diff options
authorStavros Aronis <aronisstav@gmail.com>2012-02-19 01:40:54 +0100
committerHenrik Nord <henrik@erlang.org>2012-05-21 15:31:18 +0200
commit08d6fa6c97be82c4b4a480ec04aa06ae8e781783 (patch)
parentaf4247993e9b68bd123df37d08b06690c0640259 (diff)
Parallel compilation of files under analysis
4 files changed, 263 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl
index 7060028d17..e009b8f43f 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_analysis_callgraph.erl
@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@
+ add_to_result/3,
+ start_compilation/2,
+ continue_compilation/2]).
@@ -212,33 +217,15 @@ compile_and_store(Files, #analysis_state{codeserver = CServer,
Includes = [{i, D} || D <- Dirs],
Defines = [{d, Macro, Val} || {Macro, Val} <- Defs],
Callgraph = dialyzer_callgraph:new(),
- Fun = case StartFrom of
- src_code ->
- fun(File, {TmpCG, TmpCServer, TmpFailed, TmpNoWarn, TmpMods}) ->
- case compile_src(File, Includes, Defines, TmpCG,
- TmpCServer, UseContracts) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- {TmpCG, TmpCServer, [{File, Reason}|TmpFailed], TmpNoWarn,
- TmpMods};
- {ok, NewCG, NoWarn, NewCServer, Mod} ->
- {NewCG, NewCServer, TmpFailed, NoWarn++TmpNoWarn,
- [Mod|TmpMods]}
- end
- end;
- byte_code ->
- fun(File, {TmpCG, TmpCServer, TmpFailed, TmpNoWarn, TmpMods}) ->
- case compile_byte(File, TmpCG, TmpCServer, UseContracts) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- {TmpCG, TmpCServer, [{File, Reason}|TmpFailed], TmpNoWarn,
- TmpMods};
- {ok, NewCG, NoWarn, NewCServer, Mod} ->
- {NewCG, NewCServer, TmpFailed, NoWarn++TmpNoWarn,
- [Mod|TmpMods]}
- end
- end
- end,
- {NewCallgraph1, NewCServer, Failed, NoWarn, Modules} =
- lists:foldl(Fun, {Callgraph, CServer, [], [], []}, Files),
+ Servers = {Callgraph, CServer, StartFrom, Includes, Defines, UseContracts},
+ Coordinator = dialyzer_coordinator:start(compile, Servers),
+ Spawner = fun(F) -> dialyzer_coordinator:compiler_spawn(F, Coordinator) end,
+ lists:foreach(Spawner, Files),
+ dialyzer_coordinator:all_spawned(Coordinator),
+ {{V, E, Failed, NoWarn, Modules}, NextLabel} =
+ dialyzer_coordinator:receive_compilation_data(),
+ CServer2 = dialyzer_codeserver:set_next_core_label(NextLabel, CServer),
+ Callgraph = dialyzer_callgraph:add_edges(E, V, Callgraph),
case Failed =:= [] of
true ->
NewFiles = lists:zip(lists:reverse(Modules), Files),
@@ -254,11 +241,41 @@ compile_and_store(Files, #analysis_state{codeserver = CServer,
{T2, _} = statistics(runtime),
Msg1 = io_lib:format("done in ~.2f secs\nRemoving edges... ", [(T2-T1)/1000]),
send_log(Parent, Msg1),
- NewCallgraph2 = cleanup_callgraph(State, NewCServer, NewCallgraph1, Modules),
+ Callgraph = cleanup_callgraph(State, CServer2, Callgraph, Modules),
{T3, _} = statistics(runtime),
Msg2 = io_lib:format("done in ~.2f secs\n", [(T3-T2)/1000]),
send_log(Parent, Msg2),
- {NewCallgraph2, sets:from_list(NoWarn), NewCServer}.
+ {Callgraph, sets:from_list(NoWarn), CServer2}.
+-type servers() :: term().
+-type result() :: term().
+-type file_result() :: term().
+-type data() :: term().
+-spec compile_coordinator_init() -> result().
+compile_coordinator_init() -> {[], [], [], [], []}.
+-spec add_to_result(file:filename(), file_result(), result()) -> result().
+add_to_result(File, NewData, {V, E, Failed, NoWarn, Mods}) ->
+ case NewData of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {[{File, Reason}|Failed], NoWarn, Mods};
+ {ok, NV, NE, NewNoWarn, Mod} ->
+ {NV ++ V, NE ++ E, Failed, NewNoWarn ++ NoWarn, [Mod|Mods]}
+ end.
+-spec start_compilation(file:filename(), servers()) -> data().
+start_compilation(File, {Callgraph, Codeserver, StartFrom,
+ Includes, Defines, UseContracts}) ->
+ case StartFrom of
+ src_code ->
+ compile_src(File, Includes, Defines, Callgraph, Codeserver, UseContracts);
+ byte_code ->
+ compile_byte(File, Callgraph, Codeserver, UseContracts)
+ end.
cleanup_callgraph(#analysis_state{plt = InitPlt, parent = Parent,
codeserver = CodeServer
@@ -348,10 +365,17 @@ compile_common(File, AbstrCode, CompOpts, Callgraph, CServer, UseContracts) ->
store_core(Mod, Core, NoWarn, Callgraph, CServer) ->
Exp = get_exports_from_core(Core),
ExpTypes = get_exported_types_from_core(Core),
- CServer1 = dialyzer_codeserver:insert_exports(Exp, CServer),
- CServer2 = dialyzer_codeserver:insert_temp_exported_types(ExpTypes, CServer1),
- {LabeledCore, CServer3} = label_core(Core, CServer2),
- store_code_and_build_callgraph(Mod, LabeledCore, Callgraph, CServer3, NoWarn).
+ CServer = dialyzer_codeserver:insert_exports(Exp, CServer),
+ CServer = dialyzer_codeserver:insert_temp_exported_types(ExpTypes, CServer),
+ CoreTree = cerl:from_records(Core),
+ {cerl_trees:size(CoreTree), {Mod, CoreTree, NoWarn, Callgraph, CServer}}.
+-spec continue_compilation(integer(), data()) -> {integer(), file_result()}.
+continue_compilation(NextLabel, {Mod, CoreTree, NoWarn, Callgraph, CServer}) ->
+ {LabeledTree, _NewNextLabel} = cerl_trees:label(CoreTree, NextLabel),
+ LabeledCore = cerl:to_records(LabeledTree),
+ store_code_and_build_callgraph(Mod, LabeledCore, Callgraph, NoWarn, CServer).
abs_get_nowarn(Abs, M) ->
Opts = lists:flatten([C || {attribute, _, compile, C} <- Abs]),
@@ -384,18 +408,11 @@ get_exports_from_core(Core) ->
M = cerl:atom_val(cerl:module_name(Tree)),
[{M, F, A} || {F, A} <- Exports2].
-label_core(Core, CServer) ->
- NextLabel = dialyzer_codeserver:get_next_core_label(CServer),
- CoreTree = cerl:from_records(Core),
- {LabeledTree, NewNextLabel} = cerl_trees:label(CoreTree, NextLabel),
- {cerl:to_records(LabeledTree),
- dialyzer_codeserver:set_next_core_label(NewNextLabel, CServer)}.
-store_code_and_build_callgraph(Mod, Core, Callgraph, CServer, NoWarn) ->
+store_code_and_build_callgraph(Mod, Core, Callgraph, NoWarn, CServer) ->
CoreTree = cerl:from_records(Core),
- NewCallgraph = dialyzer_callgraph:scan_core_tree(CoreTree, Callgraph),
- CServer2 = dialyzer_codeserver:insert(Mod, CoreTree, CServer),
- {ok, NewCallgraph, NoWarn, CServer2, Mod}.
+ {Vertices, Edges} = dialyzer_callgraph:scan_core_tree(CoreTree, Callgraph),
+ CServer = dialyzer_codeserver:insert(Mod, CoreTree, CServer),
+ {ok, Vertices, Edges, NoWarn, Mod}.
%% Utilities
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl
index 9eba64dd57..bf939655d0 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+ add_edges/3,
@@ -358,10 +359,10 @@ scan_core_tree(Tree, #callgraph{calls = ETSCalls,
name_map = ETSNameMap,
rec_var_map = ETSRecVarMap,
rev_name_map = ETSRevNameMap,
- self_rec = ETSSelfRec} = CG) ->
+ self_rec = ETSSelfRec}) ->
%% Build name map and recursion variable maps.
build_maps(Tree, ETSRecVarMap, ETSNameMap, ETSRevNameMap),
%% First find the module-local dependencies.
{Deps0, EscapingFuns, Calls} = dialyzer_dep:analyze(Tree),
true = ets:insert(ETSCalls, dict:to_list(Calls)),
@@ -399,7 +400,7 @@ scan_core_tree(Tree, #callgraph{calls = ETSCalls,
NewNamedEdges1 =
[E || {From, To} = E <- NamedEdges1, From =/= top, To =/= top],
NamedEdges3 = NewNamedEdges1 ++ NewNamedEdges2,
- add_edges(NamedEdges3, Names3, CG).
+ {Names3, NamedEdges3}.
build_maps(Tree, ETSRecVarMap, ETSNameMap, ETSRevNameMap) ->
%% We only care about the named (top level) functions. The anonymous
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_coordinator.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_coordinator.erl
index fa78670883..d8a3ef2bd2 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_coordinator.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_coordinator.erl
@@ -46,15 +46,26 @@
- all_spawned/1,
- scc_done/3,
- scc_spawn/2,
+%%% Exports for all possible uses of coordinator
+ all_spawned/1]).
+%%% Exports for the typesig and dataflow analysis main process
+ receive_not_fixpoint/0]).
+%%% Exports for the typesig and dataflow analysis workers
- sccs_to_pids_request/2,
- start/2,
- receive_not_fixpoint/0
- ]).
+ sccs_to_pids_request/2]).
+%%% Exports for the compilation main process
+ receive_compilation_data/0]).
+%%% Exports for the compilation workers
+ get_next_label/2]).
@@ -64,129 +75,192 @@
-type coordinator() :: pid().
-type map() :: dict().
-type scc() :: [mfa_or_funlbl()].
--type mode() :: typesig | dataflow.
+-type mode() :: 'typesig' | 'dataflow' | 'compile'.
-record(state, {parent :: pid(),
mode :: mode(),
spawn_count = 0 :: integer(),
all_spawned = false :: boolean(),
- scc_to_pid = new_map() :: map(),
- not_fixpoint = [] :: [mfa_or_funlbl()],
- servers :: dialyzer_typesig:servers()
+ job_to_pid :: map(),
+ next_label :: integer(),
+ result :: [mfa_or_funlbl()] |
+ dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:result(),
+ init_job_data :: dialyzer_typesig:servers()
--spec start(mode(), dialyzer_typesig:servers()) -> pid().
+-spec start('typesig' | 'dataflow', dialyzer_typesig:servers()) -> pid();
+ ('compile', dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:servers()) -> pid().
start(Mode, Servers) ->
- {ok, Pid} = gen_server:start(?MODULE, {self(), Mode, Servers}, []),
- Pid.
+ {ok, Pid} = gen_server:start(?MODULE, {self(), Mode, Servers}, []),
+ Pid.
-spec scc_spawn(scc(), coordinator()) -> ok.
scc_spawn(SCC, Coordinator) ->
- cast({scc_spawn, SCC}, Coordinator).
+ cast({scc_spawn, SCC}, Coordinator).
-spec sccs_to_pids_request([scc()], coordinator()) -> ok.
sccs_to_pids_request(SCCs, Coordinator) ->
- cast({sccs_to_pids, SCCs, self()}, Coordinator).
+ cast({sccs_to_pids, SCCs, self()}, Coordinator).
scc_to_pids_request_handle(Worker, SCCs, SCCtoPID) ->
- Pids = [fetch_map(SCC, SCCtoPID) || SCC <- SCCs],
- Worker ! {sccs_to_pids, Pids},
- ok.
+ Pids = [fetch_map(SCC, SCCtoPID) || SCC <- SCCs],
+ Worker ! {sccs_to_pids, Pids},
+ ok.
-spec sccs_to_pids_reply() -> [dialyzer_worker:worker()].
sccs_to_pids_reply() ->
- receive {sccs_to_pids, Pids} -> Pids end.
+ receive {sccs_to_pids, Pids} -> Pids end.
-spec scc_done(scc(), scc(), coordinator()) -> ok.
scc_done(SCC, NotFixpoint, Coordinator) ->
- cast({scc_done, SCC, NotFixpoint}, Coordinator).
+ cast({done, SCC, NotFixpoint}, Coordinator).
+-spec compilation_done(file:filename(),
+ dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:compilation_data(),
+ coordinator()) -> ok.
+compilation_done(Filename, CompilationData, Coordinator) ->
+ cast({done, Filename, CompilationData}, Coordinator).
-spec all_spawned(coordinator()) -> ok.
all_spawned(Coordinator) ->
- cast(all_spawned, Coordinator).
-send_done_to_parent(#state{parent = Parent, not_fixpoint = NotFixpoint}) ->
- Parent ! {not_fixpoint, NotFixpoint}.
+ cast(all_spawned, Coordinator).
+send_done_to_parent(#state{mode = Mode,
+ parent = Parent,
+ result = Result,
+ next_label = NextLabel}) ->
+ Msg =
+ case Mode of
+ X when X =:= 'typesig'; X =:= 'dataflow' -> {not_fixpoint, Result};
+ 'compile' -> {compilation_data, Result, NextLabel}
+ end,
+ Parent ! Msg.
-spec receive_not_fixpoint() -> dialyzer_plt:plt().
receive_not_fixpoint() ->
- receive {not_fixpoint, NotFixpoint} -> NotFixpoint end.
+ receive {not_fixpoint, NotFixpoint} -> NotFixpoint end.
+-spec receive_compilation_data() ->
+ {dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:result(), integer()}.
+receive_compilation_data() ->
+ receive {compilation_data, CompilationData, NextLabel} ->
+ {CompilationData, NextLabel}
+ end.
+-spec compiler_spawn(file:filename(), coordinator()) -> ok.
--spec init({pid(), mode(), dialyzer_succ_typings:servers()}) -> {ok, #state{}}.
+compiler_spawn(Filename, Coordinator) ->
+ cast({compiler_spawn, Filename}, Coordinator).
-init({Parent, Mode, Servers}) ->
- {ok, #state{parent = Parent, mode = Mode, servers = Servers}}.
+-spec get_next_label(integer(), coordinator()) -> integer().
+get_next_label(EstimatedSize, Coordinator) ->
+ call({get_next_label, EstimatedSize}, Coordinator).
+-spec init({pid(), mode(), dialyzer_succ_typings:servers() |
+ dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:servers()}) -> {ok, #state{}}.
+init({Parent, Mode, InitJobData}) ->
+ InitState = #state{parent = Parent, mode = Mode, init_job_data = InitJobData},
+ State =
+ case Mode of
+ X when X =:= 'typesig'; X =:= 'dataflow' ->
+ InitState#state{result = [], job_to_pid = new_map()};
+ 'compile' ->
+ InitResult = dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:compile_coordinator_init(),
+ InitState#state{result = InitResult, next_label = 0}
+ end,
+ {ok, State}.
-spec handle_call(Query::term(), From::term(), #state{}) ->
- {reply, Reply::term(), #state{}}.
+ {reply, Reply::term(), #state{}}.
-handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
- {reply, ok, State}.
+handle_call({get_next_label, EstimatedSize}, _From,
+ #state{next_label = NextLabel} = State) ->
+ {reply, NextLabel, State#state{next_label = NextLabel + EstimatedSize}}.
-spec handle_cast(Msg::term(), #state{}) ->
- {noreply, #state{}} | {stop, normal, #state{}}.
+ {noreply, #state{}} | {stop, normal, #state{}}.
-handle_cast({scc_done, _SCC, NotFixpoint},
- #state{spawn_count = SpawnCount,
+handle_cast({done, Job, NewData},
+ #state{mode = Mode,
+ spawn_count = SpawnCount,
all_spawned = AllSpawned,
- not_fixpoint = OldNotFixpoint
+ result = OldResult
} = State) ->
- NewNotFixpoint = ordsets:union(OldNotFixpoint, NotFixpoint),
- UpdatedState = State#state{not_fixpoint = NewNotFixpoint},
- Action =
- case AllSpawned of
- false -> reduce;
- true ->
- case SpawnCount of
- 1 -> finish;
- _ -> reduce
- end
- end,
- case Action of
- reduce ->
- NewState = UpdatedState#state{spawn_count = SpawnCount - 1},
- {noreply, NewState};
- finish ->
- send_done_to_parent(UpdatedState),
- {stop, normal, State}
- end;
+ NewResult =
+ case Mode of
+ X when X =:= 'typesig'; X =:= 'dataflow' ->
+ ordsets:union(OldResult, NewData);
+ 'compile' ->
+ dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:add_to_result(Job, NewData, OldResult)
+ end,
+ UpdatedState = State#state{result = NewResult},
+ Action =
+ case AllSpawned of
+ false -> reduce;
+ true ->
+ case SpawnCount of
+ 1 -> finish;
+ _ -> reduce
+ end
+ end,
+ case Action of
+ reduce ->
+ NewState = UpdatedState#state{spawn_count = SpawnCount - 1},
+ {noreply, NewState};
+ finish ->
+ send_done_to_parent(UpdatedState),
+ {stop, normal, State}
+ end;
handle_cast(all_spawned, #state{spawn_count = SpawnCount} = State) ->
- case SpawnCount of
- 0 ->
- send_done_to_parent(State),
- {stop, normal, State};
- _ ->
- NewState = State#state{all_spawned = true},
- {noreply, NewState}
- end;
+ case SpawnCount of
+ 0 ->
+ send_done_to_parent(State),
+ {stop, normal, State};
+ _ ->
+ NewState = State#state{all_spawned = true},
+ {noreply, NewState}
+ end;
handle_cast({sccs_to_pids, SCCs, Worker},
- #state{scc_to_pid = SCCtoPID} = State) ->
- scc_to_pids_request_handle(Worker, SCCs, SCCtoPID),
- {noreply, State};
+ #state{job_to_pid = SCCtoPID} = State) ->
+ scc_to_pids_request_handle(Worker, SCCs, SCCtoPID),
+ {noreply, State};
handle_cast({scc_spawn, SCC},
#state{mode = Mode,
- servers = Servers,
+ init_job_data = Servers,
spawn_count = SpawnCount,
- scc_to_pid = SCCtoPID
+ job_to_pid = SCCtoPID
} = State) ->
- Pid = dialyzer_worker:launch(Mode, SCC, Servers),
- {noreply,
- State#state{spawn_count = SpawnCount + 1,
- scc_to_pid = store_map(SCC, Pid, SCCtoPID)}
- }.
+ Pid = dialyzer_worker:launch(Mode, SCC, Servers),
+ {noreply,
+ State#state{spawn_count = SpawnCount + 1,
+ job_to_pid = store_map(SCC, Pid, SCCtoPID)}
+ };
+handle_cast({compiler_spawn, Filename},
+ #state{mode = Mode,
+ init_job_data = Servers,
+ spawn_count = SpawnCount
+ } = State) ->
+ dialyzer_worker:launch(Mode, Filename, Servers),
+ {noreply,
+ State#state{spawn_count = SpawnCount + 1}
+ }.
-spec handle_info(term(), #state{}) -> {noreply, #state{}}.
@@ -206,13 +280,16 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
cast(Message, Coordinator) ->
- gen_server:cast(Coordinator, Message).
+ gen_server:cast(Coordinator, Message).
+call(Message, Coordinator) ->
+ gen_server:call(Coordinator, Message).
new_map() ->
- dict:new().
+ dict:new().
store_map(Key, Value, Map) ->
- dict:store(Key, Value, Map).
+ dict:store(Key, Value, Map).
fetch_map(Key, Map) ->
- dict:fetch(Key, Map).
+ dict:fetch(Key, Map).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_worker.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_worker.erl
index a2d30c27d3..b24103c5a8 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_worker.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_worker.erl
@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@
-record(state, {
mode :: dialyzer_coordinator:mode(),
- scc = [] :: mfa_or_funlbl(),
+ job :: mfa_or_funlbl() | file:filename(),
depends_on = [] :: list(),
coordinator :: dialyzer_coordinator:coordinator(),
- servers :: dialyzer_typesig:servers(),
+ servers :: dialyzer_typesig:servers() |
+ dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:servers(),
scc_data :: dialyzer_typesig:scc_data()
@@ -48,17 +49,22 @@
-spec launch(dialyzer_coordinator:mode(), [mfa_or_funlbl()],
dialyzer_typesig:servers()) -> worker().
-launch(Mode, SCC, Servers) ->
+launch(Mode, Job, Servers) ->
State = #state{mode = Mode,
- scc = SCC,
+ job = Job,
servers = Servers,
coordinator = self()},
- spawn(fun() -> loop(initializing, State) end).
+ InitState =
+ case Mode of
+ X when X =:= 'typesig'; X =:= 'dataflow' -> initializing;
+ 'compile' -> running
+ end,
+ spawn(fun() -> loop(InitState, State) end).
loop(updating, State) ->
- ?debug("Update: ~p\n",[State#state.scc]),
+ ?debug("Update: ~p\n",[State#state.job]),
NextStatus =
case waits_more_success_typings(State) of
true -> waiting;
@@ -73,20 +79,27 @@ loop(updating, State) ->
loop(NextStatus, State);
-loop(initializing, #state{scc = SCC, servers = Servers} = State) ->
+loop(initializing, #state{job = SCC, servers = Servers} = State) ->
DependsOn = dialyzer_succ_typings:find_depends_on(SCC, Servers),
WithoutSelf = DependsOn -- [SCC],
- ?debug("Deps ~p: ~p\n",[State#state.scc, WithoutSelf]),
+ ?debug("Deps ~p: ~p\n",[State#state.job, WithoutSelf]),
loop(updating, State#state{depends_on = WithoutSelf});
loop(waiting, State) ->
- ?debug("Wait: ~p\n",[State#state.scc]),
+ ?debug("Wait: ~p\n",[State#state.job]),
NewState = wait_for_success_typings(State),
loop(updating, NewState);
loop(getting_data, State) ->
- ?debug("Data: ~p\n",[State#state.scc]),
+ ?debug("Data: ~p\n",[State#state.job]),
loop(updating, get_data(State));
-loop(running, State) ->
- ?debug("Run: ~p\n",[State#state.scc]),
+loop(running, #state{mode = 'compile'} = State) ->
+ ?debug("Compile: ~s\n",[State#state.job]),
+ {EstimatedSize, Data} = start_compilation(State),
+ Label = ask_coordinator_for_label(EstimatedSize, State),
+ Result = continue_compilation(Label, Data),
+ report_to_coordinator(Result, State);
+loop(running, #state{mode = Mode} = State) when
+ Mode =:= 'typesig'; Mode =:= 'dataflow' ->
+ ?debug("Run: ~p\n",[State#state.job]),
ok = ask_coordinator_for_callers(State),
NotFixpoint = do_work(State),
Callers = get_callers_reply_from_coordinator(),
@@ -106,7 +119,7 @@ has_data(#state{scc_data = Data}) ->
_ -> true
-get_data(#state{mode = Mode, scc = SCC, servers = Servers} = State) ->
+get_data(#state{mode = Mode, job = SCC, servers = Servers} = State) ->
Data =
case Mode of
typesig -> dialyzer_succ_typings:collect_scc_data(SCC, Servers);
@@ -114,7 +127,7 @@ get_data(#state{mode = Mode, scc = SCC, servers = Servers} = State) ->
State#state{scc_data = Data}.
-ask_coordinator_for_callers(#state{scc = SCC,
+ask_coordinator_for_callers(#state{job = SCC,
servers = Servers,
coordinator = Coordinator}) ->
RequiredBy = dialyzer_succ_typings:find_required_by(SCC, Servers),
@@ -125,7 +138,7 @@ ask_coordinator_for_callers(#state{scc = SCC,
get_callers_reply_from_coordinator() ->
-broadcast_done(#state{scc = SCC}, Callers) ->
+broadcast_done(#state{job = SCC}, Callers) ->
?debug("Sending ~p: ~p\n",[SCC, Callers]),
SendSTFun = fun(PID) -> PID ! {done, SCC} end,
lists:foreach(SendSTFun, Callers).
@@ -133,11 +146,11 @@ broadcast_done(#state{scc = SCC}, Callers) ->
wait_for_success_typings(#state{depends_on = DependsOn} = State) ->
{done, SCC} ->
- ?debug("GOT ~p: ~p\n",[State#state.scc, SCC]),
+ ?debug("GOT ~p: ~p\n",[State#state.job, SCC]),
State#state{depends_on = DependsOn -- [SCC]}
5000 ->
- ?debug("Still Waiting ~p: ~p\n",[State#state.scc, DependsOn]),
+ ?debug("Still Waiting ~p: ~p\n",[State#state.job, DependsOn]),
@@ -148,6 +161,15 @@ do_work(#state{mode = Mode, scc_data = SCCData}) ->
- #state{scc = SCC, coordinator = Coordinator}) ->
- ?debug("Done: ~p\n",[SCC]),
- dialyzer_coordinator:scc_done(SCC, NotFixpoint, Coordinator).
+ #state{job = Job, coordinator = Coordinator}) ->
+ ?debug("Done: ~p\n",[Job]),
+ dialyzer_coordinator:scc_done(Job, NotFixpoint, Coordinator).
+start_compilation(#state{job = Job, servers = Servers}) ->
+ dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:start_compilation(Job, Servers).
+ask_coordinator_for_label(EstimatedSize, #state{coordinator = Coordinator}) ->
+ dialyzer_coordinator:get_next_label(EstimatedSize, Coordinator).
+continue_compilation(Label, Data) ->
+ dialyzer_analysis_callgraph:continue_compilation(Label, Data).