path: root/erts/emulator/test
diff options
authorSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2016-10-26 17:49:44 +0200
committerSverker Eriksson <[email protected]>2016-10-26 19:38:00 +0200
commitc5aa2c8a4e943176e5e7dea7c8653aee93faa18e (patch)
tree67e7ca6c87afc96b2df549f37b0665ffc9dd30d5 /erts/emulator/test
parent21e49c8b2f3683b50750fb6a756810c8ba52b749 (diff)
erts: Expand purge fun tests for hipe
Diffstat (limited to 'erts/emulator/test')
2 files changed, 183 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/code_SUITE.erl b/erts/emulator/test/code_SUITE.erl
index 465ddfa7a8..774461c525 100644
--- a/erts/emulator/test/code_SUITE.erl
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/code_SUITE.erl
@@ -153,127 +153,23 @@ call_purged_fun_code_there(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
call_purged_fun_test(Priv, Data, Type) ->
- File = filename:join(Data, "my_code_test2"),
- Code = filename:join(Priv, "my_code_test2"),
- catch erlang:purge_module(my_code_test2),
- catch erlang:delete_module(my_code_test2),
- catch erlang:purge_module(my_code_test2),
- {ok,my_code_test2} = c:c(File, [{outdir,Priv}]),
- T = ets:new(my_code_test2_fun_table, []),
- ets:insert(T, {my_fun,my_code_test2:make_fun(4711)}),
- ets:insert(T, {my_fun2,my_code_test2:make_fun2()}),
- spawn(fun () ->
- [{my_fun2,F2}] = ets:lookup(T, my_fun2),
- F2(fun () ->
- receive after infinity -> ok end
- end,
- fun () -> ok end),
- exit(completed)
- end),
- PurgeType = case Type of
- code_gone ->
- ok = file:delete(Code++".beam"),
- true;
- code_reload ->
- true;
- code_there ->
- false
- end,
- true = erlang:delete_module(my_code_test2),
- Purge = start_purge(my_code_test2, PurgeType),
- {P0, M0} = spawn_monitor(fun () ->
- [{my_fun,F}] = ets:lookup(T, my_fun),
- 4712 = F(1),
- exit(completed)
- end),
- wait_until(fun () ->
- {status, suspended}
- == process_info(P0, status)
- end),
- ok = continue_purge(Purge),
- {P1, M1} = spawn_monitor(fun () ->
- [{my_fun,F}] = ets:lookup(T, my_fun),
- 4713 = F(2),
- exit(completed)
- end),
- {P2, M2} = spawn_monitor(fun () ->
- [{my_fun,F}] = ets:lookup(T, my_fun),
- 4714 = F(3),
- exit(completed)
- end),
- wait_until(fun () ->
- {status, suspended}
- == process_info(P1, status)
- end),
- wait_until(fun () ->
- {status, suspended}
- == process_info(P2, status)
- end),
- {current_function,
- {erts_code_purger,
- pending_purge_lambda,
- 3}} = process_info(P0, current_function),
- {current_function,
- {erts_code_purger,
- pending_purge_lambda,
- 3}} = process_info(P1, current_function),
- {current_function,
- {erts_code_purger,
- pending_purge_lambda,
- 3}} = process_info(P2, current_function),
- case Type of
- code_there ->
- false = complete_purge(Purge);
- _ ->
- {true, true} = complete_purge(Purge)
- end,
+ OptsList = case erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture) of
+ undefined -> [[]];
+ _ -> [[], [native]]
+ end,
+ [call_purged_fun_test_do(Priv, Data, Type, CO, FO)
+ || CO <- OptsList, FO <- OptsList].
+call_purged_fun_test_do(Priv, Data, Type, CallerOpts, FunOpts) ->
+ io:format("Compile caller as ~p and funs as ~p\n", [CallerOpts, FunOpts]),
+ SrcFile = filename:join(Data, "call_purged_fun_tester.erl"),
+ ObjFile = filename:join(Priv, "call_purged_fun_tester.beam"),
+ {ok,Mod,Code} = compile:file(SrcFile, [binary, report | CallerOpts]),
+ {module,Mod} = code:load_binary(Mod, ObjFile, Code),
+ call_purged_fun_tester:do(Priv, Data, Type, FunOpts).
- case Type of
- code_gone ->
- receive
- {'DOWN', M0, process, P0, Reason0} ->
- {undef, _} = Reason0
- end,
- receive
- {'DOWN', M1, process, P1, Reason1} ->
- {undef, _} = Reason1
- end,
- receive
- {'DOWN', M2, process, P2, Reason2} ->
- {undef, _} = Reason2
- end;
- _ ->
- receive
- {'DOWN', M0, process, P0, Reason0} ->
- completed = Reason0
- end,
- receive
- {'DOWN', M1, process, P1, Reason1} ->
- completed = Reason1
- end,
- receive
- {'DOWN', M2, process, P2, Reason2} ->
- completed = Reason2
- end,
- catch erlang:purge_module(my_code_test2),
- catch erlang:delete_module(my_code_test2),
- catch erlang:purge_module(my_code_test2)
- end,
- ok.
multi_proc_purge(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -975,35 +871,3 @@ flush() ->
id(I) -> I.
-wait_until(Fun) ->
- case Fun() of
- true ->
- ok;
- false ->
- receive after 100 -> ok end,
- wait_until(Fun)
- end.
-start_purge(Mod, Type) when is_atom(Mod)
- andalso ((Type == true)
- orelse (Type == false)) ->
- Ref = make_ref(),
- erts_code_purger ! {test_purge, Mod, self(), Type, Ref},
- receive
- {started, Ref} ->
- Ref
- end.
-continue_purge(Ref) when is_reference(Ref) ->
- erts_code_purger ! {continue, Ref},
- receive
- {continued, Ref} ->
- ok
- end.
-complete_purge(Ref) when is_reference(Ref) ->
- erts_code_purger ! {complete, Ref},
- receive
- {test_purge, Res, Ref} ->
- Res
- end.
diff --git a/erts/emulator/test/code_SUITE_data/call_purged_fun_tester.erl b/erts/emulator/test/code_SUITE_data/call_purged_fun_tester.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e031abca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/erts/emulator/test/code_SUITE_data/call_purged_fun_tester.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+do(Priv, Data, Type, Opts) ->
+ File = filename:join(Data, "my_code_test2"),
+ Code = filename:join(Priv, "my_code_test2"),
+ catch erlang:purge_module(my_code_test2),
+ catch erlang:delete_module(my_code_test2),
+ catch erlang:purge_module(my_code_test2),
+ {ok,my_code_test2} = c:c(File, [{outdir,Priv} | Opts]),
+ IsNative = lists:member(native,Opts),
+ IsNative = code:is_module_native(my_code_test2),
+ T = ets:new(my_code_test2_fun_table, []),
+ ets:insert(T, {my_fun,my_code_test2:make_fun(4711)}),
+ ets:insert(T, {my_fun2,my_code_test2:make_fun2()}),
+ spawn(fun () ->
+ [{my_fun2,F2}] = ets:lookup(T, my_fun2),
+ F2(fun () ->
+ receive after infinity -> ok end
+ end,
+ fun () -> ok end),
+ exit(completed)
+ end),
+ PurgeType = case Type of
+ code_gone ->
+ ok = file:delete(Code++".beam"),
+ true;
+ code_reload ->
+ true;
+ code_there ->
+ false
+ end,
+ true = erlang:delete_module(my_code_test2),
+ Purge = start_purge(my_code_test2, PurgeType),
+ {P0, M0} = spawn_monitor(fun () ->
+ [{my_fun,F}] = ets:lookup(T, my_fun),
+ 4712 = F(1),
+ exit(completed)
+ end),
+ wait_until(fun () ->
+ {status, suspended}
+ == process_info(P0, status)
+ end),
+ ok = continue_purge(Purge),
+ {P1, M1} = spawn_monitor(fun () ->
+ [{my_fun,F}] = ets:lookup(T, my_fun),
+ 4713 = F(2),
+ exit(completed)
+ end),
+ {P2, M2} = spawn_monitor(fun () ->
+ [{my_fun,F}] = ets:lookup(T, my_fun),
+ 4714 = F(3),
+ exit(completed)
+ end),
+ wait_until(fun () ->
+ {status, suspended}
+ == process_info(P1, status)
+ end),
+ wait_until(fun () ->
+ {status, suspended}
+ == process_info(P2, status)
+ end),
+ {current_function,
+ {erts_code_purger,
+ pending_purge_lambda,
+ 3}} = process_info(P0, current_function),
+ {current_function,
+ {erts_code_purger,
+ pending_purge_lambda,
+ 3}} = process_info(P1, current_function),
+ {current_function,
+ {erts_code_purger,
+ pending_purge_lambda,
+ 3}} = process_info(P2, current_function),
+ case Type of
+ code_there ->
+ false = complete_purge(Purge);
+ _ ->
+ {true, true} = complete_purge(Purge)
+ end,
+ case Type of
+ code_gone ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', M0, process, P0, Reason0} ->
+ {undef, _} = Reason0
+ end,
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', M1, process, P1, Reason1} ->
+ {undef, _} = Reason1
+ end,
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', M2, process, P2, Reason2} ->
+ {undef, _} = Reason2
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', M0, process, P0, Reason0} ->
+ completed = Reason0
+ end,
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', M1, process, P1, Reason1} ->
+ completed = Reason1
+ end,
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', M2, process, P2, Reason2} ->
+ completed = Reason2
+ end,
+ catch erlang:purge_module(my_code_test2),
+ catch erlang:delete_module(my_code_test2),
+ catch erlang:purge_module(my_code_test2)
+ end,
+ ok.
+wait_until(Fun) ->
+ ok = wait_until(Fun, 20).
+wait_until(Fun, N) ->
+ case {Fun(),N} of
+ {true, _} ->
+ ok;
+ {false, 0} ->
+ timeout;
+ {false, _} ->
+ receive after 100 -> ok end,
+ wait_until(Fun, N-1)
+ end.
+start_purge(Mod, Type) when is_atom(Mod)
+ andalso ((Type == true)
+ orelse (Type == false)) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ erts_code_purger ! {test_purge, Mod, self(), Type, Ref},
+ receive
+ {started, Ref} ->
+ Ref
+ end.
+continue_purge(Ref) when is_reference(Ref) ->
+ erts_code_purger ! {continue, Ref},
+ receive
+ {continued, Ref} ->
+ ok
+ end.
+complete_purge(Ref) when is_reference(Ref) ->
+ erts_code_purger ! {complete, Ref},
+ receive
+ {test_purge, Res, Ref} ->
+ Res
+ end.