path: root/lib/appmon/src/process_info.erl
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authorDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2013-12-20 10:44:42 +0100
committerDan Gudmundsson <[email protected]>2013-12-20 10:44:42 +0100
commit6f0b3bd3fc28de703490470630922873775c97f5 (patch)
tree520b662b4459499e8c58b658285368d81334d326 /lib/appmon/src/process_info.erl
parent0b68c48630311c5c97db50159c3076fa5b17a43d (diff)
parent560f73141afbc1ef41d6c8acb3974b3632ad6f25 (diff)
Merge branch 'dgud/remove-gs-apps/OTP-10915'
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/appmon/src/process_info.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 662 deletions
diff --git a/lib/appmon/src/process_info.erl b/lib/appmon/src/process_info.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index e5d44ae50e..0000000000
--- a/lib/appmon/src/process_info.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,662 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2009. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--export([start/0, start_link/0, stop/0]).
--export([is_node/1, get_nodes/0,
- get_applications/1, get_application_keys/2,
- get_processes/3, get_process_data/2,
- send_trace/1]).
-%% gen_server callbacks
--export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
- terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--record(data, {que=undef,
- procs=undef,
- links=undef,
- links2=undef}).
-%% %%
-%% Functions to retrieve information about which application %%
-%% at the node %%
-%% %%
-start() ->
- gen_server:start({local, proc_info}, process_info, [], []).
-start_link() ->
- gen_server:start_link({local, proc_info}, process_info, [], []).
-stop() ->
- gen_server:call(proc_info, stop, 1000).
-%% is_node(NodeS) -> {bool(), Node, NodeS2}
-%% NodeS = NodeS2 = string()
-%% Node = node()
-is_node(NodeS) ->
- Node = list_to_atom(NodeS),
- case lists:member(Node, [node()|nodes()]) of
- true->
- {true, Node, NodeS};
- false ->
- {false, node(), atom_to_list(node())}
- end.
-%% get_nodes() -> [node()]
-get_nodes() ->
- [node()|nodes()].
-%% get_applications(Node) -> [App]
-%% Node = node()
-%% App = atom()
-%% Returns the list of all applications with a supervision tree (that
-%% is, not library applications such as stdlib) at Node.
-get_applications(Node) ->
- Info = rpc:call(Node, application, info, []),
- {value, {running, Apps}} = lists:keysearch(running, 1, Info),
- [App || {App, Pid} <- Apps, is_pid(Pid)].
-%% get_application_keys(App, Node) -> {ok, Keys} | {error, Reason}
-%% Node = node()
-%% App = atom()
-%% Keys = [{Key, Val}]
-%% Key = atom()
-%% Val = term()
-%% Reason = badapp | badrpc
-get_application_keys(App, Node) ->
- case rpc:call(Node, application, get_all_key, [App]) of
- {ok, Keys} ->
- {ok, Keys};
- undefined ->
- {error, badapp};
- {badrpc, _} ->
- {error, badrpc}
- end.
-%% get_processes(App, Mode, Node) -> {Tree, Dict} | unknown
-%% App = atom()
-%% Mode = sup | sup_child | all
-%% Node = node()
-get_processes(App, Mode, Node) ->
- gen_server:call(proc_info, {get_processes, App, Mode, Node}).
-%% get_process_data(Pid, Node) -> ProcData
-%% Pid = pid()
-%% Node = node()
-%% ProcData -- see erlang:process_info/1
-get_process_data(Pid, Node) ->
- case rpc:call(Node, erlang, process_info, [Pid]) of
- {badrpc, _} ->
- [{error,"Please try again"}];
- Res ->
- Res
- end.
-%% send_trace(PidL) -> void()
-send_trace(PidL) ->
- gen_server:call(proc_info, {send_trace, PidL}).
-%% %%
-%% gen_server callbacks %%
-%% %%
-init([]) ->
- {ok, ets:new(procs, [])}.
-handle_call({get_processes, App, Mode, Node}, _From, State) ->
- case do_get_processes(App, Mode, Node) of
- unknown ->
- {reply, unknown, State};
- Tree ->
- {reply, {Tree, State}, State}
- end;
-handle_call({send_trace, PidL}, _From, State) ->
- do_send_trace(PidL, State),
- {reply, ok, State};
-handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
- {stop, normal, ok, State}.
-handle_cast(_, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-handle_info(_, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
- ok.
-code_change(_, State, _) ->
- {ok, State}.
-%% %%
-%% Internal functions %%
-%% %%
-%% do_get_processes(App, Mode, Node) -> Tree | unknown
-%% App = atom()
-%% Mode = all | sup | sup_childs
-%% Node = node()
-%% Tree = term()
-do_get_processes(App, Mode, Node) ->
- case rpc:call(Node, application_controller, get_master, [App]) of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- start_collecting_data(Pid, Mode, Node);
- undefined ->
- unknown
- end.
-%% Initiate the database, get the processes and the links.
-%% Then build lists and return them.
-start_collecting_data(Pid, Mode, Node) ->
- Db = get_database(),
- {Db2, Tree} = build_graph({master,Pid}, Db, Pid, Mode, Node),
- delete_database(Db2),
- Tree.
-get_database() ->
- P = ets:new(procs,[]),
- L = ets:new(link,[bag]),
- L2 = ets:new(link2,[bag]),
- Q = queue:new(),
- ets:insert(P, {whereis(application_controller), crap}),
- ets:insert(P, {whereis(gs), crap}),
- #data{que=Q, procs=P, links=L, links2=L2}.
-delete_database(Db) ->
- ets:delete(Db#data.procs),
- ets:delete(Db#data.links),
- ets:delete(Db#data.links2).
-%% The thought is
-%% 1. Get the processes that links to Pid.
-%% Pid is the application master the first time.
-%% 2. Add the processes to the database and clear the list of children
-%% from processes which for some resason not should be there.
-%% 3. Queue the children, so we later can se if they have any links.
-%% 4. Add links to the childrens.
-%% 5. When the whole tree is retreived remove the unnecessary processes
-%% depending on the mode.
-%% 6. Take all links that point to the same pid and sort out
-%% the primary and secondary relations.
-%% If more than one process links to the same process, the relation
-%% between a supervisor and a process is primary. The rest is
-%% secondary, there is no different in real world just in logic
-%% between a secondary and a primary relation.
-%% When all processes in the application is collected,
-%% fix secondary links and return the tree.
-build_graph(finish, Db, Grp, Mode, Node) ->
- Db = fix_links(Db, Grp, Node),
- delete_unwanted(Db, Mode, Grp),
- Tree = start_tree(Db, Node),
- {Db, Tree};
-build_graph(Pid, Db, Grp, Mode, Node) ->
- Children = get_children(Pid, Mode, Node),
- Children2 = add_and_remove(Children, Pid, Db, Grp, Node),
- Q2 = queue_children(Db#data.que, Children2),
- add_children(Pid, Db, Children2, 1),
- case queue:out(Q2) of
- {empty, _}->
- build_graph(finish, Db, Grp, Mode, Node);
- {{value,NPid}, Q3}->
- Db2 = Db#data{que=Q3},
- build_graph(NPid,Db2,Grp,Mode,Node)
- end.
-%% Collect the processes which the current process has a link to
-%% Pid is now the application_master and the application master's
-%% child is the application supervisor but in reality there are two
-%% application master processes.
-%% Fix this by reordering the processes a little.
-get_children({master,Pid}, _Mode, Node) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- %% Get the master pid
- MPid = case application_master:get_child(Pid) of
- {Pid1, _App} -> Pid1;
- Pid1 -> Pid1
- end,
- %% Get the second appplication master process and order them
- %% correctly
- case rpc:call(Node, erlang, process_info, [MPid,links]) of
- {links, [H|T]} -> [H,MPid|T];
- {links, []} -> MPid
- end;
-get_children({Pid, _Name}, _Mode, Node) when is_pid(Pid),
- Node==node(Pid) ->
- {links,Links} = rpc:call(Node, erlang, process_info, [Pid,links]),
- Links;
-get_children(Pid, _Mode, Node) when is_pid(Pid), Node==node(Pid) ->
- {links,Links} = rpc:call(Node, erlang, process_info, [Pid,links]),
- Links;
-get_children(Pid, _Mode, Node) when is_pid(Pid), Node/=node(Pid) ->
- [];
-get_children(Port, _Mode, _Node) when is_port(Port) ->
- [].
-%% Add the links to the database.
-%% The first case -- when it is the application master process -- there
-%% is only one real child even though there are more links.
-add_children({master,Pid}, Db, [Child|_Rest], N) ->
- add_child(Pid, Db, Child, N);
-add_children(_Pid, _Db, [], _N) ->
- ok;
-add_children(Pid, Db, [Child|Rest], N) ->
- add_child(Pid, Db, Child, N),
- add_children(Pid, Db, Rest, N+1).
-add_child(Pid, Db, Child, N) ->
- case ets:match_object(Db#data.links, {Pid,Child,'_'}) of
- [] ->
- ets:insert(Db#data.links, {Pid,Child,N});
- _ ->
- ok
- end.
-%% Add the list of processes to the queue.
-queue_children(Queue, []) ->
- Queue;
-queue_children(Queue, [H|T]) ->
- Q = queue:in(H, Queue),
- queue_children(Q, T).
-%% The processess that we already has added to the database are
-%% not children to the current process, so we don't need to add them a
-%% second time.
-remove_used_children([], _Db, New_list) ->
- lists:reverse(New_list);
-remove_used_children([Child|Rest], Db, New) ->
- case ets:lookup(Db#data.procs, Child) of
- [] ->
- remove_used_children(Rest, Db, [Child|New]);
- _ ->
- remove_used_children(Rest, Db, New)
- end.
-%% Take the list of links and separate it into a list with ports and a
-%% list with pids.
-separate_ports([], Pids, Ports) ->
- {Pids, Ports};
-separate_ports([Child|Rest], Pids, Ports) ->
- if
- is_port(Child) ->
- separate_ports(Rest, Pids, [Child|Ports]);
- is_pid(Child) ->
- separate_ports(Rest, [Child|Pids], Ports)
- end.
-%% Add the current pid to the ets table with processes and clear
-%% the list of children from processes that should not be there.
-%% In the first case, no children are used so it's not necessary.
-add_and_remove(Children, {master,Pid}, Db, _Grp, Node)
- when is_pid(Pid), Node==node(Pid) ->
- ets:insert(Db#data.procs, {Pid, {master,master}, controller}),
- {_Pids,Ports} = separate_ports(Children, [], []),
- Ports++Children;
-%% This clause is removable when using only link as retrieving mode .
-add_and_remove(Children, {Pid,_Name}, Db, Grp, Node)
- when is_pid(Pid), Node==node(Pid) ->
- ets:insert(Db#data.procs, {Pid,
- rpc:call(Node,erlang,process_info,
- [Pid,registered_name])}),
- {Pids, Ports} = separate_ports(Children, [], []),
- Children1 = remove_used_children(Pids, Db, []),
- Children2 = remove_others_children(Children1, Grp, Node),
- Ports++Children2;
-add_and_remove(Children, Pid, Db, Grp, Node) when is_pid(Pid),
- Node==node(Pid) ->
- ets:insert(Db#data.procs, {Pid,
- rpc:call(Node,erlang,process_info,
- [Pid,registered_name])}),
- {Pids, Ports} = separate_ports(Children, [], []),
- Children1 = remove_used_children(Pids, Db, []),
- Children2 =remove_others_children(Children1, Grp, Node),
- Ports++Children2;
-add_and_remove(_Children, Pid, _Db, _Grp, Node) when is_pid(Pid),
- Node/=node(Pid) ->
- [];
-%% Take care of the ports, don't add them to the table with processes.
-add_and_remove(_Children, Pid, _Db, _Grp, _Node) when is_port(Pid) ->
- [].
-%% Control that the application's group leader is the group leader of
-%% Pid
-group_leader_check({Pid,_Name}, Grp, Node) ->
- group_leader_check(Pid, Grp, Node);
-group_leader_check(Pid, Grp, Node) ->
- case rpc:call(Node, erlang, process_info, [Pid,group_leader]) of
- {_Item, Grp} -> yes;
- _ -> no
- end.
-%% Take the list of children and remove the ones with anoother group
-%% leader.
-remove_others_children(Children, Grp, Node) ->
- lists:filter(fun(Child) ->
- case group_leader_check(Child, Grp, Node) of
- yes -> true;
- no -> false
- end
- end,
- Children).
-%% Mark the processes in the procs table as either supervisor or worker.
-fix_links(Db, Leader, Node) ->
- {Sup,_Work} = mark_supervisors_workers(Db, Leader, Node),
- ets:match_delete(Db#data.procs, {'_',crap}),
- [_Pid|Procs] = ets:tab2list(Db#data.procs),
- N_links = get_n_links(Procs, Db#data.links, []),
- N_links2 = take_sup_links(Sup, Db#data.links, N_links),
- add_shared_links(N_links2, Db#data.links2),
- Db.
-%% Add the links that point to the same child to the shared links table
-add_shared_links(N_links, Links2) ->
- Insert_fun = fun(Link) -> ets:insert(Links2, Link) end,
- lists:map(fun(List) -> lists:map(Insert_fun, List) end, N_links).
-%% Take the list of links that point to the same children and remove
-%% the ones that are children to supervisors.
-%% The first argument is a list of the supervisors.
-%% N_links contains a list of list of links that points to the same
-%% child.
-take_sup_links([], _Db, N_links) ->
- N_links;
-take_sup_links([H|Supervised], Links_table, N_links) ->
- N_list_fun = fun(Link) ->
- insert_sup_links(Link, H, Links_table)
- end,
- N_links2 = lists:map(fun(Link_list) ->
- lists:filter(N_list_fun,Link_list)
- end,
- N_links),
- take_sup_links(Supervised, Links_table, N_links2).
-%% Insert the supervised links in the primary links list.
-%% This function should be used as a fun to the filter function in
-%% take_sup_links/3.
-insert_sup_links({From,To,N}, Sup, Links_table) ->
- case From of
- Sup ->
- ets:insert(Links_table, {From,To,N}),
- false;
- _ ->
- true
- end.
-%% Get the links which points to the same children.
-get_n_links([], _Links, N_link) ->
- N_link;
-get_n_links([{Pid,_,_}|Procs], Links, N_link) ->
- case ets:match_object(Links, {'_',Pid,'_'}) of
- L when length(L)>1 ->
- ets:match_delete(Links, {'_',Pid,'_'}),
- get_n_links(Procs, Links, [L|N_link]);
- _L ->
- get_n_links(Procs, Links, N_link)
- end;
-get_n_links([{Pid,_}|Procs], Links, N_link) ->
- case ets:match_object(Links, {'_',Pid,'_'}) of
- L when length(L)>1 ->
- ets:match_delete(Links, {'_',Pid,'_'}),
- get_n_links(Procs, Links, [L|N_link]);
- _L ->
- get_n_links(Procs, Links, N_link)
- end.
-%% Mark the processes that are in the supervisor tree as either worker
-%% or supervisor.
-mark_supervisors_workers(Db, Leader, Node) ->
- %% Get the supervisors and workers.
- {Sup_list, Worker_list} = get_by_supervisors1(Leader),
- %% Update the supervisor pids.
- lists:map(fun(Pid) ->
- ets:insert(Db#data.procs,
- {Pid,
- rpc:call(Node, erlang,process_info,
- [Pid,registered_name]),
- supervisor})
- end,
- Sup_list),
- %% Update the worker pids.
- lists:map(fun(Pid) ->
- ets:insert(Db#data.procs,
- {Pid,
- rpc:call(Node, erlang,process_info,
- [Pid,registered_name]),
- worker})
- end,
- Worker_list),
- {lists:reverse(Sup_list), Worker_list}.
-%% The second way to retrieve the applications processes is to go by
-%% the supervision tree.
-get_by_supervisors1(Leader) ->
- case application_master:get_child(Leader) of
- {Pid, _Name}->
- get_by_supervisors([{namn,Pid,supervisor,list_of_mods}],
- [], []);
- Pid ->
- get_by_supervisors([{namn,Pid,supervisor,list_of_mods}],
- [], [])
- end.
-get_by_supervisors([], Sup, Work) ->
- {Sup, Work};
-get_by_supervisors([{_,Pid,supervisor,_}|Rest], Sup, Work)
- when is_pid(Pid) ->
- Children = supervisor:which_children(Pid),
- Children2 = lists:append(Children, Rest),
- get_by_supervisors(Children2, [Pid|Sup], Work);
-get_by_supervisors([{_,Pid,_,_}|Rest], Sup, Work) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- get_by_supervisors(Rest, Sup, [Pid|Work]);
-get_by_supervisors([_Whatever|Rest], Sup, Work) ->
- get_by_supervisors(Rest, Sup, Work).
-%% Use pattern matching to select mode and delete the unneccesary pids
-delete_unwanted(Db, sup_child, App_pid) ->
- delete_not_in_supervisor_tree(Db),
- add_main_link(Db, App_pid),
- Db;
-delete_unwanted(Db, all, _App_pid) ->
- Db;
-delete_unwanted(Db, sup, App_pid) ->
- delete_workers(Db),
- delete_not_in_supervisor_tree(Db),
- add_main_link(Db, App_pid),
- Db.
-add_main_link(Db, App_pid) ->
- case application_master:get_child(App_pid) of
- {Pid, _Name} when is_pid(Pid) ->
- ets:insert(Db#data.links, {App_pid,Pid,1});
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- ets:insert(Db#data.links, {App_pid,Pid,1});
- _ ->
- false
- end.
-%% Delete the processes that are in the supervision tree but are
-%% workers, and their links.
-delete_workers(Db) ->
- Pids = ets:match_object(Db#data.procs, {'_','_',worker}),
- Pids2 =
- lists:map(
- fun({Pid,_,_}) ->
- %% Remove the unwanted pids from the process table.
- ets:match_delete(Db#data.procs, {Pid,'_','_'}),
- %% Remove the links to and from the pid.
- ets:match_delete(Db#data.links, {Pid,'_','_'}),
- ets:match_delete(Db#data.links, {'_',Pid,'_'}),
- ets:match_delete(Db#data.links2, {Pid,'_','_'}),
- ets:match_delete(Db#data.links2, {'_',Pid,'_'})
- end,
- Pids),
- Pids2.
-%% Delete the processes that are not in the supervision tree.
-delete_not_in_supervisor_tree(Db) ->
- Pids = ets:match_object(Db#data.procs,{'_','_'}),
- Pids2 =
- lists:map(
- fun({Pid,_}) ->
- %% Remove the unwanted from the process table.
- ets:match_delete(Db#data.procs, {Pid,'_'}),
- %% Remove the links to and from the pid.
- ets:match_delete(Db#data.links, {Pid,'_','_'}),
- ets:match_delete(Db#data.links, {'_',Pid,'_'}),
- ets:match_delete(Db#data.links2, {Pid,'_','_'}),
- ets:match_delete(Db#data.links2, {'_',Pid,'_'})
- end,
- Pids),
- Pids2.
-%% Start generating the tree.
-start_tree(Db, Node) ->
- case get_master(Db) of
- no -> false;
- Pid ->
- build_node(Pid, Db, Node)
- end.
-%% Build a node and then it runs itself on every child to the current
-%% pid.
-build_node(Pid, Db, Node) when is_pid(Pid), Node==node(Pid) ->
- Sort_fun = fun sort_order/2,
- Fix_sec_name_fun = fun(Pid2) -> get_link_name(Pid2, Db) end,
- Build_tree_fun = fun({_,Pid1,_}) -> build_node(Pid1,Db,Node) end,
- Children = ets:match_object(Db#data.links, {Pid,'_','_'}),
- Children1 = lists:sort(Sort_fun, Children),
- Sec_children = ets:match_object(Db#data.links2, {Pid,'_','_'}),
- {get_name(Pid,Db),
- lists:map(Build_tree_fun,Children1),
- lists:map(Fix_sec_name_fun,Sec_children)};
-build_node(Pid, _Db, Node) when is_pid(Pid), Node/=node(Pid) ->
- {"Runs on another node:"++erlang:pid_to_list(Pid), [], []};
-build_node(Pid, _Db, _Node) when is_port(Pid) ->
- {"Port :"++erlang:port_to_list(Pid), [], []}.
-%% Select the name of the pid from the database where we previosly
-%% added it.
-get_name(Pid, Db) ->
- case ets:lookup(Db#data.procs, Pid) of
- [{_,{_,master},_}] -> pid_to_list(Pid);
- [{_,{_,Name}}] -> atom_to_list(Name)++" : "++pid_to_list(Pid);
- [{_,{_,Name},_}] -> atom_to_list(Name)++" : "++pid_to_list(Pid);
- _ -> pid_to_list(Pid)
- end.
-%% Select the name of the process which we have a link to.
-get_link_name({_,Pid,_}, Db) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- case ets:lookup(Db#data.procs, Pid) of
- [{_,{_,Name}}] -> atom_to_list(Name)++" : "++pid_to_list(Pid);
- [{_,{_,Name},_}] -> atom_to_list(Name)++" : "++pid_to_list(Pid);
- _ -> pid_to_list(Pid)
- end;
-get_link_name({_,Port,_}, _Db) when is_port(Port) ->
- "Port :"++" : ";
-get_link_name(_, _) ->
- "".
-%% Sort the links in the order they where added, in ascending order.
-sort_order({_,_,N1}, {_,_,N2}) when N1>N2 -> true;
-sort_order(_N1, _N2) -> false.
-%% Select the pid of the application master.
-get_master(Db) ->
- case ets:match_object(Db#data.procs,
- {'_',{master,master},controller}) of
- [{Pid,_,_}|_Rest] -> Pid;
- _ -> no
- end.
-%% The main function to handle tracing.
-%% Checks if the process is in the table with traced processes. If so,
-%% it stops the trace, otherwise it starts the trace.
-do_send_trace(PidL, Traced_tab) ->
- Pid = list_to_pid(PidL),
- Key = get_key(Pid),
- case catch ets:lookup(Traced_tab, Key) of
- [] ->
- trace_process(Pid, Key, true, Traced_tab);
- [_Object]->
- trace_process(Pid, Key, false, Traced_tab)
- end,
- filter_procs(Traced_tab, ets:tab2list(Traced_tab)).
-get_key(Pid) ->
- Node = node(Pid),
- case rpc:call(Node, erlang, process_info, [Pid,registered_name]) of
- [] -> pid_to_list(Pid);
- {registered_name, Name} ->
- atom_to_list(Name)++" : "++pid_to_list(Pid)
- end.
-%% Tries to toggle the trace flag for the process.
-trace_process(Pid, Key, On_or_off, Procs_tab) ->
- case rpc:call(node(Pid), sys, trace, [Pid,On_or_off,1000]) of
- timeout ->
- Node = node(Pid),
- io:fwrite("timeout node= ~w, Pid= ~w mode= ~w ~n",
- [Node, Pid, On_or_off]);
- {badrpc, _} ->
- Node = node(Pid),
- io:fwrite("badrpc node= ~w, Pid= ~w mode= ~w ~n",
- [Node, Pid, On_or_off]);
- Res ->
- Node = node(Pid),
- io:fwrite("anymode ~w node= ~w, Pid= ~w mode= ~w ~n",
- [Res, Node, Pid,On_or_off]),
- case On_or_off of
- true -> ets:insert(Procs_tab, {Key,On_or_off});
- false -> ets:delete(Procs_tab, Key)
- end
- end.
-%% Check if the processes in the ets table with traced processes
-%% are alive. If not, remove them.
-filter_procs(Tab, Tab_list) ->
- lists:foreach(fun({Key,_Val}) -> is_alive(Key, Tab) end, Tab_list).
-is_alive(Key, Tab) ->
- case get_pid(Key) of
- nopid -> false;
- Pid -> is_alive2(Pid, Key, Tab)
- end.
-%% Key is either a pid in list form or Pidname:Pid in list form.
-get_pid(Key) ->
- case catch list_to_pid(string:substr(Key,string:rchr(Key,$<))) of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- Pid;
- _ ->
- nopid
- end.
-is_alive2(Pid, Key, Tab) ->
- case catch rpc:call(node(Pid), erlang, is_process_alive, [Pid]) of
- true -> true;
- false ->
- catch ets:delete(Tab, Key),
- ok
- end.