diff options
authorSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2018-10-26 19:34:12 +0200
committerSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2018-10-30 21:03:55 +0100
commitcc18836780d7d047bf53b1ff8d94a6b31b58f98a (patch)
parentb97be434476fc65620b2969a4f549a343e300dda (diff)
stdlib: Add ets_SUITE:smp_ordered_iteration
to provoke iteration over a moving ordered_set with write_concurrency and make sure we hit all "stable" keys.
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
index daea9bccf5..e49181b12f 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
meta_lookup_named_read/1, meta_lookup_named_write/1,
meta_newdel_unnamed/1, meta_newdel_named/1]).
-export([smp_insert/1, smp_fixed_delete/1, smp_unfix_fix/1, smp_select_delete/1,
+ smp_ordered_iteration/1,
smp_select_replace/1, otp_8166/1, otp_8732/1, delete_unfix_race/1]).
-export([throughput_benchmark/0, test_throughput_benchmark/1]).
@@ -133,7 +134,8 @@ all() ->
otp_5340, otp_6338, otp_6842_select_1000, otp_7665,
otp_8732, meta_wb, grow_shrink, grow_pseudo_deleted,
shrink_pseudo_deleted, {group, meta_smp}, smp_insert,
- smp_fixed_delete, smp_unfix_fix, smp_select_replace,
+ smp_fixed_delete, smp_unfix_fix, smp_select_replace,
+ smp_ordered_iteration,
smp_select_delete, otp_8166, exit_large_table_owner,
exit_many_large_table_owner, exit_many_tables_owner,
exit_many_many_tables_owner, write_concurrency, heir,
@@ -6040,6 +6042,123 @@ smp_select_replace_do(Opts) ->
true = ets:delete(T),
+%% Iterate ordered_set with write_concurrency
+%% and make sure we hit all "stable" long lived keys
+%% while "volatile" objects are randomly inserted and deleted.
+smp_ordered_iteration(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ repeat_for_opts(fun smp_ordered_iteration_do/1,
+ [[cat_ord_set,stim_cat_ord_set]]).
+smp_ordered_iteration_do(Opts) ->
+ KeyRange = 1000,
+ KeyFun = fun(K, Type) ->
+ {K div 10, K rem 10, Type}
+ end,
+ StimKeyFun = fun(K) ->
+ KeyFun(K, element(rand:uniform(3),
+ {stable, other, volatile}))
+ end,
+ T = ets_new(smp_ordered_iteration, [public, {write_concurrency,true} | Opts],
+ KeyRange, StimKeyFun),
+ NStable = KeyRange div 4,
+ prefill_table(T, KeyRange, NStable, fun(K) -> {KeyFun(K, stable), 0} end),
+ NStable = ets:info(T, size),
+ NVolatile = KeyRange div 2,
+ prefill_table(T, KeyRange, NVolatile, fun(K) -> {KeyFun(K, volatile), 0} end),
+ InitF = fun (_) -> #{} end,
+ ExecF = fun (Counters) ->
+ K = rand:uniform(KeyRange),
+ Key = KeyFun(K, volatile),
+ Acc = case rand:uniform(22) of
+ R when R =< 10 ->
+ ets:insert(T, {Key}),
+ incr_counter(insert, Counters);
+ R when R =< 15 ->
+ ets:delete(T, Key),
+ incr_counter(delete, Counters);
+ R when R =< 19 ->
+ %% Delete bound key
+ ets:select_delete(T, [{{Key, '_'}, [], [true]}]),
+ incr_counter(select_delete_bk, Counters);
+ R when R =< 20 ->
+ %% Delete partially bound key
+ ets:select_delete(T, [{{{K div 10, '_', volatile}, '_'}, [], [true]}]),
+ incr_counter(select_delete_pbk, Counters);
+ R when R =< 21 ->
+ %% Replace bound key
+ ets:select_replace(T, [{{Key, '$1'}, [],
+ [{{{const,Key}, {'+','$1',1}}}]}]),
+ incr_counter(select_replace_bk, Counters);
+ _ ->
+ %% Replace partially bound key
+ ets:select_replace(T, [{{{K div 10, '_', volatile}, '$1'}, [],
+ [{{{element,1,'$_'}, {'+','$1',1}}}]}]),
+ incr_counter(select_replace_pbk, Counters)
+ end,
+ receive stop ->
+ [end_of_work | Acc]
+ after 0 ->
+ Acc
+ end
+ end,
+ FiniF = fun (Acc) -> Acc end,
+ Pids = run_sched_workers(InitF, ExecF, FiniF, infinite),
+ timer:send_after(1000, stop),
+ Rounds = fun Loop(N) ->
+ NStable = ets:select_count(T, [{{{'_', '_', stable}, '_'}, [], [true]}]),
+ NStable = count_stable(T, next, ets:first(T), 0),
+ NStable = count_stable(T, prev, ets:last(T), 0),
+ NStable = length(ets:select(T, [{{{'_', '_', stable}, '_'}, [], [true]}])),
+ NStable = length(ets:select_reverse(T, [{{{'_', '_', stable}, '_'}, [], [true]}])),
+ NStable = ets_select_chunks_count(T, [{{{'_', '_', stable}, '_'}, [], [true]}],
+ rand:uniform(5)),
+ receive stop -> N
+ after 0 -> Loop(N+1)
+ end
+ end (1),
+ [P ! stop || P <- Pids],
+ Results = wait_pids(Pids),
+ io:format("Ops = ~p\n", [maps_sum(Results)]),
+ io:format("Diff = ~p\n", [ets:info(T,size) - NStable - NVolatile]),
+ io:format("Stats = ~p\n", [ets:info(T,stats)]),
+ io:format("Rounds = ~p\n", [Rounds]),
+ true = ets:delete(T),
+ ok.
+incr_counter(Name, Counters) ->
+ Counters#{Name => maps:get(Name, Counters, 0) + 1}.
+count_stable(T, Next, {_, _, stable}=Key, N) ->
+ count_stable(T, Next, ets:Next(T, Key), N+1);
+count_stable(T, Next, {_, _, volatile}=Key, N) ->
+ count_stable(T, Next, ets:Next(T, Key), N);
+count_stable(_, _, '$end_of_table', N) ->
+ N.
+ets_select_chunks_count(T, MS, Chunk) ->
+ ets_select_chunks_count(ets:select(T, MS, Chunk), 0).
+ets_select_chunks_count('$end_of_table', N) ->
+ N;
+ets_select_chunks_count({List, Continuation}, N) ->
+ ets_select_chunks_count(ets:select(Continuation),
+ length(List) + N).
+maps_sum([Ma | Tail]) when is_map(Ma) ->
+ maps_sum([lists:sort(maps:to_list(Ma)) | Tail]);
+maps_sum([La, Mb | Tail]) ->
+ Lab = lists:zipwith(fun({K,Va}, {K,Vb}) -> {K,Va+Vb} end,
+ La,
+ lists:sort(maps:to_list(Mb))),
+ maps_sum([Lab | Tail]);
+maps_sum([L]) ->
+ L.
%% Test different types.
types(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -6309,19 +6428,18 @@ do_work(WorksDoneSoFar, Table, ProbHelpTab, Range, Operations) ->
do_work(WorksDoneSoFar + 1, Table, ProbHelpTab, Range, Operations)
-prefill_table(T, KeyRange, Num) ->
+prefill_table(T, KeyRange, Num, ObjFun) ->
Seed = rand:uniform(KeyRange),
%%io:format("prefill_table: Seed = ~p\n", [Seed]),
RState = unique_rand_start(KeyRange, Seed),
- prefill_table_loop(T, RState, Num),
- Num = ets:info(T, size).
+ prefill_table_loop(T, RState, Num, ObjFun).
-prefill_table_loop(_, _, 0) ->
+prefill_table_loop(_, _, 0, _) ->
-prefill_table_loop(T, RS0, N) ->
+prefill_table_loop(T, RS0, N, ObjFun) ->
{Key, RS1} = unique_rand_next(RS0),
- ets:insert(T, {Key}),
- prefill_table_loop(T, RS1, N-1).
+ ets:insert(T, ObjFun(Key)),
+ prefill_table_loop(T, RS1, N-1, ObjFun).
throughput_benchmark() ->
throughput_benchmark(false, not_set, not_set).
@@ -6447,7 +6565,9 @@ throughput_benchmark(TestMode, BenchmarkRunMs, RecoverTimeMs) ->
Range, Duration, RecoverTime) ->
ProbHelpTab = CalculateOpsProbHelpTab(Scenario, 0),
Table = ets:new(t, TableConfig),
- prefill_table(Table, Range, Range div 2),
+ Nobj = Range div 2,
+ prefill_table(Table, Range, Nobj, fun(K) -> {K} end),
+ Nobj = ets:info(Table, size),
SafeFixTableIfRequired(Table, Scenario, true),
ParentPid = self(),
ChildPids =