diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2013-03-19 15:20:58 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2013-03-19 15:20:58 +0100
commitcabb10fa34bab14d3b37066d1406e207a9f50163 (patch)
parent0be34905e603ca9e1acb5ea763bf25cdab8d5d7c (diff)
parentda0355042254d98a06acddbf7361bd0f0f4b4f7f (diff)
Merge branch 'maint'
* maint: Update primary bootstrap Fix slow compilation of complex guards Eliminate latin1 encoded characters
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/bin/start.bootbin5246 -> 5248 bytes
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/bin/start_clean.bootbin5246 -> 5248 bytes
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/beam_asm.beambin11604 -> 11608 bytes
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/beam_utils.beambin13220 -> 13320 bytes
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/application.beambin3860 -> 4020 bytes
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/auth.beambin6472 -> 6468 bytes
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/file_server.beambin5440 -> 5456 bytes
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/hipe_unified_loader.beambin12828 -> 13024 bytes
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/c.beambin13824 -> 13824 bytes
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/dets.beambin53560 -> 53604 bytes
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/escript.beambin17300 -> 17444 bytes
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/qlc.beambin70172 -> 70168 bytes
-rw-r--r--bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/shell.beambin29644 -> 29752 bytes
20 files changed, 85 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/bootstrap/bin/start.boot b/bootstrap/bin/start.boot
index 05f177db91..5d5391f362 100644
--- a/bootstrap/bin/start.boot
+++ b/bootstrap/bin/start.boot
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/bin/start_clean.boot b/bootstrap/bin/start_clean.boot
index 05f177db91..5d5391f362 100644
--- a/bootstrap/bin/start_clean.boot
+++ b/bootstrap/bin/start_clean.boot
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/beam_asm.beam b/bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/beam_asm.beam
index cbb89b8618..9672b55f14 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/beam_asm.beam
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/beam_asm.beam
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/beam_utils.beam b/bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/beam_utils.beam
index 1aa160b998..a2e0f1050e 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/beam_utils.beam
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/beam_utils.beam
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/compiler.app b/bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/compiler.app
index e3ff9ac11e..19ad28915a 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/compiler.app
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/compiler/ebin/compiler.app
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
{application, compiler,
[{description, "ERTS CXC 138 10"},
- {vsn, "4.9"},
+ {vsn, "4.9.1"},
{modules, [
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/application.beam b/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/application.beam
index 3287c3f132..c0a615f5a3 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/application.beam
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/application.beam
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/auth.beam b/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/auth.beam
index 049f4056ae..bdca504da5 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/auth.beam
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/auth.beam
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/file_server.beam b/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/file_server.beam
index 9da86c5d44..211b2df642 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/file_server.beam
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/file_server.beam
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/hipe_unified_loader.beam b/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/hipe_unified_loader.beam
index 0bfad88d8c..924dabd708 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/hipe_unified_loader.beam
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/hipe_unified_loader.beam
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/kernel.app b/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/kernel.app
index ab1ae605b6..e1a0d09ac7 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/kernel.app
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/kernel/ebin/kernel.app
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
{application, kernel,
{description, "ERTS CXC 138 10"},
- {vsn, "2.16.1"},
+ {vsn, "2.16.2"},
{modules, [application,
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/c.beam b/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/c.beam
index 95eeda70bb..e02d502159 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/c.beam
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/c.beam
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/dets.beam b/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/dets.beam
index 92522cadbb..b9a5866d30 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/dets.beam
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/dets.beam
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/escript.beam b/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/escript.beam
index fdb4030d91..12a578278f 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/escript.beam
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/escript.beam
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/qlc.beam b/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/qlc.beam
index b26f9ea172..aee8ce61e5 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/qlc.beam
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/qlc.beam
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/shell.beam b/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/shell.beam
index f4e416e5ad..9ac9a3b167 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/shell.beam
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/shell.beam
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/stdlib.app b/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/stdlib.app
index 56b384ea89..cdd168d4cc 100644
--- a/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/stdlib.app
+++ b/bootstrap/lib/stdlib/ebin/stdlib.app
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
{application, stdlib,
[{description, "ERTS CXC 138 10"},
- {vsn, "1.19.1"},
+ {vsn, "1.19.2"},
{modules, [array,
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/PartialDecSeq.asn1config b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/PartialDecSeq.asn1config
index d388f6cd02..0d91e0c3b3 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/PartialDecSeq.asn1config
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/PartialDecSeq.asn1config
@@ -4,14 +4,6 @@
-%% partial_incomplete_decode tuplen inneh�ller tv� element. Den
-%% f�rsta �r bara en nyckel den andra �r en tupel med modulnamnet i
-%% en tupel {module,Name} och det andra elementet �r en lista av tupler:
-%% D�r varje tupel beskriver en partiell ofullst�ndig dekod. F�rsta
-%% elementet i den tupeln �r namnet p� funktionen som ska g�ra den
-%% partiella dekodningen. Det andra elementet �r en lista av typnamn/
-%% komponentnamn som �r en sekvens (path) till de element som ej skall
-%% avkodas.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/testobj.erl b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/testobj.erl
index 8d34a473ae..2cc909c35e 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/testobj.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE_data/testobj.erl
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ run_reset_res() ->
-%% Kod f�r att s�tta ihop RANAP-meddelanden
+%% Code for constructing RANAP messages
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
index 8af0447f63..554c14f57a 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ is_killed_block(R, Is) ->
%% to determine the kill state across branches.
is_killed(R, Is, D) ->
- St = #live{bl=fun check_killed_block/2,lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
+ St = #live{bl=check_killed_block_fun(),lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
case check_liveness(R, Is, St) of
{killed,_} -> true;
{used,_} -> false;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ is_killed(R, Is, D) ->
%% Determine whether Reg is killed at label Lbl.
is_killed_at(R, Lbl, D) when is_integer(Lbl) ->
- St0 = #live{bl=fun check_killed_block/2,lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
+ St0 = #live{bl=check_killed_block_fun(),lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
case check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St0) of
{killed,_} -> true;
{used,_} -> false;
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ is_killed_at(R, Lbl, D) when is_integer(Lbl) ->
%% across branches.
is_not_used(R, Is, D) ->
- St = #live{bl=check_used_block_fun(D),lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
+ St = #live{bl=fun check_used_block/3,lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
case check_liveness(R, Is, St) of
{killed,_} -> true;
{used,_} -> false;
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ is_not_used(R, Is, D) ->
%% across branches.
is_not_used_at(R, Lbl, D) ->
- St = #live{bl=check_used_block_fun(D),lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
+ St = #live{bl=fun check_used_block/3,lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
case check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St) of
{killed,_} -> true;
{used,_} -> false;
@@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ combine_heap_needs(H1, H2) when is_integer(H1), is_integer(H2) ->
check_liveness(R, [{set,_,_,_}=I|_], St) ->
erlang:error(only_allowed_in_blocks, [R,I,St]);
-check_liveness(R, [{block,Blk}|Is], #live{bl=BlockCheck}=St) ->
- case BlockCheck(R, Blk) of
- transparent -> check_liveness(R, Is, St);
- Other when is_atom(Other) -> {Other,St}
+check_liveness(R, [{block,Blk}|Is], #live{bl=BlockCheck}=St0) ->
+ case BlockCheck(R, Blk, St0) of
+ {transparent,St} -> check_liveness(R, Is, St);
+ {Other,_}=Res when is_atom(Other) -> Res
check_liveness(R, [{label,_}|Is], St) ->
check_liveness(R, Is, St);
@@ -533,6 +533,9 @@ check_liveness_fail(R, Op, Args, Fail, St) ->
%% (Unknown instructions will cause an exception.)
+check_killed_block_fun() ->
+ fun(R, Is, St) -> {check_killed_block(R, Is),St} end.
check_killed_block({x,X}, [{set,_,_,{alloc,Live,_}}|_]) ->
X >= Live -> killed;
@@ -563,50 +566,51 @@ check_killed_block(_, []) -> transparent.
%% (Unknown instructions will cause an exception.)
-check_used_block_fun(D) ->
- fun(R, Is) -> check_used_block(R, Is, D) end.
-check_used_block({x,X}=R, [{set,Ds,Ss,{alloc,Live,Op}}|Is], D) ->
+check_used_block({x,X}=R, [{set,Ds,Ss,{alloc,Live,Op}}|Is], St) ->
- X >= Live -> killed;
+ X >= Live -> {killed,St};
+ true -> check_used_block_1(R, Ss, Ds, Op, Is, St)
+ end;
+check_used_block(R, [{set,Ds,Ss,Op}|Is], St) ->
+ check_used_block_1(R, Ss, Ds, Op, Is, St);
+check_used_block(R, [{'%live',Live}|Is], St) ->
+ case R of
+ {x,X} when X >= Live -> {killed,St};
+ _ -> check_used_block(R, Is, St)
+ end;
+check_used_block(_, [], St) -> {transparent,St}.
+check_used_block_1(R, Ss, Ds, Op, Is, St0) ->
+ case member(R, Ss) of
true ->
- case member(R, Ss) orelse
- is_reg_used_at(R, Op, D) of
- true -> used;
- false ->
+ {used,St0};
+ false ->
+ case is_reg_used_at(R, Op, St0) of
+ {true,St} ->
+ {used,St};
+ {false,St} ->
case member(R, Ds) of
- true -> killed;
- false -> check_used_block(R, Is, D)
+ true -> {killed,St};
+ false -> check_used_block(R, Is, St)
- end;
-check_used_block(R, [{set,Ds,Ss,Op}|Is], D) ->
- case member(R, Ss) orelse
- is_reg_used_at(R, Op, D) of
- true -> used;
- false ->
- case member(R, Ds) of
- true -> killed;
- false -> check_used_block(R, Is, D)
- end
- end;
-check_used_block(R, [{'%live',Live}|Is], D) ->
- case R of
- {x,X} when X >= Live -> killed;
- _ -> check_used_block(R, Is, D)
- end;
-check_used_block(_, [], _) -> transparent.
+ end.
-is_reg_used_at(R, {gc_bif,_,{f,Lbl}}, D) ->
- is_reg_used_at_1(R, Lbl, D);
-is_reg_used_at(R, {bif,_,{f,Lbl}}, D) ->
- is_reg_used_at_1(R, Lbl, D);
-is_reg_used_at(_, _, _) -> false.
+is_reg_used_at(R, {gc_bif,_,{f,Lbl}}, St) ->
+ is_reg_used_at_1(R, Lbl, St);
+is_reg_used_at(R, {bif,_,{f,Lbl}}, St) ->
+ is_reg_used_at_1(R, Lbl, St);
+is_reg_used_at(_, _, St) ->
+ {false,St}.
-is_reg_used_at_1(_, 0, _) ->
- false;
-is_reg_used_at_1(R, Lbl, D) ->
- not is_not_used_at(R, Lbl, D).
+is_reg_used_at_1(_, 0, St) ->
+ {false,St};
+is_reg_used_at_1(R, Lbl, St0) ->
+ case check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St0) of
+ {killed,St} -> {false,St};
+ {used,St} -> {true,St};
+ {unknown,St} -> {true,St}
+ end.
index_labels_1([{label,Lbl}|Is0], Acc) ->
Is = lists:dropwhile(fun({label,_}) -> true;
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/andor_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/andor_SUITE.erl
index 0d00769704..4ffbe07e32 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/andor_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/andor_SUITE.erl
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
- combined/1,in_case/1,before_and_inside_if/1]).
+ combined/1,in_case/1,before_and_inside_if/1,
+ slow_compilation/1]).
@@ -472,6 +473,36 @@ before_and_inside_if_2(XDo1, XDo2, Do3) ->
+-record(state, {stack = []}).
+slow_compilation(_) ->
+ %% The function slow_compilation_1 used to compile very slowly.
+ ok = slow_compilation_1({a}, #state{}).
+slow_compilation_1(T1, #state{stack = [T2|_]})
+ when element(1, T2) == a, element(1, T1) == b, element(1, T1) == c ->
+ ok;
+slow_compilation_1(T, _)
+ when element(1, T) == a1; element(1, T) == b1; element(1, T) == c1 ->
+ ok;
+slow_compilation_1(T, _)
+ when element(1, T) == a2; element(1, T) == b2; element(1, T) == c2 ->
+ ok;
+slow_compilation_1(T, _) when element(1, T) == a ->
+ ok;
+slow_compilation_1(T, _)
+ when
+ element(1, T) == a,
+ (element(1, T) == b) and (element(1, T) == c) ->
+ ok;
+slow_compilation_1(_, T) when element(1, T) == a ->
+ ok;
+slow_compilation_1(_, T) when element(1, T) == b ->
+ ok;
+slow_compilation_1(T, _) when element(1, T) == a ->
+ ok.
%% Utilities.
check(V1, V0) ->