diff options
authorAnders Svensson <anders@erlang.org>2014-05-27 09:00:22 +0200
committerAnders Svensson <anders@erlang.org>2014-05-27 09:00:22 +0200
commit44fc88d806af0b4a5c861e3501d210a8c574533b (patch)
parent6b6cd01b607a1bfcf61bb6d5f4cc3fe9b37445db (diff)
parent2d5e6f4d438db1a480e44c539155e334c11851bc (diff)
Merge branch 'anders/diameter/hardening/OTP-11721' into maint
* anders/diameter/hardening/OTP-11721: Simplify example server Make example server answer unsupported requests with 3001 Make example code quiet Don't count messages on arbitrary keys Replace traffic-related log reports with no-op function calls
12 files changed, 286 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/lib/diameter/examples/code/client.erl b/lib/diameter/examples/code/client.erl
index bfe71b0e56..6606ac254d 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/examples/code/client.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/examples/code/client.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
{'Product-Name', "Client"},
{'Auth-Application-Id', [?DIAMETER_APP_ID_COMMON]},
{application, [{alias, ?APP_ALIAS},
+ {answer_errors, discard},
{dictionary, ?DIAMETER_DICT_COMMON},
{module, ?CALLBACK_MOD}]}]).
diff --git a/lib/diameter/examples/code/client_cb.erl b/lib/diameter/examples/code/client_cb.erl
index ee3dcb2fec..843cdd9262 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/examples/code/client_cb.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/examples/code/client_cb.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -77,23 +77,11 @@ prepare_retransmit(Packet, SvcName, Peer) ->
%% handle_answer/4
-%% Since client.erl has detached the call when using the list
-%% encoding and not otherwise, output to the terminal in the
-%% the former case, return in the latter.
-handle_answer(#diameter_packet{msg = Msg}, Request, _SvcName, _Peer)
- when is_list(Request) ->
- io:format("answer: ~p~n", [Msg]);
handle_answer(#diameter_packet{msg = Msg}, _Request, _SvcName, _Peer) ->
{ok, Msg}.
%% handle_error/4
-handle_error(Reason, Request, _SvcName, _Peer)
- when is_list(Request) ->
- io:format("error: ~p~n", [Reason]);
handle_error(Reason, _Request, _SvcName, _Peer) ->
{error, Reason}.
diff --git a/lib/diameter/examples/code/redirect_cb.erl b/lib/diameter/examples/code/redirect_cb.erl
index 69836774a1..8d98b0d2df 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/examples/code/redirect_cb.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/examples/code/redirect_cb.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -34,12 +34,10 @@
-define(UNEXPECTED, erlang:error({unexpected, ?MODULE, ?LINE})).
-peer_up(_SvcName, {PeerRef, _}, State) ->
- io:format("up: ~p~n", [PeerRef]),
+peer_up(_SvcName, _Peer, State) ->
-peer_down(_SvcName, {PeerRef, _}, State) ->
- io:format("down: ~p~n", [PeerRef]),
+peer_down(_SvcName, _Peer, State) ->
pick_peer(_, _, _SvcName, _State) ->
diff --git a/lib/diameter/examples/code/relay_cb.erl b/lib/diameter/examples/code/relay_cb.erl
index 9f9cd8d5ae..68798014e6 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/examples/code/relay_cb.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/examples/code/relay_cb.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -32,12 +32,10 @@
-peer_up(_SvcName, {PeerRef, _}, State) ->
- io:format("up: ~p~n", [PeerRef]),
+peer_up(_SvcName, _Peer, State) ->
-peer_down(_SvcName, {PeerRef, _}, State) ->
- io:format("down: ~p~n", [PeerRef]),
+peer_down(_SvcName, _Peer, State) ->
%% Returning 'relay' from handle_request causes diameter to resend the
diff --git a/lib/diameter/examples/code/server_cb.erl b/lib/diameter/examples/code/server_cb.erl
index 0f6eb32ed6..9d8d395d06 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/examples/code/server_cb.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/examples/code/server_cb.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -38,12 +38,10 @@
-define(UNEXPECTED, erlang:error({unexpected, ?MODULE, ?LINE})).
-peer_up(_SvcName, {PeerRef, _}, State) ->
- io:format("up: ~p~n", [PeerRef]),
+peer_up(_SvcName, _Peer, State) ->
-peer_down(_SvcName, {PeerRef, _}, State) ->
- io:format("down: ~p~n", [PeerRef]),
+peer_down(_SvcName, _Peer, State) ->
pick_peer(_, _, _SvcName, _State) ->
@@ -68,10 +66,13 @@ handle_request(#diameter_packet{msg = Req, errors = []}, _SvcName, {_, Caps})
origin_realm = {OR,_}}
= Caps,
#diameter_base_RAR{'Session-Id' = Id,
- 'Re-Auth-Request-Type' = RT}
+ 'Re-Auth-Request-Type' = Type}
= Req,
- {reply, answer(RT, Id, OH, OR)};
+ {reply, #diameter_base_RAA{'Result-Code' = rc(Type),
+ 'Origin-Host' = OH,
+ 'Origin-Realm' = OR,
+ 'Session-Id' = Id}};
%% ... or one that wasn't. 3xxx errors are answered by diameter itself
%% but these are 5xxx errors for which we must contruct a reply.
@@ -84,32 +85,18 @@ handle_request(#diameter_packet{msg = Req}, _SvcName, {_, Caps})
#diameter_base_RAR{'Session-Id' = Id}
= Req,
- Ans = #diameter_base_RAA{'Origin-Host' = OH,
- 'Origin-Realm' = OR,
- 'Session-Id' = Id},
+ {reply, #diameter_base_RAA{'Origin-Host' = OH,
+ 'Origin-Realm' = OR,
+ 'Session-Id' = Id}};
- {reply, Ans};
+%% Answer that any other message is unsupported.
+handle_request(#diameter_packet{}, _SvcName, _) ->
+ {answer_message, 3001}. %% DIAMETER_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED
-%% Should really reply to other base messages that we don't support
-%% but simply discard them instead.
-handle_request(#diameter_packet{}, _SvcName, {_,_}) ->
- discard.
+%% Map Re-Auth-Request-Type to Result-Code just for the purpose of
+%% generating different answers.
-%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Answer using the record or list encoding depending on
-%% Re-Auth-Request-Type. This is just as an example. You would
-%% typically just choose one, and this has nothing to do with the how
-%% client.erl sends.
-answer(0, Id, OH, OR) ->
- #diameter_base_RAA{'Result-Code' = 2001, %% DIAMETER_SUCCESS
- 'Origin-Host' = OH,
- 'Origin-Realm' = OR,
- 'Session-Id' = Id};
-answer(_, Id, OH, OR) ->
- ['RAA', {'Result-Code', 5012}, %% DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_COMPLY
- {'Origin-Host', OH},
- {'Origin-Realm', OR},
- {'Session-Id', Id}].
+rc(0) ->
+rc(_) ->
diff --git a/lib/diameter/include/diameter_gen.hrl b/lib/diameter/include/diameter_gen.hrl
index c8f706dc3e..319ad5a783 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/include/diameter_gen.hrl
+++ b/lib/diameter/include/diameter_gen.hrl
@@ -320,10 +320,12 @@ d(Name, Avp, {Avps, Acc}) ->
%% respond sensibly to. Log the occurence for traceability,
%% but the peer will also receive info in the resulting
%% answer-message.
- diameter_lib:log({decode, failure},
+ Stack = diameter_lib:get_stacktrace(),
+ diameter_lib:log(decode_error,
- {Reason, Avp, erlang:get_stacktrace()}),
+ {Reason, AvpName, Stack}),
{Rec, Failed} = Acc,
{[Avp|Avps], {Rec, [rc(Reason, Avp) | Failed]}}
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_codec.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_codec.erl
index 9db3552286..84139d7f5e 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_codec.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_codec.erl
@@ -70,18 +70,15 @@ encode(Mod, #diameter_packet{} = Pkt) ->
e(Mod, Pkt)
- exit: {_, _, #diameter_header{}} = T ->
+ exit: {Reason, Stack, #diameter_header{} = H} = T ->
%% Exit with a header in the reason to let the caller
%% count encode errors.
- X = {?MODULE, encode, T},
- diameter_lib:error_report(X, {?MODULE, encode, [Mod, Pkt]}),
- exit(X);
+ ?LOG(encode_error, {Reason, Stack, H}),
+ exit({?MODULE, encode, T});
error: Reason ->
- %% Be verbose since a crash report may be truncated and
- %% encode errors are self-inflicted.
- X = {?MODULE, encode, {Reason, ?STACK}},
- diameter_lib:error_report(X, {?MODULE, encode, [Mod, Pkt]}),
- exit(X)
+ T = {Reason, diameter_lib:get_stacktrace()},
+ ?LOG(encode_error, T),
+ exit({?MODULE, encode, T})
encode(Mod, Msg) ->
@@ -115,7 +112,7 @@ e(_, #diameter_packet{msg = [#diameter_header{} = Hdr | As]} = Pkt) ->
error: Reason ->
- exit({Reason, ?STACK, Hdr})
+ exit({Reason, diameter_lib:get_stacktrace(), Hdr})
e(Mod, #diameter_packet{header = Hdr0, msg = Msg} = Pkt) ->
@@ -147,7 +144,7 @@ e(Mod, #diameter_packet{header = Hdr0, msg = Msg} = Pkt) ->
error: Reason ->
- exit({Reason, ?STACK, Hdr})
+ exit({Reason, diameter_lib:get_stacktrace(), Hdr})
%% make_flags/2
@@ -278,23 +275,23 @@ decode(Id, Mod, Bin)
decode(Id, Mod, #diameter_packet{header = decode_header(Bin), bin = Bin}).
decode_avps(MsgName, Mod, Pkt, {E, Avps}) ->
- ?LOG(invalid, Pkt#diameter_packet.bin),
+ ?LOG(invalid_avp_length, Pkt#diameter_packet.header),
#diameter_packet{errors = Failed}
= P
= decode_avps(MsgName, Mod, Pkt, Avps),
P#diameter_packet{errors = [E | Failed]};
-decode_avps('', Mod, Pkt, Avps) -> %% unknown message ...
- ?LOG(unknown, {Mod, Pkt#diameter_packet.header}),
+decode_avps('', _, Pkt, Avps) -> %% unknown message ...
+ ?LOG(unknown_message, Pkt#diameter_packet.header),
Pkt#diameter_packet{avps = lists:reverse(Avps),
%% msg = undefined identifies this case.
decode_avps(MsgName, Mod, Pkt, Avps) -> %% ... or not
- {Rec, As, Failed} = Mod:decode_avps(MsgName, Avps),
- ?LOGC([] /= Failed, failed, {Mod, Failed}),
+ {Rec, As, Errors} = Mod:decode_avps(MsgName, Avps),
+ ?LOGC([] /= Errors, decode_errors, Pkt#diameter_packet.header),
Pkt#diameter_packet{msg = Rec,
- errors = Failed,
+ errors = Errors,
avps = As}.
%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_lib.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_lib.erl
index 44d81e2778..5b3a2063f8 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_lib.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
+ eval_name/1,
+ get_stacktrace/0,
@@ -32,6 +34,22 @@
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% # get_stacktrace/0
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Return a stacktrace with a leading, potentially large, argument
+%% list replaced by an arity. Trace on stacktrace/0 to see the
+%% original.
+get_stacktrace() ->
+ stacktrace(erlang:get_stacktrace()).
+stacktrace([{M,F,A,L} | T]) when is_list(A) ->
+ [{M, F, length(A), L} | T];
+stacktrace(L) ->
+ L.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% # info_report/2
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -60,9 +78,17 @@ warning_report(Reason, T) ->
report(fun error_logger:warning_report/1, Reason, T).
report(Fun, Reason, T) ->
- Fun([{why, Reason}, {who, self()}, {what, T}]),
+ Fun(io_lib:format("diameter: ~" ++ fmt(Reason) ++ "~n ~p~n",
+ [Reason, T])),
+fmt(T) ->
+ if is_list(T) ->
+ "s";
+ true ->
+ "p"
+ end.
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% # now_diff/1
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -129,8 +155,8 @@ eval({M,F,A}) ->
eval([{M,F,A} | X]) ->
apply(M, F, X ++ A);
-eval([[F|A] | X]) ->
- eval([F | X ++ A]);
+eval([[F|X] | A]) ->
+ eval([F | A ++ X]);
eval([F|A]) ->
@@ -142,6 +168,28 @@ eval(F) ->
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% eval_name/1
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+eval_name({M,F,A}) ->
+ {M, F, length(A)};
+eval_name([{M,F,A} | X]) ->
+ {M, F, length(A) + length(X)};
+eval_name([[F|A] | X]) ->
+ eval_name([F | X ++ A]);
+eval_name([F|_]) ->
+ F;
+eval_name({F}) ->
+ eval_name(F);
+eval_name(F) ->
+ F.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% # ipaddr/1
%% Parse an IP address.
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl
index 32e1b91966..31e570ae20 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_peer_fsm.erl
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ handle_info(T, #state{} = State) ->
ok ->
{noreply, State};
#state{state = X} = S ->
- ?LOGC(X =/= State#state.state, transition, X),
+ ?LOGC(X /= State#state.state, transition, X),
{noreply, S};
{stop, Reason} ->
?LOG(stop, Reason),
@@ -293,15 +293,11 @@ handle_info(T, #state{} = State) ->
{stop, {shutdown, T}, State}
exit: {diameter_codec, encode, T} = Reason ->
- incr_error(send, T),
+ incr_error(send, T, State#state.dictionary),
?LOG(stop, Reason),
- %% diameter_codec:encode/2 emits an error report. Only
- %% indicate the probable reason here.
- diameter_lib:info_report(probable_configuration_error,
- insufficient_capabilities),
{stop, {shutdown, Reason}, State};
{?MODULE, Tag, Reason} ->
- ?LOG(Tag, {Reason, T}),
+ ?LOG(stop, Tag),
{stop, {shutdown, Reason}, State}
%% The form of the throw caught here is historical. It's
@@ -477,12 +473,12 @@ send_CER(#state{state = {'Wait-Conn-Ack', Tmo},
close({already_connected, Remote, LCaps}),
CER = build_CER(S),
- ?LOG(send, 'CER'),
#diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{end_to_end_id = Eid,
hop_by_hop_id = Hid}}
= Pkt
= encode(CER, Dict),
send(TPid, Pkt),
+ ?LOG(send, 'CER'),
start_timer(Tmo, S#state{state = {'Wait-CEA', Hid, Eid}}).
%% Register ourselves as connecting to the remote endpoint in
@@ -527,7 +523,6 @@ recv(#diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{} = Hdr}
= S) ->
Name = diameter_codec:msg_name(Dict0, Hdr),
Pid ! {recv, self(), Name, Pkt},
- diameter_stats:incr({msg_id(Name, Hdr), recv}), %% count received
rcv(Name, Pkt, S);
recv(#diameter_packet{header = undefined,
@@ -554,42 +549,30 @@ recv(#diameter_header{length = Len}
= H,
#diameter_packet{bin = Bin},
- #state{length_errors = E}
- = S) ->
- invalid(E,
- invalid_message_length,
- recv,
- [size(Bin), bit_size(Bin) rem 8, H, S]);
+ #state{length_errors = E}) ->
+ T = {size(Bin), bit_size(Bin) rem 8, H},
+ invalid(E, message_length_mismatch, T);
-recv(false, Pkt, #state{length_errors = E} = S) ->
- invalid(E, truncated_header, recv, [Pkt, S]).
+recv(false, #diameter_packet{bin = Bin}, #state{length_errors = E}) ->
+ invalid(E, truncated_header, Bin).
%% Note that counters here only count discarded messages.
-invalid(E, Reason, F, A) ->
+invalid(E, Reason, T) ->
- abort(E, Reason, F, A).
-abort(exit, Reason, F, A) ->
- diameter_lib:warning_report(Reason, {?MODULE, F, A}),
- throw({?MODULE, abort, Reason});
-abort(_, _, _, _) ->
+ E == exit andalso close({Reason, T}),
+ ?LOG(Reason, T),
-msg_id({_,_,_} = T, _) ->
- T;
-msg_id(_, Hdr) ->
- {_,_,_} = diameter_codec:msg_id(Hdr).
%% rcv/3
%% Incoming CEA.
+rcv('CEA' = N,
#diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{end_to_end_id = Eid,
hop_by_hop_id = Hid}}
= Pkt,
#state{state = {'Wait-CEA', Hid, Eid}}
= S) ->
+ ?LOG(recv, N),
handle_CEA(Pkt, S);
%% Incoming CER
@@ -610,29 +593,46 @@ rcv('DPR' = N, Pkt, S) ->
%% DPA in response to DPR and with the expected identifiers.
rcv('DPA' = N,
#diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{end_to_end_id = Eid,
- hop_by_hop_id = Hid}}
+ hop_by_hop_id = Hid}
+ = H}
= Pkt,
#state{dictionary = Dict0,
transport = TPid,
dpr = {Hid, Eid}}) ->
+ ?LOG(recv, N),
+ incr(recv, H, Dict0),
incr_rc(recv, diameter_codec:decode(Dict0, Pkt), Dict0),
{stop, N};
%% Ignore anything else, an unsolicited DPA in particular.
+rcv(N, #diameter_packet{header = H}, _)
+ when N == 'CER';
+ N == 'CEA';
+ N == 'DPR';
+ N == 'DPA' ->
+ ?LOG(ignored, N),
+ %% Note that these aren't counted in the normal recv counter.
+ diameter_stats:incr({diameter_codec:msg_id(H), recv, ignored}),
+ ok;
rcv(_, _, _) ->
+%% incr/3
+incr(Dir, Hdr, Dict0) ->
+ diameter_traffic:incr(Dir, Hdr, self(), Dict0).
%% incr_rc/3
incr_rc(Dir, Pkt, Dict0) ->
diameter_traffic:incr_rc(Dir, Pkt, self(), Dict0).
-%% incr_error/2
+%% incr_error/3
-incr_error(Dir, Pkt) ->
- diameter_traffic:incr_error(Dir, Pkt, self()).
+incr_error(Dir, Pkt, Dict0) ->
+ diameter_traffic:incr_error(Dir, Pkt, self(), Dict0).
%% send/2
@@ -640,19 +640,23 @@ incr_error(Dir, Pkt) ->
%% sending. In particular, the watchdog will send DWR as a binary
%% while messages coming from clients will be in a #diameter_packet.
send(Pid, Msg) ->
- diameter_stats:incr({diameter_codec:msg_id(Msg), send}),
diameter_peer:send(Pid, Msg).
%% handle_request/3
+%% Incoming CER or DPR.
-handle_request(Type, #diameter_packet{} = Pkt, #state{dictionary = D} = S) ->
- ?LOG(recv, Type),
- send_answer(Type, diameter_codec:decode(D, Pkt), S).
+ #diameter_packet{header = H} = Pkt,
+ #state{dictionary = Dict0} = S) ->
+ ?LOG(recv, Name),
+ incr(recv, H, Dict0),
+ send_answer(Name, diameter_codec:decode(Dict0, Pkt), S).
%% send_answer/3
send_answer(Type, ReqPkt, #state{transport = TPid, dictionary = Dict} = S) ->
- incr_error(recv, ReqPkt),
+ incr_error(recv, ReqPkt, Dict),
#diameter_packet{header = H,
transport_data = TD}
@@ -672,10 +676,15 @@ send_answer(Type, ReqPkt, #state{transport = TPid, dictionary = Dict} = S) ->
AnsPkt = diameter_codec:encode(Dict, Pkt),
+ incr(send, AnsPkt, Dict),
incr_rc(send, AnsPkt, Dict),
send(TPid, AnsPkt),
+ ?LOG(send, ans(Type)),
eval(PostF, S).
+ans('CER') -> 'CEA';
+ans('DPR') -> 'DPA'.
eval([F|A], S) ->
apply(F, A ++ [S]);
eval(T, _) ->
@@ -868,13 +877,12 @@ recv_CER(CER, #state{service = Svc, dictionary = Dict}) ->
%% handle_CEA/2
-handle_CEA(#diameter_packet{bin = Bin}
+handle_CEA(#diameter_packet{header = H}
= Pkt,
#state{dictionary = Dict0,
service = #diameter_service{capabilities = LCaps}}
- = S)
- when is_binary(Bin) ->
- ?LOG(recv, 'CEA'),
+ = S) ->
+ incr(recv, H, Dict0),
= DPkt
@@ -895,9 +903,7 @@ handle_CEA(#diameter_packet{bin = Bin}
%% connection with the peer.
- is_integer(RC)
- orelse ?THROW(no_result_code),
+ is_integer(RC) andalso ?IS_SUCCESS(RC)
orelse ?THROW(RC),
[] == SApps
andalso ?THROW(no_common_application),
@@ -917,7 +923,7 @@ handle_CEA(#diameter_packet{bin = Bin}
%% capabilities exchange could send DIAMETER_LIMITED_SUCCESS = 2002,
%% even if this isn't required by RFC 3588.
-result_code({{'Result-Code', N}, _}) ->
+result_code({'Result-Code', N}) ->
result_code(_) ->
@@ -1013,19 +1019,13 @@ capz(#diameter_caps{} = L, #diameter_caps{} = R) ->
%% close/1
+%% A good function to trace on in case of problems with capabilities
+%% exchange.
close(Reason) ->
- report(Reason),
throw({?MODULE, close, Reason}).
-%% Could possibly log more here.
-report({M, _, _, _, _} = T)
- when M == 'CER';
- M == 'CEA' ->
- diameter_lib:error_report(failure, T);
-report(_) ->
- ok.
%% dpr/2
%% The RFC isn't clear on whether DPR should be send in a non-Open
@@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ dpr(_Reason, _S) ->
%% process and contact it. (eg. diameter:service_info/2)
dpr([CB|Rest], [Reason | _] = Args, S) ->
- try diameter_lib:eval([CB | Args]) of
+ case diameter_lib:eval([CB | Args]) of
{dpr, Opts} when is_list(Opts) ->
send_dpr(Reason, Opts, S);
dpr ->
@@ -1069,14 +1069,7 @@ dpr([CB|Rest], [Reason | _] = Args, S) ->
ignore ->
dpr(Rest, Args, S);
T ->
- No = {disconnect_cb, T},
- diameter_lib:error_report(invalid, No),
- {stop, No}
- catch
- E:R ->
- No = {disconnect_cb, E, R, ?STACK},
- diameter_lib:error_report(failure, No),
- {stop, No}
+ ?ERROR({disconnect_cb, CB, Args, T})
dpr([], [Reason | _], S) ->
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_service.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_service.erl
index 0dc3eb7123..b7cd311e02 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_service.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_service.erl
@@ -731,14 +731,27 @@ remotes(F) ->
L when is_list(L) ->
T ->
- diameter_lib:error_report({invalid_return, T}, F),
+ ?LOG(invalid_return, {F,T}),
+ error_report(invalid_return, share_peers, F),
E:R ->
- diameter_lib:error_report({failure, {E, R, ?STACK}}, F),
+ ?LOG(failure, {E, R, F, diameter_lib:get_stacktrace()}),
+ error_report(failure, share_peers, F),
+%% error_report/3
+error_report(T, What, F) ->
+ Reason = io_lib:format("~s from ~p callback", [reason(T), What]),
+ diameter_lib:error_report(Reason, diameter_lib:eval_name(F)).
+reason(invalid_return) ->
+ "invalid return";
+reason(failure) ->
+ "failure".
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% # start/3
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1038,8 +1051,11 @@ peer_cb(App, F, A) ->
E:R ->
- diameter_lib:error_report({failure, {E, R, ?STACK}},
- {App, F, A}),
+ %% Don't include arguments since a #diameter_caps{} strings
+ %% from the peer, which could be anything (especially, large).
+ [Mod|X] = App#diameter_app.module,
+ ?LOG(failure, {E, R, Mod, F, diameter_lib:get_stacktrace()}),
+ error_report(failure, F, {Mod, F, A ++ X}),
@@ -1262,13 +1278,14 @@ cm([#diameter_app{alias = Alias} = App], Req, From, Svc) ->
mod_state(Alias, ModS),
{T, RC};
T ->
- diameter_lib:error_report({invalid, T},
- {App, handle_call, Args}),
+ ModX = App#diameter_app.module,
+ ?LOG(invalid_return, {ModX, handle_call, Args, T}),
E: Reason ->
- diameter_lib:error_report({failure, {E, Reason, ?STACK}},
- {App, handle_call, Args}),
+ ModX = App#diameter_app.module,
+ Stack = diameter_lib:get_stacktrace(),
+ ?LOG(failure, {E, Reason, ModX, handle_call, Stack}),
@@ -1426,13 +1443,16 @@ pick_peer(Local,
T; %% Accept returned state in the immutable
{false = No, S} -> %% case as long it isn't changed.
- T ->
- diameter_lib:error_report({invalid, T, App},
- {App, pick_peer, Args})
+ T when M ->
+ ModX = App#diameter_app.module,
+ ?LOG(invalid_return, {ModX, pick_peer, T}),
+ false
- E: Reason ->
- diameter_lib:error_report({failure, {E, Reason, ?STACK}},
- {App, pick_peer, Args})
+ E: Reason when M ->
+ ModX = App#diameter_app.module,
+ Stack = diameter_lib:get_stacktrace(),
+ ?LOG(failure, {E, Reason, ModX, pick_peer, Stack}),
+ false
%% peers/4
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_traffic.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_traffic.erl
index f2ac745053..5fac61f416 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_traffic.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_traffic.erl
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
%% towards diameter_peer_fsm and diameter_watchdog
+ incr_error/4,
%% towards diameter_service
@@ -48,6 +49,8 @@
+-define(LOGX(Reason, T), begin ?LOG(Reason, T), x({Reason, T}) end).
-define(BASE, ?DIAMETER_DICT_COMMON). %% Note: the RFC 3588 dictionary
@@ -113,38 +116,52 @@ peer_down(TPid) ->
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% incr_error/3
+%% incr/4
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% A decoded message with errors.
-incr_error(Dir, #diameter_packet{header = H, errors = [_|_]}, TPid) ->
- incr_error(Dir, H, TPid);
+incr(Dir, #diameter_packet{header = H}, TPid, Dict) ->
+ incr(Dir, H, TPid, Dict);
-%% An encoded message with errors and an identifiable header ...
-incr_error(Dir, {_, _, #diameter_header{} = H}, TPid) ->
- incr_error(Dir, H, TPid);
+incr(Dir, #diameter_header{} = H, TPid, Dict) ->
+ incr(TPid, {msg_id(H, Dict), Dir}).
-%% ... or not.
-incr_error(Dir, {_,_}, TPid) ->
- incr(TPid, {unknown, Dir, error});
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% incr_error/4
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-incr_error(Dir, #diameter_header{} = H, TPid) ->
- incr_error(Dir, diameter_codec:msg_id(H), TPid);
+%% Decoded message without errors.
+incr_error(recv, #diameter_packet{errors = []}, _, _) ->
+ ok;
-incr_error(Dir, {_,_,_} = Id, TPid) ->
- incr(TPid, {Id, Dir, error});
+incr_error(recv = D, #diameter_packet{header = H}, TPid, Dict) ->
+ incr_error(D, H, TPid, Dict);
-incr_error(_, _, _) ->
- false.
+%% Encoded message with errors and an identifiable header ...
+incr_error(send = D, {_, _, #diameter_header{} = H}, TPid, Dict) ->
+ incr_error(D, H, TPid, Dict);
+%% ... or not.
+incr_error(send = D, {_,_}, TPid, _) ->
+ incr_error(D, unknown, TPid);
+incr_error(Dir, #diameter_header{} = H, TPid, Dict) ->
+ incr_error(Dir, msg_id(H, Dict), TPid);
+incr_error(Dir, Id, TPid, _) ->
+ incr_error(Dir, Id, TPid).
+incr_error(Dir, Id, TPid) ->
+ incr(TPid, {Id, Dir, error}).
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% incr_rc/4
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--spec incr_rc(send|recv, #diameter_packet{}, TPid, Dict0)
+-spec incr_rc(send|recv, Pkt, TPid, Dict0)
-> {Counter, non_neg_integer()}
| Reason
- when TPid :: pid(),
+ when Pkt :: #diameter_packet{},
+ TPid :: pid(),
Dict0 :: module(),
Counter :: {'Result-Code', integer()}
| {'Experimental-Result', integer(), integer()},
@@ -154,9 +171,8 @@ incr_rc(Dir, Pkt, TPid, Dict0) ->
incr_rc(Dir, Pkt, Dict0, TPid, Dict0)
- exit: {invalid_error_bit = E, _} ->
- E;
- exit: no_result_code = E ->
+ exit: {E,_} when E == no_result_code;
+ E == invalid_error_bit ->
@@ -234,7 +250,7 @@ spawn_request(TPid, Pkt, Dict0, Opts, RecvData) ->
spawn_opt(fun() -> recv_request(TPid, Pkt, Dict0, RecvData) end, Opts)
error: system_limit = E -> %% discard
- ?LOG({error, E}, now())
+ ?LOG(error, E)
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -263,8 +279,9 @@ recv_R({#diameter_app{id = Id, dictionary = Dict} = App, Caps},
RecvData) ->
+ incr(recv, Pkt0, TPid, Dict),
Pkt = errors(Id, diameter_codec:decode(Id, Dict, Pkt0)),
- incr_error(recv, Pkt, TPid),
+ incr_error(recv, Pkt, TPid, Dict),
{Caps, Pkt, App, recv_R(App, TPid, Dict0, Caps, RecvData, Pkt)};
%% Note that the decode is different depending on whether or not Id is
@@ -336,23 +353,25 @@ rc(N) ->
%% This error is returned when a request is received with an invalid
%% message length.
-errors(_, #diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{length = Len},
+errors(_, #diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{length = Len} = H,
bin = Bin,
errors = Es}
= Pkt)
when Len < 20;
0 /= Len rem 4;
8*Len /= bit_size(Bin) ->
+ ?LOG(invalid_message_length, {H, bit_size(Bin)}),
Pkt#diameter_packet{errors = [5015 | Es]};
%% This error is returned when a request was received, whose version
%% number is unsupported.
-errors(_, #diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{version = V},
+errors(_, #diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{version = V} = H,
errors = Es}
= Pkt)
+ ?LOG(unsupported_version, H),
Pkt#diameter_packet{errors = [5011 | Es]};
@@ -360,12 +379,13 @@ errors(_, #diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{version = V},
%% recognize or support. This MUST be used when a Diameter node
%% receives an experimental command that it does not understand.
-errors(Id, #diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{is_proxiable = P},
+errors(Id, #diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{is_proxiable = P} = H,
msg = M,
errors = Es}
= Pkt)
when ?APP_ID_RELAY /= Id, undefined == M; %% don't know the command
?APP_ID_RELAY == Id, not P -> %% command isn't proxiable
+ ?LOG(command_unsupported, H),
Pkt#diameter_packet{errors = [3001 | Es]};
@@ -374,9 +394,11 @@ errors(Id, #diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{is_proxiable = P},
%% inconsistent with the command code's definition.
errors(_, #diameter_packet{header = #diameter_header{is_request = true,
- is_error = true},
+ is_error = true}
+ = H,
errors = Es}
= Pkt) ->
+ ?LOG(invalid_hdr_bits, H),
Pkt#diameter_packet{errors = [3008 | Es]};
%% Green.
@@ -532,7 +554,6 @@ answer_message(RC,
origin_realm = {OR,_}},
Pkt) ->
- ?LOG({error, RC}, Pkt),
{Dict0, answer_message(OH, OR, RC, Dict0, Pkt)}.
%% resend/7
@@ -651,6 +672,7 @@ reply(Msg, Dict, TPid, Dict0, Fs, ReqPkt) ->
reset(make_answer_packet(Msg, ReqPkt), Dict, Dict0),
+ incr(send, Pkt, TPid, Dict),
incr_rc(send, Pkt, Dict, TPid, Dict0), %% count outgoing
send(TPid, Pkt).
@@ -1035,21 +1057,29 @@ incr_rc(Dir, Pkt, Dict, TPid, Dict0) ->
errors = Es}
= Pkt,
- Id = diameter_codec:msg_id(Hdr),
+ Id = msg_id(Hdr, Dict),
%% Count incoming decode errors.
- recv /= Dir orelse [] == Es orelse incr_error(Dir, Id, TPid),
+ recv /= Dir orelse [] == Es orelse incr_error(Dir, Id, TPid, Dict),
%% Exit on a missing result code.
T = rc_counter(Dict, Msg),
- T == false andalso x(no_result_code, answer, [Dir, Pkt]),
+ T == false andalso ?LOGX(no_result_code, {Dict, Dir, Hdr}),
{Ctr, RC} = T,
%% Or on an inappropriate value.
is_result(RC, E, Dict0)
- orelse x({invalid_error_bit, RC}, answer, [Dir, Pkt]),
+ orelse ?LOGX(invalid_error_bit, {Dict, Dir, Hdr, RC}),
- incr(TPid, {Id, Dir, Ctr}).
+ incr(TPid, {Id, Dir, Ctr}),
+ Ctr.
+%% Only count on known keeps so as not to be vulnerable to attack:
+%% there are 2^32 (application ids) * 2^24 (command codes) * 2 (R-bits)
+%% = 2^57 Ids for an attacker to choose from.
+msg_id(Hdr, Dict) ->
+ {_ApplId, Code, R} = Id = diameter_codec:msg_id(Hdr),
+ choose('' == Dict:msg_name(Code, 0 == R), unknown, Id).
%% No E-bit: can't be 3xxx.
is_result(RC, false, _Dict0) ->
@@ -1067,8 +1097,8 @@ is_result(RC, true, _) ->
%% incr/2
-incr(TPid, {_, _, T} = Counter) ->
- {T, diameter_stats:incr(Counter, TPid, 1)}.
+incr(TPid, Counter) ->
+ diameter_stats:incr(Counter, TPid, 1).
%% rc_counter/2
@@ -1112,13 +1142,6 @@ int(N)
int(_) ->
--spec x(any(), atom(), list()) -> no_return().
-%% Warn and exit request process on errors in an incoming answer.
-x(Reason, F, A) ->
- diameter_lib:warning_report(Reason, {?MODULE, F, A}),
- x(Reason).
x(T) ->
@@ -1425,12 +1448,14 @@ handle_answer(SvcName,
%% want to examine the answer?
handle_A(Pkt, SvcName, Dict, Dict0, App, #request{transport = TPid} = Req) ->
+ incr(recv, Pkt, TPid, Dict),
incr_rc(recv, Pkt, Dict, TPid, Dict0) %% count incoming
_ -> answer(Pkt, SvcName, App, Req)
- exit: no_result_code ->
+ exit: {no_result_code, _} ->
%% RFC 6733 requires one of Result-Code or
%% Experimental-Result, but the decode will have detected
%% a missing AVP. If both are optional in the dictionary
@@ -1462,11 +1487,16 @@ a(#diameter_packet{errors = Es}
callback == AE ->
cb(ModX, handle_answer, [Pkt, msg(P), SvcName, {TPid, Caps}]);
-a(Pkt, SvcName, _, report, Req) ->
- x(errors, handle_answer, [SvcName, Req, Pkt]);
+a(Pkt, SvcName, _, AE, _) ->
+ a(Pkt#diameter_packet.header, SvcName, AE).
+a(Hdr, SvcName, report) ->
+ MFA = {?MODULE, handle_answer, [SvcName, Hdr]},
+ diameter_lib:warning_report(errors, MFA),
+ a(Hdr, SvcName, discard);
-a(Pkt, SvcName, _, discard, Req) ->
- x({errors, handle_answer, [SvcName, Req, Pkt]}).
+a(Hdr, SvcName, discard) ->
+ x({answer_errors, {SvcName, Hdr}}).
%% Note that we don't check that the application id in the answer's
%% header is what we expect. (TODO: Does the rfc says anything about
@@ -1544,7 +1574,7 @@ encode(Dict, TPid, #diameter_packet{bin = undefined} = Pkt) ->
diameter_codec:encode(Dict, Pkt)
exit: {diameter_codec, encode, T} = Reason ->
- incr_error(send, T, TPid),
+ incr_error(send, T, TPid, Dict),
@@ -1652,7 +1682,7 @@ resend_request(Pkt0,
packet = Pkt0,
caps = Caps},
- ?LOG(retransmission, Req),
+ ?LOG(retransmission, Pkt#diameter_packet.header),
TRef = send_request(TPid, Pkt, Req, SvcName, Tmo),
{TRef, Req}.
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_watchdog.erl b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_watchdog.erl
index e89b1394ee..eff5096745 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_watchdog.erl
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/base/diameter_watchdog.erl
@@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ dict0(_, _, Acc) ->
config_error(T) ->
- diameter_lib:error_report(configuration_error, T),
exit({shutdown, {configuration_error, T}}).
%% handle_call/3
@@ -268,7 +267,7 @@ event(Msg,
TPid = tpid(F,T),
E = {[TPid | data(Msg, TPid, From, To)], From, To},
send(Pid, {watchdog, self(), E}),
- ?LOG(transition, {self(), E}).
+ ?LOG(transition, {From, To}).
data(Msg, TPid, reopen, okay) ->
{recv, TPid, 'DWA', _Pkt} = Msg, %% assert
@@ -477,8 +476,7 @@ encode(dwr = M, Dict0, Mask) ->
hop_by_hop_id = Seq},
Pkt = #diameter_packet{header = Hdr,
msg = Msg},
- #diameter_packet{bin = Bin} = diameter_codec:encode(Dict0, Pkt),
- Bin;
+ diameter_codec:encode(Dict0, Pkt);
encode(dwa, Dict0, #diameter_packet{header = H, transport_data = TD}
= ReqPkt) ->
@@ -547,10 +545,14 @@ send_watchdog(#watchdog{pending = false,
dictionary = Dict0,
sequence = Mask}
= S) ->
- send(TPid, {send, encode(dwr, Dict0, Mask)}),
+ #diameter_packet{bin = Bin} = EPkt = encode(dwr, Dict0, Mask),
+ diameter_traffic:incr(send, EPkt, TPid, Dict0),
+ send(TPid, {send, Bin}),
?LOG(send, 'DWR'),
S#watchdog{pending = true}.
+%% Dont' count encode errors since we don't expect any on DWR/DWA.
%% recv/3
recv(Name, Pkt, S) ->
@@ -567,9 +569,12 @@ recv(Name, Pkt, S) ->
rcv('DWR', Pkt, #watchdog{transport = TPid,
dictionary = Dict0}) ->
+ ?LOG(recv, 'DWR'),
DPkt = diameter_codec:decode(Dict0, Pkt),
- diameter_traffic:incr_error(recv, DPkt, TPid),
+ diameter_traffic:incr(recv, DPkt, TPid, Dict0),
+ diameter_traffic:incr_error(recv, DPkt, TPid, Dict0),
EPkt = encode(dwa, Dict0, Pkt),
+ diameter_traffic:incr(send, EPkt, TPid, Dict0),
diameter_traffic:incr_rc(send, EPkt, TPid, Dict0),
send(TPid, {send, EPkt}),
@@ -577,6 +582,8 @@ rcv('DWR', Pkt, #watchdog{transport = TPid,
rcv('DWA', Pkt, #watchdog{transport = TPid,
dictionary = Dict0}) ->
+ ?LOG(recv, 'DWA'),
+ diameter_traffic:incr(recv, Pkt, TPid, Dict0),
diameter_codec:decode(Dict0, Pkt),