path: root/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
diff options
authorBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2012-03-14 11:48:43 +0100
committerBjörn Gustavsson <[email protected]>2012-03-14 11:48:43 +0100
commit59aa3577a6ad73780e43a0d1b2521ba9d2e06817 (patch)
tree5b8db2f7c43b654fc72c3a60df2a210dcde5aa20 /lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
parentd65a6659a34db1cdd6ffff2628abf79f66530cb8 (diff)
parent707a095902cb5cba8b82962f240461b5fa66c664 (diff)
Merge branch 'maint'
* maint: Update primary bootstrap v3_life: Use common code for guards and bodies v3_core: Don't put negative line numbers in annotations v3_kernel: Dig out the line number only when generating a warning v3_kernel: Clean up handling of guards v3_kernel: Introduce is_in_guard/1 v3_kernel: Removed unreached clause for #k_bin_int{} in sub_size_var/1 v3_kernel: Remove unreached handling of #k_bin_int{} in arg_con/1 v3_codegen: Eliminate the special case of 'put' without destination v3_kernel: Don't attempt to share identical literals v3_kernel: Handle sequences in guards v3_kernel: Remove clauses that are never executed in arg_val/1 v3_kernel.hrl: Remove unused record #k_string{} v3_kernel.erl: Remove unused define of EXPENSIVE_BINARY_LIMIT sys_core_fold: Refactor previous_ctx_to_binary/2 to cover it completely sys_core_fold: Fix opt_guard_try/1 sys_core_fold: Simplify opt_bool_not() to cover it completely sys_core_fold: Remove duplicate optimization
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
index 93f8034230..22f3e3c2d2 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/v3_life.erl
@@ -112,53 +112,14 @@ guard(#k_try{anno=A,arg=Ts,vars=[#k_var{name=X}],body=#k_var{name=X},
%% Lock variables that are alive before try and used afterwards.
%% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try expression.
Pdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- {T,MaxI,Pdb1} = guard_body(Ts, I+1, Pdb0),
+ {T,MaxI,Pdb1} = body(Ts, I+1, Pdb0),
Pdb2 = use_vars(A#k.ns, MaxI+1, Pdb1), %Save "return" values
- #l{ke={protected,T,var_list(Rs)},i=I,a=A#k.a,vdb=Pdb2};
-guard(#k_seq{}=G, I, Vdb0) ->
- {Es,_,Vdb1} = guard_body(G, I, Vdb0),
- #l{ke={block,Es},i=I,vdb=Vdb1,a=[]};
-guard(G, I, Vdb) -> guard_expr(G, I, Vdb).
-%% guard_body(Kbody, I, Vdb) -> {[Expr],MaxI,Vdb}.
-guard_body(#k_seq{arg=Ke,body=Kb}, I, Vdb0) ->
- A = get_kanno(Ke),
- Vdb1 = use_vars(A#k.us, I, new_vars(A#k.ns, I, Vdb0)),
- {Es,MaxI,Vdb2} = guard_body(Kb, I+1, Vdb1),
- E = guard_expr(Ke, I, Vdb2),
- {[E|Es],MaxI,Vdb2};
-guard_body(Ke, I, Vdb0) ->
- A = get_kanno(Ke),
- Vdb1 = use_vars(A#k.us, I, new_vars(A#k.ns, I, Vdb0)),
- E = guard_expr(Ke, I, Vdb1),
- {[E],I,Vdb1}.
-%% guard_expr(Call, I, Vdb) -> Expr
-guard_expr(#k_test{anno=A,op=Op,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={test,test_op(Op),atomic_list(As)},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-guard_expr(#k_bif{anno=A,op=Op,args=As,ret=Rs}, I, _Vdb) ->
- Name = bif_op(Op),
- Ar = length(As),
- case is_gc_bif(Name, Ar) of
- false ->
- #l{ke={bif,Name,atomic_list(As),var_list(Rs)},i=I,a=A#k.a};
- true ->
- #l{ke={gc_bif,Name,atomic_list(As),var_list(Rs)},i=I,a=A#k.a}
- end;
-guard_expr(#k_put{anno=A,arg=Arg,ret=Rs}, I, _Vdb) ->
- #l{ke={set,var_list(Rs),literal(Arg, [])},i=I,a=A#k.a};
-guard_expr(#k_guard_match{anno=A,body=Kb,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Support for andalso/orelse in guards.
- %% Work out imported variables which need to be locked.
- Mdb = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- M = match(Kb, A#k.us, I+1, [], Mdb),
- #l{ke={guard_match,M,var_list(Rs)},i=I,vdb=use_vars(A#k.us, I+1, Mdb),a=A#k.a};
-guard_expr(G, I, Vdb) -> guard(G, I, Vdb).
+ #l{ke={protected,T,var_list(Rs)},i=I,a=A#k.a,vdb=Pdb2}.
%% expr(Kexpr, I, Vdb) -> Expr.
+expr(#k_test{anno=A,op=Op,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
+ #l{ke={test,test_op(Op),atomic_list(As)},i=I,a=A#k.a};
expr(#k_call{anno=A,op=Op,args=As,ret=Rs}, I, _Vdb) ->
expr(#k_enter{anno=A,op=Op,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
@@ -176,25 +137,11 @@ expr(#k_guard_match{anno=A,body=Kb,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
Mdb = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
M = match(Kb, A#k.us, I+1, [], Mdb),
#l{ke={guard_match,M,var_list(Rs)},i=I,vdb=use_vars(A#k.us, I+1, Mdb),a=A#k.a};
-expr(#k_try{anno=A,arg=Ka,vars=Vs,body=Kb,evars=Evs,handler=Kh,ret=Rs}, I, Vdb) ->
- %% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
- %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try.
- Tdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
- %% This is the tricky bit. Lock variables in Arg that are used in
- %% the body and handler. Add try tag 'variable'.
- Ab = get_kanno(Kb),
- Ah = get_kanno(Kh),
- Tdb1 = use_vars(Ab#k.us, I+3, use_vars(Ah#k.us, I+3, Tdb0)),
- Tdb2 = vdb_sub(I, I+2, Tdb1),
- Vnames = fun (Kvar) -> Kvar#k_var.name end, %Get the variable names
- {Aes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+2, add_var({catch_tag,I+1}, I+1, locked, Tdb2)),
- {Bes,_,Bdb} = body(Kb, I+4, new_vars(map(Vnames, Vs), I+3, Tdb2)),
- {Hes,_,Hdb} = body(Kh, I+4, new_vars(map(Vnames, Evs), I+3, Tdb2)),
- #l{ke={'try',#l{ke={block,Aes},i=I+1,vdb=Adb,a=[]},
- var_list(Vs),#l{ke={block,Bes},i=I+3,vdb=Bdb,a=[]},
- var_list(Evs),#l{ke={block,Hes},i=I+3,vdb=Hdb,a=[]},
- var_list(Rs)},
- i=I,vdb=Tdb1,a=A#k.a};
+expr(#k_try{}=Try, I, Vdb) ->
+ case is_in_guard() of
+ false -> body_try(Try, I, Vdb);
+ true -> guard(Try, I, Vdb)
+ end;
expr(#k_try_enter{anno=A,arg=Ka,vars=Vs,body=Kb,evars=Evs,handler=Kh}, I, Vdb) ->
%% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
%% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try.
@@ -243,6 +190,27 @@ expr(#k_guard_break{anno=A,args=As}, I, Vdb) ->
expr(#k_return{anno=A,args=As}, I, _Vdb) ->
+ I, Vdb) ->
+ %% Lock variables that are alive before the catch and used afterwards.
+ %% Don't lock variables that are only used inside the try.
+ Tdb0 = vdb_sub(I, I+1, Vdb),
+ %% This is the tricky bit. Lock variables in Arg that are used in
+ %% the body and handler. Add try tag 'variable'.
+ Ab = get_kanno(Kb),
+ Ah = get_kanno(Kh),
+ Tdb1 = use_vars(Ab#k.us, I+3, use_vars(Ah#k.us, I+3, Tdb0)),
+ Tdb2 = vdb_sub(I, I+2, Tdb1),
+ Vnames = fun (Kvar) -> Kvar#k_var.name end, %Get the variable names
+ {Aes,_,Adb} = body(Ka, I+2, add_var({catch_tag,I+1}, I+1, locked, Tdb2)),
+ {Bes,_,Bdb} = body(Kb, I+4, new_vars(map(Vnames, Vs), I+3, Tdb2)),
+ {Hes,_,Hdb} = body(Kh, I+4, new_vars(map(Vnames, Evs), I+3, Tdb2)),
+ #l{ke={'try',#l{ke={block,Aes},i=I+1,vdb=Adb,a=[]},
+ var_list(Vs),#l{ke={block,Bes},i=I+3,vdb=Bdb,a=[]},
+ var_list(Evs),#l{ke={block,Hes},i=I+3,vdb=Hdb,a=[]},
+ var_list(Rs)},
+ i=I,vdb=Tdb1,a=A#k.a}.
%% call_op(Op) -> Op.
%% bif_op(Op) -> Op.
%% test_op(Op) -> Op.
@@ -373,7 +341,6 @@ atomic(#k_int{val=I}) -> {integer,I};
atomic(#k_float{val=F}) -> {float,F};
atomic(#k_atom{val=N}) -> {atom,N};
%%atomic(#k_char{val=C}) -> {char,C};
-%%atomic(#k_string{val=S}) -> {string,S};
atomic(#k_nil{}) -> nil.
atomic_list(Ks) -> [atomic(K) || K <- Ks].
@@ -535,3 +502,7 @@ vdb_sub(Min, Max, Vdb) ->
true -> Vd
end || {V,F,L}=Vd <- Vdb, F < Min, L >= Min ].
+%% is_in_guard() -> true|false.
+is_in_guard() ->
+ get(guard_refc) > 0.