path: root/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
diff options
authorMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2019-05-06 12:19:41 +0200
committerMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2019-05-29 18:49:29 +0200
commitd6dddf8ec963d34c91ec92b4772ff34238f2c718 (patch)
tree692c664a6b568c44e095f7c65cd5cec442251ee8 /erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
parent88a1140f46b47e8a3526a7239f343ca344e9a3e1 (diff)
[esock] Connect can now also take a nowait Timeout
Had forgot about the connect function. But it can now also handle the Timeout = nowait, maybe resulting in a select. Required some nif work also... OTP-15731
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
index 2d7d9c4e08..0c29e3288c 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/socket_SUITE.erl
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
%% *** API async ***
+ api_a_connect_tcp4/1,
@@ -680,6 +681,7 @@ api_basic_cases() ->
api_async_cases() ->
+ api_a_connect_tcp4,
@@ -2653,6 +2655,385 @@ api_b_send_and_recv_tcp(InitState) ->
+%% Basically establish a TCP connection via an async connect.
+api_a_connect_tcp4(suite) ->
+ [];
+api_a_connect_tcp4(doc) ->
+ [];
+api_a_connect_tcp4(_Config) when is_list(_Config) ->
+ ?TT(?SECS(10)),
+ tc_try(api_a_connect_tcp4,
+ fun() ->
+ Connect = fun(Sock, SockAddr) ->
+ socket:connect(Sock, SockAddr, nowait)
+ end,
+ InitState = #{domain => inet,
+ connect => Connect},
+ ok = api_a_connect_tcp(InitState)
+ end).
+api_a_connect_tcp(InitState) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ ServerSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Wait for start order ***
+ #{desc => "await start (from tester)",
+ cmd => fun(State) ->
+ Tester = ?SEV_AWAIT_START(),
+ {ok, State#{tester => Tester}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor tester",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Tester),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "which local address",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain} = State) ->
+ LAddr = which_local_addr(Domain),
+ LSA = #{family => Domain, addr => LAddr},
+ {ok, State#{lsa => LSA}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "create listen socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain} = State) ->
+ case socket:open(Domain, stream, tcp) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ {ok, State#{lsock => Sock}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "bind to local address",
+ cmd => fun(#{lsock := LSock, lsa := LSA} = State) ->
+ case socket:bind(LSock, LSA) of
+ {ok, Port} ->
+ {ok, State#{lport => Port}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "make listen socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{lsock := LSock}) ->
+ socket:listen(LSock)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester, lport := Port}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, init, Port),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% The actual test
+ #{desc => "await continue (accept)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, accept)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await connection",
+ cmd => fun(#{lsock := LSock} = State) ->
+ case socket:accept(LSock) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("accepted: ~n ~p", [Sock]),
+ {ok, State#{csock => Sock}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (accept)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, accept),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% *** Termination ***
+ #{desc => "await terminate",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_TERMINATE(Tester, tester) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(tester, State)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "close connection socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{csock := Sock} = State) ->
+ ok = socket:close(Sock),
+ {ok, maps:remove(csock, State)}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "close listen socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{lsock := Sock} = State) ->
+ ok = socket:close(Sock),
+ {ok, maps:remove(lsock, State)}
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ ClientSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Wait for start order ***
+ #{desc => "await start (from tester)",
+ cmd => fun(State) ->
+ {Tester, Port} = ?SEV_AWAIT_START(),
+ {ok, State#{tester => Tester, server_port => Port}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor tester",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Tester),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% *** The init part ***
+ #{desc => "which server (local) address",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain, server_port := Port} = State) ->
+ LAddr = which_local_addr(Domain),
+ LSA = #{family => Domain,
+ addr => LAddr},
+ SSA = LSA#{port => Port},
+ {ok, State#{local_sa => LSA, server_sa => SSA}}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "create socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{domain := Domain} = State) ->
+ case socket:open(Domain, stream, tcp) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ {ok, State#{sock => Sock}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "bind to local address",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock, local_sa := LSA} = _State) ->
+ case socket:bind(Sock, LSA) of
+ {ok, _Port} ->
+ ok;
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, init),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% *** The actual test ***
+ #{desc => "await continue (async connect)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_CONTINUE(Tester, tester, async_connect)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "connect (async) to server",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock,
+ server_sa := SSA,
+ connect := Connect} = State) ->
+ case Connect(Sock, SSA) of
+ ok ->
+ {error, unexpected_success};
+ {select, {select_info, ST, SR}} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("select ->"
+ "~n tag: ~p"
+ "~n ref: ~p", [ST, SR]),
+ {ok, State#{connect_stag => ST,
+ connect_sref => SR}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (connect select)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, connect_select),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await select message",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock, connect_sref := Ref}) ->
+ receive
+ {'$socket', Sock, select, Ref} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("select message ->"
+ "~n ref: ~p", [Ref]),
+ ok
+ after 5000 ->
+ ?SEV_EPRINT("timeout: "
+ "~n message queue: ~p",
+ [mq()]),
+ {error, timeout}
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (select)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, select),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "connect (async) to server",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock, server_sa := SSA, connect := Connect}) ->
+ case Connect(Sock, SSA) of
+ ok ->
+ ok = socket:setopt(Sock, otp, debug, false),
+ ok;
+ {select, SelectInfo} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_select, SelectInfo}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "announce ready (connect)",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester}) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_READY(Tester, connect),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "get peername",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock} = _State) ->
+ case socket:peername(Sock) of
+ {ok, SockAddr} ->
+ ?SEV_IPRINT("Peer Name: ~p", [SockAddr]),
+ ok;
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ %% *** Termination ***
+ #{desc => "await terminate",
+ cmd => fun(#{tester := Tester} = State) ->
+ case ?SEV_AWAIT_TERMINATE(Tester, tester) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, maps:remove(tester, State)};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ end},
+ #{desc => "close socket",
+ cmd => fun(#{sock := Sock} = State) ->
+ ok = socket:close(Sock),
+ State2 = maps:remove(sock, State),
+ State3 = maps:remove(connect_stag, State2),
+ State4 = maps:remove(connect_sref, State3),
+ {ok, State4}
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ TesterSeq =
+ [
+ %% *** Init part ***
+ #{desc => "monitor server",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "monitor client",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ ok
+ end},
+ %% Start the server
+ #{desc => "order server start",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Pid} = State) ->
+ {ok, Port} = ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Pid, server, init),
+ {ok, State#{server_port => Port}}
+ end},
+ %% Start the client
+ #{desc => "order client start",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid, server_port := Port} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (init)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Pid} = _State) ->
+ ok = ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Pid, client, init)
+ end},
+ %% *** The actual test ***
+ #{desc => "order client to continue (async connect)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Client, async_connect),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (connect select)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Client, client, connect_select)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order server to continue (with accept)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_ANNOUNCE_CONTINUE(Server, accept),
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (select)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Client, client, select)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client ready (connect)",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Client, client, connect)
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server ready (accept)",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ?SEV_AWAIT_READY(Server, server, accept)
+ end},
+ %% *** Termination ***
+ #{desc => "order client to terminate",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await client termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{client := Client} = State) ->
+ State1 = maps:remove(client, State),
+ {ok, State1}
+ end},
+ #{desc => "order server to terminate",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = _State) ->
+ ok
+ end},
+ #{desc => "await server termination",
+ cmd => fun(#{server := Server} = State) ->
+ State1 = maps:remove(server, State),
+ {ok, State1}
+ end},
+ %% *** We are done ***
+ ],
+ i("start server evaluator"),
+ Server = ?SEV_START("server", ServerSeq, InitState),
+ i("start client evaluator"),
+ Client = ?SEV_START("client", ClientSeq, InitState),
+ i("await evaluator(s)"),
+ i("start tester evaluator"),
+ TesterInitState = #{server => Server#ev.pid,
+ client => Client#ev.pid},
+ Tester = ?SEV_START("tester", TesterSeq, TesterInitState),
+ ok = ?SEV_AWAIT_FINISH([Server, Client, Tester]).
%% Basically send and receive on an IPv4 UDP (dgram) socket using
%% sendto and recvfrom. But we try to be async. That is, we use
%% the 'nowait' value for the Timeout argument (and await the eventual
@@ -2787,7 +3168,7 @@ api_a_send_and_recv_udp(InitState) ->
{ok, State#{recv_stag => Tag,
recv_sref => RecvRef}};
{ok, X} ->
- {error, {unexpected_select_info, X}};
+ {error, {unexpected_succes, X}};
{error, _} = ERROR ->