path: root/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber.erl
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2012-11-26 11:53:23 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2012-11-26 11:53:23 +0100
commit1204bb9dc739a80557fb1fa6e35cc113bf943823 (patch)
treec7f9030962b5d78e01dbd4137e915eb61e55f26f /lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber.erl
parentb4db457fdf813de7046056a0cf71ec104af8b871 (diff)
parent66ae461376c17806b25b8165d8ff86782fbacfa6 (diff)
Merge branch 'bjorn/asn1/clean-up-backends/OTP-10410'
* bjorn/asn1/clean-up-backends/OTP-10410: Simplify the code for the generated info/0 function Don't try to work around a non-loadable NIF library Fix BER encoding when multiple levels of typedefs are used Update megaco documentation Update documentation for the asn1 application Fix other applications Fix use of asn1 in megaco Remove the unused asn1ct_gen_ber module Remove the unused asn1ct_constructed_ber module Remove the unused asn1ct_per_bin module Remove unused functions in asn1rt_ber_bin Remove obsolete back-ends and simplify the options Make the specialized decodes work with the 'nif' option Remove support for the obsolete {Typename,Value} tuple notation Remove tests for the obsolete {TypeName,Value} notation Remove the obsolete and deprecated 'keyed_list' option
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1596 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 360de77663..0000000000
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1596 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%%%% Application internal exports
--import(asn1ct_gen, [emit/1,demit/1,get_record_name_prefix/0]).
-% the encoding of class of tag bits 8 and 7
--define(UNIVERSAL, 0).
--define(APPLICATION, 16#40).
--define(CONTEXT, 16#80).
--define(PRIVATE, 16#C0).
-% primitive or constructed encoding % bit 6
--define(PRIMITIVE, 0).
--define(CONSTRUCTED, 2#00100000).
-%% Encode/decode SEQUENCE
-gen_encode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- asn1ct_name:start(),
- asn1ct_name:new(term),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
- %% if EXTERNAL type the input value must be transformed to
- %% ASN1 1990 format
- case Typename of
- ['EXTERNAL'] ->
- emit([" NewVal = asn1rt_check:transform_to_EXTERNAL1990(Val),",
- nl]);
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- {SeqOrSet,TableConsInfo,CompList0} =
- case D#type.def of
- #'SEQUENCE'{tablecinf=TCI,components=CL} ->
- #'SET'{tablecinf=TCI,components=CL} ->
- {'SET',TCI,CL}
- end,
- %% filter away extensionAdditiongroup markers
- CompList = filter_complist(CompList0),
- Ext = extensible(CompList),
- CompList1 = case CompList of
- {Rl1,El,Rl2} -> Rl1 ++ El ++ Rl2;
- {Rl,El} -> Rl ++ El;
- _ -> CompList
- end,
- EncObj =
- case TableConsInfo of
- #simpletableattributes{usedclassfield=Used,
- uniqueclassfield=Unique} when Used /= Unique ->
- false;
- %% ObjectSetRef, name of the object set in constraints
- %%
- %%{ObjectSetRef,AttrN,N,UniqueFieldName}
- #simpletableattributes{objectsetname=ObjectSetRef,
- c_name=AttrN,
- c_index=N,
- usedclassfield=UniqueFieldName,
- uniqueclassfield=UniqueFieldName,
- valueindex=ValueIndex
- } ->
- OSDef =
- case ObjectSetRef of
- {Module,OSName} ->
- asn1_db:dbget(Module,OSName);
- OSName ->
- asn1_db:dbget(get(currmod),OSName)
- end,
-% io:format("currmod: ~p~nOSName: ~p~nAttrN: ~p~nN: ~p~nUniqueFieldName: ~p~n",
-% [get(currmod),OSName,AttrN,N,UniqueFieldName]),
- case (OSDef#typedef.typespec)#'ObjectSet'.gen of
- true ->
-% Val = lists:concat(["?RT_BER:cindex(",
-% N+1,",Val,"]),
- ObjectEncode =
- asn1ct_gen:un_hyphen_var(lists:concat(['Obj',
- AttrN])),
- emit({ObjectEncode," = ",nl}),
- {ObjSetMod,ObjSetName} =
- case ObjectSetRef of
- {M,O} ->
- {{asis,M},O};
- O ->
- {"?MODULE",O}
- end,
- emit({" ",ObjSetMod,":'getenc_",ObjSetName,"'(",{asis,UniqueFieldName},
- ", ",nl}),
-% emit({indent(35),"?RT_BER:cindex(",N+1,", Val,",
-% {asis,AttrN},")),",nl}),
- Length = fun(X,_LFun) when is_atom(X) ->
- length(atom_to_list(X));
- (X,_LFun) when is_list(X) ->
- length(X);
- ({X1,X2},LFun) ->
- LFun(X1,LFun) + LFun(X2,LFun)
- end,
- emit([indent(10+Length(ObjectSetRef,Length)),
- "value_match(",{asis,ValueIndex},",",
- "?RT_BER:cindex(",N+1,",Val,",
- {asis,AttrN},"))),",nl]),
- notice_value_match(),
- {AttrN,ObjectEncode};
- _ ->
- false
- end;
- _ ->
- case D#type.tablecinf of
- [{objfun,_}|_] ->
- %% when the simpletableattributes was at an
- %% outer level and the objfun has been passed
- %% through the function call
- {"got objfun through args","ObjFun"};
- _ ->
- false
- end
- end,
- gen_enc_sequence_call(Erules,Typename,CompList1,1,Ext,EncObj),
- MyTag = [X#tag{class=asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(X#tag.class)}|| X <- D#type.tag]
- ++
- [#tag{class = asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class('UNIVERSAL'),
- number = asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_type(SeqOrSet),
- form = ?CONSTRUCTED,
- type = 'IMPLICIT'}],
- emit([nl," BytesSoFar = "]),
- case SeqOrSet of
- 'SET' when (D#type.def)#'SET'.sorted == dynamic ->
- emit("asn1rt_check:dynamicsort_SET_components(["),
- mkvlist(asn1ct_name:all(encBytes)),
- emit(["]),",nl]);
- _ ->
- emit("["),
- mkvlist(asn1ct_name:all(encBytes)),
- emit(["],",nl])
- end,
- emit(" LenSoFar = "),
- case asn1ct_name:all(encLen) of
- [] -> emit("0");
- AllLengths ->
- mkvplus(AllLengths)
- end,
- emit([",",nl]),
-% emit(["{TagBytes,Len} = ?RT_BER:encode_tags(TagIn ++ ",
- emit([" ?RT_BER:encode_tags(TagIn ++ ",
- {asis,MyTag},", BytesSoFar, LenSoFar).",nl]).
-gen_decode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- asn1ct_name:start(),
- asn1ct_name:new(tag),
- #'SEQUENCE'{tablecinf=TableConsInfo,components=CList0} = D#type.def,
- %% filter away extensionAdditiongroup markers
- CList = filter_complist(CList0),
- Ext = extensible(CList),
- {CompList,CompList2} = case CList of
- {Rl1,El,Rl2} -> {Rl1 ++ El ++ Rl2,CList};
- {Rl,El} -> {Rl ++ El, Rl ++ El};
- _ -> {CList,CList}
- end,
- emit([" %%-------------------------------------------------",nl]),
- emit([" %% decode tag and length ",nl]),
- emit([" %%-------------------------------------------------",nl]),
- asn1ct_name:new(rb),
- MyTag = [X#tag{class=asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(X#tag.class)}|| X <- D#type.tag]
- ++
- [#tag{class = asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class('UNIVERSAL'),
- number = asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_type('SEQUENCE'),
- form = ?CONSTRUCTED,
- type = 'IMPLICIT'}],
- emit([" {{_,",asn1ct_gen_ber:unused_var("Len",D#type.def),"},",{next,bytes},",",{curr,rb},
- "} = ?RT_BER:check_tags(TagIn ++ ",{asis,MyTag},", ",
- {curr,bytes},", OptOrMand), ",nl]),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
- asn1ct_name:new(len),
- case CompList of
- [] -> true;
- _ ->
- emit({"{",{next,bytes},
- ",RemBytes} = ?RT_BER:split_list(",
- {curr,bytes},
- ",", {prev,len},"),",nl}),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes)
- end,
- {DecObjInf,UniqueFName,ValueIndex} =
- case TableConsInfo of
- #simpletableattributes{objectsetname=ObjectSet,
- c_name=AttrN,
- usedclassfield=UniqueFieldName,
- uniqueclassfield=UniqueFieldName,
- valueindex=ValIndex
- } ->
- F = fun(#'ComponentType'{typespec=CT})->
- case {asn1ct_gen:get_constraint(CT#type.constraint,componentrelation),CT#type.tablecinf} of
-% case {CT#type.constraint,CT#type.tablecinf} of
- {no,[{objfun,_}|_R]} -> true;
- _ -> false
- end
- end,
- case lists:any(F,CompList) of
- %%AttributeName = asn1ct_gen:un_hyphen_var(AttrN),
- true -> % when component relation constraint establish
- %% relation from a component to another components
- %% subtype component
- {{AttrN,{deep,ObjectSet,UniqueFieldName,
- ValIndex}},
- UniqueFieldName,ValIndex};
- false ->
- {{AttrN,ObjectSet},UniqueFieldName,ValIndex}
- end;
- _ ->
- {false,false,false}
- end,
- RecordName = lists:concat([get_record_name_prefix(),asn1ct_gen:list2rname(Typename)]),
- case gen_dec_sequence_call(Erules,Typename,CompList2,Ext,DecObjInf) of
- no_terms -> % an empty sequence
- emit([nl,nl]),
- demit({"Result = "}), %dbg
- %% return value as record
- asn1ct_name:new(rb),
- emit([" {{'",RecordName,"'}, ",{curr,bytes},",",nl," "]),
- asn1ct_gen_ber:add_removed_bytes(),
- emit(["}.",nl]);
- {LeadingAttrTerm,PostponedDecArgs} ->
- emit([com,nl,nl]),
- case {LeadingAttrTerm,PostponedDecArgs} of
- {[],[]} ->
- ok;
- {_,[]} ->
- ok;
- {[{ObjSet,LeadingAttr,Term}],PostponedDecArgs} ->
- DecObj = asn1ct_gen:un_hyphen_var(lists:concat(['DecObj',LeadingAttr,Term])),
- ValueMatch = value_match(ValueIndex,Term),
- {ObjSetMod,ObjSetName} =
- case ObjSet of
- {M,O} ->
- {{asis,M},O};
- _ ->
- {"?MODULE",ObjSet}
- end,
- emit([DecObj," =",nl," ",ObjSetMod,":'getdec_",ObjSetName,"'(",
-% {asis,UniqueFName},", ",Term,"),",nl}),
- {asis,UniqueFName},", ",ValueMatch,"),",nl]),
- gen_dec_postponed_decs(DecObj,PostponedDecArgs)
- end,
- demit({"Result = "}), %dbg
- %% return value as record
- asn1ct_name:new(rb),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
- ExtStatus = case Ext of
- {ext,_,_} -> ext;
- _ -> noext % noext | extensible
- end,
- emit([" {",{next,bytes},",",{curr,rb},"} = ?RT_BER:restbytes2(RemBytes, ",
- {curr,bytes},",",ExtStatus,"),",nl]),
- asn1ct_name:new(rb),
- case Typename of
- ['EXTERNAL'] ->
- emit([" OldFormat={'",RecordName,
- "', "]),
- mkvlist(asn1ct_name:all(term)),
- emit(["},",nl]),
- emit([" ASN11994Format =",nl,
- " asn1rt_check:transform_to_EXTERNAL1994",
- "(OldFormat),",nl]),
- emit([" {ASN11994Format,",{next,bytes},", "]);
- _ ->
- emit([" {{'",RecordName,"', "]),
- mkvlist(asn1ct_name:all(term)),
- emit(["}, ",{next,bytes},", "])
- end,
- asn1ct_gen_ber:add_removed_bytes(),
- emit(["}.",nl])
- end.
-gen_dec_postponed_decs(_,[]) ->
- emit(nl);
-gen_dec_postponed_decs(DecObj,[{_Cname,{FirstPFN,PFNList},Term,TmpTerm,_Tag,OptOrMand}|Rest]) ->
-% asn1ct_name:new(term),
- asn1ct_name:new(tmpterm),
- asn1ct_name:new(reason),
- emit({"{",Term,", _, _} = ",nl}),
- N = case OptOrMand of
- mandatory -> 0;
- emit_opt_or_mand_check(asn1_NOVALUE,TmpTerm),
- 6;
- {'DEFAULT',Val} ->
- emit_opt_or_mand_check(Val,TmpTerm),
- 6
- end,
- emit({indent(N+3),"case (catch ",DecObj,"(",{asis,FirstPFN},
-% ", ",TmpTerm,", ", {asis,Tag},", ",{asis,PFNList},")) of",nl}),
- ", ",TmpTerm,", [], ",{asis,PFNList},")) of",nl}),
- emit({indent(N+6),"{'EXIT', ",{curr,reason},"} ->",nl}),
- emit({indent(N+9),"exit({'Type not compatible with table constraint',",
- {curr,reason},"});",nl}),
- emit({indent(N+6),{curr,tmpterm}," ->",nl}),
- emit({indent(N+9),{curr,tmpterm},nl}),
- case OptOrMand of
- mandatory -> emit([indent(N+3),"end,",nl]);
- _ ->
- emit([indent(N+3),"end",nl,
- indent(3),"end,",nl])
- end,
-% emit({indent(3),"end,",nl}),
- gen_dec_postponed_decs(DecObj,Rest).
-emit_opt_or_mand_check(Value,TmpTerm) ->
- emit([indent(3),"case ",TmpTerm," of",nl,
- indent(6),{asis,Value}," -> {",{asis,Value},",[],[]};",nl,
- indent(6),"_ ->",nl]).
-%% Encode/decode SET
-gen_encode_set(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- gen_encode_sequence(Erules,Typename,D).
-gen_decode_set(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- asn1ct_name:start(),
- asn1ct_name:clear(),
- asn1ct_name:new(term),
- asn1ct_name:new(tag),
- #'SET'{components=TCompList0} = D#type.def,
- %% filter away extensionAdditiongroup markers
- TCompList = filter_complist(TCompList0),
- Ext = extensible(TCompList),
- ToOptional = fun(mandatory) ->
- (X) -> X
- end,
- CompList = case TCompList of
- {Rl1,El,Rl2} ->
- Rl1 ++ [X#'ComponentType'{prop=ToOptional(Y)}||X = #'ComponentType'{prop=Y}<-El] ++ Rl2;
- {Rl,El} -> Rl ++ El;
- _ -> TCompList
- end,
- emit([" %%-------------------------------------------------",nl]),
- emit([" %% decode tag and length ",nl]),
- emit([" %%-------------------------------------------------",nl]),
- asn1ct_name:new(rb),
- MyTag = [X#tag{class=asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(X#tag.class)}|| X <- D#type.tag]
- ++
- [#tag{class = asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class('UNIVERSAL'),
- number = asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_type('SET'),
- form = ?CONSTRUCTED,
- type = 'IMPLICIT'}],
- emit([" {{_,Len},",{next,bytes},",",{curr,rb},
- "} = ?RT_BER:check_tags(TagIn ++ ",{asis,MyTag},", ",
- {curr,bytes},", OptOrMand), ",nl]),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
- asn1ct_name:new(len),
- asn1ct_name:new(rb),
- emit([" {SetTerm, SetBytes, ",{curr,rb},"} = ?RT_BER:decode_set(0, Len, ",
- {curr,bytes},", OptOrMand, ",
- "fun 'dec_",asn1ct_gen:list2name(Typename),"_fun'/2, []),",nl]),
- asn1ct_name:new(rb),
- {ExtFlatten1,ExtFlatten2} =
- case Ext of
- noext -> {"",""};
- _ -> {"lists:flatten(",")"}
- end,
- emit([" 'dec_",asn1ct_gen:list2name(Typename),
- "__result__'(lists:sort(",ExtFlatten1,"SetTerm",ExtFlatten2,"), SetBytes, "]),
- asn1ct_gen_ber:add_removed_bytes(),
- emit([").",nl,nl,nl]),
- emit({"%%-------------------------------------------------",nl}),
- emit({"%% Set loop fun for ",asn1ct_gen:list2name(Typename),nl}),
- emit({"%%-------------------------------------------------",nl}),
- asn1ct_name:clear(),
- asn1ct_name:new(term),
- emit(["'dec_",asn1ct_gen:list2name(Typename),"_fun'(",{curr,bytes},
- ", OptOrMand) ->",nl]),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
- gen_dec_set(Erules,Typename,CompList,1,Ext),
- emit([" %% tag not found, if extensionmark we should skip bytes here",nl]),
- emit([indent(6),"_ -> ",nl]),
- case Ext of
- noext ->
- emit([indent(9),"{[], Bytes,0}",nl]);
- _ ->
- asn1ct_name:new(rbCho),
- emit([indent(9),"{RestBytes, ",{curr,rbCho},
- "} = ?RT_BER:skipvalue(Bytes),",nl,
- indent(9),"{[], RestBytes, ",{curr,rbCho},"}",nl])
- end,
- emit([indent(3),"end.",nl,nl,nl]),
- emit({"%%-------------------------------------------------",nl}),
- emit({"%% Result ",asn1ct_gen:list2name(Typename),nl}),
- emit({"%%-------------------------------------------------",nl}),
- asn1ct_name:clear(),
- emit({"'dec_",asn1ct_gen:list2name(Typename),"__result__'(",
- asn1ct_gen_ber:unused_var("TermList",D#type.def),", Bytes, Rb) ->",nl}),
- RecordName = lists:concat([get_record_name_prefix(),
- asn1ct_gen:list2rname(Typename)]),
- case gen_dec_set_result(Erules,Typename,CompList) of
- no_terms ->
- %% return value as record
- asn1ct_name:new(rb),
- emit({" {{'",RecordName,"'}, Bytes, Rb}.",nl});
- _ ->
- emit({nl," case ",{curr,termList}," of",nl}),
- emit({" [] -> {{'",RecordName,"', "}),
- mkvlist(asn1ct_name:all(term)),
- emit({"}, Bytes, Rb};",nl}),
- emit({" ExtraAtt -> exit({error,{asn1,{too_many_attributes, ExtraAtt}}})",nl}),
- emit({" end.",nl}),
- emit({nl,nl,nl})
- end.
-%% Encode/decode SEQUENCE OF and SET OF
-gen_encode_sof(Erules,Typename,_InnerTypename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- asn1ct_name:start(),
- {SeqOrSetOf, Cont} = D#type.def,
- Objfun = case D#type.tablecinf of
- [{objfun,_}|_R] ->
- ", ObjFun";
- _ ->
- ""
- end,
- emit({" {EncBytes,EncLen} = 'enc_",asn1ct_gen:list2name(Typename),
- "_components'(Val",Objfun,",[],0),",nl}),
- MyTag = [X#tag{class=asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(X#tag.class)}|| X <- D#type.tag]
- ++
- [#tag{class = asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class('UNIVERSAL'),
- number = asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_type(SeqOrSetOf),
- form = ?CONSTRUCTED,
- type = 'IMPLICIT'}],
-% gen_encode_tags(Erules,MyTag,"EncLen","EncBytes"),
- emit([" ?RT_BER:encode_tags(TagIn ++ ",
- {asis,MyTag},", EncBytes, EncLen).",nl,nl]),
- gen_encode_sof_components(Erules,Typename,SeqOrSetOf,Cont).
-% gen_enc_line(Erules,Typename,TypeNameSuffix,Cont,"H",0,
-% mandatory,"{EncBytes,EncLen} = "),
-gen_decode_sof(Erules,Typename,_InnerTypename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- asn1ct_name:start(),
- asn1ct_name:clear(),
- {SeqOrSetOf, TypeTag, Cont} =
- case D#type.def of
- {'SET OF',_Cont} -> {'SET OF','SET',_Cont};
- end,
- TypeNameSuffix = asn1ct_gen:constructed_suffix(SeqOrSetOf,Cont#type.def),
- emit({" %%-------------------------------------------------",nl}),
- emit({" %% decode tag and length ",nl}),
- emit({" %%-------------------------------------------------",nl}),
- asn1ct_name:new(rb),
- MyTag = [X#tag{class=asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(X#tag.class)}|| X <- D#type.tag]
- ++
- [#tag{class = asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class('UNIVERSAL'),
- number = asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_type(TypeTag),
- form = ?CONSTRUCTED,
- type = 'IMPLICIT'}],
- emit([" {{_,Len},",{next,bytes},",",{curr,rb},
- "} = ?RT_BER:check_tags(TagIn ++ ",{asis,MyTag},", ",
- {curr,bytes},", OptOrMand), ",nl]),
- emit([" ?RT_BER:decode_components(",{curr,rb}]),
- InnerType = asn1ct_gen:get_inner(Cont#type.def),
- ContName = case asn1ct_gen:type(InnerType) of
- Atom when is_atom(Atom) -> Atom;
- _ -> TypeNameSuffix
- end,
- emit([", Len, ",{next,bytes},", "]),
-% NewCont =
-% case Cont#type.def of
-% {'ENUMERATED',_,Components}->
-% Cont#type{def={'ENUMERATED',Components}};
-% _ -> Cont
-% end,
- ObjFun =
- case D#type.tablecinf of
- [{objfun,_}|_R] ->
- ", ObjFun";
- _ ->
- []
- end,
- gen_dec_line_sof(Erules,Typename,ContName,Cont,ObjFun),
- emit([", []).",nl,nl,nl]).
- when is_record(Cont,type)->
- {Objfun,ObjFun_novar,EncObj} =
- case Cont#type.tablecinf of
- [{objfun,_}|_R] ->
- {", ObjFun",", _",{no_attr,"ObjFun"}};
- _ ->
- {"","",false}
- end,
- emit(["'enc_",asn1ct_gen:list2name(Typename),
- "_components'([]",ObjFun_novar,", AccBytes, AccLen) -> ",nl]),
- case catch lists:member(der,get(encoding_options)) of
- true when SeqOrSetOf=='SET OF' ->
- emit([indent(3),
- "{asn1rt_check:dynamicsort_SETOF(AccBytes),AccLen};",nl,nl]);
- _ ->
- emit([indent(3),"{lists:reverse(AccBytes),AccLen};",nl,nl])
- end,
- emit(["'enc_",asn1ct_gen:list2name(Typename),
- "_components'([H|T]",Objfun,",AccBytes, AccLen) ->",nl]),
- TypeNameSuffix = asn1ct_gen:constructed_suffix(SeqOrSetOf,Cont#type.def),
- gen_enc_line(Erules,Typename,TypeNameSuffix,Cont,"H",3,
-% mandatory,"{EncBytes,EncLen} = ",EncObj),
- mandatory,EncObj),
- emit([",",nl]),
- emit([indent(3),"'enc_",asn1ct_gen:list2name(Typename),
- "_components'(T",Objfun,","]),
- emit(["[EncBytes|AccBytes], AccLen + EncLen).",nl,nl]).
-%% Encode/decode CHOICE
-gen_encode_choice(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- ChoiceTag = D#type.tag,
- {'CHOICE',CompList} = D#type.def,
- Ext = extensible(CompList),
- CompList1 = case CompList of
- {Rl1,El,Rl2} -> Rl1 ++ El ++ Rl2;
- {Rl,El} -> Rl ++ El;
- _ -> CompList
- end,
- gen_enc_choice(Erules,Typename,ChoiceTag,CompList1,Ext),
- emit({nl,nl}).
-gen_decode_choice(Erules,Typename,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
- asn1ct_name:start(),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
- ChoiceTag = D#type.tag,
- {'CHOICE',CompList} = D#type.def,
- Ext = extensible(CompList),
- CompList1 = case CompList of
- {Rl1,El,Rl2} -> Rl1 ++ El ++Rl2;
- {Rl,El} -> Rl ++ El;
- _ -> CompList
- end,
- gen_dec_choice(Erules,Typename,ChoiceTag,CompList1,Ext),
- emit({".",nl}).
-%% Encode SEQUENCE
-gen_enc_sequence_call(Erules,TopType,[#'ComponentType'{name=Cname,typespec=Type,prop=Prop,textual_order=Order}|Rest],Pos,Ext,EncObj) ->
- asn1ct_name:new(encBytes),
- asn1ct_name:new(encLen),
- CindexPos =
- case Order of
- undefined ->
- Pos;
- _ -> Order % der
- end,
- Element =
- case TopType of
- ['EXTERNAL'] ->
- io_lib:format("?RT_BER:cindex(~w,NewVal,~w)",[CindexPos+1,Cname]);
- _ ->
- io_lib:format("?RT_BER:cindex(~w,Val,~w)",[CindexPos+1,Cname])
- end,
- InnerType = asn1ct_gen:get_inner(Type#type.def),
- print_attribute_comment(InnerType,Pos,Prop),
- gen_enc_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,Element,3,Prop,EncObj),
- case Rest of
- [] ->
- emit({com,nl});
- _ ->
- emit({com,nl}),
- gen_enc_sequence_call(Erules,TopType,Rest,Pos+1,Ext,EncObj)
- end;
-gen_enc_sequence_call(_Erules,_TopType,[],_Num,_,_) ->
- true.
-%% Decode SEQUENCE
- when is_list(CompList) ->
- gen_dec_sequence_call1(Erules,TopType, CompList, 1, Ext,DecObjInf,[],[]);
-gen_dec_sequence_call(Erules,TopType,CList,Ext,DecObjInf) ->
- gen_dec_sequence_call2(Erules,TopType,CList,Ext,DecObjInf).
-gen_dec_sequence_call1(Erules,TopType,[#'ComponentType'{name=Cname,typespec=Type,prop=Prop,tags=Tags}|Rest],Num,Ext,DecObjInf,LeadingAttrAcc,ArgsAcc) ->
- {LA,PostponedDec} =
- gen_dec_component(Erules,TopType,Cname,Tags,Type,Num,Prop,
- Ext,DecObjInf),
- case Rest of
- [] ->
- {LA ++ LeadingAttrAcc,PostponedDec ++ ArgsAcc};
- _ ->
- emit({com,nl}),
-% asn1ct_name:new(term),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
- gen_dec_sequence_call1(Erules,TopType,Rest,Num+1,Ext,DecObjInf,
- LA++LeadingAttrAcc,PostponedDec++ArgsAcc)
- end;
-gen_dec_sequence_call1(_Erules,_TopType,[],1,_,_,_,_) ->
- no_terms.
-gen_dec_sequence_call2(_Erules,_TopType,{[],[],[]},_Ext,_DecObjInf) ->
- no_terms;
-gen_dec_sequence_call2(Erules,TopType,{Root1,EList,Root2},_Ext,DecObjInf) ->
- {LA,ArgsAcc} =
- case gen_dec_sequence_call1(Erules,TopType,Root1++EList,1,
- extensible({Root1,EList}),DecObjInf,[],[]) of
- no_terms ->
- {[],[]};
- Res -> Res
- end,
- %% TagList is the tags of Root2 elements from the first up to and
- %% including the first mandatory element.
- TagList = get_root2_taglist(Root2,[]),
- emit({com,nl}),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
- emit([" {",{next,bytes},", ",{next,rb},
- "} = ?RT_BER:skip_ExtensionAdditions(",
- {curr,bytes},", ",{asis,TagList},"),",nl]),
- asn1ct_name:new(rb),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
- gen_dec_sequence_call1(Erules,TopType,Root2,
- length(Root1)+length(EList),noext,
- DecObjInf,LA,ArgsAcc).
-%% returns a list of tags of the elements in the component (second
-%% root) list up to and including the first mandatory tag. See 24.6 in
-%% X.680 (7/2002)
-get_root2_taglist([],Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-get_root2_taglist([#'ComponentType'{prop=Prop,typespec=Type}|Rest],Acc) ->
- FirstTag = fun([])->[];
- ([H|_T])->H#tag{class=asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(H#tag.class)}
- end(Type#type.tag),
- case Prop of
- mandatory ->
- %% match_tags/ may be used
- %% this is the last tag of interest -> return
- lists:reverse([FirstTag|Acc]);
- _ ->
- get_root2_taglist(Rest,[FirstTag|Acc])
- end.
-%%SEQUENCE mandatory
-gen_dec_component(Erules,TopType,Cname,CTags,Type,Pos,Prop,Ext,DecObjInf) ->
- InnerType =
- case Type#type.def of
- #'ObjectClassFieldType'{type=OCFTType} -> OCFTType;
- _ -> asn1ct_gen:get_inner(Type#type.def)
- end,
- Prop1 = case {Prop,Ext} of
- {_,{ext,Epos,_Root2pos}} when Pos < Epos ->
- Prop;
- {mandatory,{ext,Epos,_}} when Pos >= Epos ->
- _ ->
- Prop
- end,
- print_attribute_comment(InnerType,Pos,Prop1),
- emit(" "),
- case {InnerType,DecObjInf} of
- {{typefield,_},NotFalse} when NotFalse /= false ->
- asn1ct_name:new(term),
- asn1ct_name:new(tmpterm),
- emit({"{",{curr,tmpterm},", ",{next,bytes},",",{next,rb},"} = "});
- {{objectfield,_,_},_} ->
- asn1ct_name:new(term),
- asn1ct_name:new(tmpterm),
- emit({"{",{curr,tmpterm},", ",{next,bytes},",",{next,rb},"} = "});
- _ ->
- asn1ct_name:new(term),
- emit({"{",{curr,term},",",{next,bytes},",",{next,rb},"} = "})
- end,
- asn1ct_name:new(rb),
- PostponedDec =
- gen_dec_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,CTags,Type,Prop1,DecObjInf),
- asn1ct_name:new(form),
- PostponedDec.
-%% Decode SET
-gen_dec_set(Erules,TopType,CompList,Pos,Ext) ->
- ExtCatch = case Ext of
- noext ->"";
- _ -> " catch"
- end,
- TagList = get_all_choice_tags(CompList),
- emit({indent(3),
- {curr,tagList}," = ",{asis,TagList},",",nl}),
- emit({indent(3),
- "case",ExtCatch," ?RT_BER:check_if_valid_tag(Bytes, ",
- {curr,tagList},", OptOrMand) of",nl}),
- asn1ct_name:new(tagList),
- asn1ct_name:new(rbCho),
- asn1ct_name:new(choTags),
- gen_dec_set_cases(Erules,TopType,CompList,TagList,Pos),
- asn1ct_name:new(tag),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes).
-gen_dec_set_cases(_,_,[],_,_) ->
- ok;
-gen_dec_set_cases(Erules,TopType,[H|T],List,Pos) ->
- Name = H#'ComponentType'.name,
- Type = H#'ComponentType'.typespec,
- emit({indent(6),"'",Name,"' ->",nl}),
- case Type#type.def of
- {'CHOICE',_NewCompList} ->
- gen_dec_set_cases_choice(Erules,TopType,H,Pos);
- _ ->
- gen_dec_set_cases_type(Erules,TopType,H,Pos)
- end,
- gen_dec_set_cases(Erules,TopType,T,List,Pos+1).
-gen_dec_set_cases_choice(_Erules,TopType,H,Pos) ->
- Cname = H#'ComponentType'.name,
- Tag = [X#tag{class=asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(X#tag.class)}
- || X <- (H#'ComponentType'.typespec)#type.tag],
- asn1ct_name:new(rbCho),
- emit({indent(9),"{Dec, Rest, ",{curr,rbCho},"} = "}),
- emit({"'dec_",asn1ct_gen:list2name([Cname|TopType]),
- "'(Bytes,OptOrMand,",{asis,Tag},"),",nl}),
- emit([" {{",Pos,",Dec}, Rest, ",{curr,rbCho},"}"]),
- emit([";",nl,nl]).
-gen_dec_set_cases_type(Erules,TopType,H,Pos) ->
- Cname = H#'ComponentType'.name,
- Type = H#'ComponentType'.typespec,
- %% always use Prop = mandatory here Prop = H#'ComponentType'.prop,
- asn1ct_name:new(rbCho),
- emit({indent(9),"{Dec, Rest, ",{curr,rbCho},"} = "}),
- asn1ct_name:delete(bytes),
- %% we have already seen the tag so now we must find the value
- %% that why we always use 'mandatory' here
- gen_dec_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,[],Type,mandatory,decObjInf),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
- emit([",",nl]),
- emit(["{{",Pos,",Dec}, Rest, ",{curr,rbCho},"}"]),
- emit([";",nl,nl]).
-%% Decode SET result
-gen_dec_set_result(Erules,TopType,CompList) ->
- gen_dec_set_result1(Erules,TopType, CompList, 1).
- [#'ComponentType'{name=Cname,
- typespec=Type,
- prop=Prop}|Rest],Num) ->
- gen_dec_set_component(Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,Num,Prop),
- case Rest of
- [] ->
- true;
- _ ->
- gen_dec_set_result1(Erules,TopType,Rest,Num+1)
- end;
-gen_dec_set_result1(_Erules,_TopType,[],1) ->
- no_terms;
-gen_dec_set_result1(_Erules,_TopType,[],_Num) ->
- true.
-gen_dec_set_component(_Erules,_TopType,_Cname,Type,Pos,Prop) ->
- InnerType = asn1ct_gen:get_inner(Type#type.def),
- print_attribute_comment(InnerType,Pos,Prop),
- emit({" {",{next,term},com,{next,termList},"} =",nl}),
- emit({" case ",{curr,termList}," of",nl}),
- emit({" [{",Pos,com,{curr,termTmp},"}|",
- {curr,rest},"] -> "}),
- emit({"{",{curr,termTmp},com,
- {curr,rest},"};",nl}),
- case Prop of
- emit([indent(10),"_ -> {asn1_NOVALUE, ",{curr,termList},"}",nl]);
- {'DEFAULT', DefVal} ->
- emit([indent(10),
- "_ -> {",{asis,DefVal},", ",{curr,termList},"}",nl]);
- mandatory ->
- emit([indent(10),
- "_ -> exit({error,{asn1,{mandatory_attribute_no, ",
- Pos,", missing}}})",nl])
- end,
- emit([indent(6),"end,",nl]),
- asn1ct_name:new(rest),
- asn1ct_name:new(term),
- asn1ct_name:new(termList),
- asn1ct_name:new(termTmp).
-%% Encode CHOICE
-%% for BER we currently do care (a little) if the choice has an EXTENSIONMARKER
-gen_enc_choice(Erules,TopType,Tag,CompList,_Ext) ->
- gen_enc_choice1(Erules,TopType,Tag,CompList,_Ext).
-gen_enc_choice1(Erules,TopType,Tag,CompList,_Ext) ->
- asn1ct_name:clear(),
- emit({" {EncBytes,EncLen} = case element(1,Val) of",nl}),
- gen_enc_choice2(Erules,TopType,CompList),
- emit([nl," end,",nl,nl]),
- NewTag = [X#tag{class=asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(X#tag.class)}|| X <- Tag],
-% gen_encode_tags(Erules,NewTag,"EncLen","EncBytes").
- emit(["?RT_BER:encode_tags(TagIn ++",{asis,NewTag},", EncBytes, EncLen).",nl]).
-gen_enc_choice2(Erules,TopType,[H1|T]) when is_record(H1,'ComponentType') ->
- Cname = H1#'ComponentType'.name,
- Type = H1#'ComponentType'.typespec,
- emit({" ",{asis,Cname}," ->",nl}),
- {Encobj,Assign} =
-% case asn1ct_gen:get_constraint(Type#type.constraint,
-% tableconstraint_info) of
- case {Type#type.def,asn1ct_gen:get_constraint(Type#type.constraint,
- componentrelation)} of
- {#'ObjectClassFieldType'{},{componentrelation,_,_}} ->
- asn1ct_name:new(tmpBytes),
- asn1ct_name:new(encBytes),
- asn1ct_name:new(encLen),
- Emit = ["{",{curr,tmpBytes},", _} = "],
- {{no_attr,"ObjFun"},Emit};
- _ ->
- case Type#type.tablecinf of
- [{objfun,_}] -> {{no_attr,"ObjFun"},[]};
- _-> {false,[]}
- end
- end,
- gen_enc_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,"element(2,Val)",9,
- mandatory,Assign,Encobj),
- case {Type#type.def,Encobj} of
- {#'ObjectClassFieldType'{},{no_attr,"ObjFun"}} ->
- emit({",",nl,indent(9),"{",{curr,encBytes},", ",
- {curr,encLen},"}"});
- _ -> ok
- end,
- emit({";",nl}),
- case T of
- [] ->
- emit([indent(6), "Else -> ",nl,
- indent(9),"exit({error,{asn1,{invalid_choice_type,Else}}})"]);
- _ ->
- true
- end,
- gen_enc_choice2(Erules,TopType,T);
-gen_enc_choice2(_,_,[]) ->
- true.
-%% Decode CHOICE
-gen_dec_choice(Erules,TopType, ChTag, CompList, Ext) ->
- asn1ct_name:delete(bytes),
- Tags = [X#tag{class=asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(X#tag.class)}|| X <- ChTag],
- emit([" {{_,Len},",{next,bytes},
- ", RbExp} = ?RT_BER:check_tags(TagIn++",
- {asis,Tags},", ",
- {curr,bytes},", OptOrMand),",nl]),
- asn1ct_name:new(bytes),
- asn1ct_name:new(len),
- gen_dec_choice_indef_funs(Erules),
- case Erules of
- ber_bin ->
- emit([indent(3),"case ",{curr,bytes}," of",nl]);
- ber ->
- emit([indent(3),
- "case (catch ?RT_BER:peek_tag(",{curr,bytes},")) of",nl])
- end,
- asn1ct_name:new(tagList),
- asn1ct_name:new(choTags),
- gen_dec_choice_cases(Erules,TopType,CompList),
- case Ext of
- noext ->
- emit([indent(6), {curr,else}," -> ",nl]),
- emit([indent(9),"case OptOrMand of",nl,
- indent(12),"mandatory ->","exit({error,{asn1,",
- "{invalid_choice_tag,",{curr,else},"}}});",nl,
- indent(12),"_ ->","exit({error,{asn1,{no_optional_tag,",
- {curr,else},"}}})",nl,
- indent(9),"end",nl]);
- _ ->
- emit([indent(6),"_ -> ",nl]),
- emit([indent(9),"{{asn1_ExtAlt,",{curr,bytes},"},",
- empty_lb(Erules),", RbExp}",nl])
- end,
- emit([indent(3),"end"]),
- asn1ct_name:new(tag),
- asn1ct_name:new(else).
-gen_dec_choice_indef_funs(Erules) ->
- emit({indent(3),"IndefEndBytes = fun(indefinite,",indefend_match(Erules,used_var),
- ")-> R; (_,B)-> B end,",nl}),
- emit({indent(3),"IndefEndRb = fun(indefinite,",indefend_match(Erules,unused_var),
- ")-> 2; (_,_)-> 0 end,",nl}).
-gen_dec_choice_cases(_,_, []) ->
- ok;
-gen_dec_choice_cases(Erules,TopType, [H|T]) ->
- asn1ct_name:push(rbCho),
- Name = H#'ComponentType'.name,
- emit([nl,"%% '",Name,"'",nl]),
- Fcases = fun([T1,T2|Tail],Fun) ->
- emit([indent(6),match_tag(Erules,T1)," ->",nl]),
- gen_dec_choice_cases_type(Erules,TopType, H),
- Fun([T2|Tail],Fun);
- ([T1],_) ->
- emit([indent(6),match_tag(Erules,T1)," ->",nl]),
- gen_dec_choice_cases_type(Erules,TopType, H)
- end,
- Fcases(H#'ComponentType'.tags,Fcases),
- asn1ct_name:pop(rbCho),
- gen_dec_choice_cases(Erules,TopType, T).
-gen_dec_choice_cases_type(Erules,TopType,H) ->
- Cname = H#'ComponentType'.name,
- Type = H#'ComponentType'.typespec,
- Prop = H#'ComponentType'.prop,
- emit({indent(9),"{Dec, Rest, ",{curr,rbCho},"} = "}),
- gen_dec_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,[],Type,Prop,false),
- emit([",",nl,indent(9),"{{",{asis,Cname},
- ", Dec}, IndefEndBytes(Len,Rest), RbExp + ",
- {curr,rbCho}," + IndefEndRb(Len,Rest)};",nl,nl]).
-encode_tag_val(Erules,{Class,TagNo}) when is_integer(TagNo) ->
- Rtmod = rtmod(Erules),
- Rtmod:encode_tag_val({asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(Class),
- 0,TagNo});
-encode_tag_val(Erules,{Class,TypeName}) ->
- Rtmod = rtmod(Erules),
- Rtmod:encode_tag_val({asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(Class),
- 0,asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_type(TypeName)}).
-match_tag(ber_bin,Arg) ->
- match_tag_with_bitsyntax(Arg);
-match_tag(Erules,Arg) ->
- io_lib:format("~p",[encode_tag_val(Erules,Arg)]).
-match_tag_with_bitsyntax({Class,TagNo}) when is_integer(TagNo) ->
- match_tag_with_bitsyntax1({asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(Class),
- 0,TagNo});
-match_tag_with_bitsyntax({Class,TypeName}) ->
- match_tag_with_bitsyntax1({asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(Class),
- 0,asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_type(TypeName)}).
-match_tag_with_bitsyntax1({Class, _Form, TagNo}) when (TagNo =< 30) ->
- io_lib:format("<<~p:2,_:1,~p:5,_/binary>>",[Class bsr 6,TagNo]);
-match_tag_with_bitsyntax1({Class, _Form, TagNo}) ->
- {Octets,Len} = mk_object_val(TagNo),
- OctForm = case Len of
- 1 -> "~p";
- 2 -> "~p,~p";
- 3 -> "~p,~p,~p";
- 4 -> "~p,~p,~p,~p"
- end,
- io_lib:format("<<~p:2,_:1,31:5," ++ OctForm ++ ",_/binary>>",
- [Class bsr 6] ++ Octets).
-%% mk_object_val(Value) -> {OctetList, Len}
-%% returns a Val as a list of octets, the 8 bit is allways set to one except
-%% for the last octet, where its 0
-mk_object_val(Val) when Val =< 127 ->
- {[255 band Val], 1};
-mk_object_val(Val) ->
- mk_object_val(Val bsr 7, [Val band 127], 1).
-mk_object_val(0, Ack, Len) ->
- {Ack, Len};
-mk_object_val(Val, Ack, Len) ->
- mk_object_val(Val bsr 7, [((Val band 127) bor 128) | Ack], Len + 1).
-get_all_choice_tags(ComponentTypeList) ->
- get_all_choice_tags(ComponentTypeList,[]).
-get_all_choice_tags([],TagList) ->
- TagList;
-get_all_choice_tags([H|T],TagList) ->
- Tags = H#'ComponentType'.tags,
- get_all_choice_tags(T, TagList ++ [{H#'ComponentType'.name, Tags}]).
-%% Generate the encode/decode code
- Type=#type{constraint=C,
- def=#'ObjectClassFieldType'{type={typefield,_}}},
- Element,Indent,OptOrMand=mandatory,EncObj)
- when is_list(Element) ->
- case asn1ct_gen:get_constraint(C,componentrelation) of
- {componentrelation,_,_} ->
- asn1ct_name:new(tmpBytes),
- gen_enc_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,Element,Indent,OptOrMand,
- ["{",{curr,tmpBytes},",_} = "],EncObj);
- _ ->
- gen_enc_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,Element,Indent,OptOrMand,
- ["{",{curr,encBytes},",",{curr,encLen},"} = "],
- EncObj)
- end;
- gen_enc_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,Element,Indent,OptOrMand,EncObj)
- when is_list(Element) ->
- gen_enc_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,Element,Indent,OptOrMand,
- ["{",{curr,encBytes},",",{curr,encLen},"} = "],EncObj).
- when is_list(Element) ->
- IndDeep = indent(Indent),
- Tag = [X#tag{class=asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(X#tag.class)}
- || X <- Type#type.tag],
- InnerType = asn1ct_gen:get_inner(Type#type.def),
- WhatKind = asn1ct_gen:type(InnerType),
- emit(IndDeep),
- emit(Assign),
- gen_optormand_case(OptOrMand,Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,InnerType,WhatKind,
- Element),
- case {Type,asn1ct_gen:get_constraint(Type#type.constraint,
- componentrelation)} of
- {#type{def=#'ObjectClassFieldType'{type={typefield,_},
- fieldname=RefedFieldName}},
- {componentrelation,_,_}} ->
- {_LeadingAttrName,Fun} = EncObj,
- case RefedFieldName of
- {Name,RestFieldNames} when is_atom(Name),Name =/= notype ->
- case OptOrMand of
- mandatory -> ok;
- _ ->
- emit(["{",{curr,tmpBytes},", _} = "])
- end,
- emit({Fun,"(",{asis,Name},", ",Element,", [], ",
- {asis,RestFieldNames},"),",nl}),
- emit(IndDeep),
- case OptOrMand of
- mandatory ->
- emit({"{",{curr,encBytes},", ",{curr,encLen},"} = "}),
- emit({"?RT_BER:encode_open_type(",{curr,tmpBytes},
- ",",{asis,Tag},")"});
- _ ->
- emit({"{",{next,tmpBytes},", ",{curr,tmpLen},
- "} = "}),
- emit({"?RT_BER:encode_open_type(",{curr,tmpBytes},
- ",",{asis,Tag},"),",nl}),
- emit(IndDeep),
- emit({"{",{next,tmpBytes},", ",{curr,tmpLen},"}"})
- end;
- Err ->
- throw({asn1,{'internal error',Err}})
- end;
- _ ->
- case WhatKind of
- {primitive,bif} ->
- EncType =
- case Type#type.def of
- #'ObjectClassFieldType'{
- type={fixedtypevaluefield,
- _,Btype}} ->
- Btype;
- _ ->
- Type
- end,
- asn1ct_gen_ber:gen_encode_prim(ber,EncType,{asis,Tag},
- Element);
- asn1ct_gen_ber:gen_encode_prim(ber,Type#type{def='ASN1_OPEN_TYPE'},{asis,Tag},Element);
- _ ->
- {EncFunName, _, _} =
- mkfuncname(TopType,Cname,WhatKind,enc),
- case {WhatKind,Type#type.tablecinf,EncObj} of
- {{constructed,bif},[{objfun,_}|_R],{_,Fun}} ->
- emit([EncFunName,"(",Element,", ",{asis,Tag},
- ", ",Fun,")"]);
- _ ->
- emit([EncFunName,"(",Element,", ",{asis,Tag},")"])
- end
- end
- end,
- case OptOrMand of
- mandatory -> true;
- _ ->
- emit({nl,indent(7),"end"})
- end.
-gen_optormand_case(mandatory,_,_,_,_,_,_, _) ->
- ok;
-gen_optormand_case('OPTIONAL',Erules,_,_,_,_,_,Element) ->
- emit({" case ",Element," of",nl}),
- emit({indent(9),"asn1_NOVALUE -> {",
- empty_lb(Erules),",0};",nl}),
- emit({indent(9),"_ ->",nl,indent(12)});
- InnerType,WhatKind,Element) ->
- CurrMod = get(currmod),
- case catch lists:member(der,get(encoding_options)) of
- true ->
- emit(" case catch "),
- asn1ct_gen:gen_check_call(TopType,Cname,Type,InnerType,
- WhatKind,{asis,DefaultValue},
- Element),
- emit({" of",nl}),
- emit({indent(12),"true -> {[],0};",nl});
- _ ->
- emit({" case ",Element," of",nl}),
- emit({indent(9),"asn1_DEFAULT -> {",
- empty_lb(Erules),
- ",0};",nl}),
- case DefaultValue of
- #'Externalvaluereference'{module=CurrMod,
- value=V} ->
- emit({indent(9),"?",{asis,V}," -> {",
- empty_lb(Erules),",0};",nl});
- _ ->
- emit({indent(9),{asis,
- DefaultValue}," -> {",
- empty_lb(Erules),",0};",nl})
- end
- end,
- emit({indent(9),"_ ->",nl,indent(12)}).
-gen_dec_line_sof(Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,ObjFun) ->
- Tag = [X#tag{class=asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(X#tag.class)}
- || X <- Type#type.tag],
- InnerType = asn1ct_gen:get_inner(Type#type.def),
- WhatKind = asn1ct_gen:type(InnerType),
- case WhatKind of
- {primitive,bif} ->
- asn1ct_name:delete(len),
- asn1ct_name:new(len),
- emit(["fun(FBytes,_,_)->",nl]),
- EncType = case Type#type.def of
- #'ObjectClassFieldType'{
- type={fixedtypevaluefield,
- _,Btype}} ->
- Btype;
- _ ->
- Type
- end,
- asn1ct_gen_ber:gen_dec_prim(ber,EncType,"FBytes",Tag,
- [],no_length,?PRIMITIVE,
- mandatory),
- emit([nl,"end, []"]);
- _ ->
- case ObjFun of
- [] ->
- {DecFunName, _, _} =
- mkfunname(Erules,TopType,Cname,WhatKind,dec,3),
- emit([DecFunName,", ",{asis,Tag}]);
- _ ->
- {DecFunName, _, _} =
- mkfunname(Erules,TopType,Cname,WhatKind,dec,4),
- emit([DecFunName,", ",{asis,Tag},", ObjFun"])
- end
- end.
-gen_dec_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,CTags,Type,OptOrMand,DecObjInf) ->
- BytesVar = asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(bytes)),
- Tag = [X#tag{class=asn1ct_gen_ber:decode_class(X#tag.class)}
- || X <- Type#type.tag],
- InnerType =
- case Type#type.def of
- #'ObjectClassFieldType'{type=OCFTType} ->
- OCFTType;
- _ ->
- asn1ct_gen:get_inner(Type#type.def)
- end,
- PostpDec =
- case OptOrMand of
- mandatory ->
- gen_dec_call(InnerType,Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,
- BytesVar,Tag,mandatory,", mandatory, ",
- DecObjInf,OptOrMand);
- _ -> %optional or default
- case {CTags,Erules} of
- {[CTag],ber_bin} when CTag =/= [] -> % R9C-0.patch-34
- emit(["case ",{curr,bytes}," of",nl]),
- emit([match_tag(Erules,CTag)," ->",nl]),
- PostponedDec =
- gen_dec_call(InnerType,Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,
- BytesVar,Tag,mandatory,
- ", opt_or_default, ",DecObjInf,
- OptOrMand),
- emit([";",nl]),
- emit(["_ ->",nl]),
- case OptOrMand of
- {'DEFAULT', Def} ->
- emit(["{",{asis,Def},",",
- BytesVar,", 0 }",nl]);
- emit(["{ asn1_NOVALUE, ",
- BytesVar,", 0 }",nl])
- end,
- emit("end"),
- PostponedDec;
- _ ->
- emit("case (catch "),
- PostponedDec =
- gen_dec_call(InnerType,Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,
- BytesVar,Tag,OptOrMand,
- ", opt_or_default, ",DecObjInf,
- OptOrMand),
- emit([") of",nl]),
- case OptOrMand of
- {'DEFAULT', Def} ->
- emit(["{'EXIT',{error,{asn1,{no_optional_tag,_}}}}",
- " -> {",{asis,Def},",",
- BytesVar,", 0 };",nl]);
- emit(["{'EXIT',{error,{asn1,{no_optional_tag,_}}}}",
- " -> { asn1_NOVALUE, ",
- BytesVar,", 0 };",nl])
- end,
- asn1ct_name:new(casetmp),
- emit([{curr,casetmp},"-> ",{curr,casetmp},nl,"end"]),
- PostponedDec
- end
- end,
- case DecObjInf of
- {Cname,ObjSet} -> % this must be the component were an object is
- %% choosen from the object set according to the table
- %% constraint.
- ObjSetName = case ObjSet of
- {deep,OSName,_,_} ->
- OSName;
- _ -> ObjSet
- end,
- {[{ObjSetName,Cname,asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(term))}],
- PostpDec};
- _ -> {[],PostpDec}
- end.
-gen_dec_call({typefield,_},Erules,_,_,Type,_,Tag,_,_,false,_) ->
- %% this in case of a choice with typefield components
- asn1ct_name:new(reason),
- {FirstPFName,RestPFName} =
-% asn1ct_gen:get_constraint(Type#type.constraint,
-% tableconstraint_info),
- (Type#type.def)#'ObjectClassFieldType'.fieldname,
- emit([nl,indent(6),"begin",nl]),
- emit([indent(9),"{OpenDec,TmpRest,TmpRbCho} =",nl,indent(12),
- "?RT_BER:decode_open_type(",Erules,",",{curr,bytes},",",
- {asis,Tag},"),",nl]),
- emit([indent(9),"case (catch ObjFun(",{asis,FirstPFName},
- ", OpenDec, [], ",{asis,RestPFName},
- ")) of", nl]),%% ??? What about Tag
- emit([indent(12),"{'EXIT',",{curr,reason},"} ->",nl]),
-%% emit({indent(15),"throw({runtime_error,{'Type not ",
-%% "compatible with tableconstraint', OpenDec}});",nl}),
- emit([indent(15),"exit({'Type not ",
- "compatible with table constraint', ",{curr,reason},"});",nl]),
- emit([indent(12),"{TmpDec,_ ,_} ->",nl]),
- emit([indent(15),"{TmpDec, TmpRest, TmpRbCho}",nl]),
- emit([indent(9),"end",nl,indent(6),"end",nl]),
- [];
- _DecObjInf,OptOrMandComp) ->
- emit(["?RT_BER:decode_open_type(",{curr,bytes},",",{asis,Tag},")"]),
- RefedFieldName =
- (Type#type.def)#'ObjectClassFieldType'.fieldname,
-% asn1ct_gen:get_constraint(Type#type.constraint,
-% tableconstraint_info),
- [{Cname,RefedFieldName,
- asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(term)),
-% asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(tmpterm)),[],OptOrMandComp}];
- asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(tmpterm)),Tag,OptOrMandComp}];
- OptOrMandComp) ->
- emit(["?RT_BER:decode_open_type(",{curr,bytes},",",{asis,Tag},")"]),
- [{Cname,{PrimFieldName,PFNList},
- asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(term)),
-% asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(tmpterm)),[],OptOrMandComp}];
- asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(tmpterm)),Tag,OptOrMandComp}];
- OptOrMand,DecObjInf,_) ->
- WhatKind = asn1ct_gen:type(InnerType),
- gen_dec_call1(WhatKind,InnerType,Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,BytesVar,Tag,
- PrimOptOrMand,OptOrMand),
- case DecObjInf of
- {Cname,{_,OSet,UniqueFName,ValIndex}} ->
- Term = asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(term)),
- ValueMatch = value_match(ValIndex,Term),
- {ObjSetMod,ObjSetName} =
- case OSet of
- {M,O} ->
- {{asis,M},O};
- _ ->
- {"?MODULE",OSet}
- end,
- emit({",",nl,"ObjFun = ",ObjSetMod,":'getdec_",ObjSetName,"'(",
- {asis,UniqueFName},", ",ValueMatch,")"});
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- [].
- Tag,OptOrMand,_) ->
- case InnerType of
- {fixedtypevaluefield,_,Btype} ->
- asn1ct_gen_ber:gen_dec_prim(Erules,Btype,BytesVar,Tag,[],no_length,
- ?PRIMITIVE,OptOrMand);
- _ ->
- asn1ct_gen_ber:gen_dec_prim(Erules,Type,BytesVar,Tag,[],no_length,
- end;
- Tag,OptOrMand,_) ->
- asn1ct_gen_ber:gen_dec_prim(Erules,Type#type{def='ASN1_OPEN_TYPE'},
- BytesVar,Tag,[],no_length,
- ?PRIMITIVE,OptOrMand);
-gen_dec_call1(WhatKind,_,_Erules,TopType,Cname,Type,_,Tag,_,OptOrMand) ->
- {DecFunName,_,_} =
- mkfuncname(TopType,Cname,WhatKind,dec),
- case {WhatKind,Type#type.tablecinf} of
- {{constructed,bif},[{objfun,_}|_R]} ->
- emit({DecFunName,"(",{curr,bytes},OptOrMand,{asis,Tag},", ObjFun)"});
- _ ->
- emit({DecFunName,"(",{curr,bytes},OptOrMand,{asis,Tag},")"})
- end.
-%% General and special help functions (not exported)
-indent(N) ->
- lists:duplicate(N,32). % 32 = space
-mkvlist([H,T1|T], Sep) -> % Sep is a string e.g ", " or "+ "
- emit([{var,H},Sep]),
- mkvlist([T1|T], Sep);
-mkvlist([H|T], Sep) ->
- emit([{var,H}]),
- mkvlist(T, Sep);
-mkvlist([], _) ->
- true.
-mkvlist(L) ->
- mkvlist(L,", ").
-mkvplus(L) ->
- mkvlist(L," + ").
-extensible(CompList) when is_list(CompList) ->
- noext;
-extensible({RootList,ExtList}) ->
- {ext,length(RootList)+1,length(ExtList)};
-extensible({_Rl1,_ExtL,_Rl2}) ->
- extensible.
-%% filter away ExtensionAdditionGroup start and end marks since these
-%% have no significance for the BER encoding
-filter_complist(CompList) when is_list(CompList) ->
- lists:filter(fun(#'ExtensionAdditionGroup'{}) ->
- false;
- ('ExtensionAdditionGroupEnd') ->
- false;
- (_) ->
- true
- end, CompList);
-filter_complist({Root,Ext}) ->
- {Root,filter_complist(Ext)};
-filter_complist({Root1,Ext,Root2}) ->
- {Root1,filter_complist(Ext),Root2}.
-print_attribute_comment(InnerType,Pos,Prop) ->
- CommentLine = "%%-------------------------------------------------",
- emit([nl,CommentLine]),
- case InnerType of
- {typereference,_,Name} ->
- emit([nl,"%% attribute number ",Pos," with type ",Name]);
- {'Externaltypereference',_,XModule,Name} ->
- emit([nl,"%% attribute number ",Pos," External ",XModule,":",Name]);
- _ ->
- emit([nl,"%% attribute number ",Pos," with type ",InnerType])
- end,
- case Prop of
- mandatory ->
- continue;
- {'DEFAULT', Def} ->
- emit([" DEFAULT = ",{asis,Def}]);
- emit([" OPTIONAL"])
- end,
- emit([nl,CommentLine,nl]).
-mkfuncname(TopType,Cname,WhatKind,DecOrEnc) ->
- CurrMod = get(currmod),
- case WhatKind of
- #'Externaltypereference'{module=CurrMod,type=EType} ->
- F = lists:concat(["'",DecOrEnc,"_",EType,"'"]),
- {F, "?MODULE", F};
- #'Externaltypereference'{module=Mod,type=EType} ->
- {lists:concat(["'",Mod,"':'",DecOrEnc,"_",EType,"'"]),Mod,
- lists:concat(["'",DecOrEnc,"_",EType,"'"])};
- {constructed,bif} ->
- F = lists:concat(["'",DecOrEnc,"_",asn1ct_gen:list2name([Cname|TopType]),"'"]),
- {F, "?MODULE", F}
- end.
-mkfunname(Erule,TopType,Cname,WhatKind,DecOrEnc,Arity) ->
- CurrMod = get(currmod),
- case WhatKind of
- #'Externaltypereference'{module=CurrMod,type=EType} ->
- F = lists:concat(["fun '",DecOrEnc,"_",EType,"'/",Arity]),
- {F, "?MODULE", F};
- #'Externaltypereference'{module=Mod,type=EType} ->
- {lists:concat(["fun '",Mod,"':'",DecOrEnc,"_",EType,"'/",Arity]),Mod,
- lists:concat(["'",DecOrEnc,"_",EType,"'"])};
- {constructed,bif} ->
- F =
- lists:concat(["fun '",DecOrEnc,"_",
- asn1ct_gen:list2name([Cname|TopType]),"'/",
- Arity]),
- {F, "?MODULE", F};
- case Arity of
- 3 ->
- F = lists:concat(["fun(A,_,C) -> ?RT_BER:decode_open_type(",Erule,",A,C) end"]),
- {F, "?MODULE", F};
- 4 ->
- F = lists:concat(["fun(A,_,C,_) -> ?RT_BER:decode_open_type(",Erule,",A,C) end"]),
- {F, "?MODULE", F}
- end
- end.
-empty_lb(ber) ->
- "[]";
-empty_lb(ber_bin) ->
- "<<>>".
-rtmod(ber) ->
- list_to_atom(?RT_BER_BIN);
-rtmod(ber_bin) ->
- list_to_atom(?RT_BER_BIN).
-indefend_match(ber,used_var) ->
- "[0,0|R]";
-indefend_match(ber,unused_var) ->
- "[0,0|_R]";
-indefend_match(ber_bin,used_var) ->
- "<<0,0,R/binary>>";
-indefend_match(ber_bin,unused_var) ->
- "<<0,0,_R/binary>>".
-notice_value_match() ->
- Module = get(currmod),
- put(value_match,{true,Module}).
-value_match(Index,Value) when is_atom(Value) ->
- value_match(Index,atom_to_list(Value));
-value_match([],Value) ->
- Value;
-value_match([{VI,_Cname}|VIs],Value) ->
- value_match1(Value,VIs,lists:concat(["element(",VI,","]),1).
-value_match1(Value,[],Acc,Depth) ->
- Acc ++ Value ++ lists:concat(lists:duplicate(Depth,")"));
-value_match1(Value,[{VI,_Cname}|VIs],Acc,Depth) ->
- value_match1(Value,VIs,Acc++lists:concat(["element(",VI,","]),Depth+1).