path: root/lib/common_test/test_server/ts_install_cth.erl
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2016-02-18 15:55:37 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2016-02-18 15:55:37 +0100
commit24f0d567ceffb0f1555bc3032b7801ba377e5a3b (patch)
tree7ddc913ec28740fb152babae474b42cb5d554b11 /lib/common_test/test_server/ts_install_cth.erl
parent6b9b39aca9a25a328f1dc4553120f7c8f26b5648 (diff)
parentdcda9b507bf14391c8bed91bfa9c56355342b681 (diff)
Merge branch 'bjorn/remove-test_server/OTP-12705'
* bjorn/remove-test_server/OTP-12705: Remove test_server as a standalone application Erlang mode for Emacs: Include ct.hrl instead test_server.hrl Remove out-commented references to the test_server applications Makefiles: Remove test_server from include path and code path Eliminate use of test_server.hrl and test_server_line.hrl
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/common_test/test_server/ts_install_cth.erl')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test_server/ts_install_cth.erl b/lib/common_test/test_server/ts_install_cth.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec0d54ccde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common_test/test_server/ts_install_cth.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%%% @doc TS Installed SCB
+%%% This module does what the make parts of the ts:run/x command did,
+%%% but not the Makefile.first parts! So they have to be done by ts or
+%%% manually!!
+%% Suite Callbacks
+-type config() :: proplists:proplist().
+-type reason() :: term().
+-type skip_or_fail() :: {skip, reason()} |
+ {auto_skip, reason()} |
+ {fail, reason()}.
+-record(state, { ts_conf_dir, target_system, install_opts, nodenames, nodes }).
+%% @doc The id of this SCB
+-spec id(Opts :: term()) ->
+ Id :: term().
+id(_Opts) ->
+%% @doc Always called before any other callback function.
+-spec init(Id :: term(), Opts :: proplists:proplist()) ->
+ {ok, State :: #state{}}.
+init(_Id, Opts) ->
+ Nodenames = proplists:get_value(nodenames, Opts, 0),
+ Nodes = proplists:get_value(nodes, Opts, 0),
+ TSConfDir = proplists:get_value(ts_conf_dir, Opts),
+ TargetSystem = proplists:get_value(target_system, Opts, install_local),
+ InstallOpts = proplists:get_value(install_opts, Opts, []),
+ {ok, #state{ nodenames = Nodenames,
+ nodes = Nodes,
+ ts_conf_dir = TSConfDir,
+ target_system = TargetSystem,
+ install_opts = InstallOpts } }.
+%% @doc Called before init_per_suite is called.
+-spec pre_init_per_suite(Suite :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {config() | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+pre_init_per_suite(Suite,Config,#state{ ts_conf_dir = undefined} = State) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ ParentDir = filename:join(
+ lists:reverse(
+ tl(lists:reverse(filename:split(DataDir))))),
+ TSConfDir = filename:join([ParentDir, "..","test_server"]),
+ pre_init_per_suite(Suite, Config, State#state{ ts_conf_dir = TSConfDir });
+pre_init_per_suite(_Suite,Config,State) ->
+ DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
+ try
+ {ok,Variables} =
+ file:consult(filename:join(State#state.ts_conf_dir,"variables")),
+ case proplists:get_value(cross,Variables) of
+ "yes" ->
+ ct:log("Not making data dir as tests have been cross compiled");
+ _ ->
+ ts_lib:make_non_erlang(DataDir, Variables)
+ end,
+ {add_node_name(Config, State), State}
+ catch error:{badmatch,{error,enoent}} ->
+ {add_node_name(Config, State), State};
+ Error:Reason ->
+ Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
+ ct:pal("~p failed! ~p:{~p,~p}",[?MODULE,Error,Reason,Stack]),
+ {{fail,{?MODULE,{Error,Reason, Stack}}},State}
+ end.
+%% @doc Called after init_per_suite.
+-spec post_init_per_suite(Suite :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ Return :: config() | skip_or_fail(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {config() | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+post_init_per_suite(_Suite,_Config,Return,State) ->
+ test_server_ctrl:kill_slavenodes(),
+ {Return, State}.
+%% @doc Called before end_per_suite.
+-spec pre_end_per_suite(Suite :: atom(),
+ Config :: config() | skip_or_fail(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {ok | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+pre_end_per_suite(_Suite,Config,State) ->
+ {Config, State}.
+%% @doc Called after end_per_suite.
+-spec post_end_per_suite(Suite :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ Return :: term(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {ok | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+post_end_per_suite(_Suite,_Config,Return,State) ->
+ {Return, State}.
+%% @doc Called before each init_per_group.
+-spec pre_init_per_group(Group :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {config() | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+pre_init_per_group(_Group,Config,State) ->
+ {add_node_name(Config, State), State}.
+%% @doc Called after each init_per_group.
+-spec post_init_per_group(Group :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ Return :: config() | skip_or_fail(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {config() | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+post_init_per_group(_Group,_Config,Return,State) ->
+ {Return, State}.
+%% @doc Called after each end_per_group.
+-spec pre_end_per_group(Group :: atom(),
+ Config :: config() | skip_or_fail(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {ok | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+pre_end_per_group(_Group,Config,State) ->
+ {Config, State}.
+%% @doc Called after each end_per_group.
+-spec post_end_per_group(Group :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ Return :: term(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {ok | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+post_end_per_group(_Group,_Config,Return,State) ->
+ {Return, State}.
+%% @doc Called before each test case.
+-spec pre_init_per_testcase(TC :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {config() | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+pre_init_per_testcase(_TC,Config,State) ->
+ {add_node_name(Config, State), State}.
+%% @doc Called after each test case.
+-spec post_end_per_testcase(TC :: atom(),
+ Config :: config(),
+ Return :: term(),
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ {ok | skip_or_fail(), NewState :: #state{}}.
+post_end_per_testcase(_TC,_Config,Return,State) ->
+ {Return, State}.
+%% @doc Called after a test case failed.
+-spec on_tc_fail(TC :: init_per_suite | end_per_suite |
+ init_per_group | end_per_group | atom(),
+ Reason :: term(), State :: #state{}) ->
+ NewState :: #state{}.
+on_tc_fail(_TC, _Reason, State) ->
+ State.
+%% @doc Called when a test case is skipped.
+-spec on_tc_skip(TC :: end_per_suite | init_per_group | end_per_group | atom(),
+ {tc_auto_skip, {failed, {Mod :: atom(), Function :: atom(),
+ Reason :: term()}}} |
+ {tc_user_skip, {skipped, Reason :: term()}},
+ State :: #state{}) ->
+ NewState :: #state{}.
+on_tc_skip(_TC, _Reason, State) ->
+ State.
+%% @doc Called when the scope of the SCB is done.
+-spec terminate(State :: #state{}) ->
+ term().
+terminate(_State) ->
+ ok.
+%%% ============================================================================
+%%% Local functions
+%%% ============================================================================
+%% Add a nodename to config if it does not exist
+add_node_name(Config, State) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(nodenames, Config) of
+ undefined ->
+ lists:keystore(
+ nodenames, 1, Config,
+ {nodenames,generate_nodenames(State#state.nodenames)});
+ _Else ->
+ Config
+ end.
+%% Copied from test_server_ctrl.erl
+generate_nodenames(Num) ->
+ {ok,Name} = inet:gethostname(),
+ generate_nodenames2(Num, [Name], []).
+generate_nodenames2(0, _Hosts, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+generate_nodenames2(N, Hosts, Acc) ->
+ Host=lists:nth((N rem (length(Hosts)))+1, Hosts),
+ Name=list_to_atom(temp_nodename("nod",N) ++ "@" ++ Host),
+ generate_nodenames2(N-1, Hosts, [Name|Acc]).
+%% We cannot use erlang:unique_integer([positive])
+%% here since this code in run on older test releases as well.
+temp_nodename(Base,I) ->
+ {A,B,C} = os:timestamp(),
+ Nstr = integer_to_list(I),
+ Astr = integer_to_list(A),
+ Bstr = integer_to_list(B),
+ Cstr = integer_to_list(C),
+ Base++Nstr++Astr++Bstr++Cstr.