path: root/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
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authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2017-10-20 06:11:04 +0200
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2017-10-21 07:50:12 +0200
commit6753bbcc3fdb0dd15c8025902d22dc4ec8c33575 (patch)
treecc84ad335e0018b9572e777756f9f6876787e893 /lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
parent3ea750a53874d61ef7d4d806656ca63c7759a8a4 (diff)
Optimize matching of literals for single-valued types
If a type only has one clause and if the pattern is literal, the matching can be done more efficiently by directly comparing with the literal. Example: find(String, "") -> String; find(String, <<>>) -> String; find(String, SearchPattern) -> . . . Without this optimization, the relevant part of the code would look this: {test,bs_start_match2,{f,3},2,[{x,1},0],{x,2}}. {test,bs_test_tail2,{f,4},[{x,2},0]}. return. {label,3}. {test,is_nil,{f,4},[{x,1}]}. return. {label,4}. . . . That is, if {x,1} is a binary, a match context will be built to test whether {x,1} is an empty binary. With the optimization, the code will look this: {test,is_eq_exact,{f,3},[{x,1},{literal,<<>>}]}. return. {label,3}. {test,is_nil,{f,4},[{x,1}]}. return. {label,4}. . . .
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
index 1fc05109c5..cbc8bb1303 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_kernel.erl
@@ -82,7 +82,8 @@
-import(lists, [map/2,foldl/3,foldr/3,mapfoldl/3,splitwith/2,member/2,
- keymember/3,keyfind/3,partition/2,droplast/1,last/1,sort/1]).
+ keymember/3,keyfind/3,partition/2,droplast/1,last/1,sort/1,
+ reverse/1]).
-import(ordsets, [add_element/2,del_element/2,union/2,union/1,subtract/2]).
-import(cerl, [c_tuple/1]).
@@ -1589,23 +1590,18 @@ match_var([U|Us], Cs0, Def, St) ->
%% according to type, the order is really irrelevant but tries to be
%% smart.
-match_con(Us, [C], Def, St) ->
- %% There is only one clause. We can keep literal tuples and
- %% lists, but we must convert []/integer/float/atom literals
- %% to the proper record (#k_nil{} and so on).
- Cs = [expand_pat_lit_clause(C, false)],
- match_con_1(Us, Cs, Def, St);
match_con(Us, Cs0, Def, St) ->
- %% More than one clause. Remove literals at the top level.
- Cs = [expand_pat_lit_clause(C, true) || C <- Cs0],
+ %% Expand literals at the top level.
+ Cs = [expand_pat_lit_clause(C) || C <- Cs0],
match_con_1(Us, Cs, Def, St).
match_con_1([U|_Us] = L, Cs, Def, St0) ->
%% Extract clauses for different constructors (types).
%%ok = io:format("match_con ~p~n", [Cs]),
- Ttcs = select_types([k_binary], Cs) ++ select_bin_con(Cs) ++
- select_types([k_cons,k_tuple,k_map,k_atom,k_float,k_int,
- k_nil,k_literal], Cs),
+ Ttcs0 = select_types([k_binary], Cs) ++ select_bin_con(Cs) ++
+ select_types([k_cons,k_tuple,k_map,k_atom,k_float,
+ k_int,k_nil], Cs),
+ Ttcs = opt_single_valued(Ttcs0),
%%ok = io:format("ttcs = ~p~n", [Ttcs]),
{Scs,St1} =
mapfoldl(fun ({T,Tcs}, St) ->
@@ -1618,28 +1614,14 @@ match_con_1([U|_Us] = L, Cs, Def, St0) ->
select_types(Types, Cs) ->
[{T,Tcs} || T <- Types, begin Tcs = select(T, Cs), Tcs =/= [] end].
-expand_pat_lit_clause(#iclause{pats=[#ialias{pat=#k_literal{anno=A,val=Val}}=Alias|Ps]}=C, B) ->
- P = case B of
- true -> expand_pat_lit(Val, A);
- false -> literal(Val, A)
- end,
+expand_pat_lit_clause(#iclause{pats=[#ialias{pat=#k_literal{anno=A,val=Val}}=Alias|Ps]}=C) ->
+ P = expand_pat_lit(Val, A),
-expand_pat_lit_clause(#iclause{pats=[#k_literal{anno=A,val=Val}|Ps]}=C, B) ->
- P = case B of
- true -> expand_pat_lit(Val, A);
- false -> literal(Val, A)
- end,
+expand_pat_lit_clause(#iclause{pats=[#k_literal{anno=A,val=Val}|Ps]}=C) ->
+ P = expand_pat_lit(Val, A),
-expand_pat_lit_clause(#iclause{pats=[#k_binary{anno=A,segs=#k_bin_end{}}|Ps]}=C, B) ->
- case B of
- true ->
- C;
- false ->
- P = #k_literal{anno=A,val = <<>>},
- C#iclause{pats=[P|Ps]}
- end;
-expand_pat_lit_clause(C, _) -> C.
+expand_pat_lit_clause(C) -> C.
expand_pat_lit([H|T], A) ->
#k_cons{anno=A,hd=literal(H, A),tl=literal(T, A)};
@@ -1659,6 +1641,107 @@ literal(Val, A) when is_atom(Val) ->
literal(Val, A) when is_list(Val); is_tuple(Val) ->
+%% opt_singled_valued([{Type,Clauses}]) -> [{Type,Clauses}].
+%% If a type only has one clause and if the pattern is literal,
+%% the matching can be done more efficiently by directly comparing
+%% with the literal (that is especially true for binaries).
+opt_single_valued(Ttcs) ->
+ opt_single_valued(Ttcs, [], []).
+opt_single_valued([{_,[#iclause{pats=[P0|Ps]}=Tc]}=Ttc|Ttcs], TtcAcc, LitAcc) ->
+ try combine_lit_pat(P0) of
+ P ->
+ LitTtc = Tc#iclause{pats=[P|Ps]},
+ opt_single_valued(Ttcs, TtcAcc, [LitTtc|LitAcc])
+ catch
+ not_possible ->
+ opt_single_valued(Ttcs, [Ttc|TtcAcc], LitAcc)
+ end;
+opt_single_valued([Ttc|Ttcs], TtcAcc, LitAcc) ->
+ opt_single_valued(Ttcs, [Ttc|TtcAcc], LitAcc);
+opt_single_valued([], TtcAcc, []) ->
+ reverse(TtcAcc);
+opt_single_valued([], TtcAcc, LitAcc) ->
+ Literals = {k_literal,reverse(LitAcc)},
+ %% Test the literals as early as possible.
+ case reverse(TtcAcc) of
+ [{k_binary,_}=Bin|Ttcs] ->
+ %% The delayed creation of sub binaries requires
+ %% bs_start_match2 to be the first instruction in the
+ %% function.
+ [Bin,Literals|Ttcs];
+ Ttcs ->
+ [Literals|Ttcs]
+ end.
+combine_lit_pat(#ialias{pat=Pat0}=Alias) ->
+ Pat = combine_lit_pat(Pat0),
+ Alias#ialias{pat=Pat};
+combine_lit_pat(Pat) ->
+ case do_combine_lit_pat(Pat) of
+ #k_literal{val=Val} when is_atom(Val) ->
+ throw(not_possible);
+ #k_literal{val=Val} when is_number(Val) ->
+ throw(not_possible);
+ #k_literal{val=[]} ->
+ throw(not_possible);
+ #k_literal{}=Lit ->
+ Lit
+ end.
+do_combine_lit_pat(#k_atom{anno=A,val=Val}) ->
+ #k_literal{anno=A,val=Val};
+do_combine_lit_pat(#k_float{anno=A,val=Val}) ->
+ #k_literal{anno=A,val=Val};
+do_combine_lit_pat(#k_int{anno=A,val=Val}) ->
+ #k_literal{anno=A,val=Val};
+do_combine_lit_pat(#k_nil{anno=A}) ->
+ #k_literal{anno=A,val=[]};
+do_combine_lit_pat(#k_binary{anno=A,segs=Segs}) ->
+ Bin = combine_bin_segs(Segs),
+ #k_literal{anno=A,val=Bin};
+do_combine_lit_pat(#k_cons{anno=A,hd=Hd0,tl=Tl0}) ->
+ #k_literal{val=Hd} = do_combine_lit_pat(Hd0),
+ #k_literal{val=Tl} = do_combine_lit_pat(Tl0),
+ #k_literal{anno=A,val=[Hd|Tl]};
+do_combine_lit_pat(#k_literal{}=Lit) ->
+ Lit;
+do_combine_lit_pat(#k_tuple{anno=A,es=Es0}) ->
+ Es = [begin
+ #k_literal{val=Lit} = do_combine_lit_pat(El),
+ Lit
+ end || El <- Es0],
+ #k_literal{anno=A,val=list_to_tuple(Es)};
+do_combine_lit_pat(_) ->
+ throw(not_possible).
+ flags=[unsigned,big],seg=Seg,next=Next}) ->
+ #k_literal{val=Size1} = do_combine_lit_pat(Size0),
+ #k_literal{val=Int} = do_combine_lit_pat(Seg),
+ Size = Size1 * Unit,
+ if
+ 0 < Size, Size < 64 ->
+ Bin = <<Int:Size>>,
+ case Bin of
+ <<Int:Size>> ->
+ NextBin = combine_bin_segs(Next),
+ <<Bin/bits,NextBin/bits>>;
+ _ ->
+ %% The integer Int does not fit in the segment,
+ %% thus it will not match.
+ throw(not_possible)
+ end;
+ true ->
+ %% Avoid creating huge binary literals.
+ throw(not_possible)
+ end;
+combine_bin_segs(#k_bin_end{}) ->
+ <<>>;
+combine_bin_segs(_) ->
+ throw(not_possible).
%% select_bin_con([Clause]) -> [{Type,[Clause]}].
%% Extract clauses for the k_bin_seg constructor. As k_bin_seg
%% matching can overlap, the k_bin_seg constructors cannot be