path: root/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl
diff options
authorAdam Lindberg <[email protected]>2012-02-29 14:47:44 +0100
committerAdam Lindberg <[email protected]>2012-02-29 14:47:44 +0100
commiteda0a2d866060b18af6f06abbc9ea9e920de43b7 (patch)
tree2de8dc6101afe1f856d8ce8ac2d613168653c7cd /lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl
parentcc3122ab804299810c817f3819323234ff3e23c3 (diff)
parent9ec0a0babace0932d78accf7c10b237a32dc801c (diff)
Merge branch 'alind/asn1/parallel-tests' into maint
* alind/asn1/parallel-tests: [asn1] Refactor test cases and remove extra suites [asn1] Replace 'driver' option with 'nif' [asn1] Correct test suite dependencies [asn1] Parallelize test suites [asn1] Make tables and processes unnamed [asn1] Abstract out table access to new module [asn1] Run asn1 compilation in a separate process
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl
index f680b3d064..0862ef6e02 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1_db.erl
@@ -1,167 +1,146 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% internal exports
-%% Db stuff
-dbstart(Includes) ->
- start_server(asn1db, asn1_db, dbloop0, [Includes]).
-dbloop0(Includes) ->
- dbloop(Includes, ets:new(asn1, [set,named_table])).
-opentab(Tab,Mod,[]) ->
- opentab(Tab,Mod,["."]);
-opentab(Tab,Mod,Includes) ->
- Base = lists:concat([Mod,".asn1db"]),
- opentab2(Tab,Base,Mod,Includes,ok).
+-record(state, {parent, monitor, includes, table}).
-opentab2(_Tab,_Base,_Mod,[],Error) ->
- Error;
-opentab2(Tab,Base,Mod,[Ih|It],_Error) ->
- File = filename:join(Ih,Base),
- case ets:file2tab(File) of
- {ok,Modtab} ->
- ets:insert(Tab,{Mod, Modtab}),
- {ok,Modtab};
- NewErr ->
- opentab2(Tab,Base,Mod,It,NewErr)
+%% Interface
+dbstart(Includes) ->
+ Parent = self(),
+ case get(?MODULE) of
+ undefined ->
+ put(?MODULE, spawn_link(fun() -> init(Parent, Includes) end)),
+ true;
+ _Pid ->
+ req({new_includes, Includes})
-dbloop(Includes, Tab) ->
+dbnew(Module) -> req({new, Module}).
+dbsave(OutFile, Module) -> req({save, OutFile, Module}).
+dbload(Module) -> req({load, Module}).
+dbput(Module, K, V) -> req({set, Module, K, V}).
+dbget(Module, K) -> req({get, Module, K}).
+dbget_all(K) -> req({get_all, K}).
+dbget_all_mod(Mod) -> req({all_mod, Mod}).
+dbclear() -> req(clear).
+dberase_module({module,M}) -> req({delete_mod, M}).
+dbstop() -> Resp = req(stop), erase(?MODULE), Resp.
+%% Internal functions
+req(Request) ->
+ get(?MODULE) ! {self(), Request},
+ receive {?MODULE, Reply} -> Reply after 5000 -> exit(db_timeout) end.
+reply(From, Response) ->
+ From ! {?MODULE, Response}.
+init(Parent, Includes) ->
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parent),
+ loop(#state{parent = Parent, monitor = MRef, includes = Includes,
+ table = ets:new(?MODULE, [])}).
+loop(#state{parent = Parent, monitor = MRef, table = Table,
+ includes = Includes} = State) ->
- {From,{set, Mod, K2, V}} ->
- [{_,Modtab}] = ets:lookup(Tab,Mod),
- ets:insert(Modtab,{K2, V}),
- From ! {asn1db, ok},
- dbloop(Includes, Tab);
- {From, {get, Mod, K2}} ->
- Result = case ets:lookup(Tab,Mod) of
- [] ->
- opentab(Tab,Mod,Includes);
- [{_,Modtab}] -> {ok,Modtab}
- end,
- case Result of
- {ok,Newtab} ->
- From ! {asn1db, lookup(Newtab, K2)};
- _Error ->
- From ! {asn1db, undefined}
- end,
- dbloop(Includes, Tab);
- {From, {all_mod, Mod}} ->
- [{_,Modtab}] = ets:lookup(Tab,Mod),
- From ! {asn1db, ets:tab2list(Modtab)},
- dbloop(Includes, Tab);
- {From, {delete_mod, Mod}} ->
- [{_,Modtab}] = ets:lookup(Tab,Mod),
- ets:delete(Modtab),
- ets:delete(Tab,Mod),
- From ! {asn1db, ok},
- dbloop(Includes, Tab);
- {From, {save, OutFile,Mod}} ->
- [{_,Mtab}] = ets:lookup(Tab,Mod),
- From ! {asn1db, ets:tab2file(Mtab,OutFile)},
- dbloop(Includes,Tab);
- {From, {load, Mod}} ->
- Result = case ets:lookup(Tab,Mod) of
- [] ->
- opentab(Tab,Mod,Includes);
- [{_,Modtab}] -> {ok,Modtab}
- end,
- From ! {asn1db,Result},
- dbloop(Includes,Tab);
- {From, {new, Mod}} ->
- case ets:lookup(Tab,Mod) of
- [{_,Modtab}] ->
- ets:delete(Modtab);
- _ ->
- true
- end,
- Tabname = list_to_atom(lists:concat(["asn1_",Mod])),
- ets:new(Tabname, [set,named_table]),
- ets:insert(Tab,{Mod,Tabname}),
- From ! {asn1db, ok},
- dbloop(Includes,Tab);
- {From, stop} ->
- From ! {asn1db, ok}; %% nothing to store
- {From, clear} ->
- ModTabList = [Mt||{_,Mt} <- ets:tab2list(Tab)],
- lists:foreach(fun(T) -> ets:delete(T) end,ModTabList),
- ets:delete(Tab),
- From ! {asn1db, cleared},
- dbloop(Includes, ets:new(asn1, [set]));
- {From,{new_includes,[NewIncludes]}} ->
- From ! {asn1db,done},
- dbloop(NewIncludes,Tab)
+ {From, {set, Mod, K2, V}} ->
+ [{_, Modtab}] = ets:lookup(Table, Mod),
+ ets:insert(Modtab, {K2, V}),
+ reply(From, ok),
+ loop(State);
+ {From, {get, Mod, K2}} ->
+ Result = case ets:lookup(Table, Mod) of
+ [] -> opentab(Table, Mod, Includes);
+ [{_, Modtab}] -> {ok, Modtab}
+ end,
+ case Result of
+ {ok, Newtab} -> reply(From, lookup(Newtab, K2));
+ _Error -> reply(From, undefined)
+ end,
+ loop(State);
+ {From, {all_mod, Mod}} ->
+ [{_, Modtab}] = ets:lookup(Table, Mod),
+ reply(From, ets:tab2list(Modtab)),
+ loop(State);
+ {From, {delete_mod, Mod}} ->
+ [{_, Modtab}] = ets:lookup(Table, Mod),
+ ets:delete(Modtab),
+ ets:delete(Table, Mod),
+ reply(From, ok),
+ loop(State);
+ {From, {save, OutFile, Mod}} ->
+ [{_,Mtab}] = ets:lookup(Table, Mod),
+ reply(From, ets:tab2file(Mtab, OutFile)),
+ loop(State);
+ {From, {load, Mod}} ->
+ Result = case ets:lookup(Table, Mod) of
+ [] -> opentab(Table, Mod, Includes);
+ [{_, Modtab}] -> {ok, Modtab}
+ end,
+ reply(From, Result),
+ loop(State);
+ {From, {new, Mod}} ->
+ case ets:lookup(Table, Mod) of
+ [{_, Modtab}] -> ets:delete(Modtab);
+ _ -> true
+ end,
+ ModTableId = ets:new(list_to_atom(lists:concat(["asn1_",Mod])), []),
+ ets:insert(Table, {Mod, ModTableId}),
+ reply(From, ok),
+ loop(State);
+ {From, clear} ->
+ [ets:delete(Mt) || {_, Mt} <- ets:tab2list(Table)],
+ ets:delete(Table),
+ reply(From, cleared),
+ loop(State#state{table = ets:new(asn1, [set])});
+ {From, {new_includes, NewIncludes}} ->
+ reply(From, true),
+ loop(State#state{includes = NewIncludes});
+ {From, stop} ->
+ reply(From, stopped); %% Nothing to store
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Parent, Reason} ->
+ exit(Reason)
+opentab(Tab, Mod, []) ->
+ opentab(Tab, Mod, ["."]);
+opentab(Tab, Mod, Includes) ->
+ Base = lists:concat([Mod, ".asn1db"]),
+ opentab2(Tab, Base, Mod, Includes, ok).
-%%all(Tab, K) ->
-%% pickup(K, ets:match(Tab, {{K, '$1'}, '$2'})).
-%%pickup(K, []) -> [];
-%%pickup(K, [[V1,V2] |T]) ->
-%% [{{K,V1},V2} | pickup(K, T)].
+opentab2(_Tab, _Base, _Mod, [], Error) ->
+ Error;
+opentab2(Tab, Base, Mod, [Ih|It], _Error) ->
+ File = filename:join(Ih, Base),
+ case ets:file2tab(File) of
+ {ok, Modtab} ->
+ ets:insert(Tab, {Mod, Modtab}),
+ {ok, Modtab};
+ NewErr ->
+ opentab2(Tab, Base, Mod, It, NewErr)
+ end.
lookup(Tab, K) ->
case ets:lookup(Tab, K) of
- [] -> undefined;
- [{K,V}] -> V
+ [] -> undefined;
+ [{K,V}] -> V
-dbnew(Module) -> req({new,Module}).
-dbsave(OutFile,Module) -> req({save,OutFile,Module}).
-dbload(Module) -> req({load,Module}).
-dbput(Module,K,V) -> req({set, Module, K, V}).
-dbget(Module,K) -> req({get, Module, K}).
-dbget_all(K) -> req({get_all, K}).
-dbget_all_mod(Mod) -> req({all_mod,Mod}).
-dbstop() -> stop_server(asn1db).
-dbclear() -> req(clear).
- req({delete_mod, M}).
-req(R) ->
- asn1db ! {self(), R},
- receive {asn1db, Reply} -> Reply end.
-stop_server(Name) ->
- stop_server(Name, whereis(Name)).
-stop_server(_, undefined) -> stopped;
-stop_server(Name, _Pid) ->
- Name ! {self(), stop},
- receive {Name, _} -> stopped end.
-start_server(Name,Mod,Fun,Args) ->
- case whereis(Name) of
- undefined ->
- register(Name, spawn(Mod,Fun, Args));
- _Pid ->
- req({new_includes,Args})
- end.