path: root/lib/asn1/test
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2013-09-24 10:28:16 +0200
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2013-09-27 10:44:49 +0200
commit0f430abcb189988a7faf55386557b2b74afa6f56 (patch)
tree71915a21f54b442c32fcfbc880872cc7c98b6561 /lib/asn1/test
parente5210c4bc75f561383ec4f94e3dce15440f1c269 (diff)
Teach the ASN.1 compiler the no_ok_wrapper option
Add the no_ok_wrapper option so that the generated M:encode/2 and M:decode/2 functions will not wrap a successful return value in an {ok,...} tuple. Errors will cause exceptions. Eliminating the wrapping tuple allows simpler nesting of calls.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/asn1/test')
3 files changed, 81 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
index a558a2941f..61b360ddf2 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/asn1_SUITE.erl
@@ -297,7 +297,15 @@ cover(_) ->
testPrim(Config) -> test(Config, fun testPrim/3).
testPrim(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
- asn1_test_lib:compile_all(["Prim", "Real"], Config, [Rule|Opts]),
+ Files = ["Prim","Real"],
+ asn1_test_lib:compile_all(Files, Config, [Rule|Opts]),
+ do_test_prim(Rule, false),
+ asn1_test_lib:compile_all(Files, Config, [no_ok_wrapper,Rule|Opts]),
+ do_test_prim(Rule, true).
+do_test_prim(Rule, NoOkWrapper) ->
+ io:format("No ok wrapper: ~p\n", [NoOkWrapper]),
+ put(no_ok_wrapper, NoOkWrapper),
@@ -925,10 +933,14 @@ testNortel(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
test_undecoded_rest(Config) -> test(Config, fun test_undecoded_rest/3).
test_undecoded_rest(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
+ do_test_undecoded_rest(Config, Rule, Opts),
+ do_test_undecoded_rest(Config, Rule, [no_ok_wrapper|Opts]),
+ do_test_undecoded_rest(Config, Rule, [undec_rest|Opts]),
+ do_test_undecoded_rest(Config, Rule, [no_ok_wrapper,undec_rest|Opts]).
+do_test_undecoded_rest(Config, Rule, Opts) ->
asn1_test_lib:compile("P-Record", Config, [Rule|Opts]),
- ok = test_undecoded_rest:test([], Config),
- asn1_test_lib:compile("P-Record", Config, [Rule,undec_rest|Opts]),
- test_undecoded_rest:test(undec_rest, Config).
+ test_undecoded_rest:test(Opts, Config).
testTcapsystem(Config) ->
test(Config, fun testTcapsystem/3).
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/testPrim.erl b/lib/asn1/test/testPrim.erl
index 5e3890b175..e07379e634 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/testPrim.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/testPrim.erl
@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ bool(Rules) ->
case Rules of
ber ->
- {error,{asn1,{encode_boolean,517}}} =
- (catch 'Prim':encode(T, 517))
+ {error,{asn1,{encode_boolean,517}}} = enc_error(T, 517)
end || T <- Types],
_ ->
@@ -90,12 +89,12 @@ enum(Rules) ->
roundtrip('Enum', monday),
roundtrip('Enum', thursday),
- {error,{asn1,{_,4}}} = (catch 'Prim':encode('Enum', 4)),
+ {error,{asn1,{_,4}}} = enc_error('Enum', 4),
case Rules of
Per when Per =:= per; Per =:= uper ->
- {ok,<<0>>} = 'Prim':encode('SingleEnumVal', true),
- {ok,<<0>>} = 'Prim':encode('SingleEnumValExt', true);
+ <<0>> = roundtrip('SingleEnumVal', true),
+ <<0>> = roundtrip('SingleEnumValExt', true);
ber ->
@@ -132,10 +131,32 @@ null(_Rules) ->
roundtrip(T, V) ->
- asn1_test_lib:roundtrip_enc('Prim', T, V, V).
+ roundtrip(T, V, V).
roundtrip(Type, Value, ExpectedValue) ->
- asn1_test_lib:roundtrip_enc('Prim', Type, Value, ExpectedValue).
+ case get(no_ok_wrapper) of
+ false ->
+ asn1_test_lib:roundtrip_enc('Prim', Type, Value, ExpectedValue);
+ true ->
+ M = 'Prim',
+ Enc = M:encode(Type, Value),
+ ExpectedValue = M:decode(Type, Enc),
+ Enc
+ end.
+enc_error(T, V) ->
+ case get(no_ok_wrapper) of
+ false ->
+ 'Prim':encode(T, V);
+ true ->
+ try 'Prim':encode(T, V) of
+ _ ->
+ ?t:fail()
+ catch
+ _:Reason ->
+ Reason
+ end
+ end.
real(_Rules) ->
@@ -177,4 +198,11 @@ real_roundtrip(T, V) ->
real_roundtrip(T, V, V).
real_roundtrip(Type, Value, ExpectedValue) ->
- asn1_test_lib:roundtrip('Real', Type, Value, ExpectedValue).
+ case get(no_ok_wrapper) of
+ false ->
+ asn1_test_lib:roundtrip('Real', Type, Value, ExpectedValue);
+ true ->
+ M = 'Real',
+ ExpectedValue = M:decode(Type, M:encode(Type, Value)),
+ ok
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/asn1/test/test_undecoded_rest.erl b/lib/asn1/test/test_undecoded_rest.erl
index fe04178bb1..91e614d38a 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/test/test_undecoded_rest.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/test/test_undecoded_rest.erl
@@ -26,21 +26,42 @@
%% testing OTP-5104
-test(Opt, Config) ->
+test(Opts, Config) ->
{ok,Msg} = asn1ct:value('P-Record', 'PersonnelRecord',
[{i,?config(case_dir, Config)}]),
- {ok,Bytes0} = 'P-Record':encode('PersonnelRecord', Msg),
+ Bytes0 = encode(Opts, 'PersonnelRecord', Msg),
Bytes1 = iolist_to_binary([Bytes0, <<55,55,55>>]),
- case Opt of
- undec_rest ->
- {ok,Msg,R} = 'P-Record':decode('PersonnelRecord', Bytes1),
+ case proplists:get_bool(undec_rest, Opts) of
+ true ->
+ {Msg,R} = decode(Opts, 'PersonnelRecord', Bytes1),
case R of
- <<55,55,55>> -> ok;
+ <<55,55,55>> ->
+ ok;
BStr when is_bitstring(BStr) ->
PadLen = (8 - (bit_size(BStr) rem 8)) rem 8,
<<0,55,55,55>> = <<0:PadLen, BStr/bitstring>>
- _ ->
- {ok,Msg} = 'P-Record':decode('PersonnelRecord', Bytes1)
+ false ->
+ Msg = decode(Opts, 'PersonnelRecord', Bytes1)
+encode(Opts, T, V) ->
+ M = 'P-Record',
+ case proplists:get_bool(no_ok_wrapper, Opts) of
+ false ->
+ {ok,Enc} = M:encode(T, V),
+ Enc;
+ true ->
+ Enc = M:encode(T, V),
+ true = is_binary(Enc),
+ Enc
+ end.
+decode(Opts, T, E) ->
+ M = 'P-Record',
+ case {proplists:get_bool(no_ok_wrapper, Opts),M:decode(T, E)} of
+ {false,{ok,Val}} -> Val;
+ {false,{ok,Val,Rest}} -> {Val,Rest};
+ {true,Result} -> Result
+ end.