path: root/lib/asn1/test/test_x691.erl
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2013-09-27 10:07:20 +0200
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2013-09-27 10:07:20 +0200
commit5df3c4454fd5f302317bed7f5f83f20f7e5d9580 (patch)
tree2bddc4cd375b0f3867e8646c814598c34b18f7a8 /lib/asn1/test/test_x691.erl
parent50e91bde3403c788bb1cabe644534f351d6dc1c1 (diff)
parente389b27d6c6971cee5be5a9b45703d9af6b6cb39 (diff)
Merge branch 'bjorn/asn1/clean-up-tests' into maint
* bjorn/asn1/clean-up-tests: (24 commits) No longer compile the X420 specs for plain BER Combine the testSeqIndefinite/1 and testSetIndefinite/1 test cases Remove asn1_wrapper Eliminate the use of asn1_wrapper Simplify tests of CHOICE with OPTIONAL asn1_test_lib: Add roundtrip functions and use them everywhere Makefile: Release Emakefile to ensure warnings are treated as errors Don't allow unused exported functions in test case helpers Move out specific tests from asn1_test_lib testMegaco: Remove unused exported function msg11/0 ASN.1 tests: Don't export functions that are only locally called Remove unused pem_performance.erl file asn1_SUITE: Reinstate test of sub-constraint ASN.1 tests: Remove unused choice_extension.erl Remove unused compile() functions asn1_test_lib: Remove unnecessary loading of a compiled ASN.1 spec Slightly clean up testX420 asn1_SUITE: Combine most tests that use External.asn1 asn1ct_gen: Clean up process dictionary after generating asn1ct_parser2: Clean the process dictionary after parsing ...
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/asn1/test/test_x691.erl')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/test_x691.erl b/lib/asn1/test/test_x691.erl
index dcfa211d80..9b141e2389 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/test_x691.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/test_x691.erl
@@ -18,50 +18,25 @@
-cases(Erule,Variant) ->
- MsgA1 = a1(),
- ?line {ok,B1} = asn1_wrapper:encode('P-RecordA1','PersonnelRecord',MsgA1),
- ?line {ok,MsgA1} = asn1_wrapper:decode('P-RecordA1','PersonnelRecord',B1),
- io:format("compare_format(~p,B1) ->~p~nencval(a1,~p,binary) ->~p~n",
- [Erule,
- compare_format(Erule,B1),
- Variant,
- encval(a1,Variant,binary)]),
- ?line true = (compare_format(Erule,B1) == encval(a1,Variant,binary)),
- MsgA2 = a2(),
- ?line {ok,B2} = asn1_wrapper:encode('P-RecordA2','PersonnelRecord',MsgA2),
- ?line {ok,MsgA2} = asn1_wrapper:decode('P-RecordA2','PersonnelRecord',B2),
- io:format("compare_format(~p,B2) ->~p~nencval(a2,~p,binary) ->~p~n",
- [Erule,
- compare_format(Erule,B2),
- Variant,
- encval(a2,Variant,binary)]),
- ?line true = (compare_format(Erule,B2) == encval(a2,Variant,binary)),
- MsgA3 = a3(),
- ?line {ok,B3} = asn1_wrapper:encode('P-RecordA3','PersonnelRecord',MsgA3),
- ?line {ok,MsgA3} = asn1_wrapper:decode('P-RecordA3','PersonnelRecord',B3),
- io:format("compare_format(~p,B3) ->~p~nencval(a3,~p,binary) ->~p~n",
- [Erule,
- compare_format(Erule,B3),
- Variant,
- encval(a3,Variant,binary)]),
- ?line true = (compare_format(Erule,B3) == encval(a3,Variant,binary)).
-compare_format(Erule,Val) when is_list(Val) ->
- compare_format(Erule,list_to_binary(Val));
-%% compare_format(per,Val) ->
-%% binary_to_list(Val);
-compare_format(_,Val) ->
- Val.
-a1() ->
+cases(Erule) ->
+ _ = [begin
+ Mod = module(Name),
+ Msg = msg(Name),
+ Hex = encval(Name, Erule),
+ Enc = asn1_test_lib:hex_to_bin(Hex),
+ Enc = asn1_test_lib:roundtrip_enc(Mod, 'PersonnelRecord', Msg)
+ end || Name <- [a1,a2,a3]],
+ ok.
+module(a1) -> 'P-RecordA1';
+module(a2) -> 'P-RecordA2';
+module(a3) -> 'P-RecordA3'.
+msg(a1) ->
{'Name',"John", "P", "Smith"},
@@ -73,12 +48,10 @@ a1() ->
{'Name', "Susan", "B", "Jones"},
- "19590717"}]}.
-a2() ->
- a1().
-a3() ->
+ "19590717"}]};
+msg(a2) ->
+ msg(a1);
+msg(a3) ->
{'Name',"John", "P", "Smith"},
@@ -94,119 +67,15 @@ a3() ->
-encval(An,Variant,Encoding) when Encoding == hex; Encoding == binary ->
- Msg = encval(An,Variant),
- encoding(Encoding,Msg).
-encval(a1,aligned) ->
+encval(a1, per) ->
"80044A6F 686E0150 05536D69 74680133 08446972 6563746F 72083139 37313039 3137044D 61727901 5405536D 69746802 0552616C 70680154 05536D69 74680831 39353731 31313105 53757361 6E014205 4A6F6E65 73083139 35393037 3137";
-encval(a1,unaligned) ->
+encval(a1, uper) ->
"824ADFA3 700D005A 7B74F4D0 02661113 4F2CB8FA 6FE410C5 CB762C1C B16E0937 0F2F2035 0169EDD3 D340102D 2C3B3868 01A80B4F 6E9E9A02 18B96ADD 8B162C41 69F5E787 700C2059 5BF765E6 10C5CB57 2C1BB16E";
-encval(a2,aligned) ->
+encval(a2, per) ->
"864A6F68 6E501053 6D697468 01330844 69726563 746F7219 7109170C 4D617279 5410536D 69746802 1052616C 70685410 536D6974 68195711 11105375 73616E42 104A6F6E 65731959 0717";
-encval(a2,unaligned) ->
+encval(a2, uper) ->
"865D51D2 888A5125 F1809984 44D3CB2E 3E9BF90C B8848B86 7396E8A8 8A5125F1 81089B93 D71AA229 4497C632 AE222222 985CE521 885D54C1 70CAC838 B8";
-encval(a3,aligned) ->
+encval(a3, per) ->
"40C04A6F 686E5008 536D6974 68000033 08446972 6563746F 72001971 0917034D 61727954 08536D69 74680100 52616C70 68540853 6D697468 00195711 11820053 7573616E 42084A6F 6E657300 19590717 010140";
-encval(a3,unaligned) ->
+encval(a3, uper) ->
"40CBAA3A 5108A512 5F180330 889A7965 C7D37F20 CB8848B8 19CE5BA2 A114A24B E3011372 7AE35422 94497C61 95711118 22985CE5 21842EAA 60B832B2 0E2E0202 80".
-encoding(binary,Msg) ->
- list_to_binary(bin(Msg));
-encoding(hex,Msg) ->
- hex(Msg).
-bin(Msg) ->
- HexList = hex(Msg),
- Fun = fun([H1,H2|Rest],F) -> [(H1 bsl 4) + H2|F(Rest,F)];([],_) -> [] end,
- Fun(HexList,Fun).
-hex(Msg) ->
- [to_hex(X)||X <- Msg,X /= $ ].
-to_hex(I) when I >= $0, I =< $9 ->
- I-48;
-to_hex(C) when C >= $A,C =< $F ->
- C - 55.
-%% ex('EUTRA','BCCH-DL-SCH-Message',1) ->
-%% {'BCCH-DL-SCH-Message',
-%% {c1,
-%% {systemInformation1,
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1',
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1_cellAccessRelatedInformation',
-%% [{'SystemInformationBlockType1_cellAccessRelatedInformation_SOF',
-%% {'PLMN-Identity'},
-%% true},
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1_cellAccessRelatedInformation_SOF',
-%% {'PLMN-Identity'},
-%% false},
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1_cellAccessRelatedInformation_SOF',
-%% {'PLMN-Identity'},
-%% true}],
-%% {'TrackingAreaCode'},
-%% {'CellIdentity'},
-%% false,
-%% true,
-%% true,
-%% true},
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1_cellSelectionInfo',
-%% -50},
-%% 24,
-%% [{'SystemInformationBlockType1_schedulinInformation_SOF',
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1_schedulinInformation_SOF_si-MessageType'},
-%% ms320,
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1_schedulinInformation_SOF_sib-MappingInfo'}
-%% }],
-%% 0
-%% }
-%% }
-%% }
-%% }.
-%% eutra1(msg) ->
-%% {'BCCH-BCH-Message',{'MasterInformationBlock',[0,1,0,1],[1,0,1,0],{'PHICH-Configuration',short,ffs},[1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0]}};
-%% eutra1(result) ->
-%% <<90,80,0>>.
-%% eutra2(msg) ->
-%% {'BCCH-DL-SCH-Message',
-%% {c1,
-%% {systemInformation1,
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1',
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1_cellAccessRelatedInformation',
-%% [{'SystemInformationBlockType1_cellAccessRelatedInformation_plmn-IdentityList_SEQOF',{'PLMN-Identity'},true},
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1_cellAccessRelatedInformation_plmn-IdentityList_SEQOF',{'PLMN-Identity'},false},
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1_cellAccessRelatedInformation_plmn-IdentityList_SEQOF',{'PLMN-Identity'},true}],
-%% {'TrackingAreaCode'},
-%% {'CellIdentity'},
-%% false,
-%% true,
-%% true,
-%% true
-%% },
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1_cellSelectionInfo',-50},
-%% 24,
-%% [{'SystemInformationBlockType1_schedulinInformation_SEQOF',
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1_schedulinInformation_SEQOF_si-MessageType'},
-%% ms320,
-%% {'SystemInformationBlockType1_schedulinInformation_SEQOF_sib-MappingInfo'}}],
-%% 0
-%% }
-%% }
-%% }
-%% };
-%% eutra2(result) ->
-%% %% 55 5C A5 E0
-%% <<85,92,165,224>>.
-%% compare([H|T1],[H|T2],Acc) ->
-%% compare(T1,T2,[H|Acc]);
-%% compare([],[],_Acc) ->
-%% ok;
-%% compare(L1,L2,Acc) ->
-%% {miss_match,L1,L2,lists:reverse(Acc)}.