path: root/lib/appmon/src/appmon.erl
diff options
authorErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
committerErlang/OTP <otp@erlang.org>2009-11-20 14:54:40 +0000
commit84adefa331c4159d432d22840663c38f155cd4c1 (patch)
treebff9a9c66adda4df2106dfd0e5c053ab182a12bd /lib/appmon/src/appmon.erl
The R13B03 release.OTP_R13B03
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/appmon/src/appmon.erl')
1 files changed, 1079 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/appmon/src/appmon.erl b/lib/appmon/src/appmon.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f5d2824d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/appmon/src/appmon.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1079 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% Appmon main module.
+%%% Creates the main window and receives load and application
+%%% information from all connected nodes.
+%% External exports
+-export([start/0, stop/0]).
+%% gen_server callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2]).
+-export([handle_call/3, code_change/3]). % not used
+%% Canvas button data
+-record(canvasbutton, {text, ul, ll, rect, x, y, w, h}).
+%% Options - all the fields are GS radio buttons
+-record(options, {single, many, time, queue, prog, linear}).
+%% Main window data
+-record(win, {name, % atom() Monitored node
+ window, % gsobj()
+ wwindow, % int() Window width
+ hwindow, % int() Window height
+ options, % #options{}
+ canvas, % gsobj()
+ wcanvas, % int() Canvas width
+ hcanvas, % int() Canvas height
+ l1, l2, % gsobj() Canvas lines
+ leds, % [gsobj()] Load meter
+ nodelabel, % {gsobj(),gsobj()}
+ appobjs=[], % [gsobj()] Buttons etc.
+ nodemenu}). % gsobj() Node menu
+%% Node data
+-record(mnode, {name, % atom() Node name
+ status, % alive | dead
+ pid, % pid()
+ apps, % [{Pid,App,Descr}]
+ load}). % {Old, New}
+%% Internal state data
+-record(state, {gs, % pid()
+ wins=[], % [#win()] GUIs
+ window_mode, % single | many
+ load_mode1, % time | queue
+ load_mode2, % prog | linear
+ lbpid, % pid()
+ mnodes=[]}). % [#mnode{}]
+%%% External exports
+start() ->
+ gen_server:start({local, appmon}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+stop() ->
+ gen_server:cast(appmon, stop).
+%%% gen_server callbacks
+%% Func: init/1
+%% Returns: {ok, State} |
+%% {ok, State, Timeout} |
+%% ignore |
+%% {stop, Reason}
+init([]) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ %% Subscribe to {nodeup,Node} and {nodedown,Node} messages
+ net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true),
+ LbPid = appmon_lb:start(self ()),
+ %% Check which remote nodes have appmon code available (OTP-4887)
+ NodesOk = lists:filter(fun(Node) -> check_node(Node) end, nodes()),
+ Nodes = [node()|NodesOk],
+ %% Start monitoring the existing nodes
+ MNodes = mk_mnodes(Nodes, LbPid),
+ %% Draw the main window
+ GS = gs:start([{kernel,true}]),
+ GUI = draw_win(GS, node()),
+ %% Update the Nodes menu with all known nodes
+ lists:foreach(fun(Node) ->
+ display_addnode(GUI, Node)
+ end,
+ Nodes),
+ %% Mark the default options as selected in the Options menu
+ display_setopt(GUI, single),
+ display_setopt(GUI, time),
+ display_setopt(GUI, prog),
+ {ok, #state{gs=GS, wins=[GUI],
+ window_mode=single, load_mode1=time, load_mode2=prog,
+ lbpid=LbPid, mnodes=MNodes}}.
+check_node(Node) ->
+ case rpc:call(Node, code, which, [appmon]) of
+ File when is_list(File) ->
+ true;
+ _ -> % non_existing (| cover_compiled)
+ false
+ end.
+%% Func: handle_call/3
+%% Returns: {reply, Reply, State} |
+%% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
+%% {noreply, State} |
+%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
+%% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called)
+%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
+handle_call(norequest, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, null, State}.
+%% Func: handle_cast/2
+%% Returns: {noreply, State} |
+%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
+%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
+handle_cast(stop, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State}.
+%% Func: handle_info/2
+%% Returns: {noreply, State} |
+%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
+%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
+%% Load information from a node
+handle_info({delivery, _Serv, load, Node, Load}, State) ->
+ %% Update node information
+ MNode = get_mnode(Node, State#state.mnodes),
+ MNode1 = MNode#mnode{load=Load},
+ MNodes = replace_mnode(Node, MNode1, State#state.mnodes),
+ %% If Node is currently displayed, update graphics
+ case get_win(Node, State#state.wins) of
+ {ok, GUI} ->
+ display_load(GUI, Load);
+ false ->
+ ignore
+ end,
+ {noreply, State#state{mnodes=MNodes}};
+%% Application information from a node
+handle_info({delivery, _Serv, app_ctrl, Node, Apps}, State) ->
+ %% Update node information
+ MNode = get_mnode(Node, State#state.mnodes),
+ MNode1 = MNode#mnode{apps=Apps},
+ MNodes = replace_mnode(Node, MNode1, State#state.mnodes),
+ %% If Node is currently displayed, update graphics
+ Wins = case get_win(Node, State#state.wins) of
+ {ok, GUI} ->
+ draw_clear(GUI),
+ GUI1 = draw_apps(GUI, Apps),
+ replace_win(Node, GUI1, State#state.wins);
+ false ->
+ State#state.wins
+ end,
+ appmon_lb:add_apps (State#state.lbpid, Apps, Node),
+ {noreply, State#state{wins=Wins, mnodes=MNodes}};
+handle_info({nodeup, Node}, State) ->
+ %% First, make sure appmon code is available at remode node,
+ %% or the node should be ignored (OTP-3591)
+ case check_node(Node) of
+ true ->
+ %% If this is a previously unknown node, update window's
+ %% 'Nodes' menu
+ case get_mnode(Node, State#state.mnodes) of
+ false ->
+ display_addnode(State#state.wins, Node);
+ _OldMnode ->
+ ignore
+ end,
+ %% Update node information (=> state is automatically
+ %% changed to 'alive')
+ MNode = mk_mnode(Node, State#state.lbpid),
+ MNodes = replace_mnode(Node, MNode, State#state.mnodes),
+ %% If Node is currently displayed, update graphics
+ case get_win(Node, State#state.wins) of
+ {ok, GUI} ->
+ display_nodeup(GUI, Node);
+ false ->
+ ignore
+ end,
+ appmon_lb:update_status(State#state.lbpid, Node, alive),
+ {noreply, State#state{mnodes=MNodes}};
+ false ->
+ {noreply, State}
+ end;
+handle_info({nodedown, Node}, State) ->
+ %% If this is a previously unknown node, ignore the message.
+ %% (The situation occurs when failing to connect to another node).
+ %% Otherwise, update the node information.
+ case get_mnode(Node, State#state.mnodes) of
+ false ->
+ {noreply, State};
+ MNode ->
+ MNode1 = MNode#mnode{status=dead},
+ MNodes = replace_mnode(Node, MNode1, State#state.mnodes),
+ %% If Node is currently displayed, update graphics
+ Wins = case get_win(Node, State#state.wins) of
+ {ok, GUI} ->
+ display_nodedown(GUI),
+ GUI1 = draw_clear(GUI),
+ replace_win(Node, GUI1, State#state.wins);
+ false ->
+ State#state.wins
+ end,
+ appmon_lb:remove_node(State#state.lbpid, Node),
+ {noreply, State#state{wins=Wins, mnodes=MNodes}}
+ end;
+%% Application 'button' events
+handle_info({gs, _Obj, buttonpress, Data, _Arg}, State) ->
+ {canvasbutton, CBtn, _App} = Data,
+ press(CBtn),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info({gs, _Obj, buttonrelease, Data, [_,X,Y|_]}, State) ->
+ {canvasbutton, CBtn, {application, App, Node}} = Data,
+ release(CBtn),
+ %% Check that mouse button was released over the button!
+ L = CBtn#canvasbutton.x, R = L + CBtn#canvasbutton.w,
+ T = CBtn#canvasbutton.y, B = T + CBtn#canvasbutton.h,
+ if
+ X>L, X<R, Y>T, Y<B ->
+ MNode = get_mnode(Node, State#state.mnodes),
+ {value, {Pid, _App, _Descr}} =
+ lists:keysearch(App, 2, MNode#mnode.apps),
+ appmon_a:start(Node, App, Pid);
+ true ->
+ ignore
+ end,
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info({gs, _Button, click, Data, _Arg}, State) ->
+ ThisNode = node(),
+ case Data of
+ %% File menu item
+ listbox ->
+ appmon_lb:open_win(State#state.lbpid,
+ parse_nodes(State#state.mnodes)),
+ {noreply, State};
+ {close, WinObj} ->
+ {ok, GUI} = get_win2(WinObj, State#state.wins),
+ gs:destroy(WinObj),
+ %% Terminate if this was the only open window
+ case remove_win(GUI#win.name, State#state.wins) of
+ [] ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
+ Wins ->
+ {noreply, State#state{wins=Wins}}
+ end;
+ exit ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
+ %% Actions menu item
+ {action, Action, WinObj} ->
+ {ok, GUI} = get_win2(WinObj, State#state.wins),
+ Node = GUI#win.name,
+ if
+ Node==ThisNode ->
+ case Action of
+ ping ->
+ %% Ignore - makes no sense to ping yourself
+ ignore;
+ _ -> % reboot | restart | stop
+ apply(init, Action, [])
+ end;
+ Node/=ThisNode ->
+ case Action of
+ ping ->
+ net_adm:ping(Node);
+ _ -> % reboot | restart | stop
+ rpc:cast(Node, init, Action, [])
+ end
+ end,
+ {noreply, State};
+ %% Options menu item
+ {window_mode, Mode} ->
+ %% Update windows so they all show the same options
+ lists:foreach(fun(GUI) ->
+ display_setopt(GUI, Mode)
+ end,
+ State#state.wins),
+ {noreply, State#state{window_mode=Mode}};
+ {option, Tag, Option} ->
+ %% Update windows so they all show the same options
+ lists:foreach(fun(GUI) ->
+ display_setopt(GUI, Tag)
+ end,
+ State#state.wins),
+ %% Update all appmon_info processes about which kind of
+ %% load data is desired
+ lists:foreach(fun(MNode) ->
+ appmon_info:load(MNode#mnode.pid,
+ MNode#mnode.name,
+ true,
+ Option)
+ end,
+ State#state.mnodes),
+ if
+ Tag==time; Tag==queue ->
+ {noreply, State#state{load_mode1=Tag}};
+ Tag==prog; Tag==linear ->
+ {noreply, State#state{load_mode2=Tag}}
+ end;
+ %% Nodes menu item
+ {node, Node, WinObj} ->
+ %% Check first if this window is already displayed
+ case get_win(Node, State#state.wins) of
+ {ok, GUI} ->
+ %% Node is already displayed, raise its window
+ gs:config(GUI#win.window, raise),
+ {noreply, State};
+ %% Node is not displayed
+ false ->
+ %% Redraw existing window or create a new window
+ %% depending on window mode
+ case State#state.window_mode of
+ single ->
+ {ok, GUI} =
+ get_win2(WinObj, State#state.wins),
+ %% Clear window and correct the node name
+ draw_clear(GUI),
+ GUI1 = draw_nodename(GUI, Node),
+ %% Update window with the correct node name
+ %% and the applications running at the node
+ MNode = get_mnode(Node, State#state.mnodes),
+ GUI2 = case MNode#mnode.status of
+ dead ->
+ display_nodedown(GUI1),
+ GUI1;
+ alive ->
+ display_nodeup(GUI1, Node),
+ draw_apps(GUI1,
+ MNode#mnode.apps)
+ end,
+ Wins = replace_win(GUI#win.name, GUI2,
+ State#state.wins),
+ {noreply, State#state{wins=Wins}};
+ many ->
+ GUI = draw_win(State#state.gs, Node),
+ %% Update Nodes menu with all known nodes -
+ %% use MNodes to get them in the right order
+ lists:foreach(fun(MNode) ->
+ Name =
+ MNode#mnode.name,
+ display_addnode(GUI,
+ Name)
+ end,
+ State#state.mnodes),
+ %% Mark selected options in the Options menu
+ display_setopt(GUI, many),
+ display_setopt(GUI, State#state.load_mode1),
+ display_setopt(GUI, State#state.load_mode2),
+ %% Add the applications running at the node
+ MNode = get_mnode(Node, State#state.mnodes),
+ GUI1 = case MNode#mnode.status of
+ dead ->
+ display_nodedown(GUI),
+ GUI;
+ alive ->
+ display_nodeup(GUI, Node),
+ draw_apps(GUI,
+ MNode#mnode.apps)
+ end,
+ Wins = [GUI1|State#state.wins],
+ {noreply, State#state{wins=Wins}}
+ end
+ end;
+ %% Help menu = Help button
+ help ->
+ HelpFile = filename:join([code:lib_dir(appmon),
+ "doc", "html", "part_frame.html"]),
+ case State#state.wins of
+ [Win] ->
+ tool_utils:open_help(Win#win.window, HelpFile);
+ _ ->
+ tool_utils:open_help(State#state.gs, HelpFile)
+ end,
+ {noreply, State};
+ _Other ->
+ {noreply, State}
+ end;
+handle_info({gs, WinObj, configure, _, [WWindow, HWindow|_]}, State) ->
+ {ok, GUI} = get_win2(WinObj, State#state.wins),
+ GUI1 = draw_resize(GUI, WWindow, HWindow),
+ display_scrollbar(GUI1),
+ Wins = replace_win(GUI#win.name, GUI1, State#state.wins),
+ {noreply, State#state{wins=Wins}};
+handle_info({gs, WinObj, destroy, _, _}, State) -> % OTP-1179
+ {ok, GUI} = get_win2(WinObj, State#state.wins),
+ %% Terminate if this was the only open window
+ case remove_win(GUI#win.name, State#state.wins) of
+ [] ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
+ Wins ->
+ {noreply, State#state{wins=Wins}}
+ end;
+handle_info(stop, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State) ->
+ case Reason of
+ shutdown ->
+ %% Appmon is being asked to shut down, eg during reboot
+ {stop, Reason, State};
+ _ ->
+ case State#state.gs of
+ %% GS exited, kill appmon
+ {0, Pid} ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
+ _ ->
+ {noreply, State}
+ end
+ end;
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+%% Func: terminate/2
+%% Purpose: Shutdown the server
+%% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
+terminate(_Reason, State) ->
+ bcast(State#state.mnodes, {kill}),
+ appmon_lb:stop(State#state.lbpid),
+ ok.
+%% Func: code_change/3
+%% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed
+%% Returns: {ok, NewState}
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+%%% Internal functions
+%% MNode manipulating functions
+%% mk_mnodes(Nodes, LbPid) -> MNodes
+%% Nodes -> [atom()]
+%% LbPid -> pid()
+%% MNodes -> [#mnode{}]
+mk_mnodes([Node|Nodes], LbPid) ->
+ [mk_mnode(Node, LbPid) | mk_mnodes(Nodes, LbPid)];
+mk_mnodes([], _LbPid) ->
+ [].
+mk_mnode(Node, LbPid) ->
+ %% Create an appmon process at the node
+ {ok, Pid} = appmon_info:start_link(Node, self(), []),
+ appmon_lb:add_node(LbPid, Node),
+ appmon_info:load(Pid, Node, true, [{timeout,1000}]),
+ appmon_info:app_ctrl(Pid, Node, true, []),
+ #mnode{name=Node, status=alive, pid=Pid}.
+%% get_mnode(Node, MNodes) -> MNode | false
+%% Node -> atom()
+%% MNodes -> [#mnode{}]
+%% MNode -> #mnode{}
+get_mnode(Node, MNodes) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Node, #mnode.name, MNodes) of
+ {value, MNode} ->
+ MNode;
+ false ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% replace_mnode(Node, MNode, MNodes1) -> Mnodes2
+%% Node -> atom()
+%% MNode -> #mnode{}
+%% MNodes1 -> MNodes2 -> [#mnode{}]
+%% Replaces, or adds if previously not included, the mnode with name
+%% Node in MNodes1 with MNode.
+replace_mnode(Node, MNode, [#mnode{name=Node} | MNodes]) ->
+ [MNode | MNodes];
+replace_mnode(Node, MNode, [MNode2 | MNodes]) ->
+ [MNode2 | replace_mnode(Node, MNode, MNodes)];
+replace_mnode(_Node, MNode, []) ->
+ [MNode].
+%% GUI list manipulating functions
+%% get_win(Node, Wins) -> Win
+%% Node -> atom()
+%% Wins -> [#win{}]
+%% Win -> #win{}
+get_win(Node, Wins) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Node, #win.name, Wins) of
+ {value, Win} ->
+ {ok, Win};
+ false ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% get_win2(WinObj, Wins) -> Win
+%% Window -> gsobj()
+%% Wins -> [#win{}]
+%% Win -> #win{}
+get_win2(WinObj, Wins) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(WinObj, #win.window, Wins) of
+ {value, Win} ->
+ {ok, Win};
+ false ->
+ false
+ end.
+%% replace_win(Node, Win, Wins) -> Wins2
+%% Node -> atom()
+%% Win -> #win{}
+%% Wins -> Wins2 -> [#win{}]
+replace_win(Node, Win, Wins) ->
+ lists:keyreplace(Node, #win.name, Wins, Win).
+%% remove_win(Node, Wins) -> Wins2
+%% Node -> atom()
+%% Wins -> Wins2 -> [#win{}]
+remove_win(Node, Wins) ->
+ lists:keydelete(Node, #win.name, Wins).
+%% GUI manipulating functions
+-define(PAD, 10). % Pad between objects
+-define(PAD2, 4*?PAD). % Pad betw. node lbl and app
+-define(hMENUBAR, 25). % Note: Hardwired in Tcl/Tk
+-define(xNODELBL, 60). % Node label
+-define(yNODELBL, 35).
+-define(hNODELBL, 20).
+-define(xMETER, 5). % Meter
+-define(yMETER, ?yNODELBL).
+-define(wMETER, 20).
+-define(hMETER, ?hNODELBL + ?PAD + ?PAD2 + ?hBTN).
+-define(LEDCOUNT, 16).
+-define(xBTN, ?xNODELBL). % Application buttons
+-define(yBTN, ?yNODELBL + ?hNODELBL + ?PAD + ?PAD2).
+-define(wBTN, 70). % min width
+-define(hBTN, 20).
+-define(wCANVAS, 470 + ?wMETER + 3*?PAD). % Canvas
+-define(hCANVAS, ?yNODELBL + ?hNODELBL + ?PAD + ?PAD2 + ?hBTN + 2*?PAD).
+-define(wWIN, ?wCANVAS). % Window
+-define(hWIN, ?hMENUBAR + ?hCANVAS).
+%%--Main window---------------------------------------------------------
+draw_win(GS, Node) ->
+ %% Main window
+ NodeStr = atom_to_list(Node),
+ Win = gs:create(window, GS, [{title,
+ "APPMON: Overview on " ++ NodeStr},
+ {width, ?wWIN}, {height, ?hWIN},
+ {configure, true}]),
+ Canvas = gs:create(canvas, Win, [{x, 0}, {y, ?hMENUBAR},
+ {width, ?wCANVAS},
+ {height, ?hCANVAS}]),
+ L1 = gs:create(line, Canvas, [{coords,
+ [{0,?yNODELBL-?PAD},
+ {?wCANVAS,?yNODELBL-?PAD}]}]),
+ L2 = gs:create(line, Canvas, [{coords,
+ [{0,?hCANVAS-?PAD},
+ {?wCANVAS,?hCANVAS-?PAD}]}]),
+ %% Standard buttons
+ MenuBar = gs:create(menubar, Win, [{height, ?hMENUBAR}]),
+ FileMenuBtn = gs:create(menubutton, MenuBar,
+ [{label, {text,"File"}}]),
+ FileMenu = gs:create(menu, FileMenuBtn, []),
+ gs:create(menuitem, FileMenu, [{label, {text,"Show List Box..."}},
+ {data, listbox}]),
+ gs:create(menuitem, FileMenu, [{label, {text, "Close"}},
+ {data, {close, Win}}]),
+ gs:create(menuitem, FileMenu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
+ gs:create(menuitem, FileMenu, [{label, {text, "Exit"}},
+ {data, exit}]),
+ ActionMenuBtn = gs:create(menubutton, MenuBar,
+ [{label,{text,"Actions"}}]),
+ ActionMenu = gs:create(menu, ActionMenuBtn, []),
+ gs:create(menuitem, ActionMenu, [{label, {text,"Reboot"}},
+ {data, {action, reboot, Win}}]),
+ gs:create(menuitem, ActionMenu, [{label, {text,"Restart"}},
+ {data, {action, restart, Win}}]),
+ gs:create(menuitem, ActionMenu, [{label, {text,"Stop"}},
+ {data, {action, stop, Win}}]),
+ gs:create(menuitem, ActionMenu, [{label, {text,"Ping"}},
+ {data, {action, ping, Win}}]),
+ OptMenuBtn = gs:create(menubutton, MenuBar,
+ [{label, {text,"Options"}}]),
+ OptMenu = gs:create(menu, OptMenuBtn, []),
+ G0 = now(), % Group identity unique per window!
+ SMI = gs:create(menuitem, OptMenu, [{label, {text,"One window"}},
+ {itemtype, radio}, {group, G0},
+ {data, {window_mode, single}}]),
+ MMI = gs:create(menuitem, OptMenu, [{label, {text,"Many windows"}},
+ {itemtype, radio}, {group, G0},
+ {data, {window_mode, many}}]),
+ gs:create(menuitem, OptMenu, [{itemtype, separator}]),
+ G1 = now(),
+ TMI = gs:create(menuitem, OptMenu, [{label, {text,"Load: time"}},
+ {itemtype, radio}, {group, G1},
+ {data,
+ {option, time,
+ [{load_method,time}]}}]),
+ QMI = gs:create(menuitem, OptMenu, [{label, {text,"Load: queue"}},
+ {itemtype, radio}, {group, G1},
+ {data,
+ {option, queue,
+ [{load_method,queue}]}}]),
+ G2 = now(),
+ PMI = gs:create(menuitem, OptMenu,
+ [{label, {text,"Load: progressive"}},
+ {itemtype, radio}, {group, G2},
+ {data, {option, prog, [{load_scale,prog}]}}]),
+ LMI = gs:create(menuitem, OptMenu, [{label, {text,"Load: linear"}},
+ {itemtype, radio}, {group, G2},
+ {data,
+ {option, linear,
+ [{load_scale,linear}]}}]),
+ NodeMenuBtn = gs:create(menubutton, MenuBar,
+ [{label, {text,"Nodes"}}]),
+ NodeMenu = gs:create(menu, NodeMenuBtn, []),
+ HelpMenuBtn = gs:create(menubutton, MenuBar,
+ [{label, {text,"Help"}}, {side, right}]),
+ HelpMenu = gs:create(menu, HelpMenuBtn, []),
+ gs:create(menuitem, HelpMenu, [{label, {text,"Help"}},
+ {data, help}]),
+ %% Meter
+ HLed = trunc((?hMETER)/(?LEDCOUNT)),
+ Leds = draw_leds(?LEDCOUNT, Canvas, ?yMETER, HLed, []),
+ leds_down(Leds, ?LEDCOUNT, 0),
+ gs:create(text, Canvas, [{coords,
+ {anchor, nw},
+ {font, {screen,8}},
+ {text, "Load"}]),
+ gs:create(text, Canvas, [{coords, [{?xMETER+?wMETER, ?yMETER}]},
+ {anchor, nw},
+ {font, {screen,8}},
+ {text, "Hi"}]),
+ gs:create(text, Canvas, [{coords, [{?xMETER+?wMETER,
+ {anchor, w},
+ {font, {screen,8}},
+ {text, "Lo"}]),
+ %% Node label
+ WNodeLbl = 8*length(NodeStr)+10,
+ NLRect = gs:create(rectangle, Canvas,
+ [{coords, [{?xNODELBL,?yNODELBL},
+ {?xNODELBL+WNodeLbl,
+ {fill, black}]),
+ Xc = ?xNODELBL + round(WNodeLbl/2),
+ Yc = ?yNODELBL + round(?hNODELBL/2),
+ NLText = gs:create(text, Canvas, [{text, NodeStr},
+ {fg, {250,235,215}},
+ {coords, [{Xc,Yc}]},
+ {anchor, c}]),
+ NodeLbl = {NLRect, NLText},
+ gs:config(Win, {map, true}),
+ #win{name=Node,
+ window=Win, wwindow=?wWIN, hwindow=?hCANVAS,
+ options=#options{single=SMI, many=MMI,
+ time=TMI, queue=QMI, prog=PMI, linear=LMI},
+ canvas=Canvas, wcanvas=?wCANVAS, hcanvas=?hCANVAS,
+ l1=L1, l2=L2, leds=Leds, nodelabel=NodeLbl, nodemenu=NodeMenu}.
+draw_leds(N, Canvas, Y, HLed, Leds) when N>0 ->
+ Led = gs:create(rectangle, Canvas,
+ [{coords,
+ [{?xMETER,Y}, {?xMETER+?wMETER,Y+HLed}]}]),
+ draw_leds(N-1, Canvas, Y+HLed, HLed, [Led | Leds]);
+draw_leds(0, _Canvas, _Y, _HLed, Leds) ->
+ Leds.
+%%--Draw functions------------------------------------------------------
+%% Functions that modify the GUI and its data (win{})
+%% Display the node name in the window title
+%% (The name in the node label is changed by display_nodeup|nodedown)
+%% Used when a changing the node to display
+draw_nodename(GUI, Node) ->
+ NodeStr = atom_to_list(Node),
+ gs:config(GUI#win.window,
+ {title, "APPMON: Overview on " ++ NodeStr}),
+ GUI#win{name=Node}.
+%% Resize the canvas (when the window has been resized)
+draw_resize(GUI, W, H) ->
+ Hc = H - ?hMENUBAR,
+ gs:config(GUI#win.canvas, [{width, W}, {height, Hc}]),
+ Yline1 = ?yNODELBL-?PAD,
+ Yline2 = ?hCANVAS-?PAD,
+ gs:config(GUI#win.l1, [{coords, [{0,Yline1},{W,Yline1}]}]),
+ gs:config(GUI#win.l2, [{coords, [{0,Yline2},{W,Yline2}]}]),
+ GUI#win{wwindow=W, hwindow=Hc}.
+%% Clear the GUI from applications and connecting lines
+draw_clear(GUI) ->
+ draw_clear2(GUI#win.appobjs),
+ gs:config(GUI#win.canvas, [{hscroll, false}]),
+ GUI#win{appobjs=[]}.
+draw_clear2([CBtn | AppObjs]) when is_record(CBtn, canvasbutton) ->
+ gs:destroy(CBtn#canvasbutton.text),
+ gs:destroy(CBtn#canvasbutton.ul),
+ gs:destroy(CBtn#canvasbutton.ll),
+ gs:destroy(CBtn#canvasbutton.rect),
+ draw_clear2(AppObjs);
+draw_clear2([GSObj | AppObjs]) ->
+ gs:destroy(GSObj),
+ draw_clear2(AppObjs);
+draw_clear2([]) ->
+ ignore.
+%% Display the applications, which are a list of tuples: {Pid,App,Descr}
+%% Display them in the reversed order to get them chronologically
+%% from left to right.
+draw_apps(GUI, Apps) ->
+ {AppObjs, WCanvas} = draw_apps(GUI, lists:reverse(Apps), ?xNODELBL,
+ undefined, 0, []),
+ NewGUI = GUI#win{wcanvas=WCanvas, appobjs=AppObjs},
+ display_scrollbar(NewGUI),
+ NewGUI.
+draw_apps(GUI, [App | Apps], X, Lx0, N, GSObjs) ->
+ %% Some necessary data
+ {_Pid, AppName, _Descr} = App,
+ Text = atom_to_list(AppName),
+ Width = max(8*length(Text)+10, ?wBTN),
+ %% Connect the application to the node label with a line
+ %% Lx0 = leftmost X coordinate (above previous application button)
+ %% Lx = X coordinate, Ly1, Ly2 = top and bottom Y coordinates
+ Lx = X + trunc(Width/2),
+ Line = case N of
+ %% First (leftmost application) - draw a vertical line
+ %% between the node label and application button
+ 0 ->
+ Ly1 = ?yNODELBL + ?hNODELBL +?PAD,
+ Ly2 = Ly1 + ?PAD2,
+ gs:create(line, GUI#win.canvas,
+ [{coords, [{Lx, Ly1}, {Lx, Ly2}]}]);
+ %% Nth application, N>1 - draw a horizontal line from
+ %% line connecting to the previous application button,
+ %% to above this application button, then vertically down
+ %% to the application button
+ _ ->
+ Ly1 = ?yNODELBL + ?hNODELBL + ?PAD + ?PAD2/2,
+ Ly2 = Ly1 + ?PAD2/2,
+ gs:create(line, GUI#win.canvas,
+ [{coords, [{Lx0, Ly1}, {Lx, Ly1},
+ {Lx, Ly2}]}])
+ end,
+ %% The application is represented using a 'canvasbutton'
+ Data = {application, AppName, GUI#win.name},
+ AppBtn = canvasbutton(GUI#win.canvas, Text, X, ?yBTN, Width, ?hBTN,
+ Data),
+ draw_apps(GUI, Apps, X+Width+?PAD, Lx, N+1, [AppBtn, Line|GSObjs]);
+draw_apps(_GUI, [], X, _N, _Lx0, GSObjs) ->
+ {GSObjs, X}.
+%%--Display functions---------------------------------------------------
+%% Functions that modify the GUI but not its data
+%% Add a new node to the Nodes menu
+%% Used when a new node has connected
+display_addnode([GUI|GUIs], Node) ->
+ display_addnode(GUI, Node),
+ display_addnode(GUIs, Node);
+display_addnode([], _Node) ->
+ ignore;
+display_addnode(GUI, Node) ->
+ Txt = "Show " ++ atom_to_list(Node),
+ gs:create(menuitem, GUI#win.nodemenu,
+ [{label, {text,Txt}},
+ {data, {node, Node, GUI#win.window}}]).
+%% Show that a node has come back up
+display_nodeup(GUI, Node) ->
+ {Rect, Text} = GUI#win.nodelabel,
+ %% Check coordinates for the rectangle and compute the new width
+ [{L, T}, {_R, B}] = gs:read(Rect, coords),
+ NodeStr = atom_to_list(Node),
+ W = 8*length(NodeStr)+10,
+ gs:config(Rect, [{coords, [{L, T}, {L+W, B}]}, {fill, black}]),
+ gs:config(Text, [{text, NodeStr}, {fg, {250,235,215}},
+ {coords,
+ [{L+round(W/2), T+round((?hNODELBL)/2)}]}]).
+%% Show that a node has gone down
+display_nodedown(GUI) ->
+ {Rect, Text} = GUI#win.nodelabel,
+ [{L, T}, {_R, B}] = gs:read(Rect, coords),
+ gs:config(Rect, [{coords, [{L, T}, {L+114, B}]}, {fill, gray}]),
+ gs:config(Text, [{text, "No connection"}, {fg, black},
+ {coords, [{L+57, T+round((?hNODELBL)/2)}]}]).
+%% Add/remove scrollbars as necessary
+display_scrollbar(GUI) ->
+ WWindow = GUI#win.wwindow,
+ HWindow = GUI#win.hwindow,
+ WCanvas = GUI#win.wcanvas,
+ HCanvas = GUI#win.hcanvas,
+ if
+ WCanvas>WWindow ->
+ gs:config(GUI#win.canvas,
+ [{hscroll, bottom},
+ {scrollregion,{0,0,WCanvas,HCanvas}}]);
+ true ->
+ gs:config(GUI#win.canvas, [{hscroll, false}])
+ end,
+ if
+ HCanvas>HWindow ->
+ gs:config(GUI#win.canvas,
+ [{vscroll, left},
+ {scrollregion,{0,0,WCanvas,HCanvas}}]);
+ true ->
+ gs:config(GUI#win.canvas, [{vscroll, false}])
+ end.
+%% Select option radio buttons
+display_setopt(GUI, Option) ->
+ gs:config(radiobutton(GUI, Option), {select,true}).
+radiobutton(GUI, single) -> (GUI#win.options)#options.single;
+radiobutton(GUI, many) -> (GUI#win.options)#options.many;
+radiobutton(GUI, time) -> (GUI#win.options)#options.time;
+radiobutton(GUI, queue) -> (GUI#win.options)#options.queue;
+radiobutton(GUI, prog) -> (GUI#win.options)#options.prog;
+radiobutton(GUI, linear) -> (GUI#win.options)#options.linear.
+%% Display load
+%% Used when load information is received from the displayed node
+-define(highloadfg, {255,99,71}).
+-define(midloadfg, yellow).
+-define(lowloadfg, green).
+-define(highloadbg, {140,157,178}).
+-define(midloadbg, ?highloadbg).
+-define(lowloadbg, ?highloadbg).
+display_load(GUI, {Old, New}) ->
+ if
+ Old == New ->
+ true;
+ Old > New ->
+ leds_down(GUI#win.leds, Old, New);
+ true ->
+ leds_up(GUI#win.leds, Old, New)
+ end.
+leds_down(_Leds, Old, New) when Old == New ->
+ done;
+leds_down(Leds, Old, New) when Old > New ->
+ reset_led(Leds, Old),
+ leds_down(Leds, Old-1, New).
+leds_up(_Leds, Old, New) when Old == New ->
+ done;
+leds_up(Leds, Old, New) when Old < New ->
+ set_led(Leds, Old),
+ leds_up(Leds, Old+1, New).
+led_on_col(N) when N > 13 -> ?highloadfg;
+led_on_col(N) when N > 9 -> ?midloadfg;
+led_on_col(_) -> ?lowloadfg.
+led_off_col(N) when N > 13 -> ?highloadbg;
+led_off_col(N) when N > 9 -> ?midloadbg;
+led_off_col(_) -> ?lowloadbg.
+reset_led(_Leds, 0) -> ok;
+reset_led(Leds, N) ->
+ gs:config(lists:nth(N, Leds), [{fill, led_off_col(N)}]).
+set_led(_Leds, 0) -> ok;
+set_led(Leds, N) ->
+ gs:config(lists:nth(N, Leds), [{fill, led_on_col(N)}]).
+%% Utilities
+bcast(MNodes, Msg) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun(MNode) ->
+ case MNode#mnode.status of
+ alive ->
+ MNode#mnode.pid ! Msg;
+ dead ->
+ ignore
+ end
+ end,
+ MNodes).
+max(X, Y) when X>Y -> X;
+max(_, Y) -> Y.
+%% parse_nodes(MNodes) -> NodeApps
+%% MNodes -> [#mnode{}]
+%% NodeApps -> [{Node, Status, Apps}]
+%% Node -> atom()
+%% Status -> alive | dead
+%% Apps -> [{Pid, App}]
+%% Pid -> pid()
+%% App -> atom()
+parse_nodes(MNodes) ->
+ parse_nodes(MNodes, []).
+parse_nodes([MNode|MNodes], NodeApps) ->
+ Apps = parse_apps(MNode#mnode.apps, []),
+ parse_nodes(MNodes,
+ [{MNode#mnode.name,MNode#mnode.status,Apps}|NodeApps]);
+parse_nodes([], NodeApps) ->
+ NodeApps.
+parse_apps([{Pid, App, _Descr}|Rest], Apps) ->
+ parse_apps(Rest, [{Pid, App}|Apps]);
+parse_apps([], Apps) ->
+ Apps.
+%% Canvas buttons
+canvasbutton(Canvas, Text, X, Y, W, H, Data) ->
+ %% Draw a rectangle (for event catching)
+ Rect = gs:create(rectangle, Canvas, [{coords, [{X,Y}, {X+W,Y+H}]},
+ {fill, gs:read(Canvas, bg)},
+ {buttonpress, true},
+ {buttonrelease, true}]),
+ %% Make the rectangle area look like a 3D button by using lines
+ Ul = gs:create(line, Canvas, [{coords, [{X,Y+H},{X,Y},{X+W,Y}]},
+ {fg, white}, {width, 2}]),
+ Ll = gs:create(line, Canvas, [{coords, [{X,Y+H},{X+W,Y+H},{X+W,Y}]},
+ {fg, {87,87,87}}, {width, 2}]),
+ %% Write the text in the middle
+ Xc = X + round(W/2),
+ Yc = Y + round(H/2),
+ T = gs:create(text, Canvas, [{text, Text}, {coords, [{Xc,Yc}]},
+ {anchor, c},
+ {buttonpress, true},
+ {buttonrelease, true}]),
+ %% Create the canvasbutton object
+ CBtn = #canvasbutton{text=T, ul=Ul, ll=Ll, rect=Rect,
+ x=X, y=Y, w=W, h=H},
+ %% Configure the data
+ gs:config(T, {data, {canvasbutton, CBtn, Data}}),
+ gs:config(Rect, {data, {canvasbutton, CBtn, Data}}),
+ CBtn.
+press(Canvasbutton) ->
+ gs:config(Canvasbutton#canvasbutton.ul, {fg, {87,87,87}}),
+ gs:config(Canvasbutton#canvasbutton.ll, {fg, white}).
+release(Canvasbutton) ->
+ gs:config(Canvasbutton#canvasbutton.ul, {fg, white}),
+ gs:config(Canvasbutton#canvasbutton.ll, {fg, {87,87,87}}).