diff options
authorAnders Svensson <anders@erlang.org>2017-08-24 13:21:28 +0200
committerAnders Svensson <anders@erlang.org>2017-08-25 13:08:41 +0200
commitb0582c6963f6dc203f05ed810c9446cf3fa0f0ae (patch)
parent5f3becaddef9b18c81a1ec8bd7bf955384c1a225 (diff)
Let strict_mbit and incoming_maxlen be configured per transport
Since these can make sense per peer. The remaining service-only options either belong there or make little sense being configured per transport.
3 files changed, 64 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter.xml b/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter.xml
index 8d39b9efce..30a26ed845 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter.xml
+++ b/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter.xml
@@ -826,19 +826,6 @@ field of diameter_packet records independently of
-<marker id="incoming_maxlen"/><c>{incoming_maxlen, 0..16777215}</c></tag>
-Bound on the expected size of incoming Diameter messages.
-Messages larger than the specified number of bytes are discarded.</p>
-Defaults to <c>16777215</c>, the maximum value of the 24-bit Message
-Length field in a Diameter Header.</p>
<tag><c>{restrict_connections, false
| node
| nodes
@@ -975,49 +962,6 @@ of arity 1 as bare values, not wrapped in a list.</p>
-<marker id="strict_mbit"/><c>{strict_mbit, boolean()}</c></tag>
-Whether or not to regard an AVP setting the M-bit as erroneous when
-the command grammar in question does not explicitly allow the AVP.
-If <c>true</c> then such AVPs are regarded as 5001 errors,
-If <c>false</c> then the M-bit is ignored and policing
-it becomes the receiver's responsibility.</p>
-Defaults to <c>true</c>.</p>
-RFC 6733 is unclear about the semantics of the M-bit.
-One the one hand, the CCF specification in section 3.2 documents AVP
-in a command grammar as meaning <em>any</em> arbitrary AVP; on the
-other hand, 1.3.4 states that AVPs setting the M-bit cannot be added
-to an existing command: the modified command must instead be
-placed in a new Diameter application.</p>
-The reason for the latter is presumably interoperability:
-allowing arbitrary AVPs setting the M-bit in a command makes its
-interpretation implementation-dependent, since there's no
-guarantee that all implementations will understand the same set of
-arbitrary AVPs in the context of a given command.
-However, interpreting <c>AVP</c> in a command grammar as any
-AVP, regardless of M-bit, renders 1.3.4 meaningless, since the receiver
-can simply ignore any AVP it thinks isn't relevant, regardless of the
-sender's intent.</p>
-Beware of confusing mandatory in the sense of the M-bit with mandatory
-in the sense of the command grammar.
-The former is a semantic requirement: that the receiver understand the
-semantics of the AVP in the context in question.
-The latter is a syntactic requirement: whether or not the AVP must
-occur in the message in question.</p>
<marker id="string_decode"/><c>{string_decode, boolean()}</c></tag>
@@ -1346,6 +1290,19 @@ Defaults to 5000.</p>
+<marker id="incoming_maxlen"/><c>{incoming_maxlen, 0..16777215}</c></tag>
+Bound on the expected size of incoming Diameter messages.
+Messages larger than the specified number of bytes are discarded.</p>
+Defaults to <c>16777215</c>, the maximum value of the 24-bit Message
+Length field in a Diameter Header.</p>
<marker id="length_errors"/><c>{length_errors, exit|handle|discard}</c></tag>
@@ -1421,6 +1378,49 @@ case peers are known to be behave badly.</p>
+<marker id="strict_mbit"/><c>{strict_mbit, boolean()}</c></tag>
+Whether or not to regard an AVP setting the M-bit as erroneous when
+the command grammar in question does not explicitly allow the AVP.
+If <c>true</c> then such AVPs are regarded as 5001 errors,
+If <c>false</c> then the M-bit is ignored and policing
+it becomes the receiver's responsibility.</p>
+Defaults to <c>true</c>.</p>
+RFC 6733 is unclear about the semantics of the M-bit.
+One the one hand, the CCF specification in section 3.2 documents AVP
+in a command grammar as meaning <em>any</em> arbitrary AVP; on the
+other hand, 1.3.4 states that AVPs setting the M-bit cannot be added
+to an existing command: the modified command must instead be
+placed in a new Diameter application.</p>
+The reason for the latter is presumably interoperability:
+allowing arbitrary AVPs setting the M-bit in a command makes its
+interpretation implementation-dependent, since there's no
+guarantee that all implementations will understand the same set of
+arbitrary AVPs in the context of a given command.
+However, interpreting <c>AVP</c> in a command grammar as any
+AVP, regardless of M-bit, renders 1.3.4 meaningless, since the receiver
+can simply ignore any AVP it thinks isn't relevant, regardless of the
+sender's intent.</p>
+Beware of confusing mandatory in the sense of the M-bit with mandatory
+in the sense of the command grammar.
+The former is a semantic requirement: that the receiver understand the
+semantics of the AVP in the context in question.
+The latter is a syntactic requirement: whether or not the AVP must
+occur in the message in question.</p>
<marker id="transport_config"/><c>{transport_config, term()}</c></tag><item/>
<tag><c>{transport_config, term(), &dict_Unsigned32; | infinity}</c></tag>
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter.erl
index 0f919f6c25..3b41feac0d 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter.erl
@@ -355,9 +355,11 @@ call(SvcName, App, Message) ->
| {capabilities_cb, eval()}
| {capx_timeout, 'Unsigned32'()}
| {strict_capx, boolean()}
+ | {strict_mbit, boolean()}
| {disconnect_cb, eval()}
| {dpr_timeout, 'Unsigned32'()}
| {dpa_timeout, 'Unsigned32'()}
+ | {incoming_maxlen, message_length()}
| {length_errors, exit | handle | discard}
| {connect_timer, 'Unsigned32'()}
| {watchdog_timer, 'Unsigned32'() | {module(), atom(), list()}}
@@ -376,8 +378,6 @@ call(SvcName, App, Message) ->
| {traffic_counters, boolean()}
| {string_decode, boolean()}
| {strict_arities, true | strict_arities()}
- | {strict_mbit, boolean()}
- | {incoming_maxlen, message_length()}
| {use_shared_peers, remotes()}
| common_opt().
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_config.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_config.erl
index a4496f9725..4721be1ca0 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_config.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_config.erl
@@ -575,13 +575,11 @@ setopt(K, T) ->
%% opt/2
-opt(service, {incoming_maxlen, N})
- when 0 =< N, N < 1 bsl 24 ->
- true;
+opt(_, {incoming_maxlen, N}) ->
+ is_integer(N) andalso 0 =< N andalso N < 1 bsl 24;
opt(service, {K, B})
- when K == strict_mbit;
- K == string_decode;
+ when K == string_decode;
K == traffic_counters ->
@@ -680,7 +678,9 @@ opt(_, {K, Tmo})
opt(_, {capx_strictness, B}) ->
is_boolean(B) andalso {value, {strict_capx, B}};
-opt(_, {strict_capx, B}) ->
+opt(_, {K, B})
+ when K == strict_capx;
+ K == strict_mbit ->
opt(_, {length_errors, T}) ->