path: root/erts/emulator/test/socket_test_evaluator.erl
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authorMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2018-10-26 18:07:45 +0200
committerMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2018-10-26 18:07:45 +0200
commit944c0714c9342c4b72fc4433448058db4cb7861f (patch)
tree52841c7e4498f61aaef5704d6ce24008bcdefd8b /erts/emulator/test/socket_test_evaluator.erl
parent468fd132f5b9a13af76abd2c452967132be2ffdf (diff)
[socket-nif|test] Added "proper" evaluator module
Add a "proper" evaluator module and adapted a couple of test cases to use that instead. OTP-14831
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test/socket_test_evaluator.erl')
1 files changed, 487 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/socket_test_evaluator.erl b/erts/emulator/test/socket_test_evaluator.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8498ef6a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/socket_test_evaluator.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2018-2018. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Evaluator control functions
+ start/3,
+ await_finish/1
+ ]).
+%% Functions used by evaluators to interact with eachother
+ %% Announce functions
+ %% (Send an announcement from one evaluator to another)
+ announce_start/1, announce_start/2,
+ announce_continue/2, announce_continue/3,
+ announce_ready/2, announce_ready/3,
+ announce_terminate/1,
+ %% Await functions
+ %% (Wait for an announcement from another evaluator)
+ await_start/0,
+ await_continue/3, await_continue/4,
+ await_ready/3, await_ready/4,
+ await_terminate/2, await_terminate/3,
+ await_termination/1, await_termination/2
+ ]).
+ ev/0,
+ initial_evaluator_state/0,
+ evaluator_state/0,
+ command_fun/0,
+ command/0
+ ]).
+-type ev() :: #ev{}.
+-type initial_evaluator_state() :: map().
+-type evaluator_state() :: term().
+-type command_fun() ::
+ fun((State :: evaluator_state()) -> ok) |
+ fun((State :: evaluator_state()) -> {ok, evaluator_state()}) |
+ fun((State :: evaluator_state()) -> {error, term()}).
+-type command() :: #{desc := string(),
+ cmd := command_fun()}.
+%% ============================================================================
+-define(LIB, socket_test_lib).
+-define(EXTRA_NOTHING, '$nothing').
+-define(ANNOUNCEMENT_START, '$start').
+-define(ANNOUNCEMENT_READY, '$ready').
+-define(ANNOUNCEMENT_CONTINUE, '$continue').
+-define(ANNOUNCEMENT_TERMINATE, '$terminate').
+-define(START_NAME_NONE, '$no-name').
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec start(Name, Seq, Init) -> ev() when
+ Name :: string(),
+ Seq :: [command()],
+ Init :: initial_evaluator_state().
+start(Name, Seq, InitState)
+ when is_list(Name) andalso is_list(Seq) andalso (Seq =/= []) ->
+ %% Make sure 'parent' is not already used
+ case maps:find(parent, InitState) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ erlang:error({already_used, parent});
+ error ->
+ InitState2 = InitState#{parent => self()},
+ {Pid, MRef} = erlang:spawn_monitor(
+ fun() -> init(Name, Seq, InitState2) end),
+ #ev{name = Name, pid = Pid, mref = MRef}
+ end.
+init(Name, Seq, Init) ->
+ put(sname, Name),
+ loop(1, Seq, Init).
+loop(_ID, [], FinalState) ->
+ exit(FinalState);
+loop(ID, [#{desc := Desc,
+ cmd := Cmd}|Cmds], State) when is_function(Cmd, 1) ->
+ i("evaluate command ~2w: ~s", [ID, Desc]),
+ try Cmd(State) of
+ ok ->
+ loop(ID + 1, Cmds, State);
+ {ok, NewState} ->
+ loop(ID + 1, Cmds, NewState);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ e("command ~w failed: "
+ "~n Reason: ~p", [ID, Reason]),
+ exit({command_failed, ID, Reason, State})
+ catch
+ C:E:S ->
+ e("command ~w crashed: "
+ "~n Class: ~p"
+ "~n Error: ~p"
+ "~n Call Stack: ~p", [ID, C, E, S]),
+ exit({command_crashed, ID, {C,E,S}, State})
+ end.
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec await_finish(Evs) -> term() when
+ Evs :: [ev()].
+await_finish(Evs) ->
+ await_finish(Evs, []).
+await_finish([], []) ->
+ ok;
+await_finish([], Fails) ->
+ Fails;
+await_finish(Evs, Fails) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, normal} ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Pid, #ev.pid, Evs) of
+ {value, #ev{name = Name}} ->
+ i("evaluator '~s' (~p) success", [Name, Pid]),
+ NewEvs = lists:keydelete(Pid, #ev.pid, Evs),
+ await_finish(NewEvs, Fails);
+ false ->
+ i("unknown process ~p died (normal)", [Pid]),
+ await_finish(Evs, Fails)
+ end;
+ {'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Pid, #ev.pid, Evs) of
+ {value, #ev{name = Name}} ->
+ i("evaluator '~s' (~p) failed", [Name, Pid]),
+ NewEvs = lists:keydelete(Pid, #ev.pid, Evs),
+ await_finish(NewEvs, [{Pid, Reason}|Fails]);
+ false ->
+ i("unknown process ~p died: "
+ "~n ~p", [Pid, Reason]),
+ await_finish(Evs, Fails)
+ end
+ end.
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec announce_start(To) -> ok when
+ To :: pid().
+announce_start(To) ->
+-spec announce_start(To, Extra) -> ok when
+ To :: pid(),
+ Extra :: term().
+announce_start(To, Extra) ->
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec announce_continue(To, Slogan) -> ok when
+ To :: pid(),
+ Slogan :: atom().
+announce_continue(To, Slogan) ->
+ announce_continue(To, Slogan, ?EXTRA_NOTHING).
+-spec announce_continue(To, Slogan, Extra) -> ok when
+ To :: pid(),
+ Slogan :: atom(),
+ Extra :: term().
+announce_continue(To, Slogan, Extra) ->
+ announce(To, ?ANNOUNCEMENT_CONTINUE, Slogan, Extra).
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec announce_ready(To, Slogan) -> ok when
+ To :: pid(),
+ Slogan :: atom().
+announce_ready(To, Slogan) ->
+ announce_ready(To, Slogan, ?EXTRA_NOTHING).
+-spec announce_ready(To, Slogan, Extra) -> ok when
+ To :: pid(),
+ Slogan :: atom(),
+ Extra :: term().
+announce_ready(To, Slogan, Extra) ->
+ announce(To, ?ANNOUNCEMENT_READY, Slogan, Extra).
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec announce_terminate(To) -> ok when
+ To :: pid().
+announce_terminate(To) ->
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec announce(To, Announcement, Slogan) -> ok when
+ To :: pid(),
+ Announcement :: atom(),
+ Slogan :: atom().
+announce(To, Announcement, Slogan) ->
+ announce(To, Announcement, Slogan, ?EXTRA_NOTHING).
+-spec announce(To, Announcement, Slogan, Extra) -> ok when
+ To :: pid(),
+ Announcement :: atom(),
+ Slogan :: atom(),
+ Extra :: term().
+announce(To, Announcement, Slogan, Extra)
+ when is_pid(To) andalso
+ is_atom(Announcement) andalso
+ is_atom(Slogan) ->
+ To ! {Announcement, self(), Slogan, Extra},
+ ok.
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec await_start() -> Pid | {Pid, Extra} when
+ Pid :: pid(),
+ Extra :: term().
+await_start() ->
+ {ok, Pid} when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Pid;
+ {ok, {Pid, _} = OK} when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ OK
+ end.
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec await_continue(From, Name, Slogan) -> ok | {ok, Extra} | {error, Reason} when
+ From :: pid(),
+ Name :: atom(),
+ Slogan :: atom(),
+ Extra :: term(),
+ Reason :: term().
+await_continue(From, Name, Slogan) ->
+ await_continue(From, Name, Slogan, []).
+-spec await_continue(From, Name, Slogan, OtherPids) ->
+ ok | {ok, Extra} | {error, Reason} when
+ From :: pid(),
+ Name :: atom(),
+ Slogan :: atom(),
+ OtherPids :: [{pid(), atom()}],
+ Extra :: term(),
+ Reason :: term().
+await_continue(From, Name, Slogan, OtherPids)
+ when is_pid(From) andalso
+ is_atom(Name) andalso
+ is_atom(Slogan) andalso
+ is_list(OtherPids) ->
+ await(From, Name, ?ANNOUNCEMENT_CONTINUE, Slogan, OtherPids).
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec await_ready(From, Name, Slogan) -> ok | {ok, Extra} | {error, Reason} when
+ From :: pid(),
+ Name :: atom(),
+ Slogan :: atom(),
+ Extra :: term(),
+ Reason :: term().
+await_ready(From, Name, Slogan) ->
+ await_ready(From, Name, Slogan, []).
+-spec await_ready(From, Name, Slogan, OtherPids) ->
+ ok | {ok, Extra} | {error, Reason} when
+ From :: pid(),
+ Name :: atom(),
+ Slogan :: atom(),
+ OtherPids :: [{pid(), atom()}],
+ Extra :: term(),
+ Reason :: term().
+await_ready(From, Name, Slogan, OtherPids)
+ when is_pid(From) andalso
+ is_atom(Name) andalso
+ is_atom(Slogan) andalso
+ is_list(OtherPids) ->
+ await(From, Name, ?ANNOUNCEMENT_READY, Slogan, OtherPids).
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec await_terminate(Pid, Name) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
+ Pid :: pid(),
+ Name :: atom(),
+ Reason :: term().
+await_terminate(Pid, Name) when is_pid(Pid) andalso is_atom(Name) ->
+ await_terminate(Pid, Name, []).
+-spec await_terminate(Pid, Name, OtherPids) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
+ Pid :: pid(),
+ Name :: atom(),
+ OtherPids :: [{pid(), atom()}],
+ Reason :: term().
+await_terminate(Pid, Name, OtherPids) ->
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec await_termination(Pid) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
+ Pid :: pid(),
+ Reason :: term().
+await_termination(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ await_termination(Pid, any).
+-spec await_termination(Pid, ExpReason) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
+ Pid :: pid(),
+ ExpReason :: term(),
+ Reason :: term().
+await_termination(Pid, ExpReason) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', _, process, Pid, _} when (ExpReason =:= any) ->
+ ok;
+ {'DOWN', _, process, Pid, Reason} when (ExpReason =:= Reason) ->
+ ok;
+ {'DOWN', _, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ {error, {unexpected_exit, ExpReason, Reason}}
+ end.
+%% ============================================================================
+%% We expect a message (announcement) from Pid, but we also watch for DOWN from
+%% both Pid and OtherPids, in which case the test has failed!
+-spec await(ExpPid, Name, Announcement, Slogan, OtherPids) ->
+ ok | {ok, Extra} | {error, Reason} when
+ ExpPid :: any | pid(),
+ Name :: atom(),
+ Announcement :: atom(),
+ Slogan :: atom(),
+ OtherPids :: [{pid(), atom()}],
+ Extra :: term(),
+ Reason :: term().
+await(ExpPid, Name, Announcement, Slogan, OtherPids)
+ when (is_pid(ExpPid) orelse (ExpPid =:= any)) andalso
+ is_atom(Name) andalso
+ is_atom(Announcement) andalso
+ is_atom(Slogan) andalso
+ is_list(OtherPids) ->
+ receive
+ {Announcement, Pid, Slogan, ?EXTRA_NOTHING} when (ExpPid =:= any) ->
+ {ok, Pid};
+ {Announcement, Pid, Slogan, Extra} when (ExpPid =:= any) ->
+ {ok, {Pid, Extra}};
+ {Announcement, Pid, Slogan, ?EXTRA_NOTHING} when (Pid =:= ExpPid) ->
+ ok;
+ {Announcement, Pid, Slogan, Extra} when (Pid =:= ExpPid) ->
+ {ok, Extra};
+ {'DOWN', _, process, Pid, Reason} when (Pid =:= ExpPid) ->
+ e("Unexpected DOWN regarding ~w ~p: "
+ "~n ~p", [Name, Pid, Reason]),
+ {error, {unexpected_exit, Name}};
+ {'DOWN', _, process, OtherPid, Reason} ->
+ case check_down(OtherPid, Reason, OtherPids) of
+ ok ->
+ i("DOWN from unknown process ~p: "
+ "~n ~p", [OtherPid, Reason]),
+ await(ExpPid, Name, Announcement, Slogan, OtherPids);
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end
+ after infinity -> % For easy debugging, just change to some valid time (5000)
+ i("await -> timeout for msg from ~p (~w): "
+ "~n Announcement: ~p"
+ "~n Slogan: ~p"
+ "~nwhen"
+ "~n Messages: ~p",
+ [ExpPid, Name, Announcement, Slogan, pi(messages)]),
+ await(ExpPid, Name, Announcement, Slogan, OtherPids)
+ end.
+pi(Item) ->
+ pi(self(), Item).
+pi(Pid, Item) ->
+ {Item, Info} = process_info(Pid, Item),
+ Info.
+check_down(Pid, DownReason, Pids) ->
+ case lists:keymember(Pid, 1, Pids) of
+ {value, {_, Name}} ->
+ e("Unexpected DOWN regarding ~w ~p: "
+ "~n ~p", [Name, Pid, DownReason]),
+ {error, {unexpected_exit, Name}};
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% ============================================================================
+f(F, A) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format(F, A)).
+%% i(F) ->
+%% i(F, []).
+i(F, A) ->
+ print("", F, A).
+%% e(F) ->
+%% e(F, []).
+e(F, A) ->
+ print("<ERROR> ", F, A).
+print(Prefix, F, A) ->
+ %% The two prints is to get the output both in the shell (for when
+ %% "personal" testing is going on) and in the logs.
+ IDStr =
+ case get(sname) of
+ undefined ->
+ %% This means its not an evaluator,
+ %% or a named process. Instead its
+ %% most likely the test case itself,
+ %% so skip the name and the pid.
+ "";
+ SName ->
+ f("[~s][~p]", [SName, self()])
+ end,
+ FStr = f("[~s]~s ~s" ++ F, [?LIB:formated_timestamp(), IDStr, Prefix | A]),
+ io:format(user, FStr ++ "~n", []),
+ io:format(FStr, []).