], ?destroy}]),
?DBG("big_test -> done",[]),
@@ -3038,23 +3057,22 @@ big_test_2() ->
?P1("Testing simple next/get/set @ subagent (2)..."),
- ?line expect(1, [{[fname2,0], ""}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname2,0], ""}]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[fname2,0], ""}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname2,0], ""}]),
s([{[fname2,0], s, "test set"}]),
- ?line expect(3, [{[fname2,0], "test set"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname2,0], "test set"}]),
- ?line expect(4, [{[fname2,0], "test set"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname2,0], "test set"}]),
?P1("Testing next from last object in master to subagent (2)..."),
gn([[?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]),
- ?line expect(5, [{[fname2,0], "test set"}]),
- gn([[1,1],
- [?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]),
- ?line expect(51, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {[fname2,0], "test set"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname2,0], "test set"}]),
+ gn([[1,1], [?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {[fname2,0], "test set"}]),
@@ -3062,40 +3080,40 @@ big_test_2() ->
_FTab = [friendsEntry2],
s([{[friendsEntry2, [2, 3]], s, "kompis3"},
{[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], i, ?createAndGo}]),
- ?line expect(6, [{[friendsEntry2, [2, 3]], "kompis3"},
- {[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[friendsEntry2, [2, 3]], "kompis3"},
+ {[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]),
g([[friendsEntry2, [2, 3]],
[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]]]),
- ?line expect(7, [{[friendsEntry2, [2, 3]], "kompis3"},
- {[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], ?active}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[friendsEntry2, [2, 3]], "kompis3"},
+ {[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], ?active}]),
s([{[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], i, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(8, [{[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[friendsEntry2, [3, 3]], ?destroy}]),
?P1("Adding two rows in subagent table with special INDEX (2)"),
s([{[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]], s, "kompis3"},
{[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], i, ?createAndGo}]),
- ?line expect(9, [{[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]], "kompis3"},
- {[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], ?createAndGo}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]], "kompis3"},
+ {[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], ?createAndGo}]),
g([[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]],
[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]]]),
- ?line expect(10, [{[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]], "kompis3"},
- {[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], ?active}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]], "kompis3"},
+ {[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], ?active}]),
gn([[kompissEntry2, [1]],
[kompissEntry2, [2]]]),
- ?line expect(11, [{[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]], "kompis3"},
- {[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], ?active}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry2, [1, 3]], "kompis3"},
+ {[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], ?active}]),
s([{[kompissEntry2, [1, 2]], s, "kompis3"},
{[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], i, ?createAndGo}]),
- ?line expect(12, [{[kompissEntry2, [1, 2]], "kompis3"},
- {[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], ?createAndGo}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry2, [1, 2]], "kompis3"},
+ {[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], ?createAndGo}]),
gn([[kompissEntry2, [1, 1]],
[kompissEntry2, [2, 1]]]),
- ?line expect(13, [{[kompissEntry2, [1, 2]], "kompis3"},
- {[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], ?active}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry2, [1, 2]], "kompis3"},
+ {[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], ?active}]),
s([{[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], i, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(14, [{[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry2, [2, 3]], ?destroy}]),
s([{[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], i, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(15, [{[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kompissEntry2, [2, 2]], ?destroy}]),
%% Req. Test1
@@ -3104,26 +3122,26 @@ multi_threaded_test() ->
Pid = get_multi_pid(),
- ?line expect(1, [{[sysUpTime,0], any}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysUpTime,0], any}]),
s([{[sysLocation, 0], s, "pelle"}]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[sysLocation, 0], "pelle"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysLocation, 0], "pelle"}]),
Pid ! continue,
- ?line expect(3, [{[multiStr,0], "ok"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[multiStr,0], "ok"}]),
s([{[multiStr, 0], s, "block"}]),
Pid2 = get_multi_pid(),
- ?line expect(4, [{[sysUpTime,0], any}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysUpTime,0], any}]),
Pid3 = get_multi_pid(),
- ?line expect(5, [{[sysUpTime,0], any}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysUpTime,0], any}]),
s([{[sysLocation, 0], s, "kalle"}]),
Pid3 ! continue,
- ?line expect(6, [{[multiStr,0], "ok"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[multiStr,0], "ok"}]),
Pid2 ! continue,
- ?line expect(7, [{[multiStr,0], "block"}]),
- ?line expect(8, [{[sysLocation,0], "kalle"}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[multiStr,0], "block"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysLocation,0], "kalle"}]).
%% Req. Test1, TestTrapv2
mt_trap_test(MA) ->
@@ -3131,9 +3149,8 @@ mt_trap_test(MA) ->
?DBG("mt_trap_test(01) -> issue testTrapv22 (standard trap)", []),
snmpa:send_trap(MA, testTrapv22, "standard trap"),
?DBG("mt_trap_test(02) -> await v2trap", []),
- ?line expect(mt_trap_test_1, v2trap,
- [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]),
+ ?line ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]),
?DBG("mt_trap_test(03) -> issue mtTrap (standard trap)", []),
snmpa:send_trap(MA, mtTrap, "standard trap"),
@@ -3142,21 +3159,21 @@ mt_trap_test(MA) ->
?DBG("mt_trap_test(06) -> await sysUpTime", []),
- ?line expect(mt_trap_test_2, [{[sysUpTime,0], any}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysUpTime,0], any}]),
?DBG("mt_trap_test(07) -> issue testTrapv22 (standard trap)", []),
snmpa:send_trap(MA, testTrapv22, "standard trap"),
?DBG("mt_trap_test(08) -> await v2trap", []),
- ?line expect(mt_trap_test_3, v2trap,
- [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]),
+ ?line ?expect2(v2trap,
+ [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]),
?DBG("mt_trap_test(09) -> send continue to multi-pid", []),
Pid ! continue,
?DBG("mt_trap_test(10) -> await v2trap", []),
- ?line expect(mt_trap_test_4, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?testTrap ++ [2]},
- {[multiStr,0], "ok"}]),
+ ?line ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?testTrap ++ [2]},
+ {[multiStr,0], "ok"}]),
?DBG("mt_trap_test(11) -> done", []),
@@ -3177,26 +3194,26 @@ types_v2_test() ->
?P1("Testing v2 types..."),
s([{[bits1,0], 2#10}]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[bits1,0], ?str(2#10)}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[bits1,0], ?str(2#10)}]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[bits1,0], ?str(2#101)}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[bits1,0], ?str(2#101)}]),
s([{[bits2,0], 2#11000000110}]),
- ?line expect(3, [{[bits2,0], ?str(2#11000000110)}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[bits2,0], ?str(2#11000000110)}]),
- ?line expect(4, [{[bits2,0], ?str(2#11000000110)}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[bits2,0], ?str(2#11000000110)}]),
- ?line expect(50, genErr, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, any),
- ?line expect(51, genErr, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, any),
s([{[bits1,0], s, [2#10]}]),
- ?line expect(6, ?v1_2(badValue, wrongValue), 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(badValue, wrongValue), 1, any),
s([{[bits2,0], 2#11001001101010011}]),
- ?line expect(7, ?v1_2(badValue, wrongValue), 1, any).
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(badValue, wrongValue), 1, any).
%% Req. Test1
@@ -3204,64 +3221,63 @@ implied_test(MA) ->
?LOG("implied_test -> start",[]),
?P1("Testing IMPLIED..."),
- snmpa:verbosity(MA,trace),
- snmpa:verbosity(MA,trace),
+ snmpa:verbosity(MA, trace),
%% Create two rows, check that they are get-nexted in correct order.
Idx1 = "apa",
Idx2 = "qq",
?DBG("implied_test -> (send) create row 1 '~s' in table 1",[Idx1]),
s([{[testStatus, Idx1], i, ?createAndGo}, {[testDescr, Idx1],s,"row 1"}]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[testStatus, Idx1], ?createAndGo},
- {[testDescr, Idx1], "row 1"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[testStatus, Idx1], ?createAndGo},
+ {[testDescr, Idx1], "row 1"}]),
?DBG("implied_test -> (send) create row 2 '~s' in table 1",[Idx2]),
s([{[testStatus, Idx2], i, ?createAndGo}, {[testDescr, Idx2],s,"row 2"}]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[testStatus, Idx2], ?createAndGo},
- {[testDescr, Idx2], "row 2"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[testStatus, Idx2], ?createAndGo},
+ {[testDescr, Idx2], "row 2"}]),
?DBG("implied_test -> get-next(testDescr)",[]),
- ?line expect(3, [{[testDescr,Idx1], "row 1"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[testDescr,Idx1], "row 1"}]),
?DBG("implied_test -> get-next(testDescr) of row 1",[]),
- ?line expect(4, [{[testDescr,Idx2], "row 2"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[testDescr,Idx2], "row 2"}]),
% Delete the rows
?DBG("implied_test -> (send) delete row 1 '~s' from table 1",[Idx1]),
s([{[testStatus, Idx1], i, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(5, [{[testStatus, Idx1], ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[testStatus, Idx1], ?destroy}]),
?DBG("implied_test -> (send) delete row 2 '~s' from table 1",[Idx2]),
s([{[testStatus, Idx2], i, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(6, [{[testStatus, Idx2], ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[testStatus, Idx2], ?destroy}]),
%% Try the same in other table
Idx3 = [1, "apa"],
Idx4 = [1, "qq"],
?DBG("implied_test -> (send) create row 1 '~s' in table 2",[Idx3]),
s([{[testStatus2, Idx3], i, ?createAndGo}, {[testDescr2,Idx3],s,"row 1"}]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[testStatus2, Idx3], ?createAndGo},
- {[testDescr2, Idx3], "row 1"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[testStatus2, Idx3], ?createAndGo},
+ {[testDescr2, Idx3], "row 1"}]),
?DBG("implied_test -> (send) create row 2 '~s' in table 2",[Idx4]),
s([{[testStatus2, Idx4], i, ?createAndGo}, {[testDescr2,Idx4],s,"row 2"}]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[testStatus2, Idx4], ?createAndGo},
- {[testDescr2, Idx4], "row 2"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[testStatus2, Idx4], ?createAndGo},
+ {[testDescr2, Idx4], "row 2"}]),
?DBG("implied_test -> get-next(testDescr2)",[]),
- ?line expect(3, [{[testDescr2,Idx3], "row 1"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[testDescr2,Idx3], "row 1"}]),
?DBG("implied_test -> get-next(testDescr2) of row 1",[]),
- ?line expect(4, [{[testDescr2,Idx4], "row 2"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[testDescr2,Idx4], "row 2"}]),
% Delete the rows
?DBG("implied_test -> (send) delete row 1 '~s' from table 2",[Idx3]),
s([{[testStatus2, Idx3], i, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(5, [{[testStatus2, Idx3], ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[testStatus2, Idx3], ?destroy}]),
?DBG("implied_test -> (send) delete row 2 '~s' from table 2",[Idx4]),
s([{[testStatus2, Idx4], i, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(6, [{[testStatus2, Idx4], ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[testStatus2, Idx4], ?destroy}]),
- snmpa:verbosity(MA,log),
+ snmpa:verbosity(MA, log),
- ?LOG("implied_test -> done",[]).
+ ?LOG("implied_test -> done", []).
@@ -3274,25 +3290,25 @@ sparse_table_test() ->
Idx2 = 2,
s([{[sparseStatus, Idx1], i, ?createAndGo},
{[sparseDescr, Idx1], s, "row 1"}]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[sparseStatus, Idx1], ?createAndGo},
- {[sparseDescr, Idx1], "row 1"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sparseStatus, Idx1], ?createAndGo},
+ {[sparseDescr, Idx1], "row 1"}]),
s([{[sparseStatus, Idx2], i, ?createAndGo},
{[sparseDescr, Idx2], s, "row 2"}]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[sparseStatus, Idx2], ?createAndGo},
- {[sparseDescr, Idx2], "row 2"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sparseStatus, Idx2], ?createAndGo},
+ {[sparseDescr, Idx2], "row 2"}]),
?v1_2(gn([[sparseIndex], [sparseDescr,Idx1], [sparseDescr,Idx2],
[sparseStatus,Idx1], [sparseStatus,Idx2]]),
- ?line expect(3, [{[sparseDescr,Idx1], "row 1"},
- {[sparseDescr,Idx2], "row 2"},
- {[sparseStatus,Idx1], ?active},
- {[sparseStatus,Idx2], ?active},
- {[sparseStr,0], "slut"}]),
- % Delete the rows
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sparseDescr,Idx1], "row 1"},
+ {[sparseDescr,Idx2], "row 2"},
+ {[sparseStatus,Idx1], ?active},
+ {[sparseStatus,Idx2], ?active},
+ {[sparseStr,0], "slut"}]),
+ %% Delete the rows
s([{[sparseStatus, Idx1], i, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(4, [{[sparseStatus, Idx1], ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sparseStatus, Idx1], ?destroy}]),
s([{[sparseStatus, Idx2], i, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(5, [{[sparseStatus, Idx2], ?destroy}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sparseStatus, Idx2], ?destroy}]).
%% Req. Test1
@@ -3306,13 +3322,13 @@ cnt_64_test(MA) ->
?DBG("get cnt64",[]),
?DBG("await response",[]),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(1, noSuchName, 1, any),
- expect(1, [{[cnt64,0],18446744073709551615}])),
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect3(noSuchName, 1, any),
+ ?expect1([{[cnt64,0],18446744073709551615}])),
?DBG("get-next cnt64",[]),
?DBG("await response",[]),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(2, [{[cnt64Str,0], "after cnt64"}]),
- expect(2, [{[cnt64,0],18446744073709551615}])),
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect1([{[cnt64Str,0], "after cnt64"}]),
+ ?expect1([{[cnt64,0],18446744073709551615}])),
?DBG("send cntTrap",[]),
snmpa:send_trap(MA,cntTrap,"standard trap",[
{sysContact, "pelle"},
@@ -3320,13 +3336,13 @@ cnt_64_test(MA) ->
{sysLocation, "here"}
?DBG("await response",[]),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(3, trap, [test], 6, 1, [{[sysContact,0], "pelle"},
- {[sysLocation,0], "here"}]),
- expect(3, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?testTrap ++ [1]},
- {[sysContact,0], "pelle"},
- {[cnt64,0], 10},
- {[sysLocation,0], "here"}])),
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect5(trap, [test], 6, 1, [{[sysContact,0], "pelle"},
+ {[sysLocation,0], "here"}]),
+ ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?testTrap ++ [1]},
+ {[sysContact,0], "pelle"},
+ {[cnt64,0], 10},
+ {[sysLocation,0], "here"}])),
%% Create two rows, check that they are get-nexted in correct order.
Idx1 = 1,
@@ -3334,27 +3350,27 @@ cnt_64_test(MA) ->
?DBG("create row (cntStatus): ~p",[Idx1]),
s([{[cntStatus, Idx1], i, ?createAndGo}]),
?DBG("await response",[]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[cntStatus, Idx1], ?createAndGo}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[cntStatus, Idx1], ?createAndGo}]),
?DBG("create row (cntStatus): ~p",[Idx2]),
s([{[cntStatus, Idx2], i, ?createAndGo}]),
?DBG("await response",[]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[cntStatus, Idx2], ?createAndGo}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[cntStatus, Idx2], ?createAndGo}]),
?DBG("get-next (cntIndex)",[]),
?DBG("await response",[]),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(3, [{[cntStatus,Idx1], ?active}]),
- expect(3, [{[cntCnt,Idx1], 0}])),
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect1([{[cntStatus,Idx1], ?active}]),
+ ?expect1([{[cntCnt,Idx1], 0}])),
% Delete the rows
?DBG("delete row (cntStatus): ~p",[Idx1]),
s([{[cntStatus, Idx1], i, ?destroy}]),
?DBG("await response",[]),
- ?line expect(4, [{[cntStatus, Idx1], ?destroy}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[cntStatus, Idx1], ?destroy}]),
?DBG("delete row (cntStatus): ~p",[Idx2]),
s([{[cntStatus, Idx2], i, ?destroy}]),
?DBG("await response",[]),
- ?line expect(5, [{[cntStatus, Idx2], ?destroy}]),
- catch snmpa:verbosity(MA,log),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[cntStatus, Idx2], ?destroy}]),
+ catch snmpa:verbosity(MA, log),
@@ -3362,7 +3378,7 @@ cnt_64_test(MA) ->
opaque_test() ->
?P1("Testing Opaque datatype..."),
- ?line expect(1, [{[opaqueObj,0], "opaque-data"}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[opaqueObj,0], "opaque-data"}]).
api_test(MaNode) ->
@@ -3403,70 +3419,69 @@ api_test(MaNode) ->
%% Req. Klas3
api_test2() ->
- ?line expect(1, [{[fname3,0], "ok"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname3,0], "ok"}]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[fname4,0], 1}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname4,0], 1}]).
api_test3() ->
- ?line expect(1, [{[fname3,0], "ok"}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname3,0], "ok"}]).
unreg_test() ->
gn([[?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[snmpInPkts, 0], any}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[snmpInPkts, 0], any}]).
load_test() ->
gn([[?v1_2(sysServices, sysORLastChange),0]]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[fname,0], ""}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname,0], ""}]).
%% Req. Klas1
load_test_sa() ->
gn([[?v1_2(sysServices,sysORLastChange), 0]]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[fname,0], any}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname,0], any}]).
%% Req. system group, Klas1, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB
do_mul_get() ->
Key1c3 = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("public")],
Key1c4 = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("public")],
s([{[fname,0], s, "test set"}]),
- ?line expect(3, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
- g([[sysDescr,0], Key1c4, [fname,0],Key1c3,
- [sysName,0]]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {Key1c4, 2},
- {[fname,0], "test set"},
- {Key1c3, 2},
- {[sysName,0], "test"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
+ g([[sysDescr,0], Key1c4, [fname,0],Key1c3,[sysName,0]]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {Key1c4, 2},
+ {[fname,0], "test set"},
+ {Key1c3, 2},
+ {[sysName,0], "test"}]),
g([[1,3,7,1], Key1c4, [sysDescr,0], [1,3,7,2], Key1c3, [sysDescr,0]]),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(2, noSuchName, [1,4], any),
- expect(2, [{[1,3,7,1], noSuchObject},
- {Key1c4, 2},
- {[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {[1,3,7,2], noSuchObject},
- {Key1c3, 2},
- {[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}])).
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect3(noSuchName, [1,4], any),
+ ?expect1([{[1,3,7,1], noSuchObject},
+ {Key1c4, 2},
+ {[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {[1,3,7,2], noSuchObject},
+ {Key1c3, 2},
+ {[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"}])).
%% Req. v1, system group, Klas1, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB, *ej* Klas3.
do_mul_get_err() ->
Key1c3 = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("public")],
Key1c4 = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("public")],
s([{[fname,0], s, "test set"}]),
- ?line expect(3, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
g([[sysDescr,0],Key1c4,[fname,0], Key1c3, [sysName,2]]),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(1, noSuchName, 5, any),
- expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {Key1c4, 2},
- {[fname,0], "test set"},
- {Key1c3, 2},
- {[sysName,2], noSuchInstance}])),
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect3(noSuchName, 5, any),
+ ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {Key1c4, 2},
+ {[fname,0], "test set"},
+ {Key1c3, 2},
+ {[sysName,2], noSuchInstance}])),
g([[sysDescr,0],Key1c4,[fname3,0], Key1c3, [sysName,1]]),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(1, noSuchName, [3,5], any),
- expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {Key1c4, 2},
- {[fname3,0], noSuchObject},
- {Key1c3, 2},
- {[sysName,1], noSuchInstance}])).
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect3(noSuchName, [3,5], any),
+ ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {Key1c4, 2},
+ {[fname3,0], noSuchObject},
+ {Key1c3, 2},
+ {[sysName,1], noSuchInstance}])).
%% Req. system group, Klas1, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB
@@ -3476,11 +3491,11 @@ do_mul_next() ->
Key1c3 = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("public")],
Key1c4 = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("public")],
s([{[fname,0], s, "test set"}]),
- ?line expect(3, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
gn([[sysDescr], Key1c4s, [fname],Key1c3s,[sysName]]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {Key1c4, 2}, {[fname,0], "test set"},
- {Key1c3, 2}, {[sysName,0], "test"}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {Key1c4, 2}, {[fname,0], "test set"},
+ {Key1c3, 2}, {[sysName,0], "test"}]).
%% Req. system group, Klas1, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB
do_mul_next_err() ->
@@ -3489,17 +3504,17 @@ do_mul_next_err() ->
Key1c3 = [intCommunityEntry,[3],get(mip),is("public")],
Key1c4 = [intCommunityEntry,[4],get(mip),is("public")],
s([{[fname,0], s, "test set"}]),
- ?line expect(3, [{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fname,0], "test set"}]),
gn([[sysDescr], Key1c4s, [1,3,6,999], [fname],[1,3,90], Key1c3s,[sysName]]),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(1, noSuchName, [3,5], any),
- expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {Key1c4, 2},
- {[1,3,6,999], endOfMibView},
- {[fname,0], "test set"},
- {[1,3,90], endOfMibView},
- {Key1c3, 2},
- {[sysName,0], "test"}])).
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect3(noSuchName, [3,5], any),
+ ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {Key1c4, 2},
+ {[1,3,6,999], endOfMibView},
+ {[fname,0], "test set"},
+ {[1,3,90], endOfMibView},
+ {Key1c3, 2},
+ {[sysName,0], "test"}])).
%% Req. system group, Klas1, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB
do_mul_set() ->
@@ -3513,24 +3528,24 @@ do_mul_set() ->
{NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo},
{NewKeyc4, 2},
{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"},
- {NewKeyc3, 2},
- {[sysLocation,0], "new_value"},
- {NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo},
- {NewKeyc4, 2},
- {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"},
+ {NewKeyc3, 2},
+ {[sysLocation,0], "new_value"},
+ {NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo},
+ {NewKeyc4, 2},
+ {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]),
g([[friendsEntry, [2, 3]],
- [sysLocation,0],
- [friendsEntry, [3, 3]]]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"},
- {[sysLocation,0], "new_value"},
- {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?active}]),
+ [sysLocation,0],
+ [friendsEntry, [3, 3]]]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[friendsEntry, [2, 3]], "kompis3"},
+ {[sysLocation,0], "new_value"},
+ {[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?active}]),
- ?line expect(3, [{NewKeyc4, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc4, 2}]),
s([{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?destroy},
{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(4, [{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?destroy},
- {NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?destroy},
+ {NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]).
%% Req. system group, Klas1, OLD-SNMPEA-MIB
do_mul_set_err() ->
@@ -3544,53 +3559,48 @@ do_mul_set_err() ->
{NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo},
{NewKeyc4, 2},
{[friendsEntry, [3, 3]], ?createAndGo}]),
- ?line expect(1, ?v1_2(noSuchName, notWritable), 3, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(noSuchName, notWritable), 3, any),
g([[friendsEntry, [2, 3]]]),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(2, noSuchName, 1, any),
- expect(2, [{[friendsEntry, [2,3]], noSuchInstance}])),
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect3(noSuchName, 1, any),
+ ?expect1([{[friendsEntry, [2,3]], noSuchInstance}])),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(3, noSuchName, 1, any),
- expect(3, [{NewKeyc4, noSuchInstance}])).
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect3(noSuchName, 1, any),
+ ?expect1([{NewKeyc4, noSuchInstance}])).
%% Req. SA-MIB
sa_mib() ->
g([[sa, [2,0]]]),
- ?line expect(sa_mib_1, [{[sa, [2,0]], 3}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sa, [2,0]], 3}]),
s([{[sa, [1,0]], s, "sa_test"}]),
- ?line expect(sa_mib_2, [{[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}]),
ma_trap1(MA) ->
ok = snmpa:send_trap(MA, testTrap2, "standard trap"),
- ?line expect(ma_trap1_1,
- trap, [system], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]],
- "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"}]),
+ ?line ?expect5(trap, [system], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]],
+ "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"}]),
ok = snmpa:send_trap(MA, testTrap1, "standard trap"),
- ?line expect(ma_trap1_2,
- trap, [1,2,3] , 1, 0, [{[system, [4,0]],
- "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"}]),
+ ?line ?expect5(trap, [1,2,3] , 1, 0, [{[system, [4,0]],
+ "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"}]),
ma_trap2(MA) ->
snmpa:send_trap(MA,testTrap2,"standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}]),
- ?line expect(ma_trap2_3,
- trap, [system], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]], "pelle"}]),
+ ?line ?expect5(trap, [system], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]], "pelle"}]),
ma_v2_2_v1_trap(MA) ->
snmpa:send_trap(MA,testTrapv22,"standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}]),
- ?line expect(ma_v2_2_v1_trap_3,
- trap, [system], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]], "pelle"}]),
+ ?line ?expect5(trap, [system], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]], "pelle"}]),
ma_v2_2_v1_trap2(MA) ->
snmpa:send_trap(MA,linkUp,"standard trap",[{ifIndex, [1], 1},
{ifAdminStatus, [1], 1},
{ifOperStatus, [1], 2}]),
- ?line expect(ma_v2_2_v1_trap2_3,
- trap, [1,2,3], 3, 0, [{[ifIndex, 1], 1},
- {[ifAdminStatus, 1], 1},
- {[ifOperStatus, 1], 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect5(trap, [1,2,3], 3, 0, [{[ifIndex, 1], 1},
+ {[ifAdminStatus, 1], 1},
+ {[ifOperStatus, 1], 2}]),
sa_trap1(SA) ->
@@ -3608,47 +3618,44 @@ sa_trap1(SA) ->
%% io:format("sa_trap1 -> SA trap send: "
%% "~n TSRes: ~p"
%% "~n", [TSRes]),
- ?line expect(sa_trap1_4,
- trap, [ericsson], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]],
- "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"},
- {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}]),
+ ?line ?expect5(trap, [ericsson], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]],
+ "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"},
+ {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}]),
snmpa:verbosity(SA, {subagents, silence}),
sa_trap2(SA) ->
snmpa:send_trap(SA, saTrap, "standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}]),
- ?line expect(sa_trap2_5,
- trap, [ericsson], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]], "pelle"},
- {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}]),
+ ?line ?expect5(trap, [ericsson], 6, 1, [{[system, [4,0]], "pelle"},
+ {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"}]),
sa_trap3(SA) ->
snmpa:send_trap(SA, saTrap2, "standard trap",
[{intViewSubtree, [4], [1,2,3,4]}]),
- ?line expect(sa_trap3_6,
- trap, [ericsson], 6, 2, [{[system, [4,0]],
- "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"},
- {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"},
- {[intViewSubtree,4],[1,2,3,4]}]),
+ ?line ?expect5(trap, [ericsson], 6, 2, [{[system, [4,0]],
+ "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"},
+ {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"},
+ {[intViewSubtree,4],[1,2,3,4]}]),
ma_v2_trap1(MA) ->
?DBG("ma_v2_traps -> entry with MA = ~p => "
"send standard trap: testTrapv22",[MA]),
snmpa:send_trap(MA, testTrapv22, "standard trap"),
- ?line expect(1, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]),
+ ?line ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}]),
?DBG("ma_v2_traps -> send standard trap: testTrapv21",[]),
snmpa:send_trap(MA, testTrapv21, "standard trap"),
- ?line expect(2, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?snmp ++ [1]}]),
+ ?line ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?snmp ++ [1]}]),
ma_v2_trap2(MA) ->
snmpa:send_trap(MA,testTrapv22,"standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}]),
- ?line expect(3, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]},
- {[system, [4,0]], "pelle"}]).
+ ?line ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]},
+ {[system, [4,0]], "pelle"}]).
%% Note: This test case takes a while... actually a couple of minutes.
ma_v2_inform1(MA) ->
@@ -3657,11 +3664,10 @@ ma_v2_inform1(MA) ->
"~n send notification: testTrapv22", [MA]),
CmdExpectInform =
- fun(No, Response) ->
- expect(No,
- {inform, Response},
- [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}])
+ fun(_No, Response) ->
+ ?expect2({inform, Response},
+ [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}])
CmdExp =
@@ -3807,11 +3813,10 @@ ma_v2_inform2(MA) ->
"~n send notification: testTrapv22", [MA]),
CmdExpectInform =
- fun(No, Response) ->
- expect(No,
- {inform, Response},
- [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}])
+ fun(_No, Response) ->
+ ?expect2({inform, Response},
+ [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}])
CmdExp =
@@ -3899,17 +3904,17 @@ ma_v2_inform3(MA) ->
CmdExpectInform =
fun(No, Response) ->
- expect(No,
- {inform, Response},
- [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}])
+ ?DBG("CmdExpectInform -> ~p: ~n~p", [No, Response]),
+ ?expect2({inform, Response},
+ [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]}])
CmdExp =
fun(ok) ->
({ok, Val}) ->
- ?DBG("ma_v2_inform3 -> [cmd2] Val: ~p", [Val]),
+ ?DBG("CmdExp -> Val: ~p", [Val]),
({error, Id, Extra}) ->
{error, {unexpected, Id, Extra}};
@@ -3973,10 +3978,10 @@ ma_v2_inform3(MA) ->
Commands =
- {15, "Send notification [tag31]", Cmd15},
- {16, "Expect notification message [tag31]", Cmd16},
- {17, "Expect targets message [tag31]", Cmd17},
- {18, "Expect notification (no) response message [tag31]", Cmd18}
+ {15, "Send notification [" ++ atom_to_list(Tag15) ++ "]", Cmd15},
+ {16, "Expect notification message [" ++ atom_to_list(Tag15) ++ "]", Cmd16},
+ {17, "Expect targets message [" ++ atom_to_list(Tag15) ++ "]", Cmd17},
+ {18, "Expect notification (no) response message [" ++ atom_to_list(Tag15) ++ "]", Cmd18}
@@ -4035,40 +4040,40 @@ command_handler([{No, Desc, Cmd}|Rest]) ->
ma_v1_2_v2_trap(MA) ->
snmpa:send_trap(MA,linkDown,"standard trap",[{ifIndex, [1], 1}]),
- ?line expect(2, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?snmpTraps ++ [3]},
- {[ifIndex, 1], 1},
- {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], [1,2,3]}]).
+ ?line ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?snmpTraps ++ [3]},
+ {[ifIndex, 1], 1},
+ {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], [1,2,3]}]).
ma_v1_2_v2_trap2(MA) ->
snmpa:send_trap(MA,testTrap2,"standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}]),
- ?line expect(3, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]},
- {[system, [4,0]], "pelle"},
- {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], ?system}]).
+ ?line ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?system ++ [0,1]},
+ {[system, [4,0]], "pelle"},
+ {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], ?system}]).
sa_v1_2_v2_trap1(SA) ->
snmpa:verbosity(SA, {subagents, trace}),
snmpa:send_trap(SA, saTrap, "standard trap"),
- ?line expect(trap1_4, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?ericsson ++ [0, 1]},
- {[system, [4,0]],
- "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"},
- {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"},
- {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], ?ericsson}]),
+ ?line ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?ericsson ++ [0, 1]},
+ {[system, [4,0]],
+ "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"},
+ {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"},
+ {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], ?ericsson}]),
snmpa:verbosity(SA, {subagents, silence}),
sa_v1_2_v2_trap2(SA) ->
snmpa:verbosity(SA, {subagents, trace}),
snmpa:send_trap(SA, saTrap, "standard trap",[{sysContact,"pelle"}]),
- ?line expect(trap2_4, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?ericsson ++ [0, 1]},
- {[system, [4,0]], "pelle"},
- {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"},
- {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], ?ericsson}]),
+ ?line ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?ericsson ++ [0, 1]},
+ {[system, [4,0]], "pelle"},
+ {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"},
+ {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], ?ericsson}]),
snmpa:verbosity(SA, {subagents, silence}),
@@ -4077,13 +4082,13 @@ sa_v1_2_v2_trap3(SA) ->
snmpa:verbosity(SA, {subagents, trace}),
snmpa:send_trap(SA, saTrap2, "standard trap",
[{intViewSubtree, [4], [1,2,3,4]}]),
- ?line expect(trap3_4, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?ericsson ++ [0, 2]},
- {[system, [4,0]],
- "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"},
- {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"},
- {[intViewSubtree,4],[1,2,3,4]},
- {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], ?ericsson}]),
+ ?line ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], ?ericsson ++ [0, 2]},
+ {[system, [4,0]],
+ "{mbj,eklas}@erlang.ericsson.se"},
+ {[sa, [1,0]], "sa_test"},
+ {[intViewSubtree,4],[1,2,3,4]},
+ {[snmpTrapEnterprise, 0], ?ericsson}]),
snmpa:verbosity(SA, {subagents, silence}),
@@ -4097,15 +4102,15 @@ sa_errs_bad_value() ->
{[sa, [2,0]], 5}, % badValue (i is_set_ok)
{NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo},
{NewKeyc4, 2}]),
- ?line expect(1, badValue, 2, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(badValue, 2, any),
s([{NewKeyc3, 2},
{[sa, [2,0]], 6}, % wrongValue (i is_set_ok)
{NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo},
{NewKeyc4, 2}]),
- ?line expect(1, ?v1_2(badValue, wrongValue), 2, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(badValue, wrongValue), 2, any),
- ?line ?v1_2(expect(2, noSuchName, 1, any),
- expect(2, [{NewKeyc4, noSuchInstance}])).
+ ?line ?v1_2(?expect3(noSuchName, 1, any),
+ ?expect1([{NewKeyc4, noSuchInstance}])).
sa_errs_gen_err() ->
@@ -4114,23 +4119,23 @@ sa_errs_gen_err() ->
NewKeyc5 = [intCommunityEntry,[5],get(mip),is("test")],
s([{NewKeyc3, 2},{NewKeyc4, 2},
{NewKeyc5, ?createAndGo}, {[sa, [3,0]], 5}]),
- ?line expect(1, genErr, 4, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 4, any),
% The row might have been added; we don't know.
% (as a matter of fact we do - it is added, because the agent
% first sets its own vars, and then th SAs. Lets destroy it.
s([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(2, [{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]).
sa_too_big() ->
g([[sa, [4,0]]]),
- ?line expect(1, tooBig).
+ ?line ?expect1(tooBig).
%% Req. Klas1, system group, snmp group (v1/v2)
next_across_sa() ->
- ?line expect(1, [{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
- {[snmpInPkts, 0], any}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sysDescr,0], "Erlang SNMP agent"},
+ {[snmpInPkts, 0], any}]).
%% snmp_test_mgr:s([{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ok"}]). -> noError
%% snmp_test_mgr:s([{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "hoj"}]). -> {badValue, 2}
@@ -4141,40 +4146,40 @@ next_across_sa() ->
%% Req. Klas3, Klas4
undo_test() ->
s([{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ok"}]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ok"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ok"}]),
s([{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "hoj"}]),
- ?line expect(2, ?v1_2(badValue, inconsistentValue), 2, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(badValue, inconsistentValue), 2, any),
s([{[fStatus3, 3], 4}, {[fname3,0], "hoj"}]),
- ?line expect(3, ?v1_2(genErr, undoFailed), 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(genErr, undoFailed), 1, any),
s([{[fStatus3, 4], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ok"}]),
- ?line expect(4, ?v1_2(genErr, commitFailed), 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(genErr, commitFailed), 1, any),
% unfortunatly we don't know if we'll get undoFailed or commitFailed.
% it depends on which order the agent traverses the varbind list.
% s([{[fStatus3, 4], 4}, {[fname3,0], "ufail"}]),
% ?line expect(5, ?v1_2(genErr, undoFailed), 1, any),
s([{[fStatus3, 1], 4}, {[fname3,0], "xfail"}]),
- ?line expect(6, genErr, 2, any).
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 2, any).
%% Req. Klas3, Klas4
bad_return() ->
- ?line expect(4, genErr, 2, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 2, any),
- ?line expect(5, genErr, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, any),
- ?line expect(6, genErr, 2, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 2, any),
- ?line expect(7, genErr, 2, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 2, any),
- ?line expect(8, genErr, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 1, any),
- ?line expect(9, genErr, 2, any).
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 2, any).
@@ -4246,27 +4251,27 @@ std_mib_init() ->
%% disable authentication failure traps. (otherwise w'd get many of
%% them - this is also a test to see that it works).
s([{[snmpEnableAuthenTraps,0], 2}]),
- ?line expect(std_mib_init_1, [{[snmpEnableAuthenTraps, 0], 2}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[snmpEnableAuthenTraps, 0], 2}]).
std_mib_finish() ->
%% enable again
s([{[snmpEnableAuthenTraps,0], 1}]),
- ?line expect(std_mib_finish_1, [{[snmpEnableAuthenTraps, 0], 1}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[snmpEnableAuthenTraps, 0], 1}]).
standard_mib_test_finish() ->
%% force a authenticationFailure (should result in a trap)
%% check that we got a trap
- ?line expect(standard_mib_test_finish_2, trap, [1,2,3], 4, 0, []).
+ ?line ?expect5(trap, [1,2,3], 4, 0, []).
std_mib_read() ->
?DBG("std_mib_read -> entry", []),
g([[sysUpTime,0]]), % try a bad <something>; msg dropped, no reply
?DBG("std_mib_read -> await timeout (i.e. no reply)", []),
- ?line expect(std_mib_read_1, timeout). % make sure we don't get a trap!
+ ?line ?expect1(timeout). % make sure we don't get a trap!
@@ -4382,13 +4387,13 @@ snmpv2_mib_test_finish() ->
%% check that we got a trap
?DBG("ma_v2_inform -> await trap",[]),
- ?line expect(2, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime,0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID,0], ?authenticationFailure}]),
+ ?line ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime,0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID,0], ?authenticationFailure}]),
%% and the the inform
?DBG("ma_v2_inform -> await inform",[]),
- ?line expect(2, {inform,true}, [{[sysUpTime,0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID,0],?authenticationFailure}]).
+ ?line ?expect2({inform,true}, [{[sysUpTime,0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID,0],?authenticationFailure}]).
std_mib_a() ->
@@ -4426,12 +4431,12 @@ std_mib_c({InBadCommunityNames, InBadCommunityUses, InASNErrs}) ->
snmpv2_mib_a() ->
?line [SetSerial] = get_req(2, [[snmpSetSerialNo,0]]),
s([{[snmpSetSerialNo,0], SetSerial}, {[sysLocation, 0], "val2"}]),
- ?line expect(snmpv2_mib_a_3, [{[snmpSetSerialNo,0], SetSerial},
- {[sysLocation, 0], "val2"}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[snmpSetSerialNo,0], SetSerial},
+ {[sysLocation, 0], "val2"}]),
s([{[sysLocation, 0], "val3"}, {[snmpSetSerialNo,0], SetSerial}]),
- ?line expect(snmpv2_mib_a_4, inconsistentValue, 2,
- [{[sysLocation, 0], "val3"},
- {[snmpSetSerialNo,0], SetSerial}]),
+ ?line ?expect3(inconsistentValue, 2,
+ [{[sysLocation, 0], "val3"},
+ {[snmpSetSerialNo,0], SetSerial}]),
?line ["val2"] = get_req(5, [[sysLocation,0]]).
@@ -4562,7 +4567,7 @@ snmp_mpd_mib_a() ->
-define(snmpUnknownPDUHandlers_instance, [1,3,6,1,6,3,11,2,1,3,0]).
snmp_mpd_mib_b() ->
- ?line expect(1, report, [{?snmpUnknownPDUHandlers_instance, any}]).
+ ?line ?expect2(report, [{?snmpUnknownPDUHandlers_instance, any}]).
snmp_mpd_mib_c(UnknownPDUHs) ->
@@ -4752,50 +4757,51 @@ snmp_view_based_acm_mib() ->
do_set(Row) ->
- expect(do_set_1, Row).
+ ?expect1(Row).
add_row(RowStatus) ->
s([{RowStatus, ?createAndGo}]),
- expect(add_row_1, [{RowStatus, ?createAndGo}]).
+ ?expect1([{RowStatus, ?createAndGo}]).
del_row(RowStatus) ->
s([{RowStatus, ?destroy}]),
- expect(del_row_1, [{RowStatus, ?destroy}]).
+ ?expect1([{RowStatus, ?destroy}]).
use_no_rights() ->
- ?v1_2_3(expect(use_no_rights_11, noSuchName, 1, any),
- expect(use_no_rights_12, [{[xDescr,0], noSuchObject}]),
- expect(use_no_rights_13, authorizationError, 1, any)),
+ ?v1_2_3(?expect3(noSuchName, 1, any),
+ ?expect1([{[xDescr,0], noSuchObject}]),
+ ?expect3(authorizationError, 1, any)),
- ?v1_2_3(expect(use_no_rights_21, noSuchName, 1, any),
- expect(use_no_rights_22, [{[xDescr2,0], noSuchObject}]),
- expect(use_no_rights_23, authorizationError, 1, any)),
+ ?v1_2_3(?expect3(noSuchName, 1, any),
+ ?expect1([{[xDescr2,0], noSuchObject}]),
+ ?expect3(authorizationError, 1, any)),
- ?v1_2_3(expect(use_no_rights_31, noSuchName, 1, any),
- expect(use_no_rights_32, [{[xDescr], endOfMibView}]),
- expect(use_no_rights_33, authorizationError, 1, any)),
+ ?v1_2_3(?expect3(noSuchName, 1, any),
+ ?expect1([{[xDescr], endOfMibView}]),
+ ?expect3(authorizationError, 1, any)),
s([{[xDescr,0], "tryit"}]),
- ?v1_2_3(expect(use_no_rights_41, noSuchName, 1, any),
- expect(use_no_rights_42, noAccess, 1, any),
- expect(use_no_rights_43, authorizationError, 1, any)).
+ ?v1_2_3(?expect3(noSuchName, 1, any),
+ ?expect3(noAccess, 1, any),
+ ?expect3(authorizationError, 1, any)).
use_rights() ->
- expect(use_rights_1, [{[xDescr,0], any}]),
+ ?expect1([{[xDescr,0], any}]),
- expect(use_rights_2, [{[xDescr2,0], any}]),
+ ?expect1([{[xDescr2,0], any}]),
s([{[xDescr,0], "tryit"}]),
- expect(use_rights_3, noError, 0, any),
+ ?expect3(noError, 0, any),
- expect(use_rights_4, [{[xDescr,0], "tryit"}]).
+ ?expect1([{[xDescr,0], "tryit"}]).
mk_ln(X) ->
[length(X) | X].
%% o add/delete users and try them
%% o test all secLevels
@@ -4895,7 +4901,7 @@ usm_add_user1() ->
Vbs1 = [{[usmUserCloneFrom, NewRowIndex], RowPointer},
{[usmUserStatus, NewRowIndex], ?createAndGo}],
?line s(Vbs1),
- ?line expect(1, Vbs1),
+ ?line ?expect1(Vbs1),
usm_use_user() ->
@@ -4914,7 +4920,7 @@ usm_key_change1(ShaKey, DesKey) ->
Vbs1 = [{[usmUserAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ShaKeyChange},
{[usmUserPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], DesKeyChange}],
- ?line expect(1, Vbs1).
+ ?line ?expect1(Vbs1).
%% Change own private keys
usm_key_change2(OldShaKey, OldDesKey, ShaKey, DesKey) ->
@@ -4928,7 +4934,7 @@ usm_key_change2(OldShaKey, OldDesKey, ShaKey, DesKey) ->
Vbs1 = [{[usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ShaKeyChange},
{[usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], DesKeyChange}],
- ?line expect(1, Vbs1).
+ ?line ?expect1(Vbs1).
%% Change other's public keys
usm_key_change3(OldShaKey, OldDesKey, ShaKey, DesKey) ->
@@ -4941,16 +4947,16 @@ usm_key_change3(OldShaKey, OldDesKey, ShaKey, DesKey) ->
Vbs1 = [{[usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ShaKeyChange}],
- ?line expect(1, noAccess, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(noAccess, 1, any),
Vbs2 = [{[usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], DesKeyChange}],
- ?line expect(2, noAccess, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(noAccess, 1, any),
Vbs3 = [{[usmUserAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ShaKeyChange},
{[usmUserPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], DesKeyChange}],
- ?line expect(1, Vbs3).
+ ?line ?expect1(Vbs3).
usm_read() ->
NewRowIndex = [11,"agentEngine", 7, "newUser"],
@@ -4960,13 +4966,12 @@ usm_read() ->
[usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex],
[usmUserPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex],
[usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex]]),
- ?line expect(1,
- [{[usmUserSecurityName, NewRowIndex], "newUser"},
- {[usmUserCloneFrom, NewRowIndex], [0,0]},
- {[usmUserAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ""},
- {[usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ""},
- {[usmUserPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ""},
- {[usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ""}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[usmUserSecurityName, NewRowIndex], "newUser"},
+ {[usmUserCloneFrom, NewRowIndex], [0,0]},
+ {[usmUserAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ""},
+ {[usmUserOwnAuthKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ""},
+ {[usmUserPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ""},
+ {[usmUserOwnPrivKeyChange, NewRowIndex], ""}]),
@@ -4975,7 +4980,7 @@ usm_del_user() ->
NewRowIndex = [11,"agentEngine", 7, "newUser"],
Vbs1 = [{[usmUserStatus, NewRowIndex], ?destroy}],
?line s(Vbs1),
- ?line expect(1, Vbs1),
+ ?line ?expect1(Vbs1),
-define(usmUserCloneFrom, [1,3,6,1,6,3,15,1,2,2,1,4]).
@@ -4996,32 +5001,31 @@ usm_bad() ->
Vbs1 = [{[usmUserCloneFrom, NewRowIndex], RowPointer1},
{[usmUserStatus, NewRowIndex], ?createAndGo}],
?line s(Vbs1),
- ?line expect(1, inconsistentName, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(inconsistentName, 1, any),
RowPointer2 = ?usmUserCloneFrom ++ [11|"agentEngine"] ++ [7|"privDES"],
Vbs2 = [{[usmUserCloneFrom, NewRowIndex], RowPointer2},
{[usmUserStatus, NewRowIndex], ?createAndGo}],
?line s(Vbs2),
- ?line expect(2, wrongValue, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(wrongValue, 1, any),
RowPointer3 = ?usmUserSecurityName ++ [11|"agentEngine"] ++ [7|"privDES"],
Vbs3 = [{[usmUserCloneFrom, NewRowIndex], RowPointer3},
{[usmUserStatus, NewRowIndex], ?createAndGo}],
?line s(Vbs3),
- ?line expect(3, Vbs3),
+ ?line ?expect1(Vbs3),
?line s([{[usmUserAuthProtocol, NewRowIndex], ?usmNoAuthProtocol}]),
- ?line expect(4, inconsistentValue, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(inconsistentValue, 1, any),
?line s([{[usmUserAuthProtocol, NewRowIndex], ?usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol}]),
- ?line expect(5, inconsistentValue, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(inconsistentValue, 1, any),
?line s([{[usmUserAuthProtocol, NewRowIndex], ?usmDESPrivProtocol}]),
- ?line expect(6, wrongValue, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(wrongValue, 1, any),
?line s([{[usmUserPrivProtocol, NewRowIndex], ?usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol}]),
- ?line expect(7, wrongValue, 1, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(wrongValue, 1, any),
Vbs4 = [{[usmUserStatus, NewRowIndex], ?destroy}],
?line s(Vbs4),
- ?line expect(1, Vbs4),
+ ?line ?expect1(Vbs4),
@@ -5340,15 +5344,15 @@ otp_1128() ->
NewKeyc5 = [intCommunityStatus,get(mip),is("test")],
s([{NewKeyc5, ?createAndWait}, {NewKeyc4, 2}]),
- ?line expect(28, [{NewKeyc5, ?createAndWait}, {NewKeyc4, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?createAndWait}, {NewKeyc4, 2}]),
- ?line expect(29, [{NewKeyc5, ?notReady}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?notReady}]),
s([{NewKeyc5, ?active}, {NewKeyc3, 2}]),
- ?line expect(30, [{NewKeyc5, ?active}, {NewKeyc3, 2}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?active}, {NewKeyc3, 2}]),
- ?line expect(31, [{NewKeyc5, ?active}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?active}]),
s([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(32, [{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]).
%% Ticket: OTP-1129, OTP-1169
@@ -5371,6 +5375,7 @@ otp_1129_i(MaNode) ->
false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [iso, 1]),
false = rpc:call(MaNode, snmp, int_to_enum, [isox, 1]).
%% Ticket: OTP-1131
%% Slogan: Agent crashes / erlang node halts if RowIndex in a
@@ -5430,7 +5435,7 @@ otp_1131() ->
io:format("Testing bug reported in ticket OTP-1131...~n"),
s([{[friendsEntry, [2, 3, 1]], s, "kompis3"},
{[friendsEntry, [3, 3, 1]], i, ?createAndGo}]),
- ?line expect(1, ?v1_2(noSuchName, noCreation), 2, any).
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(noSuchName, noCreation), 2, any).
@@ -5451,7 +5456,7 @@ otp_1162_3(X) -> ?P(otp_1162_3), otp_1162(X).
otp_1162() ->
s([{[sa, [2,0]], 6}]), % wrongValue (i is_set_ok)
- ?line expect(1, ?v1_2(badValue, wrongValue), 1, any).
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(badValue, wrongValue), 1, any).
@@ -5475,9 +5480,9 @@ otp_1222_3(X) -> ?P(otp_1222_3), otp_1222(X).
otp_1222() ->
io:format("Testing bug reported in ticket OTP-1222...~n"),
s([{[fStatus4,1], 4}, {[fName4,1], 1}]),
- ?line expect(1, genErr, 0, any),
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 0, any),
s([{[fStatus4,2], 4}, {[fName4,2], 1}]),
- ?line expect(2, genErr, 0, any).
+ ?line ?expect3(genErr, 0, any).
%% Ticket: OTP-1298
@@ -5499,7 +5504,7 @@ otp_1298_3(X) -> ?P(otp_1298_3), otp_1298(X).
otp_1298() ->
io:format("Testing bug reported in ticket OTP-1298...~n"),
s([{[fint,0], -1}]),
- ?line expect(1298, [{[fint,0], -1}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[fint,0], -1}]).
@@ -5522,7 +5527,7 @@ otp_1331_3(X) -> ?P(otp_1331_3), otp_1331(X).
otp_1331() ->
NewKeyc5 = [intCommunityStatus,[127,32,0,0],is("test")],
s([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]),
- ?line expect(1, [{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{NewKeyc5, ?destroy}]).
@@ -5544,9 +5549,9 @@ otp_1338_3(X) -> ?P(otp_1338_3), otp_1338(X).
otp_1338() ->
s([{[kStatus2, 7], i, ?createAndGo}]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[kStatus2, 7], ?createAndGo}]),
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kStatus2, 7], ?createAndGo}]),
g([[kName2, 7]]),
- ?line expect(2, [{[kName2, 7], "JJJ"}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[kName2, 7], "JJJ"}]).
%% Ticket: OTP-1342
@@ -5569,7 +5574,7 @@ otp_1342() ->
s([{[fIndex5, 1], i, 1},
{[fName5, 1], i, 3},
{[fStatus5, 1], i, ?createAndGo}]),
- ?line expect(1, ?v1_2(noSuchName, noCreation), 3, any).
+ ?line ?expect3(?v1_2(noSuchName, noCreation), 3, any).
@@ -5681,8 +5686,8 @@ otp_2979_3(X) -> ?P(otp_2979_3), otp_2979(X).
otp_2979() ->
gn([[sparseDescr], [sparseStatus]]),
- ?line expect(1, [{[sparseStr,0], "slut"},
- {[sparseStr,0], "slut"}]).
+ ?line ?expect1([{[sparseStr,0], "slut"},
+ {[sparseStr,0], "slut"}]).
%% Ticket: OTP-3187
@@ -5941,11 +5946,11 @@ otp_7157_test1(MA) ->
?DBG("await response",[]),
%% We don't really care about the values, just the vb order.
- ?line ok = expect(1, v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
- {[snmpTrapOID, 0], any},
- {[sysContact, 0], any},
- {[cnt64, 0], any},
- {[sysLocation, 0], any}]),
+ ?line ok = ?expect2(v2trap, [{[sysUpTime, 0], any},
+ {[snmpTrapOID, 0], any},
+ {[sysContact, 0], any},
+ {[cnt64, 0], any},
+ {[sysLocation, 0], any}]),
?DBG("done", []),
@@ -6591,10 +6596,10 @@ gn(OidsOrN) -> snmp_test_mgr:gn(OidsOrN).
gb(NR, MR, Oids) -> snmp_test_mgr:gb(NR, MR, Oids).
s(VAV) -> snmp_test_mgr:s(VAV).
-expect(A, B) -> snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(A, B).
-expect(A, B, C) -> snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(A, B, C).
-expect(A, B, C, D) -> snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(A, B, C, D).
-expect(A, B, C, D, E, F) -> snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(A, B, C, D, E, F).
+%% expect(A, B) -> snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(A, B).
+%% expect(A, B, C) -> snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(A, B, C).
+%% expect(A, B, C, D) -> snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(A, B, C, D).
+%% expect(A, B, C, D, E, F) -> snmp_agent_test_lib:expect(A, B, C, D, E, F).
get_req(Id, Vars) ->
snmp_agent_test_lib:get_req(Id, Vars).
diff --git a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_agent_test_lib.erl b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_agent_test_lib.erl
index 2c24dd3712..11c05fc1db 100644
--- a/lib/snmp/test/snmp_agent_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/snmp/test/snmp_agent_test_lib.erl
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
init_all/1, finish_all/1,
try_test/2, try_test/3, try_test/4,
- expect/2, expect/3, expect/4, expect/6,
+ expect/3, expect/4, expect/5, expect/7,
@@ -842,31 +842,33 @@ agent_info(Sup) ->
%% ---
+%% The first two arguments are simple to be able to find where in the
+%% (test) code this call is made.
-expect(Id, A) ->
- Fun = fun() -> do_expect(A) end,
- expect2(Id, Fun).
+expect(Mod, Line, What) ->
+ Fun = fun() -> do_expect(What) end,
+ expect2(Mod, Line, Fun).
-expect(Id, A, B) ->
- Fun = fun() -> do_expect(A, B) end,
- expect2(Id, Fun).
+expect(Mod, Line, What, ExpVBs) ->
+ Fun = fun() -> do_expect(What, ExpVBs) end,
+ expect2(Mod, Line, Fun).
-expect(Id, A, B, C) ->
- Fun = fun() -> do_expect(A, B, C) end,
- expect2(Id, Fun).
+expect(Mod, Line, Error, Index, ExpVBS) ->
+ Fun = fun() -> do_expect(Error, Index, ExpVBS) end,
+ expect2(Mod, Line, Fun).
-expect(Id, A, B, C, D, E) ->
- Fun = fun() -> do_expect(A, B, C, D, E) end,
- expect2(Id, Fun).
+expect(Mod, Line, Type, Enterp, Generic, Specific, ExpVBs) ->
+ Fun = fun() -> do_expect(Type, Enterp, Generic, Specific, ExpVBs) end,
+ expect2(Mod, Line, Fun).
-expect2(Id, F) ->
- io:format("EXPECT for ~w~n", [Id]),
+expect2(Mod, Line, F) ->
+ io:format("EXPECT for ~w:~w~n", [Mod, Line]),
case F() of
{error, Reason} ->
- io:format("EXPECT failed for ~w: ~n~p~n", [Id, Reason]),
- throw({error, {expect, Id, Reason}});
+ io:format("EXPECT failed at ~w:~w => ~n~p~n", [Mod, Line, Reason]),
+ throw({error, {expect, Mod, Line, Reason}});
Else ->
- io:format("EXPECT result for ~w: ~n~p~n", [Id, Else]),
+ io:format("EXPECT result for ~w:~w => ~n~p~n", [Mod, Line, Else]),
@@ -918,7 +920,8 @@ do_expect({timeout, To}) ->
do_expect({Err, To})
- when is_atom(Err) andalso (is_integer(To) orelse (To =:= infinity)) ->
+ when (is_atom(Err) andalso
+ ((is_integer(To) andalso To > 0) orelse (To =:= infinity))) ->
io:format("EXPECT error ~w within ~w~n", [Err, To]),
do_expect({{error, Err}, To});