path: root/lib/common_test
diff options
authorHans Bolinder <hasse@erlang.org>2011-09-02 08:43:14 +0200
committerHans Bolinder <hasse@erlang.org>2011-09-02 08:43:14 +0200
commit1eac5476aa7faad600bb940ca3fe07be78273425 (patch)
treec5d73b53f588503d3f872e413716b3a9b2e3c91b /lib/common_test
parent8fc59a1ff776a472299db26b175da09a03b3d30b (diff)
parentbb94e589c8495caf7c1fa6ebe808f6983ceaf44a (diff)
Merge branch 'dev' into major
* dev: Fix a couple of minor bugs with hook priority Update to reflect addition of CTH priority addition Update CTH priority default to be 0 Update to reflect new cth callback api Update the return from init/2 to be {ok, NewState} or {ok,NewState,Priority} instead of NewState. Add priority functionality and tests for ct hooks Update internal hooks state to use a record instead of tuples Improve and correct types and specifications in Kernel and STDLIB
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/common_test')
12 files changed, 364 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common_test/doc/src/common_test_app.xml b/lib/common_test/doc/src/common_test_app.xml
index c92566de37..57b032b3fd 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/doc/src/common_test_app.xml
+++ b/lib/common_test/doc/src/common_test_app.xml
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
<v> UserData = term()</v>
<v> Conns = [atom()]</v>
<v> CSSFile = string()</v>
- <v> CTHs = [CTHModule | {CTHModule, CTHInitArgs}]</v>
+ <v> CTHs = [CTHModule | {CTHModule, CTHInitArgs} | {CTHModule, CTHInitArgs, CTHPriority}]</v>
<v> CTHModule = atom()</v>
<v> CTHInitArgs = term()</v>
diff --git a/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_hooks.xml b/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_hooks.xml
index 7d5c9f4750..0ece3199bb 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_hooks.xml
+++ b/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_hooks.xml
@@ -81,12 +81,14 @@
- <name>Module:init(Id, Opts) -&gt; State</name>
+ <name>Module:init(Id, Opts) -&gt; {ok, State} |
+ {ok, State, Priority}</name>
<fsummary>Initiates the Common Test Hook</fsummary>
<v>Id = reference() | term()</v>
<v>Opts = term()</v>
<v>State = term()</v>
+ <v>Priority = integer()</v>
@@ -103,6 +105,10 @@
if <seealso marker="#Module:id-1">id/1</seealso> is not implemented.
+ <p><c>Priority</c> is the relative priority of this hook. Hooks with a
+ lower priority will be executed first. If no priority is given,
+ it will be set to 0. </p>
<p>For details about when init is called see
<seealso marker="ct_hooks_chapter#scope">scope</seealso>
in the User's Guide.</p>
diff --git a/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_hooks_chapter.xml b/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_hooks_chapter.xml
index fc5ab48e1b..dbb4310040 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_hooks_chapter.xml
+++ b/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_hooks_chapter.xml
@@ -94,9 +94,11 @@
<seealso marker="common_test#Module:init_per_group-2">
init_per_group/2</seealso>. <c>CTH</c> in this case can be either
only the module name of the CTH or a tuple with the module name and the
- initial arguments to the CTH. Eg:
+ initial arguments and optionally the hook priority of the CTH. Eg:
<c>{ct_hooks,[my_cth_module]}</c> or
- <c>{ct_hooks,[{my_cth_module,[{debug,true}]}]}</c></p>
+ <c>{ct_hooks,[{my_cth_module,[{debug,true}]}]}</c> or
+ <c>{ct_hooks,[{my_cth_module,[{debug,true}],500}]}</c>
+ </p>
<title>Overriding CTHs</title>
@@ -109,7 +111,16 @@
<c>id</c> in both places, Common Test knows that this CTH
has already been installed and will not try to install it again.</p>
+ <section>
+ <title>CTH Priority</title>
+ <p>By default each CTH installed will be executed in the order which
+ they are installed. This is not always wanted so common_test allows
+ the user to specify a priority for each hook. The priority can either
+ be specified in the CTH <seealso marker="ct_hooks#Module:init-2">init/2
+ </seealso> function or when installing the hook. The priority given at
+ installation will override the priority returned by the CTH. </p>
+ </section>
<marker id="scope"/>
@@ -331,7 +342,7 @@ id(Opts) ->
%% any common state.
init(Id, Opts) ->
{ok,D} = file:open(Id,[write]),
- #state{ file_handle = D, total = 0, data = [] }.
+ {ok, #state{ file_handle = D, total = 0, data = [] }}.
%% @doc Called before init_per_suite is called.
pre_init_per_suite(Suite,Config,State) ->
diff --git a/lib/common_test/doc/src/run_test_chapter.xml b/lib/common_test/doc/src/run_test_chapter.xml
index e6fb85634f..e668568795 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/doc/src/run_test_chapter.xml
+++ b/lib/common_test/doc/src/run_test_chapter.xml
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@
LogDir = string()
EventHandlers = atom() | [atom()]
InitArgs = [term()]
- CTHModules = [CTHModule | {CTHModule, CTHInitArgs}]
+ CTHModules = [CTHModule | {CTHModule, CTHInitArgs} | {CTHModule, CTHInitArgs, CTHPriority}]
CTHModule = atom()
CTHInitArgs = term()
DirRef = DirAlias | Dir
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
index 809616d8e3..9e597edf38 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
@@ -240,7 +240,8 @@ add_defaults(Mod,Func,FuncInfo,DoInit) ->
case (catch Mod:suite()) of
{'EXIT',{undef,_}} ->
SuiteInfo = merge_with_suite_defaults(Mod,[]),
- case add_defaults1(Mod,Func,FuncInfo,SuiteInfo,DoInit) of
+ SuiteInfoNoCTH = [I || I <- SuiteInfo, element(1,I) =/= ct_hooks],
+ case add_defaults1(Mod,Func,FuncInfo,SuiteInfoNoCTH,DoInit) of
Error = {error,_} -> {SuiteInfo,Error};
MergedInfo -> {SuiteInfo,MergedInfo}
@@ -251,10 +252,11 @@ add_defaults(Mod,Func,FuncInfo,DoInit) ->
(_) -> false
end, SuiteInfo) of
true ->
- SuiteInfoNoCTH =
- lists:keydelete(ct_hooks,1,SuiteInfo),
- SuiteInfo1 = merge_with_suite_defaults(Mod,SuiteInfoNoCTH),
- case add_defaults1(Mod,Func,FuncInfo,SuiteInfo1,DoInit) of
+ SuiteInfo1 = merge_with_suite_defaults(Mod,SuiteInfo),
+ SuiteInfoNoCTH = [I || I <- SuiteInfo1,
+ element(1,I) =/= ct_hooks],
+ case add_defaults1(Mod,Func,FuncInfo,
+ SuiteInfoNoCTH,DoInit) of
Error = {error,_} -> {SuiteInfo1,Error};
MergedInfo -> {SuiteInfo1,MergedInfo}
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl
index ebe2d5787d..d5b585a831 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_hooks.erl
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
%% If you change this, remember to update ct_util:look -> stop clause as well.
-define(config_name, ct_hooks).
+-record(ct_hook_config, {id, module, prio, scope, opts = [], state = []}).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% API Functions
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -42,15 +44,15 @@
-spec init(State :: term()) -> ok |
{error, Reason :: term()}.
init(Opts) ->
- call([{Hook, call_id, undefined} || Hook <- get_new_hooks(Opts)],
- ok, init, []).
+ call(get_new_hooks(Opts, undefined), ok, init, []).
%% @doc Called after all suites are done.
-spec terminate(Hooks :: term()) ->
terminate(Hooks) ->
- call([{HookId, fun call_terminate/3} || {HookId,_,_} <- Hooks],
+ call([{HookId, fun call_terminate/3}
+ || #ct_hook_config{id = HookId} <- Hooks],
ct_hooks_terminate_dummy, terminate, Hooks),
@@ -66,11 +68,11 @@ init_tc(ct_framework, _Func, Args) ->
init_tc(Mod, init_per_suite, Config) ->
Info = try proplists:get_value(ct_hooks, Mod:suite(),[]) of
List when is_list(List) ->
- [{ct_hooks,List}];
+ [{?config_name,List}];
CTHook when is_atom(CTHook) ->
- [{ct_hooks,[CTHook]}]
+ [{?config_name,[CTHook]}]
catch error:undef ->
- [{ct_hooks,[]}]
+ [{?config_name,[]}]
call(fun call_generic/3, Config ++ Info, [pre_init_per_suite, Mod]);
init_tc(Mod, end_per_suite, Config) ->
@@ -129,36 +131,48 @@ on_tc_fail(_How, {Suite, Case, Reason}) ->
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Internal Functions
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-call_id(Mod, Config, Meta) when is_atom(Mod) ->
- call_id({Mod, []}, Config, Meta);
-call_id({Mod, Opts}, Config, Scope) ->
+call_id(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, opts = Opts} = Hook, Config, Scope) ->
Id = catch_apply(Mod,id,[Opts], make_ref()),
- {Config, {Id, scope(Scope), {Mod, {Id,Opts}}}}.
+ {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ id = Id, scope = scope(Scope)}}.
-call_init({Mod,{Id,Opts}},Config,_Meta) ->
- NewState = Mod:init(Id, Opts),
- {Config, {Mod, NewState}}.
-call_terminate({Mod, State}, _, _) ->
+call_init(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, opts = Opts, id = Id, prio = P} = Hook,
+ Config,_Meta) ->
+ case Mod:init(Id, Opts) of
+ {ok, NewState} when P =:= undefined ->
+ {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState, prio = 0 } };
+ {ok, NewState} ->
+ {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState } };
+ {ok, NewState, Prio} when P =:= undefined ->
+ %% Only set prio if not already set when installing hook
+ {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState, prio = Prio } };
+ {ok, NewState, _} ->
+ {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState } };
+ NewState -> %% Keep for backward compatability reasons
+ {Config, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState } }
+ end.
+call_terminate(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, state = State} = Hook, _, _) ->
catch_apply(Mod,terminate,[State], ok),
- {[],{Mod,State}}.
+ {[],Hook}.
-call_cleanup({Mod, State}, Reason, [Function, _Suite | Args]) ->
+call_cleanup(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, state = State} = Hook,
+ Reason, [Function, _Suite | Args]) ->
NewState = catch_apply(Mod,Function, Args ++ [Reason, State],
- {Reason, {Mod, NewState}}.
+ {Reason, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState } }.
-call_generic({Mod, State}, Value, [Function | Args]) ->
+call_generic(#ct_hook_config{ module = Mod, state = State} = Hook,
+ Value, [Function | Args]) ->
{NewValue, NewState} = catch_apply(Mod, Function, Args ++ [Value, State],
- {NewValue, {Mod, NewState}}.
+ {NewValue, Hook#ct_hook_config{ state = NewState } }.
%% Generic call function
call(Fun, Config, Meta) ->
Hooks = get_hooks(),
- Res = call([{HookId,Fun} || {HookId,_, _} <- Hooks] ++
- get_new_hooks(Config, Fun),
+ Res = call(get_new_hooks(Config, Fun) ++
+ [{HookId,Fun} || #ct_hook_config{id = HookId} <- Hooks],
remove(?config_name,Config), Meta, Hooks),
@@ -171,19 +185,20 @@ call(Fun, Config, Meta, NoChangeRet) when is_function(Fun) ->
call([{Hook, call_id, NextFun} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks) ->
- {Config, {NewId, _, _} = NewHook} = call_id(Hook, Config, Meta),
+ {Config, #ct_hook_config{ id = NewId } = NewHook} =
+ call_id(Hook, Config, Meta),
{NewHooks, NewRest} =
- case lists:keyfind(NewId, 1, Hooks) of
+ case lists:keyfind(NewId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks) of
false when NextFun =:= undefined ->
{Hooks ++ [NewHook],
- [{NewId, fun call_init/3} | Rest]};
+ [{NewId, call_init} | Rest]};
ExistingHook when is_tuple(ExistingHook) ->
{Hooks, Rest};
_ ->
{Hooks ++ [NewHook],
- [{NewId, fun call_init/3},{NewId,NextFun} | Rest]}
+ [{NewId, call_init}, {NewId,NextFun} | Rest]}
- call(NewRest, Config, Meta, NewHooks)
+ call(resort(NewRest,NewHooks), Config, Meta, NewHooks)
catch Error:Reason ->
Trace = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
ct_logs:log("Suite Hook","Failed to start a CTH: ~p:~p",
@@ -191,13 +206,16 @@ call([{Hook, call_id, NextFun} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks) ->
call([], {fail,"Failed to start CTH"
", see the CT Log for details"}, Meta, Hooks)
+call([{HookId, call_init} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks) ->
+ call([{HookId, fun call_init/3} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks);
call([{HookId, Fun} | Rest], Config, Meta, Hooks) ->
- {_,Scope,ModState} = lists:keyfind(HookId, 1, Hooks),
- {NewConf, NewHookInfo} = Fun(ModState, Config, Meta),
+ Hook = lists:keyfind(HookId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks),
+ {NewConf, NewHook} = Fun(Hook, Config, Meta),
NewCalls = get_new_hooks(NewConf, Fun),
- NewHooks = lists:keyreplace(HookId, 1, Hooks, {HookId, Scope, NewHookInfo}),
- call(NewCalls ++ Rest, remove(?config_name, NewConf), Meta,
+ NewHooks = lists:keyreplace(HookId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks, NewHook),
+ call(resort(NewCalls ++ Rest,NewHooks), %% Resort if call_init changed prio
+ remove(?config_name, NewConf), Meta,
terminate_if_scope_ends(HookId, Meta, NewHooks))
catch throw:{error_in_cth_call,Reason} ->
call(Rest, {fail, Reason}, Meta,
@@ -235,19 +253,26 @@ terminate_if_scope_ends(HookId, [on_tc_skip,Suite,end_per_suite], Hooks) ->
terminate_if_scope_ends(HookId, [Function,Tag|T], Hooks) when T =/= [] ->
terminate_if_scope_ends(HookId, Function, Hooks) ->
- case lists:keyfind(HookId, 1, Hooks) of
- {HookId, Function, _ModState} = Hook ->
+ case lists:keyfind(HookId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks) of
+ #ct_hook_config{ id = HookId, scope = Function} = Hook ->
- lists:keydelete(HookId, 1, Hooks);
+ lists:keydelete(HookId, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks);
_ ->
%% Fetch hook functions
get_new_hooks(Config, Fun) ->
- lists:foldl(fun(NewHook, Acc) ->
- [{NewHook, call_id, Fun} | Acc]
- end, [], get_new_hooks(Config)).
+ lists:map(fun(NewHook) when is_atom(NewHook) ->
+ {#ct_hook_config{ module = NewHook }, call_id, Fun};
+ ({NewHook,Opts}) ->
+ {#ct_hook_config{ module = NewHook,
+ opts = Opts}, call_id, Fun};
+ ({NewHook,Opts,Prio}) ->
+ {#ct_hook_config{ module = NewHook,
+ opts = Opts,
+ prio = Prio }, call_id, Fun}
+ end, get_new_hooks(Config)).
get_new_hooks(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
lists:flatmap(fun({?config_name, HookConfigs}) ->
@@ -262,7 +287,43 @@ save_suite_data_async(Hooks) ->
ct_util:save_suite_data_async(?config_name, Hooks).
get_hooks() ->
- ct_util:read_suite_data(?config_name).
+ lists:keysort(#ct_hook_config.prio,ct_util:read_suite_data(?config_name)).
+%% Sort all calls in this order:
+%% call_id < call_init < Hook Priority 1 < .. < Hook Priority N
+%% If Hook Priority is equal, check when it has been installed and
+%% sort on that instead.
+resort(Calls, Hooks) ->
+ lists:sort(
+ fun({_,_,_},_) ->
+ true;
+ (_,{_,_,_}) ->
+ false;
+ ({_,call_init},_) ->
+ true;
+ (_,{_,call_init}) ->
+ false;
+ ({Id1,_},{Id2,_}) ->
+ P1 = (lists:keyfind(Id1, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks))#ct_hook_config.prio,
+ P2 = (lists:keyfind(Id2, #ct_hook_config.id, Hooks))#ct_hook_config.prio,
+ if
+ P1 == P2 ->
+ %% If priorities are equal, we check the position in the
+ %% hooks list
+ pos(Id1,Hooks) < pos(Id2,Hooks);
+ true ->
+ P1 < P2
+ end
+ end,Calls).
+pos(Id,Hooks) ->
+ pos(Id,Hooks,0).
+pos(Id,[#ct_hook_config{ id = Id}|_],Num) ->
+ Num;
+pos(Id,[_|Rest],Num) ->
+ pos(Id,Rest,Num+1).
catch_apply(M,F,A, Default) ->
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl
index c01e97b358..877ec9c7dd 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl
@@ -521,8 +521,8 @@ script_usage() ->
"\n\t[-silent_connections [ConnType1 ConnType2 .. ConnTypeN]]"
"\n\t[-stylesheet CSSFile]"
"\n\t[-cover CoverCfgFile]"
- "\n\t[-event_handler EvHandler1 EvHandler2 .. EvHandlerN]"
- "\n\t[-ct_hooks CTHook1 CTHook2 .. CTHookN]"
+ "\n\t[-event_handler EvHandler1 and EvHandler2 .. EvHandlerN]"
+ "\n\t[-ct_hooks CTHook1 and CTHook2 .. CTHookN]"
"\n\t[-include InclDir1 InclDir2 .. InclDirN]"
"\n\t[-multiply_timetraps N]"
@@ -540,8 +540,8 @@ script_usage() ->
"\n\t[-silent_connections [ConnType1 ConnType2 .. ConnTypeN]]"
"\n\t[-stylesheet CSSFile]"
"\n\t[-cover CoverCfgFile]"
- "\n\t[-event_handler EvHandler1 EvHandler2 .. EvHandlerN]"
- "\n\t[-ct_hooks CTHook1 CTHook2 .. CTHookN]"
+ "\n\t[-event_handler EvHandler1 and EvHandler2 .. EvHandlerN]"
+ "\n\t[-ct_hooks CTHook1 and CTHook2 .. CTHookN]"
"\n\t[-include InclDir1 InclDir2 .. InclDirN]"
"\n\t[-multiply_timetraps N]"
@@ -2070,15 +2070,21 @@ ct_hooks_args2opts(Args) ->
proplists:get_value(ct_hooks, Args, []),[]).
+ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH,Arg,Prio,"and"| Rest],Acc) ->
+ ct_hooks_args2opts(Rest,[{list_to_atom(CTH),
+ parse_cth_args(Arg),
+ parse_cth_args(Prio)}|Acc]);
ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH,Arg,"and"| Rest],Acc) ->
- parse_cth_args(Arg)}|Acc]);
+ parse_cth_args(Arg)}|Acc]);
ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH], Acc) ->
ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH, "and" | Rest], Acc) ->
ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH, Args], Acc) ->
ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH, Args, "and"],Acc);
+ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH, Args, Prio], Acc) ->
+ ct_hooks_args2opts([CTH, Args, Prio, "and"],Acc);
ct_hooks_args2opts([],Acc) ->
@@ -2225,7 +2231,14 @@ opts2args(EnvStartOpts) ->
({ct_hooks,CTHs}) when is_list(CTHs) ->
io:format(user,"ct_hooks: ~p",[CTHs]),
Strs = lists:flatmap(
- fun({CTH,Arg}) ->
+ fun({CTH,Arg,Prio}) ->
+ [atom_to_list(CTH),
+ lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format("~p",[Arg])),
+ lists:flatten(
+ io_lib:format("~p",[Prio])),
+ "and"];
+ ({CTH,Arg}) ->
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE.erl b/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE.erl
index 8574d7aabc..5c99f0f9f7 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE.erl
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ all(suite) ->
fail_post_suite_cth, skip_pre_suite_cth,
skip_post_suite_cth, recover_post_suite_cth, update_config_cth,
state_update_cth, options_cth, same_id_cth,
- fail_n_skip_with_minimal_cth
+ fail_n_skip_with_minimal_cth, prio_cth
@@ -209,6 +209,11 @@ fail_n_skip_with_minimal_cth(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
do_test(fail_n_skip_with_minimal_cth, "ct_cth_fail_one_skip_one_SUITE.erl",
+prio_cth(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ do_test(prio_cth, "ct_cth_prio_SUITE.erl",
+ [{empty_cth,[1000],1000},{empty_cth,[900],900},
+ {prio_cth,[1100,100],100},{prio_cth,[1100]}],Config).
@@ -296,9 +301,9 @@ test_events(two_empty_cth) ->
- {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
@@ -365,9 +370,9 @@ test_events(minimal_and_maximal_cth) ->
+ {?eh,cth,{'_',id,[[]]}},
- {?eh,cth,{'_',id,[[]]}},
@@ -954,8 +959,8 @@ test_events(same_id_cth) ->
- {?eh,cth,{'_',init,[same_id_cth,[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{'_',init,[same_id_cth,[]]}},
@@ -1001,6 +1006,73 @@ test_events(fail_n_skip_with_minimal_cth) ->
+test_events(prio_cth) ->
+ GenPre = fun(Func,States) ->
+ [{?eh,cth,{'_',Func,['_','_',State]}} ||
+ State <- States]
+ end,
+ GenPost = fun(Func,States) ->
+ [{?eh,cth,{'_',Func,['_','_','_',State]}} ||
+ State <- States]
+ end,
+ [{?eh,start_logging,{'DEF','RUNDIR'}},
+ {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}}] ++
+ [{?eh,tc_start,{ct_cth_prio_SUITE,init_per_suite}}] ++
+ GenPre(pre_init_per_suite,
+ [[1100,100],[800],[900],[1000],[1200,1050],[1100],[1200]]) ++
+ GenPost(post_init_per_suite,
+ [[1100,100],[600,200],[600,600],[700],[800],[900],[1000],
+ [1200,1050],[1100],[1200]]) ++
+ [{?eh,tc_done,{ct_cth_prio_SUITE,init_per_suite,ok}},
+ [{?eh,tc_start,{ct_cth_prio_SUITE,{init_per_group,'_',[]}}}] ++
+ GenPre(pre_init_per_group,
+ [[1100,100],[600,200],[600,600],[700],[800],
+ [900],[1000],[1200,1050],[1100],[1200]]) ++
+ GenPost(post_init_per_group,
+ [[1100,100],[600,200],[600,600],[600],[700],[800],
+ [900],[900,900],[500,900],[1000],[1200,1050],
+ [1100],[1200]]) ++
+ [{?eh,tc_done,{ct_cth_prio_SUITE,{init_per_group,'_',[]},ok}}] ++
+ [{?eh,tc_start,{ct_cth_prio_SUITE,test_case}}] ++
+ GenPre(pre_init_per_testcase,
+ [[1100,100],[600,200],[600,600],[600],[700],[800],
+ [900],[900,900],[500,900],[1000],[1200,1050],
+ [1100],[1200]]) ++
+ GenPost(post_end_per_testcase,
+ [[1100,100],[600,200],[600,600],[600],[700],[800],
+ [900],[900,900],[500,900],[1000],[1200,1050],
+ [1100],[1200]]) ++
+ [{?eh,tc_done,{ct_cth_prio_SUITE,test_case,ok}},
+ {?eh,tc_start,{ct_cth_prio_SUITE,{end_per_group,'_',[]}}}] ++
+ GenPre(pre_end_per_group,
+ [[1100,100],[600,200],[600,600],[600],[700],[800],
+ [900],[900,900],[500,900],[1000],[1200,1050],
+ [1100],[1200]]) ++
+ GenPost(post_end_per_group,
+ [[1100,100],[600,200],[600,600],[600],[700],[800],
+ [900],[900,900],[500,900],[1000],[1200,1050],
+ [1100],[1200]]) ++
+ [{?eh,tc_done,{ct_cth_prio_SUITE,{end_per_group,'_',[]},ok}}],
+ {?eh,tc_start,{ct_cth_prio_SUITE,end_per_suite}}] ++
+ GenPre(pre_end_per_suite,
+ [[1100,100],[600,200],[600,600],[700],[800],[900],[1000],
+ [1200,1050],[1100],[1200]]) ++
+ GenPost(post_end_per_suite,
+ [[1100,100],[600,200],[600,600],[700],[800],[900],[1000],
+ [1200,1050],[1100],[1200]]) ++
+ [{?eh,tc_done,{ct_cth_prio_SUITE,end_per_suite,ok}},
+ {?eh,test_done,{'DEF','STOP_TIME'}},
+ {?eh,stop_logging,[]}];
test_events(ok) ->
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/ct_cth_prio_SUITE.erl b/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/ct_cth_prio_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d564398cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/ct_cth_prio_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Note: This directive should only be used in test suites.
+suite() ->
+ ([{timetrap, {minutes, 10}},
+ {ct_hooks, [{empty_cth,[800],800},
+ {prio_cth,[1200]},{prio_cth,[1200,1050],1050}]}]).
+%% Test server callback functions
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ [{ct_hooks, [{empty_cth,[700],700},
+ {prio_cth,[600,600]},
+ {prio_cth,[600,200],200}]}|Config].
+end_per_suite(_Config) ->
+ ok.
+init_per_group(_G, Config) ->
+ [{ct_hooks, [{empty_cth,[600],600},
+ {prio_cth,[900,900]},{prio_cth,[500,900],900}]}|Config].
+end_per_group(_G, _Config) ->
+ ok.
+init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_testcase(_TestCase, _Config) ->
+ ok.
+all() ->
+ [{group,test_group}].
+groups() ->
+ [{test_group,[],[test_case]}].
+%% Test cases starts here.
+test_case(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/empty_cth.erl b/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/empty_cth.erl
index 71ed61b4c0..7befcfa57c 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/empty_cth.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/empty_cth.erl
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@
%% @doc Always called before any other callback function. Use this to initiate
%% any common state. It should return an state for this CTH.
-spec init(Id :: term(), Opts :: proplists:proplist()) ->
- State :: #state{}.
+ {ok, State :: #state{}}.
init(Id, Opts) ->
gen_event:notify(?CT_EVMGR_REF, #event{ name = cth, node = node(),
data = {?MODULE, init, [Id, Opts]}}),
- Opts.
+ {ok,Opts}.
%% @doc The ID is used to uniquly identify an CTH instance, if two CTH's
%% return the same ID the seconds CTH is ignored. This function should NOT
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/prio_cth.erl b/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/prio_cth.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82511ab0d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/prio_cth.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% CT Hooks
+id(Opts) ->
+ empty_cth:id(Opts).
+init(Id, Opts) ->
+ {ok, [Prio|_] = State} = empty_cth:init(Id, Opts),
+ {ok, State, Prio}.
+pre_init_per_suite(Suite, Config, State) ->
+ empty_cth:pre_init_per_suite(Suite,Config,State).
+post_init_per_suite(Suite,Config,Return,State) ->
+ empty_cth:post_init_per_suite(Suite,Config,Return,State).
+pre_end_per_suite(Suite,Config,State) ->
+ empty_cth:pre_end_per_suite(Suite,Config,State).
+post_end_per_suite(Suite,Config,Return,State) ->
+ empty_cth:post_end_per_suite(Suite,Config,Return,State).
+pre_init_per_group(Group,Config,State) ->
+ empty_cth:pre_init_per_group(Group,Config,State).
+post_init_per_group(Group,Config,Return,State) ->
+ empty_cth:post_init_per_group(Group,Config,Return,State).
+pre_end_per_group(Group,Config,State) ->
+ empty_cth:pre_end_per_group(Group,Config,State).
+post_end_per_group(Group,Config,Return,State) ->
+ empty_cth:post_end_per_group(Group,Config,Return,State).
+pre_init_per_testcase(TC,Config,State) ->
+ empty_cth:pre_init_per_testcase(TC,Config,State).
+post_end_per_testcase(TC,Config,Return,State) ->
+ empty_cth:post_end_per_testcase(TC,Config,Return,State).
+on_tc_fail(TC, Reason, State) ->
+ empty_cth:on_tc_fail(TC,Reason,State).
+on_tc_skip(TC, Reason, State) ->
+ empty_cth:on_tc_skip(TC,Reason,State).
+terminate(State) ->
+ empty_cth:terminate(State).
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/state_update_cth.erl b/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/state_update_cth.erl
index 35c990c0be..9da48d3a4c 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/state_update_cth.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE_data/cth/tests/state_update_cth.erl
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
init(Id, Opts) ->
State = empty_cth:init(Id, Opts),
- [init|State].
+ {ok, [init|State]}.
pre_init_per_suite(Suite, Config, State) ->