path: root/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2017-11-29 07:02:17 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <bjorn@erlang.org>2017-11-29 07:23:57 +0100
commit63a4f821b067b19e249a0bec31295c568e2a89b5 (patch)
tree121e22d736a81bd553ae2e5aa93d199c1827a6fb /lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
parent1e5649c8494e90031c878ee540c7ef6d9bf37ffa (diff)
v3_codegen: Remove check of operand for bs_context_to_binary
The bs_context_to_binary instruction only allows a register operand. v3_codegen has a test to ensure that the operand is a register. That test is no longer necessary. There used to be a possibility that optimizations in sys_core_fold and the inliner could change the operand for bs_context_to_binary to a binary literal. Since 09112806c15a81b that can no longer happen, because no more optimizations are run after the introduction of the bs_context_to_binary instruction.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
index 006a6a82d2..535c0679d8 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_codegen.erl
@@ -1634,12 +1634,7 @@ bif_cg(#k_bif{op=#k_remote{mod=#k_atom{val=erlang},name=#k_atom{val=Name}},
internal_cg(bs_context_to_binary=Instr, [Src0], [], Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
[Src] = cg_reg_args([Src0], Bef),
- case is_register(Src) of
- false ->
- {[],clear_dead(Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb), St0};
- true ->
- {[{Instr,Src}],clear_dead(Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb), St0}
- end;
+ {[{Instr,Src}],clear_dead(Bef, Le#l.i, Vdb), St0};
internal_cg(dsetelement, [Index0,Tuple0,New0], _Rs, Le, Vdb, Bef, St0) ->
[New,Tuple,{integer,Index1}] = cg_reg_args([New0,Tuple0,Index0], Bef),
Index = Index1-1,
@@ -2571,10 +2566,6 @@ find_stack(_, [], _) -> error.
on_stack(V, Stk) -> keymember(V, 1, Stk).
-is_register({x,_}) -> true;
-is_register({yy,_}) -> true;
-is_register(_) -> false.
%% put_catch(CatchTag, Stack) -> Stack'
%% drop_catch(CatchTag, Stack) -> Stack'
%% Special interface for putting and removing catch tags, to ensure that