diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <bmk@erlang.org>2011-03-04 14:52:29 +0100
committerMicael Karlberg <bmk@erlang.org>2011-03-04 14:52:29 +0100
commit546d0fd69519682e92b6493b6d092e4591ae5010 (patch)
parent840026b8a94e7575e07ba6da2d74be22cf9d8bdf (diff)
parent6951ed1075b8c36d5b6f51e5e5df7bd14602c1d8 (diff)
Merge branch 'fm/httpc-upload-body-streaming' into bmk/inets/httpc/support_upload_body_streaming/OTP-OTP-9094
Conflicts: lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc.erl lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
4 files changed, 249 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/lib/inets/doc/src/httpc.xml b/lib/inets/doc/src/httpc.xml
index bcdd2913e0..6dcf2d6d17 100644
--- a/lib/inets/doc/src/httpc.xml
+++ b/lib/inets/doc/src/httpc.xml
@@ -89,7 +89,11 @@ headers() = [header()]
header() = {field(), value()}
field() = string()
value() = string()
-body() = string() | binary()
+body() = string() | binary() |
+ {fun(acc()) -> send_fun_result(), acc()} |
+ {chunkify, fun(acc()) -> send_fun_result(), acc()}
+send_fun_result() = eof | {ok, iolist(), acc()}
+acc() = term()
filename() = string()
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc.erl b/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc.erl
index 04fae13b20..7490bb0e46 100644
--- a/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc.erl
@@ -126,7 +126,10 @@ request(Url, Profile) ->
%% Header = {Field, Value}
%% Field = string()
%% Value = string()
-%% Body = string() | binary() - HTLM-code
+%% Body = string() | binary() | {fun(SendAcc) -> SendFunResult, SendAcc} |
+%% {chunkify, fun(SendAcc) -> SendFunResult, SendAcc} - HTLM-code
+%% SendFunResult = eof | {ok, iolist(), NewSendAcc}
+%% SendAcc = NewSendAcc = term()
%% Description: Sends a HTTP-request. The function can be both
%% syncronus and asynchronous in the later case the function will
@@ -426,11 +429,20 @@ service_info(Pid) ->
handle_request(Method, Url,
{Scheme, UserInfo, Host, Port, Path, Query},
- Headers, ContentType, Body,
+ Headers0, ContentType, Body0,
HTTPOptions0, Options0, Profile) ->
Started = http_util:timestamp(),
- NewHeaders = [{http_util:to_lower(Key), Val} || {Key, Val} <- Headers],
+ NewHeaders0 = [{http_util:to_lower(Key), Val} || {Key, Val} <- Headers0],
+ {NewHeaders, Body} = case Body0 of
+ {chunkify, BodyFun, Acc} ->
+ NewHeaders1 = lists:keystore("transfer-encoding", 1,
+ NewHeaders0, {"transfer-encoding", "chunked"}),
+ {NewHeaders1, {chunkify_fun(BodyFun), Acc}};
+ _ ->
+ {NewHeaders0, Body0}
+ end,
@@ -458,8 +470,8 @@ handle_request(Method, Url,
settings = HTTPOptions,
abs_uri = AbsUri,
userinfo = UserInfo,
- stream = Stream,
- headers_as_is = headers_as_is(Headers, Options),
+ stream = Stream,
+ headers_as_is = headers_as_is(Headers0, Options),
socket_opts = SocketOpts,
started = Started},
case httpc_manager:request(Request, profile_name(Profile)) of
@@ -481,6 +493,23 @@ url_encode(URI, true) ->
url_encode(URI, false) ->
+chunkify_fun(BodyFun) ->
+ fun(eof_body_fun) ->
+ eof;
+ (Acc) ->
+ case BodyFun(Acc) of
+ eof ->
+ {ok, <<"0\r\n\r\n">>, eof_body_fun};
+ {ok, Data, NewAcc} ->
+ Bin = iolist_to_binary(Data),
+ Chunk = [hex_size(Bin), "\r\n", Bin, "\r\n"],
+ {ok, iolist_to_binary(Chunk), NewAcc}
+ end
+ end.
+hex_size(Bin) ->
+ hd(io_lib:format("~.16B", [size(Bin)])).
handle_answer(RequestId, false, _) ->
{ok, RequestId};
handle_answer(RequestId, true, Options) ->
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_request.erl b/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_request.erl
index d4df97ad40..5386d1eb4a 100644
--- a/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_request.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/src/http_client/httpc_request.erl
@@ -101,15 +101,41 @@ send(SendAddr, Socket, SocketType,
Version = HttpOptions#http_options.version,
- Message = [method(Method), " ", Uri, " ",
- version(Version), ?CRLF,
- headers(FinalHeaders, Version), ?CRLF, Body],
+ do_send_body(SocketType, Socket, Method, Uri, Version, FinalHeaders, Body).
+do_send_body(SocketType, Socket, Method, Uri, Version, Headers, {DataFun, Acc})
+ when is_function(DataFun, 1) ->
+ case do_send_body(SocketType, Socket, Method, Uri, Version, Headers, []) of
+ ok ->
+ data_fun_loop(SocketType, Socket, DataFun, Acc);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+do_send_body(SocketType, Socket, Method, Uri, Version, Headers, Body) ->
+ Message = [method(Method), " ", Uri, " ",
+ version(Version), ?CRLF,
+ headers(Headers, Version), ?CRLF, Body],
?hcrd("send", [{message, Message}]),
http_transport:send(SocketType, Socket, lists:append(Message)).
+data_fun_loop(SocketType, Socket, DataFun, Acc) ->
+ case DataFun(Acc) of
+ eof ->
+ ok;
+ {ok, Data, NewAcc} ->
+ DataBin = iolist_to_binary(Data),
+ ?hcrd("send", [{message, DataBin}]),
+ case http_transport:send(SocketType, Socket, DataBin) of
+ ok ->
+ data_fun_loop(SocketType, Socket, DataFun, NewAcc);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end
+ end.
%% is_idempotent(Method) ->
@@ -161,7 +187,6 @@ is_client_closing(Headers) ->
post_data(Method, Headers, {ContentType, Body}, HeadersAsIs)
when (Method =:= post) orelse (Method =:= put) ->
- ContentLength = body_length(Body),
NewBody = case Headers#http_request_h.expect of
"100-continue" ->
@@ -170,14 +195,22 @@ post_data(Method, Headers, {ContentType, Body}, HeadersAsIs)
NewHeaders = case HeadersAsIs of
- [] ->
- Headers#http_request_h{'content-type' =
- ContentType,
- 'content-length' =
- ContentLength};
- _ ->
- HeadersAsIs
- end,
+ [] ->
+ Headers#http_request_h{
+ 'content-type' = ContentType,
+ 'content-length' = case body_length(Body) of
+ undefined ->
+ % on upload streaming the caller must give a
+ % value to the Content-Length header
+ % (or use chunked Transfer-Encoding)
+ Headers#http_request_h.'content-length';
+ Len when is_list(Len) ->
+ Len
+ end
+ };
+ _ ->
+ HeadersAsIs
+ end,
{NewHeaders, NewBody};
@@ -190,7 +223,10 @@ body_length(Body) when is_binary(Body) ->
body_length(Body) when is_list(Body) ->
- integer_to_list(length(Body)).
+ integer_to_list(length(Body));
+body_length({DataFun, _Acc}) when is_function(DataFun, 1) ->
+ undefined.
method(Method) ->
diff --git a/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl b/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
index 7aa11ebc27..41737a0d74 100644
--- a/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/test/httpc_SUITE.erl
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
%% or a skip tuple if the platform is not supported.
+<<<<<<< variant A
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
all() ->
@@ -100,6 +101,126 @@ end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
+>>>>>>> variant B
+all(doc) ->
+ ["Test the http client in the intes application."];
+all(suite) ->
+ [
+ proxy_options,
+ proxy_head,
+ proxy_get,
+ proxy_trace,
+ proxy_post,
+ proxy_put,
+ proxy_delete,
+ proxy_auth,
+ proxy_headers,
+ proxy_emulate_lower_versions,
+ http_options,
+ http_head,
+ http_get,
+ http_post,
+ http_post_streaming,
+ http_dummy_pipe,
+ http_inets_pipe,
+ http_trace,
+ http_async,
+ http_save_to_file,
+ http_save_to_file_async,
+ http_headers,
+ http_headers_dummy,
+ http_bad_response,
+ ssl_head,
+ ossl_head,
+ essl_head,
+ ssl_get,
+ ossl_get,
+ essl_get,
+ ssl_trace,
+ ossl_trace,
+ essl_trace,
+ http_redirect,
+ http_redirect_loop,
+ http_internal_server_error,
+ http_userinfo,
+ http_cookie,
+ http_server_does_not_exist,
+ http_invalid_http,
+ http_emulate_lower_versions,
+ http_relaxed,
+ page_does_not_exist,
+ proxy_page_does_not_exist,
+ proxy_https_not_supported,
+ http_stream,
+ http_stream_once,
+ proxy_stream,
+ parse_url,
+ options,
+ ipv6,
+ headers_as_is,
+ tickets
+ ].
+####### Ancestor
+all(doc) ->
+ ["Test the http client in the intes application."];
+all(suite) ->
+ [
+ proxy_options,
+ proxy_head,
+ proxy_get,
+ proxy_trace,
+ proxy_post,
+ proxy_put,
+ proxy_delete,
+ proxy_auth,
+ proxy_headers,
+ proxy_emulate_lower_versions,
+ http_options,
+ http_head,
+ http_get,
+ http_post,
+ http_dummy_pipe,
+ http_inets_pipe,
+ http_trace,
+ http_async,
+ http_save_to_file,
+ http_save_to_file_async,
+ http_headers,
+ http_headers_dummy,
+ http_bad_response,
+ ssl_head,
+ ossl_head,
+ essl_head,
+ ssl_get,
+ ossl_get,
+ essl_get,
+ ssl_trace,
+ ossl_trace,
+ essl_trace,
+ http_redirect,
+ http_redirect_loop,
+ http_internal_server_error,
+ http_userinfo,
+ http_cookie,
+ http_server_does_not_exist,
+ http_invalid_http,
+ http_emulate_lower_versions,
+ http_relaxed,
+ page_does_not_exist,
+ proxy_page_does_not_exist,
+ proxy_https_not_supported,
+ http_stream,
+ http_stream_once,
+ proxy_stream,
+ parse_url,
+ options,
+ ipv6,
+ headers_as_is,
+ tickets
+ ].
+======= end
%% Function: init_per_suite(Config) -> Config
%% Config - [tuple()]
@@ -395,6 +516,45 @@ http_post(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+http_post_streaming(doc) ->
+ ["Test streaming http post request against local server. We"
+ " only care about the client side of the the post. The server"
+ " script will not actually use the post data."];
+http_post_streaming(suite) ->
+ [];
+http_post_streaming(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ case ?config(local_server, Config) of
+ ok ->
+ Port = ?config(local_port, Config),
+ URL = case test_server:os_type() of
+ {win32, _} ->
+ ?URL_START ++ integer_to_list(Port) ++
+ "/cgi-bin/cgi_echo.exe";
+ _ ->
+ ?URL_START ++ integer_to_list(Port) ++
+ "/cgi-bin/cgi_echo"
+ end,
+ %% Cgi-script expects the body length to be 100
+ BodyFun = fun(0) ->
+ eof;
+ (LenLeft) ->
+ {ok, lists:duplicate(10, "1"), LenLeft - 10}
+ end,
+ {ok, {{_,200,_}, [_ | _], [_ | _]}} =
+ httpc:request(post, {URL,
+ [{"expect", "100-continue"}, {"content-length", "100"}],
+ "text/plain", {BodyFun, 100}}, [], []),
+ {ok, {{_,504,_}, [_ | _], []}} =
+ httpc:request(post, {URL,
+ [{"expect", "100-continue"}, {"content-length", "10"}],
+ "text/plain", {BodyFun, 10}}, [], []);
+ _ ->
+ {skip, "Failed to start local http-server"}
+ end.
http_emulate_lower_versions(doc) ->
["Perform request as 0.9 and 1.0 clients."];
http_emulate_lower_versions(suite) ->