path: root/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
diff options
authorBjörn-Egil Dahlberg <[email protected]>2014-10-03 18:07:49 +0200
committerBjörn-Egil Dahlberg <[email protected]>2014-10-03 18:07:49 +0200
commit7f6030a49b0bc47aadba62a7382dc77dde3a7f87 (patch)
treedc30437ab410938285baf2bec315f20e692dd287 /lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
parent3a865c0cd9a97aedc20c70f69a60fcc23eb4b4d0 (diff)
parentd01120a2450fd0b44df64f2e58ae3833d01470b0 (diff)
Merge branch 'egil/maps/variable-keys/OTP-12218'
* egil/maps/variable-keys/OTP-12218: (22 commits) compiler: Update test for Maps aliasing compiler: Properly support Map aliasing compiler: Refactor Map pairs aliasing compiler: Fix harmless need_heap error for Maps stdlib: Update Map tests stdlib: Use environment bindings for Maps keys in erl_eval matching debugger: Update Map tests compiler: Update Map tests compiler: Fix v3_core Maps pair chains compiler: Use expressions in core patterns compiler: Use variables in Map cerl inliner compiler: Reintroduce binary limit for Map keys compiler: Shameless v3_core hack for variables compiler: Use variables in Map beam assmebler compiler: Use variables in Map kernel pass compiler: Use variables in Map core pass compiler: Normalize unary ops on Maps key literals stdlib: Update Map tests stdlib: erl_lint Map key variables compiler: Maps are always patterns never values in matching ...
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
index 47a357c23d..8c1a0c08ac 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ need_heap_0([], H, Acc) ->
need_heap_1(#l{ke={set,_,{binary,_}},i=I}, H) ->
{need_heap_need(I, H),0};
-need_heap_1(#l{ke={set,_,{map,_,_}},i=I}, H) ->
+need_heap_1(#l{ke={set,_,{map,_,_,_}},i=I}, H) ->
{need_heap_need(I, H),0};
need_heap_1(#l{ke={set,_,Val}}, H) ->
%% Just pass through adding to needed heap.
@@ -643,10 +643,6 @@ select_val_cg(tuple, R, [Arity,{f,Lbl}], Tf, Vf, [{label,Lbl}|Sis]) ->
select_val_cg(tuple, R, Vls, Tf, Vf, Sis) ->
-select_val_cg(map, R, [_Val,{f,Lbl}], Fail, Fail, [{label,Lbl}|Sis]) ->
- [{test,is_map,{f,Fail},[R]}|Sis];
-select_val_cg(map, R, [_Val,{f,Lbl}|_], Tf, _Vf, [{label,Lbl}|Sis]) ->
- [{test,is_map,{f,Tf},[R]}|Sis];
select_val_cg(Type, R, [Val, {f,Lbl}], Fail, Fail, [{label,Lbl}|Sis]) ->
select_val_cg(Type, R, [Val, {f,Lbl}], Tf, Vf, [{label,Lbl}|Sis]) ->
@@ -947,27 +943,34 @@ select_extract_map(Src, Vs, Fail, I, Vdb, Bef, St) ->
%% Assume keys are term-sorted
Rsrc = fetch_var(Src, Bef),
- {{HasKs,GetVs},Aft} = lists:foldr(fun
- ({map_pair,Key,{var,V}},{{HasKsi,GetVsi},Int0}) ->
+ {{HasKs,GetVs,HasVarKs,GetVarVs},Aft} = lists:foldr(fun
+ ({map_pair,{var,K},{var,V}},{{HasKsi,GetVsi,HasVarVsi,GetVarVsi},Int0}) ->
case vdb_find(V, Vdb) of
{V,_,L} when L =< I ->
- {{[Key|HasKsi],GetVsi},Int0};
+ RK = fetch_var(K,Int0),
+ {{HasKsi,GetVsi,[RK|HasVarVsi],GetVarVsi},Int0};
_Other ->
Reg1 = put_reg(V, Int0#sr.reg),
Int1 = Int0#sr{reg=Reg1},
- {{HasKsi,[Key,fetch_reg(V, Reg1)|GetVsi]},Int1}
+ RK = fetch_var(K,Int0),
+ RV = fetch_reg(V,Reg1),
+ {{HasKsi,GetVsi,HasVarVsi,[[RK,RV]|GetVarVsi]},Int1}
+ end;
+ ({map_pair,Key,{var,V}},{{HasKsi,GetVsi,HasVarVsi,GetVarVsi},Int0}) ->
+ case vdb_find(V, Vdb) of
+ {V,_,L} when L =< I ->
+ {{[Key|HasKsi],GetVsi,HasVarVsi,GetVarVsi},Int0};
+ _Other ->
+ Reg1 = put_reg(V, Int0#sr.reg),
+ Int1 = Int0#sr{reg=Reg1},
+ {{HasKsi,[Key,fetch_reg(V, Reg1)|GetVsi],HasVarVsi,GetVarVsi},Int1}
- end, {{[],[]},Bef}, Vs),
- Code = case {HasKs,GetVs} of
- {HasKs,[]} ->
- [{test,has_map_fields,{f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,HasKs}}];
- {[],GetVs} ->
- [{get_map_elements, {f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,GetVs}}];
- {HasKs,GetVs} ->
- [{test,has_map_fields,{f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,HasKs}},
- {get_map_elements, {f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,GetVs}}]
- end,
+ end, {{[],[],[],[]},Bef}, Vs),
+ Code = [{test,has_map_fields,{f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,HasKs}} || HasKs =/= []] ++
+ [{test,has_map_fields,{f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,[K]}} || K <- HasVarKs] ++
+ [{get_map_elements, {f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,GetVs}} || GetVs =/= []] ++
+ [{get_map_elements, {f,Fail},Rsrc,{list,[K,V]}} || [K,V] <- GetVarVs],
{Code, Aft, St}.
@@ -1504,9 +1507,39 @@ set_cg([{var,R}], {binary,Segs}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
%% Now generate the complete code for constructing the binary.
Code = cg_binary(PutCode, Target, Temp, Fail, MaxRegs, Le#l.a),
+% Map single variable key
+set_cg([{var,R}], {map,Op,Map,[{map_pair,{var,_}=K,V}]}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
+ #cg{in_catch=InCatch,bfail=Bfail}=St) ->
+ Fail = {f,Bfail},
+ {Sis,Int0} =
+ case InCatch of
+ true -> adjust_stack(Bef, Le#l.i, Le#l.i+1, Vdb);
+ false -> {[],Bef}
+ end,
+ SrcReg = cg_reg_arg(Map,Int0),
+ Line = line(Le#l.a),
+ List = [cg_reg_arg(K,Int0),cg_reg_arg(V,Int0)],
+ Live = max_reg(Bef#sr.reg),
+ Int1 = Int0#sr{reg=put_reg(R, Int0#sr.reg)},
+ Aft = clear_dead(Int1, Le#l.i, Vdb),
+ Target = fetch_reg(R, Int1#sr.reg),
+ I = case Op of
+ assoc -> put_map_assoc;
+ exact -> put_map_exact
+ end,
+ {Sis++[Line]++[{I,Fail,SrcReg,Target,Live,{list,List}}],Aft,St};
+% Map (possibly) multiple literal keys
set_cg([{var,R}], {map,Op,Map,Es}, Le, Vdb, Bef,
#cg{in_catch=InCatch,bfail=Bfail}=St) ->
+ %% assert key literals
+ [] = [Var||{map_pair,{var,_}=Var,_} <- Es],
Fail = {f,Bfail},
{Sis,Int0} =
case InCatch of