diff options
authorRaimo Niskanen <raimo@erlang.org>2018-09-21 15:50:39 +0200
committerRaimo Niskanen <raimo@erlang.org>2018-10-02 15:40:52 +0200
commitb32911645a20230864eaee965d6a7f1be248e47e (patch)
parent50274e72fa6278f4f43ffe9fbf461683916dce09 (diff)
Implement {netns,NS} option for inet:getifaddrs/1
Also implement the same option for the legacy undocumented functions inet:getif/1,getiflist/1,ifget/2,ifset/2. The arity 1 functions had before this change got signatures that took a socket port that was used to do the needed syscall, so now the signature was extended to also take an option list with the only supported option {netns,Namespace}. The Socket argument variant remains unsupported. For inet:getifaddrs/1 the documentation file was changed to old style function name definition so be able to hide the Socket argument variant that is visible in the type spec. The arity 2 functions had got an option list as second argument. This list had to be partitioned into one list for the namespace option(s) and the other for the rest. The namespace option list was then fed to the already existing namespace support for socket opening, which places the socket in a namespace and hence made all these functions that in inet_drv.c used getsockopt() work without change. The functions that used getifaddrs() in inet_drv.c had to be changed in inet_drv.c to swap namespaces around the getifaddrs() syscall. This functionality was separated into a new function call_getifaddrs().
-rw-r--r--erts/preloaded/ebin/prim_inet.beambin79028 -> 80120 bytes
5 files changed, 358 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/drivers/common/inet_drv.c b/erts/emulator/drivers/common/inet_drv.c
index 7f20477363..6d1c5cf6cc 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/drivers/common/inet_drv.c
+++ b/erts/emulator/drivers/common/inet_drv.c
@@ -5178,6 +5178,71 @@ static int hwaddr_libdlpi_lookup(const char *ifnm,
+/* Returns 0 for success and errno() for failure */
+static int call_getifaddrs(inet_descriptor* desc_p, struct ifaddrs **ifa_pp)
+ int result, save_errno;
+#ifdef HAVE_SETNS
+ int current_ns;
+ current_ns = 0;
+ if (desc_p->netns != NULL) {
+ int new_ns;
+ /* Temporarily change network namespace for this thread
+ * over the getifaddrs() call
+ */
+ current_ns = open("/proc/self/ns/net", O_RDONLY);
+ if (current_ns == INVALID_SOCKET)
+ return sock_errno();
+ new_ns = open(desc_p->netns, O_RDONLY);
+ if (new_ns == INVALID_SOCKET) {
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ while (close(current_ns) == INVALID_SOCKET &&
+ sock_errno() == EINTR);
+ return save_errno;
+ }
+ if (setns(new_ns, CLONE_NEWNET) != 0) {
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ while (close(new_ns) == INVALID_SOCKET &&
+ sock_errno() == EINTR);
+ while (close(current_ns) == INVALID_SOCKET &&
+ sock_errno() == EINTR);
+ return save_errno;
+ }
+ else {
+ while (close(new_ns) == INVALID_SOCKET &&
+ sock_errno() == EINTR);
+ }
+ }
+ save_errno = 0;
+ result = getifaddrs(ifa_pp);
+ if (result < 0)
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+#ifdef HAVE_SETNS
+ if (desc_p->netns != NULL) {
+ /* Restore network namespace */
+ if (setns(current_ns, CLONE_NEWNET) != 0) {
+ /* XXX Failed to restore network namespace.
+ * What to do? Tidy up and return an error...
+ * Note that the thread now might still be in the set namespace.
+ * Can this even happen? Should the emulator be aborted?
+ */
+ if (result >= 0) {
+ /* We got a result but have to waste it */
+ save_errno = sock_errno();
+ freeifaddrs(*ifa_pp);
+ }
+ }
+ while (close(current_ns) == INVALID_SOCKET &&
+ sock_errno() == EINTR);
+ }
+ return save_errno;
+#endif /* #ifdef HAVE_GETIFADDRS */
/* FIXME: temporary hack */
@@ -5255,8 +5320,8 @@ static ErlDrvSSizeT inet_ctl_ifget(inet_descriptor* desc,
struct sockaddr_dl *sdlp;
int found = 0;
- if (getifaddrs(&ifa) == -1)
- goto error;
+ if (call_getifaddrs(desc, &ifa) != 0)
+ goto error;
for (ifp = ifa; ifp; ifp = ifp->ifa_next) {
if ((ifp->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_LINK) &&
@@ -5974,6 +6039,7 @@ static ErlDrvSSizeT inet_ctl_getifaddrs(inet_descriptor* desc_p,
ErlDrvSizeT buf_size;
char *buf_p;
char *buf_alloc_p;
+ int save_errno;
@@ -6008,9 +6074,9 @@ static ErlDrvSSizeT inet_ctl_getifaddrs(inet_descriptor* desc_p,
} \
} while (0)
- if (getifaddrs(&ifa_p) < 0) {
- return ctl_error(sock_errno(), rbuf_pp, rsize);
- }
+ if ((save_errno = call_getifaddrs(desc_p, &ifa_p)) != 0)
+ return ctl_error(save_errno, rbuf_pp, rsize);
ifa_free_p = ifa_p;
*buf_p++ = INET_REP_OK;
for (; ifa_p; ifa_p = ifa_p->ifa_next) {
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/ebin/prim_inet.beam b/erts/preloaded/ebin/prim_inet.beam
index 4a345f8152..eebfe19a11 100644
--- a/erts/preloaded/ebin/prim_inet.beam
+++ b/erts/preloaded/ebin/prim_inet.beam
Binary files differ
diff --git a/erts/preloaded/src/prim_inet.erl b/erts/preloaded/src/prim_inet.erl
index 8169943dde..1da852deb2 100644
--- a/erts/preloaded/src/prim_inet.erl
+++ b/erts/preloaded/src/prim_inet.erl
@@ -870,9 +870,9 @@ chgopts(S, Opts) when is_port(S), is_list(Opts) ->
getifaddrs(S) when is_port(S) ->
case ctl_cmd(S, ?INET_REQ_GETIFADDRS, []) of
- {ok, Data} ->
- {ok, comp_ifaddrs(build_ifaddrs(Data), ktree_empty())};
- {error,enotsup} ->
+ {ok, Data} ->
+ {ok, comp_ifaddrs(build_ifaddrs(Data))};
+ {error,enotsup} ->
case getiflist(S) of
{ok, IFs} ->
{ok, getifaddrs_ifget(S, IFs)};
@@ -881,30 +881,75 @@ getifaddrs(S) when is_port(S) ->
Err2 -> Err2
-%% Restructure interface properties per interface and remove duplicates
-comp_ifaddrs([{If,Opts}|IfOpts], T) ->
- case ktree_is_defined(If, T) of
- true ->
- OptSet = comp_ifaddrs_add(ktree_get(If, T), Opts),
- comp_ifaddrs(IfOpts, ktree_update(If, OptSet, T));
- false ->
- OptSet = comp_ifaddrs_add(ktree_empty(), Opts),
- comp_ifaddrs(IfOpts, ktree_insert(If, OptSet, T))
- end;
-comp_ifaddrs([], T) ->
- [{If,ktree_keys(ktree_get(If, T))} || If <- ktree_keys(T)].
-comp_ifaddrs_add(OptSet, [Opt|Opts]) ->
- case ktree_is_defined(Opt, OptSet) of
- true
- when element(1, Opt) =:= flags;
- element(1, Opt) =:= hwaddr ->
- comp_ifaddrs_add(OptSet, Opts);
- _ ->
- comp_ifaddrs_add(ktree_insert(Opt, undefined, OptSet), Opts)
+%% Restructure interface properties per interface
+comp_ifaddrs(IfOpts) ->
+ comp_ifaddrs(IfOpts, ktree_empty()).
+comp_ifaddrs([{If,[{flags,Flags}|Opts]}|IfOpts], IfT) ->
+ case ktree_is_defined(If, IfT) of
+ true ->
+ comp_ifaddrs(
+ IfOpts,
+ ktree_update(
+ If,
+ comp_ifaddrs_flags(Flags, Opts, ktree_get(If, IfT)),
+ IfT));
+ false ->
+ comp_ifaddrs(
+ IfOpts,
+ ktree_insert(
+ If,
+ comp_ifaddrs_flags(Flags, Opts, ktree_empty()),
+ IfT))
-comp_ifaddrs_add(OptSet, []) -> OptSet.
+comp_ifaddrs([], IfT) ->
+ comp_ifaddrs_2(ktree_keys(IfT), IfT).
+comp_ifaddrs_flags(Flags, Opts, FlagsT) ->
+ case ktree_is_defined(Flags, FlagsT) of
+ true ->
+ ktree_update(
+ Flags,
+ rev(Opts, ktree_get(Flags, FlagsT)),
+ FlagsT);
+ false ->
+ ktree_insert(Flags, rev(Opts), FlagsT)
+ end.
+comp_ifaddrs_2([If|Ifs], IfT) ->
+ FlagsT = ktree_get(If, IfT),
+ [{If,comp_ifaddrs_3(ktree_keys(FlagsT), FlagsT)}
+ | comp_ifaddrs_2(Ifs, IfT)];
+comp_ifaddrs_2([], _IfT) ->
+ [].
+comp_ifaddrs_3([Flags|FlagsL], FlagsT) ->
+ [{flags,Flags}|hwaddr_last(rev(ktree_get(Flags, FlagsT)))]
+ ++ hwaddr_last(comp_ifaddrs_3(FlagsL, FlagsT));
+comp_ifaddrs_3([], _FlagsT) ->
+ [].
+%% Place hwaddr last to look more like legacy emulation
+hwaddr_last(Opts) ->
+ hwaddr_last(Opts, Opts, []).
+hwaddr_last([{hwaddr,_} = Opt|Opts], L, R) ->
+ hwaddr_last(Opts, L, [Opt|R]);
+hwaddr_last([_|Opts], L, R) ->
+ hwaddr_last(Opts, L, R);
+hwaddr_last([], L, []) ->
+ L;
+hwaddr_last([], L, R) ->
+ rev(hwaddr_last(L, []), rev(R)).
+hwaddr_last([{hwaddr,_}|Opts], R) ->
+ hwaddr_last(Opts, R);
+hwaddr_last([Opt|Opts], R) ->
+ hwaddr_last(Opts, [Opt|R]);
+hwaddr_last([], R) ->
+ R.
%% Legacy emulation of getifaddrs
@@ -912,21 +957,19 @@ getifaddrs_ifget(_, []) -> [];
getifaddrs_ifget(S, [IF|IFs]) ->
case ifget(S, IF, [flags]) of
{ok,[{flags,Flags}]=FlagsVals} ->
- BroadOpts =
- case member(broadcast, Flags) of
- true ->
- [broadaddr,hwaddr];
- false ->
- [hwaddr]
- end,
- P2POpts =
- case member(pointtopoint, Flags) of
- true ->
- [dstaddr|BroadOpts];
- false ->
- BroadOpts
- end,
- getifaddrs_ifget(S, IFs, IF, FlagsVals, [addr,netmask|P2POpts]);
+ GetOpts =
+ case member(pointtopoint, Flags) of
+ true ->
+ [dstaddr,hwaddr];
+ false ->
+ case member(broadcast, Flags) of
+ true ->
+ [broadaddr,hwaddr];
+ false ->
+ [hwaddr]
+ end
+ end,
+ getifaddrs_ifget(S, IFs, IF, FlagsVals, [addr,netmask|GetOpts]);
_ ->
getifaddrs_ifget(S, IFs, IF, [], [addr,netmask,hwaddr])
@@ -2500,7 +2543,7 @@ get_addrs([F|Addrs]) ->
get_addr(?INET_AF_LOCAL, [N|Addr]) ->
- {A,Rest} = lists:split(N, Addr),
+ {A,Rest} = split(N, Addr),
get_addr(?INET_AF_UNSPEC, Rest) ->
diff --git a/lib/kernel/doc/src/inet.xml b/lib/kernel/doc/src/inet.xml
index ed775d67eb..127c110df4 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/doc/src/inet.xml
+++ b/lib/kernel/doc/src/inet.xml
@@ -198,6 +198,79 @@ fe80::204:acff:fe17:bf38
+ <name name="getifaddrs_ifopts"/>
+ <desc>
+ <p>
+ Interface address description list returned from
+ <seealso marker="#getifaddrs/0"><c>getifaddrs/0,1</c></seealso>
+ for a named interface, translated from the returned
+ data of the POSIX API function <c>getaddrinfo()</c>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <c><anno>Hwaddr</anno></c> is hardware dependent,
+ for example, on Ethernet interfaces it is
+ the 6-byte Ethernet address (MAC address (EUI-48 address)).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The tuples <c>{addr,<anno>Addr</anno>}</c>,
+ <c>{netmask,<anno>Netmask</anno>}</c>, and possibly
+ <c>{broadaddr,<anno>Broadaddr</anno>}</c> or
+ <c>{dstaddr,<anno>Dstaddr</anno>}</c>
+ are repeated in the list
+ if the interface has got multiple addresses.
+ An interface may have multiple <c>{flag,_}</c> tuples
+ for example if it has different flags
+ for different address families.
+ Multiple <c>{hwaddr,<anno>Hwaddr</anno>}</c> tuples
+ is hard to say anything definite about, though.
+ The tuple <c>{flag,<anno>Flags</anno>}</c> is mandatory,
+ all others are optional.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Do not rely too much on the order
+ of <c><anno>Flags</anno></c> atoms
+ or the <c><anno>Ifopt</anno></c> tuples.
+ There are however some rules:
+ </p>
+ <list type="bulleted">
+ <item><p>
+ A <c>{flag,_}</c> tuple applies to all other tuples that follow.
+ </p></item>
+ <item><p>
+ Immediately after <c>{addr,_}</c> follows <c>{netmask,_}</c>.
+ </p></item>
+ <item><p>
+ Immediately thereafter may <c>{broadaddr,_}</c> follow
+ if <c>broadcast</c> is member of <c><anno>Flags</anno></c>,
+ or <c>{dstaddr,_}</c> if <c>pointtopoint</c>
+ is member of <c><anno>Flags</anno></c>.
+ Both <c>{dstaddr,_}</c> and <c>{broadaddr,_}</c>
+ does not occur for the same <c>{addr,_}</c>.
+ </p></item>
+ <item><p>
+ Any <c>{netmask,_}</c>, <c>{broadaddr,_}</c>, or
+ <c>{dstaddr,_}</c> tuples that follow an
+ <c>{addr,<anno>Addr</anno>}</c>
+ tuple concerns the address <c><anno>Addr</anno></c>.
+ </p></item>
+ </list>
+ <p>
+ The tuple <c>{hwaddr,_}</c> is not returned on Solaris, as the
+ hardware address historically belongs to the link layer
+ and it is not returned by the Solaris API function
+ <c>getaddrinfo()</c>.
+ </p>
+ <warning>
+ <p>
+ On Windows, the data is fetched from different
+ OS API functions, so the <c><anno>Netmask</anno></c>
+ and <c><anno>Broadaddr</anno></c> values may be calculated,
+ just as some <c><anno>Flags</anno></c> values.
+ </p>
+ </warning>
+ </desc>
+ </datatype>
+ <datatype>
<name name="posix"/>
<p>An atom that is named from the POSIX error codes used in Unix,
@@ -324,38 +397,64 @@ fe80::204:acff:fe17:bf38
<name name="getifaddrs" arity="0"/>
<fsummary>Return a list of interfaces and their addresses.</fsummary>
- <p>Returns a list of 2-tuples containing interface names and the
- interface addresses. <c><anno>Ifname</anno></c> is a Unicode string.
- <c><anno>Hwaddr</anno></c> is hardware dependent, for example, on
- Ethernet interfaces
- it is the 6-byte Ethernet address (MAC address (EUI-48 address)).</p>
- <p>The tuples <c>{addr,<anno>Addr</anno>}</c>, <c>{netmask,_}</c>, and
- <c>{broadaddr,_}</c> are repeated in the result list if the interface
- has multiple addresses. If you come across an interface with
- multiple <c>{flag,_}</c> or <c>{hwaddr,_}</c> tuples, you have
- a strange interface or possibly a bug in this function. The tuple
- <c>{flag,_}</c> is mandatory, all others are optional.</p>
- <p>Do not rely too much on the order of <c><anno>Flag</anno></c> atoms
- or <c><anno>Ifopt</anno></c> tuples. There are however some rules:</p>
- <list type="bulleted">
- <item><p>Immediately after
- <c>{addr,_}</c> follows <c>{netmask,_}</c>.</p></item>
- <item><p>Immediately thereafter follows <c>{broadaddr,_}</c> if flag
- <c>broadcast</c> is <em>not</em> set and flag
- <c>pointtopoint</c> <em>is</em> set.</p></item>
- <item><p>Any <c>{netmask,_}</c>, <c>{broadaddr,_}</c>, or
- <c>{dstaddr,_}</c> tuples that follow an <c>{addr,_}</c>
- tuple concerns that address.</p></item>
- </list>
- <p>The tuple <c>{hwaddr,_}</c> is not returned on Solaris, as the
- hardware address historically belongs to the link layer and only
- the superuser can read such addresses.</p>
- <warning>
- <p>On Windows, the data is fetched from different OS API functions,
- so the <c><anno>Netmask</anno></c> and <c><anno>Broadaddr</anno></c>
- values can be calculated, just as some <c><anno>Flag</anno></c>
- values. Report flagrant bugs.</p>
- </warning>
+ <p>
+ Returns a list of 2-tuples containing interface names and
+ the interfaces' addresses. <c><anno>Ifname</anno></c>
+ is a Unicode string and
+ <c><anno>Ifopts</anno></c> is a list of
+ interface address description tuples.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The interface address description tuples
+ are documented under the type of the
+ <seealso marker="#type-getifaddrs_ifopts">
+ <c><anno>Ifopts</anno></c>
+ </seealso>
+ value.
+ </p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>getifaddrs(Opts) ->
+ {ok, [{Ifname, Ifopts}]} | {error, Posix}
+ </name>
+ <fsummary>Return a list of interfaces and their addresses.</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>
+ Opts = [{netns, Namespace}]
+ </v>
+ <v>
+ Namespace =
+ <seealso marker="file#type-filename_all">
+ file:filename_all()
+ </seealso>
+ </v>
+ <v>Ifname = string()</v>
+ <v>
+ Ifopts =
+ <seealso marker="#type-getifaddrs_ifopts">
+ getifaddrs_ifopts()
+ </seealso>
+ </v>
+ <v>Posix = <seealso marker="#type-posix">posix()</seealso></v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>
+ The same as
+ <seealso marker="#getifaddrs/0"><c>getifaddrs/0</c></seealso>
+ but the <c>Option</c>
+ <c>{netns, Namespace}</c> sets a network namespace
+ for the OS call, on platforms that supports that feature.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ See the socket option
+ <seealso marker="#option-netns">
+ <c>{netns, Namespace}</c>
+ </seealso>
+ under
+ <seealso marker="#setopts/2"><c>setopts/2</c></seealso>.
+ </p>
@@ -950,20 +1049,29 @@ get_tcpi_sacked(Sock) ->
<tag><c>{mode, Mode :: binary | list}</c></tag>
- <p>Received <c>Packet</c> is delivered as defined by <c>Mode</c>.
+ <p>
+ Received <c>Packet</c> is delivered as defined by <c>Mode</c>.
- <tag><c>{netns, Namespace :: file:filename_all()}</c></tag>
+ <tag>
+ <marker id="option-netns"/>
+ <c>{netns, Namespace :: file:filename_all()}</c>
+ </tag>
- <p>Sets a network namespace for the socket. Parameter
+ <p>
+ Sets a network namespace for the socket. Parameter
<c>Namespace</c> is a filename defining the namespace, for
example, <c>"/var/run/netns/example"</c>, typically created by
command <c>ip netns add example</c>. This option must be used in
a function call that creates a socket, that is,
<seealso marker="gen_tcp#connect/3"><c>gen_tcp:connect/3,4</c></seealso>,
<seealso marker="gen_tcp#listen/2"><c>gen_tcp:listen/2</c></seealso>,
- <seealso marker="gen_udp#open/1"><c>gen_udp:open/1,2</c></seealso>, or
- <seealso marker="gen_sctp#open/0"><c>gen_sctp:open/0,1,2</c></seealso>.</p>
+ <seealso marker="gen_udp#open/1"><c>gen_udp:open/1,2</c></seealso>
+ or
+ <seealso marker="gen_sctp#open/0"><c>gen_sctp:open/0,1,2</c></seealso>,
+ and also
+ <seealso marker="#getifaddrs/1"><c>getifaddrs/1</c></seealso>.
+ </p>
<p>This option uses the Linux-specific syscall
<c>setns()</c>, such as in Linux kernel 3.0 or later,
and therefore only exists when the runtime system
diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl b/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl
index 5dd68dc285..9f22eb6aaa 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/inet.erl
@@ -154,6 +154,15 @@
'running' | 'multicast' | 'loopback']} |
{'hwaddr', ether_address()}.
+-type getifaddrs_ifopts() ::
+ [Ifopt :: {flags, Flags :: [up | broadcast | loopback |
+ pointtopoint | running | multicast]} |
+ {addr, Addr :: ip_address()} |
+ {netmask, Netmask :: ip_address()} |
+ {broadaddr, Broadaddr :: ip_address()} |
+ {dstaddr, Dstaddr :: ip_address()} |
+ {hwaddr, Hwaddr :: [byte()]}].
-type address_family() :: 'inet' | 'inet6' | 'local'.
-type socket_protocol() :: 'tcp' | 'udp' | 'sctp'.
-type socket_type() :: 'stream' | 'dgram' | 'seqpacket'.
@@ -321,32 +330,32 @@ getopts(Socket, Opts) ->
--spec getifaddrs(Socket :: socket()) ->
- {'ok', [string()]} | {'error', posix()}.
+-spec getifaddrs(
+ [Option :: {netns, Namespace :: file:filename_all()}]
+ | socket()) ->
+ {'ok', [{Ifname :: string(),
+ Ifopts :: getifaddrs_ifopts()}]}
+ | {'error', posix()}.
+getifaddrs(Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
+ withsocket(fun(S) -> prim_inet:getifaddrs(S) end, Opts);
getifaddrs(Socket) ->
--spec getifaddrs() -> {ok, Iflist} | {error, posix()} when
- Iflist :: [{Ifname,[Ifopt]}],
- Ifname :: string(),
- Ifopt :: {flags,[Flag]} | {addr,Addr} | {netmask,Netmask}
- | {broadaddr,Broadaddr} | {dstaddr,Dstaddr}
- | {hwaddr,Hwaddr},
- Flag :: up | broadcast | loopback | pointtopoint
- | running | multicast,
- Addr :: ip_address(),
- Netmask :: ip_address(),
- Broadaddr :: ip_address(),
- Dstaddr :: ip_address(),
- Hwaddr :: [byte()].
+-spec getifaddrs() ->
+ {'ok', [{Ifname :: string(),
+ Ifopts :: getifaddrs_ifopts()}]}
+ | {'error', posix()}.
getifaddrs() ->
withsocket(fun(S) -> prim_inet:getifaddrs(S) end).
--spec getiflist(Socket :: socket()) ->
- {'ok', [string()]} | {'error', posix()}.
+-spec getiflist(
+ [Option :: {netns, Namespace :: file:filename_all()}]
+ | socket()) ->
+ {'ok', [string()]} | {'error', posix()}.
+getiflist(Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
+ withsocket(fun(S) -> prim_inet:getiflist(S) end, Opts);
getiflist(Socket) ->
@@ -363,11 +372,19 @@ getiflist() ->
ifget(Socket, Name, Opts) ->
prim_inet:ifget(Socket, Name, Opts).
--spec ifget(Name :: string() | atom(), Opts :: [if_getopt()]) ->
+-spec ifget(
+ Name :: string() | atom(),
+ Opts :: [if_getopt() |
+ {netns, Namespace :: file:filename_all()}]) ->
{'ok', [if_getopt_result()]} | {'error', posix()}.
ifget(Name, Opts) ->
- withsocket(fun(S) -> prim_inet:ifget(S, Name, Opts) end).
+ {NSOpts,IFOpts} =
+ lists:partition(
+ fun ({netns,_}) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end, Opts),
+ withsocket(fun(S) -> prim_inet:ifget(S, Name, IFOpts) end, NSOpts).
-spec ifset(Socket :: socket(),
Name :: string() | atom(),
@@ -377,11 +394,19 @@ ifget(Name, Opts) ->
ifset(Socket, Name, Opts) ->
prim_inet:ifset(Socket, Name, Opts).
--spec ifset(Name :: string() | atom(), Opts :: [if_setopt()]) ->
+-spec ifset(
+ Name :: string() | atom(),
+ Opts :: [if_setopt() |
+ {netns, Namespace :: file:filename_all()}]) ->
'ok' | {'error', posix()}.
ifset(Name, Opts) ->
- withsocket(fun(S) -> prim_inet:ifset(S, Name, Opts) end).
+ {NSOpts,IFOpts} =
+ lists:partition(
+ fun ({netns,_}) -> true;
+ (_) -> false
+ end, Opts),
+ withsocket(fun(S) -> prim_inet:ifset(S, Name, IFOpts) end, NSOpts).
-spec getif() ->
{'ok', [{ip_address(), ip_address() | 'undefined', ip_address()}]} |
@@ -391,10 +416,14 @@ getif() ->
withsocket(fun(S) -> getif(S) end).
%% backwards compatible getif
--spec getif(Socket :: socket()) ->
+-spec getif(
+ [Option :: {netns, Namespace :: file:filename_all()}]
+ | socket()) ->
{'ok', [{ip_address(), ip_address() | 'undefined', ip_address()}]} |
{'error', posix()}.
+getif(Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
+ withsocket(fun(S) -> getif(S) end, Opts);
getif(Socket) ->
case prim_inet:getiflist(Socket) of
{ok, IfList} ->
@@ -415,7 +444,10 @@ getif(Socket) ->
withsocket(Fun) ->
- case inet_udp:open(0,[]) of
+ withsocket(Fun, []).
+withsocket(Fun, Opts) ->
+ case inet_udp:open(0, Opts) of
{ok,Socket} ->
Res = Fun(Socket),