diff options
authorSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2015-02-10 23:25:14 +0100
committerBjörn-Egil Dahlberg <[email protected]>2015-03-12 19:15:24 +0100
commit2583604581eb07b9a6962bfc76c5015afca840b5 (patch)
parent6cc099bf98f384de1de3c0d8542c83db43fb5cec (diff)
erts: Add map_SUITE:t_map_compare
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/map_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/map_SUITE.erl
index 1e989fbc4d..5944450f33 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/map_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/map_SUITE.erl
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ t_map_compare/1,
@@ -66,6 +67,13 @@
+ case (catch (Cond)) of
+ true -> true;
+ _ -> io:format("###### CHECK FAILED ######~nINPUT: ~p~n", [Term]),
+ exit(Term)
+ end).
suite() -> [].
all() -> [
@@ -75,7 +83,7 @@ all() -> [
t_guard_bifs, t_guard_sequence, t_guard_update,
t_guard_receive,t_guard_fun, t_list_comprehension,
- t_map_equal,
+ t_map_equal, t_map_compare,
%% Specific Map BIFs
@@ -471,6 +479,242 @@ t_map_equal(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
true = id(#{ a => 1, b => 3, c => <<"wat">> }) =:= id(#{ a => 1, b => 3, c=><<"wat">>}),
+t_map_compare(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Seed = erlang:now(),
+ io:format("seed = ~p\n", [Seed]),
+ random:seed(Seed),
+ repeat(100, fun(_) -> float_int_compare(maps) end, []),
+ repeat(100, fun(_) -> float_int_compare(hashmap) end, []),
+ repeat(1000, fun(_) -> recursive_compare() end, []),
+ ok.
+float_int_compare(MapMod) ->
+ Terms = numeric_keys(3),
+ io:format("Keys to use: ~p\n", [Terms]),
+ Pairs = lists:map(fun(K) -> list_to_tuple([{K,V} || V <- Terms]) end, Terms),
+ lists:foreach(fun(Size) ->
+ MapGen = fun() -> map_gen(MapMod, list_to_tuple(Pairs), Size) end,
+ repeat(100, fun do_compare/1, [MapMod, MapGen, MapGen])
+ end,
+ lists:seq(1,length(Terms))),
+ ok.
+numeric_keys(N) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(_,Acc) ->
+ Int = random:uniform(N*4) - N*2,
+ Float = float(Int),
+ [Int, Float, Float * 0.99, Float * 1.01 | Acc]
+ end,
+ [],
+ lists:seq(1,N)).
+repeat(0, _, _) ->
+ ok;
+repeat(N, Fun, Arg) ->
+ Fun(Arg),
+ repeat(N-1, Fun, Arg).
+copy_term(T) ->
+ Papa = self(),
+ P = spawn_link(fun() -> receive Msg -> Papa ! Msg end end),
+ P ! T,
+ receive R -> R end.
+do_compare([MapMod, Gen1, Gen2]) ->
+ M1 = Gen1(),
+ M2 = Gen2(),
+ %%io:format("Maps to compare: ~p AND ~p\n", [M1, M2]),
+ C = (M1 < M2),
+ Erlang = maps_lessthan(MapMod, M1, M2),
+ C = Erlang,
+ ?CHECK(M1==M1, M1),
+ %% Change one key from int to float (or vice versa) and check compare
+ ML1 = MapMod:to_list(M1),
+ {K1,V1} = lists:nth(random:uniform(length(ML1)), ML1),
+ case K1 of
+ I when is_integer(I) ->
+ case MapMod:find(float(I),M1) of
+ error ->
+ M1f = MapMod:remove(I, MapMod:put(float(I), V1, M1)),
+ ?CHECK(M1f > M1, [M1f, M1]);
+ _ -> ok
+ end;
+ F when is_float(F), round(F) == F ->
+ case MapMod:find(round(F),M1) of
+ error ->
+ M1i = MapMod:remove(F, MapMod:put(round(F), V1, M1)),
+ ?CHECK(M1i < M1, [M1i, M1]);
+ _ -> ok
+ end;
+ _ -> ok % skip floats with decimals
+ end,
+ ?CHECK(M2 == M2, [M2]).
+maps_lessthan(MapMod, M1, M2) ->
+ case {MapMod:size(M1),MapMod:size(M2)} of
+ {_S,_S} ->
+ {K1,V1} = lists:unzip(term_sort(MapMod:to_list(M1))),
+ {K2,V2} = lists:unzip(term_sort(MapMod:to_list(M2))),
+ case erts_internal:cmp_term(K1,K2) of
+ -1 -> true;
+ 0 -> (V1 < V2);
+ 1 -> false
+ end;
+ {S1, S2} ->
+ S1 < S2
+ end.
+term_sort(L) ->
+ lists:sort(fun(A,B) -> erts_internal:cmp_term(A,B) =< 0 end,
+ L).
+cmp(T1, T2, Exact) when is_tuple(T1) and is_tuple(T2) ->
+ case {size(T1),size(T2)} of
+ {_S,_S} -> cmp(tuple_to_list(T1), tuple_to_list(T2), Exact);
+ {S1,S2} when S1 < S2 -> -1;
+ {S1,S2} when S1 > S2 -> 1
+ end;
+cmp([H1|T1], [H2|T2], Exact) ->
+ case cmp(H1,H2, Exact) of
+ 0 -> cmp(T1,T2, Exact);
+ C -> C
+ end;
+cmp(M1, M2, Exact) -> %when is_hashmap(M1) and is_hashmap(M2)
+ case {erlang:is_hashmap(M1), erlang:is_hashmap(M2)} of
+ {true, true} -> cmp_hashmaps(M1, M2, Exact);
+ _ -> cmp_others(M1, M2, Exact)
+ end.
+cmp_hashmaps(M1, M2, Exact) ->
+ case {hashmap:size(M1),hashmap:size(M2)} of
+ {_S,_S} ->
+ {K1,V1} = lists:unzip(term_sort(hashmap:to_list(M1))),
+ {K2,V2} = lists:unzip(term_sort(hashmap:to_list(M2))),
+ case cmp(K1, K2, true) of
+ 0 -> cmp(V1, V2, Exact);
+ C -> C
+ end;
+ {S1,S2} when S1 < S2 -> -1;
+ {S1,S2} when S1 > S2 -> 1
+ end.
+cmp_others(I, F, true) when is_integer(I), is_float(F) ->
+ -1;
+cmp_others(F, I, true) when is_float(F), is_integer(I) ->
+ 1;
+cmp_others(T1, T2, _) ->
+ case {T1<T2, T1==T2} of
+ {true,false} -> -1;
+ {false,true} -> 0;
+ {false,false} -> 1
+ end.
+map_gen(MapMod, Pairs, Size) ->
+ {_,L} = lists:foldl(fun(_, {Keys, Acc}) ->
+ KI = random:uniform(size(Keys)),
+ K = element(KI,Keys),
+ KV = element(random:uniform(size(K)), K),
+ {erlang:delete_element(KI,Keys), [KV | Acc]}
+ end,
+ {Pairs, []},
+ lists:seq(1,Size)),
+ map_from_list(MapMod, L).
+-define(NO_MAPS, 1). % Todo: Remove NO_MAPS when hashing of hashmaps is implemented
+-define(NO_LEAF, 2).
+recursive_compare() ->
+ Leafs = {atom, 17, 16.9, 17.1, [], self(), spawn(fun() -> ok end), make_ref(), make_ref()},
+ {A, B} = term_gen_recursive(Leafs, ?NO_LEAF),
+ %erlang:display({"Recursive term A", A}),
+ %erlang:display({"Recursive term B", B}),
+ {true,false} = case do_cmp(A, B, false) of
+ -1 -> {A<B, A>=B};
+ 0 -> {A==B, A/=B};
+ 1 -> {A>B, A=<B}
+ end,
+ A2 = copy_term(A),
+ true = (A == A2),
+ 0 = cmp(A, A2, false),
+ B2 = copy_term(B),
+ true = (B == B2),
+ 0 = cmp(B, B2, false).
+do_cmp(A, B, Exact) ->
+ C = cmp(A, B, Exact),
+ io:format("cmp = ~p\n", [C]),
+ C.
+%% Generate two terms {A,B} that may only differ
+%% at float vs integer types.
+term_gen_recursive(Leafs, Flags0) ->
+ Rnd = case Flags0 of
+ 0 -> random:uniform(size(Leafs)+3);
+ ?NO_MAPS -> random:uniform(size(Leafs)+2) + 1;
+ ?NO_LEAF -> random:uniform(3)
+ end,
+ Flags1 = Flags0 band (bnot ?NO_LEAF),
+ case Rnd of
+ 1 -> % Make hashmap
+ Size = random:uniform(size(Leafs)),
+ %%io:format("Generate hashmap with size ~p:\n", [Size]),
+ lists:foldl(fun(_, {Acc1,Acc2}) ->
+ {K1,K2} = term_gen_recursive(Leafs, Flags1 bor ?NO_MAPS),
+ {V1,V2} = term_gen_recursive(Leafs, Flags1),
+ %%io:format("hashmap:put(~p, ~p)\n", [K,V]),
+ {hashmap:put(K1,V1, Acc1), hashmap:put(K2,V2, Acc2)}
+ end,
+ {hashmap:new(), hashmap:new()},
+ lists:seq(1,Size));
+ 2 -> % Make cons
+ {Car1,Car2} = term_gen_recursive(Leafs, Flags1),
+ {Cdr1,Cdr2} = term_gen_recursive(Leafs, Flags1),
+ {[Car1 | Cdr1], [Car2 | Cdr2]};
+ 3 -> % Make tuple
+ Size = random:uniform(size(Leafs)),
+ L = lists:map(fun(_) -> term_gen_recursive(Leafs, Flags1) end,
+ lists:seq(1,Size)),
+ {L1, L2} = lists:unzip(L),
+ {list_to_tuple(L1), list_to_tuple(L2)};
+ N -> % Make leaf
+ case element(N-3, Leafs) of
+ I when is_integer(I) ->
+ case random:uniform(4) of
+ 1 -> {I, float(I)};
+ 2 -> {float(I), I};
+ _ -> {I,I}
+ end;
+ T -> {T,T}
+ end
+ end.
+map_from_list(maps, L) ->
+ maps:from_list(L);
+map_from_list(hashmap, L) -> %% while waiting for Egil...
+ lists:foldl(fun({K,V},Acc) -> hashmap:put(K,V,Acc) end,
+ hashmap:new(),
+ L).
%% BIFs
t_bif_map_get(Config) when is_list(Config) ->