path: root/lib/common_test/src
diff options
authorPeter Andersson <peppe@erlang.org>2013-11-14 00:19:03 +0100
committerPeter Andersson <peppe@erlang.org>2013-11-18 18:08:18 +0100
commit98c0e6608100da393df24722afea159a1f5dcc22 (patch)
tree465dc2d9e548f72d2eba8dd84dff23a93f974fdd /lib/common_test/src
parentaf1891a1415d9aedb7de866639cf997c31b98e35 (diff)
Fix problems with info functions and add more tests
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/common_test/src')
2 files changed, 75 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
index 670c073b29..2de75f0845 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
@@ -167,6 +167,10 @@ init_tc1(Mod,Suite,Func,[Config0]) when is_list(Config0) ->
+ Error = {group0_failed,_} ->
+ {auto_skip,Error};
+ Error = {testcase0_failed,_} ->
+ {auto_skip,Error};
{SuiteInfo,MergeResult} ->
case MergeResult of
{error,Reason} ->
@@ -272,6 +276,8 @@ add_defaults(Mod,Func, GroupPath) ->
SuiteInfo = merge_with_suite_defaults(Suite,[]),
SuiteInfoNoCTH = [I || I <- SuiteInfo, element(1,I) =/= ct_hooks],
case add_defaults1(Mod,Func, GroupPath, SuiteInfoNoCTH) of
+ Error = {group0_failed,_} -> Error;
+ Error = {testcase0_failed,_} -> Error;
Error = {error,_} -> {SuiteInfo,Error};
MergedInfo -> {SuiteInfo,MergedInfo}
@@ -292,13 +298,16 @@ add_defaults(Mod,Func, GroupPath) ->
element(1,I) =/= ct_hooks],
case add_defaults1(Mod,Func, GroupPath,
SuiteInfoNoCTH) of
+ Error = {group0_failed,_} -> Error;
+ Error = {testcase0_failed,_} -> Error;
Error = {error,_} -> {SuiteInfo1,Error};
MergedInfo -> {SuiteInfo1,MergedInfo}
false ->
ErrStr = io_lib:format("~n*** ERROR *** "
"Invalid return value from "
- "~w:suite/0: ~p~n", [Suite,SuiteInfo]),
+ "~w:suite/0: ~p~n",
+ [Suite,SuiteInfo]),
io:format(ErrStr, []),
io:format(user, ErrStr, []),
@@ -318,36 +327,69 @@ add_defaults1(Mod,Func, GroupPath, SuiteInfo) ->
%% [LevelXGroupInfo, LevelX-1GroupInfo, ..., TopLevelGroupInfo]
GroupPathInfo =
lists:map(fun(GroupProps) ->
- Name = ?val(name, GroupProps),
- case catch Suite:group(Name) of
- GrInfo when is_list(GrInfo) -> GrInfo;
- _ -> []
+ case ?val(name, GroupProps) of
+ undefined ->
+ [];
+ Name ->
+ case catch Suite:group(Name) of
+ GrInfo when is_list(GrInfo) -> GrInfo;
+ {'EXIT',{undef,_}} -> [];
+ BadGr0 -> {error,BadGr0,Name}
+ end
end, GroupPath),
- Args = if Func == init_per_group ; Func == end_per_group ->
- [?val(name, hd(GroupPath))];
- true ->
- []
- end,
- TestCaseInfo =
- case catch apply(Mod,Func,Args) of
- TCInfo when is_list(TCInfo) -> TCInfo;
- _ -> []
- end,
- %% let test case info (also for all config funcs) override group info,
- %% and lower level group info override higher level info
- TCAndGroupInfo = [TestCaseInfo | remove_info_in_prev(TestCaseInfo,
- GroupPathInfo)],
- %% find and save require terms found in suite info
- SuiteReqs =
- [SDDef || SDDef <- SuiteInfo,
- ((require == element(1,SDDef)) or
- (default_config == element(1,SDDef)))],
- case check_for_clashes(TestCaseInfo, GroupPathInfo, SuiteReqs) of
- [] ->
- add_defaults2(Mod,Func, TCAndGroupInfo,SuiteInfo,SuiteReqs);
- Clashes ->
- {error,{config_name_already_in_use,Clashes}}
+ case lists:keysearch(error, 1, GroupPathInfo) of
+ {value,{error,BadGr0Val,GrName}} ->
+ Gr0ErrStr = io_lib:format("~n*** ERROR *** "
+ "Invalid return value from "
+ "~w:group(~w): ~p~n",
+ [Mod,GrName,BadGr0Val]),
+ io:format(Gr0ErrStr, []),
+ io:format(user, Gr0ErrStr, []),
+ {group0_failed,bad_return_value};
+ _ ->
+ Args = if Func == init_per_group ; Func == end_per_group ->
+ [?val(name, hd(GroupPath))];
+ true ->
+ []
+ end,
+ TestCaseInfo =
+ case catch apply(Mod,Func,Args) of
+ TCInfo when is_list(TCInfo) -> TCInfo;
+ {'EXIT',{undef,_}} -> [];
+ BadTC0 -> {error,BadTC0}
+ end,
+ case TestCaseInfo of
+ {error,BadTC0Val} ->
+ TC0ErrStr = io_lib:format("~n*** ERROR *** "
+ "Invalid return value from "
+ "~w:~w/0: ~p~n",
+ [Mod,Func,BadTC0Val]),
+ io:format(TC0ErrStr, []),
+ io:format(user, TC0ErrStr, []),
+ {testcase0_failed,bad_return_value};
+ _ ->
+ %% let test case info (also for all config funcs) override
+ %% group info, and lower level group info override higher
+ %% level info
+ TCAndGroupInfo =
+ [TestCaseInfo | remove_info_in_prev(TestCaseInfo,
+ GroupPathInfo)],
+ %% find and save require terms found in suite info
+ SuiteReqs =
+ [SDDef || SDDef <- SuiteInfo,
+ ((require == element(1,SDDef))
+ or (default_config == element(1,SDDef)))],
+ case check_for_clashes(TestCaseInfo, GroupPathInfo,
+ SuiteReqs) of
+ [] ->
+ add_defaults2(Mod,Func, TCAndGroupInfo,
+ SuiteInfo,SuiteReqs);
+ Clashes ->
+ {error,{config_name_already_in_use,Clashes}}
+ end
+ end
get_suite_name(?MODULE, [Cfg|_]) when is_list(Cfg), Cfg /= [] ->
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_logs.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_logs.erl
index 1a6e4d31a8..a7fb45a4e4 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_logs.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_logs.erl
@@ -1249,7 +1249,8 @@ make_one_index_entry1(SuiteName, Link, Label, Success, Fail, UserSkip, AutoSkip,
FailStr =
- if Fail > 0 ->
+ if (Fail > 0) or (NotBuilt > 0) or
+ ((Success+Fail+UserSkip+AutoSkip) == 0) ->
["<font color=\"red\">",
true ->
@@ -1904,7 +1905,8 @@ runentry(Dir, undefined, _) ->
runentry(Dir, Totals={Node,Label,Logs,
{TotSucc,TotFail,UserSkip,AutoSkip,NotBuilt}}, Index) ->
TotFailStr =
- if TotFail > 0 ->
+ if (TotFail > 0) or (NotBuilt > 0) or
+ ((TotSucc+TotFail+UserSkip+AutoSkip) == 0) ->
["<font color=\"red\">",
true ->