diff options
authorHans Bolinder <hasse@erlang.org>2013-09-03 08:12:36 +0200
committerHans Bolinder <hasse@erlang.org>2013-09-03 08:12:36 +0200
commit75d58c0a75a3e6aaa91a1ecf820cf0ad169db5f5 (patch)
parent1cbfe6f92b7fbad2352ac9eeba528208f8aa4349 (diff)
parent1de23e3a31b77db4c9dca952644b764bd37e2e8f (diff)
Merge branch 'maint'
* maint: Fix a Unicode filename bug affecting Leex and Yecc
5 files changed, 148 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/lib/parsetools/doc/src/leex.xml b/lib/parsetools/doc/src/leex.xml
index 0fd5a77e37..7ee0633dac 100644
--- a/lib/parsetools/doc/src/leex.xml
+++ b/lib/parsetools/doc/src/leex.xml
@@ -38,19 +38,21 @@ Token = tuple()</code>
- <name>file(FileName) -> ok | error</name>
- <name>file(FileName, Options) -> ok | error</name>
+ <name>file(FileName, [, Options]) -> LeexRet</name>
<fsummary>Generate a lexical analyzer</fsummary>
<v>FileName = filename()</v>
<v>Options = Option | [Option]</v>
<v>Option =&nbsp;-&nbsp;see below&nbsp;-</v>
- <v>FileReturn = {ok, Scannerfile}
- | {ok, Scannerfile, Warnings}
- | error
- | {error, Warnings, Errors}</v>
+ <v>LeexRet = {ok, Scannerfile}
+ | {ok, Scannerfile, Warnings}
+ | error
+ | {error, Warnings, Errors}</v>
<v>Scannerfile = filename()</v>
<v>Warnings = Errors = [{filename(), [ErrorInfo]}]</v>
+ <v>ErrorInfo = {ErrorLine, module(), Reason}</v>
+ <v>ErrorLine = integer()</v>
+ <v>Reason =&nbsp;-&nbsp;formatable by format_error/1&nbsp;-</v>
<p>Generates a lexical analyzer from the definition in the input
diff --git a/lib/parsetools/src/leex.erl b/lib/parsetools/src/leex.erl
index e531b78a5b..7039aea1ae 100644
--- a/lib/parsetools/src/leex.erl
+++ b/lib/parsetools/src/leex.erl
@@ -1645,10 +1645,14 @@ output_encoding_comment(File, #leex{encoding = Encoding}) ->
output_file_directive(File, Filename, Line) ->
io:fwrite(File, <<"-file(~ts, ~w).\n">>,
- [format_filename(Filename), Line]).
+ [format_filename(Filename, File), Line]).
-format_filename(Filename) ->
- io_lib:write_string(filename:flatten(Filename)).
+format_filename(Filename0, File) ->
+ Filename = filename:flatten(Filename0),
+ case lists:keyfind(encoding, 1, io:getopts(File)) of
+ {encoding, unicode} -> io_lib:write_string(Filename);
+ _ -> io_lib:write_string_as_latin1(Filename)
+ end.
quote($^) -> "\\^";
quote($.) -> "\\.";
diff --git a/lib/parsetools/src/yecc.erl b/lib/parsetools/src/yecc.erl
index f9207d926e..b698beb558 100644
--- a/lib/parsetools/src/yecc.erl
+++ b/lib/parsetools/src/yecc.erl
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ generate(St0) ->
F = case member(time, St1#yecc.options) of
true ->
io:fwrite(<<"Generating parser from grammar in ~ts\n">>,
- [format_filename(St1#yecc.infile)]),
+ [format_filename(St1#yecc.infile, St1)]),
fun timeit/3;
false ->
fun(_Name, Fn, St) -> Fn(St) end
@@ -2519,7 +2519,7 @@ output_encoding_comment(#yecc{encoding = Encoding}=St) ->
output_file_directive(St, Filename, Line) when St#yecc.file_attrs ->
fwrite(St, <<"-file(~ts, ~w).\n">>,
- [format_filename(Filename), Line]);
+ [format_filename(Filename, St), Line]);
output_file_directive(St, _Filename, _Line) ->
@@ -2547,8 +2547,12 @@ nl(#yecc{outport = Outport, line = Line}=St) ->
St#yecc{line = Line + 1}.
-format_filename(Filename) ->
- io_lib:write_string(filename:flatten(Filename)).
+format_filename(Filename0, St) ->
+ Filename = filename:flatten(Filename0),
+ case lists:keyfind(encoding, 1, io:getopts(St#yecc.outport)) of
+ {encoding, unicode} -> io_lib:write_string(Filename);
+ _ -> io_lib:write_string_as_latin1(Filename)
+ end.
format_assoc(left) ->
diff --git a/lib/parsetools/test/leex_SUITE.erl b/lib/parsetools/test/leex_SUITE.erl
index 576c42dd8e..fba73e3859 100644
--- a/lib/parsetools/test/leex_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/parsetools/test/leex_SUITE.erl
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
pt/1, man/1, ex/1, ex2/1, not_yet/1,
- otp_10302/1]).
+ otp_10302/1, otp_11286/1]).
% Default timetrap timeout (set in init_per_testcase).
-define(default_timeout, ?t:minutes(1)).
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ all() ->
groups() ->
[{checks, [], [file, compile, syntax]},
{examples, [], [pt, man, ex, ex2, not_yet]},
- {tickets, [], [otp_10302]}].
+ {tickets, [], [otp_10302, otp_11286]}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -982,6 +982,68 @@ otp_10302(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+otp_11286(doc) ->
+ "OTP-11286. A Unicode filename bug; both Leex and Yecc.";
+otp_11286(suite) -> [];
+otp_11286(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Node = start_node(otp_11286, "+fnu"),
+ Dir = ?privdir,
+ UName = [1024] ++ "u",
+ UDir = filename:join(Dir, UName),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, file, make_dir, [UDir]),
+ %% Note: Cannot use UName as filename since the filename is used
+ %% as module name. To be fixed in R18.
+ Filename = filename:join(UDir, 'OTP-11286.xrl'),
+ Scannerfile = filename:join(UDir, 'OTP-11286.erl'),
+ Options = [return, {scannerfile, Scannerfile}],
+ Mini1 = <<"%% coding: utf-8\n"
+ "Definitions.\n"
+ "D = [0-9]\n"
+ "Rules.\n"
+ "{L}+ : {token,{word,TokenLine,TokenChars}}.\n"
+ "Erlang code.\n">>,
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, file, write_file, [Filename, Mini1]),
+ {ok, _, []} = rpc:call(Node, leex, file, [Filename, Options]),
+ {ok,_,_} = rpc:call(Node, compile, file,
+ [Scannerfile,[basic_validation,return]]),
+ Mini2 = <<"Definitions.\n"
+ "D = [0-9]\n"
+ "Rules.\n"
+ "{L}+ : {token,{word,TokenLine,TokenChars}}.\n"
+ "Erlang code.\n">>,
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, file, write_file, [Filename, Mini2]),
+ {ok, _, []} = rpc:call(Node, leex, file, [Filename, Options]),
+ {ok,_,_} = rpc:call(Node, compile, file,
+ [Scannerfile,[basic_validation,return]]),
+ Mini3 = <<"%% coding: latin-1\n"
+ "Definitions.\n"
+ "D = [0-9]\n"
+ "Rules.\n"
+ "{L}+ : {token,{word,TokenLine,TokenChars}}.\n"
+ "Erlang code.\n">>,
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, file, write_file, [Filename, Mini3]),
+ {ok, _, []} = rpc:call(Node, leex, file, [Filename, Options]),
+ {ok,_,_} = rpc:call(Node, compile, file,
+ [Scannerfile,[basic_validation,return]]),
+ true = test_server:stop_node(Node),
+ ok.
+start_node(Name, Args) ->
+ [_,Host] = string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()), "@"),
+ ct:log("Trying to start ~w@~s~n", [Name,Host]),
+ case test_server:start_node(Name, peer, [{args,Args}]) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ test_server:fail(Reason);
+ {ok,Node} ->
+ ct:log("Node ~p started~n", [Node]),
+ Node
+ end.
unwritable(Fname) ->
{ok, Info} = file:read_file_info(Fname),
Mode = Info#file_info.mode - 8#00200,
diff --git a/lib/parsetools/test/yecc_SUITE.erl b/lib/parsetools/test/yecc_SUITE.erl
index 38bcd52ffc..d308d21f82 100644
--- a/lib/parsetools/test/yecc_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/parsetools/test/yecc_SUITE.erl
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@
otp_5369/1, otp_6362/1, otp_7945/1, otp_8483/1, otp_8486/1,
- otp_7292/1, otp_7969/1, otp_8919/1, otp_10302/1, otp_11269/1]).
+ otp_7292/1, otp_7969/1, otp_8919/1, otp_10302/1, otp_11269/1,
+ otp_11286/1]).
% Default timetrap timeout (set in init_per_testcase).
-define(default_timeout, ?t:minutes(1)).
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ groups() ->
{bugs, [],
[otp_5369, otp_6362, otp_7945, otp_8483, otp_8486]},
{improvements, [], [otp_7292, otp_7969, otp_8919, otp_10302,
- otp_11269]}].
+ otp_11269, otp_11286]}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -1995,6 +1996,64 @@ otp_11269(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ok,'OTP-11269',_Warnings} = compile:file(ErlFile, Opts),
+otp_11286(doc) ->
+ "OTP-11286. A Unicode filename bug; both Leex and Yecc.";
+otp_11286(suite) -> [];
+otp_11286(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Node = start_node(otp_11286, "+fnu"),
+ Dir = ?privdir,
+ UName = [1024] ++ "u",
+ UDir = filename:join(Dir, UName),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, file, make_dir, [UDir]),
+ %% Note: Cannot use UName as filename since the filename is used
+ %% as module name. To be fixed in R18.
+ Filename = filename:join(UDir, 'OTP-11286.yrl'),
+ Ret = [return, {report, false}, time],
+ Mini1 = <<"%% coding: utf-8
+ Terminals t.
+ Nonterminals nt.
+ Rootsymbol nt.
+ nt -> t.">>,
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, file, write_file, [Filename, Mini1]),
+ {ok,ErlFile,[]} = rpc:call(Node, yecc, file, [Filename, Ret]),
+ Opts = [return, warn_unused_vars,{outdir,Dir}],
+ {ok,_,_Warnings} = rpc:call(Node, compile, file, [ErlFile, Opts]),
+ Mini2 = <<"Terminals t.
+ Nonterminals nt.
+ Rootsymbol nt.
+ nt -> t.">>,
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, file, write_file, [Filename, Mini2]),
+ {ok,ErlFile,[]} = rpc:call(Node, yecc, file, [Filename, Ret]),
+ Opts = [return, warn_unused_vars,{outdir,Dir}],
+ {ok,_,_Warnings} = rpc:call(Node, compile, file, [ErlFile, Opts]),
+ Mini3 = <<"%% coding: latin-1
+ Terminals t.
+ Nonterminals nt.
+ Rootsymbol nt.
+ nt -> t.">>,
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, file, write_file, [Filename, Mini3]),
+ {ok,ErlFile,[]} = rpc:call(Node, yecc, file, [Filename, Ret]),
+ Opts = [return, warn_unused_vars,{outdir,Dir}],
+ {ok,_,_Warnings} = rpc:call(Node, compile, file, [ErlFile, Opts]),
+ true = test_server:stop_node(Node),
+ ok.
+start_node(Name, Args) ->
+ [_,Host] = string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()), "@"),
+ ct:log("Trying to start ~w@~s~n", [Name,Host]),
+ case test_server:start_node(Name, peer, [{args,Args}]) of
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ test_server:fail(Reason);
+ {ok,Node} ->
+ ct:log("Node ~p started~n", [Node]),
+ Node
+ end.
yeccpre_size() ->