path: root/erts/emulator/test/nif_SUITE.erl
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authorRickard Green <[email protected]>2017-06-09 12:09:18 +0200
committerGitHub <[email protected]>2017-06-09 12:09:18 +0200
commit90ea65301d65e95ea3932fe6a49c3e859a1d28ae (patch)
tree5764625fcce53d371ea7d3f6c1254a02a45c7e71 /erts/emulator/test/nif_SUITE.erl
parent4b258844c4c0a9102d95cb03d7e1c4e58e147987 (diff)
parente606eae1325a9f73140ab309d5dbbb7cdb589a04 (diff)
Merge pull request #1400 from tburghart/trb/erts/enif_whereis
Add enif_whereis_pid() and enif_whereis_port() functions OTP-14453
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test/nif_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/nif_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/nif_SUITE.erl
index bcea9e3539..05c250125d 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/nif_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/nif_SUITE.erl
@@ -59,7 +59,9 @@
- nif_phash2/1
+ nif_phash2/1,
+ nif_whereis/1, nif_whereis_parallel/1,
+ nif_whereis_threaded/1, nif_whereis_proxy/1
@@ -96,7 +98,8 @@ all() ->
- nif_phash2].
+ nif_phash2,
+ nif_whereis, nif_whereis_parallel, nif_whereis_threaded].
groups() ->
[{G, [], api_repeaters()} || G <- api_groups()]
@@ -134,6 +137,11 @@ init_per_testcase(hipe, Config) ->
undefined -> {skip, "HiPE is disabled"};
_ -> Config
+init_per_testcase(nif_whereis_threaded, Config) ->
+ case erlang:system_info(threads) of
+ true -> Config;
+ false -> {skip, "No thread support"}
+ end;
init_per_testcase(select, Config) ->
case os:type() of
{win32,_} ->
@@ -2791,6 +2799,161 @@ random_pid() ->
Processes = erlang:processes(),
lists:nth(rand:uniform(length(Processes)), Processes).
+%% Test enif_whereis_...
+nif_whereis(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ensure_lib_loaded(Config),
+ RegName = nif_whereis_test_thing,
+ undefined = erlang:whereis(RegName),
+ false = whereis_term(pid, RegName),
+ Mgr = self(),
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ ProcMsg = {Ref, ?LINE},
+ PortMsg = ?MODULE_STRING " whereis hello\n",
+ {Pid, Mon} = spawn_monitor(?MODULE, nif_whereis_proxy, [Ref]),
+ true = register(RegName, Pid),
+ Pid = erlang:whereis(RegName),
+ Pid = whereis_term(pid, RegName),
+ false = whereis_term(port, RegName),
+ false = whereis_term(pid, [RegName]),
+ ok = whereis_send(pid, RegName, {forward, Mgr, ProcMsg}),
+ ok = receive ProcMsg -> ok end,
+ Pid ! {Ref, quit},
+ ok = receive {'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, normal} -> ok end,
+ undefined = erlang:whereis(RegName),
+ false = whereis_term(pid, RegName),
+ Port = open_port({spawn, echo_drv}, [eof]),
+ true = register(RegName, Port),
+ Port = erlang:whereis(RegName),
+ Port = whereis_term(port, RegName),
+ false = whereis_term(pid, RegName),
+ false = whereis_term(port, [RegName]),
+ ok = whereis_send(port, RegName, PortMsg),
+ ok = receive {Port, {data, PortMsg}} -> ok end,
+ port_close(Port),
+ undefined = erlang:whereis(RegName),
+ false = whereis_term(port, RegName),
+ ok.
+nif_whereis_parallel(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ensure_lib_loaded(Config),
+ %% try to be at least a little asymetric
+ NProcs = trunc(3.7 * erlang:system_info(schedulers)),
+ NSeq = lists:seq(1, NProcs),
+ Names = [list_to_atom("nif_whereis_proc_" ++ integer_to_list(N))
+ || N <- NSeq],
+ Mgr = self(),
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ NotReg = fun(Name) ->
+ erlang:whereis(Name) == undefined
+ end,
+ PidReg = fun({Name, Pid, _Mon}) ->
+ erlang:whereis(Name) == Pid andalso whereis_term(pid, Name) == Pid
+ end,
+ RecvDown = fun({_Name, Pid, Mon}) ->
+ receive {'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, normal} -> true
+ after 1500 -> false end
+ end,
+ RecvNum = fun(N) ->
+ receive {N, Ref} -> true
+ after 1500 -> false end
+ end,
+ true = lists:all(NotReg, Names),
+ %% {Name, Pid, Mon}
+ Procs = lists:map(
+ fun(N) ->
+ Name = lists:nth(N, Names),
+ Prev = lists:nth((if N == 1 -> NProcs; true -> (N - 1) end), Names),
+ Next = lists:nth((if N == NProcs -> 1; true -> (N + 1) end), Names),
+ {Pid, Mon} = spawn_monitor(
+ ?MODULE, nif_whereis_proxy, [{N, Ref, Mgr, [Prev, Next]}]),
+ true = register(Name, Pid),
+ {Name, Pid, Mon}
+ end, NSeq),
+ true = lists:all(PidReg, Procs),
+ %% tell them all to 'fire' as fast as we can
+ [P ! {Ref, send_proc} || {_, P, _} <- Procs],
+ %% each gets forwarded through two processes
+ true = lists:all(RecvNum, NSeq),
+ true = lists:all(RecvNum, NSeq),
+ %% tell them all to 'quit' by name
+ [N ! {Ref, quit} || {N, _, _} <- Procs],
+ true = lists:all(RecvDown, Procs),
+ true = lists:all(NotReg, Names),
+ ok.
+nif_whereis_threaded(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ensure_lib_loaded(Config),
+ RegName = nif_whereis_test_threaded,
+ undefined = erlang:whereis(RegName),
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ {Pid, Mon} = spawn_monitor(?MODULE, nif_whereis_proxy, [Ref]),
+ true = register(RegName, Pid),
+ {ok, ProcThr} = whereis_thd_lookup(pid, RegName),
+ {ok, Pid} = whereis_thd_result(ProcThr),
+ Pid ! {Ref, quit},
+ ok = receive {'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, normal} -> ok end,
+ Port = open_port({spawn, echo_drv}, [eof]),
+ true = register(RegName, Port),
+ {ok, PortThr} = whereis_thd_lookup(port, RegName),
+ {ok, Port} = whereis_thd_result(PortThr),
+ port_close(Port),
+ ok.
+%% exported to be spawned by MFA by whereis tests
+nif_whereis_proxy({N, Ref, Mgr, Targets} = Args) ->
+ receive
+ {forward, To, Data} ->
+ To ! Data,
+ nif_whereis_proxy(Args);
+ {Ref, quit} ->
+ ok;
+ {Ref, send_port} ->
+ Msg = ?MODULE_STRING " whereis " ++ integer_to_list(N) ++ "\n",
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(T) ->
+ ok = whereis_send(port, T, Msg)
+ end, Targets),
+ nif_whereis_proxy(Args);
+ {Ref, send_proc} ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(T) ->
+ ok = whereis_send(pid, T, {forward, Mgr, {N, Ref}})
+ end, Targets),
+ nif_whereis_proxy(Args)
+ end;
+nif_whereis_proxy(Ref) ->
+ receive
+ {forward, To, Data} ->
+ To ! Data,
+ nif_whereis_proxy(Ref);
+ {Ref, quit} ->
+ ok
+ end.
%% The NIFs:
lib_version() -> undefined.
call_history() -> ?nif_stub.
@@ -2866,6 +3029,12 @@ demonitor_process_nif(_,_) -> ?nif_stub.
compare_monitors_nif(_,_) -> ?nif_stub.
monitor_frenzy_nif(_,_,_,_) -> ?nif_stub.
+%% whereis
+whereis_send(_Type,_Name,_Msg) -> ?nif_stub.
+whereis_term(_Type,_Name) -> ?nif_stub.
+whereis_thd_lookup(_Type,_Name) -> ?nif_stub.
+whereis_thd_result(_Thd) -> ?nif_stub.
%% maps
is_map_nif(_) -> ?nif_stub.
get_map_size_nif(_) -> ?nif_stub.