path: root/erts/emulator/test
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authorBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2011-05-06 12:28:13 +0200
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2011-05-10 11:05:59 +0200
commit6db87840174c80225bac5328ffe5e74dad5242f2 (patch)
tree139f3a2c43c2a635bb3878345dceb7d2cd077d4d /erts/emulator/test
parent61c3d766889c79e3d3b95e8eb3da8638a2eccbd8 (diff)
Replace io_list_len() with erts_iolist_size()
The io_list_len() function returns an int, where a negative return value indicates a type error. One problem is that an int only consists of 32 bits in a 64-bit emulator. Changing the return type to Sint will solve that problem, but in the 32-bit emulator, a large iolist and a iolist with a type error will both return a negative number. (Noticed by Jon Meredith.) Another problem is that for iolists whose total size exceed the word size, the result would be truncated, leading to a subsequent buffer overflow and emulator crash. Therefore, introduce the new erts_iolist_size() function which returns a status indication and writes the result size through a passed pointer. If the result size does not fit in a word, return an overflow indication.
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test')
2 files changed, 76 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/binary_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/binary_SUITE.erl
index 401b3c23b6..67f0ae9408 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/binary_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/binary_SUITE.erl
@@ -275,6 +275,25 @@ bad_list_to_binary(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line test_bad_bin(fun(X, Y) -> X*Y end),
?line test_bad_bin([1,fun(X) -> X + 1 end,2|fun() -> 0 end]),
?line test_bad_bin([fun(X) -> X + 1 end]),
+ %% Test iolists that do not fit in the address space.
+ %% Unfortunately, it would be too slow to test in a 64-bit emulator.
+ case erlang:system_info(wordsize) of
+ 4 -> huge_iolists();
+ _ -> ok
+ end.
+huge_iolists() ->
+ FourGigs = 1 bsl 32,
+ ?line Sizes = [FourGigs+N || N <- lists:seq(0, 64)] ++
+ [1 bsl N || N <- lists:seq(33, 37)],
+ ?line Base = <<0:(1 bsl 20)/unit:8>>,
+ [begin
+ L = build_iolist(Sz, Base),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch list_to_binary([L])),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch binary:list_to_bin([L])),
+ ?line {'EXIT',{system_limit,_}} = (catch iolist_to_binary(L))
+ end || Sz <- Sizes],
test_bad_bin(List) ->
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE.erl
index ffd08f2214..520e3e8c76 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/driver_SUITE.erl
@@ -179,7 +179,13 @@ outputv_errors(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line outputv_errors_1([L|T])
- ok.
+ %% Test iolists that do not fit in the address space.
+ %% Unfortunately, it would be too slow to test in a 64-bit emulator.
+ case erlang:system_info(wordsize) of
+ 4 -> outputv_huge_iolists();
+ _ -> ok
+ end.
outputv_bad_types(Test) ->
Types = [-1,256,atom,42.0,{a,b,c},make_ref(),fun() -> 42 end,
@@ -187,11 +193,61 @@ outputv_bad_types(Test) ->
_ = [Test(Type) || Type <- Types],
+outputv_huge_iolists() ->
+ FourGigs = 1 bsl 32,
+ ?line Sizes = [FourGigs+N || N <- lists:seq(0, 64)] ++
+ [1 bsl N || N <- lists:seq(33, 37)],
+ ?line Base = <<0:(1 bsl 20)/unit:8>>,
+ [begin
+ ?line L = build_iolist(Sz, Base),
+ ?line outputv_errors_1(L)
+ end || Sz <- Sizes],
+ ok.
outputv_errors_1(Term) ->
Port = open_port({spawn_driver,outputv_drv}, []),
{'EXIT',{badarg,_}} = (catch port_command(Port, Term)),
+build_iolist(N, Base) when N < 16 ->
+ case random:uniform(3) of
+ 1 ->
+ <<Bin:N/binary,_/binary>> = Base,
+ Bin;
+ _ ->
+ lists:seq(1, N)
+ end;
+build_iolist(N, Base) when N =< byte_size(Base) ->
+ case random:uniform(3) of
+ 1 ->
+ <<Bin:N/binary,_/binary>> = Base,
+ Bin;
+ 2 ->
+ <<Bin:N/binary,_/binary>> = Base,
+ [Bin];
+ 3 ->
+ case N rem 2 of
+ 0 ->
+ L = build_iolist(N div 2, Base),
+ [L,L];
+ 1 ->
+ L = build_iolist(N div 2, Base),
+ [L,L,45]
+ end
+ end;
+build_iolist(N0, Base) ->
+ Small = random:uniform(15),
+ Seq = lists:seq(1, Small),
+ N = N0 - Small,
+ case N rem 2 of
+ 0 ->
+ L = build_iolist(N div 2, Base),
+ [L,L|Seq];
+ 1 ->
+ L = build_iolist(N div 2, Base),
+ [47,L,L|Seq]
+ end.
outputv_echo(doc) -> ["Test echoing data with a driver that supports outputv."];
outputv_echo(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:minutes(10)),