path: root/lib/common_test
diff options
authorPeter Andersson <peppe@erlang.org>2011-04-11 22:52:48 +0200
committerPeter Andersson <peppe@erlang.org>2011-04-28 22:42:59 +0200
commit4e1b099698aac698f89ca172b62ba2330c85ad90 (patch)
tree422a59e9d92179452c5139b9c1799e3530a0a68f /lib/common_test
parent34208aa4201b169249c03a188afb5076dc4804a2 (diff)
Make it possible to refresh the top level index page at the start of a test run.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/common_test')
5 files changed, 213 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
index 8fd4fd6339..af71d1f69b 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_framework.erl
@@ -1187,6 +1187,13 @@ ct_end_per_group(GroupName, _) ->
%%% @spec report(What,Data) -> ok
report(What,Data) ->
case What of
+ loginfo ->
+ %% logfiles and direcories have been created for a test and the
+ %% top level test index page needs to be refreshed
+ TestName = filename:basename(proplists:get_value(topdir, Data), ".logs"),
+ RunDir = proplists:get_value(rundir, Data),
+ ct_logs:make_all_suites_index({TestName,RunDir}),
+ ok;
tests_start ->
case ct_util:get_testdata(cover) of
undefined ->
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_logs.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_logs.erl
index e6ddf51bcd..ba4adb8683 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_logs.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_logs.erl
@@ -427,8 +427,8 @@ logger(Parent,Mode) ->
- make_all_suites_index(start),
+ make_all_suites_index(start),
case Mode of
interactive -> interactive_link();
_ -> ok
@@ -796,24 +796,29 @@ make_one_index_entry(SuiteName, LogDir, Label, All, Missing) ->
{Succ,Fail,UserSkip,AutoSkip} ->
NotBuilt = not_built(SuiteName, LogDir, All, Missing),
NewResult = make_one_index_entry1(SuiteName, LogDir, Label, Succ, Fail,
- UserSkip, AutoSkip, NotBuilt, All),
+ UserSkip, AutoSkip, NotBuilt, All,
+ normal),
error ->
make_one_index_entry1(SuiteName, Link, Label, Success, Fail, UserSkip, AutoSkip,
- NotBuilt, All) ->
+ NotBuilt, All, Mode) ->
LogFile = filename:join(Link, ?suitelog_name ++ ".html"),
- CrashDumpName = SuiteName ++ "_erl_crash.dump",
- CrashDumpLink =
- case filelib:is_file(CrashDumpName) of
- true ->
- ["&nbsp;<A HREF=\"", CrashDumpName,
- "\">(CrashDump)</A>"];
- false ->
- ""
- end,
+ CrashDumpLink = case Mode of
+ cached ->
+ "";
+ normal ->
+ CrashDumpName = SuiteName ++ "_erl_crash.dump",
+ case filelib:is_file(CrashDumpName) of
+ true ->
+ ["&nbsp;<A HREF=\"", CrashDumpName,
+ "\">(CrashDump)</A>"];
+ false ->
+ ""
+ end
+ end,
{Lbl,Timestamp,Node,AllInfo} =
case All of
{true,OldRuns} ->
@@ -975,9 +980,13 @@ index_header(Label, StartTime) ->
all_suites_index_header() ->
{ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
- LogDir = filename:basename(Cwd),
+ all_suites_index_header(Cwd).
+all_suites_index_header(IndexDir) ->
+ LogDir = filename:basename(IndexDir),
AllRuns = "All test runs in \"" ++ LogDir ++ "\"",
[header("Test Results") |
@@ -1414,15 +1423,72 @@ timestamp(Dir) ->
[S,Min,H,D,M,Y] = [list_to_integer(N) || N <- lists:sublist(TsR,6)],
-make_all_suites_index(When) ->
+%% ----------------------------- NOTE --------------------------------------
+%% The top level index file is generated based on the file contents under
+%% logdir. This takes place initially when the test run starts (When = start)
+%% and an update takes place at the end of the test run, or when the user
+%% requests an explicit refresh (When = refresh).
+%% The index file needs to be updated also at the start of each individual
+%% test (in order for the user to be able to track test progress by refreshing
+%% the browser). Since it would be too expensive to generate a new file from
+%% scratch every time (by reading the data from disk), a copy of the dir tree
+%% is cached as a result of the first index file creation. This copy is then
+%% used for all top level index page updates that occur during the test run.
+%% This means that any changes to the dir tree under logdir during the test
+%% run will not show until after the final refresh.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Creates the top level index file. When == start | refresh.
+%% A copy of the dir tree under logdir is cached as a result.
+make_all_suites_index(When) when is_atom(When) ->
AbsIndexName = ?abs(?index_name),
LogDirs = filelib:wildcard(logdir_prefix()++".*/*"++?logdir_ext),
- Sorted = sort_logdirs(LogDirs,[]),
- Result = make_all_suites_index1(When,Sorted),
+ Sorted = sort_logdirs(LogDirs, []),
+ Result = make_all_suites_index1(When, AbsIndexName, Sorted),
- Result.
+ Result;
+%% This updates the top level index file using cached data from
+%% the initial index file creation.
+make_all_suites_index(NewTestData = {_TestName,DirName}) ->
+ %% AllLogDirs = [{TestName,Label,Missing,{LastLogDir,Summary},OldDirs}|...]
+ {AbsIndexName,LogDirData} = ct_util:get_testdata(test_index),
+ CtRunDirPos = length(filename:split(AbsIndexName)),
+ CtRunDir = filename:join(lists:sublist(filename:split(DirName),
+ CtRunDirPos)),
+ Label = case read_totals_file(filename:join(CtRunDir, ?totals_name)) of
+ {_,"-",_,_} -> "...";
+ {_,Lbl,_,_} -> Lbl;
+ _ -> "..."
+ end,
+ notify_and_lock_file(AbsIndexName),
+ Result =
+ case catch make_all_suites_ix_cached(AbsIndexName,
+ NewTestData,
+ Label,
+ LogDirData) of
+ {'EXIT',Reason} ->
+ io:put_chars("CRASHED while updating " ++ AbsIndexName ++ "!\n"),
+ io:format("~p~n", [Reason]),
+ {error,Reason};
+ {error,Reason} ->
+ io:put_chars("FAILED while updating " ++ AbsIndexName ++ "\n"),
+ io:format("~p~n", [Reason]),
+ {error,Reason};
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ Err ->
+ io:format("Unknown internal error while updating ~s. "
+ "Please report.\n(Err: ~p, ID: 1)",
+ [AbsIndexName,Err]),
+ {error, Err}
+ end,
+ notify_and_unlock_file(AbsIndexName),
+ Result.
sort_logdirs([Dir|Dirs],Groups) ->
TestName = filename:rootname(filename:basename(Dir)),
case filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Dir,"run.*")) of
@@ -1448,13 +1514,12 @@ sort_each_group([{Test,IxDirs}|Groups]) ->
sort_each_group([]) ->
-make_all_suites_index1(When,AllSuitesLogDirs) ->
+make_all_suites_index1(When, AbsIndexName, AllLogDirs) ->
IndexName = ?index_name,
- AbsIndexName = ?abs(IndexName),
if When == start -> ok;
true -> io:put_chars("Updating " ++ AbsIndexName ++ "... ")
- case catch make_all_suites_index2(IndexName,AllSuitesLogDirs) of
+ case catch make_all_suites_index2(IndexName, AllLogDirs) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
io:put_chars("CRASHED while updating " ++ AbsIndexName ++ "!\n"),
io:format("~p~n", [Reason]),
@@ -1463,11 +1528,16 @@ make_all_suites_index1(When,AllSuitesLogDirs) ->
io:put_chars("FAILED while updating " ++ AbsIndexName ++ "\n"),
io:format("~p~n", [Reason]),
{error, Reason};
- ok ->
- if When == start -> ok;
- true -> io:put_chars("done\n")
- end,
- ok;
+ {ok,CacheData} ->
+ case When of
+ start ->
+ ct_util:set_testdata_async({test_index,{AbsIndexName,
+ CacheData}}),
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ io:put_chars("done\n"),
+ ok
+ end;
Err ->
io:format("Unknown internal error while updating ~s. "
"Please report.\n(Err: ~p, ID: 1)",
@@ -1475,56 +1545,124 @@ make_all_suites_index1(When,AllSuitesLogDirs) ->
{error, Err}
-make_all_suites_index2(IndexName,AllSuitesLogDirs) ->
- {ok,Index0,_Totals} = make_all_suites_index3(AllSuitesLogDirs,
- all_suites_index_header(),
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, []),
+make_all_suites_index2(IndexName, AllTestLogDirs) ->
+ {ok,Index0,_Totals,CacheData} =
+ make_all_suites_index3(AllTestLogDirs,
+ all_suites_index_header(),
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, [], []),
Index = [Index0|index_footer()],
case force_write_file(IndexName, Index) of
ok ->
- ok;
+ {ok,CacheData};
{error, Reason} ->
{error,{index_write_error, Reason}}
Result, TotSucc, TotFail, UserSkip, AutoSkip, TotNotBuilt,
- Labels) ->
+ Labels, CacheData) ->
[EntryDir|_] = filename:split(LastLogDir),
Missing =
- case file:read_file(filename:join(EntryDir,?missing_suites_info)) of
+ case file:read_file(filename:join(EntryDir, ?missing_suites_info)) of
{ok,Bin} -> binary_to_term(Bin);
_ -> []
{Label,Labels1} =
case proplists:get_value(EntryDir, Labels) of
undefined ->
- case read_totals_file(filename:join(EntryDir,?totals_name)) of
+ case read_totals_file(filename:join(EntryDir, ?totals_name)) of
{_,Lbl,_,_} -> {Lbl,[{EntryDir,Lbl}|Labels]};
_ -> {"-",[{EntryDir,"-"}|Labels]}
Lbl ->
- case make_one_index_entry(SuiteName, LastLogDir, Label, {true,OldDirs}, Missing) of
+ case make_one_index_entry(TestName, LastLogDir, Label, {true,OldDirs}, Missing) of
{Result1,Succ,Fail,USkip,ASkip,NotBuilt} ->
%% for backwards compatibility
AutoSkip1 = case catch AutoSkip+ASkip of
{'EXIT',_} -> undefined;
Res -> Res
+ IxEntry = {TestName,Label,Missing,
+ {LastLogDir,{Succ,Fail,USkip,ASkip}},OldDirs},
make_all_suites_index3(Rest, [Result|Result1], TotSucc+Succ,
TotFail+Fail, UserSkip+USkip, AutoSkip1,
- TotNotBuilt+NotBuilt,Labels1);
+ TotNotBuilt+NotBuilt, Labels1,
+ [IxEntry|CacheData]);
error ->
+ IxEntry = {TestName,Label,Missing,{LastLogDir,error},OldDirs},
make_all_suites_index3(Rest, Result, TotSucc, TotFail,
- UserSkip, AutoSkip, TotNotBuilt,Labels1)
+ UserSkip, AutoSkip, TotNotBuilt, Labels1,
+ [IxEntry|CacheData])
make_all_suites_index3([], Result, TotSucc, TotFail, UserSkip, AutoSkip,
- TotNotBuilt,_) ->
+ TotNotBuilt, _, CacheData) ->
{ok, [Result|total_row(TotSucc, TotFail, UserSkip, AutoSkip, TotNotBuilt,true)],
- {TotSucc,TotFail,UserSkip,AutoSkip,TotNotBuilt}}.
+ {TotSucc,TotFail,UserSkip,AutoSkip,TotNotBuilt}, lists:reverse(CacheData)}.
+make_all_suites_ix_cached(AbsIndexName, NewTestData, Label, AllTestLogDirs) ->
+ AllTestLogDirs1 = insert_new_test_data(NewTestData, Label, AllTestLogDirs),
+ IndexDir = filename:dirname(AbsIndexName),
+ Index0 = make_all_suites_ix_cached1(AllTestLogDirs1,
+ all_suites_index_header(IndexDir),
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ Index = [Index0|index_footer()],
+ case force_write_file(AbsIndexName, Index) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error,{index_write_error, Reason}}
+ end.
+insert_new_test_data({NewTestName,NewTestDir}, NewLabel, AllTestLogDirs) ->
+ AllTestLogDirs1 =
+ case lists:keysearch(NewTestName, 1, AllTestLogDirs) of
+ {value,{_,_,_,{LastLogDir,_},OldDirs}} ->
+ [{NewTestName,NewLabel,[],{NewTestDir,{0,0,0,0}},
+ [LastLogDir|OldDirs]} |
+ lists:keydelete(NewTestName, 1, AllTestLogDirs)];
+ false ->
+ [{NewTestName,NewLabel,[],{NewTestDir,{0,0,0,0}},[]} |
+ AllTestLogDirs]
+ end,
+ lists:keysort(1, AllTestLogDirs1).
+ Result, TotSucc, TotFail, UserSkip, AutoSkip,
+ TotNotBuilt) ->
+ case make_one_ix_entry_cached(TestName, LastLogDirData,
+ Label, {true,OldDirs}, Missing) of
+ {Result1,Succ,Fail,USkip,ASkip,NotBuilt} ->
+ %% for backwards compatibility
+ AutoSkip1 = case catch AutoSkip+ASkip of
+ {'EXIT',_} -> undefined;
+ Res -> Res
+ end,
+ make_all_suites_ix_cached1(Rest, [Result|Result1], TotSucc+Succ,
+ TotFail+Fail, UserSkip+USkip, AutoSkip1,
+ TotNotBuilt+NotBuilt);
+ error ->
+ make_all_suites_ix_cached1(Rest, Result, TotSucc, TotFail,
+ UserSkip, AutoSkip, TotNotBuilt)
+ end;
+make_all_suites_ix_cached1([], Result, TotSucc, TotFail, UserSkip, AutoSkip,
+ TotNotBuilt) ->
+ [Result|total_row(TotSucc, TotFail, UserSkip, AutoSkip, TotNotBuilt, true)].
+make_one_ix_entry_cached(TestName, {LogDir,Summary}, Label, All, Missing) ->
+ case Summary of
+ {Succ,Fail,UserSkip,AutoSkip} ->
+ NotBuilt = not_built(TestName, LogDir, All, Missing),
+ NewResult = make_one_index_entry1(TestName, LogDir, Label,
+ Succ, Fail, UserSkip, AutoSkip,
+ NotBuilt, All, cached),
+ {NewResult,Succ,Fail,UserSkip,AutoSkip,NotBuilt};
+ error ->
+ error
+ end.
%% Remove log files.
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl
index 52a81a5b46..c01e97b358 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl
@@ -262,15 +262,15 @@ run_or_refresh(StartOpts = #opts{logdir = LogDir}, Args) ->
%% give the shell time to print version etc
- case catch ct_logs:make_all_suites_index(refresh) of
- {'EXIT',ASReason} ->
+ case catch ct_logs:make_all_runs_index(refresh) of
+ {'EXIT',ARReason} ->
- {error,{all_suites_index,ASReason}};
+ {error,{all_runs_index,ARReason}};
_ ->
- case catch ct_logs:make_all_runs_index(refresh) of
- {'EXIT',ARReason} ->
+ case catch ct_logs:make_all_suites_index(refresh) of
+ {'EXIT',ASReason} ->
- {error,{all_runs_index,ARReason}};
+ {error,{all_suites_index,ASReason}};
_ ->
io:format("Logs in ~s refreshed!~n~n", [LogDir1]),
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_util.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_util.erl
index 7c04ecf17d..b3e345b4e5 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_util.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_util.erl
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
delete_suite_data/0, delete_suite_data/1, match_delete_suite_data/1,
delete_testdata/0, delete_testdata/1, set_testdata/1, get_testdata/1,
- update_testdata/2]).
+ set_testdata_async/1, update_testdata/2]).
-export([override_silence_all_connections/0, override_silence_connections/1,
@@ -231,6 +231,9 @@ update_testdata(Key, Fun) ->
set_testdata(TestData) ->
call({set_testdata, TestData}).
+set_testdata_async(TestData) ->
+ cast({set_testdata, TestData}).
get_testdata(Key) ->
call({get_testdata, Key}).
diff --git a/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE.erl b/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE.erl
index 32b8d9249f..be1c02f163 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/test/ct_hooks_SUITE.erl
@@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ events_to_check(Test, N) ->
test_events(one_empty_cth) ->
+ {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
- {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
@@ -288,11 +288,11 @@ test_events(one_empty_cth) ->
test_events(two_empty_cth) ->
+ {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
- {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
@@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ test_events(faulty_cth_no_init) ->
test_events(faulty_cth_id_no_init) ->
- {?eh,cth,{'_',id,[[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{'_',id,[[]]}},
@@ -340,9 +340,9 @@ test_events(faulty_cth_id_no_init) ->
test_events(minimal_cth) ->
+ {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
- {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
@@ -358,11 +358,11 @@ test_events(minimal_cth) ->
test_events(minimal_and_maximal_cth) ->
+ {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
- {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
@@ -388,8 +388,8 @@ test_events(faulty_cth_undef) ->
- {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
{failed, {error,FailReasonStr}}}},
@@ -434,15 +434,15 @@ test_events(faulty_cth_exit_in_init_scope_suite) ->
test_events(faulty_cth_exit_in_init) ->
- {?eh,cth,{empty_cth,init,['_',[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{empty_cth,init,['_',[]]}},
test_events(faulty_cth_exit_in_id) ->
- {?eh,cth,{empty_cth,id,[[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{empty_cth,id,[[]]}},
{negative, {?eh,tc_start,'_'},
@@ -610,9 +610,8 @@ test_events(scope_per_group_state_cth) ->
test_events(fail_pre_suite_cth) ->
- {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
@@ -650,8 +649,8 @@ test_events(fail_pre_suite_cth) ->
test_events(fail_post_suite_cth) ->
- {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
@@ -677,8 +676,8 @@ test_events(fail_post_suite_cth) ->
test_events(skip_pre_suite_cth) ->
- {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
{?eh,cth,{'_',post_init_per_suite,[ct_cth_empty_SUITE,'$proplist',{skip,"Test skip"},[]]}},
@@ -700,8 +699,8 @@ test_events(skip_pre_suite_cth) ->
test_events(skip_post_suite_cth) ->
- {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
@@ -725,8 +724,8 @@ test_events(recover_post_suite_cth) ->
Suite = ct_cth_fail_per_suite_SUITE,
- {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
@@ -754,8 +753,8 @@ test_events(recover_post_suite_cth) ->
test_events(update_config_cth) ->
- {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
@@ -865,9 +864,9 @@ test_events(update_config_cth) ->
test_events(state_update_cth) ->
+ {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
- {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
@@ -903,8 +902,8 @@ test_events(state_update_cth) ->
test_events(options_cth) ->
- {?eh,cth,{empty_cth,init,['_',[test]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{empty_cth,init,['_',[test]]}},
@@ -930,10 +929,10 @@ test_events(options_cth) ->
test_events(same_id_cth) ->
+ {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
- {?eh,test_start,{'DEF',{'START_TIME','LOGDIR'}}},
@@ -970,8 +969,8 @@ test_events(same_id_cth) ->
test_events(fail_n_skip_with_minimal_cth) ->
- {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},
+ {?eh,cth,{'_',init,['_',[]]}},