path: root/lib/common_test/test
diff options
authorAndrey Pampukha <andrey@erlang.org>2010-03-09 15:10:22 +0100
committerRaimo Niskanen <raimo@erlang.org>2010-06-09 16:19:10 +0200
commit5b66bed40bd374dfcaa5e5669adf338734d812a3 (patch)
treeba6d9b2c52da15664d27f43aa2b6b76522e38fd6 /lib/common_test/test
parent3c3360947692d8cf55d6dc2290934ec111675cde (diff)
Add test suites for configuration
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/common_test/test')
8 files changed, 398 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE.erl b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE.erl
index 38c8cbe6eb..4ae68fbfa8 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE.erl
@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ all(doc) ->
all(suite) ->
- nested_keys
+ userconfig_static,
+ userconfig_dynamic
@@ -74,41 +75,41 @@ all(suite) ->
require(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
- Join = fun(D, S) -> filename:join(D, "config/test/"++S) end,
- Suites = [Join(DataDir, "config_1_SUITE")],
- CTConfig = {config, filename:join(DataDir, "config/cfg.cfg")},
- {Opts,ERPid} = setup({suite,Suites}, Config, CTConfig),
- ok = ct_test_support:run(ct, run_test, [Opts], Config),
- Events = ct_test_support:get_events(ERPid, Config),
- ct_test_support:log_events(require,
- reformat(Events, ?eh),
- ?config(priv_dir, Config)),
+ run_test(require,
+ Config,
+ {config, filename:join(DataDir, "config/config.txt")},
+ ["config_1_SUITE"]).
- TestEvents = test_events(require),
- ok = ct_test_support:verify_events(TestEvents, Events, Config).
-nested_keys(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+userconfig_static(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
- Join = fun(D, S) -> filename:join(D, "config/test/"++S) end,
- Suites = [Join(DataDir, "config_2_SUITE")],
- CTConfig = {config, filename:join(DataDir, "config/cfg.cfg")},
- {Opts,ERPid} = setup({suite,Suites}, Config, CTConfig),
- ok = ct_test_support:run(ct, run_test, [Opts], Config),
- Events = ct_test_support:get_events(ERPid, Config),
+ run_test(userconfig_static,
+ Config,
+ {userconfig, {ct_config_xml, filename:join(DataDir, "config/config.xml")}},
+ ["config_1_SUITE"]).
- ct_test_support:log_events(nested_keys,
- reformat(Events, ?eh),
- ?config(priv_dir, Config)),
- TestEvents = test_events(nested_keys),
- ok = ct_test_support:verify_events(TestEvents, Events, Config).
+userconfig_dynamic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ run_test(userconfig_dynamic,
+ Config,
+ {userconfig, {config_driver, "config_server"}},
+ ["config_2_SUITE"]).
+run_test(Name, Config, CTConfig, SuiteNames)->
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Joiner = fun(Suite) -> filename:join(DataDir, "config/test/"++Suite) end,
+ Suites = lists:map(Joiner, SuiteNames),
+ {Opts,ERPid} = setup_env({suite,Suites}, Config, CTConfig),
+ ok = ct_test_support:run(ct, run_test, [Opts], Config),
+ TestEvents = ct_test_support:get_events(ERPid, Config),
+ ct_test_support:log_events(Name,
+ reformat_events(TestEvents, ?eh),
+ ?config(priv_dir, Config)),
+ ExpEvents = expected_events(Name),
+ ok = ct_test_support:verify_events(ExpEvents, TestEvents, Config).
-setup(Test, Config, CTConfig) ->
+setup_env(Test, Config, CTConfig) ->
Opts0 = ct_test_support:get_opts(Config),
Level = ?config(trace_level, Config),
EvHArgs = [{cbm,ct_test_support},{trace_level,Level}],
@@ -116,46 +117,45 @@ setup(Test, Config, CTConfig) ->
ERPid = ct_test_support:start_event_receiver(Config),
-reformat(Events, EH) ->
+reformat_events(Events, EH) ->
ct_test_support:reformat(Events, EH).
-%reformat(Events, _EH) ->
-% Events.
-test_events(require) ->
+expected_events(ReqOrUCS) when ReqOrUCS==require; ReqOrUCS==userconfig_static->
- {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test1}},
- {?eh,tc_done,{config_1_SUITE,test1,ok}},
+ {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test_get_config_simple}},
+ {?eh,tc_done,{config_1_SUITE,test_get_config_simple,ok}},
- {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test2}},
+ {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test_get_config_nested}},
+ {?eh,tc_done,{config_1_SUITE,test_get_config_nested,ok}},
+ {?eh,test_stats,{2,0,{0,0}}},
+ {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test_default_suitewide}},
+ {?eh,tc_done,{config_1_SUITE,test_default_suitewide,ok}},
+ {?eh,test_stats,{3,0,{0,0}}},
+ {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test_config_name_already_in_use1}},
- {config_1_SUITE,test2,{skipped,{config_name_already_in_use,[x1]}}}},
- {?eh,test_stats,{1,0,{1,0}}},
- {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test3}},
- {?eh,tc_done,{config_1_SUITE,test3,ok}},
- {?eh,test_stats,{2,0,{1,0}}},
- {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test4}},
+ {config_1_SUITE,test_config_name_already_in_use1,{skipped,{config_name_already_in_use,[x1]}}}},
+ {?eh,test_stats,{3,0,{1,0}}},
+ {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test_default_tclocal}},
+ {?eh,tc_done,{config_1_SUITE,test_default_tclocal,ok}},
+ {?eh,test_stats,{4,0,{1,0}}},
+ {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test_config_name_already_in_use2}},
- {config_1_SUITE,test4,{skipped,{config_name_already_in_use,[x1,alias]}}}},
- {?eh,test_stats,{2,0,{2,0}}},
- {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test5}},
- {?eh,tc_done,{config_1_SUITE,test5,ok}},
- {?eh,test_stats,{3,0,{2,0}}},
- {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test6}},
- {?eh,tc_done,{config_1_SUITE,test6,ok}},
+ {config_1_SUITE,test_config_name_already_in_use2,
+ {skipped,{config_name_already_in_use,[x1,alias]}}}},
- {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test7}},
- {?eh,tc_done,{config_1_SUITE,test7,ok}},
+ {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test_alias_tclocal}},
+ {?eh,tc_done,{config_1_SUITE,test_alias_tclocal,ok}},
- {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test8}},
- {?eh,tc_done,{config_1_SUITE,test8,ok}},
+ {?eh,tc_start,{config_1_SUITE,test_get_config_undefined}},
+ {?eh,tc_done,{config_1_SUITE,test_get_config_undefined,ok}},
@@ -163,5 +163,24 @@ test_events(require) ->
+ {ct_test_support_eh,start_logging,{'DEF','RUNDIR'}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,start_info,{1,1,3}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,tc_start,{config_2_SUITE,init_per_suite}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,tc_done,{config_2_SUITE,init_per_suite,ok}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,tc_start,{config_2_SUITE,test_get_known_variable}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,tc_done,{config_2_SUITE,test_get_known_variable,ok}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,test_stats,{1,0,{0,0}}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,tc_start,{config_2_SUITE,test_localtime_update}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,tc_done,{config_2_SUITE,test_localtime_update,ok}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,test_stats,{2,0,{0,0}}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,tc_start,{config_2_SUITE,test_server_pid}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,tc_done,{config_2_SUITE,test_server_pid,ok}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,test_stats,{3,0,{0,0}}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,tc_start,{config_2_SUITE,end_per_suite}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,tc_done,{config_2_SUITE,end_per_suite,ok}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,test_done,{'DEF','STOP_TIME'}},
+ {ct_test_support_eh,stop_logging,[]}
+]. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/cfg.cfg b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/cfg.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index f0c1783189..0000000000
--- a/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/cfg.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-{x, suite}.
- [
- {a,x},
- {b,y}
- ]}.
- [
- {v,w},
- {m,n}
- ]}. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/config.txt b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/config.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0424dbf92e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/config.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+{x, suite}.
+ [
+ {a,a_value},
+ {b,b_value}
+ ]}.
+ [
+ {c, "Hello, world!"},
+ {d, atom_value},
+ {e, {tuple,1,"third value",[]}},
+ {f, []},
+ {g, [1,atom,"string",13.6,{1,2,3}]}
+ ]}.
+ [
+ {h,
+ [
+ {i, third1},
+ {j, "Third2"},
+ {k, 'THIRD3'}
+ ]},
+ {l,
+ [
+ {m,
+ [
+ {n, "N"},
+ {o, 'O'}
+ ]}
+ ]}
+ ]}. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/config.xml b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a3e5f2e31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ <x>suite</x>
+ <gen_cfg>
+ <a>a_value</a>
+ <b>b_value</b>
+ </gen_cfg>
+ <gen_cfg2>
+ <c>"Hello, world!"</c>
+ <d>atom_value</d>
+ <e>{tuple,1,"third value",[]}</e>
+ <f>[]</f>
+ <g>[1,atom,"string",13.6,{1,2,3}]</g>
+ </gen_cfg2>
+ <gen_cfg3>
+ <h>
+ <i>third1</i>
+ <j>"Third2"</j>
+ <k>'THIRD3'</k>
+ </h>
+ <l>
+ <m>
+ <n>"N"</n>
+ <o>'O'</o>
+ </m>
+ </l>
+ </gen_cfg3>
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_1_SUITE.erl b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_1_SUITE.erl
index 696014ee9f..e102c69d3d 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_1_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_1_SUITE.erl
@@ -16,23 +16,44 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% File: config_1_SUITE
+%%% Description:
+%%% Test suite for common_test which tests the get_config and require
+%%% functionality
+% The config contains variables:
+% x - atom
+% gen_cfg - list with two key-values tagged with a and b
+% gen_cfg2 - list of five key-values tagged with c, d, e, f and g
+% gen_cfg3 - list of two complex key-values taggen with:
+% h: three elements inside - i, j and k
+% l: m inside, contains n and o
suite() ->
{timetrap, {seconds,10}},
%% x1 doesn't exist in cfg-file!
{require, x1, x},
- {require, gen_cfg2},
- {require, alias, gen_cfg3},
+ {require, gen_cfg3},
+ {require, alias, gen_cfg},
%% x1 default value
{x1, {x,suite}}
+% to get it running on development branch (without userconfig features)
+% function to print full config is in the ct_util, for me it's moved to ct_config
+% two following functions are only for the design period
+% after merging of userconfigs to the main branch ct_config:get_all_config/0
+% should be called instead
is_exported(Module, Function, Arity)->
Exports = Module:module_info(exports),
case lists:keyfind(Function, 1, Exports) of
@@ -53,83 +74,78 @@ get_all_config()->
init_per_suite(Config) ->
- {Module, Cfg} = get_all_config(),
- ct:pal("CONFIG (handled by ~p):~n~p", [Module, Cfg]),
+ %{Module, Cfg} = get_all_config(),
+ %ct:pal("CONFIG (handled by ~p):~n~p", [Module, Cfg]),
end_per_suite(_) ->
-all() -> [test1,test2,test3,test4,test5,test6,test7,test8].
+all() -> [test_get_config_simple, test_get_config_nested, test_default_suitewide,
+ test_config_name_already_in_use1, test_default_tclocal,
+ test_config_name_already_in_use2, test_alias_tclocal,
+ test_get_config_undefined].
init_per_testcase(_, Config) ->
- {Module, Cfg} = get_all_config(),
- ct:pal("CONFIG (handled by ~p):~n~p", [Module, Cfg]),
+ %{Module, Cfg} = get_all_config(),
+ %ct:pal("CONFIG (handled by ~p):~n~p", [Module, Cfg]),
end_per_testcase(_, _) ->
-test1(_) ->
+%% test getting a simple value
+ suite = ct:get_config(x),
+ ok.
+%% test getting a nested value
+ a_value = ct:get_config({gen_cfg, a}),
+ ok.
+%% test suite-wide default value
suite = ct:get_config(x1),
- [{a,x},{b,y}] = ct:get_config(gen_cfg2),
- [{v,w},{m,n}] = ct:get_config(alias),
%% should get skipped
-test2() ->
+test_config_name_already_in_use1() ->
[{timetrap, {seconds,2}},
{require, x1, x},
{x1, {x,test2}}].
-test2(_) ->
- test2 = ct:get_config(x1),
- [{a,x},{b,y}] = ct:get_config(gen_cfg2),
- [{v,w},{m,n}] = ct:get_config(alias),
+test_config_name_already_in_use1(_) ->
ct:fail("Test should've been skipped, you shouldn't see this!"),
-test3() ->
+%% test defaults in a testcase
+test_default_tclocal() ->
[{timetrap, {seconds,3}},
{require, y1, y},
{y1, {y,test3}}].
-test3(_) ->
- suite = ct:get_config(x1),
+test_default_tclocal(_) ->
test3 = ct:get_config(y1),
- [{a,x},{b,y}] = ct:get_config(gen_cfg2),
- [{v,w},{m,n}] = ct:get_config(alias),
%% should get skipped
-test4() ->
+test_config_name_already_in_use2() ->
{require, x1, x},
{x1, {x,test4}}].
-test4(_) ->
+test_config_name_already_in_use2(_) ->
ct:fail("Test should've been skipped, you shouldn't see this!"),
-test5() ->
- [{require,newalias,gen_cfg2}].
-test5(_) ->
- A = [{a,x},{b,y}] = ct:get_config(newalias),
- A = ct:get_config(gen_cfg2),
+%% test aliases
+test_alias_tclocal() ->
+ [{require,newalias,gen_cfg}].
+test_alias_tclocal(_) ->
+ A = [{a,a_value},{b,b_value}] = ct:get_config(newalias),
+ A = ct:get_config(gen_cfg),
-test6(_) ->
+%% test for getting undefined variables
+test_get_config_undefined(_) ->
undefined = ct:get_config(y1),
-test7() ->
- [{require, y1, y},
- {y1, {y,test6}}].
-test7(_) ->
- suite = ct:get_config(x1),
- test6 = ct:get_config(y1),
- ok.
-%% should get skipped
-test8() ->
- [{require, x}].
-test8(_) ->
- ok. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_2_SUITE.erl b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_2_SUITE.erl
index 25e050984a..86fd300a77 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_2_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_2_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
@@ -6,17 +16,39 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% File: ct_config_SUITE
+%%% Description:
+%%% Test suite for common_test which tests the userconfig functionality
+%% This suite will be run with dynamic userconfig
+%% test_driver.erl is compliant to ct_config_* callback
+%% and test_server is simple server for getting runtime-changing data
+%% which will return the list with the following variables:
+%% localtime = the erlang:localtime() result in list [{date, Date}, {time, Time}]
+%% node = erlang:node() - can be compared in the testcase
+%% now = erlang:now() - easier to compare than localtime()
+%% config_server_pid - pid of the config server, should NOT change!
+%% config_server_vsn - .19
suite() ->
{timetrap, {seconds,10}}
+% to get it running on development branch (without userconfig features)
+% function to print full config is in the ct_util, for me it's moved to ct_config
+% two following functions are only for the design period
+% after merging of userconfigs to the main branch ct_config:get_all_config/0
+% should be called instead
is_exported(Module, Function, Arity)->
Exports = Module:module_info(exports),
case lists:keyfind(Function, 1, Exports) of
@@ -37,23 +69,65 @@ get_all_config()->
init_per_suite(Config) ->
- {Module, Cfg} = get_all_config(),
- ct:pal("CONFIG (handled by ~p):~n~p", [Module, Cfg]),
+ %{Module, Cfg} = get_all_config(),
+ %ct:pal("CONFIG (handled by ~p):~n~p", [Module, Cfg]),
end_per_suite(_) ->
-all() -> [test1].
+all() -> [test_get_known_variable, test_localtime_update,
+ test_server_pid].
init_per_testcase(_, Config) ->
- {Module, Cfg} = get_all_config(),
- ct:pal("CONFIG (handled by ~p):~n~p", [Module, Cfg]),
+ %{Module, Cfg} = get_all_config(),
+ %ct:pal("CONFIG (handled by ~p):~n~p", [Module, Cfg]),
end_per_testcase(_, _) ->
- x = ct:get_config({gen_cfg2, a}),
+% test that usual config works
+ Node = erlang:node(),
+ 0.19 = ct:get_config(config_server_vsn),
+ Node = ct:get_config(node),
+ ok.
+% localtime will be updated in 5 seconds, check that
+ Seconds = 5,
+ LT1 = ct:get_config(localtime),
+ timer:sleep(Seconds*1000),
+ LT2 = ct:reload_config(localtime),
+ case is_diff_ok(LT1, LT2, Seconds) of
+ {false, Actual, Exp}->
+ ct:fail(io_lib:format("Time difference ~p is not ok, expected ~p", [Actual, Exp]));
+ true->
+ ok
+ end.
+% server pid should not change
+ [{require, cfvsn, config_server_vsn}].
+ Pid = ct:get_config(config_server_pid),
+ Pid = ct:reload_config(config_server_pid),
+ Vsn = ct:get_config(config_server_vsn),
+ % aliases remain after config reloading
+ Vsn = ct:get_config(cfvsn),
+my_dt_to_datetime([{date, D},{time, T}])->
+ {D, T}.
+is_diff_ok(DT1, DT2, Seconds)->
+ GS1 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(my_dt_to_datetime(DT1)),
+ GS2 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(my_dt_to_datetime(DT2)),
+ if
+ GS2-GS1 > Seconds+Seconds/2;
+ GS2-GS1 < Seconds-Seconds/2->
+ {false, GS2-GS1, Seconds};
+ true->
+ true
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_driver.erl b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_driver.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37572500c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_driver.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% File: ct_config_SUITE
+%%% Description:
+%%% Config driver used in the CT's tests (config_2_SUITE)
+-export([read_config/1, check_parameter/1]).
+ ServerModule = list_to_atom(ServerName),
+ ServerModule:start(),
+ ServerModule:get_config().
+ ServerModule = list_to_atom(ServerName),
+ case code:load_file(ServerModule) of
+ {module, ServerModule}->
+ {ok, {config, ServerName}};
+ {error, nofile}->
+ {nok, {wrong_config, "File not found: " ++ ServerName ++ ".beam"}}
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_server.erl b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_server.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ee0bcfc22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_config_SUITE_data/config/test/config_server.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% File: ct_config_SUITE
+%%% Description:
+%%% Config server used in the CT's tests (config_2_SUITE)
+-export([start/0, stop/0, init/1, get_config/0, loop/0]).
+-define(REGISTERED_NAME, ct_test_config_server).
+-define(vsn, 0.19).
+ case whereis(?REGISTERED_NAME) of
+ undefined->
+ spawn(?MODULE, init, [?REGISTERED_NAME]),
+ wait();
+ _Pid->
+ ok
+ end,
+ register(Name, self()),
+ loop().
+ call(self(), get_config).
+ call(self(), stop).
+call(Client, Request)->
+ case whereis(?REGISTERED_NAME) of
+ undefined->
+ {error, not_started, Request};
+ Pid->
+ Pid ! {Client, Request},
+ receive
+ Reply->
+ {ok, Reply}
+ after 4000->
+ {error, timeout, Request}
+ end
+ end.
+ receive
+ {Pid, stop}->
+ Pid ! ok;
+ {Pid, get_config}->
+ {D,T} = erlang:localtime(),
+ Pid !
+ [{localtime, [{date, D}, {time, T}]},
+ {node, erlang:node()},
+ {now, erlang:now()},
+ {config_server_pid, self()},
+ {config_server_vsn, ?vsn}],
+ ?MODULE:loop()
+ end.
+ case whereis(?REGISTERED_NAME) of
+ undefined->
+ wait();
+ _Pid->
+ ok
+ end.