path: root/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin.erl
diff options
authorFredrik Gustafsson <[email protected]>2012-12-03 10:22:40 +0100
committerFredrik Gustafsson <[email protected]>2012-12-03 10:22:40 +0100
commitc228ceb941e26a04317bd2f66a2ee64687f0f869 (patch)
treefb019fce335b6db5b92ce300ee707496a9fe759b /lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin.erl
parentf78daeeccbf6de61b9e5dae4dd70f12fba03a2ff (diff)
parent26dffbeec17226a25c00d4072cb0f5c29ed48cea (diff)
Merge branch 'fredrik/ssh/fix-idle-tests' into fredrik/ssh/rekeying
* fredrik/ssh/fix-idle-tests: (50 commits) Modifications to idle_time testcase Teach Win installer to handle redist on w2012/w8 ssl: Receive port EXIT-message so that it does not get mixed up with the protocol-error message we are expecting ssl: Add and enhance tests ssl: Consider new server options when resuming a session Prepare release ssl: Add dependencies to Makefile Simplify the code for the generated info/0 function Don't try to work around a non-loadable NIF library Fix BER encoding when multiple levels of typedefs are used Update megaco documentation Update documentation for the asn1 application Fix other applications Fix use of asn1 in megaco Remove the unused asn1ct_gen_ber module Fix erroneous skipping for jinterface, erl_interface and ic kernel: Heart port needs to be unregistered Update preloaded modules Update primary bootstrap Update copyright years ...
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin.erl')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 1960 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin.erl
index 22f9f2ecfd..ec1549804b 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1rt_ber_bin.erl
@@ -19,337 +19,30 @@
-%% encoding / decoding of BER
- list_to_record/2,
- encode_tag_val/1,decode_tag/1,peek_tag/1,
- check_tags/3, encode_tags/3]).
- encode_integer/3,encode_integer/4,
- decode_integer/4,decode_integer/5,encode_enumerated/2,
- encode_enumerated/4,decode_enumerated/5,
encode_real/2, encode_real/3,
decode_real/2, decode_real/4,
- encode_bit_string/4,decode_bit_string/6,
- decode_compact_bit_string/6,
- encode_octet_string/3,decode_octet_string/5,
- encode_null/2,decode_null/3,
- encode_object_identifier/2,decode_object_identifier/3,
- encode_relative_oid/2,decode_relative_oid/3,
- encode_restricted_string/4,decode_restricted_string/6,
- encode_universal_string/3,decode_universal_string/5,
- encode_UTF8_string/3, decode_UTF8_string/3,
- encode_BMP_string/3,decode_BMP_string/5,
- encode_generalized_time/3,decode_generalized_time/5,
- encode_utc_time/3,decode_utc_time/5,
- encode_length/1,decode_length/1,
- check_if_valid_tag/3,
- decode_tag_and_length/1, decode_components/6,
- decode_components/7, decode_set/6]).
--export([skipvalue/1, skipvalue/2,skip_ExtensionAdditions/2]).
+ decode_tag/1]).
-% the encoding of class of tag bits 8 and 7
+%% the encoding of class of tag bits 8 and 7
-define(UNIVERSAL, 0).
--define(APPLICATION, 16#40).
--define(CONTEXT, 16#80).
--define(PRIVATE, 16#C0).
%%% primitive or constructed encoding % bit 6
-define(PRIMITIVE, 0).
-define(CONSTRUCTED, 2#00100000).
%%% The tag-number for universal types
--define(N_BOOLEAN, 1).
--define(N_INTEGER, 2).
--define(N_BIT_STRING, 3).
--define(N_OCTET_STRING, 4).
--define(N_NULL, 5).
--define(N_EXTERNAL, 8).
-define(N_REAL, 9).
--define(N_ENUMERATED, 10).
--define(N_EMBEDDED_PDV, 11).
--define(N_UTF8String, 12).
--define(N_SEQUENCE, 16).
--define(N_SET, 17).
--define(N_NumericString, 18).
--define(N_PrintableString, 19).
--define(N_TeletexString, 20).
--define(N_VideotexString, 21).
--define(N_IA5String, 22).
--define(N_UTCTime, 23).
--define(N_GeneralizedTime, 24).
--define(N_GraphicString, 25).
--define(N_VisibleString, 26).
--define(N_GeneralString, 27).
--define(N_UniversalString, 28).
--define(N_BMPString, 30).
-% the complete tag-word of built-in types
--define(T_BOOLEAN, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 1).
--define(T_INTEGER, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 2).
--define(T_NULL, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 5).
--define(T_EXTERNAL, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 8).
--define(T_REAL, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 9).
--define(T_SET, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?CONSTRUCTED bor 17).
--define(T_NumericString, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 18). %can be constructed
--define(T_PrintableString, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 19). %can be constructed
--define(T_TeletexString, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 20). %can be constructed
--define(T_VideotexString, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 21). %can be constructed
--define(T_IA5String, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 22). %can be constructed
--define(T_UTCTime, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 23).
--define(T_GeneralizedTime, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 24).
--define(T_GraphicString, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 25). %can be constructed
--define(T_VisibleString, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 26). %can be constructed
--define(T_GeneralString, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 27). %can be constructed
--define(T_UniversalString, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 28). %can be constructed
--define(T_BMPString, ?UNIVERSAL bor ?PRIMITIVE bor 30). %can be constructed
-decode(Bin) ->
- decode_primitive(Bin).
-decode_primitive(Bin) ->
- {Tlv = {Tag,Len,V},<<>>} = decode_tlv(Bin),
- case element(2,Tag) of
- {Tag,Len,decode_constructed(V)};
- _ ->
- Tlv
- end.
-decode_constructed(<<>>) ->
- [];
-decode_constructed(Bin) ->
- {Tlv = {Tag,Len,V},Rest} = decode_tlv(Bin),
- NewTlv =
- case element(2,Tag) of
- {Tag,Len,decode_constructed(V)};
- _ ->
- Tlv
- end,
- [NewTlv|decode_constructed(Rest)].
-decode_tlv(Bin) ->
- {Tag,Bin1,_Rb1} = decode_tag(Bin),
- {{Len,Bin2},_Rb2} = decode_length(Bin1),
- <<V:Len/binary,Bin3/binary>> = Bin2,
- {{Tag,Len,V},Bin3}.
-% split_list(List,HeadLen) -> {HeadList,TailList}
-% splits List into HeadList (Length=HeadLen) and TailList
-% if HeadLen == indefinite -> return {List,indefinite}
-split_list(List,indefinite) ->
- {List, indefinite};
-split_list(Bin, Len) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- split_binary(Bin,Len);
-split_list(List,Len) ->
- {lists:sublist(List,Len),lists:nthtail(Len,List)}.
-%%% new function which fixes a bug regarding indefinite length decoding
-restbytes2(indefinite,<<0,0,RemBytes/binary>>,_) ->
- {RemBytes,2};
-restbytes2(indefinite,RemBytes,ext) ->
- skipvalue(indefinite,RemBytes);
-restbytes2(RemBytes,<<>>,_) ->
- {RemBytes,0};
-restbytes2(_RemBytes,Bytes,noext) ->
- exit({error,{asn1, {unexpected,Bytes}}});
-restbytes2(RemBytes,Bytes,ext) ->
-%% {RemBytes,0}.
- {RemBytes,byte_size(Bytes)}.
-%% skipvalue(Length, Bytes) -> {RemainingBytes, RemovedNumberOfBytes}
-%% skips the one complete (could be nested) TLV from Bytes
-%% handles both definite and indefinite length encodings
-skipvalue(L, Bytes) ->
- skipvalue(L, Bytes, 0).
-skipvalue(L, Bytes, Rb) ->
- skipvalue(L, Bytes, Rb, 0).
-skipvalue(indefinite, Bytes, Rb, IndefLevel) ->
- {T,Bytes2,R2} = decode_tag(Bytes),
- {{L,Bytes3},R3} = decode_length(Bytes2),
- case {T,L} of
- {_,indefinite} ->
- skipvalue(indefinite,Bytes3,Rb+R2+R3,IndefLevel+1);
- {{0,0,0},0} when IndefLevel =:= 0 ->
- %% See X690 8.1.5 NOTE, end of indefinite content
- {Bytes3,Rb+2};
- {{0,0,0},0} ->
- skipvalue(indefinite,Bytes3,Rb+2,IndefLevel - 1);
- _ ->
- <<_:L/binary, RestBytes/binary>> = Bytes3,
- skipvalue(indefinite,RestBytes,Rb+R2+R3+L, IndefLevel)
- %%{RestBytes, R2+R3+L}
- end;
-%% case Bytes4 of
-%% <<0,0,Bytes5/binary>> ->
-%% {Bytes5,Rb+Rb4+2};
-%% _ -> skipvalue(indefinite,Bytes4,Rb+Rb4)
-%% end;
-skipvalue(L, Bytes, Rb, _) ->
-% <<Skip:L/binary, RestBytes/binary>> = Bytes,
- <<_:L/binary, RestBytes/binary>> = Bytes,
- {RestBytes,Rb+L}.
-skipvalue(Bytes) ->
- {_T,Bytes2,R2} = decode_tag(Bytes),
- {{L,Bytes3},R3} = decode_length(Bytes2),
- skipvalue(L,Bytes3,R2+R3).
-cindex(Ix,Val,Cname) ->
- case element(Ix,Val) of
- {Cname,Val2} -> Val2;
- X -> X
- end.
-%% skips byte sequence of Bytes that do not match a tag in Tags
-skip_ExtensionAdditions(Bytes,Tags) ->
- skip_ExtensionAdditions(Bytes,Tags,0).
-skip_ExtensionAdditions(<<>>,_Tags,RmB) ->
- {<<>>,RmB};
-skip_ExtensionAdditions(Bytes,Tags,RmB) ->
- case catch decode_tag(Bytes) of
- {'EXIT',_Reason} ->
- tag_error(no_data,Tags,Bytes,'OPTIONAL');
- {_T={Class,_Form,TagNo},_Bytes2,_R2} ->
- case [X||X=#tag{class=Cl,number=TN} <- Tags,Cl==Class,TN==TagNo] of
- [] ->
- %% skip this TLV and continue with next
- {Bytes3,R3} = skipvalue(Bytes),
- skip_ExtensionAdditions(Bytes3,Tags,RmB+R3);
- _ ->
- {Bytes,RmB}
- end
- end.
-%% Optionals, preset not filled optionals with asn1_NOVALUE
-% converts a list to a record if necessary
-list_to_record(Name,List) when is_list(List) ->
- list_to_tuple([Name|List]);
-list_to_record(_Name,Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
- Tuple.
-fixoptionals(OptList,Val) when is_list(Val) ->
- fixoptionals(OptList,Val,1,[],[]).
-fixoptionals([{Name,Pos}|Ot],[{Name,Val}|Vt],_Opt,Acc1,Acc2) ->
- fixoptionals(Ot,Vt,Pos+1,[1|Acc1],[{Name,Val}|Acc2]);
-fixoptionals([{_Name,Pos}|Ot],V,Pos,Acc1,Acc2) ->
- fixoptionals(Ot,V,Pos+1,[0|Acc1],[asn1_NOVALUE|Acc2]);
-fixoptionals(O,[Vh|Vt],Pos,Acc1,Acc2) ->
- fixoptionals(O,Vt,Pos+1,Acc1,[Vh|Acc2]);
-fixoptionals([],[Vh|Vt],Pos,Acc1,Acc2) ->
- fixoptionals([],Vt,Pos+1,Acc1,[Vh|Acc2]);
-fixoptionals([],[],_,_Acc1,Acc2) ->
- % return Val as a record
- list_to_tuple([asn1_RECORDNAME|lists:reverse(Acc2)]).
-%%encode_tag(TagClass(?UNI, APP etc), Form (?PRIM etx), TagInteger) ->
-%% 8bit Int | binary
encode_tag_val({Class, Form, TagNo}) when (TagNo =< 30) ->
<<(Class bsr 6):2,(Form bsr 5):1,TagNo:5>>;
encode_tag_val({Class, Form, TagNo}) ->
{Octets,_Len} = mk_object_val(TagNo),
BinOct = list_to_binary(Octets),
- <<(Class bsr 6):2, (Form bsr 5):1, 31:5,BinOct/binary>>;
-%% asumes whole correct tag bitpattern, multiple of 8
-encode_tag_val(Tag) when (Tag =< 255) -> Tag; %% anv�nds denna funktion??!!
-%% asumes correct bitpattern of 0-5
-encode_tag_val(Tag) -> encode_tag_val2(Tag,[]).
-encode_tag_val2(Tag, OctAck) when (Tag =< 255) ->
- [Tag | OctAck];
-encode_tag_val2(Tag, OctAck) ->
- encode_tag_val2(Tag bsr 8, [255 band Tag | OctAck]).
-%%%encode_tag(TagClass(?UNI, APP etc), Form (?PRIM etx), TagInteger) ->
-%%% 8bit Int | [list of octets]
-%encode_tag_val({Class, Form, TagNo}) when (TagNo =< 30) ->
-%%% <<Class:2,Form:1,TagNo:5>>;
-% [Class bor Form bor TagNo];
-%encode_tag_val({Class, Form, TagNo}) ->
-% {Octets,L} = mk_object_val(TagNo),
-% [Class bor Form bor 31 | Octets];
-%%============================================================================\%% Peek on the initial tag
-%% peek_tag(Bytes) -> TagBytes
-%% interprets the first byte and possible second, third and fourth byte as
-%% a tag and returns all the bytes comprising the tag, the constructed/primitive bit (6:th bit of first byte) is normalised to 0
-peek_tag(<<B7_6:2,_:1,31:5,Buffer/binary>>) ->
- Bin = peek_tag(Buffer, <<>>),
- <<B7_6:2,31:6,Bin/binary>>;
-%% single tag (tagno < 31)
-peek_tag(<<B7_6:2,_:1,B4_0:5,_Buffer/binary>>) ->
- <<B7_6:2,B4_0:6>>.
-peek_tag(<<0:1,PartialTag:7,_Buffer/binary>>, TagAck) ->
- <<TagAck/binary,PartialTag>>;
-peek_tag(<<PartialTag,Buffer/binary>>, TagAck) ->
- peek_tag(Buffer,<<TagAck/binary,PartialTag>>);
-peek_tag(_,TagAck) ->
- exit({error,{asn1, {invalid_tag,TagAck}}}).
-%%peek_tag([Tag|Buffer]) when (Tag band 31) =:= 31 ->
-%% [Tag band 2#11011111 | peek_tag(Buffer,[])];
-%%%% single tag (tagno < 31)
-%%peek_tag([Tag|Buffer]) ->
-%% [Tag band 2#11011111].
-%%peek_tag([PartialTag|Buffer], TagAck) when (PartialTag < 128 ) ->
-%% lists:reverse([PartialTag|TagAck]);
-%%peek_tag([PartialTag|Buffer], TagAck) ->
-%% peek_tag(Buffer,[PartialTag|TagAck]);
-%%peek_tag(Buffer,TagAck) ->
-%% exit({error,{asn1, {invalid_tag,lists:reverse(TagAck)}}}).
+ <<(Class bsr 6):2, (Form bsr 5):1, 31:5,BinOct/binary>>.
%% Decode a tag
@@ -403,33 +96,11 @@ check_tags_i([Tag1|TagRest], Buffer, Rb, OptOrMand) ->
_ ->
check_tags_i(TagRest, Buffer2, Rb + Rb1, mandatory)
- end;
-check_tags_i([], Buffer, Rb, _) ->
- {[],{{0,0},Buffer,Rb}}.
+ end.
%% This function is called from generated code
-check_tags([Tag], Buffer, OptOrMand) -> % optimized very usual case
- check_one_tag(Tag, Buffer, OptOrMand);
-check_tags(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand) ->
- check_tags(Tags, Buffer, 0, OptOrMand).
-check_tags([Tag1,Tag2|TagRest], Buffer, Rb, OptOrMand)
- when Tag1#tag.type == 'IMPLICIT' ->
- check_tags([Tag1#tag{type=Tag2#tag.type}|TagRest], Buffer, Rb, OptOrMand);
-check_tags([Tag1|TagRest], Buffer, Rb, OptOrMand) ->
- {Form_Length,Buffer2,Rb1} = check_one_tag(Tag1, Buffer, OptOrMand),
- case TagRest of
- [] -> {Form_Length, Buffer2, Rb + Rb1};
- _ -> check_tags(TagRest, Buffer2, Rb + Rb1, mandatory)
- end;
-check_tags([], Buffer, Rb, _) ->
- {{0,0},Buffer,Rb}.
check_one_tag(Tag=#tag{class=ExpectedClass,number=ExpectedNumber}, Buffer, OptOrMand) ->
case catch decode_tag(Buffer) of
{'EXIT',_Reason} ->
@@ -491,382 +162,6 @@ encode_one_tag(#tag{class=Class,number=No,type=Type, form = Form}) ->
Bytes = encode_tag_val({Class,NewForm,No}),
-%% Change the tag (used when an implicit tagged type has a reference to something else)
-%% The constructed bit in the tag is taken from the tag to be replaced.
-%% change_tag(NewTag,[Tag,Buffer]) -> [NewTag,Buffer]
-%change_tag({NewClass,NewTagNr}, Buffer) ->
-% {{OldClass, OldForm, OldTagNo}, Buffer1, RemovedBytes} = decode_tag(lists:flatten(Buffer)),
-% [encode_tag_val({NewClass, OldForm, NewTagNr}) | Buffer1].
-%% This comment is valid for all the encode/decode functions
-%% C = Constraint -> typically {'ValueRange',LowerBound,UpperBound}
-%% used for PER-coding but not for BER-coding.
-%% Val = Value. If Val is an atom then it is a symbolic integer value
-%% (i.e the atom must be one of the names in the NamedNumberList).
-%% The NamedNumberList is used to translate the atom to an integer value
-%% before encoding.
-%% encode_open_type(Value) -> CompleteList
-%% Value = list of bytes of an already encoded value (the list must be flat)
-%% | binary
-%% This version does not consider Explicit tagging of the open type. It
-%% is only left because of backward compatibility.
-encode_open_type(Val) when is_list(Val) ->
- {Val, byte_size(list_to_binary(Val))};
-encode_open_type(Val) ->
- {Val, byte_size(Val)}.
-encode_open_type(Val, []) when is_list(Val) ->
- {Val, byte_size(list_to_binary(Val))};
-encode_open_type(Val, []) ->
- {Val, byte_size(Val)};
-encode_open_type(Val, Tag) when is_list(Val) ->
- encode_tags(Tag, Val, byte_size(list_to_binary(Val)));
-encode_open_type(Val, Tag) ->
- encode_tags(Tag, Val, byte_size(Val)).
-%% decode_open_type(Buffer) -> Value
-%% Bytes = [byte] with BER encoded data
-%% Value = [byte] with decoded data (which must be decoded again as some type)
-decode_open_type(Bytes) ->
-% {_Tag, Len, _RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes} = decode_tag_and_length(Bytes),
-% N = Len + RemovedBytes,
- {_Tag, Len, RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes} = decode_tag_and_length(Bytes),
- {_RemainingBuffer2, RemovedBytes2} = skipvalue(Len, RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes),
- N = RemovedBytes2,
- <<Val:N/binary, RemainingBytes/binary>> = Bytes,
-% {Val, RemainingBytes, Len + RemovedBytes}.
- {Val,RemainingBytes,N}.
-decode_open_type(<<>>,[]=ExplTag) -> % R9C-0.patch-40
- exit({error, {asn1,{no_optional_tag, ExplTag}}});
-decode_open_type(Bytes,ExplTag) ->
- {Tag, Len, RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes} = decode_tag_and_length(Bytes),
- case {Tag,ExplTag} of
-% {{Class,Form,32},[#tag{class=Class,number=No,form=32}]} ->
-% {_Tag2, Len2, RemainingBuffer2, RemovedBytes2} = decode_tag_and_length(RemainingBuffer),
-% {_RemainingBuffer3, RemovedBytes3} = skipvalue(Len2, RemainingBuffer2, RemovedBytes2),
-% N = RemovedBytes3,
-% <<_:RemovedBytes/unit:8,Val:N/binary,RemainingBytes/binary>> = Bytes,
-% {Val, RemainingBytes, N + RemovedBytes};
- {{Class,Form,No},[#tag{class=Class,number=No,form=Form}]} ->
- {_RemainingBuffer2, RemovedBytes2} =
- skipvalue(Len, RemainingBuffer),
- N = RemovedBytes2,
- <<_:RemovedBytes/unit:8,Val:N/binary,RemainingBytes/binary>> = Bytes,
- {Val, RemainingBytes, N + RemovedBytes};
- _ ->
- {_RemainingBuffer2, RemovedBytes2} =
- skipvalue(Len, RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes),
- N = RemovedBytes2,
- <<Val:N/binary, RemainingBytes/binary>> = Bytes,
- {Val, RemainingBytes, N}
- end.
-decode_open_type(ber_bin,Bytes,ExplTag) ->
- decode_open_type(Bytes,ExplTag);
-decode_open_type(ber,Bytes,ExplTag) ->
- {Val,RemBytes,Len}=decode_open_type(Bytes,ExplTag),
- {binary_to_list(Val),RemBytes,Len}.
-%% Boolean, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.2
-%% encode_boolean(Integer, tag | notag) -> [octet list]
-encode_boolean({Name, Val}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_BOOLEAN, encode_boolean(Val));
-encode_boolean(true,[]) ->
- {[1,1,16#FF],3};
-encode_boolean(false,[]) ->
- {[1,1,0],3};
-encode_boolean(Val, DoTag) ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_BOOLEAN, encode_boolean(Val)).
-%% encode_boolean(Boolean) -> [Len, Boolean] = [1, $FF | 0]
-encode_boolean(true) -> {[16#FF],1};
-encode_boolean(false) -> {[0],1};
-encode_boolean(X) -> exit({error,{asn1, {encode_boolean, X}}}).
-%% decode_boolean(BuffList, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {true, Remain, RemovedBytes} |
-%% {false, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_boolean(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_BOOLEAN}),
- decode_boolean_notag(Buffer, NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_boolean_notag(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- {RestTags, {FormLen,Buffer0,Rb0}} =
- check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
- case FormLen of
- {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
- {Val,Buffer1,Rb1} = decode_boolean_notag(Buffer00, RestTags, OptOrMand),
- {Buffer2, Rb2} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer1,noext),
- {Val, Buffer2, Rb0+Rb1+Rb2};
- {_,_} ->
- decode_boolean2(Buffer0, Rb0)
- end.
-decode_boolean2(<<0:8, Buffer/binary>>, RemovedBytes) ->
- {false, Buffer, RemovedBytes + 1};
-decode_boolean2(<<_:8, Buffer/binary>>, RemovedBytes) ->
- {true, Buffer, RemovedBytes + 1};
-decode_boolean2(Buffer, _) ->
- exit({error,{asn1, {decode_boolean, Buffer}}}).
-%% Integer, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.3
-%% encode_integer(Constraint, Value, Tag) -> [octet list]
-%% encode_integer(Constraint, Name, NamedNumberList, Tag) -> [octet list]
-%% Value = INTEGER | {Name,INTEGER}
-%% Tag = tag | notag
-encode_integer(C, Val, []) when is_integer(Val) ->
- {EncVal,Len} = encode_integer(C, Val),
- dotag_universal(?N_INTEGER,EncVal,Len);
-encode_integer(C, Val, Tag) when is_integer(Val) ->
- dotag(Tag, ?N_INTEGER, encode_integer(C, Val));
-encode_integer(C,{Name,Val},Tag) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_integer(C,Val,Tag);
-encode_integer(_, Val, _) ->
- exit({error,{asn1, {encode_integer, Val}}}).
-encode_integer(C, Val, NamedNumberList, Tag) when is_atom(Val) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Val, 1, NamedNumberList) of
- {_, NewVal} ->
- dotag(Tag, ?N_INTEGER, encode_integer(C, NewVal));
- _ ->
- exit({error,{asn1, {encode_integer_namednumber, Val}}})
- end;
-encode_integer(C,{_,Val},NamedNumberList,Tag) ->
- encode_integer(C,Val,NamedNumberList,Tag);
-encode_integer(C, Val, _NamedNumberList, Tag) ->
- dotag(Tag, ?N_INTEGER, encode_integer(C, Val)).
-encode_integer(_C, Val) ->
- Bytes =
- if
- Val >= 0 ->
- encode_integer_pos(Val, []);
- true ->
- encode_integer_neg(Val, [])
- end,
- {Bytes,length(Bytes)}.
-encode_integer_pos(0, L=[B|_Acc]) when B < 128 ->
- L;
-encode_integer_pos(N, Acc) ->
- encode_integer_pos((N bsr 8), [N band 16#ff| Acc]).
-encode_integer_neg(-1, L=[B1|_T]) when B1 > 127 ->
- L;
-encode_integer_neg(N, Acc) ->
- encode_integer_neg(N bsr 8, [N band 16#ff|Acc]).
-%% decode integer
-%% (Buffer, Range, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {Integer, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-%% (Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {Integer, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_integer(Buffer, Range, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_INTEGER}),
- decode_integer_notag(Buffer, Range, [], NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_integer(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_INTEGER}),
- decode_integer_notag(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_integer_notag(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, NewTags, OptOrMand) ->
- {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
- check_tags_i(NewTags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
-% Result = {Val, Buffer2, RemovedBytes} =
- case FormLen of
- {Buffer00, RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
- decode_integer_notag(Buffer00, Range, NamedNumberList,
- RestTags, OptOrMand),
- {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
- {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
- {_, Len} ->
- Result =
- decode_integer2(Len,Buffer0,Rb0+Len),
- Result2 = check_integer_constraint(Result,Range),
- resolve_named_value(Result2,NamedNumberList)
- end.
-resolve_named_value(Result={Val,Buffer,RemBytes},NamedNumberList) ->
- case NamedNumberList of
- [] -> Result;
- _ ->
- NewVal = case lists:keyfind(Val, 2, NamedNumberList) of
- {NamedVal, _} ->
- NamedVal;
- _ ->
- Val
- end,
- {NewVal, Buffer, RemBytes}
- end.
-check_integer_constraint(Result={Val, _Buffer,_},Range) ->
- case Range of
- [] -> % No length constraint
- Result;
- {Lb,Ub} when Val >= Lb, Ub >= Val -> % variable length constraint
- Result;
- Val -> % fixed value constraint
- Result;
- {_,_} ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{integer_range,Range,Val}}});
- SingleValue when is_integer(SingleValue) ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{integer_range,Range,Val}}});
- _ -> % some strange constraint that we don't support yet
- Result
- end.
-%% Enumerated value, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.4
-%% encode enumerated value
-encode_enumerated(Val, []) when is_integer(Val) ->
- {EncVal,Len} = encode_integer(false,Val),
- dotag_universal(?N_ENUMERATED,EncVal,Len);
-encode_enumerated(Val, DoTag) when is_integer(Val) ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_ENUMERATED, encode_integer(false,Val));
-encode_enumerated({Name,Val}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_enumerated(Val, DoTag).
-%% The encode_enumerated functions below this line can be removed when the
-%% new code generation is stable. (the functions might have to be kept here
-%% a while longer for compatibility reasons)
-encode_enumerated(C, Val, {NamedNumberList,ExtList}, DoTag) when is_atom(Val) ->
- case catch encode_enumerated(C, Val, NamedNumberList, DoTag) of
- {'EXIT',_} -> encode_enumerated(C, Val, ExtList, DoTag);
- Result -> Result
- end;
-encode_enumerated(C, Val, NamedNumberList, DoTag) when is_atom(Val) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Val, 1, NamedNumberList) of
- {_, NewVal} when DoTag =:= [] ->
- {EncVal,Len} = encode_integer(C,NewVal),
- dotag_universal(?N_ENUMERATED,EncVal,Len);
- {_, NewVal} ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_ENUMERATED, encode_integer(C, NewVal));
- _ ->
- exit({error,{asn1, {enumerated_not_in_range, Val}}})
- end;
-encode_enumerated(C, {asn1_enum, Val}, {_,_}, DoTag) when is_integer(Val) ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_ENUMERATED, encode_integer(C,Val));
-encode_enumerated(C, {Name,Val}, NamedNumberList, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_enumerated(C, Val, NamedNumberList, DoTag);
-encode_enumerated(_, Val, _, _) ->
- exit({error,{asn1, {enumerated_not_namednumber, Val}}}).
-%% decode enumerated value
-%% (Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, HasTag, TotalLen) ->
-%% {Value, RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes}
-decode_enumerated(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_ENUMERATED}),
- decode_enumerated_notag(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList,
- NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_enumerated_notag(Buffer, Range, NNList = {NamedNumberList,ExtList}, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
- check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
- case FormLen of
- {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
- decode_enumerated_notag(Buffer00, Range, NNList, RestTags, OptOrMand),
- {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
- {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
- {_,Len} ->
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
- decode_integer2(Len, Buffer0, Rb0+Len),
- case decode_enumerated1(Val01, NamedNumberList) of
- {asn1_enum,Val01} ->
- {decode_enumerated1(Val01,ExtList), Buffer01, Rb01};
- Result01 ->
- {Result01, Buffer01, Rb01}
- end
- end;
-decode_enumerated_notag(Buffer, Range, NNList, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
- check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
- case FormLen of
- {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
- decode_enumerated_notag(Buffer00, Range, NNList, RestTags, OptOrMand),
- {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
- {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
- {_,Len} ->
- {Val01, Buffer02, Rb02} =
- decode_integer2(Len, Buffer0, Rb0+Len),
- case decode_enumerated1(Val01, NNList) of
- {asn1_enum,_} ->
- exit({error,{asn1, {illegal_enumerated, Val01}}});
- Result01 ->
- {Result01, Buffer02, Rb02}
- end
- end.
-decode_enumerated1(Val, NamedNumberList) ->
- %% it must be a named integer
- case lists:keyfind(Val, 2, NamedNumberList) of
- {NamedVal, _} ->
- NamedVal;
- _ ->
- {asn1_enum,Val}
- end.
%% Real value, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.5
@@ -1117,513 +412,15 @@ decode_real2(Buffer0, _C, Len, RemBytes1) ->
{{Mantissa, Base, Exp}, Buffer4, RemBytes2+RemBytes3}
+encode_integer_pos(0, L=[B|_Acc]) when B < 128 ->
+ L;
+encode_integer_pos(N, Acc) ->
+ encode_integer_pos((N bsr 8), [N band 16#ff| Acc]).
-%% Bitstring value, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.6
-%% encode bitstring value
-%% bitstring NamedBitList
-%% Val can be of:
-%% - [identifiers] where only named identifers are set to one,
-%% the Constraint must then have some information of the
-%% bitlength.
-%% - [list of ones and zeroes] all bits
-%% - integer value representing the bitlist
-%% C is constrint Len, only valid when identifiers
-encode_bit_string(C,Bin={Unused,BinBits},NamedBitList,DoTag) when is_integer(Unused), is_binary(BinBits) ->
- encode_bin_bit_string(C,Bin,NamedBitList,DoTag);
-encode_bit_string(C, [FirstVal | RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag) when is_atom(FirstVal) ->
- encode_bit_string_named(C, [FirstVal | RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag);
-encode_bit_string(C, [{bit,X} | RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag) ->
- encode_bit_string_named(C, [{bit,X} | RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag);
-encode_bit_string(C, [FirstVal| RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag) when is_integer(FirstVal) ->
- encode_bit_string_bits(C, [FirstVal | RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag);
-encode_bit_string(_, 0, _, []) ->
- {[?N_BIT_STRING,1,0],3};
-encode_bit_string(_, 0, _, DoTag) ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_BIT_STRING, {<<0>>,1});
-encode_bit_string(_, [], _, []) ->
- {[?N_BIT_STRING,1,0],3};
-encode_bit_string(_, [], _, DoTag) ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_BIT_STRING, {<<0>>,1});
-encode_bit_string(C, IntegerVal, NamedBitList, DoTag) when is_integer(IntegerVal) ->
- BitListVal = int_to_bitlist(IntegerVal),
- encode_bit_string_bits(C, BitListVal, NamedBitList, DoTag);
-encode_bit_string(C, {Name,BitList}, NamedBitList, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_bit_string(C, BitList, NamedBitList, DoTag).
-int_to_bitlist(0) ->
- [];
-int_to_bitlist(Int) when is_integer(Int), Int >= 0 ->
- [Int band 1 | int_to_bitlist(Int bsr 1)].
-%% Encode BIT STRING of the form {Unused,BinBits}.
-%% Unused is the number of unused bits in the last byte in BinBits
-%% and BinBits is a binary representing the BIT STRING.
- case get_constraint(C,'SizeConstraint') of
- no ->
- remove_unused_then_dotag(DoTag,?N_BIT_STRING,Unused,BinBits);
- {_Min,Max} ->
- BBLen = (size(BinBits)*8)-Unused,
- if
- BBLen > Max ->
- exit({error,{asn1,
- {bitstring_length,
- {{was,BBLen},{maximum,Max}}}}});
- true ->
- remove_unused_then_dotag(DoTag,?N_BIT_STRING,
- Unused,BinBits)
- end;
- Size ->
- case ((size(BinBits)*8)-Unused) of
- BBSize when BBSize =< Size ->
- remove_unused_then_dotag(DoTag,?N_BIT_STRING,
- Unused,BinBits);
- BBSize ->
- exit({error,{asn1,
- {bitstring_length,
- {{was,BBSize},{should_be,Size}}}}})
- end
- end.
-remove_unused_then_dotag(DoTag,StringType,Unused,BinBits) ->
- case Unused of
- 0 when (byte_size(BinBits) =:= 0), DoTag =:= [] ->
- %% time optimization of next case
- {[StringType,1,0],3};
- 0 when (byte_size(BinBits) =:= 0) ->
- dotag(DoTag,StringType,{<<0>>,1});
- 0 when DoTag =:= [] -> % time optimization of next case
- dotag_universal(StringType,[Unused|[BinBits]],size(BinBits)+1);
-% {LenEnc,Len} = encode_legth(size(BinBits)+1),
-% {[StringType,LenEnc,[Unused|BinBits]],size(BinBits)+1+Len+1};
- 0 ->
- dotag(DoTag,StringType,<<Unused,BinBits/binary>>);
- Num when DoTag =:= [] -> % time optimization of next case
- N = byte_size(BinBits) - 1,
- <<BBits:N/binary,LastByte>> = BinBits,
- dotag_universal(StringType,
- [Unused,BBits,(LastByte bsr Num) bsl Num],
- byte_size(BinBits) + 1);
-% {LenEnc,Len} = encode_legth(size(BinBits)+1),
-% {[StringType,LenEnc,[Unused,BBits,(LastByte bsr Num) bsl Num],
-% 1+Len+size(BinBits)+1};
- Num ->
- N = byte_size(BinBits) - 1,
- <<BBits:N/binary,LastByte>> = BinBits,
- dotag(DoTag,StringType,{[Unused,binary_to_list(BBits) ++
- [(LastByte bsr Num) bsl Num]],
- byte_size(BinBits) + 1})
- end.
-%% Encode named bits
-encode_bit_string_named(C, [FirstVal | RestVal], NamedBitList, DoTag) ->
- {Len,Unused,OctetList} =
- case get_constraint(C,'SizeConstraint') of
- no ->
- ToSetPos = get_all_bitposes([FirstVal | RestVal],
- NamedBitList, []),
- BitList = make_and_set_list(lists:max(ToSetPos)+1,
- ToSetPos, 0),
- encode_bitstring(BitList);
- {_Min,Max} ->
- ToSetPos = get_all_bitposes([FirstVal | RestVal],
- NamedBitList, []),
- BitList = make_and_set_list(Max, ToSetPos, 0),
- encode_bitstring(BitList);
- Size ->
- ToSetPos = get_all_bitposes([FirstVal | RestVal],
- NamedBitList, []),
- BitList = make_and_set_list(Size, ToSetPos, 0),
- encode_bitstring(BitList)
- end,
- case DoTag of
- [] ->
- dotag_universal(?N_BIT_STRING,[Unused|OctetList],Len+1);
-% {EncLen,LenLen} = encode_length(Len+1),
-% {[?N_BIT_STRING,EncLen,Unused,OctetList],1+LenLen+Len+1};
- _ ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_BIT_STRING, {[Unused|OctetList],Len+1})
- end.
-%% get_all_bitposes([list of named bits to set], named_bit_db, []) ->
-%% [sorted_list_of_bitpositions_to_set]
-get_all_bitposes([{bit,ValPos}|Rest], NamedBitList, Ack) ->
- get_all_bitposes(Rest, NamedBitList, [ValPos | Ack ]);
-get_all_bitposes([Val | Rest], NamedBitList, Ack) when is_atom(Val) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Val, 1, NamedBitList) of
- {_ValName, ValPos} ->
- get_all_bitposes(Rest, NamedBitList, [ValPos | Ack]);
- _ ->
- exit({error,{asn1, {bitstring_namedbit, Val}}})
- end;
-get_all_bitposes([], _NamedBitList, Ack) ->
- lists:sort(Ack).
-%% make_and_set_list(Len of list to return, [list of positions to set to 1])->
-%% returns list of Len length, with all in SetPos set.
-%% in positioning in list the first element is 0, the second 1 etc.., but
-%% Len will make a list of length Len, not Len + 1.
-%% BitList = make_and_set_list(C, ToSetPos, 0),
-make_and_set_list(0, [], _) -> [];
-make_and_set_list(0, _, _) ->
- exit({error,{asn1,bitstring_sizeconstraint}});
-make_and_set_list(Len, [XPos|SetPos], XPos) ->
- [1 | make_and_set_list(Len - 1, SetPos, XPos + 1)];
-make_and_set_list(Len, [Pos|SetPos], XPos) ->
- [0 | make_and_set_list(Len - 1, [Pos | SetPos], XPos + 1)];
-make_and_set_list(Len, [], XPos) ->
- [0 | make_and_set_list(Len - 1, [], XPos + 1)].
-%% Encode bit string for lists of ones and zeroes
-encode_bit_string_bits(C, BitListVal, _NamedBitList, DoTag) when is_list(BitListVal) ->
- {Len,Unused,OctetList} =
- case get_constraint(C,'SizeConstraint') of
- no ->
- encode_bitstring(BitListVal);
- Constr={Min,_Max} when is_integer(Min) ->
- encode_constr_bit_str_bits(Constr,BitListVal,DoTag);
- {Constr={_,_},[]} ->
- %% constraint with extension mark
- encode_constr_bit_str_bits(Constr,BitListVal,DoTag);
- Constr={{_,_},{_,_}} ->%{{Min1,Max1},{Min2,Max2}}
- %% constraint with extension mark
- encode_constr_bit_str_bits(Constr,BitListVal,DoTag);
- Size ->
- case length(BitListVal) of
- BitSize when BitSize =:= Size ->
- encode_bitstring(BitListVal);
- BitSize when BitSize < Size ->
- PaddedList =
- pad_bit_list(Size-BitSize,BitListVal),
- encode_bitstring(PaddedList);
- BitSize ->
- exit({error,
- {asn1,
- {bitstring_length,
- {{was,BitSize},
- {should_be,Size}}}}})
- end
- end,
- %%add unused byte to the Len
- case DoTag of
- [] ->
- dotag_universal(?N_BIT_STRING,[Unused|OctetList],Len+1);
-% {EncLen,LenLen}=encode_length(Len+1),
-% {[?N_BIT_STRING,EncLen,Unused|OctetList],1+LenLen+Len+1};
- _ ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_BIT_STRING,
- {[Unused | OctetList],Len+1})
- end.
-encode_constr_bit_str_bits({{_Min1,Max1},{Min2,Max2}},BitListVal,_DoTag) ->
- BitLen = length(BitListVal),
- case BitLen of
- Len when Len > Max2 ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{bitstring_length,{{was,BitLen},
- {maximum,Max2}}}}});
- Len when Len > Max1, Len < Min2 ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{bitstring_length,{{was,BitLen},
- {not_allowed_interval,
- Max1,Min2}}}}});
- _ ->
- encode_bitstring(BitListVal)
- end;
-encode_constr_bit_str_bits({Min,Max},BitListVal,_DoTag) ->
- BitLen = length(BitListVal),
- if
- BitLen > Max ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{bitstring_length,{{was,BitLen},
- {maximum,Max}}}}});
- BitLen < Min ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{bitstring_length,{{was,BitLen},
- {minimum,Min}}}}});
- true ->
- encode_bitstring(BitListVal)
- end.
-%% returns a list of length Size + length(BitListVal), with BitListVal
-%% as the most significant elements followed by padded zero elements
-pad_bit_list(Size,BitListVal) ->
- Tail = lists:duplicate(Size,0),
- BitListVal ++ Tail.
-%% Do the actual encoding
-%% ([bitlist]) -> {ListLen, UnusedBits, OctetList}
-encode_bitstring([B8, B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1 | Rest]) ->
- Val = (B8 bsl 7) bor (B7 bsl 6) bor (B6 bsl 5) bor (B5 bsl 4) bor
- (B4 bsl 3) bor (B3 bsl 2) bor (B2 bsl 1) bor B1,
- encode_bitstring(Rest, [Val], 1);
-encode_bitstring(Val) ->
- {Unused, Octet} = unused_bitlist(Val, 7, 0),
- {1, Unused, [Octet]}.
-encode_bitstring([B8, B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1 | Rest], Ack, Len) ->
- Val = (B8 bsl 7) bor (B7 bsl 6) bor (B6 bsl 5) bor (B5 bsl 4) bor
- (B4 bsl 3) bor (B3 bsl 2) bor (B2 bsl 1) bor B1,
- encode_bitstring(Rest, [Ack | [Val]], Len + 1);
-%%even multiple of 8 bits..
-encode_bitstring([], Ack, Len) ->
- {Len, 0, Ack};
-%% unused bits in last octet
-encode_bitstring(Rest, Ack, Len) ->
-% io:format("uneven ~w ~w ~w~n",[Rest, Ack, Len]),
- {Unused, Val} = unused_bitlist(Rest, 7, 0),
- {Len + 1, Unused, [Ack | [Val]]}.
-%% unused_bitlist([list of ones and zeros <= 7], 7, []) ->
-%% {Unused bits, Last octet with bits moved to right}
-unused_bitlist([], Trail, Ack) ->
- {Trail + 1, Ack};
-unused_bitlist([Bit | Rest], Trail, Ack) ->
-%% io:format("trail Bit: ~w Rest: ~w Trail: ~w Ack:~w~n",[Bit, Rest, Trail, Ack]),
- unused_bitlist(Rest, Trail - 1, (Bit bsl Trail) bor Ack).
-%% decode bitstring value
-%% (Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {Integer, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_compact_bit_string(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, Tags, LenIn, OptOrMand) ->
-% NewTags = new_tags(HasTag,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_BIT_STRING}),
- decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, ?N_BIT_STRING, Tags, LenIn,
- NamedNumberList, OptOrMand,bin).
-decode_bit_string(Buffer, Range, NamedNumberList, Tags, LenIn, OptOrMand) ->
-% NewTags = new_tags(HasTag,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_BIT_STRING}),
- decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, ?N_BIT_STRING, Tags, LenIn,
- NamedNumberList, OptOrMand,old).
-decode_bit_string2(1,<<0 ,Buffer/binary>>,_NamedNumberList,RemovedBytes,BinOrOld) ->
- case BinOrOld of
- bin ->
- {{0,<<>>},Buffer,RemovedBytes};
- _ ->
- {[], Buffer, RemovedBytes}
- end;
- RemovedBytes,BinOrOld) ->
- L = Len - 1,
- <<Bits:L/binary,BufferTail/binary>> = Buffer,
- case NamedNumberList of
- [] ->
- case BinOrOld of
- bin ->
- {{Unused,Bits},BufferTail,RemovedBytes};
- _ ->
- BitString = decode_bitstring2(L, Unused, Buffer),
- {BitString,BufferTail, RemovedBytes}
- end;
- _ ->
- BitString = decode_bitstring2(L, Unused, Buffer),
- {decode_bitstring_NNL(BitString,NamedNumberList),
- BufferTail,
- RemovedBytes}
- end.
-%% Decode the in buffer to bits
-decode_bitstring2(1,Unused,<<B7:1,B6:1,B5:1,B4:1,B3:1,B2:1,B1:1,B0:1,_/binary>>) ->
- lists:sublist([B7,B6,B5,B4,B3,B2,B1,B0],8-Unused);
-decode_bitstring2(Len, Unused,
- <<B7:1,B6:1,B5:1,B4:1,B3:1,B2:1,B1:1,B0:1,Buffer/binary>>) ->
- [B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1, B0 |
- decode_bitstring2(Len - 1, Unused, Buffer)].
-%%decode_bitstring2(1, Unused, Buffer) ->
-%% make_bits_of_int(hd(Buffer), 128, 8-Unused);
-%%decode_bitstring2(Len, Unused, [BitVal | Buffer]) ->
-%% [B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1, B0] = make_bits_of_int(BitVal, 128, 8),
-%% [B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1, B0 |
-%% decode_bitstring2(Len - 1, Unused, Buffer)].
-%%make_bits_of_int(_, _, 0) ->
-%% [];
-%%make_bits_of_int(BitVal, MaskVal, Unused) when Unused > 0 ->
-%% X = case MaskVal band BitVal of
-%% 0 -> 0 ;
-%% _ -> 1
-%% end,
-%% [X | make_bits_of_int(BitVal, MaskVal bsr 1, Unused - 1)].
-%% Decode the bitlist to names
-decode_bitstring_NNL(BitList,NamedNumberList) ->
- decode_bitstring_NNL(BitList,NamedNumberList,0,[]).
-decode_bitstring_NNL([],_,_No,Result) ->
- lists:reverse(Result);
-decode_bitstring_NNL([B|BitList],[{Name,No}|NamedNumberList],No,Result) ->
- if
- B =:= 0 ->
- decode_bitstring_NNL(BitList,NamedNumberList,No+1,Result);
- true ->
- decode_bitstring_NNL(BitList,NamedNumberList,No+1,[Name|Result])
- end;
-decode_bitstring_NNL([1|BitList],NamedNumberList,No,Result) ->
- decode_bitstring_NNL(BitList,NamedNumberList,No+1,[{bit,No}|Result]);
-decode_bitstring_NNL([0|BitList],NamedNumberList,No,Result) ->
- decode_bitstring_NNL(BitList,NamedNumberList,No+1,Result).
-%% Octet string, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.7
-%% encode octet string
-%% The OctetList must be a flat list of integers in the range 0..255
-%% the function does not check this because it takes to much time
-encode_octet_string(_C, OctetList, []) when is_binary(OctetList) ->
- dotag_universal(?N_OCTET_STRING,OctetList,byte_size(OctetList));
-encode_octet_string(_C, OctetList, DoTag) when is_binary(OctetList) ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_OCTET_STRING, {OctetList,byte_size(OctetList)});
-encode_octet_string(_C, OctetList, DoTag) when is_list(OctetList) ->
- case length(OctetList) of
- Len when DoTag =:= [] ->
- dotag_universal(?N_OCTET_STRING,OctetList,Len);
- Len ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_OCTET_STRING, {OctetList,Len})
- end;
-%% encode_octet_string(C, OctetList, DoTag) when is_list(OctetList) ->
-%% dotag(DoTag, ?N_OCTET_STRING, {OctetList,length(OctetList)});
-encode_octet_string(C, {Name,OctetList}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_octet_string(C, OctetList, DoTag).
-%% decode octet string
-%% (Buffer, Range, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {String, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-%% Octet string is decoded as a restricted string
-decode_octet_string(Buffer, Range, Tags, TotalLen, OptOrMand) ->
-%% NewTags = new_tags(HasTag,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_OCTET_STRING}),
- decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, ?N_OCTET_STRING,
- Tags, TotalLen, [], OptOrMand,old).
-%% Null value, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.8
-%% encode NULL value
-encode_null(_, []) ->
- {[?N_NULL,0],2};
-encode_null(_, DoTag) ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_NULL, {[],0}).
-%% decode NULL value
-%% (Buffer, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {NULL, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_null(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_NULL}),
- decode_null_notag(Buffer, NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_null_notag(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
- check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
- case FormLen of
- {_Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} = decode_null_notag(Buffer0, RestTags,
- OptOrMand),
- {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
- {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
- {_,0} ->
- {'NULL', Buffer0, Rb0};
- {_,Len} ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{invalid_length,'NULL',Len}}})
- end.
-%% Object identifier, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.19
-%% encode Object Identifier value
-encode_object_identifier({Name,Val}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_object_identifier(Val, DoTag);
-encode_object_identifier(Val, []) ->
- {EncVal,Len} = e_object_identifier(Val),
- dotag_universal(?N_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER,EncVal,Len);
-encode_object_identifier(Val, DoTag) ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, e_object_identifier(Val)).
-e_object_identifier({'OBJECT IDENTIFIER', V}) ->
- e_object_identifier(V);
-e_object_identifier({Cname, V}) when is_atom(Cname), is_tuple(V) ->
- e_object_identifier(tuple_to_list(V));
-e_object_identifier({Cname, V}) when is_atom(Cname), is_list(V) ->
- e_object_identifier(V);
-e_object_identifier(V) when is_tuple(V) ->
- e_object_identifier(tuple_to_list(V));
-%% e_object_identifier([List of Obect Identifiers]) ->
-%% {[Encoded Octetlist of ObjIds], IntLength}
-e_object_identifier([E1, E2 | Tail]) ->
- Head = 40*E1 + E2, % wow!
- {H,Lh} = mk_object_val(Head),
- {R,Lr} = enc_obj_id_tail(Tail, [], 0),
- {[H|R], Lh+Lr}.
-enc_obj_id_tail([], Ack, Len) ->
- {lists:reverse(Ack), Len};
-enc_obj_id_tail([H|T], Ack, Len) ->
- {B, L} = mk_object_val(H),
- enc_obj_id_tail(T, [B|Ack], Len+L).
+encode_integer_neg(-1, L=[B1|_T]) when B1 > 127 ->
+ L;
+encode_integer_neg(N, Acc) ->
+ encode_integer_neg(N bsr 8, [N band 16#ff|Acc]).
@@ -1643,476 +440,6 @@ mk_object_val(Val, Ack, Len) ->
mk_object_val(Val bsr 7, [((Val band 127) bor 128) | Ack], Len + 1).
-%% decode Object Identifier value
-%% (Buffer, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {{ObjId}, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_object_identifier(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,
- decode_object_identifier_notag(Buffer, NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_object_identifier_notag(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
- check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
- case FormLen of
- {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
- decode_object_identifier_notag(Buffer00,
- RestTags, OptOrMand),
- {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
- {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
- {_,Len} ->
- {[AddedObjVal|ObjVals],Buffer01} =
- dec_subidentifiers(Buffer0,0,[],Len),
- {Val1, Val2} = if
- AddedObjVal < 40 ->
- {0, AddedObjVal};
- AddedObjVal < 80 ->
- {1, AddedObjVal - 40};
- true ->
- {2, AddedObjVal - 80}
- end,
- {list_to_tuple([Val1, Val2 | ObjVals]), Buffer01,
- Rb0+Len}
- end.
-dec_subidentifiers(Buffer,_Av,Al,0) ->
- {lists:reverse(Al),Buffer};
-dec_subidentifiers(<<1:1,H:7,T/binary>>,Av,Al,Len) ->
- dec_subidentifiers(T,(Av bsl 7) + H,Al,Len-1);
-dec_subidentifiers(<<H,T/binary>>,Av,Al,Len) ->
- dec_subidentifiers(T,0,[((Av bsl 7) + H)|Al],Len-1).
-%% RELATIVE-OID, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.20
-%% encode Relative Object Identifier
-encode_relative_oid({Name,Val},TagIn) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_relative_oid(Val,TagIn);
-encode_relative_oid(Val,TagIn) when is_tuple(Val) ->
- encode_relative_oid(tuple_to_list(Val),TagIn);
-encode_relative_oid(Val,[]) ->
- {EncVal,Len} = enc_relative_oid(Val),
- dotag_universal(?'N_RELATIVE-OID',EncVal,Len);
-encode_relative_oid(Val, DoTag) ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?'N_RELATIVE-OID', enc_relative_oid(Val)).
-enc_relative_oid(Val) ->
- lists:mapfoldl(fun(X,AccIn) ->
- {SO,L}=mk_object_val(X),
- {SO,L+AccIn}
- end
- ,0,Val).
-%% decode Relative Object Identifier value
-%% (Buffer, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {{ObjId}, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_relative_oid(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,
- number=?'N_RELATIVE-OID'}),
- decode_relative_oid_notag(Buffer, NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_relative_oid_notag(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- {_RestTags, {_FormLen={_,Len}, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
- check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
- {ObjVals,Buffer01} =
- dec_subidentifiers(Buffer0,0,[],Len),
- {list_to_tuple(ObjVals), Buffer01, Rb0+Len}.
-%% Restricted character string types, ITU_T X.690 Chapter 8.21
-%% encode Numeric Printable Teletex Videotex Visible IA5 Graphic General strings
-encode_restricted_string(_C, OctetList, StringType, [])
- when is_binary(OctetList) ->
- dotag_universal(StringType, OctetList, byte_size(OctetList));
-encode_restricted_string(_C, OctetList, StringType, DoTag)
- when is_binary(OctetList) ->
- dotag(DoTag, StringType, {OctetList, byte_size(OctetList)});
-encode_restricted_string(_C, OctetList, StringType, [])
- when is_list(OctetList) ->
- dotag_universal(StringType, OctetList, length(OctetList));
-encode_restricted_string(_C, OctetList, StringType, DoTag)
- when is_list(OctetList) ->
- dotag(DoTag, StringType, {OctetList, length(OctetList)});
-encode_restricted_string(C,{Name,OctetL},StringType,DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_restricted_string(C, OctetL, StringType, DoTag).
-%% decode Numeric Printable Teletex Videotex Visible IA5 Graphic General strings
-%% (Buffer, Range, StringType, HasTag, TotalLen) ->
-%% {String, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, StringType, Tags, LenIn, OptOrMand) ->
- {Val,Buffer2,Rb} =
- decode_restricted_string_tag(Buffer, Range, StringType, Tags,
- LenIn, [], OptOrMand,old),
- {check_and_convert_restricted_string(Val,StringType,Range,[],old),
- Buffer2,Rb}.
-decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, StringType, Tags, LenIn, NNList, OptOrMand, BinOrOld ) ->
- {Val,Buffer2,Rb} =
- decode_restricted_string_tag(Buffer, Range, StringType, Tags,
- LenIn, NNList, OptOrMand, BinOrOld),
- {check_and_convert_restricted_string(Val,StringType,Range,NNList,BinOrOld),
- Buffer2,Rb}.
-decode_restricted_string_tag(Buffer, Range, StringType, TagsIn, LenIn, NNList, OptOrMand, BinOrOld ) ->
- NewTags = new_tags(TagsIn, #tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=StringType}),
- decode_restricted_string_notag(Buffer, Range, StringType, NewTags,
- LenIn, NNList, OptOrMand, BinOrOld).
-check_and_convert_restricted_string(Val,StringType,Range,NamedNumberList,_BinOrOld) ->
- {StrLen,NewVal} = case StringType of
- ?N_BIT_STRING when NamedNumberList =/= [] ->
- {no_check,Val};
- ?N_BIT_STRING when is_list(Val) ->
- {length(Val),Val};
- ?N_BIT_STRING when is_tuple(Val) ->
- {(size(element(2,Val))*8) - element(1,Val),Val};
- _ when is_binary(Val) ->
- {byte_size(Val),binary_to_list(Val)};
- _ when is_list(Val) ->
- {length(Val), Val}
- end,
- case Range of
- _ when StrLen =:= no_check ->
- NewVal;
- [] -> % No length constraint
- NewVal;
- {Lb,Ub} when StrLen >= Lb, Ub >= StrLen -> % variable length constraint
- NewVal;
- {{Lb,_Ub},[]} when StrLen >= Lb ->
- NewVal;
- {{Lb,_Ub},_Ext=[MinExt|_]} when StrLen >= Lb; StrLen >= MinExt ->
- NewVal;
- {{Lb1,Ub1},{Lb2,Ub2}} when StrLen >= Lb1, StrLen =< Ub1;
- StrLen =< Ub2, StrLen >= Lb2 ->
- NewVal;
- StrLen -> % fixed length constraint
- NewVal;
- {_,_} ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{length,Range,Val}}});
- _Len when is_integer(_Len) ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{length,Range,Val}}});
- _ -> % some strange constraint that we don't support yet
- NewVal
- end.
-%% Common routines for several string types including bit string
-%% handles indefinite length
-decode_restricted_string_notag(Buffer, _Range, StringType, TagsIn,
- _, NamedNumberList, OptOrMand, BinOrOld) ->
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------
- %% Get inner (the implicit tag or no tag) and
- %% outer (the explicit tag) lengths.
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------
- {RestTags, {FormLength={_,_Len01}, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
- check_tags_i(TagsIn, Buffer, OptOrMand),
- case FormLength of
- {Buffer00, RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
- decode_restricted_parts(Buffer00, RestBytes, [], StringType,
- RestTags,
- Len, NamedNumberList,
- OptOrMand,
- BinOrOld, 0, []),
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb0+Rb01};
- {_, Len} ->
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
- decode_restricted(Buffer0, Len, StringType,
- NamedNumberList, BinOrOld),
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb0+Rb01}
- end.
-decode_restricted_parts(Buffer, RestBytes, [], StringType, RestTags, Len, NNList,
- OptOrMand, BinOrOld, AccRb, AccVal) ->
- DecodeFun = case RestTags of
- [] -> fun decode_restricted_string_tag/8;
- _ -> fun decode_restricted_string_notag/8
- end,
- {Val, Buffer1, Rb} =
- DecodeFun(Buffer, [], StringType, RestTags,
- no_length, NNList,
- OptOrMand, BinOrOld),
- {Buffer2,More} =
- case Buffer1 of
- <<0,0,Buffer10/binary>> when Len == indefinite ->
- {Buffer10,false};
- <<>> ->
- {RestBytes,false};
- _ ->
- {Buffer1,true}
- end,
- {NewVal, NewRb} =
- case StringType of
- ?N_BIT_STRING when BinOrOld == bin ->
- {concat_bit_binaries(AccVal, Val), AccRb+Rb};
- _ when is_binary(Val),is_binary(AccVal) ->
- {<<AccVal/binary,Val/binary>>,AccRb+Rb};
- _ when is_binary(Val), AccVal =:= [] ->
- {Val,AccRb+Rb};
- _ ->
- {AccVal++Val, AccRb+Rb}
- end,
- case More of
- false ->
- {NewVal, Buffer2, NewRb};
- true ->
- decode_restricted_parts(Buffer2, RestBytes, [], StringType, RestTags, Len, NNList,
- OptOrMand, BinOrOld, NewRb, NewVal)
- end.
-decode_restricted(Buffer, InnerLen, StringType, NamedNumberList,BinOrOld) ->
- case StringType of
- decode_bit_string2(InnerLen,Buffer,NamedNumberList,InnerLen,BinOrOld);
- ?N_UniversalString ->
- <<PreBuff:InnerLen/binary,RestBuff/binary>> = Buffer,%%added for binary
- UniString = mk_universal_string(binary_to_list(PreBuff)),
- {UniString,RestBuff,InnerLen};
- ?N_BMPString ->
- <<PreBuff:InnerLen/binary,RestBuff/binary>> = Buffer,%%added for binary
- BMP = mk_BMP_string(binary_to_list(PreBuff)),
- {BMP,RestBuff,InnerLen};
- _ ->
- <<PreBuff:InnerLen/binary,RestBuff/binary>> = Buffer,%%added for binary
- {PreBuff, RestBuff, InnerLen}
- end.
-%% encode Universal string
-encode_universal_string(C, {Name, Universal}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_universal_string(C, Universal, DoTag);
-encode_universal_string(_C, Universal, []) ->
- OctetList = mk_uni_list(Universal),
- dotag_universal(?N_UniversalString,OctetList,length(OctetList));
-encode_universal_string(_C, Universal, DoTag) ->
- OctetList = mk_uni_list(Universal),
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_UniversalString, {OctetList,length(OctetList)}).
-mk_uni_list(In) ->
- mk_uni_list(In,[]).
-mk_uni_list([],List) ->
- lists:reverse(List);
-mk_uni_list([{A,B,C,D}|T],List) ->
- mk_uni_list(T,[D,C,B,A|List]);
-mk_uni_list([H|T],List) ->
- mk_uni_list(T,[H,0,0,0|List]).
-%% decode Universal strings
-%% (Buffer, Range, StringType, HasTag, LenIn) ->
-%% {String, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_universal_string(Buffer, Range, Tags, LenIn, OptOrMand) ->
-% NewTags = new_tags(HasTag, #tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_UniversalString}),
- decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, ?N_UniversalString,
- Tags, LenIn, [], OptOrMand,old).
-mk_universal_string(In) ->
- mk_universal_string(In,[]).
-mk_universal_string([],Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-mk_universal_string([0,0,0,D|T],Acc) ->
- mk_universal_string(T,[D|Acc]);
-mk_universal_string([A,B,C,D|T],Acc) ->
- mk_universal_string(T,[{A,B,C,D}|Acc]).
-%% encode UTF8 string
-encode_UTF8_string(_,UTF8String,[]) when is_binary(UTF8String) ->
- dotag_universal(?N_UTF8String,UTF8String,byte_size(UTF8String));
-encode_UTF8_string(_,UTF8String,DoTag) when is_binary(UTF8String) ->
- dotag(DoTag,?N_UTF8String,{UTF8String,byte_size(UTF8String)});
-encode_UTF8_string(_,UTF8String,[]) ->
- dotag_universal(?N_UTF8String,UTF8String,length(UTF8String));
-encode_UTF8_string(_,UTF8String,DoTag) ->
- dotag(DoTag,?N_UTF8String,{UTF8String,length(UTF8String)}).
-%% decode UTF8 string
-decode_UTF8_string(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- NewTags = new_tags(Tags, #tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_UTF8String}),
- decode_UTF8_string_notag(Buffer, NewTags, OptOrMand).
-decode_UTF8_string_notag(Buffer, Tags, OptOrMand) ->
- {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
- check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
- case FormLen of
- %% an UTF8String may be encoded as a constructed type
- {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
- decode_UTF8_string_notag(Buffer00,RestTags,OptOrMand),
- {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
- {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
- {_,Len} ->
- <<Result:Len/binary,RestBuff/binary>> = Buffer0,
- {Result,RestBuff,Rb0 + Len}
- end.
-%% encode BMP string
-encode_BMP_string(C, {Name,BMPString}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_BMP_string(C, BMPString, DoTag);
-encode_BMP_string(_C, BMPString, []) ->
- OctetList = mk_BMP_list(BMPString),
- dotag_universal(?N_BMPString,OctetList,length(OctetList));
-encode_BMP_string(_C, BMPString, DoTag) ->
- OctetList = mk_BMP_list(BMPString),
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_BMPString, {OctetList,length(OctetList)}).
-mk_BMP_list(In) ->
- mk_BMP_list(In,[]).
-mk_BMP_list([],List) ->
- lists:reverse(List);
-mk_BMP_list([{0,0,C,D}|T],List) ->
- mk_BMP_list(T,[D,C|List]);
-mk_BMP_list([H|T],List) ->
- mk_BMP_list(T,[H,0|List]).
-%% decode (OctetList, Range(ignored), tag|notag) -> {ValList, RestList}
-%% (Buffer, Range, StringType, HasTag, TotalLen) ->
-%% {String, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_BMP_string(Buffer, Range, Tags, LenIn, OptOrMand) ->
-% NewTags = new_tags(HasTag, #tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_BMPString}),
- decode_restricted_string(Buffer, Range, ?N_BMPString,
- Tags, LenIn, [], OptOrMand,old).
-mk_BMP_string(In) ->
- mk_BMP_string(In,[]).
-mk_BMP_string([],US) ->
- lists:reverse(US);
-mk_BMP_string([0,B|T],US) ->
- mk_BMP_string(T,[B|US]);
-mk_BMP_string([C,D|T],US) ->
- mk_BMP_string(T,[{0,0,C,D}|US]).
-%% Generalized time, ITU_T X.680 Chapter 39
-%% encode Generalized time
-encode_generalized_time(C, {Name,OctetList}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_generalized_time(C, OctetList, DoTag);
-encode_generalized_time(_C, OctetList, []) ->
- dotag_universal(?N_GeneralizedTime,OctetList,length(OctetList));
-encode_generalized_time(_C, OctetList, DoTag) ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_GeneralizedTime, {OctetList,length(OctetList)}).
-%% decode Generalized time
-%% (Buffer, Range, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {String, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_generalized_time(Buffer, Range, Tags, TotalLen, OptOrMand) ->
- NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,
- number=?N_GeneralizedTime}),
- decode_generalized_time_notag(Buffer, Range, NewTags, TotalLen, OptOrMand).
-decode_generalized_time_notag(Buffer, Range, Tags, TotalLen, OptOrMand) ->
- {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
- check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
- case FormLen of
- {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
- decode_generalized_time_notag(Buffer00, Range,
- RestTags, TotalLen,
- OptOrMand),
- {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
- {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
- {_,Len} ->
- <<PreBuff:Len/binary,RestBuff/binary>> = Buffer0,
- {binary_to_list(PreBuff), RestBuff, Rb0+Len}
- end.
-%% Universal time, ITU_T X.680 Chapter 40
-%% encode UTC time
-encode_utc_time(C, {Name,OctetList}, DoTag) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_utc_time(C, OctetList, DoTag);
-encode_utc_time(_C, OctetList, []) ->
- dotag_universal(?N_UTCTime, OctetList,length(OctetList));
-encode_utc_time(_C, OctetList, DoTag) ->
- dotag(DoTag, ?N_UTCTime, {OctetList,length(OctetList)}).
-%% decode UTC time
-%% (Buffer, Range, HasTag, TotalLen) -> {String, Remain, RemovedBytes}
-decode_utc_time(Buffer, Range, Tags, TotalLen, OptOrMand) ->
- NewTags = new_tags(Tags,#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=?N_UTCTime}),
- decode_utc_time_notag(Buffer, Range, NewTags, TotalLen, OptOrMand).
-decode_utc_time_notag(Buffer, Range, Tags, TotalLen, OptOrMand) ->
- {RestTags, {FormLen, Buffer0, Rb0}} =
- check_tags_i(Tags, Buffer, OptOrMand),
- case FormLen of
- {Buffer00,RestBytes} = split_list(Buffer0,Len),
- {Val01, Buffer01, Rb01} =
- decode_utc_time_notag(Buffer00, Range,
- RestTags, TotalLen,
- OptOrMand),
- {Buffer02, Rb02} = restbytes2(RestBytes,Buffer01,noext),
- {Val01, Buffer02, Rb0+Rb01+Rb02};
- {_,Len} ->
- <<PreBuff:Len/binary,RestBuff/binary>> = Buffer0,
- {binary_to_list(PreBuff), RestBuff, Rb0+Len}
- end.
%% Length handling
@@ -2122,8 +449,6 @@ decode_utc_time_notag(Buffer, Range, Tags, TotalLen, OptOrMand) ->
%% [<127]| [128 + Int (<127),OctetList] | [16#80]
-encode_length(indefinite) ->
- {[16#80],1}; % 128
encode_length(L) when L =< 16#7F ->
encode_length(L) ->
@@ -2162,242 +487,12 @@ decode_length(<<1:1,LL:7,T/binary>>) ->
<<Length:LL/unit:8,Rest/binary>> = T,
{{Length,Rest}, LL+1}.
-%decode_length([128 | T]) ->
-% {{indefinite, T},1};
-%decode_length([H | T]) when H =< 127 ->
-% {{H, T},1};
-%decode_length([H | T]) ->
-% dec_long_length(H band 16#7F, T, 0, 1).
-%%dec_long_length(0, Buffer, Acc, Len) ->
-%% {{Acc, Buffer},Len};
-%%dec_long_length(Bytes, [H | T], Acc, Len) ->
-%% dec_long_length(Bytes - 1, T, (Acc bsl 8) + H, Len+1).
-%% Decode tag and length
-%% decode_tag_and_length(Buffer) -> {Tag, Len, RemainingBuffer, RemovedBytes}
-decode_tag_and_length(Buffer) ->
- {Tag, Buffer2, RemBytesTag} = decode_tag(Buffer),
- {{Len, Buffer3}, RemBytesLen} = decode_length(Buffer2),
- {Tag, Len, Buffer3, RemBytesTag+RemBytesLen}.
-%% Check if valid tag
-%% check_if_valid_tag(Tag, List_of_valid_tags, OptOrMand) -> name of the tag
-check_if_valid_tag(<<0,0,_/binary>>,_,_) ->
- asn1_EOC;
-check_if_valid_tag(<<>>, _, OptOrMand) ->
- check_if_valid_tag2_error([], OptOrMand);
-check_if_valid_tag(Bytes, ListOfTags, OptOrMand) when is_binary(Bytes) ->
- {Tag, _, _} = decode_tag(Bytes),
- check_if_valid_tag(Tag, ListOfTags, OptOrMand);
-%% This alternative should be removed in the near future
-%% Bytes as input should be the only necessary call
-check_if_valid_tag(Tag, ListOfTags, OptOrMand) ->
- {Class, _Form, TagNo} = Tag,
- C = code_class(Class),
- T = case C of
- code_type(TagNo);
- _ ->
- TagNo
- end,
- check_if_valid_tag2({C,T}, ListOfTags, Tag, OptOrMand).
-check_if_valid_tag2(_Class_TagNo, [], Tag, MandOrOpt) ->
- check_if_valid_tag2_error(Tag,MandOrOpt);
-check_if_valid_tag2(Class_TagNo, [{TagName,TagList}|T], Tag, OptOrMand) ->
- case check_if_valid_tag_loop(Class_TagNo, TagList) of
- true ->
- TagName;
- false ->
- check_if_valid_tag2(Class_TagNo, T, Tag, OptOrMand)
- end.
--spec check_if_valid_tag2_error(term(), atom()) -> no_return().
-check_if_valid_tag2_error(Tag,mandatory) ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{invalid_tag,Tag}}});
-check_if_valid_tag2_error(Tag,_) ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{no_optional_tag,Tag}}}).
-check_if_valid_tag_loop(_Class_TagNo,[]) ->
- false;
-check_if_valid_tag_loop(Class_TagNo,[H|T]) ->
- %% It is not possible to distinguish between SEQUENCE OF and SEQUENCE, and
- %% between SET OF and SET because both are coded as 16 and 17, respectively.
- H_without_OF = case H of
- {C, 'SEQUENCE OF'} ->
- {C, 'SEQUENCE'};
- {C, 'SET OF'} ->
- {C, 'SET'};
- Else ->
- Else
- end,
- case H_without_OF of
- Class_TagNo ->
- true;
- {_,_} ->
- check_if_valid_tag_loop(Class_TagNo,T);
- _ ->
- check_if_valid_tag_loop(Class_TagNo,H),
- check_if_valid_tag_loop(Class_TagNo,T)
- end.
-code_class(0) -> 'UNIVERSAL';
-code_class(16#40) -> 'APPLICATION';
-code_class(16#80) -> 'CONTEXT';
-code_class(16#C0) -> 'PRIVATE'.
-code_type(1) -> 'BOOLEAN';
-code_type(2) -> 'INTEGER';
-code_type(3) -> 'BIT STRING';
-code_type(4) -> 'OCTET STRING';
-code_type(5) -> 'NULL';
-code_type(6) -> 'OBJECT IDENTIFIER';
-code_type(7) -> 'ObjectDescriptor';
-code_type(8) -> 'EXTERNAL';
-code_type(9) -> 'REAL';
-code_type(10) -> 'ENUMERATED';
-code_type(11) -> 'EMBEDDED_PDV';
-code_type(16) -> 'SEQUENCE';
-% code_type(16) -> 'SEQUENCE OF';
-code_type(17) -> 'SET';
-% code_type(17) -> 'SET OF';
-code_type(18) -> 'NumericString';
-code_type(19) -> 'PrintableString';
-code_type(20) -> 'TeletexString';
-code_type(21) -> 'VideotexString';
-code_type(22) -> 'IA5String';
-code_type(23) -> 'UTCTime';
-code_type(24) -> 'GeneralizedTime';
-code_type(25) -> 'GraphicString';
-code_type(26) -> 'VisibleString';
-code_type(27) -> 'GeneralString';
-code_type(28) -> 'UniversalString';
-code_type(30) -> 'BMPString';
-code_type(Else) -> exit({error,{asn1,{unrecognized_type,Else}}}).
-%% decoding of the components of a SET
-decode_set(Rb, indefinite, <<0,0,Bytes/binary>>, _OptOrMand, _Fun3, Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc),Bytes,Rb+2};
-decode_set(Rb, indefinite, Bytes, OptOrMand, Fun3, Acc) ->
- case Fun3(Bytes, OptOrMand) of
- {_Term, _Remain, 0} ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc),Bytes,Rb};
- {Term, Remain, Rb1} ->
- Fun3(Bytes, OptOrMand),
- decode_set(Rb+Rb1, indefinite, Remain, OptOrMand, Fun3, [Term|Acc])
- end;
-%% {Term, Remain, Rb1} = Fun3(Bytes, OptOrMand),
-%% decode_set(Rb+Rb1, indefinite, Remain, OptOrMand, Fun3, [Term|Acc]);
-decode_set(Rb, Num, Bytes, _OptOrMand, _Fun3, Acc) when Num == 0 ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc), Bytes, Rb};
-decode_set(_, Num, _, _, _, _) when Num < 0 ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{length_error,'SET'}}});
-decode_set(Rb, Num, Bytes, OptOrMand, Fun3, Acc) ->
- case Fun3(Bytes, OptOrMand) of
- {_Term, _Remain, 0} ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc),Bytes,Rb};
- {Term, Remain, Rb1} ->
- Fun3(Bytes, OptOrMand),
- decode_set(Rb+Rb1, Num-Rb1, Remain, OptOrMand, Fun3, [Term|Acc])
- end.
-%% {Term, Remain, Rb1} = Fun3(Bytes, OptOrMand),
-%% decode_set(Rb+Rb1, Num-Rb1, Remain, OptOrMand, Fun3, [Term|Acc]).
-%% decoding of SEQUENCE OF and SET OF
-decode_components(Rb, indefinite, <<0,0,Bytes/binary>>, _Fun3, _TagIn, Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc),Bytes,Rb+2};
-decode_components(Rb, indefinite, Bytes, Fun3, TagIn, Acc) ->
- {Term, Remain, Rb1} = Fun3(Bytes, mandatory, TagIn),
- decode_components(Rb+Rb1, indefinite, Remain, Fun3, TagIn, [Term|Acc]);
-decode_components(Rb, Num, Bytes, _Fun3, _TagIn, Acc) when Num == 0 ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc), Bytes, Rb};
-decode_components(_, Num, _, _, _, _) when Num < 0 ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{length_error,'SET/SEQUENCE OF'}}});
-decode_components(Rb, Num, Bytes, Fun3, TagIn, Acc) ->
- {Term, Remain, Rb1} = Fun3(Bytes, mandatory, TagIn),
- decode_components(Rb+Rb1, Num-Rb1, Remain, Fun3, TagIn, [Term|Acc]).
-%%decode_components(Rb, indefinite, [0,0|Bytes], _Fun3, _TagIn, Acc) ->
-%% {lists:reverse(Acc),Bytes,Rb+2};
-decode_components(Rb, indefinite, <<0,0,Bytes/binary>>, _Fun4, _TagIn, _Fun, Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc),Bytes,Rb+2};
-decode_components(Rb, indefinite, Bytes, _Fun4, TagIn, _Fun, Acc) ->
- {Term, Remain, Rb1} = _Fun4(Bytes, mandatory, TagIn, _Fun),
- decode_components(Rb+Rb1, indefinite, Remain, _Fun4, TagIn, _Fun, [Term|Acc]);
-decode_components(Rb, Num, Bytes, _Fun4, _TagIn, _Fun, Acc) when Num == 0 ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc), Bytes, Rb};
-decode_components(_, Num, _, _, _, _, _) when Num < 0 ->
- exit({error,{asn1,{length_error,'SET/SEQUENCE OF'}}});
-decode_components(Rb, Num, Bytes, _Fun4, TagIn, _Fun, Acc) ->
- {Term, Remain, Rb1} = _Fun4(Bytes, mandatory, TagIn, _Fun),
- decode_components(Rb+Rb1, Num-Rb1, Remain, _Fun4, TagIn, _Fun, [Term|Acc]).
-%% Encode tag
-%% dotag(tag | notag, TagValpattern | TagValTuple, [Length, Value]) -> [Tag]
-%% TagValPattern is a correct bitpattern for a tag
-%% TagValTuple is a tuple of three bitpatterns, Class, Form and TagNo where
-%% Form = Primitive | Constructed
-%% TagNo = Number of tag
dotag([], Tag, {Bytes,Len}) ->
dotag(Tags, Tag, {Bytes,Len}) ->
encode_tags(Tags ++ [#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=Tag,form=?PRIMITIVE}],
- Bytes, Len);
-dotag(Tags, Tag, Bytes) ->
- encode_tags(Tags ++ [#tag{class=?UNIVERSAL,number=Tag,form=?PRIMITIVE}],
- Bytes, size(Bytes)).
+ Bytes, Len).
dotag_universal(UniversalTag,Bytes,Len) when Len =< 16#7F->
@@ -2415,47 +510,6 @@ decode_integer2(Len,<<1:1,B2:7,Bs/binary>>,RemovedBytes) ->
Int = N - (1 bsl (8 * Len - 1)),
-%%decode_integer2(Len,Buffer,Acc,RemovedBytes) when (hd(Buffer) band 16#FF) =< 16#7F ->
-%% {decode_integer_pos(Buffer, 8 * (Len - 1)),skip(Buffer,Len),RemovedBytes};
-%%decode_integer2(Len,Buffer,Acc,RemovedBytes) ->
-%% {decode_integer_neg(Buffer, 8 * (Len - 1)),skip(Buffer,Len),RemovedBytes}.
-%%decode_integer_pos([Byte|Tail], Shift) ->
-%% (Byte bsl Shift) bor decode_integer_pos(Tail, Shift-8);
-%%decode_integer_pos([], _) -> 0.
-%%decode_integer_neg([Byte|Tail], Shift) ->
-%% (-128 + (Byte band 127) bsl Shift) bor decode_integer_pos(Tail, Shift-8).
-concat_bit_binaries([],Bin={_,_}) ->
- Bin;
-concat_bit_binaries({0,B1},{U2,B2}) ->
- {U2,<<B1/binary,B2/binary>>};
-concat_bit_binaries({U1,B1},{U2,B2}) ->
- S1 = (size(B1) * 8) - U1,
- S2 = (size(B2) * 8) - U2,
- PadBits = 8 - ((S1+S2) rem 8),
- {PadBits, <<B1:S1/binary-unit:1,B2:S2/binary-unit:1,0:PadBits>>};
-concat_bit_binaries(L1,L2) when is_list(L1), is_list(L2) ->
- %% this case occur when decoding with NNL
- L1 ++ L2.
-get_constraint(C,Key) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Key,1,C) of
- false ->
- no;
- {_, V} ->
- V
- end.
-%%skip(Buffer, 0) ->
-%% Buffer;
-%%skip([H | T], Len) ->
-%% skip(T, Len-1).
new_tags([],LastTag) ->
new_tags(Tags = [#tag{type='IMPLICIT'}],_LastTag) ->