path: root/erts/emulator/test/socket_test_ttest_tcp_server.erl
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authorMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2018-12-05 18:28:19 +0100
committerMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2018-12-05 18:28:19 +0100
commita862cc8ab56616e182c959a5a6a06e4aefa09b08 (patch)
treeb6794282cc47a5eaf4aebe4b77b238d3310f3a3e /erts/emulator/test/socket_test_ttest_tcp_server.erl
parenta76dbf18074b33774d4c8a58280b690c6f462962 (diff)
parent94d8e2f1bf9508656f5b9b2c2c644128a9bdfb57 (diff)
Merge branch 'bmk/20181205/nififying_inet_ttest/OTP-14831' into bmk/20180918/nififying_inet/OTP-14831
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test/socket_test_ttest_tcp_server.erl')
1 files changed, 678 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/socket_test_ttest_tcp_server.erl b/erts/emulator/test/socket_test_ttest_tcp_server.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb503a1feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/socket_test_ttest_tcp_server.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2018-2018. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% ==========================================================================
+%% This is the "simple" server using gen_tcp. The server is supposed to be
+%% as simple as possible in order to incur as little overhead as possible.
+%% There are three ways to run the server: active, passive or active-once.
+%% The server does only two things; accept connnections and then reply
+%% to requests (actually the handler(s) does that). No timing or counting.
+%% That is all done by the clients.
+%% ==========================================================================
+ start_monitor/2,
+ stop/1
+ ]).
+-define(ACC_TIMEOUT, 10000).
+-define(RECV_TIMEOUT, 10000).
+%% ==========================================================================
+start_monitor(Mod, Active)
+ when is_atom(Mod) andalso is_boolean(Active) orelse (Active =:= once) ->
+ Self = self(),
+ ServerInit = fun() -> put(sname, "server"), server_init(Self, Mod, Active) end,
+ {Pid, MRef} = spawn_monitor(ServerInit),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, normal} ->
+ ok;
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ {error, {exit, Reason}};
+ {?MODULE, Pid, {ok, Port}} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
+ {ok, {Pid, MRef, Port}};
+ {?MODULE, Pid, {error, _} = ERROR} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
+ end.
+stop(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ req(Pid, stop).
+%% ==========================================================================
+server_init(Parent, Mod, Active) ->
+ i("init -> entry with"
+ "~n Parent: ~p"
+ "~n Mod: ~p"
+ "~n Active: ~p", [Parent, Mod, Active]),
+ case Mod:listen(0) of
+ {ok, LSock} ->
+ case Mod:port(LSock) of
+ {ok, Port} = OK ->
+ Addr = which_addr(), % This is just for convenience
+ i("init -> listening on:"
+ "~n Addr: ~p (~s)"
+ "~n Port: ~w"
+ "~n", [Addr, inet:ntoa(Addr), Port]),
+ Parent ! {?MODULE, self(), OK},
+ server_loop(#{parent => Parent,
+ mod => Mod,
+ active => Active,
+ lsock => LSock,
+ handlers => [],
+ %% Accumulation
+ runtime => 0,
+ mcnt => 0,
+ bcnt => 0,
+ hcnt => 0
+ });
+ {error, PReason} ->
+ (catch Mod:close(LSock)),
+ exit({port, PReason})
+ end;
+ {error, LReason} ->
+ exit({listen, LReason})
+ end.
+server_loop(State) ->
+ %% i("loop -> enter"),
+ server_loop( server_handle_message( server_accept(State) ) ).
+server_accept(#{mod := Mod,
+ active := Active,
+ lsock := LSock,
+ handlers := Handlers} = State) ->
+ %% i("server-accept -> entry with"
+ %% "~n Mod: ~p"
+ %% "~n Active: ~p"
+ %% "~n LSock: ~p", [Mod, Active, LSock]),
+ case Mod:accept(LSock, ?ACC_TIMEOUT) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ %% i("server-accept -> accepted: "
+ %% "~n Sock: ~p", [Sock]),
+ i("accepted connection from ~s",
+ [case Mod:peername(Sock) of
+ {ok, Peer} ->
+ format_peername(Peer);
+ {error, _} ->
+ "-"
+ end]),
+ {Pid, _} = handler_start(),
+ i("handler ~p started -> try transfer socket control", [Pid]),
+ case Mod:controlling_process(Sock, Pid) of
+ ok ->
+ i("server-accept: handler ~p started", [Pid]),
+ handler_continue(Pid, Mod, Sock, Active),
+ Handlers2 = [Pid | Handlers],
+ State#{handlers => Handlers2};
+ {error, CPReason} ->
+ (catch Mod:close(Sock)),
+ (catch Mod:close(LSock)),
+ exit({controlling_process, CPReason})
+ end;
+ {error, timeout} ->
+ State;
+ {error, AReason} ->
+ (catch Mod:close(LSock)),
+ exit({accept, AReason})
+ end.
+format_peername({Addr, Port}) ->
+ case inet:gethostbyaddr(Addr) of
+ {ok, #hostent{h_name = N}} ->
+ f("~s (~s:~w)", [N, inet:ntoa(Addr), Port]);
+ {error, _} ->
+ f("~p, ~p", [Addr, Port])
+ end.
+server_handle_message(#{parent := Parent, handlers := H} = State) ->
+ %% i("server_handle_message -> enter"),
+ receive
+ {?MODULE, Ref, Parent, stop} ->
+ reply(Parent, Ref, ok),
+ lists:foreach(fun(P) -> handler_stop(P) end, H),
+ exit(normal);
+ {'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ server_handle_down(Pid, Reason, State)
+ after 0 ->
+ State
+ end.
+server_handle_down(Pid, Reason, #{handlers := Handlers} = State) ->
+ case lists:delete(Pid, Handlers) of
+ Handlers ->
+ i("unknown process ~p died", [Pid]),
+ State;
+ Handlers2 ->
+ server_handle_handler_down(Pid, Reason, State#{handlers => Handlers2})
+ end.
+ {done, RunTime, MCnt, BCnt},
+ #{runtime := AccRunTime,
+ mcnt := AccMCnt,
+ bcnt := AccBCnt,
+ hcnt := AccHCnt} = State) ->
+ AccRunTime2 = AccRunTime + RunTime,
+ AccMCnt2 = AccMCnt + MCnt,
+ AccBCnt2 = AccBCnt + BCnt,
+ AccHCnt2 = AccHCnt + 1,
+ i("handler ~p (~w) done => accumulated results: "
+ "~n Run Time: ~s ms"
+ "~n Message Count: ~s"
+ "~n Byte Count: ~s",
+ [Pid, AccHCnt2,
+ format_time(AccRunTime2),
+ if (AccRunTime2 > 0) ->
+ f("~w => ~w (~w) msgs / ms",
+ [AccMCnt2,
+ AccMCnt2 div AccRunTime2,
+ (AccMCnt2 div AccHCnt2) div AccRunTime2]);
+ true ->
+ f("~w", [AccMCnt2])
+ end,
+ if (AccRunTime2 > 0) ->
+ f("~w => ~w (~w) bytes / ms",
+ [AccBCnt2,
+ AccBCnt2 div AccRunTime2,
+ (AccBCnt2 div AccHCnt2) div AccRunTime2]);
+ true ->
+ f("~w", [AccBCnt2])
+ end]),
+ State#{runtime => AccRunTime2,
+ mcnt => AccMCnt2,
+ bcnt => AccBCnt2,
+ hcnt => AccHCnt2};
+server_handle_handler_down(Pid, Reason, State) ->
+ i("handler ~p terminated: "
+ "~n ~p", [Pid, Reason]),
+ State.
+%% ==========================================================================
+handler_start() ->
+ Self = self(),
+ HandlerInit = fun() -> put(sname, "handler"), handler_init(Self) end,
+ spawn_monitor(HandlerInit).
+handler_continue(Pid, Mod, Sock, Active) ->
+ req(Pid, {continue, Mod, Sock, Active}).
+handler_stop(Pid) ->
+ req(Pid, stop).
+handler_init(Parent) ->
+ i("starting"),
+ receive
+ {?MODULE, Ref, Parent, {continue, Mod, Sock, Active}} ->
+ i("received continue"),
+ reply(Parent, Ref, ok),
+ handler_initial_activation(Mod, Sock, Active),
+ handler_loop(#{parent => Parent,
+ mod => Mod,
+ sock => Sock,
+ active => Active,
+ start => t(),
+ mcnt => 0,
+ bcnt => 0,
+ last_reply => none,
+ acc => <<>>})
+ after 5000 ->
+ i("timeout when message queue: "
+ "~n ~p"
+ "~nwhen"
+ "~n Parent: ~p", [process_info(self(), messages), Parent]),
+ handler_init(Parent)
+ end.
+handler_loop(State) ->
+ %% i("handler-loop"),
+ handler_loop( handler_handle_message( handler_recv_message(State) ) ).
+%% When passive, we read *one* request and then attempt to reply to it.
+handler_recv_message(#{mod := Mod,
+ sock := Sock,
+ active := false,
+ mcnt := MCnt,
+ bcnt := BCnt} = State) ->
+ %% i("handler_recv_message(false) -> entry"),
+ case handler_recv_message2(Mod, Sock) of
+ {ok, {MsgSz, ID, Body}} ->
+ handler_send_reply(Mod, Sock, ID, Body),
+ State#{mcnt => MCnt + 1,
+ bcnt => BCnt + MsgSz,
+ last_reply => ID};
+ {error, closed} ->
+ handler_done(State);
+ {error, timeout} ->
+ State
+ end;
+%% When "active" (once or true), we receive one data "message", which may
+%% contain any number of requests or only part of a request. Then we
+%% process this data together with whatever we had "accumulated" from
+%% prevous messages. Each request will be extracted and replied to. If
+%% there is some data left, not enough for a complete request, we store
+%% this in 'acc' (accumulate it).
+handler_recv_message(#{mod := Mod,
+ sock := Sock,
+ active := Active,
+ mcnt := MCnt,
+ bcnt := BCnt,
+ last_reply := LID,
+ acc := Acc} = State) ->
+ %% i("handler_recv_message(~w) -> entry", [Active]),
+ case handler_recv_message3(Mod, Sock, Acc, LID) of
+ {ok, {MCnt2, BCnt2, LID2}, NewAcc} ->
+ handler_maybe_activate(Mod, Sock, Active),
+ State#{mcnt => MCnt + MCnt2,
+ bcnt => BCnt + BCnt2,
+ last_reply => LID2,
+ acc => NewAcc};
+ {error, closed} ->
+ if
+ (size(Acc) =:= 0) ->
+ handler_done(State);
+ true ->
+ e("client done with partial message: "
+ "~n Last Reply Sent: ~w"
+ "~n Message Count: ~w"
+ "~n Byte Count: ~w"
+ "~n Partial Message: ~w bytes",
+ [LID, MCnt, BCnt, size(Acc)]),
+ exit({closed_with_partial_message, LID})
+ end;
+ {error, timeout} ->
+ State
+ end.
+handler_process_data(Acc, Mod, Sock, LID) ->
+ handler_process_data(Acc, Mod, Sock, 0, 0, LID).
+%% Extract each complete request, one at a time.
+ ID:32,
+ SZ:32,
+ Rest/binary>>,
+ Mod, Sock,
+ MCnt, BCnt, _LID) when (size(Rest) >= SZ) ->
+ <<Body:SZ/binary, Rest2/binary>> = Rest,
+ case handler_send_reply(Mod, Sock, ID, Body) of
+ ok ->
+ handler_process_data(Rest2, Mod, Sock, MCnt+1, BCnt+SZ, ID);
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end;
+handler_process_data(Data, _Mod, _Sock, MCnt, BCnt, LID) ->
+ {ok, {MCnt, BCnt, LID}, Data}.
+handler_recv_message2(Mod, Sock) ->
+ %% i("handler_recv_message2 -> entry"),
+ case Mod:recv(Sock, 4*4, ?RECV_TIMEOUT) of
+ {ok, <<?TTEST_TAG:32,
+ ID:32,
+ SZ:32>> = Hdr} ->
+ %% i("handler_recv_message2 -> got request header: "
+ %% "~n ID: ~p"
+ %% "~n SZ: ~p", [ID, SZ]),
+ case Mod:recv(Sock, SZ, ?RECV_TIMEOUT) of
+ {ok, Body} when (SZ =:= size(Body)) ->
+ %% i("handler_recv_message2 -> got body"),
+ {ok, {size(Hdr) + size(Body), ID, Body}};
+ {error, BReason} ->
+ e("failed reading body (~w) of message ~w:"
+ "~n ~p", [SZ, ID, BReason]),
+ exit({recv, body, ID, SZ, BReason})
+ end;
+ {error, timeout} = ERROR ->
+ i("handler_recv_message2 -> timeout"),
+ {error, closed} = ERROR ->
+ {error, HReason} ->
+ e("failed reading header of message:"
+ "~n ~p", [HReason]),
+ exit({recv, header, HReason})
+ end.
+handler_recv_message3(Mod, Sock, Acc, LID) ->
+ receive
+ {TagClosed, Sock} when (TagClosed =:= tcp_closed) orelse
+ (TagClosed =:= socket_closed) ->
+ {error, closed};
+ {TagErr, Sock, Reason} when (TagErr =:= tcp_error) orelse
+ (TagErr =:= socket_error) ->
+ {error, Reason};
+ {Tag, Sock, Msg} when (Tag =:= tcp) orelse
+ (Tag =:= socket) ->
+ handler_process_data(<<Acc/binary, Msg/binary>>, Mod, Sock, LID)
+ after ?RECV_TIMEOUT ->
+ {error, timeout}
+ end.
+%% %% Socket in passive mode => we need to read explicitly
+%% handler_loop(#{sock := Sock, active := false} = State, MCnt, BCnt) ->
+%% %% i("try recv msg header"),
+%% MsgSz =
+%% case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 4*4) of
+%% {ok, <<?SOCKET_SIMPLE_TAG:32,
+%% ID:32,
+%% SZ:32>> = Hdr} ->
+%% %% i("msg ~w header received (data sz is ~w bytes)", [ID, SZ]),
+%% case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, SZ) of
+%% {ok, Data} when (size(Data) =:= SZ) ->
+%% handler_send_reply(Sock, ID, Data),
+%% size(Hdr)+SZ;
+%% {ok, InvData} ->
+%% i("invalid data"),
+%% (catch gen_tcp:close(Sock)),
+%% exit({invalid_data, SZ, size(InvData)});
+%% {error, Reason2} ->
+%% i("Data read failed: ~p", [Reason2]),
+%% (catch gen_tcp:close(Sock)),
+%% exit({recv_data, Reason2})
+%% end;
+%% {ok, _InvHdr} ->
+%% (catch gen_tcp:close(Sock)),
+%% exit(invalid_hdr);
+%% {error, closed} ->
+%% i("we are done: "
+%% "~n Message Count: ~p"
+%% "~n Byte Count: ~p", [MCnt, BCnt]),
+%% exit(normal);
+%% {error, Reason1} ->
+%% i("Header read failed: ~p", [Reason1]),
+%% (catch gen_tcp:close(Sock)),
+%% exit({recv_hdr, Reason1})
+%% end,
+%% handler_loop(State, MCnt+1, BCnt+MsgSz);
+%% %% Socket in active mode (once | true) => data messages arrive
+%% handler_loop(#{sock := Sock, active := Active} = State, MCnt, BCnt) ->
+%% %% i("await msg"),
+%% try handler_recv_request(Sock, Active) of
+%% {ID, Data, MsgSz} ->
+%% %% i("msg ~w received (data sz is ~w bytes)", [ID, size(Data)]),
+%% handler_send_reply(Sock, ID, Data),
+%% handler_maybe_activate(Sock, Active),
+%% handler_loop(State, MCnt+1, BCnt+MsgSz)
+%% catch
+%% throw:tcp_closed ->
+%% i("we are done: "
+%% "~n Message Count: ~p"
+%% "~n Byte Count: ~p", [MCnt, BCnt]),
+%% exit(normal);
+%% throw:{tcp_error, Reason} ->
+%% i("<ERROR> TCP error ~p when: "
+%% "~n Message Count: ~p"
+%% "~n Byte Count: ~p", [Reason, MCnt, BCnt]),
+%% exit({tcp_error, Reason})
+%% end.
+%% %% {ID, Data, MsgSz} = handler_recv_request(Sock, Active),
+%% %% i("msg ~w received (data sz is ~w bytes)", [ID, size(Data)]),
+%% %% handler_send_reply(Sock, ID, Data),
+%% %% handler_maybe_activate(Sock, Active),
+%% %% handler_loop(State, MCnt+1, BCnt+MsgSz).
+%% handler_recv_request(Sock, Active) ->
+%% %% In theory we should also be ready for a partial header,
+%% %% but I can't be bothered...
+%% receive
+%% {tcp_closed, Sock} ->
+%% throw(tcp_closed);
+%% {tcp_error, Sock, Reason} ->
+%% throw({tcp_error, Reason});
+%% {tcp, Sock, <<?SOCKET_SIMPLE_TAG:32,
+%% ID:32,
+%% SZ:32,
+%% Data/binary>> = Msg} when (size(Data) =:= SZ) ->
+%% %% i("[complete] msg ~w received (data sz is ~w bytes)", [ID, SZ]),
+%% {ID, Data, size(Msg)};
+%% {tcp, Sock, <<?SOCKET_SIMPLE_TAG:32,
+%% ID:32,
+%% SZ:32,
+%% Data/binary>> = Msg} when (size(Data) < SZ) ->
+%% %% i("[incomplete] msg ~w received (data sz is ~w bytes)", [ID, SZ]),
+%% handler_recv_request_data(Sock, Active, ID, SZ, Data, size(Msg))
+%% end.
+%% handler_recv_request_data(Sock, Active, ID, SZ, AccData, AccMsgSz) ->
+%% handler_maybe_activate(Sock, Active),
+%% receive
+%% {tcp_closed, Sock} ->
+%% %% i("we are done (incomplete data)"),
+%% throw(tcp_closed);
+%% {tcp_error, Sock, Reason} ->
+%% throw({tcp_error, Reason});
+%% {tcp, Sock, Data} when (SZ =:= (size(AccData) + size(Data))) ->
+%% %% i("[complete] received the remaining data (~w bytes) for msg ~w",
+%% %% [size(Data), ID]),
+%% {ID, <<AccData/binary, Data/binary>>, AccMsgSz+size(Data)};
+%% {tcp, Sock, Data} ->
+%% %% i("[incomplete] received ~w bytes of data for for msg ~w",
+%% %% [size(Data), ID]),
+%% handler_recv_request_data(Sock, Active, ID, SZ,
+%% <<AccData/binary, Data/binary>>,
+%% AccMsgSz+size(Data))
+%% end.
+handler_send_reply(Mod, Sock, ID, Data) ->
+ SZ = size(Data),
+ Msg = <<?TTEST_TAG:32,
+ ID:32,
+ SZ:32,
+ Data/binary>>,
+ %% i("handler-send-reply -> try send reply ~w: ~w bytes", [ID, size(Msg)]),
+ case Mod:send(Sock, Msg) of
+ ok ->
+ %% i("handler-send-reply -> reply ~w (~w bytes) sent", [ID, size(Msg)]),
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ (catch Mod:close(Sock)),
+ exit({send, Reason})
+ end.
+handler_done(State) ->
+ handler_done(State, t()).
+handler_done(#{start := Start,
+ mod := Mod,
+ sock := Sock,
+ mcnt := MCnt,
+ bcnt := BCnt}, Stop) ->
+ (catch Mod:close(Sock)),
+ exit({done, tdiff(Start, Stop), MCnt, BCnt}).
+handler_handle_message(#{parent := Parent} = State) ->
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
+ exit({parent_exit, Reason})
+ after 0 ->
+ State
+ end.
+handler_initial_activation(_Mod, _Sock, false = _Active) ->
+ ok;
+handler_initial_activation(Mod, Sock, Active) ->
+ Mod:active(Sock, Active).
+handler_maybe_activate(Mod, Sock, once = Active) ->
+ Mod:active(Sock, Active);
+handler_maybe_activate(_, _, _) ->
+ ok.
+%% ==========================================================================
+which_addr() ->
+ case inet:getifaddrs() of
+ {ok, IfAddrs} ->
+ which_addrs(inet, IfAddrs);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ exit({getifaddrs, Reason})
+ end.
+which_addrs(_Family, []) ->
+ exit({getifaddrs, not_found});
+which_addrs(Family, [{"lo", _} | IfAddrs]) ->
+ %% Skip
+ which_addrs(Family, IfAddrs);
+which_addrs(Family, [{"docker" ++ _, _} | IfAddrs]) ->
+ %% Skip docker
+ which_addrs(Family, IfAddrs);
+which_addrs(Family, [{"br-" ++ _, _} | IfAddrs]) ->
+ %% Skip docker
+ which_addrs(Family, IfAddrs);
+which_addrs(Family, [{"en" ++ _, IfOpts} | IfAddrs]) ->
+ %% Maybe take this one
+ case which_addr(Family, IfOpts) of
+ {ok, Addr} ->
+ Addr;
+ error ->
+ which_addrs(Family, IfAddrs)
+ end;
+which_addrs(Family, [{_IfName, IfOpts} | IfAddrs]) ->
+ case which_addr(Family, IfOpts) of
+ {ok, Addr} ->
+ Addr;
+ error ->
+ which_addrs(Family, IfAddrs)
+ end.
+which_addr(_, []) ->
+ error;
+which_addr(inet, [{addr, Addr}|_])
+ when is_tuple(Addr) andalso (size(Addr) =:= 4) ->
+ {ok, Addr};
+which_addr(inet6, [{addr, Addr}|_])
+ when is_tuple(Addr) andalso (size(Addr) =:= 8) ->
+ {ok, Addr};
+which_addr(Family, [_|IfOpts]) ->
+ which_addr(Family, IfOpts).
+%% ==========================================================================
+req(Pid, Req) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ Pid ! {?MODULE, Ref, self(), Req},
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
+ {error, {exit, Reason}};
+ {?MODULE, Ref, Reply} ->
+ Reply
+ end.
+reply(Pid, Ref, Reply) ->
+ Pid ! {?MODULE, Ref, Reply}.
+%% ==========================================================================
+t() ->
+ os:timestamp().
+tdiff({A1, B1, C1} = _T1x, {A2, B2, C2} = _T2x) ->
+ T1 = A1*1000000000+B1*1000+(C1 div 1000),
+ T2 = A2*1000000000+B2*1000+(C2 div 1000),
+ T2 - T1.
+formated_timestamp() ->
+ format_timestamp(os:timestamp()).
+format_timestamp({_N1, _N2, N3} = TS) ->
+ {_Date, Time} = calendar:now_to_local_time(TS),
+ {Hour,Min,Sec} = Time,
+ FormatTS = io_lib:format("~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w.4~w",
+ [Hour, Min, Sec, round(N3/1000)]),
+ lists:flatten(FormatTS).
+%% Time is always in number os ms (milli seconds)
+format_time(T) ->
+ f("~p", [T]).
+%% ==========================================================================
+f(F, A) ->
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format(F, A)).
+e(F, A) ->
+ p(get(sname), "<ERROR> " ++ F, A).
+i(F) ->
+ i(F, []).
+i(F, A) ->
+ p(get(sname), "<INFO> " ++ F, A).
+p(undefined, F, A) ->
+ p("- ", F, A);
+p(Prefix, F, A) ->
+ io:format("[~s, ~s] " ++ F ++ "~n", [formated_timestamp(), Prefix |A]).