path: root/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2019-06-26 14:04:43 +0200
committerMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2019-06-26 15:06:16 +0200
commit986ece624c097a4f2a573d8c1ecc99991b4e6252 (patch)
treea24e685b69a3ea97fc0a352636fefee89fbc6949 /erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
parent649ca6c803fa923e86c0d0b80a61c762793a94a1 (diff)
[esock|test] Add (traffic) counter (udp) test cases
Add two simple (traffic) counter test cases, to test counter actions for normal traffic (send and receive using sendto and recvfrom). One for IPv4 udp and one for unix-domain-socket dgram (udp). OTP-15818
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 853 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
index b019cd9d59..6fd3ff2e45 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@
%% *** Traffic ***
- %% traffic_send_and_recv_counters_udp4/1,
+ traffic_sendto_and_recvfrom_counters_udp4/1,
- %% traffic_send_and_recv_counters_udpL/1,
+ traffic_sendto_and_recvfrom_counters_udpL/1,
@@ -830,9 +830,9 @@ traffic_cases() ->
traffic_counters_cases() ->
- traffic_send_and_recv_counters_udp4,
- traffic_send_and_recv_counters_udpL
+ traffic_sendto_and_recvfrom_counters_udp4,
+ traffic_sendto_and_recvfrom_counters_udpL
traffic_chunks_cases() ->
@@ -14437,7 +14437,7 @@ traffic_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState) ->
ok = ?SEV_AWAIT_FINISH([Server, Client, Tester]).
traffic_sar_counters_validation(Counters) ->
traffic_sar_counters_validation(Counters, []).
@@ -14462,6 +14462,854 @@ traffic_sar_counters_validation(Counters, [{Cnt, Val}|ValidateCounters]) ->
+%% This test case is intended to (simply) test that the counters
+%% for both read and write.
+%% So that its easy to extend, we use fun's for read and write.
+%% We use UDP on IPv4.
+traffic_sendto_and_recvfrom_counters_udp4(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_sendto_and_recvfrom_counters_udp4(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_sendto_and_recvfrom_counters_udp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(15)),
+ tc_try(traffic_sendto_and_recvfrom_counters_udp4,
+ fun() ->
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ proto => udp,
+ recv => fun(S) ->
+ socket:recvfrom(S)
+ end,
+ send => fun(S, Data, Dest) ->
+ socket:sendto(S, Data, Dest)
+ end},
+ ok = traffic_send_and_recv_udp(InitState)
+ end).
+%% This test case is intended to (simply) test that the counters
+%% for both read and write.
+%% So that its easy to extend, we use fun's for read and write.
+%% We use default (UDP) on local.
+traffic_sendto_and_recvfrom_counters_udpL(suite) ->
+ [];
+traffic_sendto_and_recvfrom_counters_udpL(doc) ->
+ [];
+traffic_sendto_and_recvfrom_counters_udpL(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(15)),
+ tc_try(traffic_sendto_and_recvfrom_counters_udp4,
+ fun() ->
+ InitState = #{domain => local,
+ proto => default,
+ recv => fun(S) ->
+ socket:recvfrom(S)
+ end,
+ send => fun(S, Data, Dest) ->
+ socket:sendto(S, Data, Dest)
+ end},
+ ok = traffic_send_and_recv_udp(InitState)
+ end).
+traffic_send_and_recv_udp(InitState) ->
+ ServerSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Wait for start order part ***
+ #{desc => "await start",
+ cmd => fun(State) ->
+ Tester = ?SEV_AWAIT_START(),
+ {ok, State#{tester => Tester}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor tester",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Tester),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "which local address",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain} = State) ->
+ LSA = which_local_socket_addr(Domain),
+ {ok, State#{local_sa => LSA}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "create socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain, proto := Proto} = State) ->
+ case socket:open(Domain, dgram, Proto) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ {ok, State#{sock => Sock}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "bind to local address",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := local,
+ sock := Sock,
+ local_sa := LSA} = _State) ->
+ case socket:bind(Sock, LSA) of
+ {ok, _Port} ->
+ ok; % We do not care about the port for local
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end;
+ (#{sock := LSock,
+ local_sa := LSA} = State) ->
+ case socket:bind(LSock, LSA) of
+ {ok, Port} ->
+ {ok, State#{lport => Port}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "initial counter validation (=zero)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock} = _State) ->
+ try socket:info(Sock) of
+ #{counters := Counters} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("Validate initial counters: "
+ "~n ~p", [Counters]),
+ traffic_sar_counters_validation(Counters)
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed get socket info: "
+ "~n Class: ~p"
+ "~n Error: ~p"
+ "~n Stack: ~p", [C, E, S]),
+ {error, {socket_info_failed, {C, E, S}}}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := local,
+ tester := Tester,
+ local_sa := #{path := Path}}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, init, Path),
+ ok;
+ (#{tester := Tester,
+ lport := Port}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, init, Port),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% The actual test
+ #{desc => "await continue (recv_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, recv_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "recv (1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ recv := Recv} = State) ->
+ case Recv(Sock) of
+ {ok, {ClientSA, Data}} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("recv ~p bytes", [size(Data)]),
+ {ok, State#{client_sa => ClientSA,
+ read_pkg => 1,
+ read_byte => size(Data)}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate (recv 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ read_pkg := Pkg,
+ read_byte := Byte} = _State) ->
+ try socket:info(Sock) of
+ #{counters := Counters} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("validate counters: "
+ "~n ~p", [Counters]),
+ traffic_sar_counters_validation(
+ Counters,
+ [{read_pkg, Pkg},
+ {read_byte, Byte},
+ {read_tries, any}])
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed get socket info: "
+ "~n Class: ~p"
+ "~n Error: ~p"
+ "~n Stack: ~p", [C, E, S]),
+ {error, {socket_info_failed, {C, E, S}}}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (recv_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, recv_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await continue (send_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, send_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "send (1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ send := Send,
+ client_sa := ClientSA} = State) ->
+ Data = ?DATA,
+ case Send(Sock, Data, ClientSA) of
+ ok ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("sent ~p bytes", [size(Data)]),
+ {ok, State#{write_pkg => 1,
+ write_byte => size(Data)}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate (send 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ read_pkg := RPkg,
+ read_byte := RByte,
+ write_pkg := SPkg,
+ write_byte := SByte} = _State) ->
+ try socket:info(Sock) of
+ #{counters := Counters} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("validate counters: "
+ "~n ~p", [Counters]),
+ traffic_sar_counters_validation(
+ Counters,
+ [{read_pkg, RPkg},
+ {read_byte, RByte},
+ {write_pkg, SPkg},
+ {write_byte, SByte},
+ {read_tries, any},
+ {write_tries, any}])
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed get socket info: "
+ "~n Class: ~p"
+ "~n Error: ~p"
+ "~n Stack: ~p", [C, E, S]),
+ {error, {socket_info_failed, {C, E, S}}}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (send_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, send_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await continue (recv_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, recv_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "recv (2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ recv := Recv,
+ read_pkg := Pkg,
+ read_byte := Byte} = State) ->
+ case Recv(Sock) of
+ {ok, {Source, Data}} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("recv ~p bytes", [size(Data)]),
+ {ok, State#{client_sa => Source,
+ read_pkg => Pkg + 1,
+ read_byte => Byte + size(Data)}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate (recv 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ read_pkg := RPkg,
+ read_byte := RByte,
+ write_pkg := SPkg,
+ write_byte := SByte} = _State) ->
+ try socket:info(Sock) of
+ #{counters := Counters} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("validate counters: "
+ "~n ~p", [Counters]),
+ traffic_sar_counters_validation(
+ Counters,
+ [{read_pkg, RPkg},
+ {read_byte, RByte},
+ {write_pkg, SPkg},
+ {write_byte, SByte},
+ {read_tries, any},
+ {write_tries, any}])
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed get socket info: "
+ "~n Class: ~p"
+ "~n Error: ~p"
+ "~n Stack: ~p", [C, E, S]),
+ {error, {socket_info_failed, {C, E, S}}}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (recv_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, recv_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await continue (send_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, send_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "send (2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ client_sa := ClientSA,
+ send := Send,
+ write_pkg := Pkg,
+ write_byte := Byte} = State) ->
+ Data = ?DATA,
+ case Send(Sock, Data, ClientSA) of
+ ok ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("sent ~p bytes", [size(Data)]),
+ {ok, State#{write_pkg => Pkg + 1,
+ write_byte => Byte + size(Data)}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate (send 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ read_pkg := RPkg,
+ read_byte := RByte,
+ write_pkg := SPkg,
+ write_byte := SByte} = _State) ->
+ try socket:info(Sock) of
+ #{counters := Counters} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("validate counters: "
+ "~n ~p", [Counters]),
+ traffic_sar_counters_validation(
+ Counters,
+ [{read_pkg, RPkg},
+ {read_byte, RByte},
+ {write_pkg, SPkg},
+ {write_byte, SByte},
+ {read_tries, any},
+ {write_tries, any}])
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed get socket info: "
+ "~n Class: ~p"
+ "~n Error: ~p"
+ "~n Stack: ~p", [C, E, S]),
+ {error, {socket_info_failed, {C, E, S}}}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (send_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, send_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% Termination
+ #{desc => "await terminate (from tester)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_TERMINATE(Tester, tester) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(tester, State)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "close socket (just in case)",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := local,
+ sock := Sock,
+ local_sa := #{path := Path}} = State) ->
+ ok = socket:close(Sock),
+ State1 =
+ unlink_path(Path,
+ fun() ->
+ maps:remove(local_sa, State)
+ end,
+ fun() -> State end),
+ {ok, maps:remove(lsock, State1)};
+ (#{sock := Sock} = State) ->
+ (catch socket:close(Sock)),
+ {ok, maps:remove(sock, State)}
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ ClientSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Wait for start order part ***
+ #{desc => "await start (from tester)",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := local} = State) ->
+ {Tester, Path} = ?SEV_AWAIT_START(),
+ {ok, State#{tester => Tester, server_path => Path}};
+ (State) ->
+ {Tester, Port} = ?SEV_AWAIT_START(),
+ {ok, State#{tester => Tester, server_port => Port}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor tester",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Tester),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "which server (local) address",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := local = Domain,
+ server_path := Path} = State) ->
+ LSA = which_local_socket_addr(Domain),
+ SSA = #{family => Domain, path => Path},
+ {ok, State#{local_sa => LSA, server_sa => SSA}};
+ (#{domain := Domain, server_port := Port} = State) ->
+ LSA = which_local_socket_addr(Domain),
+ SSA = LSA#{port => Port},
+ {ok, State#{local_sa => LSA, server_sa => SSA}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "create socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain,
+ proto := Proto} = State) ->
+ case socket:open(Domain, dgram, Proto) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ {ok, State#{sock => Sock}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "bind to local address",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock, local_sa := LSA} = _State) ->
+ case socket:bind(Sock, LSA) of
+ {ok, _Port} ->
+ ok;
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "initial counter validation (=zero)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock} = _State) ->
+ try socket:info(Sock) of
+ #{counters := Counters} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("Validate initial counters: "
+ "~n ~p", [Counters]),
+ traffic_sar_counters_validation(Counters)
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed get socket info: "
+ "~n Class: ~p"
+ "~n Error: ~p"
+ "~n Stack: ~p", [C, E, S]),
+ {error, {socket_info_failed, {C, E, S}}}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, init),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% The actual test
+ #{desc => "await continue (send_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, send_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "send (1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ send := Send,
+ server_sa := ServerSA} = State) ->
+ Data = ?DATA,
+ case Send(Sock, Data, ServerSA) of
+ ok ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("sent ~p bytes", [size(Data)]),
+ {ok, State#{write_pkg => 1,
+ write_byte => size(Data)}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate (send 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ write_pkg := SPkg,
+ write_byte := SByte} = _State) ->
+ try socket:info(Sock) of
+ #{counters := Counters} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("validate counters: "
+ "~n ~p", [Counters]),
+ traffic_sar_counters_validation(
+ Counters,
+ [{write_pkg, SPkg},
+ {write_byte, SByte},
+ {write_tries, any}])
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed get socket info: "
+ "~n Class: ~p"
+ "~n Error: ~p"
+ "~n Stack: ~p", [C, E, S]),
+ {error, {socket_info_failed, {C, E, S}}}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (send_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, send_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await continue (recv_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, recv_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "recv (1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ recv := Recv,
+ server_sa := ServerSA} = State) ->
+ case Recv(Sock) of
+ {ok, {ServerSA, Data}} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("recv ~p bytes", [size(Data)]),
+ {ok, State#{read_pkg => 1,
+ read_byte => size(Data)}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate (recv 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ read_pkg := RPkg,
+ read_byte := RByte,
+ write_pkg := SPkg,
+ write_byte := SByte} = _State) ->
+ try socket:info(Sock) of
+ #{counters := Counters} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("validate counters: "
+ "~n ~p", [Counters]),
+ traffic_sar_counters_validation(
+ Counters,
+ [{read_pkg, RPkg},
+ {read_byte, RByte},
+ {write_pkg, SPkg},
+ {write_byte, SByte},
+ {read_tries, any},
+ {write_tries, any}])
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed get socket info: "
+ "~n Class: ~p"
+ "~n Error: ~p"
+ "~n Stack: ~p", [C, E, S]),
+ {error, {socket_info_failed, {C, E, S}}}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (recv_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, recv_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await continue (send_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, send_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "send (2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ send := Send,
+ server_sa := ServerSA,
+ write_pkg := SPkg,
+ write_byte := SByte} = State) ->
+ Data = ?DATA,
+ case Send(Sock, Data, ServerSA) of
+ ok ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("sent ~p bytes", [size(Data)]),
+ {ok, State#{write_pkg => SPkg + 1,
+ write_byte => SByte + size(Data)}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate (send 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ read_pkg := RPkg,
+ read_byte := RByte,
+ write_pkg := SPkg,
+ write_byte := SByte} = _State) ->
+ try socket:info(Sock) of
+ #{counters := Counters} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("validate counters: "
+ "~n ~p", [Counters]),
+ traffic_sar_counters_validation(
+ Counters,
+ [{read_pkg, RPkg},
+ {read_byte, RByte},
+ {write_pkg, SPkg},
+ {write_byte, SByte},
+ {read_tries, any},
+ {write_tries, any}])
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed get socket info: "
+ "~n Class: ~p"
+ "~n Error: ~p"
+ "~n Stack: ~p", [C, E, S]),
+ {error, {socket_info_failed, {C, E, S}}}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (send_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, send_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await continue (recv_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, recv_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "recv (2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ server_sa := ServerSA,
+ recv := Recv,
+ read_pkg := RPkg,
+ read_byte := RByte} = State) ->
+ case Recv(Sock) of
+ {ok, {ServerSA, Data}} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("recv ~p bytes", [size(Data)]),
+ {ok, State#{read_pkg => RPkg + 1,
+ read_byte => RByte + size(Data)}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "validate (recv 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ read_pkg := RPkg,
+ read_byte := RByte,
+ write_pkg := SPkg,
+ write_byte := SByte} = _State) ->
+ try socket:info(Sock) of
+ #{counters := Counters} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("validate counters: "
+ "~n ~p", [Counters]),
+ traffic_sar_counters_validation(
+ Counters,
+ [{read_pkg, RPkg},
+ {read_byte, RByte},
+ {write_pkg, SPkg},
+ {write_byte, SByte},
+ {read_tries, any},
+ {write_tries, any}])
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("Failed get socket info: "
+ "~n Class: ~p"
+ "~n Error: ~p"
+ "~n Stack: ~p", [C, E, S]),
+ {error, {socket_info_failed, {C, E, S}}}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (recv_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, recv_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% Termination
+ #{desc => "await terminate (from tester)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_TERMINATE(Tester, tester) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(tester, State)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "close connection socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := local,
+ sock := Sock,
+ local_sa := #{path := Path}} = State) ->
+ ok = socket:close(Sock),
+ State1 =
+ unlink_path(Path,
+ fun() ->
+ maps:remove(local_sa, State)
+ end,
+ fun() -> State end),
+ {ok, maps:remove(sock, State1)};
+ (#{sock := Sock} = State) ->
+ socket:close(Sock),
+ {ok, maps:remove(sock, State)}
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ TesterSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "monitor server",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor client",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% Start the server
+ #{desc => "order server start",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := local,
+ server := Pid} = State) ->
+ {ok, Path} = ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Pid, server, init),
+ {ok, State#{path => Path}};
+ (#{server := Pid} = State) ->
+ {ok, Port} = ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Pid, server, init),
+ {ok, State#{port => Port}}
+ end},
+ %% Start the client
+ #{desc => "order client start",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := local,
+ client := Pid,
+ path := Path} = _State) ->
+ ok;
+ (#{client := Pid,
+ port := Port} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok = ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Pid, client, init)
+ end},
+ %% *** The actual test ***
+ #{desc => "order server to continue (recv_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Server, recv_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order client to continue (send_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Client, send_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (send_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Client, client, send_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (recv_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Server, server, recv_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order client to continue (recv_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Client, recv_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order server to continue (send_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Server, send_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (send_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Server, server, send_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (recv_and_validate 1)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Client, client, recv_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order server to continue (recv_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Server, recv_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order client to continue (send_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Client, send_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (send_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Client, client, send_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (recv_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Server, server, recv_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order client to continue (recv_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Client, recv_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order server to continue (send_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Server, send_and_validate),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (send_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Server, server, send_and_validate)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (recv_and_validate 2)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Client, client, recv_and_validate)
+ end},
+ %% *** Termination ***
+ #{desc => "order client to terminate",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = State) ->
+ State1 = maps:remove(client, State),
+ {ok, State1}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order server to terminate",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = State) ->
+ State1 = maps:remove(server, State),
+ {ok, State1}
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ i("start server evaluator"),
+ ServerInitState = InitState#{host => local_host()},
+ Server = ?SEV_START("server", ServerSeq, ServerInitState),
+ i("start client evaluator(s)"),
+ ClientInitState = InitState#{host => local_host()},
+ Client = ?SEV_START("client", ClientSeq, ClientInitState),
+ i("start 'tester' evaluator"),
+ TesterInitState = #{server => Server#ev.pid,
+ client => Client#ev.pid},
+ Tester = ?SEV_START("tester", TesterSeq, TesterInitState),
+ i("await evaluator"),
+ ok = ?SEV_AWAIT_FINISH([Server, Client, Tester]).
%% This test case is intended to test that the send and recv functions
%% behave as expected when sending and/or reading chunks.