diff options
authorJosé Valim <jose.valim@plataformatec.com.br>2014-08-13 20:25:32 +0200
committerJosé Valim <jose.valim@plataformatec.com.br>2014-09-11 10:49:00 +0200
commit2e78c5f3e7f9991484ceb5d56e5b0086331101be (patch)
parentd54ef284388e4e5148be8de51ba2f9ebc2e3285e (diff)
Do not rely on macros with implicit vars
This commit also provides the benefit that the Label argument in gen:call/3 is no longer used, as we can access the sender in the From argument. Therefore, we should be able to change the Label to something more relevant in the future.
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_event.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_event.erl
index d39dd89d3a..40c5a93d59 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_event.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_event.erl
@@ -49,8 +49,6 @@
-import(error_logger, [error_msg/2]).
--define(reply(X), From ! {element(2,Tag), X}).
-record(handler, {module :: atom(),
id = false,
@@ -249,49 +247,49 @@ handle_msg(Msg, Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug) ->
{notify, Event} ->
{Hib,MSL1} = server_notify(Event, handle_event, MSL, ServerName),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
- {From, Tag, {sync_notify, Event}} ->
+ {_From, Tag, {sync_notify, Event}} ->
{Hib, MSL1} = server_notify(Event, handle_event, MSL, ServerName),
- ?reply(ok),
+ reply(Tag, ok),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
{'EXIT', From, Reason} ->
MSL1 = handle_exit(From, Reason, MSL, ServerName),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, false);
- {From, Tag, {call, Handler, Query}} ->
+ {_From, Tag, {call, Handler, Query}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_call(Handler, Query, MSL, ServerName),
- ?reply(Reply),
+ reply(Tag, Reply),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
- {From, Tag, {add_handler, Handler, Args}} ->
+ {_From, Tag, {add_handler, Handler, Args}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_add_handler(Handler, Args, MSL),
- ?reply(Reply),
+ reply(Tag, Reply),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
- {From, Tag, {add_sup_handler, Handler, Args, SupP}} ->
+ {_From, Tag, {add_sup_handler, Handler, Args, SupP}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_add_sup_handler(Handler, Args, MSL, SupP),
- ?reply(Reply),
+ reply(Tag, Reply),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
- {From, Tag, {delete_handler, Handler, Args}} ->
+ {_From, Tag, {delete_handler, Handler, Args}} ->
{Reply, MSL1} = server_delete_handler(Handler, Args, MSL,
- ?reply(Reply),
+ reply(Tag, Reply),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, false);
- {From, Tag, {swap_handler, Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2}} ->
+ {_From, Tag, {swap_handler, Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_swap_handler(Handler1, Args1, Handler2,
Args2, MSL, ServerName),
- ?reply(Reply),
+ reply(Tag, Reply),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
- {From, Tag, {swap_sup_handler, Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2,
+ {_From, Tag, {swap_sup_handler, Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2,
Sup}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_swap_handler(Handler1, Args1, Handler2,
Args2, MSL, Sup, ServerName),
- ?reply(Reply),
+ reply(Tag, Reply),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
- {From, Tag, stop} ->
+ {_From, Tag, stop} ->
catch terminate_server(normal, Parent, MSL, ServerName),
- ?reply(ok);
- {From, Tag, which_handlers} ->
- ?reply(the_handlers(MSL)),
+ reply(Tag, ok);
+ {_From, Tag, which_handlers} ->
+ reply(Tag, the_handlers(MSL)),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, false);
- {From, Tag, get_modules} ->
- ?reply(get_modules(MSL)),
+ {_From, Tag, get_modules} ->
+ reply(Tag, get_modules(MSL)),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, false);
Other ->
{Hib, MSL1} = server_notify(Other, handle_info, MSL, ServerName),
@@ -303,6 +301,9 @@ terminate_server(Reason, Parent, MSL, ServerName) ->
do_unlink(Parent, MSL),
+reply({From, Ref}, Msg) ->
+ From ! {Ref, Msg}.
%% unlink the supervisor process of all supervised handlers.
%% We do not want a handler supervisor to EXIT due to the
%% termination of the event manager (server).