diff options
authorStavros Aronis <aronisstav@gmail.com>2012-02-21 16:01:50 +0100
committerHenrik Nord <henrik@erlang.org>2012-05-21 15:31:19 +0200
commit0bae6c82503b348e62f11edfbfc880145ef06794 (patch)
parentcf573e2ea378bae4c43007fb457dcd8379caf547 (diff)
Avoid digraph_utils:condensation and ordering in typesig
3 files changed, 95 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl
index bb96ada65f..0c3e8ca311 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_callgraph.erl
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
-record(callgraph, {digraph = digraph:new() :: digraph(),
- active_digraph :: digraph(),
+ active_digraph :: active_digraph(),
esc :: ets:tid(),
name_map :: ets:tid(),
rev_name_map :: ets:tid(),
@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@
-type callgraph() :: #callgraph{}.
+-type active_digraph() :: {'d', digraph()} | {'e', ets:tid(), ets:tid()}.
-spec new() -> callgraph().
@@ -247,12 +249,22 @@ find_non_local_calls([], Set) ->
-spec get_depends_on(scc(), callgraph()) -> [scc()].
-get_depends_on(SCC, #callgraph{active_digraph = DG}) ->
+get_depends_on(SCC, #callgraph{active_digraph = {'e', Out, _In}}) ->
+ case ets_lookup_dict(SCC, Out) of
+ {ok, Value} -> Value;
+ error -> []
+ end;
+get_depends_on(SCC, #callgraph{active_digraph = {'d', DG}}) ->
digraph:out_neighbours(DG, SCC).
-spec get_required_by(scc(), callgraph()) -> [scc()].
-get_required_by(SCC, #callgraph{active_digraph = DG}) ->
+get_required_by(SCC, #callgraph{active_digraph = {'e', _Out, In}}) ->
+ case ets_lookup_dict(SCC, In) of
+ {ok, Value} -> Value;
+ error -> []
+ end;
+get_required_by(SCC, #callgraph{active_digraph = {'d', DG}}) ->
digraph:in_neighbours(DG, SCC).
@@ -273,7 +285,7 @@ module_postorder(#callgraph{digraph = DG}) ->
MDG1 = digraph_confirm_vertices(Nodes, MDG),
MDG2 = create_module_digraph(Edges, MDG1),
PostOrder = digraph_utils:topsort(MDG2),
- {PostOrder, MDG2}.
+ {PostOrder, {'d', MDG2}}.
%% The module deps of a module are modules that depend on the module
-spec module_deps(callgraph()) -> dict().
@@ -310,23 +322,24 @@ create_module_digraph([], MDG) ->
-spec finalize(callgraph()) -> {[scc()], callgraph()}.
finalize(#callgraph{digraph = DG} = CG) ->
- {ActiveDG, Postorder} = digraph_finalize(DG),
+ {ActiveDG, Postorder} = condensation(DG),
{Postorder, CG#callgraph{active_digraph = ActiveDG}}.
-spec reset_from_funs([mfa_or_funlbl()], callgraph()) -> {[scc()], callgraph()}.
-reset_from_funs(Funs, #callgraph{digraph = DG,
- active_digraph = OldActiveDG} = CG) ->
- digraph_delete(OldActiveDG),
+reset_from_funs(Funs, #callgraph{digraph = DG, active_digraph = ADG} = CG) ->
+ active_digraph_delete(ADG),
SubGraph = digraph_reaching_subgraph(Funs, DG),
- {NewActiveDG, Postorder} = digraph_finalize(SubGraph),
+ {NewActiveDG, Postorder} = condensation(SubGraph),
{Postorder, CG#callgraph{active_digraph = NewActiveDG}}.
-spec module_postorder_from_funs([mfa_or_funlbl()], callgraph()) ->
{[module()], callgraph()}.
-module_postorder_from_funs(Funs, #callgraph{digraph = DG} = CG) ->
+module_postorder_from_funs(Funs, #callgraph{digraph = DG,
+ active_digraph = ADG} = CG) ->
+ active_digraph_delete(ADG),
SubGraph = digraph_reaching_subgraph(Funs, DG),
{PO, Active} = module_postorder(CG#callgraph{digraph = SubGraph}),
@@ -544,6 +557,12 @@ remove_unconfirmed([], DG, Unconfirmed) ->
digraph_delete(DG) ->
+active_digraph_delete({'d', DG}) ->
+ digraph:delete(DG);
+active_digraph_delete({'e', Out, In}) ->
+ ets:delete(Out),
+ ets:delete(In).
digraph_edges(DG) ->
@@ -556,14 +575,6 @@ digraph_in_neighbours(V, DG) ->
List -> List
-digraph_postorder(Digraph) ->
- digraph_utils:topsort(Digraph).
-digraph_finalize(DG) ->
- DG1 = digraph_utils:condensation(DG),
- Postorder = digraph_postorder(DG1),
- {DG1, Postorder}.
digraph_reaching_subgraph(Funs, DG) ->
Vertices = digraph_utils:reaching(Funs, DG),
digraph_utils:subgraph(DG, Vertices).
@@ -792,3 +803,41 @@ to_ps(#callgraph{} = CG, File, Args) ->
Command = io_lib:format("dot -Tps ~s -o ~s ~s", [Args, File, Dot_File]),
_ = os:cmd(Command),
+condensation(G) ->
+ SCs = digraph_utils:strong_components(G),
+ V2I = ets:new(condensation, []),
+ I2C = ets:new(condensation, []),
+ I2I = ets:new(condensation, [bag]),
+ CFun =
+ fun(SC, N) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun(V) -> true = ets:insert(V2I, {V,N}) end, SC),
+ true = ets:insert(I2C, {N, SC}),
+ N + 1
+ end,
+ lists:foldl(CFun, 1, SCs),
+ Fun1 =
+ fun({V1, V2}) ->
+ I1 = ets:lookup_element(V2I, V1, 2),
+ I2 = ets:lookup_element(V2I, V2, 2),
+ case I1 =:= I2 of
+ true -> true;
+ false -> ets:insert(I2I, {I1, I2})
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(Fun1, digraph:edges(G)),
+ Fun3 =
+ fun({I1, I2}, {Out, In}) ->
+ SC1 = ets:lookup_element(I2C, I1, 2),
+ SC2 = ets:lookup_element(I2C, I2, 2),
+ {dict:append(SC1, SC2, Out), dict:append(SC2, SC1, In)}
+ end,
+ {OutDict, InDict} = ets:foldl(Fun3, {dict:new(), dict:new()}, I2I),
+ OutETS = ets:new(out,[]),
+ InETS = ets:new(in,[]),
+ ets:insert(OutETS, dict:to_list(OutDict)),
+ ets:insert(InETS, dict:to_list(InDict)),
+ ets:delete(V2I),
+ ets:delete(I2C),
+ ets:delete(I2I),
+ {{'e', OutETS, InETS}, SCs}.
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_coordinator.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_coordinator.erl
index 437af69f5a..9d31c739d0 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_coordinator.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_coordinator.erl
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ sccs_to_pids_request(SCCs, Coordinator) ->
cast({sccs_to_pids, SCCs, self()}, Coordinator).
scc_to_pids_request_handle(Worker, SCCs, SCCtoPID) ->
- Pids = [fetch_map(SCC, SCCtoPID) || SCC <- SCCs],
- Worker ! {sccs_to_pids, Pids},
+ Result = map_lookup(SCCs, SCCtoPID),
+ Worker ! {sccs_to_pids, Result},
-spec sccs_to_pids_reply() -> [dialyzer_worker:worker()].
@@ -314,5 +314,12 @@ new_map() ->
store_map(Key, Value, Map) ->
dict:store(Key, Value, Map).
-fetch_map(Key, Map) ->
- dict:fetch(Key, Map).
+map_lookup(SCCs, Map) ->
+ Fold =
+ fun(Key, {Mapped, Unknown}) ->
+ case dict:find(Key, Map) of
+ {ok, Value} -> {[Value|Mapped], Unknown};
+ error -> {Mapped, [Key|Unknown]}
+ end
+ end,
+ lists:foldl(Fold, {[], []}, SCCs).
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_worker.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_worker.erl
index 6608b78f0a..0efa5d9b01 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_worker.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_worker.erl
@@ -88,9 +88,8 @@ loop(updating, State) ->
loop(NextStatus, State);
loop(initializing, #state{job = SCC, servers = Servers} = State) ->
DependsOn = dialyzer_succ_typings:find_depends_on(SCC, Servers),
- WithoutSelf = DependsOn -- [SCC],
- ?debug("Deps ~p: ~p\n",[State#state.job, WithoutSelf]),
- loop(updating, State#state{depends_on = WithoutSelf});
+ ?debug("Deps ~p: ~p\n",[State#state.job, DependsOn]),
+ loop(updating, State#state{depends_on = DependsOn});
loop(waiting, State) ->
?debug("Wait: ~p\n",[State#state.job]),
NewState = wait_for_success_typings(State),
@@ -118,8 +117,7 @@ loop(running, #state{mode = Mode} = State) when
?debug("Run: ~p\n",[State#state.job]),
ok = ask_coordinator_for_callers(State),
NotFixpoint = do_work(State),
- Callers = get_callers_reply_from_coordinator(),
- ok = broadcast_done(State, Callers),
+ ok = broadcast_done(State),
report_to_coordinator(NotFixpoint, State).
waits_more_success_typings(#state{depends_on = Depends}) ->
@@ -147,18 +145,26 @@ ask_coordinator_for_callers(#state{job = SCC,
servers = Servers,
coordinator = Coordinator}) ->
RequiredBy = dialyzer_succ_typings:find_required_by(SCC, Servers),
- WithoutSelf = RequiredBy -- [SCC],
- ?debug("Waiting for me~p: ~p\n",[SCC, WithoutSelf]),
- dialyzer_coordinator:sccs_to_pids_request(WithoutSelf, Coordinator).
+ ?debug("Waiting for me~p: ~p\n",[SCC, RequiredBy]),
+ dialyzer_coordinator:sccs_to_pids_request(RequiredBy, Coordinator).
-get_callers_reply_from_coordinator() ->
- dialyzer_coordinator:sccs_to_pids_reply().
+broadcast_done(#state{job = SCC, coordinator = Coordinator}) ->
+ {Callers, Unknown} = dialyzer_coordinator:sccs_to_pids_reply(),
+ send_done(Callers, SCC),
+ continue_broadcast_done(Unknown, SCC, Coordinator).
-broadcast_done(#state{job = SCC}, Callers) ->
+send_done(Callers, SCC) ->
?debug("Sending ~p: ~p\n",[SCC, Callers]),
SendSTFun = fun(PID) -> PID ! {done, SCC} end,
lists:foreach(SendSTFun, Callers).
+continue_broadcast_done([], _SCC, _Coordinator) -> ok;
+continue_broadcast_done(Rest, SCC, Coordinator) ->
+ dialyzer_coordinator:sccs_to_pids_request(Rest, Coordinator),
+ {Callers, Unknown} = dialyzer_coordinator:sccs_to_pids_reply(),
+ send_done(Callers, SCC),
+ continue_broadcast_done(Unknown, SCC, Coordinator).
wait_for_success_typings(#state{depends_on = DependsOn} = State) ->
{done, SCC} ->