path: root/erts/emulator/test/socket_test_ttest_tcp_socket.erl
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authorMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2018-12-05 18:28:19 +0100
committerMicael Karlberg <[email protected]>2018-12-05 18:28:19 +0100
commita862cc8ab56616e182c959a5a6a06e4aefa09b08 (patch)
treeb6794282cc47a5eaf4aebe4b77b238d3310f3a3e /erts/emulator/test/socket_test_ttest_tcp_socket.erl
parenta76dbf18074b33774d4c8a58280b690c6f462962 (diff)
parent94d8e2f1bf9508656f5b9b2c2c644128a9bdfb57 (diff)
Merge branch 'bmk/20181205/nififying_inet_ttest/OTP-14831' into bmk/20180918/nififying_inet/OTP-14831
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test/socket_test_ttest_tcp_socket.erl')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/socket_test_ttest_tcp_socket.erl b/erts/emulator/test/socket_test_ttest_tcp_socket.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12d9e052d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/socket_test_ttest_tcp_socket.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2018-2018. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ accept/1, accept/2,
+ active/2,
+ close/1,
+ connect/2,
+ controlling_process/2,
+ listen/0, listen/1,
+ port/1,
+ peername/1,
+ recv/2, recv/3,
+ send/2,
+ shutdown/2,
+ sockname/1
+ ]).
+-define(READER_RECV_TIMEOUT, 1000).
+%% ==========================================================================
+accept(#{sock := LSock}) ->
+ case socket:accept(LSock) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ Self = self(),
+ Reader = spawn(fun() -> reader_init(Self, Sock, false) end),
+ {ok, #{sock => Sock, reader => Reader}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
+accept(#{sock := LSock}, Timeout) ->
+ case socket:accept(LSock, Timeout) of
+ {ok, Sock} ->
+ Self = self(),
+ Reader = spawn(fun() -> reader_init(Self, Sock, false) end),
+ {ok, #{sock => Sock, reader => Reader}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
+active(#{reader := Pid}, NewActive)
+ when (is_boolean(NewActive) orelse (NewActive =:= once)) ->
+ Pid ! {?MODULE, active, NewActive},
+ ok.
+close(#{sock := Sock, reader := Pid}) ->
+ Pid ! {?MODULE, stop},
+ socket:close(Sock).
+%% Create a socket and connect it to a peer
+connect(Addr, Port) ->
+ try
+ begin
+ Sock =
+ case socket:open(inet, stream, tcp) of
+ {ok, S} ->
+ S;
+ {error, OReason} ->
+ throw({error, {open, OReason}})
+ end,
+ case socket:bind(Sock, any) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ ok;
+ {error, BReason} ->
+ (catch socket:close(Sock)),
+ throw({error, {bind, BReason}})
+ end,
+ SA = #{family => inet,
+ addr => Addr,
+ port => Port},
+ case socket:connect(Sock, SA) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, CReason} ->
+ (catch socket:close(Sock)),
+ throw({error, {connect, CReason}})
+ end,
+ Self = self(),
+ Reader = spawn(fun() -> reader_init(Self, Sock, false) end),
+ {ok, #{sock => Sock, reader => Reader}}
+ end
+ catch
+ throw:ERROR:_ ->
+ end.
+controlling_process(#{sock := Sock, reader := Pid}, NewPid) ->
+ case socket:setopt(Sock, otp, controlling_process, NewPid) of
+ ok ->
+ Pid ! {?MODULE, self(), controlling_process, NewPid},
+ receive
+ {?MODULE, Pid, controlling_process} ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
+%% Create a listen socket
+listen() ->
+ listen(0).
+listen(Port) when is_integer(Port) andalso (Port >= 0) ->
+ try
+ begin
+ Sock = case socket:open(inet, stream, tcp) of
+ {ok, S} ->
+ S;
+ {error, OReason} ->
+ throw({error, {open, OReason}})
+ end,
+ SA = #{family => inet,
+ port => Port},
+ case socket:bind(Sock, SA) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ ok;
+ {error, BReason} ->
+ (catch socket:close(Sock)),
+ throw({error, {bind, BReason}})
+ end,
+ case socket:listen(Sock) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, LReason} ->
+ (catch socket:close(Sock)),
+ throw({error, {listen, LReason}})
+ end,
+ {ok, #{sock => Sock}}
+ end
+ catch
+ throw:{error, Reason}:_ ->
+ {error, Reason}
+ end.
+port(#{sock := Sock}) ->
+ case socket:sockname(Sock) of
+ {ok, #{port := Port}} ->
+ {ok, Port};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
+peername(#{sock := Sock}) ->
+ case socket:peername(Sock) of
+ {ok, #{addr := Addr, port := Port}} ->
+ {ok, {Addr, Port}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
+recv(#{sock := Sock}, Length) ->
+ socket:recv(Sock, Length).
+recv(#{sock := Sock}, Length, Timeout) ->
+ socket:recv(Sock, Length, Timeout).
+send(#{sock := Sock}, Length) ->
+ socket:send(Sock, Length).
+shutdown(#{sock := Sock}, How) ->
+ socket:shutdown(Sock, How).
+sockname(#{sock := Sock}) ->
+ case socket:sockname(Sock) of
+ {ok, #{addr := Addr, port := Port}} ->
+ {ok, {Addr, Port}};
+ {error, _} = ERROR ->
+ end.
+%% ==========================================================================
+reader_init(ControllingProcess, Sock, Active)
+ when is_pid(ControllingProcess) andalso
+ (is_boolean(Active) orelse (Active =:= once)) ->
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, ControllingProcess),
+ reader_loop(#{ctrl_proc => ControllingProcess,
+ ctrl_proc_mref => MRef,
+ active => Active,
+ sock => Sock}).
+%% Never read
+reader_loop(#{active := false,
+ ctrl_proc := Pid} = State) ->
+ receive
+ {?MODULE, stop} ->
+ exit(normal);
+ {?MODULE, Pid, controlling_process, NewPid} ->
+ MRef = maps:get(ctrl_proc_mref, State),
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
+ NewMRef = erlang:monitor(process, NewPid),
+ Pid ! {?MODULE, self(), controlling_process},
+ reader_loop(State#{ctrl_proc => NewPid,
+ ctrl_proc_mref => NewMRef});
+ {?MODULE, active, NewActive} ->
+ reader_loop(State#{active => NewActive});
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ case maps:get(ctrl_proc_mref, State) of
+ MRef when (Reason =:= normal) ->
+ exit(normal);
+ MRef ->
+ exit({controlling_process, Reason});
+ _ ->
+ reader_loop(State)
+ end
+ end;
+%% Read *once* and then change to false
+reader_loop(#{active := once,
+ sock := Sock,
+ ctrl_proc := Pid} = State) ->
+ case socket:recv(Sock, 0, ?READER_RECV_TIMEOUT) of
+ {ok, Data} ->
+ Pid ! {socket, #{sock => Sock, reader => self()}, Data},
+ reader_loop(State#{active => false});
+ {error, timeout} ->
+ receive
+ {?MODULE, stop} ->
+ exit(normal);
+ {?MODULE, Pid, controlling_process, NewPid} ->
+ MRef = maps:get(ctrl_proc_mref, State),
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, NewPid),
+ Pid ! {?MODULE, self(), controlling_process},
+ reader_loop(State#{ctrl_proc => NewPid,
+ ctrl_proc_mref => MRef});
+ {?MODULE, active, NewActive} ->
+ reader_loop(State#{active => NewActive});
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ case maps:get(ctrl_proc_mref, State) of
+ MRef when (Reason =:= normal) ->
+ exit(normal);
+ MRef ->
+ exit({controlling_process, Reason});
+ _ ->
+ reader_loop(State)
+ end
+ after 0 ->
+ reader_loop(State)
+ end;
+ {error, closed} ->
+ Pid ! {socket_closed, #{sock => Sock, reader => self()}},
+ exit(normal);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Pid ! {socket_error, #{sock => Sock, reader => self()}, Reason},
+ exit(Reason)
+ end;
+%% Read and forward data continuously
+reader_loop(#{active := true,
+ sock := Sock,
+ ctrl_proc := Pid} = State) ->
+ case socket:recv(Sock, 0, ?READER_RECV_TIMEOUT) of
+ {ok, Data} ->
+ Pid ! {socket, #{sock => Sock, reader => self()}, Data},
+ reader_loop(State);
+ {error, timeout} ->
+ receive
+ {?MODULE, stop} ->
+ exit(normal);
+ {?MODULE, Pid, controlling_process, NewPid} ->
+ MRef = maps:get(ctrl_proc_mref, State),
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, NewPid),
+ Pid ! {?MODULE, self(), controlling_process},
+ reader_loop(State#{ctrl_proc => NewPid,
+ ctrl_proc_mref => MRef});
+ {?MODULE, active, NewActive} ->
+ reader_loop(State#{active => NewActive});
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ case maps:get(ctrl_proc_mref, State) of
+ MRef when (Reason =:= normal) ->
+ exit(normal);
+ MRef ->
+ exit({controlling_process, Reason});
+ _ ->
+ reader_loop(State)
+ end
+ after 0 ->
+ reader_loop(State)
+ end;
+ {error, closed} ->
+ Pid ! {socket_closed, #{sock => Sock, reader => self()}},
+ exit(normal);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ Pid ! {socket_error, #{sock => Sock, reader => self()}, Reason},
+ exit(Reason)
+ end.
+%% ==========================================================================